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Worlds biggest sport and counting down to tomorrows oscars. We will take a look at the contenders and the controversy surrounding hollywoods biggest night. We begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener. Your world in 90 seconds. Lets make america all it should be again. The spotlight to democrats on primary day in South Carolina. We got to rise the minimum wage to 15 an hour the republican free for all overshadowed everything the democrats did today. I absolutely believe that donald trump is the best person to be president of the United States. Its rubio friends do not let friends vote for con artists. I dont know who they will end up nominating. It will be entertaining, thats for sure. Fifa, we come back to where we belong. The famed activist and artist widow of john lennon just found unconscious in her home. The volcano erupted and sent ash 10,000 feet. A train reaction crash. The woman was bucked off a horse and run over. All that. Here is george from oh, yea threepointer in and all that matters. She usually is at the 16th hole. Look at this. It could be very, very good. Look out oh, yes shes done it on cbs this morning saturday. Trump and rubio are fighting today about which one wears more makeup he had a little makeup thing so he wouldnt have a sweat mustache. The wives are going, please, guys, a big dignity. Welcome to the weekend, everyone. Vinita is off this morning so we are joined by elaine quijano. We have a great show for you later. We take you deep into the archives of modern art in new york where, for more than 80 years, a group of film detectives have been finding and preserving classic century old film. Find out how their work even won them an oscar. Plus, chef beau macmilan has spent 20 years running one of the best restaurants in the country. Now he is known as much on his turn on television. Hell join us in the dish. Lou douillon, her familys fame nearly prevented her from sharing her secret passion, music. Trying to make her own name and she will perform in our saturday session. Our top story this morning. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders going headtohead today in South Carolinas democratic primary. The latest poll shows clinton with a significant lead over sanders. The primary there is a key step toward super tuesday next week when both parties vote in a dozen states. Nancy cordes is at a polling place in the South Carolina capital of columbia with the latest. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. The polls opened here a few minutes ago and so the first voters here in ward 9 of ballots. The clinton team seized this state as the state that will finally reestablish her dominance, reestablish her as the indisputable frontrunner. They are hoping not just a win but a big win will show she can dominate in the south and with minorities and they are hoping the people who get that message are the voters in the 12 states from now on super tuesday. Lets go make america all it should be again reporter clinton and sanders both made their final pitches last night in the States Capital city of columbia. We are going to invest for our young people. Reporter clinton has camped out in the state all week, protecting her lead. She, her husband, and daughter about a combined Nine Campaign events just yesterday and prominent africanamericans like congressman jim clyburn and new jersey senator cory booker have gone to bat for her. What is the senator from new jersey going in South Carolina . An old saying we are all in this together so what affects South Carolina affect the whole country. Reporter sanders at a fish fry opened with this line. In 1963, i was there with dr. King for the march on washington for jobs and freedom. Reporter all that was overshadowed friday by the just fine with the democrats. In a statement, the Democratic National committee if anyone is wetting their pants its rubio. The super pac supporting clinton released a picture of a seal cracking up. Clinton, herself, didnt mention trump, electing to let the republicans turn on each other. And watch what happened when we asked sanders about it. What do you think about senator rubio and donald trump. No thoughts . That appeared to be a no comment. A few weeks ago, the sanders team was predicting a comeback here in South Carolina, but they are not doing that any more, especially after clinton with africanamericans in nevada beat him with africanamericans in nevada. He is not stick around to watch the results tonight and leaving first thing this morning for super tuesday states. Nancy cordes in columbia, South Carolina, thanks. It looks like the last batch of emails from Hillary Clinton will be published the day before super tuesday. Last night, just before todays South Carolina primary, the state Department Released 881 new emails from Hillary Clintons personal server. None of the emails were classified at the time they were sent. On the other side of the president ial campaign, republicans are more fiercely divided than ever this weekend after a bruising debate on thursday night. Donald trump decided to lick his surprise endorsement. Here is Major Garrett. There is no one who is better prepared to provide america with the strong leadership that it needs, both at home and around the world, than donald trump. Reporter Chris Christie said donald trump is the best candidate to take on Hillary Clinton and praised his executive experience. Hell provide strong, unequivocal leadership. He will do what needs to be done reporter but when he was a candidate, christie questioned trumps fitness for the white house. We are not electing an entertainer in chief. Showmanship is fun but not the change america. Reporter the high profile endorsement turned attention from last nights debate when with, for the first time, marco rubio, trailing trump in his home state of florida pummeled the billionaire with personal and policy attacks. Here is a guy who hired inherited 200 million. If he hadnt inherited that what would he be doing right now . Selling watches in new york. Im the only one on the stage who has hired people. You havent hired anybody. Dont tell me about it. Senator. You havent hired one person. He hired works from poland. That is wrong. After the debate, trump told us this about rubio. The guy is a joke artist. I watched him melt four weeks ago with Chris Christie. He melted. Reporter trump continued the theme on twitter with this never let them see you sweat picture of rubio and stage makeup and at his press conference. I saw him back stage he was a putting it on a with a patrol. Reporter on cbs this morning rubio put out a new attack line. Donald trump is a con artist. Reporter at a rally in dallas, rubio turned up the heat even more. He mocked trumps tweets by noting trumps Early Morning misspelling. Marco rubio looks like a little boy on stage and he spelled lightweight, so he got that wrong. Reporter if that werent enough, rubio resorted to toilet humor. He asked for a fulllength mirror. I dont know why, because the podium goes up to here. Maybe to make sure his pants werent wet. Reporter trump hit back and imitating rubios 2013 response when he interrupted his speech to take a drink of water. Its rubio reporter the attacks have led many in the republican establishment to throw up their hands in dismay, as former candidate Lindsey Graham did last night. My party is going [ bleep ] bat crazy reporter paul le page endorsed trump saying he could be one of americas great president s if he put together a good team. Christie is now on that team and trump left open the possibility of picking christie either as a running mate or as a member of his cabinet. For cbs this morning saturday, im Major Garrett in dallas. Senator ted cruz is looking for a big win in his home state of texas on super tuesday. Cruz spoke to John Dickerson about that and trumps new endorsement for tomorrows face the nation here on cbs. What did you make of Chris Christie endorsing donald trump . I dont think that was a big surprise. I think a blow to the rubio campaign. But at the end of the day, the washington establishment is going to go where they are going to go. Reporter what are the stakes for you on super tuesday . I think super tuesday is the most important day of this entire primary election. It is the most delegates awarded in a single night will be awarded on super tuesday and i think we are positioned to have a very good night on super tuesday. You