Transcripts for KCFR 90.1 FM/KCFC 1490 AM/KKPC 1230 AM/KPYR 88.3 FM/KPRN 89.5 FM/KPRH 88.3 FM/KPRE 89.9 FM [Colorado Public Radio News] KCFR 90.1 FM/KCFC 1490 AM/KKPC 1230 AM/KPYR 88.3 FM/KPRN 89.5 FM/KPRH 88.3 FM/KPRE 89.9 FM [Colorado Public Radio News] 20191216 130000

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Side Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused his political rivals of arson and said those behind the violence can quote be identified by their clothes a possible reference to Muslim dress because many of the protestors are Muslim critics of the citizenship Amendment Act passed last week say it unfairly excludes Muslims and violates the secularism enshrined in India's constitution Lauren Frayer n.p.r. News Mumbai the home market channel was sharply criticized over the weekend after it pulled and for the wedding website Zola the ads showed the wedding of 2 women N.P.R.'s Linda Holmes says the controversial decision has already been reversed the conservative group $1000000.00 Moms demanded the Hallmark Channel stop airing Zola's ads that included 2 brides at the altar the network and initially agreed saying it didn't want controversy Zoeller responded by pulling all its advertising a weekend of loud social media criticism from advocacy groups including the Human Rights Campaign and public figures including Ellen De generous and Pete booted judge followed there were even calls to boycott the whole Hallmark brand 10 days before Christmas then Sunday night Hallmark changed its mind and apologized saying it had made the wrong decision and that it didn't want controversy Linda Holmes n.p.r. News Washington you're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the n.p.r. Shop where visitors can browse the latest n.p.r. And Tiny Desk t. Shirts mugs and totes at n.p.r. Shop dot org And listeners like you who donated this in p.r. Station. This is c.p.r. News I'm Stina Feig in Grand Junction Colorado Democratic Senator Michael Bennet has introduced legislation to tackle the problem of a victim's C.P.R.'s Caitlin Kenney reports according to Princeton University's addiction lab there were almost 50 evictions a day in Colorado in 2016 Bennett has teamed up with Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio to introduce the eviction Crisis Act The bill would support state and local efforts to prevent evictions and lessen the long term consequences for renters who have been evicted would also create a database to track addictions and get better information on why they happen the bills at this point though is time the Senate doesn't have much longer to pass bills before its members go into full reelection mode and January is expected to be dominated by beach front and passing the Us Mexico Canada trade deal and Washington d.c. . Lakewood officials will meet today to discuss how the building's permits may be affected next year C.P.R.'s Haley Sanchez has city council needs to decide how to allocate building permits come January that's after Lakewood voters passed a measure to limit growth in July it caps new residential housing growth to one percent a year now some property owners and developers fear they won't get building permits and that could mean losing out on their investments some residents worry the new limit will make housing more expensive Others say the growth wasn't stop fast enough and Healy Sanchez c.p.r. News the younger suspect in the stem school shooting is back in court today Elke McKinney was 16 when he allegedly stole guns from a friend's dad and stormed into a classroom in May He and another student allegedly shot 9 classmates including Kendrick Castillo who died we can use defense attorneys tried to get his case moved to juvenile court but a judge recently denied that it's cloudy and it's 23 degrees in Denver 25 in Fruita. Support comes from kitchens by Wedgwood handcrafted Colorado which would offer standards and custom made cabinets in a selection of woods styles and finishes at 2 metro locations which would cabinetry . Support from the Joshua school committed to helping individuals with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities attain the highest quality of life learn how to help this holiday season at Joshua school. Cover Congress and what your representatives and the federal government are doing for you. I'm thankful that you value insightful independent reporting it provides you with news you can use. 2021 formed about what's going on in your community and beyond now I'm asking you to support the journalism because you make it possible when you donate please give today at c.b.r. Dot org Thank you. Thank you for your support to c.p.r. News at c.p.r. Dot org or by calling 804961530 c.p.r. Skateland Kim covers Colorado news from Washington d.c. We heard from Stanisic reporting this morning from Grand Junction and those are both great illustrations of what your support does we're able to cover the news and bring you the news from a lot of different places because of the support of listeners all across Colorado and we are inviting you to join them this morning my name is Mike lamp and I'm here with Andrew Shaw and we would love to hear from you as kind of the year is about coming to an end that's right we're here asking as the year is coming to an end for for your financial support now at the end of the year to support the journalism that you rely on every single day now and into 2 $1020.00 Mike mentioned the reporting that you get from Kate with care that you get from Sting a sequel another thing that you are a membership dollar supports is Morning Edition which you're listening to now and coming up in just a moment we're going to have a another check and in Washington we've got an extended conversation with Steve Inskeep and Senate Minority Leader checks Chuck Schumer That's coming up in just a minute so stick around for that but please show your support for this reporting for this journalism now and in 2020 with a donation at c.p.r. Dot o.