Tweets warns sacked fbi boss james comey not to leak information to the media. He also threatens to cancel press briefings. Christopher good to have you with us. More than 70 countries across the world have been struck by a cyber attack that has struck businesses and government institutions. Dozens of hospitals across britain forced into cancel clemens and turn away patients after an attack crippled their systems. Health facilities in england and scotland asking patients to seek medicalare only in emergencies. The attack use Malicious Software that takes Computer System hostage and water them and less a ransom is paid. Officials are working with hospitals to investigate this disruption. We have a screenshot of that malware popping up at medical facilities across britain. The picture has been widely retweeted and it says of the files have been encrypted and will only be made available if a 300 million ransom is paid. A homepage of the Health Service in one region close to london showing this message, saying it is experiencing significant problems with its it systems and phones. The organization that provides i. T. Systems to the u. K. Health services has made a statement, their experts say the warning Ransomware Attack is to blame. They have no evidence that patient data has been accessed. Meanwhile, medical professionals are also using social media to ask people to avoid visits to hospitals that are not absolutely essential. One of them tweaking, twe eting do not get to accident and emergency today unless unavoidable. Another tweet, no xrays, it will be a miracle if no one comes to harm. We are getting news from our correspondent. We are asking him what we know about this either bear attack this cyber attack. Early fears were that this was a state backed attack on the nhs, those are unfounded. It is clear from the ransom amount being demanded, these people who created this ransom ware were not targeting the nhs specifically. What it has done is bring the english and guys Health Care System the english and scottish Health Care Systems to something of a infill as they something of a standstill. Christopher help us understand, how heavily does the nhs and the British National Health System rely on these Computer Systems . These are the backbone of the treatment being provided to patients up and down the country. Without those digital patient files, they are unable to Access Medical records, doctors are unable to see what allergies people have said they cannot treat ongoing conditions while they are lockout of those systems. Obviously Emergency Care is still there. For anything requiring deep knowledge of either the condition or the patient medical history, at the moment, they are in the dark. Christopher this is extremely worrying for patients across the country. It is. They are expressing their concerns. The Prime Minister has spoken on television here in the u k to assure them there is no evidence of their medical records have been accessed. But considering this is coming from the same id experts that were supposed to create a system incapable of being brought to its knees so easily, it is too soon for people to relax. These systems were not supposed to be hacked by malware. There is no telling how deep this goes. Christopher i realize this is already on early on in this story but do we have any idea whether the nhs has backup files to all these files now affected by this cyber attack . They are working very hard to try and undo it. The understanding being there is not a way to back this up at the moment. There is no information to suggest of the backups have been accessed if they do exist. Presumably they would have started doing it by now. It has been several hours since this attack began. Christopher many thanks for that. As mentioned, more than 70 countries this cyber attack. It is not just britain and its Health Service. We are to go to our business desk. Helen humphrey has more. Helen plenty of reports from other countries being infected by this malware software. The u. K. , u. S. , china, russia, taiwan, italy and spain and analysts believe it is a coordinated campaign. In spain, the government told companies to turn off their computers after a large number of businesses were attacked including the Telecom Giant telefonica. Once again hackers cause havoc at major companies, this time in spain, telecoms giant telefonica was one of them and immediately shut down all of its computers at its headquarters in madrid. It warned all its employees over loudspeakers to stop working. The computer is infected with a virus. It encrypts the files preventing people from accessing them. The hackers then demand payment if the users want their files back. That payment is in bitcoin so authorities will not be able to track them down. They are a big telefonica customer and they shut down all their computers as a precaution. It turned out it was not affected. Telefonica provided assurances of only an internal system had been hit and not it services or any customer data. Joining us now from wall street is our financial correspondent. Do we know which companies have been affected in the u. S. At this stage . We do know that federal express, the Logistics Company has been compromised but the stock to did not react in a sharp way. You can guess when an attack like that, there might be more demand for Cyber Security companies but at least from the stock price there was not a huge reaction. For sure, investors on wall street followed the development quite closely but so far they were not freaked out. I did talk to a couple of traders on the floor. They were monitoring the situation but they were not too alarmed. Who knows if that might change over the weekend when trading resumes on monday. Helen in other news, china and the u. S. Have signed a 10. 