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First voters in iowa, just few hundred thousand, will they tell americas establishment were through . In these final hours, the candidates all across iowa. Donald trump rolled into dubuque on his own air f fce one. Get out and caucus and dont stay back. I dont care. Youre feeling horrible. You have a 104 temperature. The doctor says, you cannot leave. It will be the end of you if you leave bed. You cannot leave. You will not be able to make it. Get out of bed and caucus. All three clintons together in cedar rapids. Thank you, bill. Thank you, chelsea. Thank you guys. I am so proud to be my parents daughter. And you need a worldclass changemaker. She is the best i have ever known. Ted cruz called in Phil Robertson from duck dynasty. Now trump says hes not r man, cruz. So lets call old donald duck and try to get him to do the debate. [ duck calls ] and listen to Bernie Sanders with the indie rockers vampire weekend. This land is your land this land is my land from california to the New York Island and now the pollster who knows iowa the best has weighed in with her final numbers. Ann else issers poll for the des moines rerester and bloomberg showing donald trump with a slight lead. Cruz in second, rubio at 15 and ben carson at 10 . On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton neck and neck with Bernie Sanders, holding a slim threepoint lead. Lets dig in with jon karl. Ts start out with those democrats right there. Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton so close. Theyre drawing on completely different universes. George. Look at the generation gap here. Bernie sanders has a lead of nearly 40 points among Iowa Democrats under 35. But it cuts both ways. If you look at Hillary Clinton, she has an equally huge lead among Iowa Democrats over 65. Remember, traditionally, the older voters are more reliable caucusgoers. That could be an advantage. To her going into this final stretch. Of bringing out bill clinton. Reporter hes doing more events than Hillary Clinton in the final stretch. Look at this. Iowa democrats love bill inton. His favorability rating at 86 . The only democrat more popular among democrats here is barack obama. Meanwhile, on the republican side, donald trump with the momentum. There are some warning signs inside the poll. Reporter yeah, trump has couple of weeks. Negative advertising attacks from his opponenen. His favovobility rating, unfavorability rating is at 47 among Iowa Republicans. That is sky high. Meanwhile, cruz and rubio are both much more higher favorability ratings. Although cruz has taken a beating himself. His rating has gone down 11 points in just a few weeks. And there is some fluidity in the electorate right now . Reporter 71 of trump voters will vote for him. Everybody else . 45 of Iowa Republicans say they could change their mind before tomorrow night. That could help marco rubio. Hes the top second choice among these candidates. More Iowa Republicans say rubio is their second choice than any other candidate. Thank you, jon. Lets bring in the republican frontrunner. Donald trump joins us by phone. Thank you for joining us. The Des Moines Register has you in the lead. The suppororrs into voters . Youre counting on a lot of people who havent caucused before. Well, i am. They say that the more people that get out, the betttt i do. I think well have a big crowd. The blizzard supposedly is going to be on tuesday, not monday. Or monday night. And hopefully, that will hold. They think record attendance will happen tonight. If that happens, im supposedly, according to the pollsters, in very good shape. We have a great bonding, as you see by the big surge we have had in the poll. In iowa. A very important poll. There is some vulnerability there as well. Half theheoters in the polls s s theyre less comfortable with you now as the gop nominee, less comfortable with the idea that youre going to be representing america to the world. How do you convince them youre ready to be commananr in chief . Well, for one thing, i did well against hillary one on one. Ive beaten her in polls. Im the one that will beat hillary, assuming she makes it to the gate, which is quesesonable. Well see what happens. And i think thats a very important factor. I think the big factor, if you look at iowa, and this one, how well im doing with evangelicals. Im leading with evangelicals. Im leading with tea party. Im doing great in every aspect throughout the nation. And you know, we look forward to an interesting seasoso we begin we begin in one day, hard to believe. The votes are finally here. You mentioned Hillary Clinton. Ted cruz is hitting you hard on your relationship with Hillary Clinton. A brandnew ad released overnight. Here it is. Live in new york. She lives in new york. Ive known her and her husband for years. I really like them both a lot. You were at his wedding. I was at his wedding. Thats right. Is it like where you guys all pretend to dislike each other and then youre all pals behind the scenes . He says America Needs a fighter not a dealmaker. Well, you know, you need a dealmaker, too. You cant have somebody standing endorses you. Heres a guy with all l ese senators, not one endorsement t for cruz. Hes a nasty guy. Nobody