N.p.r. News. I'm Ari Shapiro and I'm also a Chuang today's other witness was David Holmes a senior diplomat at the u.s. Embassy in Ukraine this was a demand that presidents Alinsky personally come in on a cable news channel to a specific investigation of President Trump's political rival this hour we'll review the chemo months from the day's testimony of people who make quartz countertops are getting sick look at why I was just thinking oh maybe I'm getting older I mean I get Entire so easily later a story about the great cranberry crash of 1959 and remembering a man known as the godfather of snowboarding after these headlines. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer in a final day of scheduled testimony before the House Intelligence Committee a former national security official describes some testy encounters with the man who said that President Trump had put him in charge of Ukraine N.P.R.'s Michele Kelemen reports the testimony shows how foreign policy experts grew concerned political interests were undermining national security interests Fiona Hill was a Russia expert on Trump's National Security Council She said she was annoyed when Ambassador Gordon someone told her he didn't have to fill er in on his dealings because he was talking to the president and other more senior administration officials now she thinks he was right because he was being involved in a domestic political element and we were being involved in national security foreign policy and those 2 things that just if someone was tasked with trying to get Ukraine to announce investigations that could help Trump politically in exchange for a White House meeting Hill quote former national security advisor John Bolton as describing it as a drug deal Michele Kelemen n.p.r. News Washington House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says there is clear evidence that President Trump used his office for personal gain and he says doing that quote undermines the national security of the United States the California Democrat says the lawmakers involved in the house and Pietschmann inquiry also have not yet decided whether they might bring charges against the president or if they'll be hearing from additional witnesses plus he says lawmakers don't want to wait for federal courts to decide whether some witnesses can testify Democrats have tried to get testimony from a number of witnesses some of whom have filed court cases to determine whether they have to appear Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to remain in power as he faces corruption charges in 3 cases no means of loft reports he called the investigation against him quote contaminated in a televised address Netanyahu initially looked distraught and said quote Tonight we are witness to an. Tempted toppling of the government he said he wanted an investigation of the investigators that's now his political rival Benny Gantz said Netanyahu should step down in order to focus on the charges against him Israel's attorney general announced that he is charging Netanyahu for bribery fraud and breach of trust he allegedly took illegal gifts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and changed regulations to help a telecom company in return for favorable coverage on its website the charge in steep in the uncertainty around Netanyahu his political future after he has failed to form a government in 2 recent inconclusive elections for n.p.r. News I'm Naomi's oval office in Tel Aviv stocks closed lower today after losses in the tech sector outweighed gains in other areas of the market the Dow dropped $54.00 points 227766 the Nasdaq was down 20 points the s. And p. $500.00 fell 4 points you're listening to n.p.r. . President Trump awarded the National Medals of arts and humanities at a White House ceremony today author James Patterson singer and musician Alison Krauss and actor Jon Voight among the recipients N.P.R.'s Elizabeth Blair has the story the 1st lady vice president pence and other dignitaries attended the lighthearted ceremony when the theme to Midnight Cowboy came on Jon Voight played the lead in the movie got up for Mr chair on stage and did a couple of dance steps. Arts medal laureate Karen Percy Rockefeller helped establish the Public Broadcasting Network w.e.t.a. President Trump joked that maybe now they would give him good publicity if you do please start working on that your President Trump praised all of the national medal recipients for uplifting the mind spirit and soul of the country Elizabeth Blair n.p.r. News Washington snowboard pioneer Jake Burton carpenter has died officials from the company he founded Burton Snowboards confirming his death bird notified his staff this month saying instead to Steeler cancer had returned he'd been diagnosed in 2011 carpenter quit his job in New York in 1977 to form his Kompany looking to advance rim entry snowboard then called a center for which had been invented a dozen years earlier 4 decades later snowboarding is a major fixture in the Olympics and snowboards are as common as skis at resorts across the globe going to features prices at their highest level in 9 weeks or oil up a dollar and 57 cents a barrel today to end the session at $5858.00 a barrel in New York I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the vital projects fund supporting the Museum of Modern Art moma has reopened with expanded galleries and new spaces for a live performance making art and conversation more info at Moma dot org. Support for n.s.p. Are comes from Community Radio far presenting the music spirits and soul of Darrell Scott at the Chico Women's Club Friday evening November 22nd this is a seated show doors open at 630 shows started at 730 tickets and information at our dot org. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Ailsa Chang and I'm Ari Shapiro when you come to order the opening gavel there for the 5th day of public hearings in the impeachment inquiry today more testimony about how much pressure Ukraine felt to announce investigations that were not in line with u.s. Policy goals in Ukraine investigations that would further the personal interests of President Trump the 1st witness to speak today was David Holmes political counselor at the u.s. Embassy in Ukraine he's the man who overheard that colorful cell phone conversation between Ambassador Gordon Sunland and President Trump I then heard President Trump ask so he's going to do the investigation master song replied that he's going to do it adding a president Selenski will do anything you ask him to do from his base in Kiev homes watch the events at the heart of the impeachment inquiry unfold in real time he described the day he learned that u.s. Military aid to Ukraine had been put on hold and how he later came to understand that the hold was tied to the politically motivated investigations that Trump wanted and he vividly recall the moment he learned that u.s. Officials had asked the Ukrainian president to announce those