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She started. Ann Francis Robbins was born in new york city, they called her nancy. When she was adopted by her stepfather, a prominent neurosurgeon, she took his name, and became nancy davis. Do you always have to keep your promises . Hollywood called and she became a supporting actress in a number of films including the next voice you hear with james whitmore. Davis was introduced to the head of the screen actors guild, his name was Ronald Reagan. She was later say, being his wife was the role i wanted most. I was afraid you wouldnt come. Hellcats of the navy the only movie they made together. As his trajectory took him away from hollywood she was in the front seat with him. Many said she was more ambitious than he was. When they won the white house, the country was amazed by the gaze, the adoring look of a woman who said her main job in life was protecting him. But sometimes she couldnt. There was the assassination attempt in 1981. And his bouts with cancer. Nancy reagan had her critics. She was attacked for ordering 200,000 white house china during a recession. The president defended her. There has been no new china for the white house since the truman administration. There was perhaps no greater example of how close the reagans was asked a question, and the first lady fed him an answer. Can. Thank you, sir. Hello. Nancy reagan used her up a campaign to try to keep kids from taking drugs. I cant hear you . Louder thats wonderful. Five years after the reagans left the white house the former president announced he was mrs. Reagan spoke about it in an interview with mike wallace on 60 minutes in 2002. Thats the worst part about this disease. There is nobody to exchange memories with. Soap as Ronald Reagan faded from public view, his best supporting actress moved to center stage. She went to his Birthday Party alone. I would like to propose a toast to my fella. Reporter she signed his books for him. Christened ships named for him. And received medals awarded to him. There were tributes today from across the political spectrum. Her strength of character was legendary said president clinton and secretary clinton. She leaves a remarkable legacy of good. Her influence on the white house was complete and lasting. Wrote president and mrs. George w. Bush. From president jimmy carter. Theirs was one of our nations and a model of shared devotion sending condolences on behalf of herself and president george h. W. Bush, barbara bush said, we take comfort that they will be reunited once more. In a tweet from her stepson, again with the man she loved. God bless. Until his death and beyond. She kept the flame. In the end, burnishing and legacy is her own. Nancy, thank you for your love. Thank you for just being you. [ applause ] next president ial caucuses is tomorrow, mississippi, idaho, hawaii and michigan. Michigan has the most delegates at stake. The battle tracker poll has rubio and kasich in close race for third. Hillary clinton is up 11 points over Bernie Sanders. Clinton discussed the race with John Dickerson for face the nation. Secretary clinton you know what it is look to be in a tough battle. Last time around you stayed in all the way until the end. Do you think there is anything wrong with Bernie Sanders stays in the fight all the way to the end . I think that is up to him, john. I am just very pleased at where my campaign is right now. I was really gratified by the results yesterday. Well net delegates. And feeling good about the upcoming contest. I have really put together a great broad coalition, that i think is the key to winning in november against who ever the republicans nominate. Speaking of winning in november, the republicans seem to have all the enthusiasm, more people are turning out for their primary process much more than democrats wont that hurt in the well i dont know exactly what that means. You know, i have gotten more votes than anybody running. On either side. I have gotten more votes than donald trump, although i am sure he doesnt want to hear that. And we have gotten it from a wide, broad base. I have gotten in the democratic primary, election, i have gotten more white voters except for the state of vermont all told. All told i have had more support from white voters. I feel really good about where our campaign is and where it is going. In places like ohio, massachusetts, there are reports that democrats, switching over changing their registration, becoming republican sews they can vote for donald trump. Arent those voters you are going to want back. How do you get them back . Well, i want to get every voter back. I will keep working during the primary to earn every vote. And make it clear i am running an Inclusive Campaign the i want to knock down barriers for all and i hope that, as we move forward, people will be giving a second, third look to all of the candidates. And that includes me. It include, mr. Trump. So i am going to keep reaching out. And demonstrating unequivocally if people are frustrated, discouraged, upset by what is happening in the economy or the government or political system, that i come ready, prepared, to do whats necessary to make progress. I think that is a very strong case. Let me ask you a question about somethingen the en in the news this week, brian pagliano, former staffer, granted immunity from investigation into the criminal investigation of your email server. When this happens. I talk to democrat has that they worry somebody is going to get indicted . Well there is no basis for that. It is a security review. I am delighted that he has agreed to cooperate as everyone else has. Toward a resolution of this. So you see after all. You see this as good news . Yeah, i do. Absolute absolutely. I think we are getting closer and closer to wrapping this up. The cbs overnight ne this is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germridden stains. Clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. But lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral buildup effortlessly. So why choose anything other than lysol . Can a toothpaste do everything well . This clean was like pow it added this other level of clean to it. It just kinda like. Wiped everything clean. 6x cleaning my teeth are glowing. They are so white. 