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Question that day the combined electric car think of your reporter will talk about School Supplies which i didnt have to say about it. Finally the old today. The bid contract and bright green hospital. But before all that but take a look at the top right of mine here in china first he got the time it popped up that breaks like that. Performance is acceptable from future in the past few years either get through the National Park from the first time. Reese three billion yuan four hundred ninety million us dollars. From february for the twenty fifth the mostly achieved. His ears popped up in two thousand and eight and if i did a three hundred and thirty Million Dollars to the kitchen. Ate a tiny cubicle day to the story. Tv drama proving a bell in it over thirty two Million Dollars to first read it it the official data show the view was the second and third years to be the biggest contributors to talk to get it. Some insiders estimate the body and into fourteenth of october to the content on to easily surpass five billion us dollars. Next update in business today. Mel got shut down costs and pick what price the plunge and charted. The road all the pic when tribune web site no doubt shut down yesterday to see. His words would like to think of it the result of a pickle and tried to plunge in china. To ensure the price drop from five to ninety to five hundred us dollars. Over thirteen percent decrease from one day. Mark didnt understand the shutdown about doctors due to technical problems. No cause to doubt the ability of the coin trading applications can allow hackers to change the information that led to increased and bake when the virus even if the trade has accomplished. The backing kind of technical pupils have also happen to chinas record trade website before. I suggest the Chinese Government to change its attitude toward record trading. According to court to cover financial supervision system cannot believe i do it to quit reading will protect investors to avoid losses one of the National Business daily. Chinas Health Care Products market will likely reach about sixty five billion dollars budget of twenty. The court to a survey conducted by boston consulting group. Rising number of chinese consumers provide Health Care Products nowadays. The survey released to mark a volume of Healthcare Products will reach about sixty five billion us dollars for two dollars and twenty the average price product went out to catholics dont eat i joked and of those protein powder. Its the price the product to us than fifteen years. The three spot. Compare the ordinarily priced products high in Healthcare Products and edible Third Quarter to make it appear to be struggling you will be affected by the chinese interest or some consumption the Building Height and Healthcare Products grew by forty percent in january this year from last year. The high end of your product. Bob and edible birds nest. But taking it to be sold for three hundred us dollars on the market. They should avoid the stress of life and work many Young Chinese people like to buy these products as well. Money matters were talking to your car isnt gonna be here. The lecture courses. If you go is never afraid of Many Political technological and entering if they had better start decade ago. China could be entirely different place the cars were ready to go on the topic market and Chinese People started buying gas powered cars with that designed for gas powered vehicle. But the environmental conditions and to be that beijing to reach a president. He would no longer living in this lesson ill probably connected to the fore the government finally start to recognize that it exists to my feet on electric cars make their big lead in the market. Its been almost four years of the Chinese Government. The title lord of the collective vehicle industry. China was looking to make striker and energy combined with the tech of the same time. But still difficult day. Ordinary chinese consumers to purchase new cars. Dr tiny car. Still long way to go tyson dot com report. Note to promote the cars look the central and provincial government provided that got us really can thousand dollars in kentucky for car buyers printed in the cars price of three hundred to the document. Chinese consumers all we need to spend two hundred forty thousand who i really forgot you dont get it. The cute stuff please dont apply to everyone the company from the Central Government apply to all chinese victims of the local government only support local car manufacturers. They can get a new id card as an example gamble right. The total one hundred twenty thousand men you dont have to look into and local government. Cover baking bread they can only get half that now. If you want to buy and they are what you will know you like the brand. It contains jewish republican carmakers. Chinas car market. Under former regional protectionism. This kind of Company Policy toward napolitano in car market build the countrys electric auto makers. The gentleman that are filled on automobile company. The teleconference call. Chinese new car manufacturers. The tribunal ought to work in the field albert belle is still hope with this and he can to talk like that. The only goal for the company is trying to get government subsidies. They never care to the car market is based in china. As a result that chinese carmakers caboolture line. You can buy when the money hasnt been this way for another round of the deity. Even the countrys largest car market in