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They assaulted a white victim and film the attack. The impact on u. S. Race relations. I am sarah harman. Welcome. An attack in western turkey has left at least four people dead. A car bomb was detonated outside a courthouse, authorities blaming kurdish militants. The attack comes four days after a deadly shooting at an istanbul nightclub that left 39 people dead. The suspect in that attack remains at large. Todays attack is a reminder of the challenges facing Turkish Security forces. The rubble left behind shows how powerful the explosion was. The bomb detonated outside the main courthouse in the city center, close to the entrance used by judges and prosecutors. The attackers fled their car, which was packed with explosives, when they were stopped at a checkpoint. He got out of the car and exploded the bomb with something in his hand. I was at the security cabin. I ran into the restaurant, lay down, and then it all went mad. Cctv caught the moment that the explosion happened. Turkeys state news agency said Police Killed two of the attackers in a shootout after the bombing, a third on the run. Authorities say weapons found at the scene suggests militants were planning a much larger attack. The terrorists were captured dead, along with them to ak47 rifles, an rpg seven rocket propelled grenade, and eight sets of ammunition, as well as hand grenades. President erdogan insisted turkey will not be divided by terrorism. They wont be able to set people against each other. They will not destroy our unity. They cannot harm our unity and solidarity and wont be able to. Authorities say initial evidence suggests the band peopl pkk coud be behind the attack. Sarah lets cross now to dorian jones from istanbul with the latest. Good to see you. Heard, authorities now blaming the pkk or a Splinter Group. Do we know what evidence they are going off of here . Dorian at the moment on the basis of the target. This is a state target. Pkk rebels do to make targeting of state or security officials, and also the way the attack was carried out, suicide bomber, heavily armed people ready to follow up. This has the homeworks of a Splinter Group of the pkk. The pkk suggest they dont have control over that group. Many experts argue over how much control the pkk have, but this has the hallmarks of the kind of attack they would have carried out. They are responsible for two attacks last month, one in istanbul, and the second offduty commandos in a provincial city. Having said all of that, islamist state, while they usually target civilians, they have in the past also targeted state institutions and Security Forces as well. Sarah what has the reaction been to this bombing inside turkey . Dorian well, again, this is shock. This is the second major attack in five days. The country is still recovering from the deadly attack in istanbul. Add to that that the attacker is still at large. One of the government managed to escape this attack. This will again cause questions over the Security Forces and their ability to stop attacks, and lead to a somber mood in the country that whatever the Security Forces do, the attacks continue, and there are fears that they will continue. Sarah the fear is understandable given the last few days. Is there evidence on the streets of what Security Forces are trying to do to make people safer, or at least feel safer . Dorian there is still a heavy presence. In the neighbor i live in an istanbul, there were heavily armed soldiers on the streets for number of hours. It is not clear why. Security forces are keeping up a high profile across the country, particularly in main cities. On top of that, Security Forces are working hard to find this gunmen. They claimed the net is slowly closing, a number of arrests, although there is acknowledgment and fear the governmen gunmen he country. As long as the gunman remains in turkey, there is fear he could strike again, and this adds to the fear in the country. Sarah thank you very much for your reporting. Turning now to the Christmas Market attack in berlin, germany officials said the alleged perpetrator had 14 aliases. For weeks, germans have been asking how he could have been known to authorities and still able to plan and carry out the attack that killed 12 people when he hijacked a truck and plowed into the Christmas Market on december 19. Austrian police say they are trying to identify a group of men believed to have carried out sexual assaults on new years eve. 18 women there say they were sexually assaulted and reported unidentified foreign assailants growth and try to kiss them. In chicago, four young black people have been charged with hate crimes, kidnapping, and assault for turk for torturing a young man with special needs. They post the attack live on facebook. The video we are about to show you is disturbing. The perpetrators shouted slurs, kicked and punched him, cut into his scalp with a knife. This attack has sparked debate about racially and politically motivated violence. Glenn back linked it to the black lives Matter Movement, saying on twitter, stand up with me and demand justice in chicago for the beating of a disabled trump supporter by blm. We do have to stress that there is absolutely no evidence of any links between these perpetrators and the black lives Matter Movement based on the reactions on social media. This attack of seems likely to stir up in the u. S. Further. This twitter users saying whites should march through black neighborhoods to protest, no justice, no peace. Sound familiar. For more on that, i am joined by a criminologist at the university of lancaster who teaches on hate crime. Professor, good to have you with us. We understand hate crimes charges have been filed. Based on what you know about this case, does it constitute a hate crime . It seems to me undoubtably a hate crime. From the information released by the Chicago Police department, it seems like this young adult had Mental Health challenges. The Chicago Police Department Said there were racial slurs in the video, although i could not hear those myself. If that is the case, this is undoubtedly a hate crime. That incident occurred in part because of the Mental Health challenges or disabilities this person had. Sarah the video of this assault is deeply