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Classified in the same category as cigarettes and asbestos. They can cause cancer, according to the world health organization, and thats not all. The who advisory commit fee tinding that unprocessed red meat is probably cars jennic. The report, which was based on an analysis of more than 800 studies asserts that simply ting 50 grams of processed meat e eh day can increase the risk of colon cancer by 18 . Heres some food for thought. The 50 grams cited in the report is the equivalent of 1. 8 oubsnces of meat. A typical deli sandwich has more than 4. 5 ounces of meat. This is what 1. 8 ounces looks like. Keep in mind that according to the report, only 34,000 of all cancer deaths could be tributed to diets highn processed meat. Thats out of the 8. 2 Million Deaths caused worldwide by kants kaenser in 2012, compared to a Million Deaths a year due to bacco smsming. The panel did say red meat does have nutritional value. But the Meat Industry is crying foul. The north American Meat institute telling abc news in a statement that classifying r r and processed meat askancer hazards defies common sense. The American Cancer Society has long recommended that we limit our meat intake a also suggeses that you not fry it or grill it on charcoal. David . Lets get right to richard besser, because we saw 50 grams there. That is not a lot of meat at all. Reporter its t. For an average american, if you are eating two slices of bacon or hot dog a day, thats going to raise your lifetime risk of colon cancer from 5 up to about. Its real, but its not a v vy large number. Thats a hot dog a day. And youve been telling us all day in the news room that moderation, which you have said, is really the key here. You dont have to give up meat. Reporter exactly. Moderation is what its about. I like the mediterranean diet. But if you are a big meat eater, its about limiting the amount of processed meat you are eating. Substituting fish or chicken. And when you arere cookiki your meat, donttrill it. That can release car sin jens. If you broil it or bake it, thats the way to go. Rich besser, youll stay on this. A lot of viewers will have questions after this tonight. Thank you. In the meantime, weeurn to the race for 2016 and new signs of potential trouble for donald trump. New numbers tonight. The third poll in a row now showing trump losing to dr. Ben carson in iowa by double digits, 14 ints. But trump is now saying about those polls, as this evening, hes taking heat for what he calls, quote, a small loan from his father when he was young. 1 million loan. Abcs tom llamas on the campaign trail. Reporter tonight, donald truru telling supporters dont believe the hype or the polls. Im number two in iowa. I said, i dont believe it. Ones bloomberg, they hate me, newspaper, the des moines register, which is third rate, totally third rate, not respected in iowa. So, i got these two polls. Bloomberg hatat me, dont forget, michael did want to run for president. Reporter today, trump getting new scrutiny, saying hes had to fight his whole life, even though his father was a multimillionaire who gave him a start in real estate. Its not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me, and, you know, i started off in brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of 1 million. Reporter nothing small about a million bucks, but trump says it isnt very much cpared to what hes built. Now, with ben carson well ahead in iowa, trump hitting the retired neurosurgeon hard. After saying you cant criticize someones faith, trump then said this about carsons. Im presbyterian, thats down the middle of the road, folks. In all fairness. I mean seventh day adventist, i dont know about, i just dont know about. Reporter carsodemanding an apology. A couple of months ago, i an attack on his faith, and i apologized for that. I hope he will have the same grace. Reporter but trump refuses. And today, new c cments on religion getting attention, saying women in muslim countries appreciate their customs and some want to keep their faces covered. In fact, its easy. You dont haveo putn makeup. Lookow beautiful everyone looks. Wouldnt it be easy . Ill tell you, if i was a woman im ready, darling. Lets go. Reporter and david, despite those poll numbers, trump is not giving up on iowa. Hes hitting the hawkeye tomorrow night, his last stop before the debate on wednesday. David . Tom llamas, thank you. And now to the other republican facing challenges tonighgh jeb bush. A rare momomt of public frustration over the weekend, after news of those massive payroll cuts for his campaign. Tonight, three generations of the bush family now gather behind closed doors, reassuring jebs supporters after whateb abcs jon karl with jebs words. Reporter jeb bush is sounding downright disgusted with the president ial race. Ive got a lot of really cool things that i could do other than sit arorod being miserable listening to people demonizing me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. That is a joke. Elect trump if you want that. Reporter hes down in the polls and was forced to cut Campaign Staff and salaries, while donald trump dominates the field and continues to ridicule him. Bush has no money, hes cutting hes meeting today with mommynd daddy and theyre working on their campaign. Reporter jeb bush has said his 91yearold father gets so mad, he sometimes throws shoes at the tv when trumps on. When he threw out the first pitch at a recent playoff game, the candidates mother sported a campaign sticker on her walker. We caught a quick glimpse of jeb bush as he took a break from his closeddoor meeting today with familil and big donors at thth hotel in houston. A source inside told us the message was simple. Jeb knows he needs to do better, and he assured them he will. And jon karl with us live tonight. Jon, jeb bush faces a real tt this week with the third republican