-r. G. C.p.r. Dot org is the website the phone number to get to twice is 180-496-1530 again 804961530 at c.p.r. Dot org just a couple of weeks until the beginning of the new year and we are expecting you know to stay busy during a 2020 a presidential election is is in the offing and then yeah the primaries and a lot of of course a lot of politics but also the same news that you expect year after year but but covering it in such a way that helps you understand what's going on around Colorado and around the world and your support keeps that going strong year after year and thank you very much may. If you're gifted c.p.r. Dot org or call us at 80496153184961530 that's the phone number to call we are here asking for your support to support the news coverage to support the journalism a community focused locally owned newsroom here at Colorado Public Radio and of course nationally that you get from n.p.r. And we also have something to sweeten the pot here we are offering some special thank you gift offers just for today and tomorrow so get in on this now we do have the new c.p.r. Thermal coffee mug Mike if I do say so myself it's probably my favorite coffee mug we've ever had here Clarissa limits a mite a mess it's very nice I normally $12.00 per month or we'd love to give it to you for your contribution of $10.00 per month or more ask for that when you go to the website give $10.00 per month or more will put it in the mail tomorrow C.P.R.'s orgy is the website again that c.p.r. Dot org And at the website you can see what that coffee mug jokes like and it is it's a nice looking object that would keep your beverage warm here in the cold months and also tell everybody that you are a supporter of Colorado Public Radio also there is holiday music available the term for it enjoy holiday cd This is with a gift of $35.00 That's right and we'd be happy to send you this cd that maybe you want to have around the house over the next couple of weeks or maybe these There's no shame in re gifting let me say that and that somebody would appreciate a stocking stuffer like this that would you know brighten up their season as well 35 dollar gift at c.p.r. Dot org or by calling 804961530 we'd be happy to send you the comfort enjoy a holiday cd ask for it there at the Web site c.p.r. Dot org Yep that's an exclusive Colorado Public Radio perform recording also all of these tracks are recorded in our performance space so it's perfect for the Colorado Public Radio super fan in your life whether that's. You know someone else I want to say thank you so much to Sally in Longmont Annalise and Lewisville with a nice comment saying that this is a holiday donation a Christmas donation on behalf of Annelise and Adam thank you very much happy holidays to you please show your support for independent nonprofit journalism right here in Colorado with your donation right now at c.p.r. Dot org Again the phone number is c.p.r. Dot org You can also call 180-496-1530 the phone number is 804961530 Thanks a lot to Ryan and Lafayette supporting all the programs he says for the whole family so here it is Monday morning you're catching up with the news on Morning Edition maybe you've enjoyed a nice weekend where you had a lot of laughs and heard that weekend programming that everybody can enjoy that's what you're supporting with your gift at c.p.r. Dot org or 804961530. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Noel King and I'm Steve Inskeep senators are preparing their turn in the impeachment process the House votes on 2 articles of impeachment this week and if that vote goes as expected the next step would be a trial before the Senate in January the presiding judge would be the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the jury is the $100.00 members of the Senate unlike ordinary jurors they set the rules they vote on which witnesses they want to hear and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer has requested for they include Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton Senator Schumer is on the line now good morning good morning nice to talk to you know welcome back to the program why these 4 Well look 1st and foremost this is an enormously weighty and solemn responsibility and we send Senate Democrats believe that the trial has to be fair and it's important that the American people judge it to be fair and so there is lots of evidence that the House presented but these 4 witnesses have direct knowledge of why the aid to Ukraine was delayed there is no reason not to have them I haven't heard of a single good reason not to have them other than people are afraid of what they might say well the White House of course has claimed executive privilege and said that they will not not send them over and John Bolton is out of the White House has said he wants a court to decide whether