disturbing and hard to watch. Is there any evidence that young people are perhaps becoming desensitized to violence through social media . It is so striking that they were so blase about filming the attack on facebook. Well, this debate about whether young people are becoming desensitized to violence has been running for decades. Cinema, tv, now social media. I think what we need to bear in mind is that this type of attack we have seen on social media is not a new phenomenon. It predates social media. We have had similar types of attacks in the united states, in the u. K. , elsewhere in europe, but before the advent of social media. It is not social media that is the problem. It is the offenders and their attitude that is the problem. What social media has done is given the offenders a new platform to brag. Unfortunately what we know from the research on the motivations of hate crime offenders, limited though it is, research in the nine states carried out by my boston colleagues and my own research on hate crime offenders in the u. K. , is that a substantial proportion of hate crimes are carried out for a laugh, for the fun, for the thrill, often by groups of young people, as this is the case. They get a laugh out of this, a buzz, and putting these incidents on social media is part of claiming theyre bragging rights, showing off, if you like. It is all part of the fun and the thrill of it, but what is clear is that these types of incidents have a long provenance well before social media. Sarah you are saying it is not fair to blame these attacks on social media, but social media gives them a platform. Based on your research, what can be done to prevent these kinds of disturbing attacks . Well, these attacks are rooted in particular attitudes, attitudes about people with disabilities, racist attitudes for instance. That is where it lies. These attitudes are not just manifesting by the offenders, these are not extremist attitudes, but such attitudes are held by many people. And come you know, there is a great deal of work going on, and a great deal of work that needs to go on to educate in schools and so on. It is the attitudes behind it that needs to be addressed. Sarah the attitudes need to be addressed. Thank you very much for being with us. A u. S. Intelligence chief says they believe russias top leadership was between nine hacking and leaks in the u. S. President ial election. James clapper said russian cyber activities pose a major threat to u. S. Interests and infrastructure. James clapper also said the Intelligence Community supported president obamas recent sanctions on russia. According to u. S. Intelligence agencies, russia is among 30 nations developing capabilities to launch cyber attacks. For more, lets pu coal in our washington correspondent. Clapper said russia definitely interfered in americas 2016 election. What does that mean for the man who won the election, donald trump . James clapper and a couple of senators, one of them is arizona senator mr. Mccain, they want to put pressure on president elect of donald trump would like to have different, better relations not only with russia, but with mr. Putin. As you can imagine, many in the Intelligence Community, senators, members of the house, they oppose any sort of good relationships with mr. Putin. So what they did right now is just say what mr. Putin is doing to american democracy, but unfortunately mr. Clapper could not show any proof that there was russian hacking into the email system of the democratic party, and the reason why he said, i cannot show you anything , is that he has to protect sources. Sarah ok, briefly, what does this mean for the Republican Party . As you mention, there are some divisions there. Yes, the Republican Party is divided, happy that donald trump is in the white house, but as we know mr. Trump once Rex Tillerson to become the next secretary of state, and mr. Tillerson is somebody who has good personal relationships with mr. Putin, so im pretty sure during the confirmation process in the senate, mr. Mccain will give him a hard time. Sarah we know you will be watching the closely. Thank you. We will take a short break here on dw news. When we come back, this knee will have plenty of excitement from the Consumer Electronics fair. Stay tuned for that. Sarah welcome back. You are watching dw news. Our top stories, a violent attack in western turkey, a car bomb exploded outside a courthouse. Authorities say it is kurdish rebels that carried out the attack. It has been two years since islamists gunmen launched a deadly attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. Today, they paid tribute. Two years after the attack, frances leaders gathered for a Memorial Ceremony for the 11 people who died. They laid floral tributes at the formal headquarters of the satirical magazine. In front of it, the tubing militants shot a Police Officer in the street. The islamist terrorists force their way into the Charlie Hebdo office and opened fire on the staff. The victims family also attended the ceremony, so did survivors. Two years later, the magazine is still run from a secret location. Everyone at the magazine lives in fear of Something Like that happening again. Nothing is as it used to be. After the attack, the two terrorists were caught on film, but the magazine refused to be silence. The cover of a special edition says at the end of the barrel at last, but the end of the barrel turns out to be a gun. An accomplice killed four people , the first of many terrorist attacks in france. The country has yet to recover its stability. Sarah turning now to some business news, all sorts of bright and shiny new things are on display at this years Consumer Electronics fair in las vegas. Daniel winner has the story. Daniel there are a few changes in the air. Software is becoming more important than individual devices. Take amazons alexa personal assistant. Several thirdparty manufacturers have made compatible devices, even this refrigerator from lg. It means a Voice Assistant can reach more people. Cars are getting more voice controlled. Autonomous vehicles have been in development for years now, but now more manufacturers are getting on board, connecting the vehicles and interacting with drivers, getting consumers excited. Compared to the last few years, the 2017 