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My lucky threelegged rabbit. And keep rubbing my lucky three chicago cubs. Come on, fellas its rubbing time whooo whooo were going to do it whooo whooo tonight, stephen welcomes Bryan Cranston, Busy Philipps and a performance by blink 182 featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now its time for the late show with Stephen Colbert cheers and applause captioning sponsored by cbs thank you so much. Thank you, my friend. cheers and applause hey nice to see you. Hey, kris. Welcome to the late show, everybody. Thats all for tonight. Welcome to the late show, im Stephen Colbert, your host for the evening. Nt arrieta, kris brient and Anthony Rizzo from the chicago cubs for doing that cold open. cheers and applause good luck, fellas. And for allowing me to rub their bodies. laughter very fit, very fit. And you can see those guys in baseballs allstar Game Tomorrow Night on another network, that is fox. laughter lets see, what happened . Im wearing new glasses. cheers and applause there you go. Thats kind of a big story. Kind of a big story. And we were on vacation. And when you go away, you always worry, did i leave the oven on . Did i lock the back door . Will the country i love appear to unravel live in front of my eyes . laughter it was a very, very rough, just tough week last week. And i dont think theres anyone, really in america, who is not feeling terrible about it right now. And im not sure that there is anything that i could say that could approach the enormity and complexity of the multiple tragedies that happened last week. So im not going to try right now. But if you would like to see something beautiful, one of our social media producers, heben carefreeblackkids2k16. Heres an example of some of it. It is really great, theyre really beautiful, it will make you smile to see these children happy. So check it out. And you know what, add your own. All right . What else is happening . What else is happening in the world, oh, anybody here playing pokemon go . cheers and applause stephen for those of you who dont know, you playing any pokemon go, jon . Jon no, a friendf stephen its cool, isnt it . Jon i like it, but you have to move a lot. laughter stephen you do, you have to move when you do it. Jon when i was coming up, we had cards. I used to trade the cards. With the shiny part on the cards. Stephen when i was a child we had cards too and we played things like go fish. A different type of cards, slightly older than you are. Slightly. Did you play a lot of pokemon . Jon i did, i liked the i used to watch the show. Pikachu. Stephen yeah. I think you might be a pokemon, i think you might be anyway, for those of you that dont know, this new thing, it is a video game where you walk around and you look at your phone which is using its camera, and you look at your phone and in the real world, you see little pokemon like this fella sitting on a rock in central park. And it has revolutionized the cars staring at their phones. laughter its true, based on a true story. Its called augmented reality because right now anything is better than actual reality. applause as jon was saying thats true. cheers and applause now as jon was saying, you have the impossible. Designed a game that you cannot play on the toilet. laughter while pokemon go is getting people excited, it is also causing some users to complain about fatigue and sore legs. Okay, pokemon players, do not be alarmed, that is a symptom of a condition known as walking. And it is curable. It is curable. This thing is huge, okay. Ev and i want in on the pokemania right now. So tonight cheers and applause yeah, were all applauding and thank you for applauding something, you dont even know what i am going to say. Were introducing tonight our own collectible creatures right here on the late show. Of course pokemon is short for pocket monsters. So were calling ours trob gobs, which is short for trouser goblins. Trouser goblin, trob gobs. Now where does the b in trob come from, youre asking, its trouser, why trob, well, the b is from goblins, it just comes early. You dont get it from the second word, you put it in the first word and then again it appears in the goblin later. It also might be a mixture of trouser and throb, im not entirely sure. Whatever it is, keep your eyes peeled during this show all week because we will have hidden appearances from all your favorite trob gobs like Everybody Loves gimpapotamus, very popular. Jon that is a classic, favorite. Stephen got to catch them all, got to catch them all. cheers and applause now if you spot one on the show, take a screen shot and tweet it at me with the hashtag trobgobs. Who knows, maybe something will hey, heres something that happened. Last tuesday, the f. B. I. Issued its review of Hillary Clintons use of private email server. And the big headline is hillary will not be indicted. But she might yeah, hold off. She might be embarrassed because she was slightly caught with her hand in the, you know, stretching she lied. She lied a lot. She said under oath that she returned all of wo but the f. B. I. Said yes, thats true except for the thousands you didnt. laughter she also claimed repeatedly over the last year