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It's going to be the so I mean you take a look at this is so much good because that is your faith is it your strength what you've been going through I know what you've gone through. And I also know that the period of time ago we were able to get you from prison to have. President Trump now on his way to a political rally in Kentucky before departing he defended his desire to continue selling arms to Saudi Arabia despite the disappearance of Washington Post columnist among shogi who vanished after entering the Saudi Consulate in east on ball the president says there are other ways of dealing with this Democrats highlighting health care with Alabama Senator Doug Jones blasting Republicans for wanting the nation's insurance companies to be able to issue short term limited medical coverage critics call them junk insurance plans because people might gravitate towards an option like this it could destabilize the entire risk pool for traditional plans potentially sending premiums so worrying for older individuals and people with preexisting conditions Jones delivering the Democratic party's weekly media address this is Fox News. What it is this is stars and hey guys it's Britney cannery and we're excited to be a part of Fox Nation because now more than ever we need powerful voices that won't political noise Chris Wallace on Fox News Channel real news real honest opinion. In Pennsylvania the Republican candidate for governor posted a video physically threatening his Democratic opponent and then walked it back Fox's Joe NATO has the story Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner with a menacing social media video and at his opponent Pennsylvania's Democratic Governor Tom Wolfe governor Wolf let me tell you between now and November 6th you better put a catcher's mask on your face because I'm going to stop all over your face with golf spikes Wagner slamming wall for running negative ads but the Republican who's been endorsed by President Trump took that video down a few hours later and replaced it with I may have had a poor choice of words I should have said what I said the wolf campaign criticized the original video saying it shows Wagner is unhinged and unfit for office chill NATO Fox News blazon apol fear that 9 mountain climbers may have died this after a violent storm hit their base camp in the Himalayas the climbers include 5 South Koreans and therefore guides. There's a fight over the American flag between the flags owner and a homeowners association the story from Fox's Ted lender Joel and Peggy gansey want to show their patriotism on their home in the villages in Sumter County Florida but the homeowner's association says that lawn ornaments can only be put out within 30 days of a holiday gansey has a veteran says we're not talking about a lawn ornament here we're talking about the symbol of our nation the community board now must decide whether to take action against the Gant season if they do they can find them $25.00 a day Ted Lehner Fox News Talk about a violent family feud prosecutors say a 76 year old Bristol Tennessee man tried to attack his son back in June with a chainsaw while the son was mauling the law and they say the son acting in self-defense then ran the father over with a lawn mower the father survived and had to have a leg amputated a 2nd degree murder charge was delayed because of the injury I'm Roger Stern and this is Fox News. 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Senator Ron Johnson the Republican from the great state of Wisconsin this week wanted to talk about there's a lie out there about the Affordable Care Act about Obamacare or about about the you vidual mandate or about the you prejudge the conditions that the left is pushing knowing that it's not true so we talk about that we also talk a lot about the Kavanaugh hearings Ron always appreciate the time our. Great job myself I'm living the dream always an absolute pleasure to talk to you I have to start with the with everybody still talking about the cabinet hearings the cabinet debacle in your years of either following politics being in business or being in the Senate have you ever seen something so ridiculously partisan and I mean it was good movie theater in my opinion but what are your thoughts on what went down for those 3 and a half 4 weeks it was a continuation of what Democrats of done terms of turning these confirmation hearings and just a total total partisan witch hunt I mean started with Robert Bork we got a verb or king from that display from Ed Kennedy and others and then of course Clarence Thomas and this just continuation of that this is a blood sport for Democrats and I think probably the best word to describe this was a used by Lindsey Graham it's just simply despicable You know Joe one thing that really sticks out my mind in the testimony of Professor Ford She said that other than the incident itself these have been the worst 2 weeks of her life well the thing about it is allow wasn't those 2 worst 2 weeks weren't caused by Republicans we treated her with great humanity and respect that was brought to her by her Democrat handlers her attorneys who apparently didn't make her aware the fact that she could have stayed right there in California and check Grassley was sent out there to take her testimony out in California privately we would have held her name in confidence right we would have blown or required to remain anonymous that was Democrat operatives that did that so the American people really need to understand that now and do they trying to straw a really good man and his family Brett Kavanaugh they did great harm to their own star witness they couldn't cared less about her quite I say they feign all this concern but when it came right down to it they use an abuser is really ugly Well it's true and we don't