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The wilderness and the animals. Yeah, its fun. s this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Brown good evening. Scott is on assignment. Im james brown. The president ial campaign mayid have hit a low point today, andt there are still 75 days to go. The two major party candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton and republican donald trump, accusen each o o we have two reports beginninge with Major Garrett covering the trump campaign. Reporter donald trump met today with preselected minorit supporters, many brought to newt york by the republican party. Ive always had great relationships with the African American community. Reporter continuing a pattern of taking a minority outreach message to largely white audiences, trump went toy New Hampshire to turn the table on democratic critics. Oc when democratic policies this one tired argument youre racist, youre racist. Reporter it was an attemptr to preempt Hillary Clintons attack today that Trumps Campaign trades on racist themes. Hillary clinton isnt just attacking me. Shes attacking all of the decent people of all backgrounds. Reporter trump also tried to deflect attention from this f comment in mississippi last night. I Hillary Clinton is a bigot. C manager Kellyanne Conway offered this explanation ma have you seen what he is called by her and others on a daily basis . Reporter in chicago, pastor ira acrees whathaveyougot tolose pitch is insulting. It was ridiculous to even think he could appeal to the African American vote by talking in a condescending way. Reporter trump supporter jamall ali countered that trumps message reaches him when its not a color thing. Its more a richorpoor thing. And if you can talk money, you can relate to donald trump. Reporter conway told us trump is talking to white audiences because his schedule, put together by Previous Campaign leadership, could notan be changed. James, conway said trump will take his message to innercity detroit on september 3, and philadelphia soon after that. Brown Major Garrett, thank you so much. Now, to what Hillary Clinton h covering her campaign. He is taking hate groups mainstream. And helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. Reporter clinton talked to the altright today, a right nationalist movement flourishing online. This is not conservativism as we have known it. This is not republicanism as we have known it. Antiimmigrant. Reporter she argued there are altright echoes in trumps proposed Deportation Force and ban on muslim immigrants. Theyll be out of there son. Fast your head will spin. Reporter clinton also cited trumps recent hiring off breitbart chairman steve bannon who has described the conservative web site as a platform for the altright. To give you flavor of his work, here are a few headlines theyve published Birth Control makes women ugly. Hoist it high and proud, the Confederate Flag proclaims a glorious heritage. Reporter clinton accused breitbart in trafficking in conspiracy theories. His latest paranoid fever dream is about my health. And all i can say is, donald, dream on. Reporter trump and his reno, though they didnt specify how. They also say she is demonizing trump as a way to distract from recent questions about access that Clinton Foundation donors had when she was secretary of state. James . Brown thank you, nancy. In italy, a search for survivorn continues in three villages villages threatened by yesterdays magnitude 6. 2 earthquake. The work has been slowed by hundreds of aftershocks. At least 250 peo northeast of rome. Seth doane is on the scene. Reporter the extent of the devastation in pescara del toronto is clear from above, but it was the shallow depth of this quake that caused such outside destruction. Centuries of history collapsed. In nearby accumoli today, we joined the few who have a home to return to. Authorities allowed residents a quick trip to salvage what they help her dad but couldnt reconcile what she saw. I cant think anything, she said. We dont know whats going to happen or what our future may be, she wondered. Im frightened, but hope to live here again. This afternoon, a strong 4. 3 tremor in amatrice stirred up 3 dust and fear. Ri the high number of aftershocks is slowing the rescue andft recovery effort. Officials tell us each time there is a significant aftershock, they have to stop, wait, and assess the damage before moving forward. Areas called red zones in these towns are off limits due to the perilous state of structures. Apura, paura tante paura. Reporter youre scared . Ra why . Michelina dangelo briefly returned home for medicine, but keeps shaking. This mountainous area is prone to seismic activity, but there was almost no earthquake proofing in these ancient cities. Around 3,400 beds were set up for those who have been displaced, but, james, only about onethird have been occupied. Many people here are stayingre with friends and relatives. Brown seth doane in italy. Meanwhile, back in this country, indiana governor and Vice President ial candidate mikean pence lefthe visit kokomo, which was slammed yesterday by a tornado. At least one was an ef3 with winds of more than 150mph. Remarkably, no one was killed. Jericka duncan is there. Je the gentleman beside me pushed me down and held me. Reporter Hannah Harris was in this starbucks when a customer told all customers to run into the bathrooms when he he saw the funnel behind best buy. And he shut the door in the bathroom and told everyone to close the door, its coming. Reporter harris says about 20 people were huddled in the bathrooms as the twister collapsed the building around them. Oh, my gosh, starbucks just got blown over. It was devastating, but it was also just a relief to know that i came out alive and reallt i shouldnt have. Te reporter as many as 15 indiana wednesday, leavinges behind a trail of damaged cars,a broken windows and entireen neighborhoods in shreds. Hb neighbors found my dog. Shes alive. Thats all you can ask for. Y reporter this is all thatst left of 54yearold becki sweeneys home, where shes lived the past 16 years. It is overwhelming, but you got to do what you got to do. You cant just lay down and die. God lets you live through it for me