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Thanks to the people of America we can use an information 247 News Talk 590. The. Greetings my friends and welcome me here we are Rush Limbaugh once again rather than ready to go after the Excellence in Broadcasting Network 3 hours broadcast excellence straight ahead and once again your hosts validated and documented setting the agenda Nancy Pelosi made it plain. That we scored big time this week. And one of our primary points of criticism and pieces of advice for the White House Greetings 80282282 if you want to be on the program the email address or Rushmore with us 1st things 1st crazy burning in the hospital heart problems had to have a couple of stents put in there and yes angio plasti it's it's a common procedure but not for candidates for the presidency of the United States so when this happens a suspended crazy Bernese campaign until further notice. And this is what has a big guy old the stock market now the Drive-By Media would like to the market was down let's see and it doesn't have a right in front of me right now but it was about 500 points down mere moments before the program began in the Drive-By who's are saying that the market is down because the House is moving forward with impeachment and it's not that the markets are in favor of Cremona no don't don't make that mistake says c.n.n. No no no no this is because it's a somber and solemn event in the markets are very aware of those jury of Snows of this and so are taking it accordingly and blah blah and this is allowing c.n.n. To report that the recession has been revived it's now right around the corner because the market is down let me tell the markets down had nothing to do with Trump had nothing to do with impeachment it has to do a crazy Bernie in the heart hospital because that vault Elizabeth Warren or for everybody on the Democrat side and a markets we've had the news all week they hate Elizabeth more and they want no part of Elizabeth Warren So that's probably why the markets have butted and they'll be back. You know it's just it's one of these temporary original reactions or it initial reactions that will. That will level out because it's not it's not obvious to people that her chances are improve because even if crazy Bernie goes back on the campaign trail all anybody's going to be looking for is signs of health problems onless dump I mean he could be surrounded by 20 people in white medical official lab coats and every appearance and people are fine with it or they are very in case he collapses not there to show that he is fine and healthy so. It crazy Bernie was was fading anyway and Elizabeth Warren was gaining ground plugs as anybody seen plugs in a week plugs is gone silent is knowingly Hillary routine Oh and she's back in the mix now everybody acknowledges it that she's back in the mix for the Democratic nomination so that's that is a side show over there now today Paul seized weekly press conference she invited pencil neck. To appear with her at Adam Schiff to appear with her at the press conference where they announced and oh yeah or you know we're going to do health care or you know we're going to make sure prescription drug priority you know we're not we're not going to ignore Now why would she bring that up why in the world which I'll tell you why she brought it up it's because we have been hammering the Democrats on this for 2 days and I guarantee you somebody heard it and passed it on to her and they know they've got a problem they still haven't held a formal impeachment vote now as I have said such a thing is not constitutionally required but this impeachment business folks. I think it's a twofer for them if they actually were able to pull it off fine I think what it actually is primarily is a a vehicle whereby they can conduct their ongoing smears of Trump and everything about Trump on a daily and hourly basis under the premise that it's all leading toward impeachment while it may not I think if it doesn't they still think there's a lot of value here in destroying Trump. In the court of public opinion by by having every bit of criticism of Trump related to impeachment to anything Trump doesn't satisfy them with there's going to be a stone wall this is what they really really wanted with this phone transcript I want to repeat this again because pencil neck confirmed again that I was right about this today can I tell you folks like I say I must tell you this I'm sitting here watching all this and I know you wonder does Rush think this is all because of him I don't think in those terms but when I hear Pelosi go out of her way to sell that tell of the people of the press that the Democrats will walk and chew gum at the same time that they can focus on impeachment and prescription drug prices and health care then yeah I get kind of a smug smile of sad affair satisfaction knowing that we hit the bull's eye on it and then shift coming out making my point today the original phone call between Trump of the Ukrainian president they never expected Trump to release the transcript of the call to protect the presidency. In the never ending fight that exists between the executive branch legislative branch it's an ongoing battle it's part of the process it was designed by the founders. This constant fighting in haggling for ultimate power. And it was set up to create gridlock in fact the founders loved gridlock the founders loved government not doing very much and so setting up 3 branches and the primary to here with the legislative and executive the White House and Congress having an ongoing battle for power. In all things is itself a distraction it can upset the American people who don't understand the design process of the structure American government but it is nevertheless designed and so this quest for power that all