6x whitening i actually really like the 2 steps. Step 1, cleans every time i use this. Leaving the dentist office. Crest hd. I would switch to crest hd over what i was using before. Use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and so all thats left for better results, use finish jetdry. Made with the perfect balance of raspberry ice cream, luscious raspberry sauce, and belgian chocolate. Discover magnum chocolate pleasure. Choose to move freely. Move free ultra has tripleaction support cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. And now try move free night. The first and only 2in1 marco rubio won the gop primary in puerto rico. Ted cruz says he is the only republican that can block donald trump from winning the president ial nomination. Saturday, cruz won in kansas and maine. Trump won louisiana and kentucky. Both trump and cruz spoke to John Dickerson for face the nation. Conservatives talked about the coarsening of the culture and job of a conservative politician to stand up and say no more. Has this campaign improved the culture . Or made it worse . Well, listen, there is no campaign that have gone into the gutter. We saw moments with donald trump and marco rubio engage in insults. Offcolor jokes, nastier and throwing mud. My approach, i am not going to play, not going to engage in the insults and throw the mud. I dont have the views on the size of any parts of Donald Trumps anatomy. I am not interested in talking about that. What i am interested in talking about is issues facing American People. Millions are facing stagnant wages not having jobs. My top priority is bringing back jobs and raising wages. We will do that by revealing obama care, passing a flat tax. Abolishing the irs, stopping amnesty, securing the border thats my priority. You said last week talked, donald trump is entertaining. Its entertaining. Other stuff slips in thats the way in which conservatives i talk to for years have said thats the way the culture slips. Its the job of a politician to stand up and say no there are listen, think about what president s have meant in history. Lincolns gettysburg address. Fdr, only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Jfk, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. I think people at home are asking themselves, how would we feel if our children came in repeating the word of the president of the united states. If that president was donald trump. If it would embarrass you to have your children repeat the word of the president , thats not a good thing. A president should unifiep, appeal to our better angels, appeal to our shared val use that make america who we are. And that is how i am trying to campaign. I think thats what the American People are looking for. Donald trump said there need to be flexibility on m graduation. You talked the New York Times. And off the record conversation. He is right of course. Negotiation. Flexibility. Right . He is most absolutely not right. But it was a stunning aspect of the debate. He said over and over. Flexibility. Thats one of the reasons why we are selling now, yoga mats on our website. Tedcruz. Org. Theyre breathe yoga mats. If you find yourself, boiling over with rage. Spend time doing yoga. Breathing maybe help you relax. Listen, conservatives are used to seeing republican candidates run to the right in the primary. Run to the left in the general. Part of the reason we are frustrated. Angry. We are tired of politicians lying to us. What was amazing about the debate, john, donald is running to the left. He is not out of the primary. In the debate this week. Donald stood up there and said to marco rubio, i agreen with you, i understand why you compromised and were flexible negotiating with Chuck Schumer on the gang of eight. This is the donald trump who has made immigration the centerpiece of his campaign. Who said he agreed with marco rubio supporting the gang of eight amnesty bill. Stunning. Last question, something that puzzles me. A president. You cant let your children watch tv. Marco rubio says he is a canman. All these terrible things. At the end you are asked if you will support him. You do. Doesnt that undermine the criticisms say he will be a danger to conservatism and republican values. Listen, one, Hillary Clinton as president would be more catastrophic. A third term of barack obama. Clinton. Campaign. I promised i would support the republican nominee. I am some one who keeps his word. Past week on super tuesday. In the state of texas. We won an overwhelming victory. By 17 points. That is meaningful. People of the texas know me and my heart. They are people i made promises to. I ran for senate. You elect me. I will leetd the fight against obama care. Amnesty, lead the fight against our debt. Religious, the bill of rights. The reason we won in texas, texas said, ted you kept your word. I will tell you, john. As president iable do the same thing. Mr. Trump you are bringing a lot of new people into the Republican Party. Some people are saying they want to leave the Republican Party too. What is your message to those who want to leave . Good riddance . I think they shouldnt leave. I think they should get together. I think everybody should be unified. We are building up numbers incredible within the Republican Party. You have been seeing, south carolina, new hampshire, the numbers are astronomical. I dont think they have ever seen anything like this, actually. By the way the democrats are losing. Democrats are going down, 35 , 40 . We are going up 50 . Couple states over 100 . What do you make of the effort to try to take the nomination away from you by going to the convention . I am very surprised by it. Very surprised to hear third party the i will appoint conservative judges. And a third party would mean that him ear would win or who you are going to have liberal judges as many as four or even five if you can belief that during this, period of time. So a third party means absolutely they will have four or five very liberal judges appointed as owe posed to four or five, very conservative judges. I think it is really playing with fire. They say they cant be in the party with you as head of it . Ive dont understand that. I get along with people. Ive am a unifieper. Very much a unifier. Maybe people dont see that. They will see that. My relationship to people has been great over the years. Again. I am new to politics. Been doing this now for seven months. I think i have done a very good job in seven months. But we have a tremendous number of people coming in and showing up to volt. The lines in all the states that i have won have been record setting. In this very room, a big night or superer tuesday, you said about paul ryan you hope to he will have to pay a big price. You said about john mccain. He has to be very careful. How can you be a unifieper when you are saying those things about two republicans. I think he would pay a big price. A split party. A very split party. He has done a good job. I may be mr. Conservative than ham. Him. I am stronger on the border. I was in favor of paul ryan. He very much is a unifieper. Sort of chosen i think. A lot read that as a threat. Not ape threat. Not a threat. Itch a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party. No evasion and no games. They must reject any group or cause built on bigotry. He was talking about you. I have rejected. How many times do i have to reject. I reject david duke. Rejected david duke. I have rejected the kkk, the ku klux klan from the time i am 5 years old. I rejected them. How many times. An amaze thing with twitter. I have, more than 6 million. Facebook. Instagram. When i put out a minor message. Everybody picks it up. Donald trump tweeted something very unimportant. When i put out that i reject the kkk, david duke. Noeb nobody nobody picks it up. You pick it up. Everyone picks it up. Practically the same time. They dont want to pick it up. I have been watched this question so many times. I have rejected. So many times. What did you think abut ryan saying that. I guess that was my question. Dont forget. He is getting a lot of information to you guys. When i tweet about a rejection almost right after the show ended. Maybe i wasnt clear or something. How many times do i have to sach if it . I told cnn when Chris Christie