ces is not posting a lot of nifty mobility gadgets. This skateboard is something of an exception. Instead, the event is once again dominated like car giants, this time pushing their latest electric and network to vehicles. Networked vehicles. Automakers are using ces at the event where they launch technologies for the future, but product cars for the current year and future models. Has is industrial giant bosch. The german auto parts supplier is turning the family car into kind of a living room on wheels. While this car steers itself, the driver can plan dinner. If necessary, take a peek inside the smart refrigerator back home. Networking is an important point, networking with the cloud on one hand to obtain information, for example data on what is coming up in the next 10 kilometers in terms of construction sites. That is available over the cloud, but also networking with one another is gaining importance. When it comes to artificial intelligence, cars learning from situations all on their own, the german supplier is getting a little help from california. At the ces, nvidia announced a new cooperative project with bosch, and audi is aiming to produce intelligent cars in the future. But until then, visitors at the ces will have to make do with robots that arent really smart, but are somehow already very human indeed. China is forcing the worlds most Viable Company to bow to its censorship rules. Apple agreeing to remove the New York Times from its chinese app store, the latest attempt to suppress the newspaper as a cracks down on dissent. Apple is doing big business in china, but the computer giant is under fire for bowing to pressure from chinas authoritarian government in beijing. The New York Times is reporting that apple has dropped the american newspapers app from its chinese itunes store, meaning the app is no longer available to any iphone users in china. For me, this means i wont be getting my news as quickly or as conveniently as before. Now i will have to get it indirectly by climbing over the wall. She is referring to Chinese State censorship that routinely blocks access to western media online. Apple responded to the news with a written statement on its website. For some time now, the New York Times app has not been permitted to display content to most users in china, and we have been informed that the app is in violation of local regulations. The New York Times protested apples decision, but to no avail. Human rights organizations often accuse u. S. Media and Computer Companies of turning a blind eye to undemocratic practices when doing business in china. Deutsche bank has agreed to pay the u. S. Government and 95 million to resolve civil lawsuit. Germanys biggest lender was accused of using a network of Shell Companies to evade taxes. Prosecutors say the bank admitted guilt as part of the settlement. Deutsche bank says itd it is pleased to resolve the claim. Deutsche bank agreed to pay 7. 2 billion dollars to settle another u. S. Government probe. If you have ever driven through germany, you would have seen the huge Wind Turbines peppered across the countryside, but i bet you have never seen anything quite like this. In the past four weeks, four of these giants have come tumbling down or the rotor blades have broken, so how safe are they . The wind is still blowing, but this turbine is out of commission, the rotor blade is damaged and nobody knows what happened. This is no isolated incident. Just this week near hamburg, a turbine that had received regular maintenance completely fell apart, cause unknown. In middecember, this turbine in eastern germany collapsed after a broken part apparently caused harmful vibrations. Was the wind too strong or the turbines to old . So far, no one has any answers. We are conducting a thorough investigation to find out which part cause the problem and what conclusions we can draw from this. The informationweek other will help to improve service and Maintenance Operations in the future. There are more than 26,000 Wind Turbines in germany. Sources say each year that one or two accidents happen on average. It is bad for our image because everybody sees Wind Turbines, and when there is damage, it is pretty spectacular and grabs everyones attention. Despite all the accidents, no one has been injured so far. To keep it that way, the industry wants to make sure that when farms stay a safe and stable part of the landscape. That is all from the business desk for this hour, but plenty of news still to come. I will hand you back to sarah. Sarah thanks. Over a month ago, a plane crash in columbia, killing 71 people, including members of a football team. Now the club is starting to get back on its feet, announcing the signing of new players and confirm spaces in the squad for two team members who survived the crash. They can finally look to the future. After weeks of heartache, the club has unveiled a trio of new signings as they start to rebuild a squad devastated by novembers tragedy. A lot of the players we wanted were on holiday, and that was a problem for us, so we had to prolong our preseason slightly. In a touching gesture of solidarity, several of the brazilian clubs have allowed their players to join the club on loan for free. Among the new men, one is a defender back for a third spell at the club. I am very happy to have the opportunity to return to a club which has given me so much. They have left two squad members free for players who have survived the crash. One defender is recovering well and hoping to start training soon. Their season kicks off on january 26. Sarah a quick reminder of our top story, a violent attack in western turkey, a car bomb seen here exploded outside a courthouse. At least then shot dead two attackers. Two other people were killed. Authorities say it is likely kurdish rebels behind the attack. That is your dw news at this hour. More at the top of the hour, and you can find us on facebook and twitter. I am sarah harman in berlin. Thank you for watching, and do stay with us. This week on wealthtrack, two retirement prose, Fredrik Axsater and Brigitte Madrian have Workable Solutions to solve the Retirement Savings crisis. What they are and what individuals can do for themselves are next on Consuelo Mack wealthtrack. 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