Congresses seek over the White House and at the White House the president always seeks ultimate power over over Congress it's an ongoing thing so what Schiff was trying to do here they never thought Trump would release the transcript to protect the power to protect the independence of the executive branch not just for in self but for presidents on down the line you don't want to set a precedent here. Congress demands this well you don't give it to him just because they demanded because then you've set a precedent and it's harder for future presidents to deny if a president at any time to acquiesce is to a demand like this will trump did he act we have to demand he produced the transcript of the phone call between himself and the Ukrainian president because in terms of you was a perfect call maybe the most perfect call that there's ever been between 2 world leaders maybe the best call maybe the most perfect call that that phone lines have ever transmitted. Say there was nothing wrong with it so he releases it now Shifa the Democrats didn't think that Trump would they were prepared to accuse him of obstruction. They were prepared to accuse him of stonewalling that's what they wanted because the cover up is always more problematic than whatever alleged crime and Trump has not committed a crime here there aren't any impeachable offenses yet doesn't matter to Democrats in the me they are talking about how there are and so as far as the media is concerned everything Trump does is an impeachable offense because he's illegitimate because he cheated and colluded with the Russians the you know the drill and this is the the effort that they are making to create this illusion ongoing in the minds of as many as Merican does that they can so when Trump released the transcript now they've got to change the strategic because Trump is not obstructing and he is not stonewalling and he's not covering up so. They go into phase 2 and I'm sure it was planned but they were really hoping that Trump would Stonewall they really wanted to claim Trump was covering up how do I know this because a one pencil neck said today let's start here with audio sound bite number 20 This was after pencil neck and Palosi had their press conference to announce impeachment and how solemn it is how troublesome it is and how they really do it it feels so bad for America but oh my God we've got no choice this guy is so all we've got to do it but we don't we don't like. The biggest phony sob scenes I've ever seen. One of the sycophants one of the Democrats in the media. Disguised as a journalist at this press conference. Said Chairman pencil neck as the White House seems to be doing delays in the past it's taken years sometimes to compel documents and testimony from the White House you're preparing a court battle you get ready for a court battle and how do you make sure that that happens in what you call an expeditious matter the White House needs to understand that any action like that that forces us to litigate or have to consider litigation will be considered further evidence of obstruction of justice. And there are you have it shift has instruction in Trump and even done anything yet see how this works the White House needs to understand any action like that that. Forces us to litigate or to have to even think about litigating that means go to court for those of you in real and of course people are real in the know what litigator they're in court or. Sometimes not done a thing yet but shift is already setting the table here for what Obs truck should have just. Which will lead Schiff in to cover up which will then allow for the use of the word stonewall Ok here now and this folks is proof to me that there are regional desire was for Trump not our expectation was not to release that transcript of the call they were ready to go cover up cover up obstruct much much worse I mean that implies guilt right there these people are having to create a crime now Trump talking to the attack you know what I heard Donna Brazil say the day. How about return fox off I have to tell you because last person I care to see in something like this is not Brazil I would literally have no desire I could turn in c.n.n. If I want to watch what the Democrats think it is Donna Brazil is on Fox right before known she says Presidents have to understand Trump Trump does not the presidency is not for you to weigh advance your personal political interests that hell maybe isn't that's exactly what it's for one day and they had to she talking about the presidency is not for presidents to be able to advance their personal political That's why they run for crying out loud personal political interests I don't care what she meant selfish private I don't care what she meant what she said was that presidents don't get to advance their political agenda that's not what the presidency is they're turning that into our crime is the point they're saying that the president pursuing his own political agenda is somehow problematic. Anyway here's the here's the entire Adam Schiff no interruptions from the White House needs to understand that any action like that that forces us to litigate or have to consider litigation will be considered further evidence of obstruction of justice and of course that was an article of preachment against Nixon obstruction of lawful functions of Congress that is they just need to know that even as they try to undermine our ability to find the facts around the president's effort to course a foreign leader to create. Dirt that he can use against a political opponent or because they were in strengthening the case on obstruction if they behave that way and we had a caller yesterday asking me how do these Democrats sleep at night well. Here's Adam Schiff lying again folks. Continuing the lie he told that he apologized for