endorsed me. I rejected it there. News conference was a day before. How many times do i have to reject or disavow. Let me ask you this question. David duke is saying to his supporters and followers, vote for donald trump. White supremacists are saying. Do you want the votes . I dont want them. I dont want him to. I cant help it. If he says it. John, if he says it, he says it. Do i want it, no. No, i dent want anything. White supremacists. Ive dont like any group of hate. Hate groups are not for me. But i have said this before the press hates me to say it. They just dont want to pick it up. You are turning, thinking more about the general election. In december last year, you said, talking Hillary Clinton. We view this as the war. Then you asked the audience, dont weep view this as war . Do you still view it as war . Little bit. It is hypely competitive. The last person she wants to run i can tell you that. I know that. Sort of interesting. One of your competitors said, i know that Hillary Clinton wants to run against donald trump. I called him. I said, listen heres the story. If they they want to run against me that means they dent want to run against me. Do you understand that. Of chess. I know for a fact. And you know for a fact the last person that she wants to run against me. I won polls. I havent started with hillary. Hillary went way down and sounds of birds whistling introducing new ky touch gel cr me. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. Im alex trebek. If youre age 50 to 85, this is an important message. So please, write down the number on your screen. The lock i want to talk to you about isnt the one on your door. Its a rate lock for your Life Insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. But be careful. Many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the Colonial Penn program. 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Saturday the ceremonial start at anchorage had to be cut short by lack of snow. Carter evans has more. Rookie race for her. Reporter the ceremonial start of the iditarod is everything you expect from a sled dog race. Except the snow on the ground didnt come from the sky above anchorage. It came on a train from further north. Tim sullivan with alaska railroad. We have had some snowfall. Reporter so far anchorage received half of its average snowfall. As of friday, just 29 inches had fallen. 61 inches is normal. And the city has been storing what it plowed from local streets for the iditarod according to race coordinator carl heidelbach. Harvesting every flaek of snow since november hiding it to make it happen. Reporter it wasnt enough. The 350 cubic yard of backup snow will cover three miles of the anchorage track instead of the usual 11 miles. We didnt want to shorten the race. But our only other option left was to take it from anchorage. Thats not what we wanted. We wanted the spectacle here. For our fans here. Reporter it happened last year as well. When there was even less snow. And it may be a trend. Over the last 60 years, winter temperatures in alaska have risen by 6 degrees. A rate twice as fast as the rest of the country. And while less snow may be a in anchorage where the iditarod is the biggest tourist event of the year there is no business like snow business. Carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. The cbs overnight news ,,,, Steve Hartman found what can be described as a catalytic conversion on the road. Go on. All cattlemen face challenges beyond their control. But not long ago at this ranch south of houston. Tommy sawen face aid problem of his own. You know, every marriage has its issues. It is not always easy. I was as unprepared for it as anybody. Whats that . Reporter it all began innocently enough. Shortly after they got married six years ago, rene just started hanging out with the live stock. Tommy warned her. Renee dont name those cows. Listen. Hey, star. Sunny started singing to them too. Whos going next in the red trailer before long the ranchers wife turned into a ranchers worst nightmare. A vegan who couldnt stomach so much as living on a cattle ranch anymore. Just want to get out of the business. Our marriage was going to be over. It wasnt working. I said i am going to sell the whole herd. Ifup are going to sell the whole herd any way why dont you sell them to me. I said sell them to you. He looked at me. You have lost it. You are crazy. Reporter clearly there was some truth to that. But what tommy didnt know was that renee had been secretly posting a blog called vegan journal of a ranch ear wife. She attracted thousand of followers, through the contracts. Renee was able to raise 30,000. All of a sudden he was fixing to be bought out by his wife. Any way . No reporter i am asking him . Yeah, i didnt appreciate it. Pains. Come here. Reporter here is where the story gets good. After his wife raised the money, tommy did something rare for a matter. He put aside his ego and rekidded rekid reconsidered a core belief. He stopped eating meat. Liked how it felt. Now works for his wife at rowdy girl vegan farm animal sanctuary. As far as we can tell the only cattle ranch conversion in the country. Now that he changed for you. How would you look to change her . I cant thing of a thing. Oh. There is everything you need to know to stay married forever. Steve hartman, on the road, in angleton, texas. News for this monday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im jeff glor. Tributes pouring in for nancy reagan. The first lady died at the age of 94. Tonight, cbs news veteran bill plant looks back at the reagan white house. Nancy, thank you for your love. Thank you for just being you. [ cheers and applause ] also tonight deadly flooding hits the west coast. Another system threatens the south. Long lines ahead for spring break travelers. Whats being done about the shortage of airport screeners. Cross ward controversy. And crossword controversy. A prominent puzzle maker is accused of being a copycat. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the cbs nancy reagan remembered as a first lady who redefined the role. President obama and First Lady Michelle Obama offered the assessment joining past president s and World Leaders paying tribute to mrs. Reagan. Mrs. Reagan died from Heart Failure sunday morning at her home in los angeles she was 94 years old. Mrs. Reagan will be laid to rest beside her husband of 52 years at the Ronald Reagan president ial library in simi valley, california. More now from bill plant who covered the reagan white house. The first lady of the united states, nancy davis reagan. Reporter it was a role that fit her like a glove wife and partner to the leader of the free world. And it was a long way from where she started. Ann Francis Robbins was born in new york city, they called her nancy. When she was adopted by her stepfather, a prominent neurosurgeon, she took his name, and became nancy davis. Do you always have to hollywood called and she became a supporting actress in a number of films including the the next voice you hear with james whitmore. Davis was introduced to the head of the screen actors guild, his name was Ronald Reagan. She would later say, being his wife was the role i wanted most. I was afraid you wouldnt come. Hellcats of the navy the only movie they made