that she had a Guardian Angel inside that starbucks with her, her father, she says, who died a year ago. And j. B. , she gained another one. Yesterday, she says, that store manager who helped save her life and many others . His name is angel. Brown Jericka Duncan in kokomo. Today, the makers of epipen responded to the public outcryy over the soaring cost of the emergency allergy treatment. Financial assistance to some p patients. Heres vinita nair. En look, no one is moreir frustrated than me. Reporter in an interview onw cnbc today, mylan c. E. O. Heather bresch shifted blame. S arguing a broken Health Care System is the reason fort. Epipens skyrocketing cost. H our health care is in a crisis. Its no different than thet Mortgage Financial crisis back in 2007. Reporter but in a filing with the s. E. C. , a Webcast Transcript shows that in may of youll see opportunity for us to to continue to have that price per pen increase. When mylan bought epipen, the price was about 99 for a two pack. In 2016, the wholesale price t increased sixfold to about 606. Mylan enjoys a nearly monopoly r in the auto injector market. The f. D. A. Rejected a generic, and the epipens main competitor was pulled from the market. Today, celebrity endorser Sarah Jessica parker ended her relationship with the company, saying, im left disappointed, concerned and saddened by mylans actions. It seems like a lot of talk and not much action. Reporter is it normal to see a drug increase this much . There are very few billionis dollar products that go up 30 a year. Its definitely in the minority. Reporter so this to them was a great drug . He its their single largest drug. E its their single biggest profit driver. It more is like picking off free money. Reporter since 2007, breschs salary increased from 2. 5 million to 18. 9 million last year. Its worth mentioning, the cost of epinephrine in each injectorn j. B. , is about 3. Brown vinita nair, thank you so much. Today, ohio released a more than 3,000 people died in the state from accidental overdoses. More than onethird involved fentanyl, a powerful opioid thats often mixed with heroine. And anna werner reports, an even more dangerous drug is now hitting the streets in ohio. Reporter how long have you been sober . L almost a month. This time. A reporter longtime addict Kevin Mccutchen took what he thought was heroin earlier this month, and nearly died. You have tears in your eyes. Yeah. Reporter because . Because im here and imte alive, and i shouldnt be. Reporter you shouldnt be . No. Know whats mixed into thete heroin they get from dealers, but mccutchen believes the most recent dose contained a powerful drug carfentanil. Its typically used to tranquilize large animals like elephants. Its 100 times more potent than fentanyl, prescribed for humans, and ten times more powerful than morphine. The use of the drug is spreading. At least 30 people have died from overdoses in the akron area since the july 4th weekend. Dr. Nick jouriles is with akron general hospital. Is this the most powerful drug youve seen people taking . Absolutely. Reporter the treatment drug narcan can be used to save ople if they overdose if they get enough. Reporter how much more narcan do you need to save a person who took carfentanil, as reporter starts at . Starts at. Reporter keith martin heads the local office of the d. E. A. Just this morning we were able to get on the internet and get a quote for 100 grams of carfentanil. Thd that was 400. Reporter 400 for an amount that would. I mean, it would kill thousands of people. Reporter Kevin Mccutchen escaped that fate and has been sober since his overdose. So, what do you want to tell the addicts about it . Its going to kill you. Reporter well, this drug is so dangerous, that First Responders are being told to wear protective gear and not to test it out in the field, james. They say any accidental exposure could prove deadly. Brown thanks, anna. Coming up next, nuns go to the beach in their habits, so why has france banned burkinis . And later, a Hollywood Star is and later, a Hollywood Star is targeted by computer hackers. Its the li diarrhea, gas or bloating . [ simultaneously ] she does. Help defend against those digestive issues. Take Phillips Colon Health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes . Wow phillips. Be good to your gut. . . The ford freedom sales event is on our biggest event of the year just got better . . Announcing zero for seventytwo across the entire lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. S freedom from interest. And freedom to choose with ford. Americas best selling brand. . . Now get 0 financing for 72 months across the entire ford lineup, plus specially tagged vehicles get a thousand smart bonus. Dont let dust and allergens get between you and lifes beautiful moments. Flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. Brown a french court is expected to rule tomorrow on tht burkini, the fullbody bathing suit worn by some muslim women. A french court banned it, calling it a display not consistent with french values. Debora patta is in nice. Reporter the french riviera, a glamorous place to see and be seen, but not for itlaian tourist amaul. She took snapshots of her family on the president promenade. She was afraid of being caught by police if she wore her burkinis. I cant go to the beach with my children, she told us. Im here by the sea but i cant go in it. Nice banned the burkini after a terror attack last month by an isisinspired militant. Police can fine any woman wearing a burkini or force them to disrobe. Woman was surrounded and ordereo to remove her tunic. Deputy mayor rudy salles says wearing a burkini is a provocation. How is banning the burkini going to make nice more secure and safe . Ke the feeling of the people is very important. When you go to a place, if you see like that, islamist or something looking like islamist on the beach, on the street, everywhere, you dont feel safe. So we have rules. Reporter he claims the banv has overwhelming support. But many beachgoers cannot understand what the fuss is all about. Would you feel scared if someone sat next to you wearing a burkini . No. Reporter her muslim friend, who chooses not to cover up, says she still feels targeted by the ban. I think people should be free to do what they want, she said. I dont see why it should controversy, which is perhaps why, when we were watching the police and these women arrived, they did nothing. The french municipalities thaten banned the burkini say it oppresses women and has a religious symbol has no place in this fiercely secular country. And tomorrow, james, the highest court in france will rule on whether the burkini ban is legal. Ni brown debora patta in nice, thank you very much. Up next, hackers take claim at a movie star. Next, packers take claim at a hey, need fast heartburn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. . Some relationships you stick with. Over time, they get even better. 