Whoa. laughter thats amazing. Stephen yeah. I also take your prenatal vitamins every day. Why would you need those . laughter ah. Is it a boy or a girl . Stephen its a burrito. laughter oh i felt the kick announcer its the lakjte show with Stephen Colbert. Tonight, stephen welcomes and george takei, featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause . . . . . . Stephen hey cheers and applause oh woohoo man cheers and applause welcome to the show, everybody thank you so much thank you very much welcome to the late show. Thank you so much. Please have a seat thank you so much. Youre very kind welcome to the late show. Im your host, Stephen Colbert. The first president ial debate is monday, september 26. We here at the late show will be live that night. Join us, wont you . cheers and applause but, its going to be fun, its going to be a lot of fun. But, last night, they held like a mini debate, like an appetizer laughter it was something called the commanderinchief forum. Hillary clinton and donald trump answering questions about national security. It was the first time the two of them were in the same room since trumps wedding. laughter and it took place right here in new york city, on the Aircraft Carrier intrepid. It was a great night. Once the two of them were on board, a lot of people were tempted to just cut the lines and let it drift out to sea. Bon voyage byebye piano riff say hi to the somali pirates for us laughter now, officially, it wasnt a debate. Hillary clinton was interviewed for the first half hour, and trump for the second. And in her half, she accused trump of lying about opposing the iraq war, and then later trump fired back. Against the war in iraq. I was totally against the war in iraq. From a you can look at esquire magazine from 04. You can look at before that. Stephen now, we did look before that, and there are audio recordings of him saying he did support the war, as well as some pretty damning recordings of Everything Else he has ever said. laughter but the biggest question of the night was how the candidates planned to defeat isis. And trump wasted no time wasting you said this were going to convene my top generals, and they will have 30 days to submit a plan for soundly and quickly defeating isis. So is the plan youve been hiding this whole time, asking someone else for their plan . No. But when i do come up with a plan that i like and that perhaps agrees with mine, or maybe doesnt, i may love what the generals come back with, i will convene but you have your own plan . Be, i dont want to look, i have a very substantial chance of winning make America Great again. Were gonna make America Great again. Stephen just to recap, he has a plan he hasnt come up with, but if the generals bring him a plan that is similar to the plan he doesnt have, he may go with that plan, which he cant tell us about because its a secret plan that he does not have make America Great again. cheers and applause did i miss anything . Jon you got it right stephen did i miss anything . Stephen is it all there . Yeah. Stephen is it all of it . I think that might have covered all of it. But since last night was not technically a debate, theres no real winner. But many have declared a loser matt lauer. The subject was national security, and the today show host was an obvious choice for moderator. Here he is, weighing in on military intervention in syria. Last night, twitter tore him a new tweet hole with criticisms of clinton and trump were a complete disgrace to journalism. Which i think is unfair. Come on. A complete disgrace to journalism would be matt lauer dressing up as paris hilton. laughter although, once again, paris has more Foreign Policy experience. laughter many critics slammed lauer for asking Hillary Clinton the same question over and over again could you hurry it up already . Right, but you said you think theyre going to cheat. This is an important issue and i know were on tv and we dont have a lot of time. I want to get to a lot of questions. I will talk quickly. Im going to get to that subject in just a minute. Secretary clinton, im fast running out of time. As briefly as you can. But i just want to say just one additional thing. Ive got 30 seconds left. Stephen sorry, secretary clinton, Foreign Policy is like pizza delivery. If you cant get your plan out in 30 seconds or less, russia gets a free ukraine. Were applauding russia invading ukraine for those of you keeping score at home. And if last nights forum made you think about voting for a third party, you might want to rethink that thinking, because this morning, libertarian president ial candidate Gary Johnston was on the msnbc and he had a little trouble answering a basic question about syria. What would you do, if you were elected, about aleppo . About . Aleppo. And what is aleppo . Youre kidding. No. Aleppo is in syria. Its the epicenter of the refugee crisis. Okay. Got it, got it. Stephen got it. Got it. Aleppo. Aleppo. I thought you said a leopard. I was like, what would i do about a leopard . Probably run away from it. But lets talk about the syrian next question, please. laughter that is embarrassing. I havent seen someone go blank like that since i was asked, who is gary johnson . Jon whoa, whoa applause piano riff stephen ive interviewed him four times. Seriously, who is gary johnson . laughter i am starting to get the feeling that guy might not win the election. Oh, hey, this is a little blast from the past. Fellow named ammon bundy . Hes the guy who lead a standoff with police at an oregon wildlife