know, about 65 of republicans believe that donald trump is not the best candidate to go headtohead with Hillary Clinton and we are the only campaign that has beaten donald trump and we are the only candidate that can beat donald trump. If you look at the super tuesday states, we are running neck and neck with donald in states all across super tuesday and so it is my hope that all of the republicans who recognize that nominating a candidate who agrees with Hillary Clinton on a host of issues, who has a very similar record, is not the path to victory and if we come stant together, we will have a great night on tuesday. You can see much more of johns interview with ted cruz on face the nation here on cbs. Johns guests will also include sanders. After five years of blood shed, the first ceasefire since the civil war in syria began is under way as of midnight local time. Elizabeth palmer is among the few western reporters to get into syria. Shes in damascus, the capital, with the latest. Reporter good morning. This partial ceasefire is far from nationwide. For a start, two of the main opposition groups, the al qaeda affiliate al nusra and isis are both excluded and certainly here in damascus, we have heard overnight and again this morning sporadic sounds of fighting from the suburbs which are controlled by opposition fighters. Now, the army would argue that those fighters are with al nusra and, therefore, fair game, even under the terms of the agreement, but there have been both of them rebel groups claiming that the army attack in breach. Agreement and in fairness bound to be more because this is a very fragile and unsupervised arrangement. Very unstable. There is cautious optimism and tellingly the roar of the russian bombers tag off and landing from the Russian Air Base in northwest syria has stopped, so it does look as if president putin, for the moment any way, is keeping his word. Elizabeth palmer reporting from damascus, syria, thanks. The votes are still being counted this morning in irans parliamentary elections. More than 50 Million People were eligible to cast ballots on friday. A high turnout was expected. Early results show that reform parties appear to be gaining ground over hardliners and they are pushing for greater democratic changes and better ties with the u. S. And other western nations. Some cities and towns. A county sheriff in kansas is hailing a Small Town Police chief a tremendous hero for taking down a man who killed three people and wounded 11 others in a shooting rampage. The attack was at a lawn mower parts plant on thursday and could have gone on much longer if the gunman had not been killed. Manuel bojorquez is in hesston, good morning. Reporter good morning. A kansas woman is now in custody accused of providing weapons to the shooter cedric ford, even though she knew he was a convicted felon. She has not been connected to the attack, but police say ford used those weapons in a shooting spree that started before he reached this building where he worked. My car stopped. He was already out of the car and had this big machine gun. Reporter edna decker woo one of 38yearold cedric fords first targets. Reporter what was he like . Angry. Reporter he tried to carjack her but shot and victim that died. My head. Time . Yeah, i did. Reporter just up the road, ford shot and carjacked another person and then drove that car to his job, excel industries in hesston. Inside this building, armed with an Assault Rifle and a pistol, he shot 14 coworkers and killing three of them, until police gunned him down. Just 90 minutes before the shooting, ford had been served with a protective order taken out by his former girlfriend who wrote, he is an alcoholic, violent, depressed, and its my belief he is in desperate need of medical and psychological help. Authorities believe the protective order triggered fords actions. Video from his facebook account appears to show him firing a gun. Authorities say 28yearold sarah j. Hopkins knew he was a convicted felon, yet she purchased the weapons for him, ak47 and 40 caliber pistol. T. Walton is the Harvey County sheriff. This man was not going to stop shooting. The only reason he stopped shooting is because that officer shot the shooter. Reporter it wasnt just an officer. It was the towns police chief, doug schraeder. Kansas governor sam brownback. Even though not waiting on backup, he went right in and did heroic duty and service. Reporter there were still two to 300 people inside this building when the police chief stopped the attack. He was not injured but still not spoken publicly. Manuel bojorquez in hesston, kansas, thank you. Apple is asking a california judge to throw out a court order to force the tech giant to help the fbi break into an iphone used by terrorist syed farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters. Apples motion comes more than a week after another judge ordered to unlock the encrypted phone and apple chief tim cook said no. Cbs news justice report paula reed is following the case closely. This case is making headlines for weeks now. Where do we stand as of today . We currently in a standoff. This case here is a case of a generation. This will answer what we have all been asking how far does tech have to go to accommodate Law Enforcement and how far does it get them in the cases . The laws are outdated and people are waiting for this case that hopefully will answer these questions. The phone in question here is the property of farooks former employer. Could they not just demand that apple open it . They tried and it does make it easier that the individual in question is deceased because that takes away some of the privacy protects that would have existed but apple refused to do what they are asking here. They are asking apple to write so they can run an unlimited number of passwords without the fear that feature that erases all of your data if you do up to ten incorrect pass codes. This really is something extraordinary that they are asking them to do. All right. So you kind of just answered the question there but in apples filing, they do claim, the government says just this once and just this phone. But the government knows those statements are not true. So explain once more. What exactly is it that the government is asking of apple . Its not just this one phone. Whatever happens in this case will serve as precedent for every future request because there is no law on this issue. So in this case, they are asking them to write software that will undermine the security feature that would otherwise wipe out any data that is on that phone if they tried ten incorrect passwords. And while thats a very specific request, really what they want to do is to be able to get into all of the phones in the future for future cases. So the fbi wants precedence. Congress to pass a law and trying to push this through the the courts to get precedent to rely on for all of the other requests they need to make. Paula reid, thank you very much. Governor rick snyders inbox for months had emails about the flint water crisis long before the water crisis became public. Reporter problems surfaced after this city under orders of a government an appointed emergency manager switched its water from the lake huron to flint. It was cheaper but the water was disorder and foul smelling and people got sick. Jim is a state senator. Time and time again, members of the highest level of the government have clearly just been lying to the citizens of flint and to everyone else. Reporter now emails from governor rick snyders own aide show they, too, knew the water was bad early on. Into the plan, snyders policy adviser Valerie Brader wrote that elevated chlorine levels could cause longterm damage if not remedied. Michael gadola wrote the following. The states Water Quality experts insisted the river water was fine. But independent researchers said the heavily treated river water was so corrosive lead from aging pipes was leeching into the water to homes. Today, they held a press conference. There were red flags in these emails if you look at it and beyond emails. We didnt connect all of the dots that i wish we would have. Reporter melissa mays was among the first to complain about the water here. When you read the emails today, how did you feel . Furious. I keep telling myself, nothing is going to shock you any more. All of these time, people sat in the office back and forth stepped up and helped us. Reporter Governor Snyder has ordered a package