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I dont. It was hers and korea i love to those of you were watching from around the world. Today marks twenty first year and soul. I use a bench on wednesday so much for joining us as widely expected the leaders of korea and japan will meet next week for the First Time Since it took office alongside their us counterparts for decals on the three way meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security summit indicate that the president talk to his european trip next week we are joined by a president ial Office Correspondence use on in the studio to use under me finally. Yes time to time while speculation has been brewing over whether president that will actually sit down for talks with the japanese Prime Minister shinzo law take an early today to miss one Ministry Said that officials from the two countries will also meet sometime next week to talk about tactic and wartime sexual slavery issue. Many experts say it may be too premature to expect i mean seoul and tokyo to improve significantly after just one senate meeting. Fridays announcement comes after president underneath any welcomed Prime Minister says a lot as in the affirmation of japans past apology for military special is lame and during world war two. The two leaders havent officially met for summit talks since both of them took office more than a year ago. I dont i have been strained especially after i visited sydney last year to a war shrine to honor several class a war criminal its what media bakery i caved in to us pressure to come to the three way talks washington wants wrong time not all ties with both its northeast asian allies to ensure regional stability and cope with potential security threats from china. That pressure was likely to intensify ahead of us president barack obama said that this too slowly and tokyo next month. While some experts say the upcoming dialogue could be used to break the impasse between seoul and tokyo. Others say it would be far fetched expect an immediate sign of elation. The kitchen and somewhat green ones from japan is in the knowledge of the legality of the past colonial rule in opposing the government of the cabinet and write a composition as well as restoring the reputation of the victims is also doubtful whether tokyo will not just be the black community about its past atrocities. The attic and it still intends to review the nineteen ninety three apology for coercing women into sexual slavery like to make claims to be a stop to live and in school tax the next month. In any case the main agenda at next weeks release of an athlete to be ways to curb north Koreas Nuclear program. And speaking of resolution to the crisis in ukraine. Well i should also mention the president is also scheduled for a summit talks with the chinese president is in pain with the two leaders will talk about strengthening bilateral ties and that means to secure his running of korea. No its not about what the present will be doing after the new Nuclear Security summit ellis ballots on her agenda for the netherlands and germany who also tyranny and into korean beatification are the two main themes of president backside european attorney tinto at this time around. At first thought in the case that the president as the host of the leader of the previous twenty twelve the Nuclear Security summit hosted nation. It gave an opening speech alongside one said that a gentle kind woman this is confidence in the third of its kind will look at how much each participating nation has followed up on its new production and security pledges and discuss cooperation measures to sustain the level of Nuclear Security. In her dress the korean president roh emphasize that every member of the International Community is responsible for preventing Nuclear Terrorism president back will be the first korean president to visit the netherlands and local summit talks with dutch Prime Minister Michael Wright expected to focus and boosting cooperation in the areas of an anti scientific knowledge and use the power and greg isnt elsewhere but the second leg of her trip which is germany quite often we have seen south korean president using the term interests of the way to announce proposals are policies on north korea. When theres a great amount of attention to words that the president s speech that shes going again at a university in dresden the speeches that is expected to focus on her being the key center. Or a decently be so much for that update. Singer internal read occasionally germany would be declared to the world as south korea will actively prepare for reunification. I realize that. To them. We also need to present an intense lanky limit the president back is expected to convey their policy goals for the invitation and ascertain his help in accomplishing them. Shell also need a number of elected officials the wet at the center of the new vacation to learn from their experience as having weathered the economic and social aftermath of the historic events. You fight to the east yesterday after leading nation in the information to your puny about. Im back earlier this year is that a unified korea would be open and that lovely as the crowd gerald got to where it is today. Not only from an Economic Perspective that the president in line with its less building policy with most of the us will also be looking for ideas and input the nations on the coincidence. Yet a lot more to offer to step into so much use of that report. I intended. Your gateway to the days biggest story in korea and around the world breaking these are the hottest interview and a whole lot more. Enjoy the tetons chum limited and uga of the heart of salt brine tiny be done. Well i had an on and on tv next in line. It was forced to play in the role of debt collector on this friday and thats because north korea missed on monday deadline to pay off eight point six Million Dollars of loans provided back in two thousand