the Dianne Feinstein the ranking member had this rule most 2 months this letter and in the letter Dr Ford says I don't want to be out there don't want to testify I don't want to be known I want to stay anonymous. Yes this is private but I thought that you should know something that I remember for I think I remember from 30 some odd years ago it did get leaked but But what about Duncan Feinstein not doing anything with it for a month and a half do you think that she thought they would be able to defeat him on the merits and that she wouldn't need it or do you think that she didn't think it was real but why hold if your office would have received that wrong what would you have done with the letter well the way it normally would have been handled is I would have gone to my in the ranking member if I was ranking member to my chairman and said we got this information the person wants to remain anonymous we need to honor that request how do we proceed forward I mean can we have the f.b.i. Again the reason we can't reveal anything the f.b.i. Files that's raw intelligence and it's just not fair to people these are unproven allegations so you would have gone probably the f.b.i. They could have investigated that they could have you know start making inquiries are fine if there's any corroboration to you that was something we should have pursued my guess and again I maybe should even do this my guess is Dianne Feinstein saw that and realize there wasn't much in there but somehow somebody realized this is just too good not to use against Brett Kavanaugh and their in their quest to destroy him it's Senator Ron Johnson Republican race in Wisconsin once the name is out there instead of the Feinstein team saying let's get you some help and let's get a psychiatrist psychologist to talk you through this figure out what happened she instead says here's a far left wing resist lawyer in this lady Deborah Katz go and talk to her I mean I don't think that's the right move either were you on that now I mean let's face it her tourney's wanted to show a trial you know they wanted to make a spectacle of her and a Brett Kavanaugh and that's why they got that they weren't really representing her interests as far as this far she said what are interest worse who want to remain anonymous she didn't want to lie publicly exposed this way but that's what her attorneys did to her yeah it's Senator Ron Johnson actually right last question on cabin on a movement to the unaffordable health care act and what you guys are doing in a very positive way for the American people. One last question he's now on the court and the left is screaming and yelling Give us back the House we'll impeach him again it's ridiculous and I'm not really sure why any voter even somebody who leans left would say well yeah I'm going to vote for impeachment for no reason what do you make of that that's sort of their mantra We're not going to kick him off the court because we're so unhappy that he's on the court well they're an angry mob and they've been they've had this primal scream since the day after the election when the wrong person calling them one now I've never seen him like this Joe you know in my lifetime there's always some measure of honey room and there's some. You know best wishes to any president who's taking on enormous task right hoping they succeed and keep this nation safe and prosperous and secure that never happened there's been an effort to sabotage this administration from day one in the media and certainly in the Democratic Party yet it's Senator Ron Johnson Republican race it was constant Let's talk about the on Affordable Care Care Act You supported the president as that all Republicans and as that all Americans because our paychecks are bigger and and this this individual mandate went away you supported the tax change and the individual mandate change that actually helped people the major amount of people that were paying that find that tax the on Affordable Care Act were middle class people that were harmed horribly you guys did a great job in lowering taxes for all Americans for corporations and getting rid of the individual mandate nobody but nobody that I know of on either side wants to get rid of preexisting conditions although the left is pretending that you Ron Johnson and the president on down all want to get rid of preexisting conditions that's not the case but you are a big supporter of of the individual choice in health care and the idea that the left somehow is making it a political thing is strange to me why wouldn't we want individuals to have choices and competition to lower the prices fill me in on how this is unfolding and how they think this is a win for them but 1st of all this is just another big lie remember President Obama if you like health care plan and keep it in families who have their premiums reduced try $500.00 per year me was put facts 2013 live a year write this out to be to 2018 live a year they're pushing a Congressional Review Act to reverse a rule where President Trump is just reinstating the short term limit limited duration plans right in the form they were under Obama right and they're saying that we're going to take we present conditions nothing could be further from the truth the Urban Institute which is a left winning think tank said if we reinstate the sayings to $3.00 to $64.00 days which is they want Obama Yeah and then in addition to that allow companies to offer renewability Ok so you give people greater assurances. 