together. But as his trajectory took him away from hollywood she was in the front seat with him. Many said she was more ambitious than she was. When they won the white house, the country was amazed by the gaze, the adoring look of a woman who said her main job in life was protecting him. But sometimes she couldnt. The president there was the assassination attempt in 1981. How yur how are you sneelg sneelg. And his bouts with cancer. Nancy reagan had her critics. She was attacked for ordering during a recession. There has been no new china for the white house since the truman administration. There was perhaps no greater example of how close the reagans were, than when the president was asked a question, and the first lady fed him an answer. Were doing everything we can. Thank you, sir. Hello. There. Influence as first lady to set up a campaign to try to keep kids from taking drugs. I cant hear you . Louder thats wonderful. Five years after the reagans left the white house the former president announced he was battling alzheimers disease. Mrs. Reagan spoke about it in an interview with mike wallace on 60 minutes in 2002. Thats the worst part about this disease, there is february to exchange memories with. From public view, his best supporting actress moved to center stage. She went to his Birthday Party alone. I would like to propose a toast to my fella. Reporter she signed his books for him. Christened ships named for him. And received medals awarded to him. There were tributes today from across the political spectrum. Her strength of character was legendary said president clinton and secretary clinton. She leaves a remarkable legacy of good. Her influence on the white house was complete and lasting. Wrote president and mrs. George w. Bush. From president jimmy carter. Theirs was one of our nations great love stories. And a model of shared devotion to our country. Sending condolences on behalf of herself and president george h. W. Bush, barbara bush said, we take comfort that they will be reunited once more. In a tweet from her stepson, again with the man she loved. God bless. Until his death and beyond. She kept the flame. In the end, burnishing and maintaining Ronald Reagans legacy is her own. Nancy, thank you for your love. Thank you for just being you. [ applause ] reporter she really was the power behind the throne. Nancy reagan spent her life protecting her husband. She did all the worrying so she didnt have to. And it was her instinct about people which in most cases decided who would work for Ronald Reagan or whose usefulness had expired. Jeff. One thing watching the white house, and covering it. You also had several memorable encounters with nancy reagan, did you not . Yeah, several. The big one at a reception when i introduced my date to her as my all most fiancee. She gave me a withering stare, i did. Bill plante in our washington bureau. Bill, thank you very much tonight. The republican president ial candidates paused to pay tribute to nancy reagan. Heres julianna goldman. Marco rubio called nancy reagan a true example of integrity and grace. In another tweet, ted cruz said she will be remembered for her deep passion for this nation and love for her husband. An amazing woman wrote donald trump. News of Nancy Reagans death came on a day when most candidates vying to inherit Ronald Reagans conservative legacy were taking a break before the next round of critical contests. She is now, as she used to say, with her ronnie. John kasich was the exception. Campaigning in his home state of ohio, alongside arnold schwarzenegger. Looking beyond the four states he lost yesterday. Marco ruby had a very, very bad night. Donald trump won kentucky and louisiana saturday. Rubio like kasich was 04. Last night trump called on the florida senator to drop out. I would love to take on ted oneonone. That would be so much fun. Cruz seemed to agree. If you are not able to win primaries, not amassing enough every candidate has to reflect. While rubio insists he will win his home state of florida. Some unlikely republicans are like Lindsay Graham said this to say. If you killed ted cruz on the trial was in the senate. Nobody could convict you. Today he said the gop need to up night before march 15. To me it is clear that ted he can be the alternative to trump. Out before march 15th. Jeff, looked like he scored the Associated Press has said ruby has won the puerto rico primary that means he will likely take the territorys 23 delegates. Thank you. The cbs overnight news will be right back. ,,, so here is the delegate counts stand tonight. Donald trump 374 delegates. Ted cruz is next with 293. Marco rubio has 123. Will get more from puerto rico. Hillary clinton has more than 1,100 delegates. More than double Bernie Sanders total. For both parties the big delegate prize tuesday in michigan where a cbs news Battleground Tracker shows trump comfortably ahead of the pack. Democrats are debating in flint tonight. And nancy cordes is there. To our pledged delegate count. Reporter here in michigan, Hillary Clinton celebrated a landslide victory in louisiana. Bernie sanders won in kansas and nebraska. But the states are smaller and so clinton ended up with 55 new delegates. Sanders, 47. Sanders still insists hes the one gaining steam. Honestly i belief i am the candidate to create that large voter turnout and make sure that we retain the white house. Reporter to prove that he will have to catch up to clinton in michigan. She spent the weekend visiting africanamerican churches in detroit. Madam president. Not yet. That sounds good. Sanders took another approach. My view is different than secretary clintons. Reporter hammering clinton foreign competition. In every major trade agreement i have not only voted against them but helped lead the opposition. Reporter both candidates made flints water crisis a personal cause. Clean water is not optional, my friends. Clinton brings it of in almost every speech. We have to support them until the all citys families have clean, safe water. On face the nation, John Dickerson asked clinton while republican turnout is up. And democrat turnout is down. I have gotten more votes. Than any body running on either side. I have gotten more votes than donald trump. Sure he doesnt want to hear that. Michigan with 130 delegates one of the largest states the candidates have competed in so far. Not only reason it is important. They see the state as bellwether for other rust belt states. Ohio, indiana, illinois. Thats what makes to nights debate more high stakes than usual. Jeff, especially for sanders. Nancy cordes, thank you. California in dire need of rain some. Too much in parts. Leading to flooding and two deaths. Heres danielle nottingham. Reporter so much rain outside sacramento. Three inches in 24 hours. A woman died when her car got trapped on the highway. Another driver died in san ramon. Heavy wind downed trees and snapped power lines. In Southern California emergency crews pulled several people out of the los angeles river. Rough waters in oregon left three surfers stranded, forcing this coast guard rescue. Wind gusts there reached more than 50 miles per hour. Snowing in tahoe. Reporter california ski resorts reported as much as 2 inches of new snow since friday. Forecasters say totals could elevations by