investigations on c.n.n. I was shocked requirement was so specific and concrete we had advisor Ukrainian counterparts. To voice a commitment to following the rule of law and generally investigating credible corruption allegations this was a demand that President Selenski personally commit on a cable news channel to a specific investigation of President Trump's political rival today's other witness Fiona Hill she was the top Russian expert on the National Security Council who left in July her opening statement was short and pointed and she had a message for some Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee in the course of this investigation I would ask that you please not promote politically driven falsehoods Russian interests she pointed to the quote fictional narrative that Ukraine not Russia interfered in the 26000 election you know what we're seeing here as a result of all of these narratives this is exactly what the Russian government was hoping for is to see to misinformation they see doubt that they would pit one side of our lecturers against the other that they would pit one policy against the other our nation is being torn apart Hill said and she warned against giving the Russians more fodder to use in 2024 For more on how today's testimony moves the impeachment inquiry forward we are joined here in the studio by n.p.r. Justice correspondent Ryan Lucas and n.p.r. Congressional correspondent Susan Davis good to have you both back thanks begin by giving us a snapshot of these 2 really interesting characters these 2 witnesses more than one lawmaker described Fiona Hill as someone who is not easily deterred and David Holmes was a late addition to the witness list who ended up having a lot to say Sue start by telling us about Hell if you know if it isn't already obvious from what you heard she's British born American by choice American by choice a naturalized citizen she also made a point to know that she comes from middle class England that her her accent is the reflection of a middle class upbringing raised by a family of coal miners you know a similar story my child a minor and a nurse exactly she's a career Foreign Service official she was no longer with the National Security Council but she was a top Russia advisor that's her expertise she also joins other characters in this impeachment narrative of being. Foreign born naturalized citizens she joins people like former ambassador Marie avantage Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vin men as people who were born other places and became naturalized citizens and have worked their careers in in the national security apparatus and Ryan give us a snapshot of the other witness Holmes so Holmes is a career foreign service officer he's he's worked for the porn service for the past 17 years postings in a number or a number of difficult spots including the u.s. Embassy in Moscow he was also in New Delhi Kabul Afghanistan a couple other places he currently serves as the political counsellor at the u.s. Embassy in Kiev he worked closely with the ousted ambassador of on a bitch he was as you said a late addition to all of this so Holmes was based in Kiev Hill was based in Washington and each of them in today's hearing describes the experience of watching the u.s. Agenda in Ukraine veering off in an unexpected direction here's homes beginning in March $21000.00 the situation at the embassy and in Ukraine changed dramatically. Specifically the 3 priorities of security economy and justice and our support for Ukrainian Democratic resistance to Russian aggression became overshadowed by a political agenda promoted by former New York Mets New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and I Qadri of officials operating with the director general to the White House so what was their understanding of why this was happening well one of the things that so many of these officials has testified to is they didn't understand why it was happening that there had been these established u.s. Ukranian policies and suddenly in the spring things started to shift as he as he and others have testified to the entrance of Rudy Giuliani the smearing of Evanovich and the sudden and the start of a realization of a growing realization among the professional career class that there had merged what was referred to as an irregular channel involving other officials who had a competing agenda from the White House there was so much discussion today of Giuliani let's listen to this bit where he'll describe a conversation she had with then national security adviser John Bolton and he then in the course of our discussions Rudy Giuliani was a hunger that was going to blow everyone up. You understand what he meant by that I did actually what did he mean well I think he meant that obviously what Mr Giuliani was saying was pretty explosive in any case he was frequently on television making quite incendiary remarks about everyone involved in this and that he was clearly pushing forward issues and ideas that would you know probably come back to haunt them and such so I think that that's where we are today you know there was so much conversation over these 2 weeks of testimony about a quote unquote irregular Ukraine channel which yesterday u.s. Ambassador to that you Gordon someone testified it wasn't a regular that everybody important was in the loop on this so explain the difference between the narrative that we heard today and what someone said yesterday well feel Hill actually addressed on one's testimony she said that she actually recounted a meeting that she had with with sounded where she was angry with him and didn't totally understand what he was doing why the National Security Council. Was being kind of kept out of the loop She said she realized that song when actually did have the sign off of all the senior officials acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney secretary of state Mike Pompei with the president himself were all tuned in to what Simon was doing Let's listen to that struck me one yesterday when you put up on the screen just someone's e-mails on who was on these emails and he said these the people in a pseudo that he was absolutely right because he was being involved in a domestic political errand and we were being involved in national security foreign policy and those 2 things the gist of it and therefore So what is the consequence of that why is that important but these are these are the 2 channels you have the irregular channel which is a domestic political errand for the president which is pursuing the president's own personal political interests whereas the regular channel the channel that Dr Hill was working with that was pursuing u.s. National interest and that's where you get this diversion it does speak to part of the Republican argument though is that they have said well the president can enact the foreign policy any way he sees fit and made the point where he said Sure he can but all of the people intrusted