that she never e mailed any classified material, but the f. B. I. Said, and i quote, yay huh. And there are, there is like a list, like ten things she said she did or didnt do, that she didnt or did do. And at this point i dont know when she said this . Secretary clinton, thank you so much for talking to me today. Its great to be here with you. laughter . Stephen was it . Was it great to be here with me . I find that hard to believe. But you know what, maybe she can unify the country through her dishonesty. After all, the people who hate her say shes always lying. While her supporters say shes always lying. But you know who i believe can unify this country . Jon batiste and stay human, everybody. Say hi applause . . . . cheers and applause . Stephen hey. So honestly, jon, what do you jon i really like them. You got a good vibe with them. Stephen really . What is the vibe, does it make me seem smarter. Does it make me seem younger . What is the vibe . And theres no right answer, jon, you can be honest. What is the vibe . Jon yeah, the vibe is it matches your hair. laughter . Stephen thats not a vibe. Jon thats a good vibe. You dont see that all the time. Where the hair and the glasses are synchronized, you know . And then when you got it happening like that, it changes your vibe. Stephen okay. My last glasses had no frames. Jon right. Stephen so to match i would have had to have shaved my head. Jon thats right. Stephen this is much easier. Before we go any further i want to take a second here, are we doing it over here . We were just talking about Hillary Clinton and you know, having some fun with the idea that she wasnt honest. But i just want to revisit that for one second. Told the truth about what her e mail server, where it was, how it was used, whether it could be hacked, any of that stuff, i think we have to understand, if im honest with myself, that secretary clinton only used that private server because she knew her political enemies would put her entire life under a microscope, as they always have, the last 25 years. And i mean, its natural to expect that she would want to protect you know what, bleep it, i got to take the gloves off. . . . Stephen round one, ding ding. . . . Secretary clinton, you are so untrustworthy that beyonce is working on a concept album about you. Come on come on, hillary. You knew that people think thats like richard gere going to the pet store and hovering around the gerbil aisle. Okay. You look so shady right now that fifa wants to hire you. Secretary clinton, secretary clinton, youre so reckless on the internet that a. O. L. Has asked for its 43 hours back. I mean, top secret . I dont think you should be allowean i wouldnt trust you with secret deodorant. Secretary clinton, you lied so much that kids are now chanting liar, liar, pantsuit on fire. Youre so bad i cant believe you are so bad at running for president that i almost remembered who Martin Omalley is. Since you are obviously bad at lying, let me show you how to do it. Hackers, you might want to check your email servers for fortune cookies because i am guessing there has been a lot of chinese takeout. Youre so bad at running for president , that the only person you could beat is donald trump. laughter yeah youre so dishonest, hillary 16 told the truth. Well be right back with Bryan Cranston cheers and applause . Kids, juicy fruit gum with starburst flavors . Yeah. mmm. mmm. zipper noise zipper noise baby rattle shaking juicy fruit so sweet you cant help but chew. Why be in the kitchen when you can be in the moment . David was proud to be an american soldier. And i know im prejudiced because he was my son, but i dont think he had a mean bone in his body. There is not a day that i dont think about david. When i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. She was standing there, she had nothing to say. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. . . . Stephen hey, welcome back, everybody. Welcome back, everybody, my first guest tonight is an emmy and Tony Awardwinning star of stage and screen and for the record he is also an excellent disco roller skater, please welcome americas sweetheart, Bryan Cranston. cheers and applause . . . Thank you. This is a beautiful theater. Stephen isnt it beautiful. Just gorgeous. Stephen i cant believe how lucky we are be to in this beautiful theater. Did you get rid of all the ghosts though . Stephen oh no, no, no. Theyre all union, you cant get rid of them. Thats a good ghost job. Stephen nice to see you again. Stephen did you get any time off, we took a week off, does Bryan Cranston ever get time off . Yeah, a little bit. I have a little beach house in california and there is a beautiful Little Community up there that we live in. And we have a chili cookoff and the kids paint their faces and ride down the one street, you know, and guys on stilts. Stephen Norman Rockwell paints portraits every day. Exactly. Stephen for the fourth, do you do, are you allowed to have fireworks or anything like that bus im from South Carolina which is like, you know, hey, come blow your fingers off, it sounds better in latin. It fits perfectly on the license plate. The first year that we bought this little place i wanted to extend a thank