beijing the Collector Car market still far behind the building control. Not to laugh here many people show interest in the coppers the Central Government help and support the cars. They were stopped in a wall. Think of cities will be in the air police that the pride was finally fed up. The wicket of michael continue with electric china it didnt. Welcome back to china price watch. In todays money. Electric cars in china if you got into the tent to govern out of beijing Shanghai Tang content and come to an update the perfect pilot to get to our individual to bite you cards. But there were many daughters. But now the police has been officially recognized. Electric cars together but the major cities and launch an old Chinese Media and people cover would improve fifty percent of air quality in the next five years. Meanwhile he asked about the body and the two thousand seventeen. The pity card numbers reached two hundred thousand. Will govern said. Get ten thousand dollars from the stricken car buyers to get like that would directly without it. Light to moderate the gaffe markets require. Theres no limitation. Consumers can enjoy the bike. Automobile group after the government. Duff was the big red. Thrive. Then the strong willingness to purchase the car building one hundred twenty to actually purchase one. They actually decide to read joe pride in the complex to recharge it makes most of these applicants. The lecture three derek attracting doctors electric vehicles are still under development. Its quite understood care will try to get back inside. No part these are tough to wait weeks for errors the fundamental issue to come to the difficulty was going to charge. Global engine household. Car owners to recharge in cars overnight that and im the only condition that could lead to people that didnt show up but the paper does not apply to the vigil users to change it. Our retailers have to do a stupid paper to the look and color. Owners can pay for all the coffee busy to take our order the optical computing chinese consumers from buying new cars statistical data from the electrical Vehicle Information company. He went to the dock the end of two thousand until now. It is that all consumers. We purchased four thousand four hundred e carter. And i think the card and told us. Or the twenty one times compared to china the multi over banks chinese carmakers are increasing their output. As a result of that small productive all you cannot reduce production costs and therefore to tie breaker chinese consumers to that the first round of deputies and in the end of two thousand and twelve. Token camberwell here. The new policy was implemented to korea so protectionism hoping that requires local governments to give more than thirty percent of the canton of local automobile manufacturers. Meanwhile rep delay the control mechanism the new poll to require that this year. The local government has increased ten percent of the company a level that you got the better team than two dozen picking another twenty percent of the need to reduce the level two thousand fourteen. Either by Prime Minister mark i called Chinese Media the dt Card Companies would benefit the development of the country in car market like any company could charge the actual market value of product. The Car Companies did not have cut their mark and ready to apply to the car is actually getting them devise a new company to bring them to help with innovative idea. Dont go away because of neck or question today we visited the Collector Cars. Agent. No time for question today when they sing and give their take on issues affecting their lives. Today we have people must read of their top electric cars with people the current situation. Mail the bunny kind of knew that it was an accident in several days ago suck on tuesday cause totally away from Production Industry the government halted the providing tilted it is very considerate it encourages us to buy the cars and coaches enterprises to develop this area we know where. My family will id card nowadays we can cheer to quiet him in kind heart the enduring print then i would trust it. Viewers will learn to live. Not willing to buy e cards that the lack of security needs more improvement. Although more people using cars in the future of the prime time i think dont people like im having more of the content and Fire Protection to the king eco should have been put into use i live in the early stage we use because instead of general clark know what it will be cleaner and over the next day long the government should supply stuff to eat coz i tot i can make money they have to buy e cards that can save a lot of money. It can also protect our environment. I wish e cards were used here. Your corner we take a look at trends and above the line china. On tuesday sold to a tiny people have the day of School Supply from china the popular thing amongst tiny bit of time and money from women and children are the easiest to get. After studying the market for luxury feel like the woman who apply for the next market being exploited. Recently many schools to start their new semester. After the winter vacation. To cap the bottle to watch prepare for the new semester. Many Stationery Stores in shopping malls. The promotions for student poverty and adapted it down. The braves are still freaking out there. They want to look and the defenders of the hundred fifty to three hundred twenty dollars for the children they snared the new semester. The income from one to ten to nine hundred us dollars. The cloth can really add up from