debate. And today, he acknowledged that . Reporter he acknowledged it. Hes got work to do. Hes got to do better in the upcoming debates. He had his family there with him, including both former president s named bush and his mother, the 90yearold former first lady who got the biggest you a because when she said, jeb is going to be the next president. Jon karl live at the white house tonight. Jon, thank you. And just d ds after vice e President Joe Biden revealed he will not run for president , hes now clarifying what many saw as a jab at hillary clinton. When asked the enemy shes most proud of during that debate, clintonncluded republicans in that despite. Biden afterwards saying washington needs more bipartisan ship. Heres what he said last night. That was a reference to washington. But she callele republicans biden setting the record reports about his late son, beau, asking his dad in their final moments together to run. There was not what has sort of made out as this hollywoodesque thing that at the last minute, beau grabbed my hand, said, dad, you have to run. It wasnt anything like that. Vice President Joe Biden, the race for 2016 for tonight. We move onto other news this evening and to that tragedy in oklahoma. These images showing the moment a car slammed into the crowd at a homecoming parade over the weekend. Four people including a 2yearold boyoyere killed. The driver in court today. And tonight, behind bars on 1 million bond. Even her own attorney wants to know what the toxicology report will reveal. Heres abcs ryan owens. Reporter the driver seen plowing into a homecoming parade on this distributing video is tonight being held on a Million Dollars bond. The judge calling 25yearold of help. We got a car through a crowd up here. Reporter prosecutors are awaiting toxicology result, but believe claim berms was high on drugs when she got behind the wheel saturday morning, killing four and injuring a staggering 47 people at Oklahoma State university. Among the dead, a retired professor and his wife, an mba student and a 22arold boy. Tonight, Chambers Family is coming to her defense. She wouldnt have done this purposefully. I just dont believe that in my heart. Reporter at her First Court Appearance this afternoon, the judge ordered a psycyclogical evaluation. Her r torney says shes mentally ill and doesnt remember the crash. Prosecutors plan to charge chambers with four counts of seconddegree murder. They warn the judge another victim is in very grave candidate tonight and a faith murder charge may be coming. David . Ryan owens, thank you. And n to that boating accident off british columbia. New images of that boat sinking in cold water. Passengers bobbing in the water, waiting 30 minutes to be rescued. At least five passengers were killed. One passenger s sll ssing. And now world it happened so fast, there was no time for a may day call. Abcs Neal Karlinsky tonight. Reporter tonight, the only part of the 65foot boat that didnt sink, bob income the waters off vancouver island, just the bow, upside down and sticking straight out of the water. It was pretty scary. Knowing that i have a friend that drives that boat. Reporter it was a whale tching tour whehe something suddenly sunk the ship. 27 people bobbing in the 55 degree water for those frigid 30 minutes. Om a boat that reportedly didnt require life jackets to be worn. The distress call coming i in at 8 19 in the afternoon, and immediately, every boat in the area rushed in to help. Five are confirmed dead. All british citizens from 18 to 76 years old. Oneeerson remains missinin amazingly, 21 were rescued. Tonight, four are still being treated at local hospitals. The rest just lucky to be alive. Company Officials Say the boat was operating as normal right before the cident. In fact, they say this ship has done the exact same trip twice a day for the last 20 years without a problem until now. David . Neal karlinsky reporting in. Neal, thank you. We turn now to the Severe Weather tonight, remnants off gulf. Of texas. A school bus there outside baton rouge stranded in the distance. Scscol children ecuated by pickck truck. A Freight Train outside glas knocked over. And much of this tropical moisture marching north, soon to drench washington, d. C. , philadelia, chicago, all the way over to new york in the next hours. Meteorologist rob marciano in atlanta tonight. Reporter rain and wind pounding the gulf coast states. 50 50mileanhour gusts overnight. This morning, near baton rouge, a schoolus getting stuck on a flooded bridgege the e eriffs department using a pickup to bring 20 children to safety. South of new orleans, whole neighborhoods submerged. Probably just a few inches that the rain contributed, Everything Else is the water just flowiwi in from the bayou already. Reporter and south of dallas, more than 70 rescues over the weekend, including this man and his dog. Floods even derailing the cars on this s eight train. In part from the remnants of the most powerful storm ever recorded in the western hemisphere, hurricane patricia, striking mexico with winds gusting over 200 miles an hour. Our matt gutman right there. Tse winds so powerful,hey pulverized concrete power lines like this. Ripping off rooftops. Brick warms came tumbling down. Everything that wasnt nailed like that. But the reason so few people were hurt look around you. For dozens of miles around, forest. Reporter the country getting lucky. The storm passing or a parsely populated area. Atlanta. And rob, you were telling us, way up to chicago, philly, new york before it is done. Whats the track of this thing . Reporter yeah, david. Its already starting to spread out. The low self is still in the gulf of mexico and a strong tropical field. Heavier rains from the Florida Panhandle stretching west to the Mississippi River and all the way up to the great lakes. Some of this is going to be really heavy. An additional front will squeeze a lot of this moisture. Two to three inches of rainfall from memphis to maine. So, its going to be a soggy next couple of days, david. V vy wet weekk ahead. Rob marciano, thank you. We turn overseas tonight, and the death toll now rising from a p werful earthquake felt in four countries. The magnitude 7. 