likes him. It will be worse gridlock than you have right now. Right now, you have gridlock. As far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, when i was in business, i was a worldclass businessman. I built one of the great companies. Thats what i intend to do with the country. Bring it back to health. Because its dying with there are 19 trillion in debt and lots of other problems. When i was in business, i got along with everybody. Democrats, liberals. I got along with conservatives and republicans. I happen to have a conservative way of thought. I happen to be a republican. But when youre a businessman n you have to get along with everybody. You cant just say, im going to get along with a small group because you wont be able to function that way. I get along. Evenenorldwide. I get along with everybody. Ted cruz is saying a vote for trump is a vote for obamacare. And theres a fullpage ad in the des moines registst. Saying in the last few months, governmentrun health insurance. Youve called for continued federal funding for planned parenthood. On that obamacare issue, right there, hes saying, because you want the government to pay for everyone to have health care, sthat just like that is just like obamacare. Look, ted cruz is a total ar. Im so against obamacare. Ive been saying it for two years. Im going to repeal and replace obamacare. I dont know where he ts this. He didnt put down on his Financial Disclosure forms that he borrowed money from banks at lowinterest loans. Lower than you or anybody can get. Hes got favorable deals from the banks on wall street. He never put it down. In his Financial Disclosure forms. Ted is a liar. This is why nobody likes him. This is why he doesnt have this is why he doesnt have one endorsement from one senator. Not one. He works with them. He doesnt have one endorsement. I am so againstobamamare, its dodo gusting. Any senators endorsed you yet . They will be very soon. Do you have anyone to announce . We have tremendous Jerry Fallwell jr. Just endorsed me. From liberty university. Every candidate goes through liberty university. He endorsed me. Thats probably one of the reasons i went so high with evangelicals. Sarah palin just endorsed me. Sheriff joe from arizona. The toughest guy on the border. Sheriff joe. The toughest there is on the border just endorsed me. I have great endorsements. Many more ararcoming. You say ted cruz is a liar. You have said you want everyone to be covered on health care and the government will pay for it. How is that not obamamare . I want people to thats true. I want people taken care of. I have a heart. I want people taken care of. If people have no money, we have to help people. That doesnt mean single payer. It means we have to help people. If somebody has no money and theyre lying in the middle of the street and dying im going to take care of that how do you do it . And try to get them back to health. Were going to work with our hospitals, doctors, weve got to do something. You cant have a small percentage of our economy have no protection so they end up dying from what you could have a simple procedure or a pill. You cant do that. Well work something out. That doesnt mean single payer. Maybe hes got no heart. And if this means i lose an election, thats fine. Because frankly, we have to take care of the people in our country. We cant let them die on the side walks of new york or iowa or anywhere else. So but thats not single payer. As far as obamacare is concerned. One of the staples of my speech, and you can ask any of my many supporters, is repeal and replace obamacare. The premiums are going up, 25 , 30 , 40 . Whats g gng on with obamacare is an outrage. It will probably fail on its own like they have been in 17. But by 17, obamacare will fail on its open. A whole staple of my campaign is getting rid of obamacare and replacing it. You and ted cruz going at it. Any concern that marco rubio will sneak up the middle here . You never know. Its an election. I sort of doubt it. I have tremendous support. One of the things im very proud of is the number that you gave that my people are most committed to me. The people i have are far away, double, triple, quadruple committed to me. Theyre not going anywhere. Because they have confidence in me. Some of the greatest assets in the world. Low debt, tremendous cash flow. Im selffunding my campaign. Im putting all my money into my campaign. Im not borrowing from the oil men and from other special interests like ted cruz. This guys borrowing from people. Hes 100 in their pocket. Want him to do. Ive turnenedown hundreds of millions of dollars from people that wanted to support my campaign because i dont want their money. Money, they influence me. I dont want to be influenced. The only one that will have influence on me is the American People. Im going to do whats right for the American People for the first time in many, many years. You know, mr. Ump, i was there at your announcement in june. Did the first interview right after. Tell the truth right now. Did you ever imagine then that on the eve of the Iowa Caucuses you would be leading pretty big in every state . The truth is, no. I didnt. I thought, im somebody that knows how to win. I close the deal, you know that about me for a long