refuge last year. Yeah, you remember that . Okay, so. Well, he is now headed to court and it sounds like he has a good lawyer because they are fighting for his right to dress like a cowboy at his trial. Yeah, why shouldnt he be able to dress like a cowboy . I mean, for petes sake, the judge gets to wear a cool wizards robe expecto expecto some jail time laughter according to his lawyer, if bundy cant dress like a cowboy, he wont seem authentic and the jury wont believe him. Yeah. Same way John Wayne Gacy never wouldve been convicted if he showed up to court wearing the clown makeup. Personally, i think bundy should dressed like a cowboy, just so long as his defense team is made up of a construction worker, an indian, a cop, a soldier, and a biker. All right . cheers and applause hell yeah. I mixed that up. I havent been to a wedding in a while. laughter this is easily the biggest legal battle over western wear since our drummer joe saylor won the right to play jazz while dressed laughter jazz cowboy applause jazz cowboy jazz cowboy jazz cowboy the cattle rustlers is coming to town you gotta fight them off with syncopation . . . . Jazz cowboy jazz cowboy . Jazz cowboy hyah . cheers and applause weve got a great show tonight. Jessica alba is here. And, when we return, i will be talking about a man i like to call donald trump. Stick around, wont you . band playing cheers and applause emerge restored. Fortified. Replenished. Emerge everyday with emergenc packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. Why not feel this good everyday . Emerge and see. Thats charmin ultra strong, dude. Cleans so well, it keeps your underwear cleaner. So clean. You could wear them a second day. Charmin ultra strong. Its 4 times stronger, dennys knows the holidays should be shared with friends and family. Except dennys allnew holiday pancakes. You wont want to share those with anybody. Dennys new fluffier, tastier, better pancakes now in holiday flavors. I am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. And i know a thing or two about trading. So i trade with e trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the. Get off the computer traitor i wont. cannon sound . . Why get your eyes checked the Old Fashioned way, when lenscrafters can digitally map them for you. Introducing clarifye, from a ranchers perspective, we feel that often washington is removed from what we need. Senator bennet is different. Michael bennet has been at the ready and always willing to listen. When the federal government wanted to increase grazing fees, senator bennet stepped up and helped put a stop that. He commits to his word, and that means a lot to a guy like me. Im a republican, but i know that Michael Bennet trusts us and we trust him. Im Michael Bennet and i approve this message. cheers and applause band playing stephen hey, everybody say hi to jon batiste and stay human hey, let me ask you folks here. Any of you go to Trump University . One guy . laughter you will never forget those college memories. And you really shouldnt forget them, because theyll come in handy when the lawsuit comes. A couple years back, trump u was being investigated for fraud. There were so many complaints from former students that even florida was considering an investigation. And keep in mind, their state seal is someone dumping a body. laughter but cheers and applause true story. Its true. We didnt make that up. Thats true. applause but floridas attorney general and stepmom who cant understand why you dont warm up to her, pam bondi, decided not to investigate trump u. Nobody knows why, but now its come out that, right before she made the decision, a pac supporting her campaign received a 25,000 gift from the donald audience reacts yeah, same guy. Now, attorney general bondi has denied that her offices decision not to join the lawsuit against Trump University had anything to do with the money. And i am sure it also had nothing to do with the fact that trump held a fundraiser for her right after she dropped the investigation. So, one things for sure pam bondi is the only person in the world, ever to make money from Trump University. applause other than donald trump. Other than donald trump. Now, i dont know attorney general bondi. I dont know if she has questionable ethics. So i googled her and found this old article pam bondi stole my dog. laughter okay that seems bad. But lets hear whole story. Apparently, after hurricane katrina, the Humane Society rescued hundreds of dogs, and bondi adopted one of them in florida. Yeah, dont aww yet, theres more to the story. laughter because a year later, the family that originally owned the dog traced it to the tampa bay area, but bondi didnt want to give up the dog, which led to a 16month fight with a family of katrina victims. But hey, everyone hates katrina victims, right . laughter perhaps the worst detail for bondi in this case that she changed the st. Bernards name to noah, from master tank. laughter at in the world and you changed it seriously, what sounds better, time for dinner, noah or the meatfeast is arrayed before you, master tank. Take what is yours. cheers and applause i also just want to point out, refusing to give back a dog to flood victims but naming the dog after the most famous flood victim of all time, is just cold. Hi, im pam, this is my when they call, i give. And you know what . Two years later, three years later, i call them. They are there for me. And thats a broken system. Well, ill tell you what, with Hillary Clinton, i said, be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding. You know why . She had no choice, because i gave. Ive given to everybody. Because that was my job. I got to give to them. Because, when i want something, i get it. When i call, they kiss my ass, okay . Disturbing admission, partly because of its overt embrace of corruption but mostly because it makes us imagine the texture of Donald Trumps ass. My best guess is either cold pizza or bumpy decorative gourd. Well be right back with jessica alba cheers and applause band playing . . . . With my moderate to severe crohns disease,. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. Of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,. Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, r have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. The mercedesbenz of tomorrow will transform not just the automobile, but mobility itself. An autonomousthinking vehicle protecting those inside and out. And its the mercedesbenz of today that will help us get there. Introducing the allnew eclass and that will change driving forever after. And i approve this message. Service. It started with my dad. He fought in world war two, was wounded in korea. Hes the reason i joined at 17, fought in two iraq wars, and still serve today. The va scandal is an outrage, failing to care for our wounded warriors. Thats why i took on the va to get our veterans the care and respect they deserve. Because i understand the sacrifices they made, and ill never stop fighting for those who fought for us. For me, its personal. cheers and applause band playing stephen welcome back, everybody cheers and applause welcome back you know my first guest from such movies as fantastic four, dark angel, and sin city. Your baby may know her from her diaper company. band playing cheers and applause hi nice to see you, too stephen how are you . Im great. Stephen what is this . Yo im sorry. I just saw that. It caught my eye. Yes, you did, didnt you . That was called my first breakup. Stephen really . Who was that with . This guy. laughter stephen lets move on. Is that his name . No no. Stephen what does that mean . Its lotus in sanskrit. It means the manifestation of spiritual beauty. But he was really antitattoos, up with him, i, like, found myself again. Its, like, unnecessary to talk about this. Hes, like, a famous actor. laughter stephen doesnt sound interesting at all. laughter okay. Well, besides being a famously tattooed person, now, you are a movie star. Youre a name above the title movie star, and you went and founded your own hair care productsau now . What is the Honest Company . Its a c. P. G. Company. Stephen what is c. P. G. . Consumer package goods. Stephen how is that different than another company . Arent all packaged goods for consumers . Yes, but thats the category they put them in. Stephen okay. So i make Laundry Detergents and floor cleaners. Stephen like you do, if youre a movie star. How do you go from being a movie star to, you know what . Im going to make laundry with my first kid more than eight years ago, i actually had an allergic reaction to a laundry detergent and i was horrified someone like me could have an allergic reaction to something that was meant for and marketed for babies. My mom recommended i use it. And so i googled what the heck was in this thing that could cause this type of reaction and i learned about a lot of ingredients and toxic chemicals chemicals. Stephen this is actually meant for a baby, to, like, toughen up the baby . laughter there are certain products that are marketed to people who have babies, and i just didnt realize that, you know, that there are potentially harmful chemicals in everyday products you can get off the shelf at your regular stores. So i was, like, i dont want to be exposed to weird chemicals or so i had an idea to come up with this company that had clean ingredients but performed well, affordably priced, beautifully designed and delivered to your door stephen nicely done just rang all the bells right there. applause how on earth your web site is www. Honest. Com. Yes. Stephen how on earth did you get honest. Com . That had to have been taken by a porn site or something before that. Please be honest. Luckily, it wasnt an adult site, but there was someone who was just sitting on it and waiting for someone to buy it. Stephen they were, like, its jessica alba they didnt know it was me, at first. Stephen uhhuh. I dont know if the guy ever knew it was me. Stephen he knows now. It was not cheap, by the way. Stephen you could afford it now. Its over a billiondollar company. Thats the valuation that company, but stephen i just put a billion dollars on it right now. Im about to make it a 2 billion company by the end of this interview, if you just play your cards right. Everyone go on and get some products stephen youre a big mogul, okay . Youre a c. P. G. Mogul, okay. Does that affect the kind of decisions make about what kind of movies you want to do . Because youre still making films, right . Yes, i did a movie with jason mechanic resurrection. Its different because its more like, do you want to go to thailand and do a fun action movie with Jason Statham for ten days . I was like cool, sure . Stephen maybe get another tattoo. Maybe not. Its just less dramatic. I just did it. Its just not as serious as before. Before, i was so methodical. A global scale and a tentpole franchise and all this stuff, and now i just want to have fun. Stephen what is a tentpole franchise . Like a circus movie . It reaches multiple demographics and its kind of a movie