to help people pay the water bills they are still getting. People shouldnt have to pay for water they cannot drink, as he put it. For cbs this morning saturday, dean reynolds, flint, michigan. Time to show you some of this mornings headlines. Associated press reports the top nuclear arms man at the pnk is entagon is saying they are on borrowed time. They are in good shape for the pmissiles but should be modernized and soon. The price tag to modernize runs hundreds of billions of dollars. Some critics say its neither affordable nor necessary. The japan times of tokyo reports the latest census figures show the japanese population is in decline. The survey conducted every five years notes the 2015 population at just over 128 million in 2010. The toronto star says a comedian in quebec is facing a tribunal as having a teenager as the butt of his jokes. The family is suing after mike ward they say violated their dignity and honor and reputation. New York Daily News reports yoko ono, the widow of john lennon, is recovering at the hospital after reportedly having flulike symptoms. She was having trouble speaking and this led to concerns she suffered a stroke. Her son squashed those concerns on twitter saying the only thing genius. He went on to say she is really wishes. Surfaced last night, a lot of worry. Here is a look at the weather. Coming up growing concerns about the zika virus. In the u. S. Infections from the illness have now been confirmed in nine pregnant women. A shakeup at the top of the scandalplagued goverg body of world soccer. Fifa. We will show you what led to yesterdays election shocker. Youre watching cbs this hi. Im be , phone ringing you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates seem to be dealing with social security. Americans work hard, and pay into it. So our next president needs a real plan elephant noise donkey noise hey candidates, answer the call already. W the countdown to oscar night is on. We will take a look at the movies and actors who are expected to take home awards will address his controversy problem. We will be ri,, is the economy rigged . Well, the 15 richest americans acquired more wealth in two years than the bottom 100 Million People combined. Im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. My plan make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. The middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. With your help, as president , can we talk about your book for a second . Please. Keeper. For years you keep all of the secrets and now youre writing a book about the secrets. Im curious will the process for you and was it difficult for you to do . Did you struggle with it . First of all, ive been doing this for a while. Yes. I kind of know my own limits. Got it. So i write to what i think the edge is in term of classification. But everything then has to be cleared and in this case by cia and nsa and the director of national intelligence. Frankly, gayle, in the conversations, i pretty much got say, even if not in all cases i got to say it the way i wanted to say it. What was your process . I picked a topic. Lets take the Syrian Nuclear reactor. Put out about 20,000 words and stream of consciousness. Go to agency and ask to talk talk to people and meet with them and enrich the basic outline i have and im about 80 of the way i want to be on that chapter. Can i ask you about the current president ial debate . I know you know bob gates well. He essentially has said that, you know, it would be its embarrassing the level dialogue that is going on. When a candidate says they want to carpet bomb isis into oblivion, would that be possible . No, it would be immoral and unworthy of a republic like ourselves. And secretary gates is remember, i began by saying these are hard issues and,, chinas xi yu lin had a great day yesterday playing golf. On the 16th hole, the ball kept rolling back and it rolled and it rolled and went straight into the cup. Shes done it she gets a new honda for that hole in one and came only a day after she turned 20 years old. What a great way to celebrate your birthday impressive. Our top story this half hour. Professional soccer is buzzing of Gianni Infantino as the president of fifa. He stunned salman by winning in zurich. Johnathan vigliotti has more in london. Reporter Gianni Infantino looks stunned as if to say how did this half . Five months ago he wasnt even in the race. On friday he was handed one of sportss most powerful and controversial posts. I want to work with all of you together with all of you in order to restore and rebuild a new era in fifa and new era in fifa where we can put football in the center of the stage. Reporter infantinos competitor Sheikh Salman a member of bahrains royal family was long considered a favorite in fridays vote but questions over his human rights record may in the first round the pair were separated by four votes and infantino went in the second round and won with support from the u. S. Corruption over a long period of time so a big job to be done but at least we have a reformed program and at least we have got a president in whom we can trust. Reporter infantino is one of the only winners to emerge from a Corruption Scandal that took down many in fifa. The 45yearold swiss italian soccer administrator was only in the race because his own boss was suspended for taking a more than 2 million payment from disgraced former president sepp blatter who stepped down last year amid a growing web of financial fog and was banned from soccer six years. Yellower friday, fifa voted to prevent from repeating itself. Blatters tarnished reign lasted 18 years. Infantino and blatter grew up six miles. Hopefully, the apple fell far from the tree. Its not just soccer that is seeing big changes. Baseball is implementing new rules to protect itself players and better entertain its fans. We will tell you about some of those changes. First, here is a look at the weather. Up next, medical news in our and Health Benefits from coffee. That morning cup might do a lot more than than ease your hangover. Doctors jon lapook and Holly Phillips about a common belief about finding love is wrong. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. 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If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. With my moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis, the possibility of a flare thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve certain fungal infections are common, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Tt0w tx hi 4 tt0w tx hi 8xgc tt0w tx hi kzxz,< tt0w tx hi nx e0 time for morning rounds with doctors jon lapook and Holly Phillips. The cdc is investigating more than a dozen cases of the zika virus that may have spread through sex. Zika is suspected of causing severe birth defects. Here is jon with more. Reporter this couple was living in brazil last summer when dustin was diagnosed with zika and anjelica was prosecuting. Earlier this month, doctors told the doctor suggested to us that use protection. Reporter the advice either to abstain from sex or use latex condoms during sex is given by the cdc to all pregnant women whose male partners have been to zikainfected countries. On february 2nd the first sexually transmitted case was reported in dallas. With this weeks 14 suspected cases, the cdc is rethinking how the disease spreads. Jennifer mcquistan of cdc. With the new cases we are investigating we are becoming more aware that sexual transmission may happen more often than we previously thought. Reporter zika has been linked to microcephaly in newborns with abnormally small heads and developmental delays. The virus remains in the blood one week and can stay in semen many longer, 62 days in one case. No evidence of sexual transmission from women to men. Jon, if the cdc is spreads, how concerned should we be . There is a lot of anxiety. Of course, whenever you dont have all of the information and it seems like every day there is new information here. One of the big things we are just learning is that guillainbarre syndrome can be increased. Will Million Dollar question, of course, is what exactly is the relationship between zika infection and this microcephaly. Is there some other thing that has to happen . We are seeing it in brazil and its not clear its happening elsewhere so maybe its a onetwo punch you have to have something first, maybe an infection and then get the zika. That is so important. I think