4.3000000 Americans will avail themselves of these plans because they're far more affordable 1.7 That 4.3 are previously uninsured because they can't afford Obama Care and Joe the premium estimates again they're just estimates in Wisconsin for example each health estimated that a family of 3 that the lowest cost Obama care plan costs $16000.00 a year they could get an insurance plan get not the same kind of coverage but something that they would choose for about $1200.00 a year that's an enormous difference Other estimates say premiums would be cut in half or 2 a quarter of the current level so in other words you're paying 4000 bucks a year you maybe only pay a 1000 so I don't know where the premiums Lana completely depends on the insurance product you choose right but it's your choice you're putting patients back and nothing could be further from the true prison condition guarantee remains in place those protections you can always go back to the Obamacare. Exchanges if you can afford them of course 87 percent of Americans are out of those are subsidized with the the vast premium tax credit so they don't care what premiums cost because the American taxpayers footing that bill I want to go back to something you said a 2nd ago you said it kind of quickly but I think it's a probably the most important thing in the the entire conversation preexisting conditions are untouched Nobody is saying those with preexisting conditions can no longer get health care they're going to die in the streets lepers or something that just really reiterate that for me Senator if you can is there anything in this that the president or the Senate or the House are doing that will get rid of coverage for those who have preexisting conditions no absolute that we can't change the law we have to change the law we can't do to regulation right so the the protection in terms of precessing editions you can always go on the Obamacare exchanges we're just giving those individuals particularly the forgotten men and women that don't get the subsidies they can't afford they've been priced out of the Obamacare exchanges we're giving them an option to be at to be able to afford health insurance for once Ok the mill This is a this aide. Why it's totally false what the Democrats are peddling here in terms of the short term an immigration plans do you have an opinion as to why they're doing it is it will is only because Ron they want single payer period who want socialized healthcare period we will argue against anything that's competitive or capitalistic or or free enterprise based Is that really what the argument is well 1st of all they want to win this election they realize if if the American people actually believe Republicans want to take away their protection preserving Disha which no Republican wants to do right Ok the American people spoke on that they think they can win the election but no I mean their long term goal obviously is Bernie Sanders Sanders you know Medicare for All which just which gets rid of Medicare takes the Dows dedicated to Medicare right and puts it toward his single payer government run bureaucratic system that will ration care will reduce the number of doctors because who's going to want to be reimbursed at Medicaid rates right and I would actually reason only cost only cost $32.00 trillion dollars If we reimburse providers at current rates it cost nearly $38.00 trillion dollars everybody's individual income tax would have at least half to double business taxes at least double and it still won't pay for it I urge anybody who's listening or watching to write down the number 32 trillion they realize how much money but is it Senator Ron Johnson One last question ironic and I approach appreciate the access of the time and you're welcome any time my friend when it comes to the midterms you just mentioned it briefly I feel strongly that that Nolan bill the Senate stay with you guys but you might gain 2 or 3 I'm not I'm not predicting it's a race should stay home or it should go and vote certainly but the house is start to look like it's up for grabs where this blue wave was being talked about for 6 months do you think that the moves by avin audience Feinstein in and in Cory Booker Spartacus and all these people in that process do you think that's going to motivate conservatives and Republicans to get up off their hands and go and vote in November I sure hope so I don't know what else what else could Democrats showing American public to do just. Create the discussed the get if you're not discuss it by their despicable behavior God help you yeah I'm I'm with you I think that is going to be probably I'm hearing people saying Red Dawn on a no and November 2nd I'm not really sure what's going to happen other than people need to go and vote or else it surely will be some sort of a strange blue way with impeachment talking all this other garbage Ron thanks a 1000000 for the time I would appreciate the knowledge and thank you so much for really straightening out with this individual health this individual's choice in health care really is because the lies are going to continue for the next month and you know that I have read a really appreciate out Ron Johnson again he's a Republican senator from the great state of Wisconsin always great information we always appreciate him taking the time your thoughts and hopefully cleared some things up because there are some things in the media that just frankly aren't true they just they just aren't It is 805017080 Joe Pags dot com Stay right here on the Hill on the Web The fidelity dot com. 