monday afternoon. Much needed snow after a dry february left the Sierra Nevada snow pack below average. State Officials Say several more el nino storms like this one are needed before california can emerge from the fouryear drought. Danielle nottingham, cbs news, los angeles. For more on this and the south, bring in chief meteorologist eric fisher of wbz eric. Jeff, watching a second storm system. The one yesterday, wettest day in San Francisco since 2014. Through the evening. Hail, wind gust as long coastal it punches further southward. Bring heaviest rainfall into Southern California. Before it drives inland monday night. Look at significant rain as the state tries to catch up for a dry february. Still a threat of debris flows. And also a chance for trees strong wind gust as cross the west and southwest as we head through the next 24 hours. At the same time, a set up in the east with High Pressure off the east coast. A deep flow out of the gulf of jeff, this is the area to watch could see double digit rainfall and big flood threat especially in eastern texas. Much. Up next, a man under arrest after a bizarre airplane incident in london. U. S. Airports will longer lines mean shorter tempers . The cbs overnight news will be lets get these dayquil liquid gels and go. But these liquid gels are new. Mucinex fastmax. This one is max strength and fights mucus. Mucinex fastmax. Flu liquid gel that is maxstrength and fights mucus. Lets end this. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Theres moving. And theres moving with move free ultra. For your joints, cartilage and bones. And unlike the big osteobi flex pills, its all in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. Jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. In our house, imagination runs wild. But at my table, i keep the food real. Like country crocks recipe made with real simple ingredients. And no artificial flavors or preservatives. Real Country Fresh taste from real ingredients. Welcome to crock country. There are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. But not all disinfecting wipes. The same number of them. Lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. This cold and flu season lysol that. In london, a man charged with illegally boarding a plane at Heathrow Airport and locking British Airways jet. In london with the latest on this. Jonathan. Reporter good evening. Officials say a man broke through a security fence at london heathrows perimeter and ran to a British Airways hangar where a 747, empty, with doors unlocked. A 38yearold Portuguese National locked himself inside the high security cockpit with full access to all controls. Emergency crews were quick to th scene but had a difficult time breaching the bomb proof doors. They broke in and arrested the man. Motive is unclear. Police say they do not believe he is connected to terrorism. Jeff in a statement, heathrow says they are working with police and security is under constant review. If it seems like Airport Security lines are getting longer its because they are. The tsa says for now there is tsa precheck over here. Reporter across the country, long lines and frustrated passengers are stacking up at Airport Security check points. This is bad. Bad as i have seen it. Reporter airlines have been warning passengers about longer waits. Passengers, responded with choice tweets of their own. You have seen a 10. 5 increase in travel since 2011. Reporter today, the senator said that the Record Number of passengers traveling this year reflects a national trend. This is a problem not unique to the twin cities. Problem across the country. Nationally the number of tsa screeners is down, 15 since 2011. Tsa head Peter Neffenger told congress theagency is taking steps to do more with less. Rethinking how we invest in technology and partnering with airlines and airports, to devil of and install dramatically improved, passenger screening airports. Atlanta airport general manager says the problems have gotten so bad he is considering replacing tsa screeners with private security workers. In a recent letter to the head of the tsa, he said, the airport is dreading the outcome of the summer of 2016. Now, wouldnt be the first time an airport privatized security workers. San francisco, kansas city and orlando have done it. Jeff, some travelers online say they have been getting to the airport two hours in advance of their flight. And still missing it because of delays at security. Jamie, thank you. Up next here, the sheriff is Peyton Manning will make it official tomorrow. He is retiring after 1 sea soz in the nfl. Over the two decades. Manning became one of the games constant presence off it. Manning will make the announcement in denver. And Barry Peterson is there. Reporter even in the glow of winning super bowl 50. Manning told cbs this morning, retirement was on his mind. I will certainly talk about it. Reporter a lot of words about manning. In sports the numbers often matter more. Winning two super bowls, the nfl leader in passing yards and touchdown passes. Off the field, a busy pitchman, showing off another talent, singing. Epic comeback starts right here the season came with allegations in a documentary still under review by the nfl that a clinic in indiana sent illegal performance enhancing drug Human Growth Hormone to his home. Mannings spokesman said his manning denied getting any medication from her. I have done it the long way, the hard way. Saying anything otherwise is a complete, total joke, defamation and it really ticks me off. New charges of Sexual Harassment from days as pquarterback at university of tennessee. Manning settled a previous allegation out of court years ago. In five years he is eligible for the football hall of fame. But this year, he savored a heros welcome in denver, a crowd estimated at 1 million heard manning as always, share the glory. This season we had a lot of new players this season, guys worked hard and stuck together. Perhaps his career is best summed up in a quote from a competing coach who said it was like playing a computer who knew what you did before, what you are doing now, and what you are planning to do later. Jeff. Barry peterson in denver. Thank you very much. There has been another smashandgrab at a gun store. Thieves crashed the car through the front of the store before driving off with 18 handguns,,, we close with a scandal all over the papers. A prominent maker of cross word puzzles accused of plagiarism. He claims he was just clueless. Here is contessa brewer. Across the board unethical, a puzzle writers algorithm spells trouble for usa todays cross word editor timothy parker. A database of 53,000 puzzles showed 60 edited by parker, borrow seemingly directly from the New York Times. Parker titled this, dare to compare. We did, same theme, same order. Two identical clues, as a times puzzle from 1997. Edited by will shorts. It can take a puzzle maker as much time to come up with a good fresh theme as to fill the grid and write the clues. So to borrow or take someone elses creativity and coming up with an original theme, really its not right. Website 538 examined the database and found parker republished puzzles in usa today with only minor changes but under different bylines. Parker told 538, to me it is mere