census if history is any indicator this outfit expect a prompt payment from the north with them and then reports the glaxo is calling on tony and repay millions of dollars in loans and or borrow years ago. A south korean youth acacia Ministry Official said friday that the car mr she was due to make the payment of eight point six million us dollars on monday. As part of my eighty Million Dollar loan given to the north. Back in two thousand seven hundred and ten. Should the north failed to make the first repayment of the twenty Fourth Quarter costs of Raw Materials borrowed people request that the as of the twenty fifth. Scotland lol came in the form of Raw Materials that were used to produce clothing footwear and so. With interest included the tuesday to pay eighty six Million Dollars to the south over the next ten years. South koreas state run Export Import Bank sent a message to the north last month informing him of his payment obligation. But tell ya has yet to reply. This not the first time. Tanya has missed the loan payments. He missed several deadlines to pay down seven hundred twenty four Million Dollars of loans provided by south korea in two thousand and two thousand seven. All told the commons regime is due to repay the south over nine hundred thirty one Million Dollars by twenty thirty seven including principal and interest for food and raw material olds. She and an idea in it. One day after president mccain has made her case for de regulation in a televised meeting alongside Business Leaders the government laid out its roadmap for getting it done the Prime Ministers office said friday that it has already started organizing the list of the suggestions made by experts and private companies on cutting red tape and find Promising Service sectors like Tourism Health and Education Finance ministers from osaka also discussed ways to pass legislation related to the president s push with the ruling Party Lawmakers the government plans to deliver a detailed schedule of the administrations de regulation drive to related ministries early next month ive found a free trade talks between korea and china are wrapped up on this friday the two sides were able to make any significant progress agreed only to try again next time around. And now has one there were no major breakthroughs on the tree a change he says koreas chief anti negotiator with kt after wrapping up the talks which took place over five days in the center of seoul told reporters the two sides were only able to agree to disagree we demanded that china left arizona manufactured goods in the early stage boss house for opening up a tree a sample from a kit to suffer in the total war and how much progress to be made. But he added it doesnt mean the talks were falling apart some engaging are still in the process of understanding each others needs and the bunny again in may or june for another round of talks in china. During this round of the two discussed tariff concessions on various goods including aidans class finance books is intense and highly sensitive. Ten is koreas top trading partner with analysts predicting that sells gdp will increase by up to three percent in ten years after the deal takes effect farmers income oppose the deal saying it will devastate koreas agricultural sector. Another issue contains an animated video is Illegal Fishing by chinese fishermen in korean waters. Korean trade officials worry that this year he caught by chinese fishermen in koreas with c could end up enjoying heavy benefits. Officials say they still has not been the official subject of debate to get negotiations yet but added that korea will continue to raise the issue so that you can only discuss the matter in the coming rounds of talks. Im gonna get news to tell. There is an interface own soul skyline after years of development and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages on plaza finally open to the on friday sessions and then gives us a look at the architectural gem that has people talking. Its like no other structure and the south korean capital this free flowing curves building that looks like a ship is to him and design plus out and over nine hundred people ranging from politicians and fashion designers were on flight friday to welcome it. So all your problems in his welcoming speech that the structure it is an architectural gem. He acknowledged the buildings height price cap of four hundred and sixty million us dollars but said it would bring a bottle for twelve billion dollars in production and employment in just two decades. Designed by the trickster when youre out british i get an id the building is shrouded in over forty five thousand aluminum pedals. The Worlds Largest asymmetrical freeform building that all states the mound to all for a five thousand square meters. This structure with no street supporting pillars of people working on. I came to see the Opening Ceremony of the building and it looks like a spaceship has landed in the center of seoul the floor the architecture is only one way to them simon design plus size located in the center after bs twenty two Women Fashion district. Itll serve many purposes its been a number of exhibitions pieces scattered over four floors and three underground levels koreas National Treasures along with the design exhibit by hand each are on display and eight ten for an exhibition of rims to showcase all new star the capital will extend state whereby it is an airport but the services. Some six to seven thousand tourists visit the district and told them each day and this whole metropolitan government envisioned this meal them arent as the new culture of the south korean capital. See the name ideas. Strive for and the press where we look at some of the high end shoes and grab the attention of the domestic media discreet from propaganda in north korea to the pollution crisis in paris. We go over now to argue the us. Anything and happy friday and our star with the feature article