he just said a president's effort to coerce a foreign leader to create us and then he caught himself because he. Now can't walk it back as he said it he just lie again if Trump tries to undermine our ability to find the facts around the president's effort to coerce a foreign leader to creak 8. Dirt that he can use against a political opponent Trump didn't ask for anything to be made up Adam Schiff is lying through his slimy liberal teeth continuing to problem gate this out rageous mischaracterization of what anybody can plainly read in the transcript of the phone call there was no desire Trump demanded nor asked for anything to be made up and yet here's Adam Schiff continuing his original lie that he spoke. Earlier this week as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee they will be strengthening the case on obstruction if they behave that way Trump is obstructing if he released the transcript where is the obstruction there isn't any instruction there isn't any stonewalling now they're crying trying to say to pump a always on it he knew what happened there we're going to get pump air going to bring him in here you know pump Alles or you're going to bully me I didn't do another wrong happened on his phone call you clowns. So another 2nd event Democrat in the media said Chairman console not the president wants to interview the whistleblower he says he has the right to meet his accuser your response please the whistleblower has the right of the statute to remain anonymous and we will do everything in our power to make sure that that was supposed protected right the president can attack the whistleblower rhetorical a all the president wants it doesn't change the fact that the record of that call shows the president of the United States in this same conversation and indeed immediately after the Ukraine president asked for more military help the president I'd States asked that leader a favor though. And no attack on the whistleblower or anyone else is going to change those underlying facts the money was not a factor in this the president didn't withhold money didn't threaten to withhold money none of this is true. I open the program with yesterday you've got to somehow find a way Fox to believe me when I tell you everything they're saying here that has any relationship to what they think is anything substantive is a lie Shifa is lying through his teeth I don't think the whistleblowers ever going to testify I guess all a sham it's all by the way our buddies at hot air today are speculating that one of the people that provided the information to the whistleblower is John Bolton . We'll take a brief break come back after the Times like these we need him more than ever rush . Limbaugh now Sean Hannity coming up with more. P.C.'s Jay the nation's oldest colleges were founded teach students to seek truth to recognize what's beautiful to hold up what's good but the vast majority of them have abandoned all that instead they got caught up in the grip of political correctness they no longer allow free and open discourse on many campuses thankfully none of that applies to Hillsdale College they have remained true to their original mission Hillsdale celebrating its 175th year this year they remain committed to offering their students the very best liberal arts education they go beyond their campus boundaries to fulfill their mission of educating as many Americans as possible on the value of our liberties and that includes free online courses the publication of a free speech digest in Primus they maintain the Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies in Washington and they foster a charter school initiative helping to establish classical k. 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Cops work for your place for news and information is always here News dot 590 T.C.'s j. . I Heart Radio Music Festival coming to the c.w. 16 of the biggest music artists in the world tonight it's one stage to sell to celebrate every time the music my plays are set. Surprises the festival with Louis Cataldie coming up and the return of. This least once in a lifetime moment and more. Americans are always on the move there in the car at the office working around the house Americans refuse to sit still so how do you connect with all of these moving targets easy with Radio Radio reaches 93 percent of Americans every week more than Google Facebook even television to say who is the time to sit and watch t.v. When you want to connect with all those constantly moving adults teens and get to I heart Media dot com and putting am f.m. Radio to work for your company. Children's Museum is super animated this summer with a new exhibit entitled zoom things that go kids will be off to the races with a series of motion themed things to do all over the children's museum including exploring principles of using wind power to propel a sailboat and learning about aerodynamics by folding various styles of paper airplanes and seen how they fly it's ready set go with Zoom things that go at a Buhl children's museum in Pueblo the 1st annual Scout extravaganza October 19th at the Scout service center on South probable of art it's for scouts and boys and girls between $11.18 who want to be Scout is not a loner. Hi welcome back Rush Limbaugh talent on the. Romans. And here is the audio sound byte this is Nona Brazil this is what I saw and now you're I know you're going to Russia if you don't want to watch it on Fox Why are you playing for us it's a good question I will acknowledge that he only answered a question is because I want to I want to straight from her mouth I don't want to have to be you know getting it wrong with the paraphrase and the question that she basically got here what's your reaction to Palosi saying impeachment is not unifying for the country what do you think about