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A fighter and he spoke on immigration criminal justice and climate change and also took on Vice President Biden. If you want to compare records and frankly I'm shocked that you do I haven't had to do that because all the problems that he is talking about that he created appear to fit the Kool-Aid and you don't even know the flavor and Kool-Aid to eating soon after we know the flavor and as the debates went on former Vice President Biden repeatedly was forced to defend his decades old political record against the point of the attacks from his rivals and they argued that his relationship with President Barack Obama was not reason enough to earn the nomination. This is Fox News. Fox Nation is the place for exclusive content you can't get anywhere else new opinion shows for more angry Tucker Carlson and Tom Lehrer and you can only get by signing up for Fox station plus the real stories behind the headlines documentaries on Chappaquiddick Jimmy Hoffa and more that you'll only find on Fox Nation more of the opinion done right great it's on Fox Nation documentaries and specials you can't get anywhere else there on Fox Nation so go to Fox Nation dot com today and sign up now for Fox Nation opinion done right Shepard Smith There's so many streams of information coming Some are designed to distract you and to mislead you with news is breaking you have to slow down we have to begin with what's most important I'm here to find out what happened to report it without fear or favor in context and perspective to be honest brutally honest about every bit of we work endless hours to make sure that we deliver to you is fact it's a fact Shepard Smith on Fox News Channel real news real honest opinion. A top u.s. Official comments on sanctions the White House is placing on Iran's foreign minister or national security advisor John Bolton called the homage of odds are reefs and illegitimate spokesman for Iran Bolton told Fox Business Network slew Dobbs that cerise association with what America has declared a state sponsor of terror makes any of his actions sanctionable for that reason Bolton says we frozen any assets he has in the United States. We've restricted his activities and those of people who do business with think but Zarif says he has no assets to speak of in the u.s. The sanctions will not however a thanks for reefs official role as foreign minister in Iranian matters involving the United Nations Goodall Scott Fox News a former n.f.l. Star is the latest to sue the company behind a chemical that's linked to cancer Merrill Hodges suing Monsanto the makers of wheat killing spray round up claiming it cost him to get cancer back in 2003 the former n.f.l. Analyst and. Stealers running back says he 1st mixed and sprayed roundup working on his farm in Idaho back in 190726 years later he was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma saying in a lawsuit he would not have used the chemicals have you known about the ingredient quite phosphate which could potentially cause cancer a California jury recently awarded a couple $2000000000.00 in punitive damages from Monsanto for sustained exposure to the weed killer Tano Fox News Aquaman storages Samoa this is the native Hawaiian protesters who are trying to block the construction of a giant telescope on Hawaii's tallest mountain the native Hawaiian actor arrived where in the traditional Greenleaf lay on Wednesday to attend the ceremony at the protest site and stocks tumbled over investor concerns about the Fed and whether it's finished cutting interest rates Adele dived $333.00 points the Nasdaq sank $98.00 I'm Carmen office and this is. Babe I think we've got an emergency on our hands it's time to call on one but what's wrong do you mean 911 no 11 you've got a plan some treats give us some privacy from that nut case next door today I saw him outside doing a kid yoga but was he one you have to call 811 before you did before you dig click or call 811 The service is very and it will keep you safe this message is sponsored by Colorado 811 the Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station well partly cloudy skies chance for showers off and on throughout the overnight as we had about 65 for a low looks like for tomorrow more of the same sunny and hot in the morning chance of showers later the day highs back into the upper ninety's pretty much the same thing going to take us right on through the weekend thanks for listening on your smart speaker News dot 590 K.C.'s Jay. Information actionable intelligence. Make no mistake. This is the Buck Sexton show. By the. Congressman Elijah Cummings calls you a racist your reaction is What Well I think the word has really gone down a long way because everybody's called a racist now her own party called Nancy Pelosi a racist 2 weeks ago. Their word is so overused it's such a disgrace and I can tell you I'm the least racist person there is in the world as far as I'm concerned and they use it almost when they run out of things to criticize you they say he's a racist he's a racist now some cases it's true there are people that are racist bad people but with me. They have a hard time getting away with it and they don't get away with it President Trump is right people throw the term racist around far too often the laugh the Democrats they do it in cynical fashion they do it in order to destroy their political opponents to make people agree to things that they would not agree to in politics because they don't want be considered racist and we talked about busing yesterday what was the biggest problem with criticizing any aspect of bussing you're going to call the racist. The same reason why for decades the vote here is a perfect example of why calling everybody a racist is a bad idea one on the busing issue it just meant that there could be no real discussion over the failures of the program because to discuss the failures of busing would open you up to what do you mean you don't think bussing is great you must be a racist it's very simplistic. Ambush that you would