on north korea from top on it lol. Now the story here gives us an insight into the disparity between white north korean experts stevens and they are about south korea and how they actually due south korea. Here means that north korea textbooks cold south korea a living in reality for me and made rice cookers cosmetics popular activity on the title theres a photo from a north korean text but thats still a girl holding a sign that reads please that bide my time. She identified in the text the captain as a north Korean Defector in the streets of old and its meant explained that i took life north Korean Defectors have down here in south korea the also says the us has made south korea a living where terror and oppression is pre dealings. But italy has ended on the right you feel and what korean soldier keeping a close watch on North Koreans but nevertheless the family dog into a south korean dramas on tv and used the south korean me to write her and she seemed the rings online to the stark difference between north korea not to waste efforts to brainwash their people to turn them against south korea and the north Korean People who would think the expense of south korea standard of living appreciate and south korea to me cry the gratuitous next article from salon in which tells us that its not just the scene and thats suffering from this month twenty cents. But the here and leave the rest of the suffocating as the zing of penrith and cousins out to be driving the pace is also seen in smog levels seen in the past week supply to be on par with teaching one of the worlds most polluted cities. And you see here that i felt how were covered in small hike in on the right it says pair with us on its air quality index reached one hundred and eighty five micrograms just hundred and eighteen one hundred and fifty six earlier this week. Annals of my sunset the safe limit of eighty micrograms. This has prompted french authorities to limit the number of cars on the road for the first trying since and nineteen ninety seven. Incidentally disturbing to see citys adult around the world to winning with beading and its not nice is signaling that air pollution is rising as a Global Environmental problem the collectivist next article from the fifty leave that maybe this isnt news paper. I hear be the place of coffee one of half times the price of lights. The kids alike in many other crafty things around the world has become a routine part of peoples lives in a market for a coffee shop is becoming overheated as the complete with one another. So to find a new competitive and coffee shops here hop are going to beat me up. The cooks will discuss the us launched a Gourmet Coffee brand called starbucks preserved. Earlier this week hes crying and cups of coffee are brutal only mike people thrive on to specialize or is that Training Programs and depending on the coffee beans didnt use the price for a cup of coffee could go as high as ten dollars and that according to the article is the one half times the average cost that people spend our lives. Thats not to starbucks for twenties or coffee chains have also launched similar Premium Brands is in the past few months the teens and it definitely seemed to be targeting a group of coffee fanatics but in the long life will be stories dry enough people who want to opt out of the Eastern Alliance for premium coffee. In fact will have to wait and see our calendar late into the korean press this week. The summer top stories on the global front of the escalating tension over crying yet to read out of turkey to pull the plug on twitter. The gold luster appalling new center to fall in love with moscow is speeding through its annexation of crime yet give us an update of the situation while there have been a rapid developments on the front and just the last few hours russian president by recruiting has signed a treaty on crimea joined the russian federation. After both houses of parliament overwhelmingly approved the treaty. This means at least from the kremlins perspective of the annexation of crimea from ukraine has been officially completed meanwhile Russian Forces continue to take over more Ukrainian Military bases in crimea and ukraine speaks of its cross soldiers and their families from the region. I call him el baz saw us at for gen con given as travel to kiev to broker a possible diplomatic solution. Thus what he had to say. Will the un she first decided to sit down and engage in direct in constructive dialogue to resolve the crisis. He also urged russia to respect the integrity of ukraines territory and expressed deep concern of the current situation. Earlier thursday fun when president putin moscow also urging him to reach a peaceful settlement this comes as the United States and russia have filled out a fresh round of sanctions on key officials thursday. The European Union has slapped travel bans and asset freezes on twelve more people bring the number of russians and ukrainians his sneaky sanctions the thirty three. The twenty eight nation bloc said it would publish the full sanction class on friday. Shifting to political tensions in thailand the top court has ruled that the results of last months general election are in balance. Officials say they know that every second poll because nationwide voting did not take place in every constituency on the same day. The lecture hall body and battle plan is very much to walk ran into problems after protesters block candidates from registering in twenty eight districts. The court now has ordered a new round of elections although no date has been sent. Protesters say they plan to disrupt any elections moving for the latest ruling has for the delayed the formation of the new government after months of Anti Government protests aimed at ousting the Prime Minister. Turning now to civil unrest in turkey where the government is set to crack down on social media ahead of general elections turkish Prime Minister explained order one has