coincidence. Puzzles or care about anyone elses puzzles. Parker edits u. S. Syndicated universal cross word with clients including cbs news. Parker, usa today and universal cross word have not answered our calls. It reflects poorly on usa today and should have a cross word editor worthy of their paper. The New York Times tweets, is that cross word plagiarized . You fill in the blank. Thats the cbs overnight news for monday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new welcome to the cbs overnight news. Im jeff glor. President obama says mrs. Reagan redefined the role of the first lady. Michael deever said, without nancy there would be no president reagan. Bill plant has more. The first lady of the united states, nancy davis reagan. Reporter it was a role that fit her like a glove. Wife and partner to the leader of the free world. And it was a long way from where ann Francis Robbins was born in new york city, they called her nancy. When she was adopted by her stepfather, a prominent neurosurgeon, she took his name, and became nancy davis. Do you always have to keep your promises . Hollywood called and she became a supporting actress in a number of films including the next voice you hear with james whitmore. Davis was introduced to the head of the screen actors guild, his name was Ronald Reagan. She was later say, being his wife was the role i wanted most. I was afraid you wouldnt come. Hellcats of the navy the only movie they made together. As his trajectory took him away from hollywood she was in the front seat with him. Many said she was more ambitious than he was. When they won the white house, the country was amazed by the gaze, the adoring look of a woman who said her main job in life was protecting him. But sometimes she couldnt. There was the assassination attempt in 1981. And his bouts with cancer. Nancy reagan had her critics. She was attacked for ordering 200,000 white house china during a recession. The president defended her. There has been no new china for the white house since the truman administration. There was perhaps no greater were, than when the president was asked a question, and the first lady fed him an answer. Were doing everything we can. Were doing everything we can. Thank you, sir. Hello to all of you who are listening out there. Nancy reagan used her influence as first lady to set up a campaign to try to keep kids from taking drugs. I cant hear you . Louder thats wonderful. Five years after the reagans left the white house the former president announced he was battling alzheimers disease. Interview with mike wallace on 60 minutes in 2002. Thats the worst part about this disease. There is nobody to exchange memories with. So as Ronald Reagan faded from public view, his best supporting actress moved to center stage. She went to his Birthday Party alone. I would like to propose a toast to my fella. Reporter she signed his books for him. Christened ships named for him. And received medals awarded to him. There were tributes today from across the political spectrum. Her strength of character was legendary said president clinton and secretary clinton. She leaves a remarkable legacy of good. Her influence on the white house was complete and lasting. Wrote president and mrs. George w. Bush. From president jimmy carter. Theirs was one of our nations great love stories. And a model of shared devotion sending condolences on behalf of herself and president george h. W. Bush, barbara bush said, we take comfort that they will be reunited once more. In a tweet from her stepson, michael reagan, she is once again with the man she loved. God bless. Until his death and beyond. She kept the flame. In the end, burnishing and maintaining Ronald Reagans legacy is her own. Nancy, thank you for your love. Thank you for just being you. [ applause ] next set of president ial voting and caucuses is tomorrow, with mississippi, idaho, hawaii and michigan. Michigan has the most delegates at stake. The battle tracker poll has donald trump up over ted cruz for third. Amungs carat among democrats Hillary Clinton is up 11 points over Bernie Sanders. Clinton discussed the race with John Dickerson for face the nation. Secretary clinton, you know what it is like to be in a tough delegate battle. Last time around you stayed in all the way until the end. Do you think there is anything wrong with Bernie Sanders stays in the fight all the way to the end . I think that is up to him, john. I am just very pleased at where my campaign is right now. I was really gratified by the results yesterday. Well net delegates. And feeling good about the upcoming contest. I have really put together a great broad coalition, that i think is the key to winning in november against who ever the republicans nominate. Speaking of winning in november, the republicans seem to have all the enthusiasm, more people are turning out for their primary process much more than democrats wont that hurt in the battle in november . Well i dont know exactly you know, i have gotten more on either side. I have gotten more votes than donald trump, although i am sure he doesnt want to hear that. And we have gotten it from a wide, broad base. I have gotten in the democratic primary, election, i have gotten more white voters except for the state of vermont all told. All told i have had more support from white voters. I feel really good about where our campaign is and where it is going. In places like ohio, massachusetts, there are reports that democrats, switching over changing their registration, becoming republican sews they can vote for donald trump. Arent those voters you are going to want back. How do you get them back . Well, i want to get every voter back. I will keep working during the primary to earn every vote. And make it clear i am running an Inclusive Campaign the i want to knock down barriers for all forward, people will be giving a second, third look to all of the candidates. And that includes me. It include, mr. Trump. So i am going to keep reaching out. And demonstrating unequivocally if people are frustrated, discouraged, upset by what is happening in the economy or the government or political system, that i come ready, prepared, to do whats necessary to make progress. I think that is a very strong case. Let me ask you a question about something in the news this week, brian pagliano, former state department staffer, who was granted immunity from prosecution into the criminal investigation of your email server. When this happens. I talk to democrat has that they worry somebody is going to get indicted . Well there is no basis for that. It is a security review. I am delighted that he has agreed to cooperate as everyone else has. And i think that well be moving so you see after all. You see this as good news . Yeah, i do. Absolutely. I think we are getting closer and closer to wrapping this up. The cbs overnight news will be right back. My son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, im walking them. Life is unpredictable being flake free isnt. Because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. Used regularly, it removesr up to 100 of flakes keeping you protected sounds of birds whistling music introducing new ky touch gel cr for massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. Marco rubio won the gop primary in puerto