with Anakin that foreign policy had no way out of Libya where the what was going on so the primary reason David Holmes was called to testify was because he overheard this now famous phone call between Gordon some one of the e.u. Ambassador and President Trump So let's listen to his actual description of that phone call in his testimony today this was a very distinctive experience in my understanding like this in my foreign service career someone at a lunch in a restaurant making a call on a cell phone to the president States. Being able to hear his voice very distinct personalities you know seen on television. Very colorful language was used. They were directly addressing something that I had been wondering about working on for weeks and even months. A topic that has led to the recall. Of my former boss the former ambassador so with so much talk during these hearings of hearsay this is a person who actually heard the president's voice heard the president's words heard the conversation what does this add to our understanding of the narrative will it undermine one of the core defenses from the White House and from Republicans in that no one could get inside the president's head you're inferring what he was trying to do with these things and David Holmes is the only person who testified that he heard the president directly ask for these investigations now we did hear Republicans push back against Holmes on this saying that well you're saying that you overheard a conversation you didn't you weren't on the phone directly it was not on speaker phone and we have to trust your recollection of this that's how they tried to push back on the let's listen to part of the Republican pushback here which generally is nothing actually happened to the aid to Ukraine ultimately got through the interview on c.n.n. Never happened this is the top Republican on the committee Devon newness of California Democrats have tried to solve this dilemma with a simple slogan he got caught President Trump we are to believe was just about to do something wrong and getting caught was the only reason he backed down from whatever nefarious thought crime. The Democrats are accusing him of almost committee so you've talked to a lot of Republicans on the Hill have a found this to be an effective argument I think it's the best argument they can land on at the end of all of this testimony because they have a point the investigations did never were never launched the aide was released and the president did meet with presidents Alinsky although it was in New York it was not in the Oval Office as as he requested in that meeting still is not happen but that is the defense that Republicans are going to continue to use is that you can impeach someone for actions that never took place I want to end with 2 short clips the 1st from a Republican than from a Democrat let's 1st listen to Jim Jordan who was brought in just to support the president in these hearings speaking outside of the chamber to get the call to get the meeting in to get the money there had to be an announcement they got the call they got the meeting at the money and it was no announcement that it's clear is against their Can people see that and now I want to play you the chair Adam Schiff of California making his closing remarks today the day after that Donald Trump is back on the phone asking on the day after the Moller testimony all the details in another Us election that says to me this president believes he is above the law beyond accountability. And in my view there is nothing more dangerous than an ethical president who believes there are above all law those were of course the final words of Adam Schiff in what may be the last public day of testimony in the impeachment just a Geisha and the conclusion I think you can draw from that is that the sum total of this is that the House is likely to move forward on articles of impeachment of Donald Trump they haven't committed to it but can you hear someone speak about the president's actions in that way and think it's not going to happen Sue Davis and Ryan Lucas thanks so much for your coverage You're welcome thank you. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Ok Time now it's 18 minutes after the hour for an s.p.r. Muscle Damion with the weather dry weather with mild daytime temperatures and light winds are expected through the weekend breezy conditions over the valley come by Monday with the potential for a winter storm Tuesday and into the Thanksgiving holiday in the Valley overnight lows low to mid forty's tomorrow as highs will range in the low to upper sixty's possible seventy's Chico 66 tomorrow Orville 62 reading could see 78 degrees Weaverville and Hayfork your lows in the mid twenty's highs tomorrow low sixty's Mount Shasta and spare overnight lows mid twenty's the low thirty's in the highs tomorrow could be in the upper fifty's $21.00 overnight in Burnie tomorrow a high of $58.00 Westwood Chester in Greenville lows in the low to mid twenty's in the highs will range in the low to mid fifty's $48.00 overnight in paradise tomorrow a high of 62 you are listening to North State Public Radio. I'm Ira Flatow this week on Science Friday how much do you really know about Marie Curie a new play tackles her loves her sorrows and her greatest joys we love our lovers we adore our children but our life's passion he's. Madame Curie on stage on Science Friday from w n y c studio. Tomorrow morning at 11 am here on s.p.r. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from his Cox selling business insurance tailored to fit the needs of each small business quotes and information on insurance policies are available at his cox dot com His Cox business insurance experts and from Trader Joe's where holiday products like jingle jangle and step up to the bar mix are arriving in stores and episodes of inside trader joe's are arriving at Trader Joe's dot com and wherever podcasts are found from n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Ari Shapiro and I'm else the Chuang courts countertops are popular in today's kitchens tiny bits of courts are combined to create counters that look like marble or granite but there's a problem some workers in the u.s. Have gotten severe long injury or died after making the countertops N.P.R.'s Nell Greenfieldboyce reports on how the problems began. As grew up poor in Mexico he came to this country when he was 14 years old speaking no English as soon as a right to United States I started work in the beginning I was a working on a Chinese restaurant. I was a deist washer he worked in kitchens for about 8 years but he wanted Sundays off to play soccer and go to church so in 2000 his brother in law got him a job making countertops it was something totally different for me and the material he was cutting and polishing was also new for the American kitchen and bath industry it was Sile Stone made by a Spanish company named Costantino Costantino started distributing slabs of this composite