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My day in court. He agrees to return to his native australia to stand trial. Berlin has rejected a request for turkeys president to address his government during a visit to germany next week. Presiden eogan wanted to address turkish People Living in germany. The German Government said no. Why not just let erdogan giv this speech, why they turned on his request turned down his request . They would not have enough policeman to guarantee security around all events. To be honest, the decision was more political than practical. He stressed it was not appropriate given the tensions between turkey and germany. Two particular elements, one, the number of people in germany with turkish descent. They do not love the turkish president to talk about the tensions in the country and export this complex to germany those conflicts to germany. A few months ago, we already have a debate in germany about turkish officials being allowed or not being able to hold rallies over the british referendum. The Foreign Ministry has decided that in the future we will not allow Campaign Appearances that only serve to import domestic conflict from other countries into germany. Germanturkish relations have been strained for months now. Could this be merkel wanting to be seen as taking a firm stance against turkey with her eye on the elections . You can see it that way. Every decision in the next few days and weeks will be analyzed as part of the debate, as part of the process leading up to the september election. In this particular case it is much more than a decision referring to the election. It was a decision that was concerted among all members of the German Government and have to do with the fact that we already have this debate in the past. You can understand this decision as the governor the German Government trying to show its strength but it is a decision that goes way back and have to do with all these events in the past. One of germanys leading politicians has also been talking about president raqqa president erdogan. She came to george abela studios for her first interview dw studios, when asked about the immigration of migrants into germany, she said it works well for those born here. You have to be careful not to support certain organizations in germany. For example, one of the organizations that is directly controlled by erdogan and the turkish government. Turkey is also a difficult partner is a critical partner in the fight against is. They are not only one of the warring parties in syria but they are also known to equip and finance islamic terrorist organizations in syria. It is a dishonest to say we are waging war against terror but at the same time we deliver weapons to open supporters of terrorism. Correspondent wagenknecht does not rule out the leftist government joining a coalition party. I do not want to be part of an uncontrolled predatory capitalism. Correspondent when it comes to foreign policy, she was uncompromising in the dw interview. She rejected any foreign deployment of the buddhist prayer bundeswher. You can see the entire interview on dw on friday at 16 30 utc. Germanys chancellor says of the Worlds Largest economies at the take decisive actionon the Biggest Challenges to the globe including climate change. Correspondent the rain in berlin can be seen as symptomatic of the state of the world. Merkel has invited the european g 20 members plus norway and the netherlands to garner support for her summit agenda. We, as the european members of the g 21 to make an essential g20 one to make an essential contribution to the g 20. Correspondent the europeans see themselves as a corrective factor now that the United States is left to be Paris Agreement and is adopting corrections policy. We pit multilateralism against protectionism and against those who break international rules. The biggest global challenges is your europes response. Correspondent that might sound like an agenda against u. S. President donald trump. After the meeting, Angela Merkel already set because in a speech to the german parliament, she criticized president trumps climate policies. We will not wait until the last person on earth has accepted the Scientific Evidence of climate change. The pair, agreement is irreversible and nonnegotiable. Correspondent nonetheless, european leaders stressed there will be more Common Ground with the u. S. Of that there will be differences. They said a look forward to meeting u. S. President donald trump at the g20 summit in hamburg. Defense ministers for the u. S. Nato allies agree to decrease support for Afghan Special increase support for Afghan Special forces. Jim matheson said there is a consensus among a nato allies that we pull troops to rapidly in 2011. A russian jury has convicted five men in the shooting of one of president putins harshest critics. His family says those who ordered his killing still have not been brought to justice. Correspondent after just over two days of deliberations, the moscow jury delivered its verdict. They found the men guilty of trying to murder the russian Opposition Leader. Their motive was a 220,000 euro bounty. Despite the convictions, a major question remains unanswered. Who ordered the killing and will later made who ordered the killing and will they be made responsible . After two years of investigations, the Russian Secret Services have not been able to find the masterminds or the organizers. Nemtsov was murdered in 2015 on a bridge to the kremlin. He was hit in the back with bullets. He was one of the most outspoken critics of president vladimir putin. Thats why many believe his murder was politically motivated. The question is ever who masterminded the murder you coming. Our former has been following this trial from moscow. Did this guilty verdict, as a surprise to you . Come as a surprise to you . No, these men had actually confessed to these crimes. They were linked in multiple ways to be chechnyan Security Services which is the nemtsov family suspects is behind the killings. There is no footage of the moment of Boris Nemtsovs killing. That is something the family insists does exist because of where the murder took place, just a few hundred meters from the kremlin. The defense will now be trying to push back against the as they launch their appeal. Five men found guilty but who ordered the hit . That is obviously the elephant in the room. The nemtsov family with same look higher in the chechnyan Security Services. Earlier in the investigation, authorities tried to think the with someone has been identified as his righthand man. They tried to speak to him and he did not open the door. The nemtsov family lawyer said this is evidence of authority do not have the stomach to push the investigation in a sensitive direction that might prove this was a politically motivated d eed. What does Opposition Leaders of the verdict . We heard from a close ally of nemtsov, he said if the authorities thought everyone would be satisfied with what are essentially his men going to prison hit men going to prison, they were wrong. Theres only so much activists and journalists can do is authorities do not find more interest in protecting people in chechnya. Witnesses say about the state of the russian Justice System . Is difficult for federal authorities in moscow to get to chechnya. It is essentially a state within a state. Not much has changed since the writer and activist was killed 13 years ago. More than 10 years after she was killed the masterminds are still at large. Five men convicted this evening over the murder of Opposition Leader boris nemtsov. Iraq