people should expect it is almost certainly going to come to a mosquito in the United States and probably in the south first. People need to expect that and we need to be prepared what exactly are we going to do. A new report finds mastectomy rates are increasing. They increased 36 between 2005 and 2013 even though the rate of Breast Cancer stayed the same. Holly, what is causing this spike . Report. I think several things really contributed to this rise. Probably most important has to do with awareness. For women who are at high risk of developing Breast Cancer in their lifetime, women are now aware that preventive mastectomy is an option. That is, in part, because celebrities like Angelina Jolie and rita wilson have invited the public to come along with them on their journey through that procedure. There are other things at play. You know, Reconstructive Surgery is better than it used to be. Women were concerned they would be disfigured after a mastectomy beautiful aesthetic results. The most important aspect comes down to screening. Now we have a Family History and predict women on could have 80 to 90 chance of developing Breast Cancer in their lifetime. They could have multiple screen tests through the year and a couple of ultrasounds and mammograms and have a false positives and that leaves them in a constant limbo i have to wait for these results, what is going on . There are women saying i want to be done with it at all and lower my risks and take out the breast tissue. Jon, should we say this is a good thing, this increase . Its a good thing if women have more peace of mind as holly was saying and a good kos cosmetic result is a good thing. I was talking to the head of breast surgery for a Medical Center and she pointed out you have to be careful in terms of thinking is there a survival benefit . That is not as clear. Especially for women who have had, say, an early Breast Cancer in one breast. Its not clear that has a survival benefit over just doing a lumpectomy and radiation. Overall, what is so important is that its very nuance subject and women have to talk about all of the pros and all of the cons with their doctor and really go over what is their risk profile and what do they want to do specifically. A cup of coffee is a must for many people the morning after a long night out on the town. A new report finds coffee may do more than just help ease the effects of a hangover. Holly, what did this report find . Interesting. The report really found that Drinking Coffee may help to decrease the risk of developing a type of liver damage called cirrhosis which is caused usually by heavy alcohol intake or other things like illnesses and hepatitis and auto immune disease. Researchers looked at nine studies already been published involving more than 400,000 patients and they found that cups of coffee a day had a 44 decreased risk of developing cirrhosis. We have to point out that this wasnt a clear cause and effect study. It couldnt show that coffee directly lowered the risk or if it was just an association or a link. Still, cirrhosis kills a Million People a year. There is no cure per se, so whatever we can do to decrease the risk really matters. Finally, we know how paula abdul feels about opposites. A natural thing we go together a new study says her classic hit opposites attract might be wrong. Researchers a at the university of kansas examined data from more than 1 thousand ,500 pairs and found that opposites dont seem to we seek similarity in relationships and drawn to likeminded people. Youre more likely to meet and get together but it did not predict for future success of the relationship. Maybe the point is keeps the mystery alive and dont tell each other your name, maybe . That works really well for the first date all right. Dr. Jon lapook and dr. Holly phillips, thank you very much. Up next, big data. Every day our smartphones and computers and cars gather information about us. Where we are and what we are doing. A new documentary explores the human face of big data and its quite a portrait. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Make it a point to shop kohls. This thursday through monday . Because yes2you rewards members take an extra 20 off . And earn triple points no matter how you pay get a 5 reward for every 100 points. Plus everyone gets 10 kohls cash for you can earn and redeem rewards points and kohls cash throughout the store theres no better time to sign up . Anyone can its quick and its easy enroll, save and start racking up the points today kohls. What if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. That has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. P p tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, p p pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, p p and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects rrr are flushing and stomach problems. Tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at tecfidera. Com. Talk to your doctor about and take another look every minute every day data is collected through our phones and cars and other devices and data helps us grapple with some of the worlds Biggest Challenges but at what price . Face of big data deals with how massive amounts of information about us and our world are being collected and analyzed. We are now collecting so much data and looking through that and using algorithms to see what we would never see before. Every powerful tool has a dark side. Every last one. Rick smolan is the films executive producer and author of the book on which its based. Jay walker, a leading figure in the film is chairman of walker innovation, a company that puts big data to work and curator of ted med, an annual summit on health care. Good morning to you both. Good morning. Rick, you described this as the nervous system for the planet. What do you mean . Well, a lot of us think that all of us with our smartphones and our google searches and all of the things we are doing in the course of our day that we are watching this sort growth of imagine if you touched your finger to the stove and didnt know you burnt it for a week. Now a feed backthat human back. We are able to solve it in a much more efficient way. Jay, remarkable advancements when it comes to the health care field. In your film you talk about how doctors are now able to predict the onset of potentially deadly infections in premature babies. I think that is extraordinary. Tell us about. The mow lecular and cellular level, the data is there. Its a new data set. Thats all cancer is a cell with different data. Now we are able to start reading that data set in the cell, in the micro biom and in viruses and for the first time we can not only see it before it becomes big, but start to intervene and change it. Which has profound for example, you have dozens of cancerus tumors throughout your body. Every drop of blood contains the fingerprint of every cancerus tumor in your body. Imagine a world of cancer we are not smashing breasts and mammograms but reading molecules and cells to find out how many different tumors do you have and how old are they . Rick, let me ask you the potential to help with social causes too. World hunger and civil unrest as well as responding in realtime to disasters around the world. I think that is so fascinating, because you have the access to all of this information now. Well, it gets back to that same idea of us becoming human sensors. In the terrible earthquake in haiti a few years ago it turned out it was ordinary citizens on the street that became sensors and telling relief organizations we need water the church is falling down. Instead of feeling like the big we are each now becoming players in this sort of dynamic realtime system. Jay, we talked about how to respond to an earthquake here but how can cities use this information and are they already . Cities are using Realtime Data all the time. They are using it in crime prediction and crime response and look at the issue of water cleanliness in michigan. Big data is way to sxaent constantly morn the water. The industrial world is the physical world and the data world is everything else. There are going tor be some people say a downside. Rick, tell us about some of the things youve learned. Well, look. I think if someone had walked up to you ten years ago and said, could i plant a little device on you that would tell me who youve spoken today and what youre curious about and what books you have read . Anybody put a device like that on me. Now we line up in front of the apple store to pay money because it helps us navigate our world. Jay said so eloquently in the film you dont get one side without the other. When is there a new tool its good versus evil. What we are trying to do in this documentary is start this global conversation who owns our data and what are they doing with it. I think we should opt in and not opt out. So interesting. Rick and jay, thank you both so much. Really interesting. Glad to be here. The human face of big data is currently airing on pbs stations and online at curiositystream. Com. Big changes in Major League Baseball this season is coming up. Illegal. About. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Put me in coach im ready to play today dr. Phil likes to watch football. The menu every day. Rosies my best friend. Evelyn likes to dance. Harriett wants her fried shrimp as well. Alice anne likes Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate syrup and rainbow sprinkles. They give me so much back. I cant even imagine how i could possibly give them what they give me. Enamel is your teeths first line of defense. But daily eating and drinking can make it weak. Try colgate enamel health. 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And those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. Ah, perfect. X evening, sir. Hello heres the keys. Mate. Hm, wouldnt mind some of that to see how much you could save on car insurance, go to geico. Com. Zah car alarm sounds they will not get the double play. Utley going hard at second as the tying run scores a slide that rocked the sports world. Thats not a legitimate slide, man. This is the way the game is played, especially in the playoffs. Dirty. Totally dirty. Now four months after that infamous play, Major League Baseball is changing up its rules. Starting this season, runners trying to break up a double play will be required to make a bona fide attempt to reach and remain on the base. In addition, a runner will be prohibited from changing his pathway to initiate contact with a fielder. So a hard slide like this. Boy, he went right after his shin. Would be illegal. While this. Oh would be aok. She slid at the bag. She hit the dirt before she hit the fielder and she did not go above the knee. That is a legal slide and that to last year. Still outraged about that slide as a mets fan. I think the dodgers fans couldnt care less. Up next, caught on camera. A horsedrawn wagon goes out of control. The details on that accident, youll see it only here on cbs this morning saturday. I think for the most part, never been done before after winning a world cup, first and foremost, we want to be backtoback champions because its never been done before and i want to be a part of that. I always wanted to ask you this. Youve been called the best goalkeeper in the history of the Womens National team. Now in the green room, they said in the world. In the world do you agree with that . In the world own it, hope own it if that is true, what makes you so good as a goalkeeper . What makes a great goalkeeper . That day in and day out. Goaltending is a difficult job. Youre either the hero or the goat. Qualifications to me are not that busy. You know, we are playing some poorer countries, some countries who dont really build the womens game, who feel honored to be on the field with us because they know that in their countries, women dont really so we are beating these teams, they dont have a lot of resources in their countries. So i honestly didnt get much action. So i got these five shutouts but i didnt feel i earned all of them. People in your position in their 30s peak, they say. Youre going to be 35. Do you even feel like youre even close to peaking . Well, where i was going with that is goal keeping is something you can never really master. There are so many details and intricacies and angles and its a mental game more than anything else. That is the exciting part about it. Want to walk away because there is always something you need to learn and its always a challenge and everybody who knows me knows i love challenges. ,, hmm hmm hmmhmmhmmhmm counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike theyve all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Welcome back to cbs this morning saturday. Im anthony mason. Im elaine quijano. This half hour, we will preview super tuesdays voting and which candidate will get theirs partys nomination. And a spotlight on tomorrow Nights Academy awards. Who will take home the big ones and how will host chris rock address the controversy . Speaking of movies. We will see how some of hollywoods earliest films are being preserved. Inside the race to restore these todays important democratic primary in South Carolina. Hillary clinton appears to have a big lead over Bernie Sanders. The results are expected to play a big part in next weeks super tuesday voting in a dozen states. Nancy cordes has more from columbia, South Carolina. Reporter good morning. The polls here in South Carolina are open from 7 00 to 7 00 so youre seeing voters cast their ballots behind me. Not a lot of mystery in South Carolina who is going to be victorious tonight. Recent polls have showed Hillary Clinton leading by anywhere from 20 to 30 points. With that. They want to show not just she she essentially has been camped out here in South Carolina over the past week, trying to run up the score and they want to show states. A number of Southern States coming up three days from now on super tuesday. Dominate with minorities. The democratic electorate more than 50 africanamerican and the same is true of other super tuesday states like alabama, like georgia, and so for clinton, this is a chance to show for the First Time Since really the start of these primaries that she is the indeputiable frontrunner, an image that was dented somewhat when she lost to Bernie Sanders in the landslide in new hampshire. Nancy cordes in columbia, South Carolina, thanks. Our Digital Network cbsn will have live coverage of the South Carolina democratic primary tonight starting at 6 00 eastern time. Ill actually be there and i hope youll join me. You can watch it online at cbsnews. Com live on the cbs news app and other devices like amazon fire. Republican president ial frontrunner donald trump has a new ally. New jersey governor chris on friday by throwing his support behind trump. A few weeks ago candidate christie said the country did not need an entertainer in chief. An obvious reference to trump. Now christie says trump is the best voice for a conservative voice in the white house. The biggest event so far in this politically charged year is coming up in three days. On super tuesday, republicans and democrats will cast votes in 12 states. Lots of delegates are up for grabs on both sides. Meaning super tuesday will have a major impact on who is nominated for president by both parties. With a preview is our the Washington Post political reporter phillip bump and Priscilla Alvarez where she covers national politics. Good morning. Good morning. Phillip, did the christie endorsement surprise you . It did. I mean, Chris Christie is a sitting governor. Donald trump until this week hadnt any establishment endorsements like that and Chris Christie out of the blue. I think what is interesting about this usually the candidates look for endorsements the people. I think what this was was christie to validate trump to the establishment. I think that is why its important. He doesnt bring a lot of votes. He dropped out and didnt have a lot of support. From that standpoint i think getting okay, this is a guy you can deal with i think was very important. Priscilla, where is super tuesday so important on the republican side . Super tuesday on the republican side is make or break moment for ted cruz. Sort of his last stand. In texas, they will be coming out to the polls and that is his home state. While cruz has the lead right now they are closing on him, rubio and trump. They were campaigning there being week and getting close. Trump has a lead in other states and has the vote among evangelicals. If cruz loses texas and it may not bode well moving forward. In that case see a different dynamic play out in the race. Can the same be said for rubio who at the moment is rubio is going to really banking on florida and ohio. March 15th is huge for him. He doesnt have to win march 1st. He doesnt have to do great among getting delegates. But, yeah, he is really going to have to