stone to u.s. Countertop makers it also ran some countertop cutting shops of its own including the one in Houston where Rodrigo has got his new job the business grew quickly as Cosentino executive Brandon Calvin explained in a promotional video when we were awarded the National. Microscope account business for Home Depot I don't think we think we knew what we were in for I don't think we knew how big it was kitchen designers love how it didn't chip or stain style stone was featured in Time magazine good housekeeping in 2005 Cosentino ran a Super Bowl ad showing basketball star Dennis Rodman in a bubble bath surrounded by bathroom countertops in the silence stone color Diana Pearl still lets you bring We are. Here similar courts materials were being sold by competitors Caesar Stone Cambridge Zodiac all those slabs had to be cut to the right size for kitchens by thousands of workers in shops around the country. Says for the 1st few years he and his coworkers were dry cutting that means no spray of water to stop stone dust from flying into the air I mean with dogs give me were even on the floor and our hair all know our bodies I mean everywhere we see dust everywhere dust that contains the mineral still. Is hazardous breathing it causes a lung disease silicosis there's no cure it slowly suffocates you that's been known for a long time the Department of Labor made a movie about it in the 1930 s. I believe I'm here with in the country silicosis taking its toll in the ranks of American morning because of the disease the results of the disease is a form of poverty and Sile stone contains a lot of silica up to twice as much as natural granite ridges says no one told him about the danger not been they don't tell us anything about the product after a few more years Rodrigo's got married started a family but he stopped playing soccer he got too worn out I was just thinking oh maybe I'm getting older that's why I mean I get Entire so easily then he started coughing in 2010 his wife insisted that he go to the doctor and he said look you're longside really looking really really back. My report came back that you silicosis. Never heard the word before never he learned that silicosis can get worse until the lungs fail he was 33 years old I remember that I went to the church. And. I told. Him. I don't know I. Have a limb myself. And I sort of crying. For me was sun been devastating he told his bosses and eventually sued the lawsuit was settled a few years ago with no admission of liability company documents uncovered during the case showed that a safety consultant had recommended testing the work place air in 2002 a couple of years after Ridge Regas started working but the company didn't do it for 7 years those tests done the year before Rodrigo's was diagnosed showed workers were exposed to silica levels above the legal limit in a recorded deposition Cosentino executive Travis to pray said he had not been aware of the danger from silica dust until around 2003 or 2004 and the company did make changes we felt like we were doing. What was reasonable we switched everything to what driving we have x. Rated We have moved into the facility with better ventilation their workers also were respirators but government regulations say respirators should only be used as a last resort if silica dust can't be controlled with vacuum systems or water sprays because it's hard to properly wear a respirator day after day while doing manual labor and over the years safety agencies in several states have cited Cosentino shops for not using respirators correctly inspection reports have also noted a lack of air monitoring to test silica levels in Rhode Island state inspectors did that testing in 2013 they found that workers were surrounded by about $4.00 to $700.00 times the allowed level of silica the company told n.p.r. That these citations were minor violations the penalties were significantly reduced and all were fully resolved public health officials didn't learn about. His illness in til 2014 it got their attention they have the very 1st set of courses case I believe in the us in this industry challenge she is a researcher with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health for Nyasha officials in Texas asked him to examine the Houston shop his team found high levels of silica when workers used hand-held grinders despite the tools spray of dust dampening water sometimes it's the water may not be wetting the surface actively So they got a little bit faster coming out always he says those little puffs of dust might not be a problem when working with natural stone but when it's this engineered quartz which has much higher center content opportunities 90 percent plus that the common issue Cosentino later agreed to let Nyasha officials do research and it shops to test what methods could best control silica dust the company told n.p.r. Its collaboration with safety researchers would benefit all workers in this big. Innes cousins you know let me tour one of its shops in New Jersey but not record audio travesty pray showed me dust removal systems he said were installed a couple years ago he took me to the employee break room there posted on the wall where the results of recent silica tests every worker's exposure level was low less than half what the government allows. As is now 42 years old he's on oxygen about 6 hours a day and he can't exert himself at all sometimes I just want to play with my kids wrong with my kids they're in got Wallach his damaged lungs for now seem stable I know it's going to get worse. I don't know when but they will even the doctors have been telling me that I have to that I have to start looking for lung transplant Cosentino is just one of many companies operating countertop cutting shops there are thousands of businesses in the us that cut countertops public health officials have found at least 18 other workers with silicosis around the country and they worry there are a lot more Greenfieldboyce n.p.r. News. This is n.p.r. News throughout the impeachment inquiry vice president Mike Pence has managed to keep his name out of the headlines until this week I mentioned vice president pence before the meetings with the Ukrainians that I had concerns that the delay in it had become tied to the issue of investigations how did Pence's career in politics lead to this moment and to defending Donald Trump a profile of the vice president tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. It's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm I'm Ari Shapiro Coming up we'll look at how the cranberry went from a seasonal favorite to an American staple the story of the industry goes back to 959 when. We had 40 trailer loads of crammed. Within one hour after that announcement. Live from n.p.r. News in Culver City California I'm to Wayne Brown the House Intelligence Committee has wrapped up the final impeachment hearing of the week they heard from a former National Security Council official who