tried to shut down twitter and other social Networking Services which he sets have been abused by his enemies to spread false allegations further one has been battling a Corruption Scandal since gone missing on your greens were posted online two weeks ago particularly chilling evidence of corruption. Can you imagine there are international conspiracies twitter winner we have a court order now we will wipe out all of these the International Community can see this and see that i dont care all. Everyone will see how powerful republic of turkey it. Since yesterday some of the ten million users in turkey trying to access twitter are being redirected to a government website however present uncool has challenged the ban saying in a tweet friday that the shutdown was unacceptable and the websites can only be blocked if they violated personal privacy. There etc look at International Stories making headlines around the world. Ill see you back here next week. The two prime times for some stupid the south korea has stepped up to defend one of its iconic sports stars aquino not over the controversy surrounding the judging of the ladies figure skating events at the sochi winter games. The cradle of the committee encourages Skating Union will to live the file a complaint with the international Skating Union. The composition and the fairness of the judging panel. He also said that they didnt want much to do so as not to damage your relationship with the isu and put their athletes and disadvantage in future competitions. Well as for the ice queen union has said that she put the results behind there and has retired for good. Shes currently preparing for her farewell i show slated for early may and moving to the fairways adam scott learned that history at the p gs Arnold Palmer invitational at bay hill while rookie the medium all the ladies at the gp dc founders cup over in Orlando Florida scott wilson and on a mission scorn and coping with the ten under sixty two to tie the course record and the three shot lead when bull put him within striking distance of cargo was top ranking. Meanwhile the phoenix ever sewn up koreas he scored a solid eight under par for the early lead. So for pbl fell national and world number one part can be whos tied for third. And going down under the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Arizona Diamondbacks will ring in twenty fourteen Major League Baseball season in front of a sellout crowd in australia. Some eighty thousand people will fill the Sydney Cricket Ground as he played two games over the weekend. The visiting tigers will have peace Clayton Kershaw taking be taking on the d backs away from miami on saturday and intelligent facing Trevor Cahill on sunday. Meanwhile the d backs were blanked by australia for nothing in their final preseason game now its mens playoff action in the week of the capital hosted career in time out for the first of a three game series and the crowd was charged and the whole team cruised to the first set by hyundai capital would not stop there the dubai and overwhelmed korean air for the second set as well as the third of the capital wins in straight sets exit heading to utah on sunday. And thats all for now this has been speaking to see you back to twitter for more from the world of sports fans. Its feeling more and more like spring and here this weekend will be nice and sunny for more lets connect well ill try to look down at the weather center. But down at the friday guy some pride that these histories in dec early scenes erratic shower and convert those will soon appear out of the Cool Conditions will stick around or tomorrow morning. However temperatures will quickly dove into the mid to high teens over the weekend and it looked like numbers but they have bought this piece i did this for awhile thinking i might get the Current Conditions the nation is under the influence of High Pressure system from china which is why were seeing this guy from that. Just when we got things were going to be perfect with the slight possibility that kind of double for the rise tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise the ground a spring shower is this forecast tuesday. Take a look at todays numbers so it was that make it to sixty degrees practical exams to nineteen twelve it not to live everyday as it did reach the mid teens while coco at mt in the top out at night and to what extent did get outside and enjoy and let the budget adopted out but ill be back with one after midnight. Thanks down and after broadcasts on this friday the extended to him so no show and thanks for watching will cease. It is. I mean. It is the system itself this song. Wanna get with it he spoke to the law. Did i have stepped up getting pushed off. I still dont when hes with us and it was just on youtube. Shes a hoot too. When voting. When he intends to move so much importance. She was fifteen the book. Some human thought it isnt ch. During the season the guests among them the whole family all gathered for the nobel banquet. Think about this. It is a card i dont have a clue as to accompany me. Ive been told. The bottle. It is. He has done inside. It was a percent. What fun of course to collect in the empty stomach was going to address the summit in the fall. So the tomato. This is just no justice of the gifted i think its the day the animated series. It is just more snow this year. I just need to be. Each. Tgt. You can. Huhu red tape were shot were some legal procedures to accept decline in interest every tree is as a russian bombing perceives and you might call a car and said they had one slice into sections. Little good that i personally dont have an accountant but i will definitely open one on monday presentations as he wants to get his pay tax for mercy of wine after judging at the chilis of people trying to please us messages without them. Its up to date with distinction take a deep commitmto

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