come out in florida to push forward for that nomination. Particularly if cruz doesnt do well on tuesday. Let me ask you about donald trump. What does the Political Landscape look like for him right now . It looks great for him right now. Unstoppable . Not unstoppable. He is never unstoppable and making predictions about donald trump is a fools game at this point. He is doing extremely well and he is wellpositioned for tuesday and he is leading rubio. This is the amazing thing. He is leading rubio in florida after bush dropped out. The theory that all of the establishment would line up behind marco rubio if they got that is not true. He is leading him in florida and rubio insists he will win florida and he has to in order donald trump is in the cat birds seat. For republicans, youve had two hispanic candidates here, two of cuban descent. In nevada trump won the hispanic did he. But we have to consider how many went out. The caucus goers 8 were latino representative of the country as a whole. But it was a clear indicator that in the it reveals the two cuban american senators werent doing well with hispanics. That will be important again in texas where 28 of latinos make up the eligible voters in the state. So what they, you know, who are they going for then and that is something that will be really interesting to watch out for. Phillip we saw Chris Christie endorse the yesterday donald trump. I remember another high profile endorsement. Sarah palin when she endorsed him. Alaska is coming up and 28 republican delegates at stake. Help trump . Palin the last time we saw new polling was 2014 and she was a net negative and people werent excited about sarah palin any more. She was popular at a governor but i dont think it helps her in her home state. I think a lot of people who liked sarah palin who didnt like donald trump and they are similar in how they approach politics. My guess is her endorsement helped a lot more nationally than in alaska itself. Switch to the democrats. What is at stake there on super tuesday. South carolina today and clinton likely to win pretty big there. She needs that . Yeah. The question has always been will the nonwhite vote save Hillary Clinton . South carolina knock on wood is a blowout but it looks because of nonwhite voter turnout Hillary Clinton will do well and that will set her on the path towards nomination, i think. Phillip bump and Priscilla Alvarez, thank you. On tuesday, our Political Team will bring you super tuesday results in prime time. Results begins at 10 00 p. M. Eastern and 9 00 central. In houston a scary accident involving horses as video caught it and hundreds of riders rode in for a livestock show on saturday. It was frightening and trampled a woman on the horse and the woman was hospitalized possibly with a broken leg. Her horse was able to stand up and limped away and doing okay. No indication of what frightened the horse pulling the wagon. Very scary moment. Yeah, really frightening. It is about 8 00 after the hour. Now here is a look at the up next, the revenant is a fierce look at the west two centuries ago and todays top oscar oscar nominated film. How will it do tomorrow night . We will have a preview coming up on cbs this morning saturday. [alarm bell ringing] oh no, the car told ya somebody shouldve waited in the car. It says theres a black car three minutes away im not taking one of those. That one they gave authorities the slip, in a prius. Now the four mostwanted men in the world are stealing our hearts. Is that us . I think thats us public support is at a fever pitch. What started as an amateur heist is now a global phenomenon. One does have to wonder, how long can this chase go on . Look, were trending let me see that. Were famous toyota. Nexium 24hr is the new 1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. I hope you like it spicy get complete protection with the purple pill. The new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. , long wait is just about over lastminute preparations are under way at hollywoods dolby for tomorrow Nights Academy awards. Who will take home the oscar and leave emptyhanded and how will the academy deal with the issue of s in hollywood. Matt, good morning. Good morning. Lets talk about diversity first. Sure. This has been such a contentious issue and something that the twitter verse and social media is really intent on focusing on. How do you think they are going to handle that this year . Well, i think youre actually going to see probably more diversity amongst the presenters than the winners. Its really going to come down to chris rocks monologue. I think people are waiting to hosting the oscars is maybe the most thankless gig in hollywood and all of this pressure this year. Youre expecting him to be funny but i think people are looking to him to make a statement. Its a tough job. Im glad he is the guy chosen this year. I dont think i would want to see the monologue from james franco and anne hathaway. Lets take a look at the oscar categories themselves and start with best picture. Who are the front runners . Three film race here, i think. Spotlight and you have the big short about investors who profited from the economic collapse in 2008 and the revenant is Leonardo Dicaprio crawling through the snow and grunting while he is trying to kill tom hardy. Youre looking at the revenant. Yes. Youre seeing beautiful images here. With the big short a lot of people saying its going to win but its a comedy and comedies never do well at the oscars. A serious comedy. True but the revenant is serious with a capital s and no jokes in it at all important film making and i think that is probably why its going to walk away with it. Lets move on to best actor. Youve already said Leonardo Dicaprio. Do you think its his to lose . I do. All of the categories i think this is probably the one the most of a runaway. I think dicaprio for sure. Even if you dont like the revenant, you can tell how i feel but i think everyone is a big fan of leonardo and he is fantastic actor and you cant fault the efforts he put in here. Loves him. Not a strong category. Not like a guy you can look at it and say this was an incredible point and we are going talk about for 50 years. Best actress, rumors brie larson is a frontrunner. Of all the movies this year room is the one i tell people nervous to see. It sounds too dark and doo depressing and its an intense film for sure. But i think like the reason its not so depressing, so dark is her, brie larson. You see her performance and the love she has for character for her son and what she will do for situations. Incredible. Its a fabulous performance. I have no problem with her winning whatsoever. Another competitive category is best director. Again, the revenant. Is that what youre thinking . Its the most directed movie of the year, i would say. Is some that something we can give the award for . Fabulous job of directing it. But if you look at the movies sidebyside. We have seen these incredible images from the movie and you say this is good directing and incredible light and framing and everything about it. The lengths they went to it was so difficult to make i just i kind of want to vote against it but i have a hard time betting against it. Best supporting actor, Sylvester Stallone is the sentimental favorite but the top winner at this point . I think so for the reason he is a sentimental favorite and he is due Lifetime Achievement sort of thing and really great performance. I think people loved Sylvester Stallone in creed and count myself in that category. I think bridge of spies was a terrific mefg ovie and stealing sens scenes from tom hanks which is best actress . I like alicia vic kander. The long suffering wife of a trail blazer something we see in a lot of these oscar movies but she made that character flesh and blood and real. The razzies are tonight. First film of the year goes to . I think pixels. And the worst adam sandler movie of the year the worst adam sandler movie is an achievement in itself up next, they have already won an oscar for their work. A team of film experts have spent decades preserving movies that were made as far as a some see how some of the greatest films of all time are being youre watching cbs this could they guess what it was . Very rich and smooth. Really creamy. I keep touching my face. So what had we used . What . wait just water was added to this . My skin definitely feels much more radiant. That sense of having like smooth dewy skin only