Republican health care bad health care bill, a big big win. Democrats say that the fight is far from over. We will get the latest from washington. Sarah it is good to have you with us, i am sarah. Today is the final day of campaigning ahead of sunday pots election in france. Emmanuel macron and Marine Le Pen have offered starkly different visions for france from the campaign that has been watched very closely across europe and around the world. Right now, macron has a 20 point lead. The last day of the campaign was a tough one for Marine Le Pen on the visit to the famous cathedral in france. Protesters gave her a hostile reception. The reaction was harsh, she accused the supporters of inciting violence everywhere and say they had no dignity. Polls suggest that le pen is way behind her proeuropean rival. The politician said that evening she lost the election, she had achieved a complete ideological victory. We have been at the center of this election, we have imposed the terms. Everybody has been putting out the flag and singing. Her opponent spent the last campaign day in the south where supporters gave him a warm welcome. Recent polls suggest that he has extended his comfortable lead. He was still in fighting mode. Collects where is the anger of the french people coming from . From the collective inefficiency. Ms. Le pen is the spokesperson of nothing. We are in trouble because there is one candidate who is a bit mad and even a bit scary. The other, we are not sure he is for the small people. I have to admit that im very scared. I am not for one or the other. I have very divided opinions. I think of frances divided the matter how divided the french are, they will have to decide which of the candidates will rule the country for the coming five years. Lets cross to lisa lewis for us following this election. If we believe these polls, the election is Emmanuel Macrons to win. Do you says any complacency . Do you sense any complacency . He said that he has an idea of who would be his prime minister. He says he wont name names until the election is over. When i win this election, this comes after he was criticized after the first round when he celebrated his victory and a lavish party or what was perceived as a lavish party. People were saying that he seemed overconfident that it was not appropriate at all for someone who had an even won the presidency just yet. Have canadians been spending this last day of how have the candidtates been spending this last day of campaigning . Marine le pen went to the cathedral. There were antiphone at chanel for national demonstrators. That didnt go that well. She reacted on twitter saying that there is violence everywhere. They are really debt lacking dignity here in france. Campaigning is winding down as we look to sundays election. What was the mood like with each campaign . Each one of the candidates are really gearing up. I went to Marine Le Pens last Campaign Event last night. The people said that they know the polls say they will lose the election. But they think there may be a donald trump affect in the making. In the u. S. , the calls were not predicting his victory either. They think that she may have a chance of winning all eyes on france. There was lisa lewis in france. North korea has accused the north korean and suffering spy agencies of an unsuccessful assassination attempt on kim jongun. They planned to attack him during a public event. Just as north koreas production of itself to the world, life under north koreas dictatorship remains tightly controlled. Hundreds of citizens risked their lives to escape and many are just children. For them, adjusting to a new life in south korea is a difficult and confusing process. Our reporter has the story on initiatives to help them integrate. They may not show it but many people here have lived through a nightmare. Most worshipers at this service are originally from north korea. Defectors as they are called who have risked their lives to play hardship and profession. A former businessman has made it his mission in life to help North Koreans escape. He has paid for this commitment with time in jail in china. His Organization Also aims to help North Koreans once they reach south korea. Many of the Community Members here are minors. It has been years since he got out of north korea. The 13yearold still remembers the night he and his father fled the country as if it were yesterday. That night, my dad asked me to go somewhere so i just followed him. We crossed the mountains and at that time, it rained. The ground was wet. With every step, my feet would sink into the soil. We got on boats to cross the river. Then we were locked up somewhere like a prison. Everything was new to him. It was not what he had expected. When we arrived, it felt really amazing. We moved into an apartment, i didnt know what that was. I had never seen an apartment before. I didnt know a lot of things, the food tasted strange. All i knew about south korea was from north korean books. It was described as very poor. Many North Koreans that negative south korea find themselves in a completely different world. That is why initiatives like this one are so important. After having gone through the ordeal of playing, many North Koreans when themselves racing a very different but no less a challenge that are integrated into south korean society. They know how hard it is for many North Koreans to fit in when they first arrive. People monitor one another. One spies on the other. They are so used to keep an eye on each other that they dont trust relationships. North koreans would not trust what South Koreans say. Even at the church, they dont trust people. Is the most difficult part. It is hard for North Koreans to build that trust and that his wife their relationships