time. I do close the deal. I do win. But i never thought i would have 24point leads in different states. In florida, im 48. The sitting senator is 11. Bush is in the basement. Much lower than that. This is in the state of florida. I never thought i would havevehe kinds of leads. In New Hampshire, a 22point lead. Iowa is the closest, i guess the poll just came out. I have a five or sixpoint lead. Surprise. They know they know that these phony ads these people put out there, such lies, like obamacare, nobody is more negative on obamacare than donald trump. Nobody knows health care more than donald trump. Anything you could do differently . Any adjustments youou need to make Going Forward . You always look back. The answer is no. Im leading in the National Polls by in some cases 22 points. And even m me. I think its hard to sayayhat i would have made changes. Certainly, i could have changed a word or two. I would really say, no. Im very happy. I have unbelievable people that will be voting for me. The thing im most proud about is, take a look. By far. You Just Announced it this morning. By far the most loyal people are the people that are going to go out and vote or caucus for trump. Well see what happens tomorrow night. Thank you very much for joining us this morning. And were just Getting Started here. Bernie sanders coming up. Hillary clinton. Hey buddy, lets get these dayquil liquid gels and go. But these liquid gels ararnew. Mucinex fast max. Its the same difference. These are multisymptom. Well so are these. This one is max strength and fights mucus. That one doesnt. Uh. Think fast you dropped something. Oh. Ill put it back on the shelf. New from mucinex fast max. Thats maxstrength and fights mucus. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. This thing with her emails is a big deal. She lied about the fact that thereris nothing classified on my server. Lie as long as you can get away with it. That is the clinton way. She put our natioiol security at r rk for her conveniencnc she broke the law for her convenience. Hard on those emails. She responds live, next. On her convenience. Hard on those emails. She responds live, next. E copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbmbort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide of your lung function. Symbicort is for cop includudg chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. 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Eight years ago, your hopes were dashed by the surge of new voters for barack obama. Are you confident that wont happen again . Well, george, heres what i coident about. We have run a Terrific Campaign from the grass roots up. I feel so proud and grateful for the thousands of iowans that have joined this campaign. Were going to keep working until the caucuses conclude of course, its close. Its c cpetitive. Thats why i hope everybody who has decided to caucus for me will be sure to come out on monday night. You did have the surprise on friday. The state department saying they will not release 22 emails of yours deemed topsecret. You want them released. Why are you so confident that release would not Compromise National Security . What do you know about those emails that we dont . Well, heres what i know. I know that this is s i think a continuation of the story that has been playing out for months. There is no classified marked information on those emails. Sent or received by me. Dianne feinstein, the Ranking Member of the intelligence committee, who has had a chance to review them, has said that this email chain did not originate with me and that there were no classification markings. So i do want them released. And of course, i cant be clear about exactly what the reasons might be for some in the government as part of this interagency dispute to make this request, not to make them disclosed. I think they can n d should bedy disclosed. From everything im told about them. Your supporters, including tom vilsack and others, have suggested its political. Is that what you think . Im going to leave that to othe experienced in the e ys of washingngn to comment on. I just have to point out that the timing, and some of the leaks that have led up to it, are concerning. I just want this matter resolved. The best way to resolve is to do what i asked months ago. Release ththe. Let the public see them. Lets move on. Classified. No evidence that thats not true. The nondisclosure agreement you signgn as secretary of state said its not that relevant. Classified information is marked or unmarked classified. All of you are trained to treat all of thaha sensitively and should know the difference. Of course. Very seriously. You know, you cant get information off the classified system. In the state department. To put on to an unclassified system, no matter what that system is. We were very specific about that. And, you when you receive information, of course, there has to be some marking. Some indication that someone down the chain had thought that this was classified. That was not the case. The final thing i would say, because clearly, the best answer to all of this is release and disclose these terribles is that, what im tolds that this chain of email very well included a published newspaper report. That seems