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Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. Whats your body of proof . Brown today the department of Homeland Security says it is investigating a series of online attacks aimed at actress and comedian leslie jones. Heres carter evans. Reporter the hateful attacks on the ghostbusters and saturday night live staraa took a vicious turn when hackers replaced content on her personal web site with nude photos, her passport and drivers license. Brendesha tynes uc this is an extreme case, buth black women online have these experiences all the time, especially when you take a political stance, if you are a feminist. Reporter for a month now, leslie jones has been inundated with online attacks led by milo yiannopoulos, a hero of the alts right, and an editor at conservative breitbart news. In general, women look for t Different Things for life. Reporter yiannopoulos disapproved of the allfemale j cast in the ghostbusters remake. You truly scare me. Reporter when the film opened up in july, his offensive tweets picked up many of his 300,000 followers into a frenzy. As a result, he was banned from twitter. Hate speech and freedom of o speech, two Different Things. Two Different Things. Reporter after this latest attack, celebrities like Octavia Spencer and katy perry rushed to jones defense. Neither jones nor yiannopoulos but j. B. , on his facebook page, yiannopoulos said he was distressed to hear that jones had been hacked. Brown carter evans in los angeles. Thank you, carter. And up next, marking a special anniversary. Its a walk in the park. 80 of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. And im doing all i can to help prevent another one. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Your Car Insurance policy is 22 pages long. Did you read every word . No, only lawyers do that. So when you got rearended and needed a tow, your Insurance Company told you to look at page five on your policy. No. It said, blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah. The Liberty Mutual app with coverage compass . Makes it easy to know what youre covered for and what youre not. 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The most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Stay ahead of ibsd. With viberzi. Bro brown we end tonight with a priceless feature and treasure. You can help yourself to it, take as much as you like and any time you want. Its our National Park system, and the agency that runs it celebrated a milestone today. To heres chip reid. Reporter in 1872, thomas morans spectacular paintings of a fantasylike yellowstone created a national frenzy of excitement that helped lead to the creation of the nations first National Park. National park service was created, to protect americas natural wonders from development. Today, the park Service Oversees 413 sites, including 59 major National Parks covering 84 million acres, from the great smoky mountains, the most visited, to the grand canyon. The everglades, and the newest addition, katadin woods in maine. Designated yesterday. Mike reynolds is Deputy Director of the National Park if youre a science person, you can go to edison and be in his lab, as if he had never left. If youre a rock climber, you can hang upside down on 4,000 foot cliffs. If youre a history buff, you can walk through the steps of jackson and lee in the civil war. Reporter decades ago, politicians wanted to turn this old tow path into a highway. But nature lovers prevailed. Er today its a National Historic washington, d. C. And it gets almost five million visitors a year, including the debtorman family, whose frequent visits have made nineyearold astrid wild about wildlife. We love to see the animal, the turtles, the salamanders, the egrets. We really love nature. Reporter but keeping the parks in pristine condition is a struggle. S there is a 12 million maintenance backlog. Congress increased entrance fees, but this weekend there will be no charge for admissionn giving all americans a chance to experience a National Treasure for free. Chip reid, cbs news, washington. Brown and thats the cbs evening cbs evening news. For scott pelley, im james brown. Thanks for joining us. Ill see you again tomorrow. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs rintendent, i saw how unnecessary regulations from washington made it more difficult for teachers and principals. And as a dad, i know we must empower those who spend every day with our kids. Thats why i worked with republicans and democrats to replace the no child left behind law and increase local control of schools. Im michael bennet. I approve this message because i believe parents and our communities make run for it before getting caught in that rain. Along with the rain, still seeing cooler temperatures. Ed greene is keeping track. Wean its sunny downtown but it looks like things are getting exciting to the south. Exactly rifle we do see some showers and thunderstorms. We had cloudy skies at about 3 00. And now watch how the storms move over our area, drop a little rain in the showers and thunderstorms there. Clouds dissipating, now sunshine back in the city. As you look to the west, here comes another surge of moisture. Thats gonna push into the area as well. And as you said, we have the ier showers and thunderstorms over the south eastern section of the state. Downtown, sunshine right now. Thats going to change, storms late, after midnight

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