he should go well here's the bottom line this has to be a fair trial and there are a good number of my Republican colleagues who have said that you know they need more evidence they're no better people in presenting this evidence than this so our Republican colleagues Leader McConnell and the president have 2 choices do they want to get all the evidence out or do they want to hide the evidence resist letting the facts come out and basically engage in a cover up this is very serious stuff Steve and these witnesses have direct knowledge and I haven't heard of a single reason why they shouldn't testify No I don't know maybe their evidence will be exculpatory but to exclude them. Gives the appearance at least and maybe more people are very afraid of what they might say What are they hiding as you know Senator Mitch McConnell has warned of mutual assured destruction here that if there witnesses on one side there would be on the other are you willing to accept some of the witnesses that Republicans want they for example some of them anyway would like to hear from Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and pursue the conspiracy theories that the president was pursuing inside Ukraine Well again we want witnesses who will focus on what the facts that the House presented are I have even heard of a single fact that Hunter Biden might know that are relevant to the house charges you know if the Senators Lindsey Graham or others want to go do their own independent hearings fine but don't be smirch a very solemn proceeding our documents here is based on the 99 rules where there were witnesses Republicans voted for witnesses a limited number and they're based on the facts that the House presented if people don't want to hear these witnesses and instead try to put these shiny objects of conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact I don't think the American people want that so my appeal I'm sending this letter this morning to all the 100 senators I believe Republican senators will think that this is a fair proposal I'm certainly willing to listen to Mitch McConnell to alternatives but the idea that they can bring in this one or that one for political purposes who have nothing to do nothing to do with the specific facts that the House has alleged and will vote on this week is is demeaning to the entire process and I don't think the American people will stand for it now Mitch leases that some Republican senators won't stand for it either now Mitch McConnell was on Fox News over the weekend and has talked about the way that he intends to conduct this trial or our influence this trial of course is presided over by John Roberts but you need 51 senators to set. The rules here's something that McConnell says everything I do during this uncoordinated Well White House counsel may know the difference between the present position our position as to how to handle this Ok To be honest that doesn't sound impartial at all Senator but Republicans have said Democrats are just committed just as committed against the president is that correct we're committed to a fair trial where the facts come out and we're willing we don't know what these witnesses will say but whatever they say they should be heard from and Mitch McConnell when he says he's going to do just what the president wants it's sort of like a juror conspiring with a defendant it makes no sense that's not what a fair trial is about and what I tried to do in this letter and what we Democrats are trying to do is lay out for all of the Republican senators as well as the American people what a fair fair trial would be we're not interested in dilatory tactics we're not interested in come introducing our own conspiracy theories just the facts ma'am and that's what these 4 witnesses will produce of course it is a little different than a jury trial because it is a political process involving people who are supposed to defend an institution but are also partisans I do have a question though about your institutional role here I understand that senators Democratic senators want to defend the institution of Congress which the president refused to cooperate with but there's another institution here the institution of the presidency as you must know Senator in 2 previous impeachments of presidents both times the presidents were on the face of it Guilty as charged but both times enough senators decided it would be unwise for the country to remove him Do you worry that it would damage the presidency if you were to remove this president well 1st the facts must come out and 2nd if a president can so abuse power and he is not stopped will he do it again and even in a worse way will you. Sure presidents do it even more I think the danger here is the balance of powers and the checks on the president this president has shown a desire for almost undiminished power more than any other so I worry much more about the overreach of the president than a diminishment of the president you want to sure that this is serious enough to warrant not only rebuking the president some way but removing him from office I'm not making a final decision I want to hear the facts I think most of my Democratic colleagues want to hear the facts as well I think many of my Republican colleagues want to hear the facts as well this is an attempt to be fair if you look at this objectively it is right down the middle equal time for both sides