shed more light on President Trump's attempts to pressure Ukraine to announce investigations into his political rival Joe Biden by withholding military aid Here's N.P.R.'s Winsor Johnston Fiona Hill is a former Russia expert on the National Security Council she testified that the pressure campaign on Ukraine was a purely political one that deviated from u.s. Foreign policy she also denounced a false claim that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election calling it a dangerous story planted by Russia to sow political divisions within the u.s. N.P.R.'s whens or Johnston the committee chair Adam Schiff says they will decide in coming days what response is appropriate after hearing from a dozen witnesses the California Supreme Court has struck down a new state law that would have required President Trump to release his income taxes in order to appear on the March primary ballot from member station k.q.e.d. Scott Shafer reports when Governor Gavin Newsome signed a Senate bill 27 into law earlier this year he said it would shed light on a candidate's potential conflicts of interest in a unanimous decision the California Supreme Court said while that might be true the legislature simply doesn't have the authority to require that disclosure as a condition for being on the state ballot Jessica Molon Paterson chair of the state Republican party sued to block the law for the state government to try and find a solution to a problem that doesn't make it overreaching at their account the decision ends California Democrats hopes of forcing President Trump to release his taxes before the 2020 election for n.p.r. News I'm Scott Shafer in San Francisco stocks finished lower on Wall Street traders continue to worry the u.s. China trade dispute won't be settled by year end this is n.p.r. News. Sales of existing homes in the us rose about 2 percent in October compared to the month before as N.P.R.'s Chris Arnold tells us the median price for an existing home rose to $271000.00 the pick up in home sales was stronger than most analysts were expecting and overall sales had been rising over the past year Darrell Fairweather is the chief economist at Redfin buyers are coming back thanks to loan market trades and that's both pushing up prices and home sales prices are actually rising faster than some economists like it because it makes buying a home harder to afford for 1st time buyers these latest numbers come from the National Association of Realtors which says an increase in building permits though is a good sign that builders will be putting more new houses on the market because right now a lack of homes is one of the things that's pushing up prices Chris Arnold n.p.r. News they trumpet ministration is phasing out chemical plant safety measures put in place in 2013 after a Texas fertilizer plant explosion that killed 15 people the changes announced by the Environmental Protection Agency include ending a requirement that plants provide members of the public information about chemical risks upon request the Obama rules followed a fire at the West Fertilizer Company plant that caused ammonium nitrate to ignite triggering a massive explosion. On Wall Street stocks finished lower today the Dow lost 54 points down 2 tenths of a percent this is n.p.r. News. Support for North State Public Radio comes from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company family owned operated in argued over since 1980 reminding listeners to think for themselves but drink with others Sierra Nevada dot com by California gift of music presenting record hosts to paradise or memories of paradise a benefit for the Performing Arts Center of Paradise and Norton Buffalo hall featuring the Los Angeles guitar quartet at the Paradise Performing Arts Center on Sunday the 24th more after California gift of music award. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from t. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines investment opportunities 1st tent institutions advisors employers and individuals choose to Rowe Price Price invest with confidence and from c 3 dot a i c 3 dot a I's software enables organizations to use artificial intelligence at enterprise scale solving previously unsolvable business problems learn more at c 3 dot a I. For an ass p.r. News I'm Marco Burt it's time again for our weekly check in with representatives from agencies are pairing damage left behind by the campfire joining us paradise spokeswoman Colette Curtis Butte County spokeswoman k.c. Hatcher and Paradise irrigation district spokeswoman Mickey rich virtually all of the burnt remnants left behind by the fire have been carted away and the war of heavy equipment is starting to be replaced by the wrap of pounding hammers there's also some brisk activity at the planning office call it let's start with the town while the number of current residents is small the number of people signaling they're serious about returning continues to exceed expectations as of today we have received 522 rebuilding applications which again has surpassed our expectations we initially thought we would have 200 by the end of the year than we thought 500 now we're not quite sure we might even hit 600 so we are feeling really good about those numbers and again working very hard to make that process as simple and smooth as possible and to that and we are still working to get our building Resiliency Center open or the brekky may hear it called that we're still working on me interior and we are hoping to get that building open in December the brick will house the town of Paradise building department representatives from Butte County Building Department id We'll also have a rebuild advocates who will be there to sit down with residents and walk through the rebuilding process to help make that as easy as possible they also are very well versed in resources available including financial resources to help put together a financial picture for those who are rebuilding to make it reality of those 522 applications that we've received we have issued 355 building permits and we have issued 14 certificates of occupancy so we're moving through those very quickly and we do expect in the next few months that will have a big. Jump in those certificates of occupancy being issued and exciting events that we have coming up that I want to mention is the lighted truck parade that is happening on Saturday December 7th it is a just as it sounds I had a truck parade that are all lit up for the holidays and it's a really fun judged competition so those trucks that enter are going for gold and you can watch the parade at the Terry ash recreation center the parade will proceed down Skyway and the parade begins at 6 pm Thank you call it Casey had her moving to the big picture from the county I guess the big action right now is just mopping up loose ends at the end of debris removal can you go over some of the other big developments they are just finishing up the final stages of soil