a little hard to understand. That we would be retroactively overclassfying a public newspaper article. Lets get it out. See what it is. Let the American People draw their own conclusions. This is very much like benghazi. The republicans will continue to use it. Beat up on me. Thats the way they are. After 11 hours of testimony, answering every single question in politics, which i had requested for months, its clear that theyre grasping at straws. This will turn out the same way. You told my colleague,avid muir awhile back, that it was a mistake to set up the private server. This monday, you said there was no error in judgment. How you to square those two statements . It was permitted. My predecessor engaged in a similar practice. It was not the best choice or i would be talking about what the people in iowa are talking to me about. The concerns on their minds. Andd be really able to answer their questions, as i have been now for so many months. You and senator sanders going at it right now. Here was he was on the stump yesterday. Saying this about your attacks. Dont tell me thahaim defending or protecting the gun dont tell me im attacking planned parenthood. Those are inaccuracies. And we can do better than that. Hes calling you out. He said hes got a dminus rating from the nra and a 100 record with planned parenthood. Well, let me tell you what the people who work on these issues every day have said. Theyve said im the leader. The lead who are has taken on tough issues. Issues like planned parenthood, the gun lobby for years. They concluded to endorse me by the planned parenthood action fund. I was very honored to have that. Thats not saying others haventt voted with them. They were looking for a leader and they found it with me. Ive been endorsed by the brady campaign. Yesterday, at a very emotional event at ames, iowa, i was endorsed by Gabby Giffords and her husband, mark kelly. They believe im the leader they want to stand up to the gun lobby. They concluded i was the leader to protect and advance the causese and the righgh of the lgbt community. Now, that is just the facts. People who know us, who know what they want in the next president have sided with me. And im very proud of that. You just mentioned theyre going to be hitting you with the email issue. The republicans are clearly going to hit Bernie Sanders with the fact that hes a democratic sococlist if he gets the nomination. Some of your supporters concerned about that. Senator Claire Mccaskill said they cant wait to run an ad with a hammer and a sickle. Steny hoyer. Congressman hoyer saying, he calls h hself a socialist. I dont think that is a good title to have to run for the president of the United States. Is that what you think . Will the fact that hes a democratic socialist make it harder for democrats to win in november . Well, thahacertainly is what a lot of democratitileaders are saying. And i take them at their word. They know their states. They know the country. They know we have to take back the senate. They want to make adadnces in the house as well as at goveveor and legislature levels across heres what i think. I think i have been subjected, as you know so well, to years of scrutiny, and i still standing. Talking to you. In the lead here in iowa. For the caucuses. And going on after that. And, its a very tough gauntlet to run. And if there are issues that republicans and their allies on the right believe they can use to bring down a democrat, theyre going to use it. I feel vetted. I feel ready. I feel strong. And i think im the best person to be the nominee and defeat whoever they nominate in november. Finally, i wonder what your response is to this quote from your old friend, robert reich. He said, youre the most qualified candidate for the political system we now have. But Bernie Sanders is the most qualified candidate to create the political system we should have. How do you respond to that . Well, look. Im a progressive who thinks life. Thats what i will do as president. Obviously, i have big goals. I want to get to universal coverage. I want to get the economy working for everybody. Not just those at the top. Get incomes rising. Get women equal pay. Raise the minimum wage. A renaissance ininanufacturing. Move toward clean renewable energy. I have big goals. I tell you how im going to get there and how im going to pay for them. I think thatats what americans want. Im got going to sit here and overpromise and underdeliver. Im going to tell you what i know we can achieve. And that will take the political system we have right now. I intend to bring in more people, as i always have. When i ran for senate the first time, people didnt give me much of a chance. I won. When i was reelected, i won with a bigger percentage. Secretary of state, the e republicans even said i was doing a good job. I understand politics. I understand a campaign. Im focused on my mission to make sure this country works for hardworkingngmiddle class families who rightly feel theyve been left out and left behind. I think i know how to do that. And i think the voters know that i know how to do that. Secretary clinton, thank you for joining us. Reat to talk to you. U. Thank you. Well be right back with Bernie Sanders. Thank you. Well be right back with Bernie Sanders. Seriously . Where do you think youre going . To work, with you. Its taco o esday. Youre not coming. I took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. Oh, right then ill swing by in like 4 hours. Forget the tacos one pill lasts 12 hours. Im good all day. Wait your loss. I was going to wear a sombrero. Only mucinex has a bilayer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. Not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. The future belongs to the fast. And to help you accelerate, weve created a new company. 