5 quake centered in a remote area of afghanisisn. Momo than 200 people dead. 12 girls, dodzzens hurt in a stampede to escape their school. The quake lesting more than one minutes, tririering a landslide. Most of the victims there rushing into the streets until the shaking stopped. Back here at home tonight, and growing concern about the dangers of high school footbl. A a enager in chicaca now becoming the seventh young player to die in seven weeks after suffering a blow to the head during a game. A teenage player in tennessee also with a head injury, fighting for his life tonight, abcs r rn smith with the new warnings tonight. Reporter tonight, big football hits raising serious concerns. Young lives are at risk. In just seven weeks into the season, seven high schoolers, dying after games. Five from onfield tackles. The latest casualty, 17yearold andre smith, dying from Blunt Force Injuries after taking a head shot. He was like a brother to me. Reporter while today, nnessee high schooler Baylor Bramble in Critical Condition after a game friday night. The American Academy of pediatrics released recommendations on keeping kids safefen the gridiron, inclcling zero tolerance for illegal hits like spearing, as shown in this National Geographic video about the dangers. And saying teams nee trainers on the sidelines. Something dr. Kevin says should be nonnegotiable. If they cant afford a certified athletic trainer, then they shouldnt have a football team. R rorter the american acacemy of pediatrics isnt calling for a ban on tackling like fields like this but they want families to consider the risks before deciding to play. David . Ryan smith wh us tonight. Thank you, ryan. Up next here, what one homeowner did that might have caused the explosion in her own home. House going up in flames, and now the warning about an invisible danger inside so many homes in this country. Thats just ahead. Also, thehe cononmer headline ahead this evening. Is your Internet Provider at home ripping you off for the Internet Speed . And, you might remember these two puppies, you met them right here on world news tonight, hugging in that picture, asking for a home. Thats the before picture. Thats coming up. You tuck here. You u ck there. If youre a toe tucker. Because of toenail fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. Used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. Kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. Most common side effects include skin peeling. Ingrown toenail, redness, itching, and swelling. Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not goway. St toe tucking. And get the drop on toenl fungus. Ves been working ononis game, morninindouble bogie. Hey, three putt. And starting each day with a delicious bowl of heart healthy kelloggs raisin bran. Hows your cereal . Sweet tastes like winning. How would you know what winni tastes like . Daveveoves the two scoops and that kelloggs raisin bran is one more step towards a healthy tomorrow. You eat slower than you play. Youre in a hurry to lose, huh . Qh, ok invest in your heart hlth, with kellogggg raisin bran. Were going to turn next tonight to the new warning about a common invisible danger in your home. Abcs gio benitez on what Authorities Say one woman did moments before the blast. Reporter tonight, a doityourself job apparently went horribly wronk. There was a big explosion. Theres a big g re. Oh, my god, theres someone in the house. Reporter inside the house, a woman had gone down to the basement to repair her gas hot water heater. Investigators say she accidentally removed her gas shshoff valve and gas popoed out. Something down there ignited the fire. She was upstairs in her bedroom when it happened, she ran down and ran out. She was ke really confused and crazy. Reporter but also lucky. We all watched d e top floor cave in and collapse down. Reporter these images showing the sheer force of gas explosions and how it can happen in an instan but experts tonight reminding people of the basics. Never,r,ver do it yourself and go to a professional. You may want to even set up a gas alarm to detect a leak, but perhaps most importantly, your nose. This kind of gas smells a bit like a rotten egg. And david, take a look at that house behind me right now. It is completely leveled. That roof coming do. David . Gio benitez in massachusetts for us. Io, thank you. When we come back, are you being ripped o when it comes to the speed of the internet in yoyo home . What some authorities are saying about Internet Providers. And watch this dramatic bank robber today in broad daylight. What they do to stun this g right here. The wolf was huffing ahd puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, whenenou have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Mbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis d emphysema. 