often fall apart. In the community, north and South Koreans can get to know each other. It is the best way to overcome the prejudices that have been fostered by political interests on both sides in the north and the south. When i was in elementary school, we were taught that North Koreans are bad and that if we see a suspicious person from the north, we need to report them to the police. That is what we were told as kids. We didnt really think of North Koreans as humans. Times have changed, at least in the south. She will be a doctor and a barber. She is a person that took care of everybody. She really looked after me. She loved me. Along with many of his compatriots, he hopes that one day he can go back home and reunite with his family. He may have won a battle over health care but can donald trump win the war . Republicans passed their plan to repeal and replace all obamacare through the lower house but the American Health care act now goes to the senate for approval. It is not likely to face stiff opposition there. Millions of americans could face losing Health Insurance. President trump gave legislation the legislation high praise. It will be Great Health Care and your premiums will come down and your deductibles will come down. You will have Better Health care at a lower cost. Now i am calling on the senate to take action. Repealing and replacing obamacare will be a big, big win for the american people. Trump is calling on the senate to pass his bill. Thats cross over to the washington correspondent here. You heard trumps words. Republicans do have a majority in the senate. Other going to pass this bill . They have a majority but a much slimmer majority in the senate than they do in the house. That is why we are basically expecting the house built to be effectively gutted by the senate and completely reworked. Republican senators are already saying that yesterday and the day before, they cant support the house bill as it currently is. The process was moving too fast and they will have to go through the usual bureaucratic channels that the house bypassed for the most part. Host of those one of those is the congressional office. That is every bill that comes through congress. This was not scored before the house. The senate is trying to take a much more careful approach because they do not have as many boats that they can afford to lose when proposing a bill that will be as personal and as controversial as a health care bill. Could this bill come back to hunt republicans if people stand to lose their Health Insurance . Democrats are already threatening to do so. We heard one clipped light over and over on the networks here. Democrats are singing hey, hey, hey, goodbye after the republican after the vote in the house. Written in that they will ram republicans with this bill if it fails. Ifeople end up losing their Health Insurance because oit, a lot of republicans are admitting that we just needed to pass something because it would be political suicide. In order to keep our seats, we had to get this bill through. That is why you saw the ceremony yesterday which was very unusual r a bill that is not even halfway through the congress. It was the third step before it goes to the president. They were already celebrating the small victory. Youre watching dw news. Still to come, how german do you have to be to live in germany . Some politicians are calling for a guiding culture that has moved many immigrants and they find it a bit patronizing. We will have that store coming back, stay with us. Welcome back, you are watching dw news. Sarah Emmanuel Macron was treated to selfies but far rights for Marine Le Pen got booed. As a new influx of immigrants enter germany, politicians have begun repairing calls for a light like ours. This loosely translates to guiding culture. It is meant to define what it means to be german. This is one of the main advocates of the idea. Recently you published a catalog of 10 key social customs, including this. We show our faces. We are not burqas. We value our social customs, we say our names and offer handshakes. This whole concept of a life coach is very controversial here in germany. Most germans seem to support the minister. When asked if germany needs to be let in culture, many said yes. Over 25 said no. We visited a district in berlin were many immigrants live and we asked them what they thought the whole idea area of the whole idea. This is a large immigrant population. Most here havent heard of the Foreign Ministers concept of a life coach or guiding coach. If they have, they dont understand it. There is no difference between christians or muslims in my opinion. The main thing is that we understand each other and know our constitution. Of course, we are having problems integrating some of our migrants into German Society. The question we should be asking ourselves is how we can do a better job of it. This is the combative president of the turkish community. He is integrated into German Society and has his own cleaning firm. The German Foreign minister has stated the obvious. If he comes and stretches out his hand in greeting, what do we do, we dont rub our nose, shake his hand. That is why this is all superfluous. Immigrants in berlin are mystified by germanys renewed debate on the life coach. Or some, it is irrelevant and for some others it is an irritant. For more on the tour debate, i have clinical correspondent charlotte here. Guiding culture, this is not a term that most people are familiar with. It is one of those words that is difficult to translate, do your best and break it down for us. This is a term that was introduced in the 90s by a german sociologist and what he says is that this means western values, western principles. He was opposed to having a blind