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Are great that we do we can with Joe packs 180-501-7080 Joe Pags dot com we appreciate Senator Ron Johnson. One of the most interesting things that happened this week was Kanye West showed up at the White House and instead of people feeling good that that somebody who's got a lot of sway and influence or a I guess he seems to have said he's got a $1000000000.00 So he's a very wealthy guy very successful guy set of people being happy and all sides he should have at the White House him potentially you've got something to where he's working with the president to to reform prisons to get more jobs in the inner in the inner city and fewer prison cells and maybe more dads in homes he seemed to be very positive about what he wanted to get done for the United States of America yet he was attached attacked mercilessly I guess or some panel in c. And I'm seeing c n n in 10 years but I guess Who are some panel on there and they were all black people who were calling him a token Negro that somehow appropriate in the minds of the left in this country in this day and age what can u.s. Went to the White House and did and said most of it was pretty easy to comprehend again he wanted fewer jail cells more jobs he wanted more parents to stay and support their children he wanted to see more things made in the United States of America in fewer things made abroad those are all good things they should be universal for anybody on the left or the right but for some reason he took a whole 'd lot of hell because he dared go and spend time with this president specifically the left many of them don't know why they're mad they're indoctrinated they're told with the think but for some reason those who are the leaders on the left keep on pushing this false narrative that somehow trump bad and anybody who's anywhere near him is also bad. It's actually it's to me demeaning to not only the Office of the presidency but it's also demeaning to anybody who's got a brain who actually says I like more jobs I like capitalism I like freedom liberty I don't like socialism let me go to a Paul in Anchorage Alaska Paul what's going on Joe while I was watching the video of Kanye West visiting the White House or with President Trump I noticed that on you the left there was an older black man sitting there you know so that was that smallest thing running back Jim Brown Yeah 100 percent was Jim Brown Yes Ok I just never heard anybody mention anything about it and I'm not surprised somewhat I heard Jim Brown has always been a you know loyal loyal to the president and just a good common sense and I am he is he's also loyal to the flag he thinks that the current day n.f.l. Player should stand during the national anthem put their hands over their hearts and show the proper respect and reverence if you want to protest go protest in your off hours but he was there Jim Brown didn't say a whole lot because Kanye said a ton and it was funny because the president actually said after Kanye is rant he said Jim you want to say anything Jim Brown said no I'm good and nobody could blame him because of what Kanye just did but yeah it was Jim Brown Jim Brown is a guy who's been an activist his whole life is like 80 now something like that and and he's one of the loudest voices telling n.f.l. Players in in this day and age who are making on average $2000000.00 a year stop it stop it support the president support the country support the idea that America is a great land the best on planet Earth let me go back to it's ahead of Jim in Idaho Jim what's happening Hi. Miles. Now I guess so if you're Jim and I know yeah yeah I want to talk about George Soros but I I think Kanye we the people and he's We the People Yeah good for him I great George Soros see you paying these protesters to go do all this stuff and you know that Anyway I wonder if you knew any more about him I have one specific question I heard that I don't know if it's true or not does he still the electronic voting machine you know I would think No no George Soros is not somebody who's a billionaire because he builds things he's a billionaire because of the stock market I believe but no he didn't he doesn't build the voting machines now Ok I heard that I was like wow if if that was all that would be ridiculous Wouldn't that be No no I would think that 2000 and like you had and why doesn't our government do something about it I mean they already know I mean if it's all over the what do we do it's his money he could pay people I just we just haven't given exposing him but what we need to do is let people know what you know what I know that he's a bad guy he's a socialist he was a Nazi sympathizer when he was a kid and the guys he's just a no good guy chill but can we stop him from spending his money no I don't want that to stop him from spending his money that would be like telling us that we have to stop spending our money is he a us citizen. Oh I don't know that I don't know and it's a good question but again he's he's finding it seeing the activist groups he's financing political action committees or or political action commissions so is he really is he really donating directly. No but yes pretty interesting given here this is the weekend with Joe Pags. On the radio on the way. Dot com. 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No wonder Babel is the number one selling language learning app and Europe try it for yourself and see why babble is the quick way to get conversational in a new language like Spanish French or more you can try Babel for free go to babble dot com or download the app and tried for free that's babble. Dot com or download the app to try it for free that's Babble dot com. Beautiful today sunny skies 67 for a high chance of showers tonight and 31 for. Not warming up a bit 31 for. Top news from around town and around the world the very latest coming up at the top of the hour on this news. Yesterday. Stations across the land a job patch dot com Facebook Twitter Instagram all right there also the live video stream it is the weekend with Joe Pags let me have you along for the ride so talk about a ride the stock market this week took a bumpy ride some say a roller coaster some say just went straight down the president calling the Fed loco I guess I guess that's the issue. Sure that means but whenever it's a financial markets thing or financial question I always go to my friend Doug Adler he is the managing director and senior vice president of investments