this sad this is a solemn moment oh I take no joy watching this. Policy disagreements with the president out of states that he's the president of the United States and we have to show once again I think as Americans that no American is above the law and listen to the constitution and they should not use the office of the president for their personal political interests should not use the office of the president for their permanent personal political interests is exactly why you run for the presidency. Good bye the wife does Can anybody tell me crazy Bernie had a heart condition what hospital in Havana is he and we'd like to send some flowers . Probably got his guys around here throughout the day today 79 for a high some drizzle in our forecast for tonight then cool tomorrow 61 for a high on Thursday 81 on Friday welcome to hold us a whistleblower edition for the latest opinions direct from the zip Here's Christina we've heard the word whistleblower a lot lately famous whistleblower Edward Snowden's memoir titled permanent record went on sale did you buy it it seems it polars are not too interested only about 14 percent of those polled said they did or plan to read it the Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against the former National Security Agency contractor over his new book legal analyst Danny Cevallos says Snowden failed to submit the book for prepublication. The 1st amendment and this strong presumption against the government's prior restraint of speech this kind of pre-publication review is constitutional to support the lawsuit blocking any revenue generated from the book from being transferred to Snowden 57 percent say yes they don't believe Snowden should continue to profit but 43 percent say no until the lawsuits determined should be business as usual and the whistleblower on the Trump Ukraine phone calls says in the complaint that quote I was not a direct witness to the events described should hearsay be admissible when considering a case of impeachment at 39 percent plenty say yes it's all you need to start an investigation the other 61 percent say no way too flimsy for the magnitude of impeachment Thanks Christina downloads a poll USA you in your favorite app store today share your opinions and make sure your voice is heard will have poll results every day on the trending topics taken directly from the paid for by Zip polled USA the 1st annual Scout extravaganza is coming up October 19th at the Scout service center on South probable of art it's for Scouts Cub Scouts and those who want to be scouts all the Scout office at 561-1224 all the information with me today I have k. To vive from the here we go. Help me on. The Pike's Peak region while below there you go hey back again you got a good looking dog with you today yeah today we have lilies she's a 10 year old boxer pit bull mix and she is just completely full of she's a little overweight but that does not stop her energy level you would think that she's maybe too I'm kind overweight and it does stop my energy levels are good for her and yet it is the good looking dog here really friendly seems like yeah she's incredibly friendly she knows that she clearly came from a loving home previously she's incredibly well behaved and really well adjusted to people and other dogs I can tell that despite how she's acting around here oh yeah c.r.t. Made herself comfy on your carpeted floor and I see that enjoying herself isn't she unlike the cats that try to coral crawl the carpeted walls yet she's very relaxed or not if somebody wanted to adopt or what we do You could go on to h.s. P.p.r. Dot org slash adopt or head into 4600 Eagle Ridge place and between noon and 4 any day of the week to visit with Lily 7 days a week that's correct now you have plenty of dogs and cats and whatnot over there yes if maybe Lily is a little too big for yours something like that right exactly we have lots of dogs and cats we have a few to while I was dogs of every size so I cannot point the salesman at sales woman I should say. I just want to get these precious pets adopted absolutely absolutely Well thanks for bringing Lilly him and we're going to show you a picture of her on Facebook so if you're a human Louie have a connection this is the perfect thing thanks so much for having me and you can see you're on your page to write Yeah that's correct there you go Kate thanks for coming in edge of your seat drama light hearted comedy spectacular dance ballet and opera The 29000 to 2020 performing arts series at the Sangar Crystal words center will captivate you season and individual tickets are on sale now by calling 719-295-7200 The Sun Grid Crystal Ward center to 10 or Santa Fe exit 90. And we're back fall behind the Golden e.i.b. Microphone broadcast excellence great to have you here will be getting to the phones at some point here in. This half hour telephone number is 802822882 audio somebody number 18 in 1000 now one of the things that I I think this is this is when this was Monday I asked all of you a question do you think the president said I should make an ongoing point about the do nothing nature of the Congress while they are totally occupied them stormed in this impeachment game but and running through the basics of this won't take me very long the Democrats claim to be the party little guy Democrats claim to be the party cares about average ordinary downtrodden victimized weird people are looking out for Republicans don't care about him conservatives don't care about them the Democrats do and Democrats are protecting him and Democrats have this image are going to protect the downtrodden the homeless the hungry or thirsty the celibate whatever they're going to protect them from the ravages of American capitalism from the ravages of American conservatism in the Republican Party in general and