multiculturalism and the development of parallel societies. The thing is that everybody does the term with what they wanted to be. It is a national soulsearching of what is german and who do we want to be as a society . Others might say that german is to have a garden gnome in your garden or to eat a special schnitzel. Immigrants might say that it is a german thing to wear a headscarf. It is a very broad debate. Why started now . What is he thinking with this timing . We have elections coming up in september. This is the debate over what is german, it has been led by the rightwing and the alternative for germany. So far, that party hasnt stolen votes from the christian democrats. Basically, they are introducing this concept by introducing the proposal. He wants to finish voters back from the rightwing to his party. I think that is one of the big reasons. After the immigrant micros that we have seen, this topic is on many german mines. What is german and how do we define it . What needs to be done for those coming to the country to feel part of the society . Surely you cant make people shake hands with someone. That is the problem, you cant dictate that at all. You know that we kiss each other on the change to say high seeks to say high. Cheeks to say hi. We stopped serving pork meat because we want to respect our muslim customers. Those were reports that turned they can news. The democrats actually decided to turn that into law. They wanted to make it mandatory for cafeterias to serve pork. It is an example where you see that it does not work to put customs and culture in the. Newcomers have to be introduced when they come to the country. Christ how would this foster integration . It doesnt. There are 200 organizations that have written an open letter after this proposal, they sharply criticized the proposal and they said it is actually dividing the society. It is polarizing and dividing into the older germans that have been here for generations and the newcomers. That is a problem and they have also been sharply criticized by members of the party any junior coalition. It is a very controversial issue that will certainly we will certainly hair more about. Bikes we have not heard the last of this, this is charlotte, our political correspondent, thank you for being in the studio with us. Sarah lets get some business from javier. Hobby air it is important because it tells us about the overall state of the u. S. Economy. It didnt to its lowest in a decade. Dad 24. 4 in april. Hiring also rebounded after employers added more than 200,000 jobs. Analysts say that it is a sign that the slump at the beginning of the year could prove temporary. Businesses expect consumer demand to rebound after a lackluster first quarter. Lets dig a little bit deeper into the subject with our financial correspondent. Sophie, high, good evening. What do investors make of these numbers . The numbers were really good, the Unemployment Rate was actually as low as it was before the disastrous financial crisis. While markets in europe were quite excited, they didnt have the same impact on investors here in wall street. One reason might be that investors investors anticipate that the fed is more likely to continue its contractionary longterm policy. Maybe even raise the federal funds. That would make stocks less attractive. Although the average of the dow jones paid up a little, the strong jump report lifted the s p 500 total. To another important aspect. The oil prices are at a fivemonth love. What happened to that Oil Production . This agreement was made five months ago. That means that a decision is due later this month. Now investors are asking themselves how they are going to continue. Even if they were to further cut production, the effect was not as big as many were hoping it would be. Traders have lost faith that the current production caps on doing much to this abuse this. One part of the problem is that while opec produced less, american chains are producing more than they expected. Thank you very much, have a good weekend. On to europe now, the euro has collapsed firmly against the dollar. It has now gained 2. 5 in the last two weeks. It fell just short of the one dollar and . 10 mark. It became increasingly likely that they will win the french president ial election. His opponent Marine Le Pen said that she has consider withdrawing. That is all from the business desk for now. We will keep you uptodate on further business news. Now it is on to sports. The Italian Football Association has rescinded a one match ban. They walked off the pitch in response to a racist, and he received. They were booked for protesting when he reported this abuse. The decision earned him a second yellow card. Even the United Nations called on the authorities to take action. A quick reminder of the top stories we are checking for you. It is the final day of campaigning in france ahead of the president ial election. Emmanuel macron was traded to selfies on his last walkabout, Marine Le Pen was booed. That is dw news, coming to you live from berlin. I am sarah harmon. Join me again at the top of the hour. See you then. whimsical music [narrator] its been more than 70 years since the us dropped two atomic bombs on japan, ushering in the nuclear age. For decades, Global Politics were dominated by talk of mutually assured destruction between russia and the us. Now the Nuclear Status quo is changing. Nine nations are nuclear powers, and nonstate actors are upending cold war era strategy. How can leaders stop countries from acquiring nuclear weapons, keep Nuclear Materials out of the hands of nonstate actors, and protect Nuclear Facilities from potential terrorist attacks . Nuclear security, next on great decisions

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