rico. But remains far behind in the delicate count. Behind in the delegate count. Ted cruz says he is the only republican that can block donald trump from winning the president ial nomination. Saturday, cruz won in kansas and maine. Trump won louisiana and kentucky. Both trump and cruz spoke to John Dickerson for face the nation. Conservatives talked about the coarsening of the culture and job of a conservative politician to stand up and say no more. Has this campaign improved the or made it worse . Well, listen, there is no doubt there are aspects of the campaign that have gone into the gutter. We saw moments with donald trump and marco rubio engage in insults. Offcolor jokes, nastier and throwing mud. My approach, i am not going to play, not going to engage in the insults and throw the mud. I dont have the views on the size of any parts of Donald Trumps anatomy. I am not interested in talking about that. What i am interested in talking about is issues facing American People. Millions are facing stagnant wages not having jobs. My top priority is bringing back jobs and raising wages. We will do that by revealing obama care, passing a flat tax. Abolishing the irs, stopping amnesty, securing the border thats my priority. You said last week talked, donald trump is entertaining. Its entertaining. Other stuff slips in thats the way in which conservatives i talk to for years have said thats the way the culture slips. Its the job of a politician to stand up and say no there are guardrails here. President s have meant in history. Lincolns gettysburg address. Fdr, only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Jfk, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. I think people at home are asking themselves, how would we feel if our children came in repeating the word of the president of the united states. If that president was donald trump. If it would embarrass you to have your children repeat the word of the president , thats not a good thing. A president should unifiep, appeal to our better angels, appeal to our shared val use that make america who we are. And that is how i am trying to campaign. I think thats what the American People are looking for. Donald trump said there need to be flexibility on m immigration. You talked the New York Times. And off the record conversation. He is right of course. Negotiation. Flexibility. Right . He is most absolutely not right. But it was a stunning aspect of the debate. He said over and over. Flexibility. Flexibility. Thats one of the reasons why we are selling now, yoga mats on our website. Tedcruz. Org. Theyre breathe yoga mats. If you find yourself, boiling over with rage. Spend time doing yoga. Breathing maybe help you relax. Listen, conservatives are used to seeing republican candidates run to the right in the primary. Run to the left in the general. Part of the reason we are frustrated. Angry. We are tired of politicians lying to us. What was amazing about the debate, john, donald is running to the left. He is not out of the primary. In the debate this week. Donald stood up there and said to marco rubio, i agreen with you, i understand why you compromised and were flexible negotiating with Chuck Schumer on the gang of eight. This is the donald trump who has made immigration the centerpiece of his campaign. Who said he agreed with marco rubio supporting the gang of eight amnesty bill. Stunning. Last question, something that puzzles me. A president. You cant let your children watch tv. Marco rubio says he is a con man. All these terrible things. At the end you are asked if you will support him. You do. Doesnt that undermine the criticisms say he will be a danger to conservatism and republican values. Listen, one, Hillary Clinton as president would be more catastrophic. A third term of barack obama. I cannot support Hillary Clinton. Number two at the outset of the campaign. I promised i would support the republican nominee. I am some one who keeps his word. Past week on super tuesday. In the state of texas. We won an overwhelming victory by 17 points. That was particularly meaningful. The people of texas, they know me. And they know my heart. They are people i made promises to. I ran for senate. You elect me. I will lead the fight against obama care. Amnesty, lead the fight against our debt. And lead the fight to protect the reason we won in texas, texas said, ted you kept your word. I will tell you, john. As president i will do the very same thing. Mr. Trump you are bringing a lot of new people into the Republican Party. Some people are saying they want to leave the Republican Party too. What is your message to those who want to leave . Good riddance . I think they shouldnt leave. I think they should get together. I think everybody should be unified. We are building up numbers incredible within the Republican Party. You have been seeing, south carolina, new hampshire, the numbers are astronomical. I dont think they have ever seen anything like this, actually. By the way the democrats are losing. Democrats are going down, 35 , 40 . We are going up 50 . Couple states over 100 . What do you make of the effort to try to take the nomination away from you by going to the convention . I am very surprised by it. Very surprised to hear third party the i will appoint and a third party would mean that him ear would win or who ever is going to be running. You are going to have liberal judges as many as four or even five if you can belief that during this, period of time. So a third party means absolutely they will have four or five very liberal judges appointed as owe posed to four or five, very conservative judges. I think it is really playing with fire. They say they cant be in the party with you as head of it . Ive dont understand that. I get along with people. Very much a unifier. Maybe people dont see that. They will see that. My relationship to people has been great over the years. Again. I am new to politics. Been doing this now for seven months. I think i have done a very good job in seven months. But we have a tremendous number of people coming in and showing up to volt. The lines in all the states that i have won have been record setting. In this very room, a big night or superer tuesday, you said about paul ryan you hope to get along with. If you didnt. He will have to pay a big price. He has to be very careful. How can you be a unifier when you are saying those things about two republicans. I think he would pay a big price. Youd really have a split party. A very split party. He has done a good job. I may be mr. Conservative than him. I am stronger on the border. But he has done a very good job. I was in favor of paul ryan. He very much is a unifier. He was sort of chosen i think. A lot read that as a threat. Not ape threat. Not a threat. Paul ryan said, if a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party. No evasion and no games. They must reject any group or cause built on bigotry. He was talking about you. I have rejected. How many times do i have to reject. I reject david duke. Rejected david duke. I have rejected the kkk, the ku years old. I rejected them. President of it on twitter last week. How many times. An amaze thing with twitter. I have, more than 6 million. And another 6 million with facebook. 