that's what they tell their constituents every minority group every every victimized group in the grievance Democrats tell them we're looking out for you we care about you we have the compassion we have the big hearts we have the tolerance we have the open mind as we do not judge you all of this stuff. And they're not doing any of it. They're not interested in the price of prescription drugs for example they're not interested in fixing what's wrong with health care of they certainly don't care a whit about open borders and immigration and they're not even doing anything on one of their pet issues climate change they're not doing anything to put fossil fuel businesses out of business they're just now doing awful lot about it but not even doing that now they're doing nothing they are totally all in on impeachment they are spending American tax dollars themselves they are spending American tax dollars to advance their ordered personal political agendas which happens to be get the president thrown out of office and I think Trump should hammer this because he is focusing on those things and trying to and the Democrats will not focus on them from now till the end of this campaign season they can't because doing so would allow Trump to claim a victory on than even Trump wants to lower prescription drug prices he wants to fix the border he wants to stop the tide of illegal immigration he wants to tackle prescription drug prices and he's working on that every day and he's making mention of the Democrats are not going to join they are not going to assist they're not going to help because they will not do anything that benefits the American people from now through the election of 2020 because that would benefit Trump and so the people that the Democrats claim to care about have been shoved to the back of the line the bottom of the list of priorities of the American people and Democrat voters are the last thing Democrats care about right now and I think Trump should keep hammering it I think the Republicans want to keep hammering it and I think the Republicans as a side issue better realize what the Democrats are trying to do to Bill Barr they're trying to sabotage his investing more on that in a moment. Well so low and behold I've been pounding this since Monday that the Democrats are doing nothing that they're spending tax by taxpayer dollars to pursue their own one per verse. Litter call desires they are not doing anything for the American people look as much as you and I might disagree with it there is a reality that many people expect government to do things that will improve life economics. Clean water clean air this kind of stuff there's a lot of people that look to government to do that they look to government to do things that they don't think they can do for themselves frankly there are a lot of people that that's what governments force of them Ok well hit them and tell them that the Democrat Party which claims to Xclusive Lee care about these people isn't doing anything not a single thing those people have been put to the back of the line at the bottom of the priority list so at the press conference today policies weekly press or where she won't come pencil neck to share stage time this subject came up and yes let me just say there's no doubt in my mind that this is a direct response to what I've been saying here for the past 3 days now there's no question they've heard about it there's no question they've got spies monitoring the show I mean Media Matters for America thrives and lives off. Transcribing the show and mischaracterizing what happens is no question Pelosi has heard about it so at the end of her opening remarks at her presser today this is among the things she said Do we have any questions 1st on the war to meet the needs of the American people in terms of u.s. M.c.a. Going to stop the tape stop the people began to put the c.v.s. Better perspective so Palosi spent her entire press conference ramming trump she spent the entire press conference the importance of impeachment the reluctance Oh I didn't want to do it or it's a solemn thing or we really don't want to do it all which is not going to unify the American We know the oh it's horrible it's horrible so she wasn't getting any questions about anything but impeachment and that is when she asked for people in the sycophants sycophantic media to ask her about prescription drug prices and health care and all that and here's how it sounded again do we have any questions 1st on the war to meet the needs of the American people in terms of u.s. M.c.a. And h.r. 3 to do you envision working with this president on these key Democratic agenda items for him prescription drug costs for tougher gun safety measures as you're actively considering whether to remove from that particular piece of it we have a responsibility to uphold the con our oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States we also have a responsibility to get the job done see mansion people not us the sleaze nature of this question who this question is the Drive-By Media guy says how how do you envision working with this president on these key Democrat agenda items as though the Democrats on these items. Lowering prescription drug costs ensuring tougher gun safety measures health care and how do you how do you work on your horse genda I can see they are as far as a lot of Democrat voters this is what the Democrats do this is how the Democrats help people that's how Democrats look out for people this reporter how in the hell of can you do that when you're trying to remove the guy but Palosi brought it up polo she asked for the question Do we have any questions for can you imagine of Trump asked for questions from the press what would they do they wouldn't they wouldn't ask him one thing he wanted to be asked but here comes Palosi