sample ing and erosion control there are still a little over 300 properties that remain to be cleaned up in the alternative program and those are property owners who hired private contractors the board took action on Tuesday to set a deadline of February 29th for when all of the debris needs to be removed and those properties need to be certified clean and the alternative program or Environmental Health Division will work directly with contractors to help them understand those deadlines and work toward that completion and as we kind of turn the page on debris removal we opened a book on tree removal and that is really a focus now for property owners we want to make sure property owners in the burn area that have trees that are rooted in their private property that might fall into the public right of way or on to public improve properties get signed up for the tree removal program we have just nearly a 1000 properties signed up but nearly 12000 parcels that need to get unrolled and so we have been holding community meetings we have been reaching out directly by mail and we'll soon reach out directly on the phone to property owners to make sure they know about the requirement to sign up at the end. Stand the programs and that they get in rolled by the deadline of December 20th of this year at the county continues to also receive a lot of building permits over $200.00 at this point we have 9 homes that have been completed and are being occupied by fire survivors and over 100 that hours and some point of the building process we get a lot of activity every single day we look forward to the brick being open on the ridge and locating our building services in there as well we want to remove the barriers that people are facing to rebuild and to really provide as much Much of that support as people walk through that rebuilding process as possible thank you Casey turning our attention to drinking water we move on to Mickey rich from the Paradise irrigation district where do not drink orders were lifted from 50 more properties this past week apparently crews are also shifting focus there to replacing service laterals the smaller individual lines going from a big water main to the water meter on the edge of a property Mickey Phil is in with some of the details the Paradise irrigation district has lifted the water advisory for 794 customer service Federals most of the water advisories have been at standing homes but we're about to see an increase in the number of service lateral replacements being done throughout town the letter p 80 provides showing the advisories lifted at the property and the waters potable that means drinkable is requirement from the town of Paradise to issue the final certificate of occupancy on the home we've identified 170 properties where we believe property owners will need this letter soon the contractor doing the work believes they can finish all 170 by the end of January however delays are always possible in construction due to weather and also since this is underground work that there may be challenges that any given location that we won't know about until we take up the street and take a look the priority. A list of addresses we've cited for immediate replacement is available on our recovery page at Pierre de Water dot com if you're rebuilding impaired is in nearing a final please visit the page and make sure your address is on the list again that website is p.h.p. Water dot com forward slash recovery if your address is not on the list there's a link to email the project manager what you need to include on that email is your contact information the property address and the last signed off inspection for your home the online list isn't going to show the order of service lateral placement because since we're just beginning the work we want to allow for the contractor to make changes quickly if needed the 2nd phase of the service lateral placement will be to replace the service lateral and provide clean drinking water to those living on their properties in temporary housing this work will start as soon as we've caught up on the replacements for the rebuilds we're using a sign up process to schedule the replacing the service lanes for these families because there isn't another way to know who may be living on their property we believe there are probably a few 100 families living in R.V.'s or other temporary housing on their property who need clean drinking water so if you're trucking in water or picking up water from one of our fill stations we need to know who you are so we can get your property on the list and to the contractor we've developed a quick online form that's available on our recovery page it's just right below the information for the rebuilds You're also welcome to call or come by our office you need to be living on your property in temporary housing or planning to move up your property within the next 30 to 60 days you also need to have ordered your interim backflow device the service line will be a one inch line and place where the meter is now or very near to the existing location there's no cost to these customers for replacing their service line other than the cost for. The interim back foot about is if they plan to build their home later and they need that line that one line or meter put in a different place they would need to pay the upgrade themselves that was Mikki rich spokesman for the Paradise irrigation district Butte County spokeswoman Casey Hatcher and Paradise spokeswoman Colette Curtis for n.s.p. Our News I'm Mark Albert. When you're homeless it's not easy to see a doctor that's where street medicine comes in it's an emerging practice and it can be found in dozens of cities including Atlanta that's where Sam Whitehead of member station. Medical team visits patients living on the streets. It's late afternoon and a van filled with medical supplies idles near an interstate overpass in Atlanta Herman where is getting a flu shot for my shooting a young of the new it where fills out some paperwork and a nurse wishes him well as he heads back to the nearby homeless and Pam Take care now we're losing and I'm like Yeah how are you going to this is street medicine 4 days a week mercy care a local health clinic since teams to sponsor in the city were homeless people gather nurse practitioner joy Fernandez dinner Ryan runs the program when we were coming out here to talk to people were on there to hear that means she can never assume anyone wants her help whether that's a vaccination or something simpler like a bottle of water all sit down next to someone like a house or whether treating you in any kind of work our way into like oh you mentioned you had his your pipe number 3 mine if we didn't your mother she says it can take several encounters to gain someone's trust and get them to accept medical care that persistence is how the team helped so pain Lawson recover from a foot fungus she caught while living out here like the wall did stay out we'll be in a