be subjected to right away but there are other areas of policy as well where you in the moment that you bring it up you're very likely to be called a racist and it just shuts down worthwhile discussion about the effects of real public policy it shuts down discussion of oh the Voting Rights Act that's what I was trying to think of for a 2nd the Voting Rights Act was using outdated information to determine where there needed to be special attention for jurisdictions where there have been voter fraud they were using information from like 30 or 40 years ago well what does that have to do with whether there would be any voter suppression rather voter suppression efforts in those places now it's a long time but if you tried to adjust in the Supreme Court finally did allow it by the way a just any aspect of the Voting Rights Act to bring it up to the times you are opposed to voting rights. You are all of a sudden in the same camp as the k.k.k. And the true racists we don't have to say this we all know this The course there are real racists there are real racists of all different ethnicities and kinds who hate all different kinds of other people this is just unfortunately a human defect that we all share human beings are at at our simplest level animals and we can be very tribal and that tribal mentality has played out in very bad ways all throughout societies all throughout history so this is not is nothing new it is the other people's inability to understand the common human ality 1st has been a risk and has been around as a risk has been around for as long as we have been a species so now with that there are a lot of areas of the law or a lot of areas of policy where we can really have a serious discussion and that then reminds me because I am here in Baltimore what I saw today I was with some of my friends here it stands for research and I went I said look I need to see I've been around some of it before but I really want to spend a couple hours today looking at the different I want to look at a larger Cummings district and sure enough what you find when you drive around East and West Baltimore is that there are. Whole blocks that are effectively abandoned dilapidated housing boarded up and they'll be people living in houses a block or 2 away but their property values of course are always going to be kept rock bottom because they have abandoned homes and many cases many homes on the same block sometimes right next to the house they live in boarded up houses which are magnets for criminal activity for. People to sell drugs in for all kinds of nefarious behavior some of the things you notice she usually does very few businesses in parts of Baltimore where you'd expect there to be more going on there's very few stores the few stores you do see in east and west Baltimore are locked down with Gates and grates in all kinds of metal bars as though they're expecting a prison riot to come through at any minute and you know take hostages and just loot the whole store I mean they really have a. A siege mentality in terms of the store owners and some of these areas because they're worried about looting and things that have happened in recent years here right there are they they look like they're. Prepared For The Worst all the time and that just these all it all sends psychological signals it all has an impact on on the community and you know you also do see you go around there some houses were clearly people put money into them and they're trying to. Trying to make their neighborhoods better and you see people that are either. In a job in a store or on their way to work and you know every Just like every city across the country there's poor areas and there's wealthier areas and this is just the nature of urban living but there is something uniquely depressing and sad about how widespread and how bad the bad areas of Baltimore really are and they've been this way according to residents that I've talked to here who have been here a long time it's been this way for decades it's but billions of federal dollars into this place I do want to know where does all the money go where does it all go . But they'd much rather Democrats instead of looking at this and trying to understand that if people believe their own safe everything else is secondary to that if there's a sense that you could see violence on a street corner on any given day and it's a regular occurrence of course businesses aren't going to necessarily want to move in there of course there's going to be property values that won't go up and you have to make people safe before you can make them prosperous. And that's why a better conversation here I think is a more honest conversation would be so helpful but instead they want to say that Trump is or a racist because he used the term infested for rat infestation in Baltimore which is a problem in a lot of cities but it's a big problem here there are there are these alleyways full of trash and I remember that when this whole controversy broke broke out people were saying that trump only uses terms like infested when it's involving something that has to do with minorities that was the claim. Or maybe Trump was just speaking English the way that people speak English I mean here's a logic Cummings whose district I was driving around in today in Baltimore 20 years ago here's a video of him using a certain word to talk about his area and another word that I think will begin to in a 2nd here describe the residents in his district play 17 sometimes are really just think we don't get it. This morning. I left my community of Baltimore a drug infested area. Where a lot of the drugs that we're talking about today. Have already taken the lives of so many children. The same children that I watched 14 or 15 years ago as they grew up. And they are walking around like zombies walking around like zombies drug infested these are ways that people can describe highly dysfunctional urban areas as nothing has nothing do with race obviously a lot of Cummings is talking about his fellow residents here in Baltimore of the biggest