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[ crowd booing ] so how would you like to make the pundits look dumb on Election Night . [ chrs and applause ] Bernie Sanders in iowa yesterday. The senator joins us now. Smiling at your owowline. Is that whats going to happen . Are the pundits going to look dumb . I surely hope so, george. Uh, look. We have been running all over the state. We have had town meetingand rallies that have brought out aluost 70,000 people in the state of iowa. Lower income people and young people come out to vote in significant numbers tomorrow night, were going to win this thing and pull off one of the great political upsets in recent histor you know, george, when we began this campaign, as you well know, we we trailing Hillary Clinton by 50 or 60 points. Some of the polls have us a little bit behind. Some of the polls have us a little bit ahead. You led me to it. Your announcement in may was one of the most lowkey president ial announcements i have ever seen. Im going to ask you the same question i asked donald trump at the begin of course the program. When you were making that announcement on may 6th, did you really believe you would be in the position youre in today . This is what i thought, to be honest with you. I thought the message that we had, which is that the economy is rigged in the sense that working people are working longer hours for lower wages a a almost all new income is going to the top 1 . And i thought that the idea that the camamign finance system is corrupt. George, you cannot appreciate how disgusted people are, whether theyre conservatives or progressives, with the idea that billionaires now are able to buy elections. So, i think that issue, those issues of the decline of the middle class. Of billionaires being able to buy elections while kids cant afford to go to college, while people are just sinking further and further into poverty, i thought that that message would resonate. I didnt believe it would resonate quite as fast as it has. S. You clearly have struck a chord. We heard secretary clinton make her case. Whats at the heartf her case is, that line about your candidacy. Shes not going to overpromise and underdeliver. That was an argument picked up by the New York Times saying she has the breadth of how do you respond . I respond to it by saying that every proposal that im bringing forth, is, in fact, supported by the vast that majority of the american n ople. The problem is is that congress is so dominated by bigmoney interests, theyre much more concerned about camamign contributions than the needs of working families. The United States should join the rest of the industrialized world, guarantee health care for all people. Make public colleges and universities free. Crcrte jobs by rebuilding the infrastructure. These are not radical ideas, george. And demanding that the start paying taxes. Break up the wall street conglomerates. These are not radical ideas. This is what the American People want. The real question is, can we effectively take on the drug compans . And the Insurance Companies . And wall street . Thats a fair question. I believe the American People are ready for that fight. I give you one example, george. We have received 3 Million Individual Campaign Contributions averaging 27 a piece. That is more than any candidate in the history of america up to this point. Secretary clinton relies on superpacs and wealthy people to contribute to her campaign. Thats the difference. The American People want us to move in a very different direction. They want government to represent all of us not just the wealthy. Thats why our campaign is doing well. Thats why i think we can win the general election. Thats the other key question. Can you win the general election . You heard what secretary o clinton had to say about the other democrats who are concerned, that you, a democratic socialist, will get slapped with that label and in terms of what people are beginning to get slapped with, look at the front pages. With what secretety clinton is getting slapped with. What is it . It has to do with emails. Our campaign is generating an enormous amount of excitement and enthusiasm all over the country. Were bringing large numbers of people into the political process. Democrats win elections when large numbers of people come out and vote. Thats what obama did in 2008. Thats what we can do right now. Republicans win elections when people are demoralized and voter turnout is low. Think theres no question but that we have the excitement. Second of all, george, look at some of the polls that are out there. Look at the polls from battleground states. In terms of wisconsin, New Hampshire, iowa. Sanders versus trump. We do a