for everyone across the world. Stephen does business just come naturally to you . Because you seem to have an understanding of how businesses market themselves just in the little conversation weve had approached hollywood as a business, but now i have an actual business, is that stephen but youre the product, as an actress, constantly selling yourself. Thats true. laughter absolutely, its true. Stephen yeah. For me, as an actress, in movies, i was never control of the distribution, the marketing, the final cut, the edit, so so much of my life really was in try to be because i like to control things so to try to control my destiny as an actress. Stephen lets talk about the things youre controlling now. In products, i can control other things. Stephen here are some of the products. Yeah, we Just Launched a beauty line called honest beauty. Were in ulta beauty stores. Stephen what do we have here . Sea salt spray. Stephen tasty . No, no, dont put it in your mouth want some . Come on, i had some. No, no stephen tastes like sea salt. Theres himalayian sea salt in there. Yes. Stephen so its honest. Theres nothing harmful. Its the Honest Company. No, no, no, not allowed to do that. Stephen put this on popcorn. Not no Stephen Jessica alba says you can put it on popcorn. No, no, no stephen and, guess what . laughter okay. What is this right here . These are a new line of diapers. We did a little limited Edition Collection of diapers. There are bipartisan diapers. You know, there is so much craziness out there in the world. Dtfv . D stephen they have donkeys and elephants on them. Holding hands. Stephen isnt that sweet . You know, babies dont see blue or red, colors, race, all they do is love. Symbol of our democracy for them to poop on. applause touche stephen one of our producers actually uses these. I mean, not him, his kids use these. He says theyre really great. Theyll holding hands. A lot of people want us to make them in your size. laughter not you, but, you know, big size. Stephen you talked about keeping that on the q. T. Sorry, i didnt mean to let it out. Stephen why . Because they just love each other. laughter stephen not because theyre about to jump off the cliff together . Maybe so. Stephen well, listen, im always needing a little bit of help up top. A little volume . Stephen the ladies love the volume. Yeah, yeah. Stephen can you fluff me . Can i come behind . Stephen sure. I get to play hair dresser. I love this. Im going to put some sea salt spray. We have some volumizing mist, here. Stephen all right. A bit of that. Stephen while shes doing this cheering thank you. What are you putting on my head . Volumizing spray. Doesnt it smell good . Stephen it does. It tastes fantastic. I wanted the Hair Products to smell sensual, like vacation. Stephen i would pay a lot to go to a resort to have you do applause look at that. Stephen thats fantastic let me put my glasses on and see what youve done. laughter cheers and applause stephen why why why, miss alba why, miss alba, im beautiful i think i turned you into a hipster millennial laughter like, instantly. Stephen stand up and we can be together. You sit down. Ill do your hair now. The Honest Companys love today diapers and Everything Else are available on honest. Com. Jessica alba, everybody well be right back with Bradley Whitford. cheers and applause . I will follow you, . . Ever since you touched my hand i knew . . I love you, i love you, i love you. . . Where you go ill follow, ill follow, ill follow. . . Youll always be my true love, my true love, my true love, . . Forever . . This is the story of falls biggest fan. Autumn was born on the first day of fall. And from an early age she learned to love the season. Leaf piles and pumpkin pies. Hot apple cider and cozy sweaters. Which brings us to the very moment she fell for fall all over again. Was she expecting to find the perfect designer boots at such an amazing price . No. But thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, . Every time i travel, its the moments that are most rewarding. . Youll never forget them. The new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. So no matter where you go, you are here. band playing cheers and applause stephen hey, everybody cheers and applause welcome back to my volumized hair already in progress. Emmywinning star of such shows as the west wing and transparent. He now appears in the movie other people. Please welcome our friend, Bradley Whitford band playing cheers and applause this is a big theater you have here. Stephen isnt it a beautiful theater . The ed sullivan theater. Very lucky to be here. Yes. Stephen i may be volumized but you are really out distinguishing me tonight. It turned white when trump got the nomination. Stephen all over . All over. applause stephen youre like Anderson Cooper head to toe. Yeah, yeah. Stephen i have not seen you since our the Closing Night Party of the colbert report. Which was amazing. Stephen you came and sang with everybody at the thing. It was when franco was going through all the stuff. Stephen with the koreans trying to kill him and everything. I go out there and i notice weird security people, and then i realized this is henry kissinger, and i was standing right next to james franco, and i thought i might be taken out two guys who both caused huge trouble in southeast asia. Yes, in different ways. Stephen exactly. Now, at the afterparty, you may not be aware of this, but there were a lot of photos taken with you and some of the talented young women who worked for my show. Yes. Stephen