problem and the the one statistic that you can't get beyond is that it has one of the highest murder rates per capita of any city over $100000.00 people in the United States that keeps investment away that keeps people from wanting to make a go of it here if you're asking me what's one of the 1st things I was talking to guys that I was one of the 1st things I would do in Baltimore that has not been tried that might have or based on the data enough people to say this is crazy make it remake it much easier for people to be concealed carry permit holders. To change the whole you know if you're a concealed carry permit holder and have a decent familiarity and dexterity with your weapon it's less likely you're going to feel the need to have grates upon grates upon metal bars on your windows on your doors I mean it really yeah the guys in here is and that's right a concealed carry permit holders change the whole calculation now somebody who wants to rob you for some drug money or for whatever has to think maybe I'm a take this person's wallet and then when I decide to turn and run they're going to draw down on me that makes you think twice makes you think twice we're going to break into a home and look around for for money or for prescription drugs if the homeowner there's a decent shot that they might be able to shoot. So that would be one thing that because Baltimore just like all these other cities there are guns everywhere there shootings all the time but if I moved here and I asked the guys about it as a kid I got a concealed carry permit here in Baltimore no way not not legal and federal government trained former CIA buck I couldn't get a gun here. But meanwhile you drive around the street corners or do it with guns all over the place. 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Tune into the mortgage doctor's Saturdays at noon when it's time to buy a new home lower your house payment consolidate your debts Steve Payne is the mortgage doctor and the go to guy in Colorado the mortgage start to show Saturdays at noon and it's Wednesday July 31st and here are the new podcast today on the i Heart Radio app need something to help you get over the Wednesday Hans to check out Oh Ok so you know what are you doing I mean is it working and I see the metal leaf log. On your t.v. 1700 people out of prison right into it and just because of what you said in the economic order they pose for companies to be sure the way that it will be to change some of the ways it did it was so the higher his people we're emailed the call to the sheriff to put it through literacy into the super maps that's where those who were committed to him but he was he is sitting there who sells other economic employers and they scrape. That's Dr Bill Winston explaining how Trump's economy and criminal justice reform are are working together to accomplish some of the goals that this administration has been pushing of making the transition from prison into society easier more a more successful and trying to create programs that will allow people who have served their serve their time and paid their debt to society to go forward and be productive individuals and I was thinking about this just in the context of all the talk over Baltimore and as I am here today speaking to you right now in downtown Baltimore. The good intentions of liberals on some of these issues cannot be used as an excuse for the bad ideas that they just continue the push on all poverty crime and and urban decay related issues we have a lot of data to show that what they want to do does not work and what they refuse to do could work or does work. Now criminal justice reform when you're talking about training job training preparation for life on the outside there is some real bipartisan support for that but you know there'd be more bipartisan support for it if Democrats wouldn't view this says something that they don't want to give Trump a win on and you know that's always in the background they're always thinking Ah well we can't allow prison reform to be a successful program of this administration because what is one of their favorite favorite things is to call President Trump a racist and as I've pointed out earlier in the week if he really did hate people of a different skin color or think less of people because of their skin color the way that he's approached his job as president when you're talking about policies and actions is completely inexplicable. The president has reached out to the African-American community and we whenever you hear him talk to I don't know that usually that because he's a Republican doesn't usually work very well and I think a lot of that is just the conditioning of those communities by their leaders and also by the media into. Assuming that Trump is always sure that any Republican must be racist anyone who's on the Republican in the Republican Party is automatically suspect and if you don't think that that person has some kind of problem when your suspect especially within the African-American community I know this from friends of mine who are black and who are conservatives because we work in media together and they deal with a lot of heat they get a lot of pressure social pressure from from their peers within the African-American community to take certain stances and the one argument that right now all liberals think they can always win is when you get them into a corner on hey you can actually do these things you say you're going to do on health care you're never ever going to accomplish what you were promising these Democrats on the debate stage saying that we're going to you know do millions of jobs in the Green New Deal in the it's just this is loony tune stuff but when you push on that they're go to their safe spaces will you agree that Trump is a racist and it comes from all across all across the media comes from leadership of the black community like Al Sharpton. And you know here's Don Lemon last and this is supposed to be a which I know is laughable right here but he's supposed to be a objective journalist c.n.n. Does