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And global governing body fees that is facing unprecedented legal action. My name is christopher springer, good to have you with us. The most senior elected republican paul ryan has all but conceded that the candidate Hillary Clinton will win the president ial election. Earlier today, he said he would no longer defend donald trump and would instead defend republican seats in congress. He was speaking after a bruising president ial debate. First, this report on the debate. The tension was palpable. Trump had to defend his character following a video after the weekend. The republican candidate do not want to spend too much time on the matter. Im embarrassed, i hate it. It is locker room talk. I will knock the hell out of isis. Trumps attempt was not going to be simple. We have seen him insult women, we have seen him rate women ranging them from 110. We have seen him embarrass women. We saw him after the first debate spent nearly a week denigrating a former Miss Universe in the harshest ad most personal terms. Yes, this is who donald trump is. If you look at bill clinton, far worse. Mine are words and his were actions. There has never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that has been so abusive to women. It peaked when he threatened clinton over the handling of her private email server during her time as secretary of state between 2009two 2013. If i win, i will instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. There has never been so many lies, so much deception. There has never been anything like it. We are to have a special prosecutor. It is great that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law. Because you would be in jail. [applause] clinton made sure to bring up Donald Trumps personal finances. It is amusing to hear someone who has paid income taxes in 20 years. His plan will give the wealthy and corporations the biggest task tax cuts they ever had. In the end, a handshake after all. Winding up a bruising 90 minutes in st. Louis, missouri. Christopher let a school in our correspondent. Richard, thanks for joining us. You are in new mexico at the moment. What were the reactions they are . Were in a bit of an unusual place. We are in taos, new mexico. It attracts libertarians and green party candidates. They have no love lost for donald trump or Hillary Clinton. There is quite an interesting divide here that has opened up. The pundits, many of them were looking at donald trump and said that he did not put in a disastrous performance after all. The two main polls which have been conducted was that Hillary Clinton one. Cap essentially threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail. They think that is outlandish. Christopher quite a number of highranking republicans are putting distance between themselves and their candidate. Paul ryan saying he will no longer defend the trump campaign. Have the republicans given up on this election . Reading between the lines, that is effectively the case at least when looking at the evidence. Paul ryan has not followed what many of his colleagues have done over the weekend. He is not actually saying he is not endorsing him. His critics on the conservative side who say donald trump is not a true conservatives will not be happy with that. That will be an attempt to have it both ways. The risks risk of saying that outweigh the rewards of doing so. Christopher this Election Campaign has become so personal. Is there any scope for debate on policy at all . Funny enough, there was a bit of policy talk in that debate. Questions about syria and the relationship with russia. There was quite a bit of talk of that from both candidates. Such is the frenzy around this video in the donald trump stunts of introducing these women against bill clinton just before the debate began that these passages got very little attention. That reflects this campaign as a whole. It is really about the personality of these people. Christopher many thanks for that. Reporting from new mexico. Forces loyal to libyas u. N. Backed unity government are advancing in the last area controlled by islamic state. With the health of u. S. Airstrikes, the fighters have said they have controlled more than 90 of the city. There attacked the rest. He took over a year ago explaining it. Turning to germany now where police have arrested a syrian refugee planning a terrorist attack. They found 1. 5 kilograms of extremely dangerous explosives. Earlier today, three fellow syrians recognized an online poster. They found the terror suspect hiding in this housing block. Earlier, he had approached syrians asking for a place to stay. They took cam and tied him up before calling police. Intelligence officials think the suspect has links to militants who are loyal to islamic state. The head of germanys Domestic Intelligence approach says it is cooperation that led to the suspect. In early september. Obtained information. It took us until last thursday to figure out who in germany was involved. Investigators say it led them to the trail. Neighbors expressed admiration. I think it is remarkable and courageous of these people that they managed to overpower him. I think it is good, absolutely right. Theyve encouraged to call the police. Respect. The first attempt to arrest him in the city on saturday failed. He is now being held in custody in dresden. Christopher Angela Merkel has pledged Financial Aid to the west african nation. The president met chancellor merkel when she arrived on the second day of a threeday africa tour. She wants to support his government fight against human traffickers and militants as part of her mission to curb future waves of migration. The other minister is in nigeria worst he has promised german support for fighting off boko haram. The countrys progress against him islamist extremism. While people there have been celebrating the return. Nigerians still face many challenges there but life has become more. Peaceful. For the first time in years, the people are celebrating. The city finally feel safe again with no more attacks by the terrorist group boko haram. May our children go into the world with positive thoughts. That is also how all this former hostages feel. They were rescued by the military. Now they are allowed to return home. But it catches catastrophic Economic Situation awaits them. Countries like america and england and germany and france. We are partners in progress. They have to help the federal government in this situation. The threat prompted about 2 Million People to flee their homes. Many ends up here. It is still too dangerous for them to return to their villages. In this clinic, unicef gives assistance to children. We can treat them medically but we need more support from that. They have no milk and they have no food. The government does not have enough food for the people in the camps. They have to fend for themselves. At home the threat made it to dangerous. We need peace but we also need support. Peace and prosperity are still a long