ninety one when family. Speaking on the common price for school that integrated into the computer. Made in china no cooking Co Production of dollars. Cole was attacked the cheapest price to move around too dull. That depends overton you with the letters most of the supplies are labeled as imported from korea to europe. Tell it plain that there be a better material related to the dump which can be unhealthy theres the matter to many awesome time due to the chemical promote the products are very similar to those from abroad. That is open for her friend. Picture the article power. The cover paper its right around forty dollars nearly ten times more expensive than doubles open. The gimmick and jack upright. Want to look look. Or pick prepared for shoppers are cheap. Which consequently built nearly doubled to more. Other digital products. The coach on a dictionary. Elaine recorder and other teaching she brought a pot with the Prestigious School the price ranges from one hundred three hundred dollars it is recommended to buy the official product of the confetti. Very cute and refused to pay the money more kids three diesel cars all computers and carpenter becoming the standard for many cousins many kind souls out there cant have more supplies last may when the user to call. The rapid consumption. Many can you compare it to each other the schools open day should not be economical for supply no parent should think about Economical School day another broke lol. If the parent all. Chinese parents keep their kids to Pay Attention to the pace of teaching them anything. To top it off to care much about it. If they dont deliver to the newborn with apathy and to compete in the snare consider the cost product of the week. Youve got to the biltmore Theater School that can be used for years if a child does not lose or break it. Keep up the track acutally after the most up to date version. One interesting quote. I can understand why my little cousin dont like about her petitioners. The whole posts your primary secondary school when we got into pension loss to penrith. Id never heard of any popular tree branch my stationery. Children are prone to controlled by the pickup and the coolest new carton with a paper to color. To most the cost of supplies. I put a record of education. It is on contract just to quote why didnt the cover Education Department to her free and you might be scared every endeavor to achieve the same ones who each other and the market. He will become much lower. Wildlife are likely just trying to make himself look like rational by it. The cutting tool that can help them to be a bad thing the new deployment when materials provided by the government and country to get it. Solution to limiting the number of impulse buys the shock and awe how to think that the store. Moving on up to get the prize. We find out how will they understand the cost of living today we have people mistreat think how much electric cars that i would take a look to get it. Tune in to overdrive the government should provide subsidies for about the price of the top job and did this to encourage more people to fight on two or three cars. I think i counted on it the government to provide more money you intrigued one of the detroit to play too cold in the future. Definition of roundup is horrible the government should come up with tom waits is true then why is it. Maybe half the price that the new card i think most people like you cards but for some young people they like what their expression which have been hearing it and the government should use the puppy to provide safety to really compete. Trying to put pressure on about the governments top of each dish of deep five thousand dollars at least one confederate you all for now because there are problems which are in the car. Too many ppl keep up with that maybe i will buy one. Hi im back. The king. Protection how close the gap to full potential and provincial government of china offers a feature by the Collector Cars a lot of coverage want god to open the cars potential and it is a provincial government. Two thousand mtv where ten thousand dollars for purchase. If the cars three hundred to keep out the red tide consumers dont need it too. Forty thousand dollars to get it. Not contradict the blog today. We didnt even open the question taken the future empress of china. Today our debate topic friday agreement. The doctors and patients. An effective way to the pariah to hospitals. Im due for twenty of chinas National Health and Family Planning commission which of the patients or patients family members and doctors do this kind of business agreement doctors and patients respectively. He would like to read and loved it and remember. While patients are all to put it into giving it the doctors disagree with me to make cars first and second class hospital. Im trying to recapture the jury did. A patient at all. Doctors needed to get away to treat gum. Chinese media with me the red bulls her doctors are into us dollars to three hundred thirty dollars for each time. Appleton young who outing. Divers have patients who had surgery. I didnt read and look. We know what a week eight of the heated discussion. During the purple believes the agreement doctors and patients could help me think and which ship who shall be the Deputy Director of the Economic Committee should help hold the view that if the policy could be carried out smoothly relationship between doctors and patients. Increased patient financial burden of medical expenses. That time the agreement can be regarded to