not Bill him does not promote him as an opinion journalist they do they simply do not and that's ridiculous and it's one of the reasons among many why I cannot take c.n.n. Seriously in the least but here is that a presidential debate you've got to what about 8000000 people watching. And Don Lemon asks questions like this play 3 President Trump is pursuing a reelection strategy based in part on racial divisions systemic racism has touched every part of American life what Trump is doing so here is where a sizzle and it isn't a phobia is the minority saying a group of people the president isn't Sansing environmental racism economic racism criminal justice racism health care racism. Whatever one of these subdivisions of racism that is coming up with I have even heard of some of these things this is this is now now we have to now have to slice everything even thinner on the racism scale to talk about how terrible Trump is but notice how Don Lemon tease out all thing not President Trump is pursuing racist policies this is damaging folks it's damaging because it shuts down discussion of sensitive topics it shuts down difficult conversations that need to happen about places like Baltimore where I am right now it makes it too politically risky to reach out to the other side because you know they may slap your hand down and just attack you it also means that there's not a lot of good faith between the 2 sides when the president is doing something like criminal justice reform and he knows that the Democrats the leftists aren't going to give him any credit for doing things that they themselves say they would like to accomplish It just lowers the incentives and the all reason the president is doing it really is because he thinks it's the right thing to do and you know we'll see if there's a 1st step Act Part 2 there's been some talk of that but I think it would have to come in the 2nd trump term the good news about all of this is that I think that there will be a 2nd trump term but I just know that racism look I'm prepared for. In my appearance on Bill Maher show on Friday though the racism issue is going to come up and I know that there that they'll probably be a panelist will want to corner me on do you believe Donald Trump is a racist and I know that they may think I'm crazy for saying this but the answer is No I do not believe Donald Trump is a racist and I think it's irresponsible and unfair to call him a racist. And this is now or get into the definition of a what makes someone a race is if you say something that is considered politically incorrect and therefore and in some way racially insensitive does that mean you are a racist there are a lot of things that you could say that might have a a an impact that might upset some people you know you talk about different numbers you anytime a criminal justice reform the disparate impact of certain criminal laws on the on minority communities in this country that may be upsetting but doesn't mean you're racist It just means you're talking about politically sensitive subjects and if you speak about them in a way that is straightforward as Trump does well then you're really taking a rest but judged by his actions on this not by what the media says. The technology credit union our mobile app is specifically made to keep up with the modern family. I lost my credit card act be a good thing. For. The tell how I just went for sell Can we afford it. 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Hi I'm talk to mind and done with the American Academy of Family Physicians with important information on how you can prevent shingles if you've had chicken pox you're at risk for getting shingles and then a painful and potentially debilitating disease nearly one in 3 Americans will get shingles and older adults are more at risk age 50 and older can get protection simply by getting the shingles vaccine from morn immunizations visit family doctor dot org or talk with your family physician. If. It's their reactions and bored Ok here it. Is for blows news to. G.C.'s j. . He's back with you now because when it comes to the fight for truth. Never stops. Work for you. All Programs must be kept strictly to. Bug is cleared and ready to go but free from. Osama bin Laden's son may be dead this is according to unnamed u.s. Officials hitting the wires all over the place people are once again talking about bin Laden Al Qaida jihadist terrorism these are things that had largely fallen off the radar in recent months ever since the trumpet ministration escalated the air war against ISIS in Syria and allowed officers and generals on the ground to make determinations about how to conduct that fight we've heard very little about the force of jihadism that one from when I was in college in till the last couple of years was really our primary. Day to Day national security concern and you always have the geostrategic threats Russia China you know trans national drug cartels and those are going to be around but on any given day we had been living now for almost 2 decades with this concern with this fear based on events that had already happened that we might be hit with another mass casualty terror attack we could lose 10202000 perhaps more because of some jihadist plot against the United States against our allies there's an eerie silence there's not a lot of jihadist chatter now and I want to return to that in a moment but today you do have some talk about bin Laden because it seems his his air Homs who had appeared in al Qaeda propaganda videos. He was born in is believed 1909 so what is he now he would have been in his early thirty's. Late twenty's early thirty's and he's then we don't have any information about who took him out or even if it's really confirm that he's been taken out but he was believed to be in the process of being placed as a leader in his father's terrorist organization al Qaeda. You also had in the last . 