you to my neighbors who were so kind. And the fourth of july was coming up. And i thought i am going to buy and secretly ship to california 700 worth of fireworks. Stephen where did you get them . I bought them in new mexico when i was doing this show called breaking bad. Stephen i have heard of it. cheers and applause . You gave me the scary look there. Thats the look. There it is, okay. Uhhuh. So i smuggled it into california and i thought, during our chili cookoff, i forgot to tell the rest of the folks, hey were having fireworks. Come on over or see them from the patio. They will see them anyway. So i was setting up, my whole thing. I got the punk light, you know, everything is ready. And i said im going to wait until it gets dark. It gets dark. I heard there were some other fireworks so i will just alternate. I dont want to take over the show. So i light one. Eee poot. laughter all right whistling bing. Ee, its like oh, down the road they start their fireworks. Boom, boom, boom i mean real fireworks. They must have spent 20,000 on the fireworks. So my family is left to just ridicule me. And just laugh and say come on, bryan, light some more, light some more. Stephen they have good some of them have really great names for the fireworks like where i come from, they all have like civil war connotations like the bundles of fireworks you might buy say dixies revenge or this time we win. Did you do anything else to celebrate like . We also have a beach games. Which is so much fun. Where kids and adults get a Team Together and they, there is a swim, there is a paddle. Stephen like an ironman . A kayak. And there is rolling a huge beach ball down. Its fun. Stephen i think this is what the what the forefathers did . Stephen no, the navy seals. And then the navy seals also stopped for a watermelon eating contest. Powering through that. And i was the anchor leg on my team. We assembled a team of my daughter and niece and her friend called masters of stupidity. And i do want to go on record to say we werent amateurs at stupidity. Stephen sure, sure. You put a lot of training into it. Yes. So i grabbed the board, its a back. Im going like crazy. I just recently found out i have arthritis in both shoulders as im going out there, im going why why . Its so painful stephen but you have to put up with it. Youve got to go. Its so painful. I know why i didnt think of this. Are you going to paddle out there. Yeah, yeah, so im paddling out there, and im in such pain and i look up and i see this wave come at me. And its like oh no. So im preparing to dive under the wave but i had this surfboard which i didnt leash because there is no time in a race. And so i dive under with the surfboard, surfboard goes flying. Nearly hits a couple kids. And theyre looking at me like, really . Thats what you brought to the picnic here, really . So we came in last place. Stephen oh. And we retained our title of masters of stupidity. cheers and applause thank you. Stephen congratulations. Sorry to hear about your shoulders, though. Anything that can be done for that . Amputee. Stephen oh, okay. I could just no, its just 60 years old. Stephen you just celebrated your 60th birthday. I did. Stephen wow, great. cheers and applause are you embracing the 60ness of being 60 . You look fantastic for 60. You think so. Stephen for any age. But for 60. Im embracing it. I have realized that once you hit 60, you want to do everything that you didnt want to do when you were younger. Take a nap. Take a bath. You know. Stephen im the one who knocks has become im the one who naps. A little sleepy eyed. Stephen is bathing and old thing to do because i love bathing. Am i old because i like to bathe . laughter i didnt realize that i would say it takes more time, so it is luxurious, right. And if you have time to luxuriate, you know, what are you not doing . I dont know, i was raised, you know, work, work, work, working class mentality, get in the shower, get out of the shower, lets go. Stephen in the new movie the infiltrator you are playing a real person named robert mazur, right . And this is a guy who infiltrates, is it the Colombian Cartel . Thats right. Stephen and this guy was taking his life in his hands. Yeah, he was an Undercover Police officer with customs. And for two and a half years he went undercover laundering money for the medellin cartel. Actually having to do that crime in order to get deeper and deeper connected to the cartel. And once they got up as high as Pablo Escobars lawyer, and the other thing that they did that was so effective is that it b. C. C. I. Do you remember that . Stephen nope. Okay. Well, youre not 60. laughter because i remember. Stephen i remember now, yeah. I need to get one of those horns, you know. And its amazing. Stephen one of the biggest drug busts of all time. One of the biggest drug busts. 