for Image aimed at associates Doug I was Appreciate it has gone brother John Great thank you so all the president as the saying is that the Fed is loco and that we get 1100 points is due to the negative on the stock market people obviously are freaking out some are dug you know me I think the stock market is a slot machine in a way somehow to really worry about it my 4 a one k. Still looks great today but people are freaking out about it can you point to one thing that made this happen or is a conglomeration of things yeah I think it's a conglomeration of things you know it and what's always interesting about the market is things that we know that are potential headwinds the market looks at it stares at it shrugs it off shrugs it off and then suddenly it matters in think what's going to manifested here is we know that the Federal Reserve is on this trajectory of raising interest rates so what does that really at the end of the day designed to do cool off the economy so that brings into question next year 21000 what earnings look like trade China looks like a top. Photo if you will in this regard so that's problematic we've had a few companies preannounce their earnings which don't didn't look necessarily great oil is gone up but you know this. Up to 75 now it's pulled back the last couple days like everything toward 70 but still it's much higher than it was 18 months ago that the had went on the economy so you have some of these sayings that know those of all Ben there but suddenly they mattered people that sell but do you have a an opinion it's Doug Adler managing director senior vice president over at the rim agenda associates give an opinion as to why the Fed would want to cool off the economy. Well they have this and. Stated inflation target of 2 percent and then when you start to see mention oil as an example there's other places we could point to that are that are showing some inflationary pressure which is part and parcel of course to a stronger economy and this economy is much stronger than it was when President Trump took office right you're getting some of those pressures that tries to stay in front of that because it's kind of like you know the old porridge 3 little bear story they don't want it too high or too cold yeah they want it just right and so they're trying to do that meaning slow things down into that sweet spot where we have reasonable growth maybe that's 3 percent with reasonable inflation which they were they're deemed to be 2 percent so that's that's why they're doing it is that rational or reasonable Doug I heard today somebody made mention that there's a rumor that the left is trying to do this before the midterm election if the if the Trump economy starts to tank they say Aleksey didn't work all those that had tax cuts and all that stuff is it reasonable or rational to think that politically people can make this happen. That's a stretch that's a pretty big stretch. Think about it if you're on that side of the political ledger you're kind of hurting yourself right if you're right successful to get things go down I don't see that yeah Ok Doug Adler He's managing director see Vice President of investments a really James and Associates So as we watch this you know Obama when he was in office and I talked about this before we started said he doesn't pay attention to the daily gyrations of the stock market when it wasn't doing so great and what it was doing great he said look how great I am. This of course the left politically is saying well see the bubbles bursting for 4 you know 16 months 18 months almost 2 years now they've been saying the bubbles going to burst this can't continue like this do you think this is something temporary and it'll correct itself again or are we seeing that maybe you did get too big for its britches Yeah no I think so investing the one thing that gets lost a lot of times is people either think it's a bull market or a bear market and they have an opinion based on how they feel about things but really what it's a probability business and so if one were to answer that question by looking at the probabilities I think you say this that some of the regulatory reform that's positive we've had tax reform massively positive we have an economy that had been held back because the consumer had been very low in terms of their confidence in the Outlook all right now and this is directionally right we're at 20 year highs something like that in consumer confidence I think last week we had an all time high since 1969 for small business confidence so when you feel good about the prospects What do you do you open up your wallet and in that regard I have to tell you this is really profound 2 things 1st one is. Debt service that's just simply what comes in an income into a household and then what goes out for obligations like student loans car payments mortgages right credit card debt Ok we're at the lowest level the percentage of income going to debt service is the lowest level since the mid seventy's and household net worth in this country that's assets minus liabilities it's $100.00 trillion $1.10 trillion all the time high Yeah so if my debt obligations are low if my wallet or purse is as full of cash as it's ever been and I feel good about things what's the odds that I'm going to suddenly just stop spending money because the Dow drops 1100 points Well it's not affecting my spending that's a great question and it's interesting that you bring it up that way because I think it was 2 months ago maybe a month ago we were hearing that big box stores are reporting better sales they've ever seen ever restaurants are seeing more people go out to eat than they've ever seen or that they've seen in 2 generations so clearly people do have more expendable cash but you know what the media does the media has to find if it live if it bleeds it leads and the