24 hours or so some ISIS posts that got attention here you had ISIS threatening attacks in San Francisco New York London the quote here was. From their message they put out Oh here we go answer the call go and answer the call don't spare none. Kill them all is now time to rise slit their throats watch them die and it looks like they've got a an ISIS fighter walking down piers to me to be if I think it's Manhattan this looks like 6th Avenue not far from Fox News headquarters as well as not far from c.n.n. N.b.c. Another guy standing in what is clearly a New York street corner with a backpack bomb on pursue a side mom through our blood comes success and we'll give it our best to destroy the coup far you know who far is nonbelievers we will slaughter them all so look there's a bunch of ISIS propaganda that's out there now they haven't been able to. Engage in any major attacks against us or our allies in quite some time I don't have a good answer for you as to why we haven't been hit for a while I think I can't really yeah sure we've been degrading these terrorist networks we've been taking out their leaders there's a lot of action that you can point to that over time perhaps had a cumulative effect but how often do you hear about ISIS are all crowding more or any real jihadist entity threatening American or Western interests it wasn't long ago when many of us thought that we would be in a. Multi generational struggle against Islam ism a jihad ism and. I'm somebody who's of the mind this is there's going to be a comeback here there's going to be another another chapter of this I don't think we've beaten them yet when you look at some of the states that could fail in the Muslim world in the Middle East some of the possible the possible collapse of say Saudi Arabia any number of things that you could point to as a theoretical. But something's going to happen folks and we're going to be back. Fighting the jihadists and I just hope that it's not anything that occurs on on us soil or that is a mass casualty incident you know that hurts Americans or allies but there's no way that these guys are done so it's good news of homes of bin Laden has been taken off the battlefield one way or another but these ISIS warnings don't get me to spawn off with concern. The jihadists are not done yet that much I can tell you with certainty on the radio on the web by yes to. 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Dollars each only 1000 tickets will be sold so the more you purchased the better your chances come by the Arts Center at 210 north Santa Fe and Monday through Saturday 9 to 5 or Sunday at noon to 4 or you can call 719957200. It's time for roll call roll car here we thank you everybody for ib an era coming to you from Baltimore stands very Research h Q. You know I do some work with my friends here at Stansbury and they kindly let me use the Stansbury the Stansbury freedom which is very nice is more spacious and better light than the freedom freedom on but nonetheless and also is why I was able to spend some time today just going around and seeing this city in more detail for myself which is something I thought was worth scrapping Right Face Book dot com slash Buck Sexton. Let's get this party and go away we have set through rights Mike Baker was on the Rogan podcast recently he was a CIA covert operations officer based on the views he was expressing in all things political It sounds like he'd been listening to the Buck Sexton show it was refreshing to hear someone on a large platform like that in 2017 Rogan was averaging 95000000 podcast downloads a month wow making some sense. Well said thank you very much and you know Mike Baker and I've known each other for years in fact when I 1st got into the media game I had a I had a coffee with Mike Baker right near. Herald Square and I was a member to Mike was a good guy and encouraged me and was was helpful because when you break out of Langley world and become a civilian there's a whole psychological process of can I do this one of my allowed to say you know a my We're one of my really equipped to do on the outside world and Mike was very helpful in that process and she's just a good guy always of always like Mike and he's he's an excellent excellent character on red eye but he's not really a character he's unself on he has a great job say oh yes indeed Oh Kandice right Starbuck I can't watch Bill Maher even for you he is too disgusting for words have fun and watch your back Candace come on can it's I need you to watch. You know and they to Bill's credit he is bringing on a conservative who is both adept at the arguments and fierce in the debating So let's see what we got here it'll be a different different feel a different vibe than you've seen in the past so give it a shot Candice But if you can I understand but to give a shot Angela Hi Buck I read 9 article today that talk about rat infestation from 9 different media outlets excluding Fox l a times a New York with The Most mention they must be racist too not a lot of there are a lot of rats in the major cities in the us and this is where I you know people have their things that they fear or things that they have concerns about. My friends some of the worst diseases of course the plane the Black Death that has that comes to mind some of the worst diseases in in factious diseases in history have been spread by rats or really more specifically the. Fleas and other small insects that will be carried in the backs of rats particular the fleas that that was what spread the bonnet plague. But even Rat don't get into this but in rattly rats leave behind stuff that then other bugs and things will actually get into it it should very very bad very very bad there's a special I forget when it's a rat long more disease I think is it which can be done I think it can be deadly All right enough about rats but yes there's that's a real problem here people start to come up with Well what do you do about the rats there are no you got over get like you know cats everywhere Well they got cats all over the place so. I remember there was a fear for a while this is one of those great 90 s local news stories that blew up in the whole thing of fire ants and how fire ants It was