as the maestro waving her wander around Can anybody ask me how about you over here and she singles out this guy and he do to flee follows through. Oh they know they know they're walking a tight rope on this so now her answer Well no we can do both they have nothing to do with each other trying to get rid of the president has nothing to do with working with him or our just trying to get rid of him is nothing to do with it and then she caught herself we have a responsibility to uphold the con. I mean are all of them office we have a responsibility to uphold the common. Ok Ok she was going to say constitution but she forgot. So next another Democrat in the media said Madam Speaker you look so great today how do you do it at age 80. Do you have plans or have you taken off the table the idea of a full House vote on the impeachment inquiry car 3 any one on a charter a does anybody in this room care about the cost of prescription drugs and what it means to America's working family you can tell Johnny Vasquez questions you know me well back to us and tell me they're not listening to this program so what about you haven't had a full 4 vote what a lot of folks does nobody in this room care about prospective drug prices ask me about prescription drug prices right now ask me ask me ask me getting frustrated there Madam Speaker because you see the Democrats they don't care about any of that she's desperate for the question so she get an answer on the record make it look like the Democrats are working on it but folks they're not they don't care they have no interest in it and they never do the bottom line is ask any Democrat voter how their life has improved under democrat rule wherever Democrats do rule and you get get an answer Democrats know people's lives don't improve Democrats don't want people's lives to improve Democrats want people to continue to be dependent not self-sufficient or self-reliant Democrats then blame Republicans when people's lives straight line squander flat line or don't improve however you want to characterize it Democrats blame Republicans for that. Democrats do not want a growing economy they had 8 years with Obama and what they do told everybody it's a new era. America's best days are behind us we're in a new era of decline and we're the people to manage a decline for you that's their attitude. All right yeah I see clock break time the network Rush Limbaugh back with more after this you're listening to Rush Limbaugh give voice on the right. Check out Rush's. Word in this is steeple investor insights were Stiefel Chief Investment Officer Michael O'Keefe Michael we're hearing a lot about a manufacturing slowdown in the United States is it really happening and is it important yesterday we saw 2 sets of survey results from purchasing managers or pm eyes related to manufacturing the market manufacturing p.m.i. Which focuses a little more on corporate leadership came in at $51.00 reflecting the expectation of modest expansion on the other hand the Semenya factoring index which served as a broader group of middle managers came in at 47.8 percent going to worry a contraction now manufacturing represents about 12 percent of the u.s. Economy so by themselves these mixed results are not something yet to worry about well what other areas of the economy are you tracking and Steve we also focus on the services sector and the related him eyes in that area are still calling for economic expansion we're also focused on the consumer which remains optimistic and spending consumer spending has been a key driver of this expansion at Stiefel we continue to monitor the economy and try to anticipate its direction as this is important as we build investment plans for our clients to learn more our listeners can speak with their Steve a financial advisor Thank you Michael your path to investment advice starts with your Stiefel financial advisor 5 yours at Stiefel dot com That's s t i f e l dot com Siegel Nicholas and Company Incorporated member s.i.p.c. At n.y.s.e. . Does your child. 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American Humane is on set making sure. Today the mission is more important than ever because when you're director making a movie a television show Web series music video or commercial can take responsibility nothing is more important than making sure the cast and crew are safe that includes the animal sounds. To the passionate people of America to me we can. Movement goes on Trump is the vessel he's the recipient of the support of this group this is not to diminish Trump I'm trying to tell you that that we are the real objects of their hate they despise us folks they literally hate us that they can't change our minds that they can't intimidate us that they can't persuade us to abandon Trump is not that they're not serious about getting Trump they are being take Trump out word a week ago but. When Trump is gone they're not going to stop this and another way to illustrate let's let's hypothetically let's say that Mike Pence ends up as president here you think this is going to end it's only going to intensify if they're able to get rid of Trump they're not going to stop and say mission accomplished and try to beat pence in the election they're going to keep going there's no stopping this all there is is defeating it and I've got a couple already Osan bites and I can I can produce a good zillion of them over the course of this program was story history but just a couple in recent days last night New York City on a local broadcast called Zion city hall the host was talking to the former New York City public advocate Mark Green who used to like me but doesn't anymore. I used to be on Firing Line with Mr Buckley all the time he was a liberal for you over w.f. B. And so the host says to Mark Green I don't think I've ever seen so many