stock market's leading right now that's where they're leading with it when people generally watch you when you when you talk to your investors the people that you work with do they call you immediately say Oh my God we do or do they say well it's kind of crazy to go out to eat now yes so I you know nobody nobody calls me with their dinner plans. I'm going to I'm going to from now on but I don't appreciate that. So I do get some people are concerned of course and that apprehension that's obvious makes sense logical also gets folks on the other side that are looking to do some buying but let me give you a little perspective so the market bottomed in March of 9 following the meltdown of no 9 we have had this is this will be the 23rd but we've had 23 now correction sense own 95 percent or more and they average or sent us out the clients this morning just to give some perspective $23.00 times cents so 9 what we're going. Right now as Happen average decline is 9.3 percent we're down about 6 Scott almost 7 now. But even today Joe I'm now seeing on my screen as I'm watching in real time we're starting to see some of the stocks the leaders which were technology these are the names we all know Amazon Microsoft Apple Facebook the writing companies. Were down early today been down hard this month but now starting to churn I mean Facebook as an example this is not a recommendation on Facebook but the stock was in August bit over $210.00 a share today it's trading in the one fifty's now it was read earlier down on the day but now it's green Microsoft same thing it was lower early today now that's turned up so it looks like we're starting to see a little bit of selective buying the average stock. Needle is moving but the average stock since the sell off happened is down about 15 percent while pretty big correction and now here's the thing too you mentioned this kind of in passing is it too expensive is it overdone the market is trading at about the price earnings ratio which that's just simply the price divided by earnings it's about $16.00 probably rate today $16.00 The 25 year average 16 point one So it's right where it is right where yes yeah you're not cheap so it's not like 09 when everything was on sale but you're certainly not at $23.00 or $24.00 times where you're saying geez we're 40 percent overvalued No we're smack at the 25 year average right now it is a juggler imagine director and senior vice president Raymond James and Associates always incredible knowledge let me ask you something off the beaten path and you know for 21 years now Doug you would tell me that I'm not a smart as you so you're about to prove it here. But again. Though right now gas prices go down we're happy gas prices go down because the price per barrel goes down so we're happy at the gas pump but the price per barrel goes down with the stock market generally speaking goes down and we're all supposed to freak out and be angry that the stock market is going down so. Again maybe maybe this is completely outlandish but should we get to the point where we don't have these valuable resources like gasoline like liquefied natural gas like fill in the blank you know utility that we all need maybe we don't have those in the stock market and the reason why I say that is we're happy when the prices go down but the prices only go down with stock market goes down it's I would guess and I could be wrong that it's rare to see the price per barrel of gas go down and the stock market go up so how do you feel as somebody who does this for a living and you've done it for as long as I've known you and you do it very well how do you feel about those being connected is it righteous to have gasoline per barrel in the stock market or not because again it seems to be the opposite of what I want I want lower gas prices but I want my stocks to do well. Yeah it's a good it's an interesting question so you really can't separate those for a couple different reasons number one is you have companies like Chevron and Exxon as an example Yeah right they're publicly traded so they're going to be on the exchange just like Home Depot and Apple are going to be on the exchange you had that the commodity itself well in this case or natural gas or you were mentioning those are imports of course until a lot of different products right and so you have to have a market price I mean if you look at commodities you can buy cattle hogs oil natural gas platinum platy and whatever it's all out there with a price I want to I want to I want to interject this though because I see where you're going to make sense but like you brought up Apple let's talk about Apple I've got an i Phone or i want to go buy the new i Phone right and Apple stock dump today 15 percent they're not going to drop the price of the i Phone tomorrow because their stock price went down but if the price per barrel of oil goes down the stock prices go down those old companies I am going to pay pay less for at the gas pump so I guess my question is Is it Ok that what we actually pay as a consumer seems to be directly tied to the price per barrel which is for some reason in flux because of what's happening the stock market the i Phone is going to change price because Apple gained or lost money today that i Phone is the i Phone That's what it cost that's what the plan is right. Yeah Ok so let's listen am battery a little smarter than you thought I wasn't. Actually makes no sense whatsoever and I'm trying to. Get back over here really back home Yeah so let's just use dissect the i Phone for an example we all know they have lithium batteries Yeah so Lithium is a commodity right now so that's going to trade up and down just like crude oil that's part of the cost structure for Apple know they might do things to hedge that input cost if they think lithium prices are going to run away to the upside because they