dove has 1 4 moisturizing cream for smoother, more radiant skin. Dove, your after trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. Love at first taste. I would liquefy it and bathe in it. Curse you, brookside your nefarious plans have succeeded. Nefarious . Are we still talking about chocolate . Brookside. Talk about delicious. If you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. If other treatments havent worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works by focusing right in the gitract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after infection, which can be serious. While not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and i can see clearly the rain has gone important work in Film Industry is being done by a team of film technicians and earned an oscar of their own. They find and preserve classic films, many of which were made almost a century ago. In the film archives of the museum of modern art, curators are trying to restore a silent film classic. If you look closely you cant see it now. But you can see its very scratched. Reporter the 1923 film rosita stars marry pickford. One of the americas first film icons. This is the only surviving complete print of this film . Yes. Reporter katie manages the project. This was at a lab and now they are in the process of going through it, like, literally framebyframe. Reporter the archives started in 1935 is the oldest in this is our little guy. Reporter so influential, that in 1977, the academy honored the museum for its pioneering work. This is our oscar. Reporter nice modern Art Department of film. Specifically for our work in film preservation. Reporter chief curator raj roy says as the library expanded, it outgrew the new york city location so this Storage Facility was built in pennsylvania. Its cold in here all the better to keep these. At this temperature will 35 degrees, relative dry. We can keep these for almost 400 years. Reporter wow. This is just one of more than 50 storage vaults for 25,000 titles. Everything from experimental films to classics like birth of a nation. Grapes of wrath and the third man. One of our favorites here on many reels. We keep these flat, dry, cold. Having the analog Storage Version is always the best thing and what lets me sleep at night knowing we have all of this. Reporter these are old posters and things . Posters and records from distributors and studio. Reporter he also archives those. Wow. These are all in the atlanta premiere gone with the wind. Reporter like the studio press book of scrap clippings from gone with the wind 1939 premiere and includes a page with the black actors on the film. Darker side of gone with the window. Reporter his work with rosita will take two years and bring back a marry pickford film that was the First American movie by legendary german director ernest lubitsch. How does a film like that apparently mary took a personal dislike to it and for reasons still not particularly clear. It seems she deliberately allowed the film to deteriorate and didnt renew the copyright on the film. Reporter the museum discovered a copy in the soviet union in the 1970s. In horrible condition. It was just too much for the technology of that time to handle. Reporter now rosita time has finally come and kehr wishes more films could be restored to eye the iron mask made in 1929. This is a very crisp copy because it has been made directly from the original camera negative, the actual film that passed through the cameras on the set. Reporter but even showing these films will become challenging. 35 millimeter projectors are no longer manufactured and kehr says spare parts will keep existing projectors going only but after that, we have to start digitizing this massive collection, which is such a huge undertaking. It just makes my head explode. Reporter do you feel like youre in a race . Its getting there. I dont think seriousness of this has really settled in even in the archival community. Im still convinced that movies are absolutely what america did best in the 20th century and that is hard defining art form and i dont want to lose one frame of that stuff, i really dont. Amazing stuff. One of the interesting challenges here is it can cost 20,000, to digitize a film and if youre talking about doing that for a library, its a lot of money and a lot of time. I feel they could have film students come and help with some of that work. One extraordinary thing to kind of go back and touch these things, right, in this digital things are so important. Up next, the dish. He is is a Food Network Favorite and even beat bobby flay on iron chef america. We will chat with chef beau macmilan ahead. There was a new study. I dont know if you saw that. Found when half of the cast of a movie is not white, the film has more success at the box office. There is an argument to make the studio heads, right . That is the thing. Forget about this being america and what is right to do. Lets appeal to the bottom line. United States Census Bureau said by the year 2016 36 white americans will be a minority. If im making a movie i want to make a movie that will appeal to this audience. You cant ignore people of color in this country like these youre advertising your new documentary on your shirt. No surprise there. Where is our tshirt . That is a nice looking tshirt. What is great about your documentary, i think people would have thought maybe legal troubles and maybe other issues but its the beginnings of his life. The second documentary ive done on michael jackson. The game plan is lets just deal with the music. All of the other stuff, not hear it and just deal with his genius and what we have dunn with one with bad and 25. What have you discovered about his genius . He was able to change ground. Frank sinatra, gene kelly. I mean Stevie Wonder and just take pieces sammy davis jr. And make it his own. Im very happy that people wale like this. What about this particular time in his life . Oh, this is key, because this members of the jackson five to him be starring in the wiz,, im standing on a corner in winslow, arizona such a fine sight to see its my girl beau macmilans passion for food started at an early age. Growing up in new england, fresh fish was abundant there but some of his greatest memories was in his grandmothers kitchen. He was a short order cook when he was just 14 years old by 17, he was already working in top kitchens and well on his way. Macmilan has been a fan favorite on the food network as he cowrote the all timers prevention cookbook to boost brain health and spent nearly 20 years in arizona at sanctuary on Camel Back Mountain where his elements have been called a fine dining gem. Gourmet magazine called it one of the top 100 restaurants in the country. He is affection nationally known by beau mac and we are pleased to welcome you to the dish. Im pleased to be here. Tell us what you brought. Family style is the way to eat, passing and sharing. I have these green beans which is a lot of fun and one of my favorite Signature Dishes at the restaurant. Brussels sprouts with red dragon and pork belly. Incredible. The sauce that glazes that is a seaweed sauce of ginger and this has chinese sausage and mus room mushroom and i love this Peanut Butter pie family style that looks amazing. So interesting about your story you knew pretty early on this is what you wanted to do. 14 years old, youre a short order cook . How did that come about . It happened because i realized early that i wasnt going to be the valedictorian of my high school. A lot of people realize that but they dont know the next step thats true, thats true. Best friend of mine had an uncle that had a little restaurant. Instantly i knew ive got to be involved in this and cook and creative side. I was always a creative person. I think there is no greater way to express yourself, you know, through food. Its my first language. By 17 you really had a life changing job, didnt you . I really did. I in a mentor. I stumbled upon this restaurant that had 30 seats. We did the menus fresh every day and worked them every day. I worked with the chef and his name was francois. I was filling out my application for the job and he offered me a first i refused and then i thought maybe im defending him. So ultimately i tried it and i said at that moment, i had no idea food could actually taste that good it was just on another level. I said to myself, if i can be half as good as this man im going to be somebody someday and i try to