crew day to look him up live they get me big. Matthew Reed has been doing social work with the team for the last 2 years out here among the sounds of trains and rapid transit lines this is what street is about is like going out is easier it's where people are not going to seek attention till it's an emergency so we're trying to avoid emergency we're also trying to build really. Those relationships can also connect people to other services such as counseling or housing Dr Jim Withers is medical director of this treatment. It's an institute which works to spread the practice whether started making house calls to the homeless with a clinic in Pittsburgh in 1902 health care likes people to come to it on its terms and the philosophical central point of street medicine is go to the people doing that work in Atlanta cost Mersey care about $900000.00 a year history medicine team gave direct treatment to some $300.00 people and 2018 many of them got help multiple times that helps traditional hospitals which weathers says aren't great at treating the homeless they're still sick they're still coming to the emergency rooms and we're not dealing with them well and we're they stay in the hospital longer they have more complications and that isn't cheap one recent estimate says Atlanta's homeless population racked up more than 60000000 dollars in medical costs that were passed on to taxpayers mercy care says their program makes homeless people less likely to show up in local emergency rooms and healthier when they do that's good for them and for taxpayers. It's twilight the final stop for mercy care's team is a church in Atlanta a handful of people settle down for the night on the sidewalk among them is Johnny Dunson a frequent street medicine patient he says the team helps everyone who needs it get it that's it more know how you feel about me so I can be about behavior of men to him this is not me yes to me it's a lot of people do need some some kind of assistance to be with you suppose we go to the debut of wonderful job done since says the street medicine team give some help and respect he says living out here it can be hard to find either. For n.p.r. News I'm Sam Whitehead in Atlanta. This story comes to us from N.P.R.'s reporting partnership with a b e and Kaiser Health News. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Coming up on Blue Dot you've heard of the Nobel prize given to scientists in fields of medicine physics and chemistry but if you ever noticed there are no prizes award for environmental science there is such a thing that Tyler prize for environmental achievement will talk to past winners about their work on climate agriculture and biodiversity it's all new and kind of green rather than blue join us and you can join us for blue dots from morrow morning at 10 am here on n.s.p. Our. Support comes from Corning forward centrally located north state sales and service destination for Ford sport utility vehicles including Explorer edge escape and eco sports in a variety of trim packages over a 1000 vehicles told all ads Corning ford dot com or by phone 824-5434 from the State Theatre for the Arts presenting Australian American guitarist Tommy a menu well on Thursday December 5th that 7 with special guest Jim and morning Nichols Emmanuelle is known for his complex fingering style tickets at State Theatre Red Bluff dot com And by the city of Reading with a reminder for the holidays cooking oils can cause sewer lines cooking oil can be recycled at this city of Reading Abernathy lane transfer station that through January 15th recycling information at reading solid waste dot net or 530-224-6201. That is 10 minutes to the hour 7 o'clock it's fresh air here on the n.s.p. Our. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Elsa Chang and I'm Ari Shapiro 2 movies Disney's animated fairy tale frozen 2 and the Mr Rogers movie a beautiful day in the neighborhood both films aimed at different audiences and different age groups but critic Bob Mondello says after seeing them both on the same day he has been reconsidering what we mean by children's entertainment. A bedtime story told 2 sister princesses Elsa and Ana by their dad sets up frozen tos new adventure you seeing and haunted forest Yes it was a magical place or something but. Since then no one can get. More. Epic and as they'll soon learn tragic but let's stick with epic as we flash forward to the post let it go Elsa and Ana living the dream in their Nordic Kingdom with their pals strapping Kristoff reindeers fan alley Lish this could last forever and snowman all off and yet change mocks us with her beauty. Forgive me maturity is making me poetic Tony you're older and does all knowing for worry about the notion that nothing is permanent on a hasn't worried about that but the filmmakers appear to have spent a lot of time on notions of permanence values holding true even as the stories around them change where the 1st frozen was Disney's acknowledgement that it's passive princesses in the past were not ideal models for contemporary girls frozen to spends much of its energy examining the world in which those princesses are growing up in a world designed here for audiences who have heard about indigenous peoples and how their contact with Europeans was problematic and indigenous stories that only Elsa can hear beckons her to that Northland where something went wrong in dad's childhood story. Turning. A friend it seems it's down time and how I feel. To see and when the. Kids see that I'm not new to the kingdom has cell phone service regardless in the world of frozen you do not question a power about why. This is frozen to 0 wormy. Or will be after we've heard it a few 1000 times Meanwhile credit the filmmakers with the sure sense of millennial eco politics the very best of intentions regarding indigenous populations and the budget to throw every pixel of digital eye candy currently available at a story that is centrally about sticking together when the going gets rough you are not going along on a now I have my powers to protect me you don't excuse me I come to the north mom survived to friends in heart and saved you from my ex-boyfriend and I did it all without powers so you know I'm coming the characters are sprightly the songs tailor made for the Broadway show they'll someday inhabit and they're frozen tos story feels as focused grouped as it does well meaning well did you really think Disney would follow up by $1300000000.00 money machine by building on non formulaic snowman. It's tempting to suggest that things were simpler and more innocent a few decades back but anyone who thinks Fred Rogers wasn't following a formula wasn't paying attention or it just wasn't corporate or polished and Mr Rogers' Neighborhood It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood Rogers was folksy and charming and Tom Hanks Will you be mine. Plays him in Mariel Heller's I viewed a full day in the neighborhood captures that sunniness Please vote as