don't want the i Phone going 480-1200 just because the battery went up by 200 right. So. It's kind it's a hard question to answer I think the short answer is no oil is part and parcel to the equation both just as the raw commodity and then all the derivatives of that which are directly energy companies but then more broadly plastic on an i Phone right well guess what that comes from where oil right so it's just it's it's just there by the example is in effect that I think the right answer is from the dumb guy perspective here the right answer is Apple already marks it up by 100 percent so if they're only making 95 percent markup I think they're still going to be Ok And it really is true it cost them exactly half of what of what they're charging for an i Phone So I guess we've got that kind of wiggle room you can you can survive it the next time we speak to me favor let's talk about why the price per barrel of oil isn't lower for us specifically when we're exporting now more than we've ever export it and we're actually exporting now more than we're importing had a great question from a call yesterday who said where we got all this oil why we keep on exporting it let's just keep it refine it ourselves and I know that it's a global market that's why but if you can break down exactly how that works next time can we do that yeah you bet I appreciate Doug Adler he's a again the managing director and also the present of investments over Raymond James and Associates always turn to do. And have for more than 20 years now when it comes to stuff like we saw happening in the stock market this past weekend Great information as always 105017080 Joe Pags dot com Stay right here on the reveal on the web the 5 id case to dot com. Message and data rates may apply earning your degree from one of the top business schools in the country might sound impossible to fit into your workload but what if there were a business degree that further Ger career and gave you access to world renowned faculty leaders and mentors all on your schedule one that opened doors to some of the most influential C.E.O.'s tech companies law firms entrepreneurs and thought leaders and what if you could earn that degree in his little less 16 months 100 percent online to find out more text offer 279645 that's oh f. F. e r 279645 start your online m.b.a. Information management or business analytics master's program from the w.p. 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But great to have you it is the weekend with Joe packs 180-501-7080 love them you along for the ride if you want more of the Joe Pags mojo during the week the Joe Pags show is Monday through Friday 6 to 9 pm Eastern time 3 to 6 pm Pacific time some stations run a different times we love have you along for the ride there hopefully you're getting us during the week if not just shoot me an email and give me your zip code or with whatever city you're in we'll see we've got something to work in there we're always we're going to get a more Station 212 no you could no matter where you are you can watch an hour of it on Newsmax t.v. 7 pm Eastern time Monday through Friday as well all right let me go to the phone lines in the time I have remaining let me say oh by the way I checked into a George Soros is listed as as having citizenship in Hungary and the United States I don't think that we accept dual citizenship here. So he is in fact a citizen of the United States of America now it does beg the question will the guy's show entire America in Thai government and doing all he came to undermine to undermine our our government and their way of life shouldn't there be something we can do about it I would think we could do is or a politician out there with the wherewithal to do it I don't know maybe. Maybe the president the current president because he just doesn't care who does do whatever. Is good for America let me go to the lines of Zillow and welcome to line one is going to drill in West Virginia hi Drew what's going on here young man. Conservation I have all the crew and about me. Even on that but one of the things I have a bucket list Leslie next to a trip to Venice one. Of the National well. I'm going. On a simple record. Definitely sensor which requires a majority off post bird or the center. Chair across. The middle well more than anything else. In a chilling. Oh I have all the evidence costing American taxpayers both in terms of money and in terms of. It cost them to deal with. So. It's a bad thing to me but if I cop that one it's. That it was held until you know. We all experience. Well. I agree with the a couple of things 1st of all going to put you my prayers I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I'm glad that you're still helping people and hopefully a miracle happens Diane Feinstein is not a chairperson although she is the ranking member they call her that the chairman of course is Grassley are investigating what the hell happened here how the name was leaked the assumption is that it might be one of the legal people that were his advisor forward but you have to think that since Feinstein had it it got to somebody somehow through her office and I would agree with you that there should be censure at her age of 80 whatever it is they're not going to launch rather than go kick right of the Senate but I think I think losing that position in the committee doesn't make sense to me I appreciate your brother very very interesting phone call go back out it's an line for it's Robert in Kentucky Robert make it quick for me what's up. If you well we need to. Get off the idea that we can make energy from some wind from wind Ok no electric God no lecture when no blow got no lick of sun and sun goes down every night at least here in Kentucky and there are no sunlight and night time but they turn around is just replace the dynamos up and them up far located