13 million, 14 million with instagram. When i put out a minor message. Everybody picks it up. Donald trump tweeted something very unimportant. Let me just explain when i put out that i reject the kkk, david duke. Nobody picks it up. You know why they dont . They dont want to pick it up. You pick it up. Everyone picks it up. Simultaneously. Practically the same time. They dont want to pick it up. I have been asked this question so many times. I have rejected. So many times. What did you think about ryan saying that . I guess that was my question. Dont forget. He is getting a lot of information to you guys. When i tweet about a rejection almost right after the show ended. Maybe i wasnt clear or something. How many times do i have to sach if it . I told cnn when Chris Christie endorsed me. Very good endorsement, the i rejected it there. News conference was a day before. How many times do i have to reject or disavow. Let me ask you this question. David duke is saying to his supporters and followers, vote for donald trump. White supremacists are saying. Do you want the votes . I dont want them. I dont want him to. I cant help it. If he says it. But i dont want it. John, if he says it, he says it. Do i want it, no. No, i dont want anything. White supremacists. I dont like any group of hate. Hate groups are not for me. But i have said this before the press hates me to say it. They just dont want to pick it up. You are turning, thinking more about the general election. In december last year, you said, talking Hillary Clinton. We view this as the war. Then you asked the audience, dont we view this as war . Do you still view it as war . Little bit. Yeah, look it is highly competitive. The last person she wants to run i can tell you that. I know that. One of your competitors said, i know that Hillary Clinton wants to run against donald trump. I called him. I said, listen heres the story. If they say they want to run against me that means, they do you understand that. Of chess. And you know for a fact the last person that she wants to run against me. Ive won numerous polls against hillary. I havent started with hillary. I had a brief moment weeks go. Hillary went way down and bernie got credit. Running a great campaign. The cbs overnight ne i think we shouldve taken a left at the river. Tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. Why dont you want to just ask somebody . If youre a couple, you fight over directions. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more oh ohhhhh its what you do. Ohhhhhh do you have to do thattright in my ear . Choose to move freely. Move free ultra has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. And now try move free night. The first and only 2in1 joint and sleep supplement. Because im a woman. Do you think im gonna crack under pressure defy expectations any day with always infinity. Made with flexfoam. Rewrite the rules. Always. This is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germridden stains. Clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. But lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral buildup effortlessly. So why choose anything other than lysol . Jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. Dry spray . Thats fun. Its already dry no wait time. This is great. Its very soft. Can i keep it . laughs all the care of dove. Now in a dry antiperspirant spray. Man sternly where do you think youre going . Mr. Mucus to work, with you. Its taco tuesday. Man youre not coming. I took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. Im go od all day. [announcer ] mucinex keeps working. Not 4, not 6, but 12 hours. In alaska the iditarod is under way. 85 mushers taking part in the grueling trip across the alaskan wilderness this year. Sunday the official start of the race from willow, alaska. Saturday the ceremonial start at anchorage had to be cut short by lack of snow. Carter evans has more. Rookie race for her. Reporter the ceremonial start of the iditarod is everything you expect from a sled dog race. Except the snow on the ground didnt come from the sky above anchorage. It came on a train from further north. Tim sullivan with alaska railroad. We have had some snowfall. The weather has been warm. Received half of its average snowfall. As of friday, just 29 inches had fallen. 61 inches is normal. And the city has been storing what it plowed from local streets for the iditarod according to race coordinator carl heidelbach. Harvesting every flaek of make it happen. Reporter it wasnt enough. The 350 cubic yard of backup snow will cover three miles of the usual 11 miles. We didnt want to shorten the race. But our only other option left was to take it from anchorage. Thats not what we wanted. We wanted the spectacle here. For our fans here. Reporter it happened last year as well. When there was even less snow. And it may be a trend. Over the last 60 years, winter temperatures in alaska have risen by 6 degrees. A rate twice as fast as the rest of the country. And while less snow may be a in anchorage where the iditarod is the biggest tourist event of the yar there is no business like snow business. Carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. The cbs overnight news will be right back. ,,, Steve Hartman found what can be described as a catalytic conversion on the road. Go on. All cattlemen face challenges beyond their control. But not long ago at this ranch south of houston. Tommy sawen face aid problem of his own. You know, every marriage has its issues. It is not always easy. I was as unprepared for it as anybody. Whats that . Reporter it all began innocently enough. Shortly after they got married six years ago, rene just started hanging out with the live stock. Tommy warned her. Reporter but she didnt listen. Hey, star. Sunny started singing to them too. Whos going next in the red trailer before long the ranchers wife turned into a ranchers worst nightmare. A vegan who couldnt stomach so much as living on a cattle ranch anymore. Just want to get out of the business. Our marriage was going to be over. It wasnt working. I said i am going to sell the whole herd. Ifup are going to sell the whole herd any way why dont you sell them to me. I said sell them to you. He looked at me. You have lost it. You are crazy. Reporter clearly there was some truth to that. But what tommy didnt know was that renee had been secretly posting a blog called vegan journal of a ranch ear wife. She attracted thousand of followers, through the contracts. Renee was able to raise 30,000. Enough for a hostile takeover. All of a sudden he was fixing is this not emasculating in any way . No reporter i am asking him . Yeah, i didnt appreciate it. But you know it was growing pains. Come here. Reporter here is where the story gets good. After his wife raised the money, tommy did something rare for a rancher, or any man for that matter. He put aside his ego and reconsidered a core belief. He stopped eating meat. Liked how it felt. Now works for his wife at rowdy girl vegan farm animal sanctuary. As far as we can tell the only cattle ranch conversion in the captioning funded by cbs its monday, march 7th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Nancy reagan remembered. The nation mourns the former first lady. Smitten with her ronnie

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