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Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetete, upper bebey pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Im down with crestor make your move. Ask your doctor about crestor. I have moderate to severe crohns disease. Its tough, but ive managed. But managing my symptoms was all i was doing. So when finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have ied other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergiciceactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symymoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. Centrum brings us the biggest news. In multivitamin history. A moment when something so familiar. Comes something so. New. Introducing new centrum vitamints. A multivitamin that contains a full spectrum of essential nutrients. Yoenjoy like a mint. New centrum vitamints. The coolest way yet. To get your multivitamins. T t the index of other news. A dramatic ending to an downtown l. A. The suspect making off with a suitcase of money, flipping cash into the air as officers moved in quickly. They shoot him right thehe with bean bag rounds. The suspect in custody tonight. The new York State Attorney general taking aim at three popular Internet Providers tonight. Now asking them to prove that theyre customers are getting the Internet Speed theyre papang for. Verizon, cable vision and time warner saying they are confident customers are getting what stay tuned. The new survey, americas favorite halloween candy, reeses Peanut Butter cups win the survey, but look at the m m. Candy corn in texas. North dakota and new jersey, sour patch kids. When we come back on a monday night, take a look at this image. you might remember it. The best friends there. They were days awayrom beingng lost at the shelter. But the after picture that they just sent to us, in a moment. What if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes . What if one situp could prevent Heart Disease . One. Wishful thinking, right . But there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. Pneumococcal pneumonia. If you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may evenenut you in the hospital. En if you have alrlrdy been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13 if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, yomay have a lower r sponse to the vaccine. Common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. Get this one done. Ask your dtor or pharmacist about prevnaj 13 today. If youre an adultlt with type 2 diabetes and your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin, your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. Ask your doctor if adding onceaweek tanzm is right for you. Onceaweek tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes, along with diet and exercise. Onceaweek tanzeum works by helping your body lease its own natutul insulin when i is needed. As the first medicine to treat diabetes or in people with severe stomach or intestinal probms. Tanzeum is not insulin. Is not used to treat type 1 diabetess or diabetic ketoacidosis, and has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Do not take tanzeum if you or your family common side effects with tanzeum include diarrhea, nausea, injection site reactions, cough, back pain, and cold or flu symptoms. Some serious side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney failure. Ask your doctor if adding onceaweek tanzeum is right for you. Go to tanzeum. Com to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. Make every week a tanzeum week. That comes as Benton County authorities investigate a homicide. And the Clayton County auditor defends his decision to work from home to care for his sick wife. But supervisors have their concerns. Ats tonight at 6 tonight at 6. Finally tonight here, america strong. Two best friends with a new home. It wass right here, you met kayla kayla, the brown 8monthold hundred mix hugging the 1yearold boxer mix. The hug captured in a georgia shelter, but the snapshot was soon seen all over the country. It was believed they were just hours away from being put down at the shelter. But the image posted by the Human Society then shared by the Charity Angels among us, petet rescue. They camam up with a message from the dogs, saying, weve comforted each other while we were here and it went on to say, they need help. Sit. Get it rorter and word tonight of the best development yet. Adopteby two georgia residents, wendy and pam, who wanted to make sure the dogs would Stay Together forever. Wendy had recently lost her two elderly dogs tonight. Tonight, saying, their family turning their tears into smiles. While giving those hugging dogs their new home. Great news tonight. Thank you for watching here on a monday evening. Im david muir. Good night. Youre watching kcrgtv9. Now, from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrgtv9 news`at 6. Authorities in Benton County say they have a man in custody in connection to the suspected homicide of a 25 year old sabria hustad. But so far the chargs only involve a stolen vehicle and not the deaththof the woman. Investigators believe 31 yearold david miller stole two vehicles yesterday morning. Ey say he stole the first truck from 3251 59th street trail. That less than 100 yardss from millers home. Authorities believe he wrecked that truck, then stole another from 3291 61st lane near shellsburg, before crashing it. Neighbors discussing the theft saw a blood trail and found the womans body in millers driveway. Kcrgtv9s Dave Franzman is live in rural Benton County. Ddve, why is the only a charge for a stolen vehicle so far . Authorities just released the name of the victim, 25 year od sabrina hustad, formerly of cedar rapids. Bruce, the Benton County sheriff says nvestigators need lab reports and other information before they consider the more srious charges connected to the suspected homicide here. And miller also faces a parole violation charge which means he cant leave jail on any bond. Justin varner says he heard the rumble of his pickup truck early sunddy morning and knew somebodd was trying to take it. He rushed out and tried to stop the person inside while yelling for his wife to call police. Varner says the man just kept going and crashed through a nce. Knowing what he knows now about the suspicious dedeh, hes glad the man didnt stop. I feel lucky i didnt get him out of the truck and end up having a knock down, drag out fight that could have gone that way for me varner says lucky because after he found the truck wrecked on a nearby road under construction he and some

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