always out of fire ants or Africanized bees that's what they were saying you know Africanized honeybees. And fire ants and Africanized honeybees they were they were this terrible threat to us and they were just going to swoop all the way up and make their way from the southeastern United States and along the border and never really have been quite that way although I do I do think that fire ants that's a real thing that can happen in certain places. But the proposals that were put around at one point included introducing I believe a a South American strain of anteater which is one of the very few natural predators that these fire ants have and then people realize well once you start having these anteaters walking around the only predators that they have are really Jaguars. So I don't think we're a certain reason Jaguars anyway even mess with the ecosystem and things happen so while it's going to whole rant there about about bugs I wasn't expecting but that's the beauty of the show crazy things happen Hayden. Consumer Reports gives their ugly writing to Kirkland bacon when I was in New York I had a b.l.t. Made with boards had bacon which I think is far superior the bacon in this pan looks much too fatty I like mine about 6040 lean to fat. Ok I don't know what you're talking about paid much. Of a lot of what's going on here. Glenn right you're an amateur bacon maker 400 Fahrenheit on a rack in the oven for no more than 20 minutes Glahn false disagree you really want to go there son you will see who's got the bacon skills let me tell you something my friend not only do I cook my bacon much more rapidly than you can do it with your in the oven which b. Think I don't know but you think I don't know about in the oven baking Glenn who do you think you're talking to here my friend I've gone the in the oven route I just find it to be wanting That's right it has been weighed and found wanting 400 degrees Fahrenheit on the rack blah blah Ok 20 minutes that's a very long time I leave my bacon out a little bit you don't want to take it straight from the fridge because then you have to get through the chill in the outside of it and I want to make sure that I cook at 3 perfectly so that it is cooked but not blackened on the outside but I also my friend use the grease in the pan from the bake in for either frying of eggs or hash browns or any number of other things which I know you say oh I can do that in my rack to you yeah I like it in the pen ready to go. On my bacon scale you come with the bacon King you best not miss. Krista Hey Brooke I was listening to you tonight and want to tell you about my little find. I buy pork gel that is made in the most awesome baking and it comes on sliced I use it in salads and other dishes fried rice stir fry and just about everything I want I'm not sure of the availability in your neck of the woods but it's worth buying I now keep it on hand love listening to you. I have never I have never had the perch I'll. Kelly. A question for you just curious as to why you call Mitch McConnell cocaine which I'm not a real fan of the turtle but had not heard you refer to him as such Well Kelly it's a joke it's a joke that came from a political a Democrat running for office I think it was in Kentucky but it might have been West Virginia I forget now and he ran some ad about how a a ship that was own by a company that Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chao owns an interest in that a ship that was part of the shipping company had some cocaine on it and so the leap here was that Mitch McConnell was somehow involved in the drug trade because of this and he referred to in the ad as cocaine Mitch and it just stuck as it absurd it became a meme and now people make do you can get cocaine Mitch t. Shirts and where they have Mitch McConnell's face superimposed on either Tony Montana from Scarface or as Pablo Escobar in Norcross So that's Kelly how it just came from a political ad and it became a joke I do I do want you to know for those that are worried that it's offensive to Mitch I've heard from someone very close to Mitch McConnell on his staff that he at least in the past has found it very funny because it is so absurd so he does not take offense to it it is it is bizarre and everyone knows that. Here we go. Hans Wright's grew up in Currently listening in the w g y area of New York. I listen 68 hours daily from Glenn Beck to your show I'm mainly driven by generally lean conservative enough about me you are full of it in a great way truly love the facts about women's soccer played 3 years of soccer and myself truly enjoyed your full perspective on thick bacon I'm of German descent and embrace its food culture with its emphasis on pork check out your nearest German deli and get your bacon sliced thick but do buy the smoked pork chops if you're ever in Albany Here's a recommendation you'll never buy porch off from anywhere else thanks again and George had a good while Hans Hans this is radio not television. See how many of you are going to get to see how many you're going to get that reference I should probably just stop saying a movie reference when it happens because otherwise now I'm flagging it for you you know Hans What am I a method actor. Hey Buck you're going to love this if you don't see it on c.n.n. It is the political quote of the night c.n.n. Williamson says Trump is a dark psychic force didn't know Trump was Darth Vader or does Marion understand that Star Wars is a movie Shields how Michelle that was one of the more memorable moments from last night's so indeed thank you for raising it to my attention I do appreciate it and with that team. Going to beat I have to jump into the debate probably a little late tonight. That I got I got to do a thing but I'll try to live. After tonight I'm going to be live tweeting all the rest of the debates and plenty of book isms on the Twitter and I'll try to put them on Facebook too I'll be in l.a. Tomorrow coming to you from the West Coast the left coast so until then shields. 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