tell young people now in the field be patient and if you want to be an amazing chef, youve got to be an amazing cook. Its got to start that way and dont rush it. That is the most fun i ever had in my life in this career has been cooking. Youve been at camelback since 1998. I have. How do you go from growing up and working on the ooes east coast . A gentleman called me. The time. I got lucky. I was working in los angeles at two great hotels for amazing chefs and i came on a whim thinking what is in arizona . Tumble weeds and cactus . Within two days i was like this is so beautiful and i have an about a year into it, the boss closed down and sank 55 million into the property and reopened that sanctuary. Jackpot timing and ive never looked back can we talk about iron chef . You famously defeated bobby flay and that is like beating muhammad ali. How did that change your life . I remember one of my bosses on the set that day and said you have no idea what youve done you have no idea what youve done i was thinking, i won a competition. I could face bobby ten times and he might beat me nine out of ten. That was my day. Afterwards i just knew it may change my life and im grateful and blessed for that but its not going to change me. Tell me about the annual event you hold every year. You have this gathering, right . Love it. You have guests and master chefs. Not just from around the country but from around the world. We do and its in its 15th year. So proud of all the support we have had and really any time you food and wine with other chefs, they come. Ive been blessed. Its such a great program. You guys got to come and spend time with me in the summer sounds like so much fun. Beau mac, if i may call you that. Yes. Sign this dish and if you could share this meal with anyone past or present who would it be . I love it. I would have to go and sounds cliche, but my grandmother is one of the greatest people on earth and it was about the caring she provided and it was about making sure everyone was comfortable and i learned at the table. For me, so many great experiences. She was from montreal, quebec. My greatest memories is around people i love and sharing amazing bounty and sharing food through her. I would kill to have her back. Chef, thank you very much. Head to our website cbs morning. Com. Here is a look at your weather. Up next, lou doillon is the daughter of movie royalty but growing up she always had a love affair with music. We will introduce you to this former model and she will perform from her new album ahead in our fantastic session that is youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer the dish is flying as it should be. I was out in the dining room, you know, meeting the residents and i had a gentleman stop me and ask me if i made his dinner. He had lost his wife recently, but i didnt know that. He made a remark to me about not sure he wanted to be there anymore, but he said something to me that has stuck with me to this day. After having your dinner, i think i want to stick around a while and that really meant something to me. I never had an experience like that and it just let me know that what im doing is much if youre running a business, legalzoom has your back. Over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. When its your time to shine. You want to feel good from including your nails. Introducing the amop\ electronic nail care system. The fast way to file. Buff and shine. For effortless shiny wow nails so you can step out and shine on the electronic nail care system from amop\. Find it in the footcare aisle. In this mornings saturday session lou doillon is the daughter of french royalty and a love of music where she is making her name these days. Reporter lou is a wellknown but until five years ago, she kept her songs to herself. So music came as a kind of secret garden to protect myself against or with the rest of the exposure. So it was something extremely private. The best part, i guess, i thought i was a born groupie so i was always around musicians and the boyfriends seemed to have the common link guitarists and singers. Reporter that is very dangerous. Yeah. It took me a long time for me to realize i was in love with the guitar instead of them. Reporter the daughter of french film director Jacques Doillon she was 6 when she acted in a movie with her mother jane birken who had already gained fame. Her older halfsister chart since lou was a fashion it girl, she struggled to find her own place in the middle of her familys notoriety. I was racing to compete or just do something to love myself enough to not pay all of these people around me because i respected them so much. I suddenly surrendered when i was 27, 28, thinking, you know, never mind, im never going to make it. Reporter i mean, what did not making it mean . Because a lot of people would look at what you achieved at that point and say, how can you say ive made it . Well, i guess that it was, you know, doing nearly 20 movies that had never really had the success i had hoped they would have. Reporter but then a friend reminded her of the songs she had always written in her journals. He was very sweet because he said, you know, the best things about you, you have hidden. I thought, well, its because what i really am and i havent got the guts to really show that. Because people are going to hate me. He said, they already do. So what have you got to lose . I thought, okay. I used to stand and defy to the wind reporter her debut album places released in 2012 went double platinum in france. Nominated for best female artist at the victor es de la musques, the French Academy awards. I thought, run, take it, because if i were to run, they wouldnt take it away. Reporter the 33yearold singer still isnt sure the past few years have been entirely real. It was like a fairy tale. Reporter do you believe in ha i wish no, no. I know i believe its been such pleasure. Its like, yeah, tasting the best food on the planet, the idea that someone could take it away is frightening. But thank god. Reporter who is going to take it away now . Yeah, thats what i think. When i have a massive panic falling asleep, i do believe if there is five people wanting to come into my kitchen, i can still sing them songs and no one can take that away. Now with a track from her new album lay low this is good when i feel out of place it takes about when im content i hope just because i want to do what im told and a challenge because i want get it all please dont tell me the next time what to do to a good man please dont tell me the next time what to do to a good man when i think i cant keep holding on i pretend all the time when i sing deep and rather kill i cant eat youre pretty and i want you to slow down please dont tell me the next time what to do to a good man please dont tell me the next time what to do to a good man the next time what to do to a good man so please dont tell me the next time what to do to a good man what the hell to do dont go away. We will be right back with more music from lou doillon. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer saturday sessions are sponsored by blue buffalo. You love your pets like family ibsd. You know the symptoms when they start. Abdominal pain. Urgent diarrhea. 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Sir elton john, including what he has to say about his friend and long time collaborator Bernie Bernie taupin and best actress in brooklyn. On monday, social history through the lens of single women. Have a great day. If youre still bus, with you, we leave with you more music from lou doillon. This is more music from her track lay low. Pretend for a little while lets turn our backs lay low lay low morning lens the world lay low lay low lay low i know he it wasnt fair and i dont need you to tell me so lay low lay low i dont want to think i dont want to know your words turn on me lay low lay low the morning lens of a man in the morning lay here lay low ,, its saturday, february 27. Right now, the search is on for two dangerous gunman in arapahoe county. Where they were last seen and what led up to the shooting. We are only hours away from the avenues and red wings outdoor game. But what does that mean for the ice. We have complete coverage. Live from colorados. Good morning. We will have more on those stores in a few minutes but first, lets start with breaking news. If you live in the latter neighborhood, you may be seeing

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