85 arrests within two hours. And it really took a dent out of the medellin cartel. What really fascinated me about undercover in the tampa bay area. And he also lived in tampa. So he would check out, finish for the day being this undercover bad guy, and go home and be bob mazur who was a dad and a father and helped the kids with homework, take out the trash and do normal things. Stephen did you meet him . Oh yeah, in fact, hes here. Hes here. I cant point him out. His safety is paramount. Stephen still . Oh yeah, yeah. Stephen almost 30 years ago. He wont allow himself to be photographed or videotaped or anything like that because he put 85 bad guys in jail. And they dont forget. Stephen hes in danger all the time. There is a certain amount of danger. He hides in public. Stephen are we in danger because hes here now. Were at a red level. Stephen we have a clip here where the deal that he is making with the Colombian Cartel is in a little bit of a hiccup because all the funds have been frozen by the reagan administration. Thats right. Stephen and your character cannot actually give them their money back and thats a problem. Thats right. I need to return this money to them or else it is not good news for bob mazur. Stephen jim. The 10 million is frozen which is actually Pablo Escobars money and he doesnt give a rats ass that our going to be over until they give it. The Senate Investigation into noriega, you are not getting the money that went through panama, frozen is frozen. Accept it. Its no audio our operation. We need you to fix this for us. How am i going to fix this . Want me to call sam . John, could you drop your investigation that the president sanctioned because my friend bobs getting really upset. Reagan wants noriegas ass. Are you listening . You know what he said, thats alive, my friend, okay . What did you say that for . Did he threaten you . No. Did he put your neck in the noose. No, and he squeezed it. No, he didnt, roberto didnt say that, we said that with its its escobar. Wait a second, bob, are you in danger from Pablo Escobar if his money doesnt come through . Wherever are you, stay safe and well be right back with more Bryan Cranston. Thank you. applause . . . Thats right, free and get 4 lines for just 30 bucks a line. Dont miss this epic deal. . humming . So youre up at dawn, . . K, look alive. . . Youve been saving for a big mancave. . chuckling good luck with that, dave. Oing in your life. . . . Nationwide is on your side. . Nexium 24hr is now the 1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. For complete protection all day and night make nexium 24hr your 1 choice. I am sebastian artois. I sold everything i had to own a brewery. You might have heard its name. . . . cheers and applause stephen welcome back, everybody. Were were here with our friend Bryan Cranston. Now bryan, i dont know if its any secret that im one of your biggest fans, youre one of my ri often play complex, multifaceted characters like walter white or Donald Trumbo or robert mazur in the new movie the infiltrator. Thank you. Stephen and i just love the subtlety and complexity by which you reveal things. Thank you for saying that, i have been very fortunate to play these complex characters and i love how they subtly reveal themselves to the audience. Stephen of course i think written character, that just kind of like walks in and awkwardly announces his entire back story. laughter do you think you could handle Something Like that . I think i was born thinking i could i can handle that. Stephen well, thats great to hear. Thats great to hear. cheers and applause why is that . Stephen why . Why is that . I will tell you why that is. Because this is the late show presents too much ex . The late show presents too much exposition theatre. cheers and applause knocking stephen whats this . I havent had a visitor since being betrayed by my devious half brother bertram chevaliers. Father on the beaches of marrakesh. organ music hello, it is i bertram chevalier. Dear, despicable halfbrother of heathcliff sharmopoulos. And as you know, i ran off to cairo with your exmistress beatrice longfeather who you abandoned in that mineshaft in budapest. Stephen i had no choice whipped my beekeeper higgins mctavish and convinced his stepdaughter audrey to join that hungarian nunnery. Well, audrey had nary a choice after contracting malaria on the canoe trip to sicily and losing her rare stamp collection in that illegal subterranean poker game. laughter stephen i trust that you refer to the same poker game in which our third cousin lucretia laughter she had to distract him, lest he find out about your deadly bee allergy, which kept you from asking the hand of audrey mctavish. Stephen the aforementioned beekeepers daughter. Yes. After she left, you fell into deep despair, from which you are just now only becoming to see a glimmer of hope. Hope, that was crushed the moment you heard my knock on the door. Stephen well, lets cut this bit of casual but very informative chitchattery. Tell me, what brings you here . Are you finally going to assert your right to the dukedom to fund your opium ring in kafiristan . Nay, nay, i say nay. laughter stephen are you man or a horse . Nay. organ music stephen oh. There you are. Stephen thanks, much, when did you borrow this . Let me see, i cant really remember. Stephen oh, all right. Okay, bye. Bye. Stephen all right. Wait come back. Theres something you should know. What is that . Stephen look over there. Yes. laughter cheers and applause oh, much better. Stephen the infiltrator, a film which stars Bryan Cranston is in theaters this wednesday. Yes, it