way off for people. It is impressive but i am still hungry. For them it is all about survival. Christopher United Nations has made an emergency appeal for haiti after Hurricane Matthew damage. The money will go to clean Drinking Water and shelter for the most formidable. It has triggered the largest humanitarian crisis. Still to come, unless you are an economist. You may have not heard of this contract theory. These two specialists have been awarded the nobel prize for economics. More on this coming up in just a minute from daniel winter. Please stay with us. Welcome back from berlin. Our top story is that Hillary Clinton and donald trump have clashed. And trump calling clinton a liar and will put her in jail if she he wins. We are going to stay with donald trump. Everything is under fire at the moment. The details from daniel winter at our business desk. Donald trumps career as a casino mogul is over. The trump taj mahal was shut down on monday. It was his last of the four complexes. It came as a surprise to the 3000 employees who lost their jobs. Donald trump sold to the taj mahal in 2014 after two bankruptcies. It still carry his name right until the end. With the market views on the president ial election cycle. Sophie, how has wall street reacted . Not too bad. We are of seeing the same picture. The mockery markets are climbing with a sigh of relief. It is not that wall street likes Hillary Clinton. They usually fear democrats with all of their taxes and regulations. They fear donald trump more with all the uncertainty. I just asked a trader on the war and he is not a big fan of clinton but he is betting on her. The rest of wall street seems to agree. Wall street would bet . 82 on clinton and only . 22 on trial. With this calculation, it makes sense when you see the likelihood of it way higher. Some people are even saying this. The World Energy Congress began on monday. Definitely, it has already started here. Oil prices are starting to rally and putin says he is willing to put more on it. They also came to the conclusion that they have to make production cuts in order to keep the oil price from falling. We already saw inventory so there are a lot of reasons for the oil price to rise. Christopher thank you very much for that update. Now contracts are perhaps the most important tool in business from defining mergers to regulating the hay in your pocket. No surprise that the nobel prize in economics was one site a pair of academics for their research to contract area. The Royal Swedish Academy of sciences has decided to open or award the economic prize for 2016 to oliver hart and bengt holmstrom for their contributions to contract theory. A moment economists have dreamed of. Both in the u. S. They have scooped the most prestigious award in their field. Bengt holmstrom thanked the committee by phone. I am grateful. Contract theory affects us all. Together, they laid the foundation for better design deals. Their work goes further than that. Theory looks at when not to increase salaries and considers whether it pays off in the long run. This is a very fundamental theory to understand contracts. Contracts are central to get different people to walk rate. When you want two people, you need to make sure they work in the same direction and are happy with the outcome. That is what contract theory is about. Signing a contract might be commonplace. There is a science to that as this noble prize goes to show. Were talking about a big multibillion euro contract. One says greece has done everything. It will get that money right away with more to come at the end of the month. The cuts have been deep. Many say they have gone too far. Sites like the acropolis in athens is attracting more and more tourists. The country is expected to host nearly 28 Million People. The countrys tourism associations is says it means more jobs has been created in the sector. The upsurge will hopefully meet its a loud goal. Bailout goal. There are other factors. Greece may get more rescue loans. Were going to give the commission and assessment today. All of them are now completed and this should normally open the way to the remaining 2. 8 billion euros. Greece is to get 1. 1 billion euros. Some say this is because the government has delayed privatization projects. Now it looks like athens is ready to sell state owned firms, something many people do not want. Im absolutely against privatizing water works. The government hopes to rake and 50 billion euros that way that many economists remain skeptical. Greece is promised any reforms in the past and many have yet to be delivered. Christopher that is it from the business desk. World soccers governing body fifa is being sued for not ensuring worker rights. Thousands of Migrant Workers are currently in employed in qatar as he gets ready for the 2020 world cup. Fifa must now be held to account. The dust federation wants to influence the labor standards. It has claimed that he had his passport taken on arrival and was forced to work under harsh conditions for 18 months without pay. He is seeking 11,500 and compensation. We see this as modern family slavery. Their passports are confiscated, they cannot travel freely. They live in deplorable circumstances. They are paid poorly or not at all. Qatars treatment of Foreign Workers has been attacked by many. This is the first time for bowles governing footballs reputation is under attack. Leaders should be held accountable. We think that fifa is responsible. They picked qatar as the host spot. If he successfully sues fifa, it could open the floodgates for thousands of disgruntled workers to follow suit. Christopher england is looking to continue their perfect record in world cup management. The three lions picked up over the weekend. They face a much bigger hurdle when they lock horns with slovenia. Englands coach was in a pensive mood. It is under question. Now southgate has decided to drop him for the slovenia match. With or without it, we intend to put up a fight from the very first minute. There will be times we have to defend. England has good and fast players. We just have to keep up our level of play. We are not just coming with only defending on our mind. Slovenia will be concentrating on their own form. Influential midfielder will be missing however after pulling out to exhaustion. But slovenia you were watching dw news from berlin. We will take a short break and then we will be back with our top stories moment on the day coming up next. You stay with us for that. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [ theme music ] [ theme music ] Ernabel Demillo hi, welcome to Asian American life. Im Ernabel Demillo, were at the metropolitan museum of art costume institute, it took two years to produce china through a Looking Glass an exhibit that highlights chinas fashion and art influence in the western world. Lets take a look at the spectacular exhibit. The exhibit opened with a starstudded press conference with the exhibits collaborators

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