lot better than Hillary Clinton does agast trump. National polls, were doing better against trump. Will they throw the kitchen sink at me . They sure will. The American People dont want to vote for republicans who want to cut social security, medicaid, and give money to billionaires. Republicans who refuse to acknowledge climate change, let alone do something about it. Republicans who are bought and sold by billionaires and corporate america. You just if we run against trump, well beat him. Im absolutely confidede that we can wiwithe general election. You just memeioned the emails. You said in the first debate, youre sick and tired of hearing about them. The republicans are clearly not. Are you now saying that is an issue in november . This will harm her electability . I think you know, well, what you just said is true. Republicans are talking about. What i have said is there is a Legal Process under way right now. Im not going to politicize that issue. Im not attacking Hillary Clinton on that issue. I stand by what i said in the first debate. Republicans, needless to say, have a different point of view on that. Im going to, and i think the well, were treating the American People with intelligence. Were talking about a corrupt Campaign Finance system, a system. The need for people who have given up on american democracy to come back in. And demand that our government represents all of us and not just the top 1 . Thats why were winning. Campaign. Thats why i think we can win in november. In that des uoines register poll, president obama, the most popular demococt inhe state of iowa right now. You met with the president this week. You have had something of an unen relationship with him. A new book out by bill press. Called buyers remorse. How obama let progressives down. Right at the top theres a message from you. Endorsement from you on the back. Is that what you believe . President obama let progressives down . George, what i believe i wrote a blurb. It said that the next president has got to be very active in bringing people into the political process. Democracy is not about 63 of the people not voting, which was ththcase in the last eleleion. Thats what the next president has got to do. I happen to believe that president obama has done an excellent job taking on the incredible otructionism of the republicans. Where we are today is a lot, lot better place than we were when bush left office and we were losing 800,0,0 jobs a month. President obama, Vice President biden have done a great job. Theyre my friends. I work with them. So i think what we have gott to do is build on that record and go forward and address the needs of the american middle class. Thank you, senator sanders, for joining us this morning. Thank you. Youve heard from the candidates. What to watch for from our roundtable is next. Tonight marks the first Election Night of the new and tonight also marks the beginning of the end of the clinton era. [ cheers and applause ] nights recordshattering victory is the victory of a message. That is conservative. And is compassionate. They said thihicountry was too divided. Too disillusioned to ever come together around a common purpose. But on this january night, at this defining moment in history, you have done what the cynics said we couldnt do. [ cheers and applause ] the last twtwpresident s who rode wins in iowa to the white house. Lets talk about it with the roundtable. Donna brazile, matthew dowd, who has workedd for republicans and democrats. Alex castellanos and katrina vanden heuvel. Editor and publisher of the nation. Side right nowow donald trump in front. Well see if he can pull it out. I remember when Ronald Reagan took on an incumbent president. And littleknown governor won the democratic race. Its as fascinating and impressive as that. I think right now, donald trump is the odds on favorite to win iowa. It totally d dends, we have talked about before, what the turnout ratio is between old and new caucusgoers. T it looks like hell have enough new caucusgoers that are very enthused t tt i think he pulls out a victory. When he does, there will be a sonic boom around the country. A lot of people think, oh, the republicans will deal with that. Republicans will deal with that. When he wins, it will be a big night. And ted cruz said hell be unstoppable. Alex, you, several weeks ago, several months ago, you tried to get republicans to organize and take him on. Its not happened. Not so well. I think matthew is right. I think trump is probably going to win iowa. Cruz is running as the candidate of moral purity. Right . The guy on the wte horse. You cant get mud on your white horse. Hes had a problem with that with integrity. Authenticity questions. Hes heading the wrong way and hes got someone behind him who is gwing. Rco rubio. Cruz has a great organization. This may be a trump and rubio race down the road. Thats actually the a tougher race. Thatats the hope of the republican establishment. Yes, it is. What lessons should democrats take from the rise of donald trump . Theres no question in a very antiestablishment year, when anger came to the forefront, i i think Bernie Sanders has captured that. Very well on the democratic side. The insecurities of the american economy, their place in the