10 million trade bill. Trade deal. Is this a new chapter . Correspondent become has changed. Ugly it seems like the two biggest economies on the planet might be closer together best clearly it seems like the two biggest economies on the planet might get closer together. The u. S. Imports much more than it exports to china and now china might open up the financial market, maybe we might see some foreign rating agencies giving some ratings to chinese companies. That could be interesting if we think about insurance companies, Pension Funds that might be interested in investing into china, maybe some u. S. Credit Card Companies might have a deeper access to china and if we look at the agricultural industry, that could also change quite a bit. So far there is some skepticism, if it is only talk or we will really see some action anytime soon. Helen good to talk to you. More Business News coming your way very soon. First ever to christopher. Christopher there has been another wave of arrests in turkey. Dozens of warrants issued across six promises six provinces in that country, leading to another Massive Police operation. Authorities have detained over 60 former employees of the stock exchange. He said that he orchestrated julys last coup. Tens of thousands of people expected to be his supporters have been arrested. He has denied any involvement in the two attempt. In the coup attempt. Over 150 journalists arrested since that failed coup in july. Here is a special report on the courageous struggle to keep the flame of independent journalism alive in turkey. Correspondent it is important to get the shape of the head just right and the lips and mustache too. He can practically draw the turkish president in his sleep. He has years of practice. He is one of turkeys most wellknown political cartoonists. His satire magazine is an institution. But he finds himself in a tight spot. In this car traffic in this sarcastic character sure, character, president aragon is seen celebrating democracy in turkey. The reality is just the opposite. President erdogan is seen celebrating democracy in turkey. The staff at p1 magazine has to be careful because some people find the staff a peneguin magazine have to be careful because some people find caricatures offensive. Correspondent there have been many lawsuits over the years and they can be expensive. Due to a drop in readership, penguin is struggling. It is a challenge faced by journalists all around the world. And a journalist in turkey are under increasing clinical pressure. Either increasing political pressure. They have to decide to keep quiet or risk trouble with the authorities. He is an editor at one of the only independent news outlets left in turkey. He is convinced that the government and its supporters are using existing laws to target journalists they do not like. Whenever a reporter is arrested for writing or saying something critical, it sends a message to thousands of other journalists. You could be next. And that is how you end up with selfcensorship. Correspondent does he ever think about giving up . Never. Aside from the fact that i cannot do anything else, i think journalists in turkey have never been as important as they are now. Are we worried . Absolutely that is no reason to keep our heads down and hide. We Service Journalists as long as we can. We serve as journalists as long as we can. Correspondent he is not giving up either, even if his magazine has to fold, he is not giving up his pen. He and his people have created an app, which has already gone viral. Christopher still to come on this program, economic inequality top of the agenda at a gathering of g7 finance ministers that again today in italy. It is a topic close to the heart of the summit host. Stay with us. Christopher welcome back. Youre watching dw news in berlin. Our top story, Britains National Health Service has said it has been hit by a major cyber attack. Hospitals and doctors across the country forced to turn patients away after Malicious Software infected their computers. Turning now to the continuing of war over continuing o uproar over President Trumps firing of fbi director david comey. Donald trump tweeted, maybe the best thing to do with the to cancel all future press briefings and hand out responses for the sake of accuracy. Trump also warning comey about talking to the media, suggesting that conversations between the two men were recorded. James comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversations before he signs anything to the press. Secretary sean spicer has been addressing this. Did spicer say anything about trump s apparent threats against coming comey . Correspondent we do not know whether those tapes exist or anyone has recorded anything there. Spicer tried to play down the whole discussion, basically saying this was not really a threat, you cannot call it a threat and he could not add any Additional Information to those that you mentioned. Let me compare the situation today with 1973 during the time when president nixon was in the oval office of the white house and we know he recorded a couple of discussions that he had. President nixon was able to destroy those tapes. He was powerful enough to let them disappear. Today this is not possible. If those tapes exist in the white house, they belong to the federal government. Christopher this whole story increasingly confusing, the white house apparently changing its mind several times in recent days. The president gave a first interview since firing comey, laying out in the interview a new version of events. Lets listen to what he had to say. Regardless of recommendation, i was going to fire comey, knowing there was no good time to do it and when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, this rush of thing with trump a nd russia is a