has declared an end to the Islamic State after seizing an iconic mosque belonged to the militants in the city of mosul. This video was shot of the recapture of the alnuri mosca location. There is not much to recapture. This video was shot of the recapture of the alnuri mosque location. Still to come on our program, one of Pope Franciss advisors has denied sex abuse charges in australia. He will return to his native land to stand trial. It has been 10 years since the iphone started a Communications Revolution but some believe apples bottom line is too dependent on that device. Those stories and plenty more coming up next. Welcome back. Youre watching the debian is. Berlin has rejected a request from president erdogan to address turkish citizens during his visit to germany. The German Foreign minister said it would be inappropriate given the current tension between the nato allies. George pell has denied allegations of child sex abuse. Pell said he will return from rome to his native land to stand trial. Pope francis previously promised zerotolerance for sex abuse. Correspondent pope francis celebrates mass with his cardinals in rome. The pontiff has suspended pell from his a job as the vatican finance chief. He is facing allegations of sexual assault, charges brought in his australian homeland. News of these charges strengthens my results and Court Proceedings now offer me an opportunity to clear my name and return here back to rome. Correspondent the australian is facing a number of charges, among them, these two men accused the cardinal of molesting them in a sum equal in the 1970s. In a Swimming Pool in the 1970s. In the past, the vatican has always invoke its immunity. The cardinal has never before had to defend himself before a court outside the vatican. Cardinal pell has already faced one allegation for sexual abuse in australia. He was acquitted them for lack of evidence. On the 18th of july, the cardinals faith the latest charges the cardinal will face the latest charges. The parliament has approved in serbia, lawmakers have elected the first email and first first female and first openly lesbian president. Her election makes her history in the predominantly conservative talking country. Balkan country. President trump is set to attend bastille Day Celebrations in france after accepting a invitation from president macron. The visit marks a warming of relations between trump and am r macron after a rough start. Correspondent the plane and train maker is set to cut 2000 jobs by 2020, that is a quarter of the workforce here in germany. Management has claimed the move is to cut losses. The restructuring comes after delays in the aerospace business. All production facilities will remain open despite because the company said despite the cuts, the company says. Correspondent germanys economy might be doing well but the wind of globalization is blowing in this country as well. Demand for trained constructed by this company has been slow for trains constructed by this company has been low. In asia, the demands have been high. So it makes sense for bombardier to move their labor force. Things could have gone worse considering. After 2200 job cuts, that is a tough pill to swallow it all of the bombardier factories remain open. How spite can disrupt an entire industry. It all started because he hated the first iphone hit the market 10 years ago today. Despite developing other gadgets over the years, apples fortunes are still closely tied to its blockbuster product. Correspondent apples was not the first smartphone. No kia and blackberry also had sophisticated handsets that could surf the web and take pictures and play music. But they were complicated to use. When steve jobs announced that the iphone in 2007, it was a revolution. A simple touch interface and people were eager to get their hands on one. Beyond the height, it was a slow start. The first model, which sold 6 million units, was overpriced andbased single phone company. Apple learned its lessons quickly, allowing others to create apps for the iphone, with apple taking a cut. Soon the iphone was ubiquitous. It made me very dependent on. I could do everything, pay my bills, make reservations, learn stuff. It is awesome. To make our life more convenient. We spent more time on the phone on average but it helps you do everything see get a lot more done. Correspondent in 10 years, more than 8 million iphones have been told, turning apple have been sold, turning apple into the worlds biggest traded company. The iphone is not going anywhere. It is a staple of how we all expect to be able to communicate in the future. Correspondent apple hopes it will remain so and it can provide its blockbuster product with compelling the features for many years to come. Apple is celebrating the 10th birthday of its iphone. Are you one of those who stood in line to get it . I was pretty late in the game. I relied on my old service. I got my first iphone around 2011 or 2012. Apple relies almost entirely on its signature product. Have investors stopped hoping the next big thing will be an apple thing . That remains to be seen. One thing that is in favor of apple is the company sits on a cash flow to about 250 billion. For the near future it is likely it will still depend heavily on the iphone and we will see where apple goes when it comes to artificial intelligence. This product is not just a transform apple as a company but entire industries. Tells more. Tell us more. Some analysts are comparing the iphone to the Digital Swiss Army knife. They use it as an alarm clock, checking email and some people use it as a telephone. We saw a lot of disruptions. Think about camera makers like canon or nikon. Think about nokia, they suffered. Think about navigation companies. People use of the iphone as a gps device. On the other side, a lot of new industries got created. Software developers, all those people developing new apps for the iphone or think about the big telecommunication companies. They benefited from data streaming. They got some help from apple and the iphone. Thank you for reporting on the 10th anniversary of the iphone. Before the g 20 summit in hamburg kicks off next week, there are fears between fears of violent clashes between protesters and police. Retailers expect losses of around 15 Million Euros due to the disruption of their businesses. The shop floor remain open but there will be fewer staff. City officials predicting a sharp drop in the number of customers during the g20 summit. Sarah heavy rain here in the german capital bringing chaos to the city streets, downpours have flooded central area and left a motorists stranded. A state of emergency declared after the firefighters received hundreds of calls for help. One of berlins busiest highways had to be shut down for hours. Airports also hit with delayed but there has been no reports of injuries and so far. A quick reminder of our top story, berlin has rejected a request from turkeys president to address a german citizens during one of his visits to germany next week. The foreign minister said it would be ippropriate due to the tensions between turkey and nato allies. Thanks for watching. I hope you will join me again soon. N8 this week on Consuelo Mack wealthtrack, pamela, the president of fidelity charitable, the oldest fund in the country and ray, the Financial Planning specialist at ey. Theyre next on Consuelo Mack wealthtrack. Mainstays family of mutual funds offers investment and Retirement Solutions so you can help your client keep good going. Additional funding provided by

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