is. Stephen Bryan Cranston, everyone. Well be right back with Busy Philipps. cheers and applause tired of redosing antacids . Try duo fusion new, two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try new duo fusion. . What if an Insurance Company wasnt only there when things went wrong . Because for every tornado. Theres a twister. For every crash. An even bigger collision. For every robbery. For every fire. A dozen flames. And for every tailspin. Well, tailspins. State farm understands that getting the most out of life doesnt just mean being there when things go completely wrong. Its about being here. Here. And here. In all of lifes moments. . . . cheers and applause stephen hey. Welcome back, everybody. You know my next guest from her roles on freaks and geeks, Dawsons Creek and cougartown, she now stars in the new comedy, vice principals. Hello, youre late. Janelle just had a really good run, you missed it. Actually i saw it when i was walking up what about yourself . Hey, janelle, good job, baby, whoo good job. Keep your heels down, babes. Keep your heels however you want, janelle, focus on yourself, not on negative people trying to get in your life to tell you how to do things. So i got the principal job today. Cool. You go ahead and admit it. My success enrages you. I actually dont care at all. You dont care, sure you youre right, neil, im always thinking about you. Youre right, i forgot its all about you. Stephen please welcome Busy Philipps. cheers and applause . . . So good to see you again. Thank you. Hi hey. Stephen hi. So nice to see you. Stephen nice so see you again. Of times, we have actually hung out. We partied. Last week, we hung out. Stephen you and your lovely husband mark. Yes, thats true. Stephen we met at a mutual friends beach house. I feel like people are like what, they know each other, how are they friends . Stephen we kind of know each other because we have mutual friends. You have shown up a couple of times at a party have i been at. Thats true. Stephen weve kind of gravitated to each other and drank a fair amount of win together. You and my husband really like each other which is not uncommon. He is my better half and people really enjoy his company, as do i. Together. Stephen as a matter of fact, every time im with you, we drink this, some rose wine together. No, this is, so i thought maybe tonight applause you got. Stephen would you like. Yes. Stephen would you like a little bit of this . It is an brad and angelinas rose. Stephen yes, you informed me that this wine is made by brad and angelina it is really good. You can buy it at whole foods. Its everything you want in a rose. Stephen and its made from the tears of less attractive people. There you go. Cheers. Cheers. Thanks for having me. Stephen oh. It so nice, you guys. Stephen its like im back on the island. I know. Stephen so what are you doing, you are on vacation, i happen to know are you in the middle of a month long vacation. Okay so vice principals is the show were all very excited about, Danny Mcbrides new show that starts airing on hbo. applause on the 17th of july. We shot it in charleston. That good was being made in my hometown. And we were there for we shot two seasons, 18 episodes consecutively, all at one time so we were there for about eight months. Stephen 18 shows. 18 episodes, yeah. Stephen we do 202 of them a year. I know. Stephen 18, are you okay . Are you okay . Do you need some more wine . It was hard, stephen. Stephen i know, its hard. You have to live in charleston, South Carolina, and be in show business, sounds really hard. Heres the thing, normally i feel like actors complain about we all fell completely in love with charleston. Stephen its the greatest city in the world. Yes, and if you dont know there are all these beaches and outer lying sort of islands that you can get houses on. So we all got houses on the same island and when we werent working, it was kind of just like summer camp and we would hang out. And we had like the most magical summer of our lives. And i have two young daughters. And they fell in love with the town, made local friends. And so i said, girls, lets stephen not just you, other cast members. So then i put the word out and then Danny Mcbride and his wife got a house again. And one of our producers. And then one of our it was just that it was just like we were getting the gang back together. Stephen can i say your childrens names, is that kosher . Yeah, of course. Stephen cricket and help me out. Birdie. Stephen birdie. I love your childrens names. The most adorable girls. Thank you. I know, sometimes i get flak for their names being unusual but then i am like my name is busy, so what aryo am i going to name her lucy. Stephen did you like the busy town books. Richard scarry. I have them all, i love that. Stephen did you think maybe it was about you as a child . No, but i did think little miss busy, you know those little miss books. Stephen nope. Or little miss happy or little miss theyre nodding, they know, stephen. I thought that little miss busy was about me when i was a little girl. It wasnt. Stephen is your name actually busy . My name, my given name is and my parents started calling me busy in my baby book by the time