and heres the thing, this is what they remember most oh, no. Stephen other than the fact you are unbelievably charming and they love talking to you i want to get the quote right you kept saying to them, fr your eggs, its more affordable than you may think. Im going to give you an opportunity to respond to yourself. What was behind this one, brad whit . I think these women often come up to me and talk about their infertility issues. laughter and i think i stand behind that statement. Stephen good. Besides being somebody who was on the west wing for many years, people cheers and applause you were involved in politics. You care about politics. Do people come up to you and say, you should run . They do. Which is strange. My standard answer is i have no desire to act that much. laughter because ive seen that up close, and its tough. Close, too. Yeah. Stephen yeah. This is a very interesting election. Stephen it is, yeah. Fascinating. Stephen the chinese aphorism may you live in interesting times. Yes, because you go out on a talk show and your publicist says, dont talk about politics too much, and i think shes right, i think actors should not express their political views in public. I think we need to leave it to the reality hosts. Dont you think so . Stephen i totally agree. This is an astonishing election to me. Im sorry to be partisan. Stephen no, dont be sorry. Can i be a little partisan . Stephen do you have another option . No. applause no, im a huge hillary fan from way back. cheers and applause stephen are you pausing . Im pausing. Im a perf her motivation, as long as ive known her, is to get healthcare for people, get healthcare for children. Thats what she spent her life doing. The other guy has spent his life accumulating money on bankruptcies, and i just have to say one more thing my publicist is going to be really upset stephen is she back stage now, opening a vein . I just have to say, this is somebody who says that the president of the United States was not born here, which is un american stephen all these things he doesnt know. Thats unamerican and its racist i have to say. cheers and applause with a big r stephen your publicist just enrolled in a convent. laughter lets talk about the movie. Its cd stephen but a clip here that i want to show, its about a family dealing with a mothers cancer. Yes. Stephen and yet its a comedy. Well, it is there are very, very funny moments. There are very difficult moments. What i loved about this movie is a guy named chris kelly, whos the head writer now at saturday night live, wrote it based on and its i have been through losing my parents, and i just thought this was the most honest, including the humor. I have to say, Molly Shannon in this movie gives the most unsentimental, brave performance. I think she should be nominated for an oscar. I want everybody to see it. I think shes heartbreaking in it, and hilarious. Stephen theres a scene, you play her husband, the child is theryo what happens after she dies. Jim . I want to be frozen. Do tehy have that as an option . I take the frozen option. Like a pea . Yeah, exactly, like a pea. I want to be frozen and propped up on our couch in our living room to make sure to watch you so you dont want to cheat on me when im gone. But you wont have eyes, because you donated them. Too bad. Guess ill be buried. Stephen thats what im saying. See . applause we found the funny in the cremation discussion. Jesse planthams, the great actor from breaking bad, amazing. Stephen and from fargo. Well, always great to see you. Well, end career. laughter stephen glad i was your last interview. What an honor. Bradley whitford, everybody. Well be right back to celebrate star treks 50th with george takei. cheers and applause initiating retrieval sequence. Target acquired. Dang it ah come on take a break from the election with red or blue tea. Make time for snapple. Ill have that goat cheese garden salad. That gentleman got the last one. Sir, you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Sold. But i get to pick your movie. Can i pick the genre . Yes, but it has to be a comedy. A little cash back on the side. With the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Its more than cash back. Its backed by the service and security of american express. Heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin. Aveeno . Daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Aveeno . Before donald trump, there was mike coffman. Before trump said women should be punished for having an abortion, coffman wrote a bill to redefine rape, who were drugged. Before trump called for a ban of muslims, coffman pushed for a religious test of u. S. Soldiers. And on president obama . Trump he could have been born in kenya. Coffman hes just not an american. Stop mike coffman now before he gives trump more ideas. House majority pac is responsible for the content of this message. When i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. But i spent my whole life fighting back. D, ah, i dont remember that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. I dont want a president who makes fun of me. I want a president who inspires me, and thats not donald trump. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. cheers and applause band playing lean charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. It has comfort cushions you can see that are softer. And more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. Enjoy the go with charmin. Campbells one dish recipes. One pan, less than 30 minutes. Because if they arent going to eat it, made for real, real life. Discover card. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. Even if youre not a customer. . Why get your eyes checked the Old Fashioned way, when lenscrafters can digitally map them for you. Introducing clarifye, no other eyeexam is more precise. Dennys knows the holidays should be shared with friends and family. Except dennys allnew holiday pancakes. Better pancakes now in holiday flavors. . . . . cheers and applause band playing stephen hey, everybody welcome back for those of you for those of you just joining the show, jessica alba did hair, and were going to leave it this way for the rest of the show. laughter my next guest tonight is a star of stage and screen, a human rights activist and a social media star. But hell always be sulu to me. Please welcome george takei. band playing cheers and applause come on out fantastic audience. Stephen amazing. Welcome ba to broadway. I know youve done broadway before. Allegiance was my debut. Stephen youve done broadway, star trek. Before we get to anything else, who has the nerdier fans, broadway or star trek . I would say theyre both scifi fans are nerdy techies, and broadway fans are star oriented, from going way back, to today. The broadway fans are actor oriented. Scifi fans are techy oriented. Stephen okay. They want to see the special effects. Thats right. Stephen okay. Some the actors are special effects, too. Stephen while i enjoy am such a star trek fan, that to be here, its such a pleasure and honor for me to be here with you, whose work i have enjoyed since i was knee high to a grasshopper, to talk about the 50th anniversary of star trek, one of the greatest shows ever on television. cheers and applause such a pleasure to have you a groundbreaking show. Here. For a guy pushing 80, its wonderful to be able to say, today were 50 stephen so what was it like . It was, like, day one on the set with Gene Roddenberry, the creator, how was the show described to you . I cant forget that day. It was very, very special. We all met for a cold read in a conference room, and Gene Roddenberry and the studio executive, herb solo, were all seated up front. We were all introduced and gene explained to us what star trek was all ou he said the Starship Enterprise was a metaphor for starship earth, and the strength of this starship lay in its diversity coming together. The acronym was infinite diversity in infinite combination, idic. We were representing different parts of the planet, seeing the common challenge we have, capabilities, our genius for invention, innovation, we were going to boldly go where no one had gone before. cheers and applause stephen so if the different characters, the cast and the guests every week represented the diversity of the earth and how they can solve problems together, what diverse part of earths population did the sexy, greenskinned alien babes in the bikinis represent . Earthlings, although they had two legs, two arms, two breasts and, you know, their bodies are green, and, so, therefore, they were supposed to be aliens. But we also had, as a member of the star fleet team, a person that was half alien, spock. He had green blood, pointy ears oh, spock fans here. And his father was a vulcan. Stephen so it was an interracial marriage. Intergalactic, interglobal. Stephen but still pretty racy for the 1960s. It was. But vulcans mate every seven years. So they werent very sexy for six and a half years and then they start raging. Thats amoc time. They go into heat. Do. Stephen its true. Amoc time you have to go see tapau. Oh, you know your stuff. Stephen at some point i would love the studio to come under attack so we can shake back and forth and oh, like we did on the enterprise. Stephen exactly. Which way would you go first, always left or right first . Well, we had a director out there, and he would say left, your right. Stephen okay, left. And he would say right, and in unison, we would go like this. Stephen you direct us. Jim, you put us on a camera. You put us under attack. Ill cry red alert and you tell us which way to go and you shake the camera, okay, john . Okay. Well, george, let me ask you this what . Red alert siren left right siren cheers and applause cheers and applause siren cheers and applause we have a great audience. Stephen i cant wait to go back in time and tell my childhood self i got to do that for being here. Great to be here. Stephen thank you for your whole career and star trek george takei, everybody well be right back cheers and applause band playing ,, im jamie foxx for verizon. In the nations largest independent study by rootmetrics, verizon is americas most reliable network. And im jamie foxx for sprint, with no wins in reliability in any state. Ure not jamie foxx. Im close enough, just like sprint. No look at my map. Take it in. Oh yeah, there you go. Eh . Yeah. Oh. sighs dont get fooled by a cut rate network. Verizon gives you tons of data without all the restrictions. Get twenty gigs and four lines for only 160, with no surprise overages. On americas best network. cheers and applause stephen thats it for the late show, everybody good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org band playing . Are you ready to have some fun . Feel the love tonight dont . You worry worry bout bout . Where you come from . Its gonna be all right . Its the late, late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from s . O paulo, brazil, give it up for your host, the one, the only james

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