world. Bernie has really given voice to that. Amplified. On the republican side, look, im an old, traditional, grass cruz has a great ground operation. He may get the votes out. I may not be enough if donald trump can storm the caucuses with new voters. On the other hand. Bernie sanders. Hillary clinton has the traditional people. The people that will come out rain, sleet, or snow. But bernie has the momentum in terms of the grass roots people. The people who are trying to make a difference. Heres one thing i heard. Im not on the ground yet. I hear that bernie, unlike obama, in january 3, 2008. President obama had to depend on the college towns. But, the college kids were at home. Not at school. This year, theyre at school. And what bernie is trying to do is to get them to go back home. Hes got to get them to go back home. Thats right. The nation endorsed Bernie Sanders. Yes, they did. I was on the show when Bernie Sanders Just Announced. He has upended all rules. Hes shown that a different kind of politics is possible. Caucusgoers believe a gged system in the country that benefits only the rich and powerful is the preeminent issue of our time. Hes electrified the young people. Hes leading in iowa, i think, 74 among young people. Hes shown that the media has doneneome malpractice. Last summer, obsesse coverage of donald trump. Bernie sanders was bringing younpeople in to rallieses there was so little coverage. He brought in millions of contributions. Small dollars. Taking on the biggest fund raszing operation we have seen with the clinton people. You 2kiddid endorse hillary, right . Im just checking. One of the things bernie said is his ideas are not radical. I think a lot of the media has tried to marginalize him. And police the parameters of what is possible. In this country, so many of these issues, if people can look beyond the label. Hes a new dealer. Lets test it. Run the Republican Campaign bernie is woodstock. Hes running a 60s fantasy camp for liberals. Medicare for all. To run back to oh, my god. Social security. Affordable college. Decent pensions. Dignity. Dignity. A company bankrupted by those ideas. Thats hillarys problem. By the way. The hard part for hillary is shes trying to murder the 60s. Shes running the Richard Nixon campaign against the democratic she has learned the lessons of the last campaign. Clearly in iowa, this time around, much more organized than in 2008. She saw the loss. It caught up with her in a surprise at the end. I still think hilly clinton is a status quo politician in the course of this. Thats why i think Bernie Sanders may be a stronger general election candidate than Hillary Clinton. I think Hillary Clinton, her campaign, just like jeb bushs campaign, not doing well at all, but she still hasnt let go of everything i can, not saying anything that will offend anybody. Not at a time when people want passion. They want aspiration. Bernie sanders right now is the only one on the democratic side who is aspirational. Donald trump right now is the only one of the republican side that basically says, im going to take on anybody. Im fascinated. She sererd in washington for r 20 years. Well, bernie has served in washington for 25 years. Thats not the point. I think she has brought in the kind of campaign the democrats are comfortable with. Theyre comfortable with a candidate who can put out bold policy ideas that has an opportunity to pass congress. She knows how to do it. Look, again, this is a nontraditional year. Nobody, im not betting my lunch money ononhe watching Hillary Clinton run like an antiestablishment candidate is like watching Charles Barkley swing a golf club. It does not come naturally to she is what the Democratic Party is. Thats why Bernie Sanders is a message to hillary. Come our way. And she cant. The nation is not a monolith. We did endorse Bernie Sanders. I support Hillary Clinton. Shes responded to the populace temper of the time. Bernie sanders has forced issues on to the agenda of the debate that might not have otherwise been there. I agree with that. And Hillary Clinton has responded. Shes been a great defender of womens rights. And shes moved. I do think we need to step back. Bernie sanders, all the policing, ive seen by liberal commentators in the last week or two about how hes not electable, i think matthew dowd just put that to rest. But i also thinwe need to step back. This is a country of a rising american i believe it. I would rather be Bernie Sanders running again donald trump than Hillary Clinton running. Look at your party. The Republican Party. Ot my party. Im an independent. The Republican Party is engaged in a suicide pact with if it doesnt reach out to the rising ma american majority of young people, latinos, young women, its going to i want to get back to donald trump. We talked a lot about Bernie Sanders and hillararclinton. This i ian unbelievable story. Hes in front. Lets look ahead. Matthew dowd, he wins. Is ted cruz right that he cant be stopped . I think he can be stopopd. But its a very outside shot. Lets just roll out. Donald trump, lets say he wins iowa. Hell then win in New Hampshire overwhelmingly. He goes s to south carolina, probably wins that overwhelmingly. Then you get to the a national primary. Eight days of march. Its