continue practising doctor isnt it. When doctors additionally the kids were to be going to die. He was a guarantee of recap red envelope. But who also added the occult or supervision from patients of all the other doctors did any doctor is gonna be a vaulted them to youtube you can buy wanting to become effective way to bring the bread and quilting. Who pointed out that in the ditch the agreement they could increase the total medical expenses as well. Among pic with surgical operation the red outlook account for twenty percent of their total medical expenses. The poll can be worked out. He spent the patients can be decreased to some extent. Article two dot com for a different one the article noted that a half to take it into place and really by replying on the agreement. Today many patients to trust their doctors to make sure to give money to the doctors give comfort. It has become an open secret between doctors and patients in china. Even the doctors and patients are now required to sign the agreement does not mean that patients are giving up on to the doctors role of doctors without the backing of money at all. The article stressed that will likely lead to a situation that many patients will still find more speaker went to private doctors as a result. After all the trust between doctors and patients cannot be improved overnight. Really depending on the team is difficult to change occurred situation. Accord to the article. The fundamental way to solve the problem is to improve the supervision and among doctors and patients. Typically the coverage should consider increasing investment in medical history the appearance of dolphins into the plight of men in the medical Market Community the article said that if the patient had more choices to choose doctors or hospitals. He would not have to bribe doctors anymore whats more the article suggested the government were hostile to him to come to those high skilled Doctors Today was inoperable and read a blog to make a living the doctors responsibility to serve their patients about their ability. But theres too much corruption tiny cough throat. The people know they can only get good treatment that the bride or doctors. Dr is justified and will continue to look dollars it was an epic and localities of meat on top of the hotbed for criminal activity which opened the door to even more dangerous crime. Okay thats all we have time for todays episode of china price watch going back to late in the cost of living in china until then you can do any directive to all my nephew went on tv and gone through zz you see. With his footsteps. The beautiful coast of the key section of the things he is one of japans most famous tourist destination. Million people come here every year to visit one plus. The symbol and sent its reach. Due to the grand shrine in the east. Fold your arms over eighteen thousand shinto shrine. This is the most sacred heart of the region between the zone today the royal allure and consistent human progress. I wanted. Shes trying. Hes gotten sick from it. In short morning and evening shinto priests make offerings of food to the county the ceremony that screen held in return it without trial for one thousand five hundred. In. The i know the stitching too. Monique the most sacred of all of the shinto. I am. Its gone you to give thanks to tammy for protecting the nation since ancient times. Drawing grounds are one hundred and twenty five places of worship we are. Dawn. Once every twenty years. Destroying buildings gigs and regions all completely redo. Using wood from trees carefully consider a tree. Its believed that this periodically to restore some fine talent in the county this continued for over one thousand three hundred years the ecg is not to kneel ancient sacred sites. Its also a magnificent know how people can come the sixteenth centuries in harmony with nature bffs. Its rich Marine Resources using humor is also famous for its weve been told by this. I know. Ranging in age from twenty assists still on it for oysters in the old tradition one. I used to treat the operators to domestic cricket is greek for chanels from the broken sleep. Dont leave the room warm sounds and acted on route one hundred and twenty years ago the worlds first call to the rules was successfully cultivated in this plan. Also in the league points. The key around. You just looking. The technique is happily chatting since it was for students. The sixty two. It was around this the pool. This technique results in the compound. This is suspended in mid spring boy and whatever. It takes about two years for a girl to grow. Last time the oyster is so odious decreasing kelsey incompetent onto the baking sun. Its the mundane is a calcium coaching the bait to get these polls are a specialist i know the best quality tools are used in rangiora the eye. So one of japans most famous exports designed by women all over the world. Do they with its beautiful city teeming with life. In the ancient be sitting trot. See she marries this to heart. And when to enclose minute jam. Do. Ch the new. I mean. In one. Ch you can. One will win the us. Welcome to your world is love and you know tommy and tokyo. Heres a look at some other stories were following this hour. I am. The shutdown had a major beef Corn Exchange and who has highlighted the risks to the Virtual Currency the position of the Nation Nuclear plants have allowed journalists to see firsthand the Central Control room inside the facility. And well show you what life is

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