madeup up story, it is an excuse. Christopher that account badly contradicts what white house staff have been saying during the week. Is there a communication crisis at the white house at the moment . Correspondent lets be honest, we have had a communication crisis for the last 120 days in the white house. They are nervous, President Trump feels he is under pressure. He came to washington to be a winner, to clean up the mess and he is not looking very successful. He hates to be criticized and for that reason they are under pressure and i think the communication crisis will continue. Christopher our washington correspondent, many thanks for that. Time now for some more Business News with helena. Talking about Global Financial planning in a resort town in italy. Helen there are worse places for it. At the g7 meetings of foreign of finance ministers is taking place in italy. It has a wide ranged agenda including income inequality and cutting off the terrorists. U. S. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin was the center of attention as everyone is seeking more clarity about trump policy plans. Trump has threatened to assess the groups consensus on issues including Climate Change and protectionism but the italians him but the italians have another agenda. For italy, a top issue is that the head of the agenda. Fighting economic inequality. I want to draw attention to growth and social inclusion. Im happy that italy is pursuing these issues. Growth cannot happen without social inclusion. Correspondent romes interest is not entirely unmotivated. Brussels has a just rank italy last in the eu in terms of growth and to germany is under scrutiny this year for its huge trade surplus. Finance minister of germany is likely to face criticism at the summit. I think the tax systems in germany and europe are pretty good. I have some concerns but they are outweighed by the hope that we will find good solution. Correspondent a message for the u. S. Perhaps, the g7 Leaders Summit in sicily later this month will be an interesting opportunity for chancellor Angela Merkel and President Donald Trump to continue their discussions on tax. Helen a short while ago we spoke to our correspondent covering the summit in mali. We asked whether mr. Mintage and said anymore about trumps plans regarding world trade . Trade, one of the most consensus issues contentious issues to be discussed here. In germany, no agreement could be reached on trade because of the u. S. Basically blocked the attempt to reach an agreement against protectionism. Italy as a response try to not mention this topic at all here because it was too difficult from the standpoint of the participating countries and the united states. What we hear from the german obligation the german delegation is some agreement has been reached on trade and should be announced in the final communication released tomorrow. Following an italian source, the wording should be the same as in the g 20 framework earlier this year and that was quite a weak wording that led to a lot of disappointment here and it shows that this has to be discussed once again in the framework of heads of states of government at the g7 main summit in sicily. It will be interesting how they will focus and cope with this topic and dont trouble also the only negotiating table for the first time and donald trump will be on the negotiating table for the first time. Helen back over to christopher. Christopher turning to france where Emmanuel Macron is the just days away from things worn in as the countrys new president but he is also facing a political row over what candidates to put forward for Paul Mitchell elections four parliament tey over elections in june. Correspondent macron was boosted when he backed him but now their alliance is strength. Love republic en marche says no such deal ever existed. We say to ourselves, lets send the best between us so we can choose the best Team Together so in future the National Assembly resemble france. Correspondent much of macrons appeal was a fresh start in politics and and into the squabbling. It disappoints me because of there is always a self interest hiding behind a friendship or socalled shared ideas. Im disappointed. I find it quite disappointing for him to get upset. He is too old for that. Correspondent macron needs enough seats in the National Assembly to push Forward National reforms. Critics say his choice of so Many Political newcomers is not in pursuit of a fresh start but part of a land to fill the house with greenhorns willing to follow him without question. Christopher in portugal, tens of thousands of people have been welcoming pope francis in the town of fatima, one of the worlds most popular pilgrimage sites. When hundred years ago three portuguese shepherd children said the virgin mary appeared to them in fatima. Francis will declare two of them saints during a Service Expected to attract a huge crowd. A reminder of our top story, major Cyber Attacks have struck around the world, also hitting Britains National Health Service. Hospitals across england forced to turn patients away after Malicious Software infected their computers. We are going to take a short break and then all the top news of the day analyzed in depth from the day. Stay with us. Youve joined us on this episode of euromaxx highlights. We have a fantastic show coming up, so sit tight. Here is a quick preview of what we will be covering during the next half hour original autos why Moreno Filandi builds his own cars wind catcher riding the waves with champion kite surfer Gisela Pulido modern mobility our reporter takes to the streets on a lopifit lets get this show on the road in italy where one car fanatics hobby catches everyones attention he works as a

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