almost unstoppable. I mean, almost completely unstoppable. The only way i think the republicans can figure out a way is if somehow, rubio surprises. Alternative. Then its a rubiotrump race expectations . George bush, 43, said nobody ever bought a product that made them feel worse. Thats ted cruz. Marco rubio is the future of the repupuican party. A different Republican Party. A great contrast with Hillary Clinton and a Democratic Party that wants to preserve the past and trap it in amber. If theres a little shot that if this is a trumprubio race, we could see the beginning of a better Republican Party. Thats the future. Marco rubios youthful exuberance masks regressive, old ideas. He wants to open the economy. Democrcrs want to keep it close. The only thing we dont know, donald trump has not hes left marco rubio alone. He left ted cruz alone. He decided to leave him alone again. He left ted cruz alone until the last three weekek donald trump has system atatically taken do ted cruz in iowa. He peaked too soon. Atat1 in december, hessoing down. There are three tickets. An old cliche. Three tickets out of a iowa on the republican side. Donald trump will get a free pass. He has his own plane. Ted cruz will lilily come out. Mamao rubio will likely y come the establishment candidate. Theyll all consolidate. Come to him. And then 50 are chosen in march. Will the others drop out . Theres not much reason to unless they want a cabinet post in say a trump administration. Which some might. But as you go, what republicans are loooong for now is who will be the alternative to trump, should he win in iowa . Which he probably will. Is that cruz . Then a choice between a dark Republican Party or a native Republican Party. Or somebododwho wants to open up the company. Somebody who said yesterdays to yesterday. You would have a generational the video you showed of the clinton rally i thought was so powerful. I thought that rally looked old. It felt old. It felt lifeless. Bernie sanders, i agree wi matthew. Were talking about trumps chances. I think a lot of look back, were going to look back at this one and, again, see a media malpractice. That led o o media to give him obsessive coverage, click, ratings, and look at tissue hes a right wing theres no question he is leading. Heres the question i have. I have interviewed him 20 times since june. Hes been asked every single tough question. Hes had every single attack come at him. Hes done things that uld drive other caidates out of the race, in a heart beat,ut it hasnt happened to him. Why . If you want to we talk about Bernie Sanders out of sync with the majority. Which i believe hes not. Right wing populism. The other day, he said medicare should negotiate with drug companies. Hes against corporations leaving is country. But his attacks on muslims and immigrants. Hes tough on immigrants. But hes also tough on but its not about issues with trump. Its not. Its about dominance politics. Shohod trump have skippededhe fox debate . One of the things we teach candidates, moments of strength. Theyre gladitorial contests. We put you in a pit for a reason. Araryou tough enough to do this job . Other candidates debated within the debate. Trump debated with the debate. Fox news is the most powerful organ in the Republican Party. He took them on. And it wouldnt have worked when we come back, back so look. Get out on monday, caucus. I think the storm is on tuesday. I hope. And you know what . Supposing its on monday, so you go through some snow, okay . Youre from iowa. Are you afraid of snow . Are you afraid of snow . Donald trump, weather forecaster as well. Lets go back to iowa with jon karl. Its a cliche. It happens to be true. It all comes down to turnout. So ats the latest forecast they have out there . Okay, well im going to channel my own ginger zee. The forecast for tomorrow night. Temperatures at about 32 degrees. The heavy snow is not expepeed to come until after midnight. But, boy, is it going to come. Take a look at this. We have a blizzard bearing down on iowa. Were expecting about a foot o o snow. It is not expected to come until tuesday, george. Which means it may not affect rn outat all. It could well affect the ability of t t candidates to get out and get to New Hampshire. For the New Hampshire primary. Lets talk about turnout. Eight years ago, barack obama had 240,000 people show up. It drove himimo victory. About 120,000 for the democrats in 2004. Better Hillary Clinton does. On the republican side, above 120,000, all trump . Thats right. The republicans will have a record turnout. For the democrats, Bernie Sanders believes they need to get close to that 200,000 mark. Be in good shape. Under that, hell be in real trouble. Thank you all for sharing part of your sunday with us. Stay with us for all the first votes tomorrow night. David muir will be live from iowa. Ill be standing by with our whole team to bring you the results as they come in. Next saturday night, the final gop debate before the inspect. Primary, right here on abc. That begins at 8 00 eastern. Moines. Welcome to the iowa realty home show. Lets begin with open houses, featured homes a great iowa homes in cedar rapids and the 1. Well maintained ranch, with

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