instances of so many people in such a high level in politics saying things that are not just shaded not just untrue but easily discovered to be untrue there's a brazenness I have not encountered before he's talking about me as you will hear he's talking about conservative media he's talking about Trump supporters in general Republican radical reactionaries like Trump and now Rudy and I'm pale they cater to 40 percent of the public who are cultists I'm not saying they're dumb or races they'll swallow their they're gullible because they want to believe their guy and so they're going to they have content bias it's why Rush Limbaugh is so much more popular on radio than Al Franken Allen's funny with careful rush to say anything called Bit o. Heads with a different psychology I'm afraid what is this was so much more popular is you see here you people are idiots you're nothing but my number 0 box and I can say anything and you will blindly follow along because your code tests you don't have functioning brains you don't think what you think on your own This is the original complaint when this program started that I was some Svengali and that you are mind numbed robots you wouldn't know what to think without They have they are so err it's a it still amazes me that they have not endeavored to understand who their opposition really is and maybe they do know and just practice this character assault in assassination because it's really all they've got same thing happened later on c.n.n. Last night The Lead With Jake Tapper. He had the senior political correspondent on Neo mill ek hunters and and the question I don't know which one is more dangerous House Democrats China or Iran that your tax dollars at work is quoting Trump and Peter Navarro Here's the answer this is I I think a reflection of what they've been hearing kind of in the conservatory in class some of the talk show host cell phones like Rush Limbaugh it's also I think there are 10 to basically make this one long narrative right from the campaign to the motor probe to smaller probe to kind of not make the Ukrainian issue a separate issue because that's what Democrats want to do and so you have all the presidents need out there are simply saying this is a Democratic watch all the President's Men see what they do here they recap and categorize all this the way Watergate was written about by Bernstein and would wind and then they go on here and start characterizing us as all the President's Men and saying we want to look at this is all one issue and it's not it's a separate issue Trump and Ukraine's are separate you know what's not it's all part of the same who attempt that the Democrats are running and look folks when it comes to smile I don't know if this woman knows or she's just a trapped coconspirator and I don't mean trapped against her will just you know I'm not curious just just somebody going with the flow of the left weighing in the Democrat media. How could you look at this and think it's a separate issue it's only separate if you look as Mahler as a failure and Trump Russia collusion overall is a failure they think that this is some brand new thing that's come has nothing to do with anything that happened before and it's the exact opposite of my point is it isn't just Trump. Folks that they hate and want to do something about it is also you who support a vote for who are conservative you name it somebody has to have a guts to say it Rush I deem it more Rush Limbaugh now Dan Campbell is coming up for all. 90. By his phrase these days folks v p n stands for virtual private network it's a technology that encrypts all the information you send your wife I and a lot of companies make v.p.n. But the one we recommend is Norton secure v.p.n. 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Presidential profanity Elisa Brady Fox News president accusing Democrats of focusing on b.s. Except he did not abbreviate it firing off a string of tweets as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was insisting the impeachment inquiry can continue along some. Had regular house business like negotiations on the u.s. Embassy a trade deals the president saying if you if you question my actions I can't agree on any subject and then the ball is in his corner she spoke alongside the head of the House committee leading the probe over the president's Ukraine call boxes Jarrett help earn is live on Capitol Hill where the impeachment inquiry against President Trump is nothing to be joyful about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says we take this to be a very sad time for the American people for our country and Speaker Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff one efforts by the president to intimidate an Intelligence Community Whistleblower must end it's an incitement to violence and I would hope and we're starting to see members of both parties speaking out House Democrats have notified the White House of a subpoena demanding documents related to President Trump's interactions with Ukraine's government failure to comply Schiff says could be considered obstruction of justice meantime Jare the president speaking moments ago they're doing nothing Democrats they don't do any work all they want to do is try and win the election or 2020 so they come up with a certain page from nonsense and everyone knows also again calling Joe Biden and his son corrupt which Biden denies the comments to reporters during an Oval Office meeting with the president of Finland they're supposed to hold a joint news conference next hour meantime the president also suggesting today that the impeachment probe is helping to fuel concern about the economy and a sell off on Wall Street the Dow is down 5 $176.00 points slipping under $26.00 k. America is listening. 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