soon as he zips up his sweater my neighbor. The phone Chronicles an interview Rogers did in 1908 with an Esquire magazine journalist whose life is fictionalized in the movie but what isn't fictional is the Rogers insistence on tackling subjects that no one else in broadcasting thought children could handle death grief anger and accident when Rogers 1st bites journalist Lloyd Vogel while recording an episode about camping tents you know this is his fighting the journalist behind the camera that's Lloyd is treated as comic pulp plays they can't really but almost immediately Rogers pull things back to the real world a world of hurt when he sees bruises on Lloyd's face Oh it's nice to meet you what are you going to. Play the play. That looks like it hurts Let's chat afterwards in fact Matthew Reese's Lloyd was punched in the face by his father and Mr Rogers will get him to open up over time about that much as he got children to think about pain in their lives the impulse to deal with complicated topics you'll note is not that far from frozen tos taking on concerns about permanence What's different is that the man Hanks is playing came naturally to those concerns not with a Hollywood studios calculation but then he wasn't contemplating a beautiful day in the neighborhood to. See I'm Bob Mondello like the period. When. The man called the Soul of snowboarding has died Jake Burton Carpenter was the founder of the iconic Burton Snowboards company and his Vermont Public Radio's Liam elder Conner's reports he helped open up the ski slopes to a whole new crowd fishermen Golden is working at a ski and snowboarding shop in South Burlington the store is buzzing as customers look through the dozens of brightly colored snowboards leaning against the wall Fingleton says the store is close to the main Burton headquarters which means it sells a good amount of the company's clear he reaches over and takes a board down. The burger and custom is probably one of the most iconic snowboards and in the whole store is the one boy they always continue to have in their line even Golden says he's been working in the snowboard industry for a while and Burton products have been a big part of his life even as a kid he used to really wait each year for the new catalogue of Burton products and then just like obsessing over all the different products that were any like memorizing everything Burton Snowboards was founded by Jake Burton carpenter in 1977 according to the company carpenter worked as a bartender by night and during the day he built snowboards in his Vermont barn and tested them on. Nearby hills Carpenter didn't invent the snowboard a similar device called the snow for think Snow surfer was invented about 10 years before carpenter started his company but then Golden says carpenter revolutionized the design and snowboards he sort of pioneered the sport itself and came up with the idea of strapping your feet actually to the board rather than just like surfing on top of the board no binding He created you know bindings that attach you to the board so you can actually like a car and control the board much better while Carpenter is widely credited with popularizing the sport it was in his 1st thought when you started the company in 2016 Story Corps interview carpenter said at 1st he thought of the company as a get rich quick scheme it became much more than that because I didn't get rich quick Carpenter says his focus soon turned to nurturing the sport in the early days of the company many ski resorts didn't even allow snowboarders on the mountains after a couple of years it became much more important to me that I was right about the decision that there was a sport there and I focused not about my own material needs or compliments whatever I just thought about the sport and now it thanks in part to carpenter's work when you go to the slopes you can't miss the groups of kids on snowboards who fly off big jumps trying to land complicated tricks in a company wide email this morning Burton told its employees that carpenter the quote soul of snowboarding died Wednesday night from complications due to cancer and they urged their employees to honor carpenter by going snowboarding for n.p.r. News I'm Liam elder Connors in Colchester Vermont. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Sony Pictures with a beautiful day in the neighborhood directed by Mariel Heller and starring Tom Hanks a journalist learns about empathy and kindness after being assigned a profile of Mr Rogers only in theaters November 22nd from a Home Advisor committed to helping homeowners find the right pros for their home projects homeowners can read reviews book appointments and check cost guides for home projects at Home Advisor dot com or on the mobile app and from t.i.a.a. Committed to the idea that while most things in life run out from clean shirts in the morning to a favorite dessert at night lifetime income in retirement shouldn't learn more it t.i.a.a. Dot org slash never run out Friday is the one year anniversary of the deadly camp fire to honor those lives who were lost North State Public Radio will be joining the town of Paradise and others in the community in 85 seconds of silence this time of silence will take place at 11 o 8 Friday morning during Science Friday we hope you will join us from wherever you are at 11 o 8 in the morning this Friday to remember the 85 who lost their lives in the camp fire last November. You know our tune to s.p.r. North State Public Radio k c h o Chico and a calf p.r. Reading listener supported public radio for northern California a broadcast service c.s.u. Chico on the web at my n.s.p. Our dot org. In Philadelphia. With. The trumpet ministrations pressure on Ukraine is at the center of the impeachment inquiry but there's also been pressure from the opposite direction Ukrainian. People. We'll talk with Ben Freeman director of the. Initiative at the Center for International Policy later we hear from. Her father was the creator of The Muppets which she says kids in her neighborhood growing up. Feeling that people thought my father did birthday parties. That he was now she's the executive producer of the Netflix series The Dark Crystal resistance it's a prequel to her father's 1902 film and like the original It's a fantasy adventure performed entirely by puppets Well also here from the show's design supervisor Toby for. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer the House committee heard testimony today from a former National Security Council official shed more light on President Trump sometimes to pressure the government investigations into a political rival. Johnson reports on the latest in the public inquiry speaking before the panel Fiona Hill a former Russia expert on the National Security Council testified that the pressure campaign on Ukraine was a purely political one that diverge from u.s. Foreign policy there was. One that was. Very.

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