from where they were still $936.00 then yeah right they were burned out on that they should just replace them with what they call mores they should 9 of most but if you want more energy put it down station below the dam do not build new dams again then all stations will take the runoff from the 1st dam and put it through and regenerate more electric from that water move it right and the way the way that it works is the generators are actually powered by the flow of the water right right. You know it makes a lot of sense to me but the way solar power works also let me just help you out with this and I don't have any solar panels on my house or anything but it but I mean it's obvious that it's not only when the sun's out the sun is going to power. The electrical grid or the or the battery storage when it is sunny out when the when the sun's up period and then that storage will hold the electricity of the energy that you need for the nighttime it's not like when the sun goes down every day you suddenly have more power it stores it like any battery would and then when the sun does come out again and the solar panels get reelected fied they base starts storing more in other words they store more than you need so you have it when there is no sun but I hear where you're coming from I got to get out here guy can't believe the 3 hours flew by for Martin for Ryan Joe Pags see you next week on the weekend this is the weekend with Joe Pags. 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Or what they get arms to Saudi Arabia even The Washington Post columnist show he disappeared after ending the so entering the Saudi Consulate in Eastham ball and he is feared dead for there are many other things we could do but when we take away a $110000000000.00 of purchases from our country that hurts our workers that are it's our factory that hurts for all of our some particular you don't hear about 500000 jobs Republicans and Democrats in Congress are calling on the president to suspend the arms sales earlier. President from Post American pastor Andrew Bronson in the Oval Office the president held help secure the pastor's release from captivity in Turkey where he was accused of having links to terrorism brunch and then prayed for President Trump thank you. For your police very President that you become super and have the wisdom. Compass of all the players here for this country . A change coming to the White House staff 2 sources telling Fox News the president trump his top lawyer Pat simple loan to replace White House counsel Don McGann who hopes to leave his post in the next couple of weeks simple on his highly respected by the president's personal lawyers who are handling the Russia probe the rush is on to get supplies to the areas of Florida hardest hit by hurricane Michel police escorts have been arranged to speed up delivery of food and water to areas hard hit by hurricane Michel and in areas inaccessible by road their air dropping supplies 1st responders are conducting door to door searches local officials say many residents are still unaccounted for but they believe much of this is due to lack of communications Fox's Jonathan Serrie in Panama City the storm killed at least 14 people this is Fox News. This is Tyrus I'm Tony Blair and the cannery and work site it's the part of Fox Nation because now more than ever he beat powerful voices different from anything you've heard before Nice of you don't write good approximation dot com and sign up to Fox News rundown dives into the Major and controversial stories of the day posted by the anchors of Fox News Radio subscribe to your perspective of news you won't find anywhere else by going to fox news budgets. Tucker Carlson there's just so much parking and noise and yelling our role is to take 3 steps back and just churn what really matters Sean Hannity the most important thing that we do we are looking out for the forgotten men and women in this country Laura Ingram they're going to get a straight shooter no holds barred I'm not going to cut people slack Fox is the one place for dissent is a laugh we have voices we won't be signing controls my voice nobody Fox News Channel real news real honest opinion. Regardless of how the midterms shake out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Trump believe they've won when it comes to judicial appointments they pushed through $84.00 confirmations for drop appointees to the federal bench Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tried to do 2 things he wanted to muscle through 15 lower court judges that would tether embattled Democratic senators to Washington and keep them off the campaign trail now McConnell and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer they have been at loggerheads the past couple of weeks so Schumer paid a ransom a Collins Schumer cut a deal to send the Senate home the Senate stayed approving 15 of the president's Court nominees now Mitch McConnell didn't just settle for judges he got nearly 2 dozen other appointees confirmed as well that includes officials the Pentagon Fema and NASA Fox's Chad program new developments in Ferguson Missouri which gained national prominence after the shooting death of Michael Brown at the hands of a police officer police chief Del rich Moss announced his resignation effective in . The end of October police consultant Tim Fitch says Moss didn't have a real connection with the community in my opinion they both probably came here because it was Ferguson you know post Michael Brown Ferguson That's what attracted them to the community if Ferguson p.d. Hadn't had those issues and just merely advertised for a chief I doubt either of those candidates would have appeared Ferguson's mayor says the police chief resigned to take care of his mother a bizarre archaeological find that.

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