im four months old. Theyve just changed it to busy and then i never legally changed my name so it does get a little confusing when im flying and people Book Airline Tickets for me under Busy Philipps and i get to the airport and we have to go through a whole kerfuffle. Stephen you just go im in show business. Its my stage name. Its not, i should do it, i should legally change my name, you guys. Because fe cheers and applause maybe i should i just apply to legally change it. Stephen you just legally changed it. If you say it on a late night talk show your name is legally changed. No going back now. Is it a legal alias. Stephen im sometimes samson dolemite. Really . Did you just give away your alias for when you stay in hotels . Youre going to have to change it. Stephen right . Thats not it at all. By the way, the show is great. Vice principals. Thank you. Stephen did you have any problem with Authority Figures me. Hated me. And its been, you guys, i graduated quite awhile ago and its still to this day haunts me. She really didnt like me. And she didnt want me to graduate. She accused me of cheating. She. Stephen did you cheat . I swear to you, here are two things about me, stephen, that, we hung out a bit but you might not know this. I do not cheat and i have never stolen anything in my life. applause i mean i dont know if thats i dont know if we should applaud that. Stephen you got applause for not being a thief. But i mean i have never taken i feel really, i have this. Stephen i stole this. You didnt. Stephen well, cheers, congratulations on the new show. See you back down in charleston, Busy Philipps, everybody. Vice principals premiers on hbo this sunday. Now dont go away. We have a performance coming up by blink 182. Their new album just hit number one on the billboard charts. Well be right back. Cheers. First kid you ready . By their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to choose luvs than first time moms. New luvs with nightlock plus absorbs wetness faster than huggies snug dry, to help stop leaks even overnight. And you can save up to 150 per year by choosing luvs over huggies. The new chicken mcnuggets look fantastic made with 100 white meat chicken, no artificial preservatives, flavors and colors, it just might convince the judges here today. crowd cheers and theyve done it the new chicken mcnuggets rightfully claim their gold this is the best day . . 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We made dennys new pancakes 50 fluffier with thats the dennys loveem or theyre free guarantee. . Never underestimate the power of energizer. Our longest lasting energizer max ever. Crispy m ms . Are baaaack. What are you doing . You said to tell our fans crispy m ms . Are back. annoyed grumbles what about that one . Theres a fan in the break room, oh and in the. trails off so good, theyre back. . Stephen and now, here performing bored to death, cheers and applause . . . . Theres an echo pulling out the meaning . Rescuing a nightmare from a dream . The voices in my head are always screaming . Ha anything to me . And its a long way back from seventeen . The whispers turn into a scream . And i im not coming home . Save your breath, im nearly bored to death and fading fast . Life is too short to last long . Lost and cold and fading fast life is too short to last long . Theres a stranger staring at the ceiling . Rescuing a tiger from a tree the pictures in her head are . Always dreaming each of them means . Everything to me and its a long way back . From seventeen the whispers turn into a scream . Save your breath, im nearly . Bored to death and fading fast life is too short to last long . Back on earth im broken lost . Back on earth im broken . Life is too short to last long ohohoh . Ohohoh ohohoh . . I think i met her at the minute . That the rhythm was set down i said im sorry im a bit of a . Let down but all my friends are daring me . To come over so i come over and over and over well pretend that you think . That im the man of your dreams . Come to life in a dive bar and well go over and . Over and over and well go over and . Over and over and well go over and . Over and over and well go over and . Over and over save your breath, im nearly . Bored to death and fading fast . Back on earth im broken lost lost and cold and fading fast . Life is too short to last long ohohoh . . Ohohoh ohohoh . Ohohoh . . Ohohoh . Ohohoh ohohoh . . Life is too short to last long ohohoh . Ohohoh ohohoh . cheers and applause blink 182s new album, california is available right now. Well be right back, everybody. , david was proud to be an american soldier. And i know im prejudiced because he was my son, but i dont think he had a mean bone in his body. There is not a day that i dont think about david. When i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Stephen thats it for the late show, everybody. Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh . . . . Are you ready yall to have some fun . Feel the love tonight with the late late show . Its real good crowd its going to be all right . Its the late, late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from berlin, give it up for your host, the one, the

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