nothing dilatory you know there's an American expression speedy but fair justice that's what this letter be speaks of so thank you very much thank you Steve I got to run Steve Ok Senator thanks so much bye bye that's Chuck Schumer the Democratic leader in the Senate and N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson was listening along to that Mara what did you hear that well I heard Chuck Schumer trying to make a distinction between the witnesses that Trump wanted to call like Hunter and Joe Biden and then the witnesses that the president has refused to allow to testify you know the fact that the president made the ask he asked the Ukrainian president to investigate the Bidens that's established but Republicans complained that what wasn't established was the quid pro quo questions about the delayed aid they said we didn't have a lot of direct evidence about that so now Chuck Schumer is saying well let's call the people who would have direct evidence about that delayed aide what the president said about it and wanted to to to do about it and that's why he's asking for these 4 witnesses including the former national security adviser John Bolton and the acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and he's saying look at the call is. Perfect and there was no quid pro quo then these witnesses will tell us that why not let them testify that's that's the the strong argument that he's making what we don't know is how Mitch McConnell will respond and we should note about the senator's abrupt departure there he promised a 7 minutes and gave exactly that and went away I do have to ask though what is the circumstance under which Chuck Schumer would get his way does he have to win some Republicans over to his side in order to get the witnesses that he wants Yes or he just makes a deal with Mitch McConnell I mean that's usually how these rules are worked out the Democratic leader in the Republican leader work out the rules as he said they did in 1990 for the Clinton trial Ok so it's so this is this letter that Chuck Schumer is sending as part of a negotiation right Mara thanks so much thank you that's N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson. And you're listening to listener supported Colorado Public Radio another deep look at what's happening with impeachment in Washington it's the kind of news coverage that sort of balanced fair news coverage the questions from Steve Inskeep that you depend on from National Public Radio in Colorado Public Radio Hello good morning my name is Andrew Sharma a producer here at Colorado Public Radio in the membership department over there on the other microphone is Mike lamp our morning host Hey Mike good morning and we are asking you to support this kind of journalism because you are directly responsible for providing community minded services when you give to Colorado Public Radio news coverage like we just heard news coverage like what is coming up in just a moment as we go to India to look at protests there you make that possible when you when you donate this is how Colorado Public Radio Works So please donate now at c.p.r. Dot au Archie it's quick and easy on the website at c.p.r. Dot org c.p.r. Dot org 804961530 you come here to c.p.r. News for the national and state news that you can rely on and we are committed to bringing you that day after day even this morning we're inviting you to become a member and to support Colorado Public Radio in c.p.r. News but we're hearing a conversation with the Senate minority leader for example right and then we go to India and news from around the world that you otherwise would not hear and you know this is something that you know expands your understanding about what's going on and then we hear from Colorado every single day in Colorado matters in with Colorado News Hour after hour this is what you're helping to support with your gift this morning at c.p.r. Dot org Or when you call 80496153184961530 that's the phone number the website to give make a donation there at c.p.r. Dot o.-r. G. We truly believe that greater insight into the world comes from having access to relevant and in-depth and accurate information like what we've been hearing this morning like we'll continue to hear throughout the day but know that it costs money to put that. Kind of reporting on the radio those kinds of conversations and console consider giving 5 or $1015.00 a month whatever works for you to help pay for that it's quick and easy again at c.p.r. Dot o.-r. G. The website is c.p.r. Dot org Thanks to John Josh and Kristen in Arvada who have a re up their membership here is Katherine in Denver who has a new member thanks very much and welcome and here is Gavin in Parker an evergreen member or sometimes what we call assist staining member giving month after month to keep Colorado Public Radio strong and to allow us to count on that contribution monthly and it also makes the giving a little bit easier to a lot more convenient for a lot of people it's really an evergreen member you can do that at c.p.r. Dot org You call 804961530 different people have kind of different situations and different account orientations with us either as renewing members or brand new members when evergreen members but everybody has in common that this is where they get the news and the information and conversation that helps them understand what's going on around the world and around Colorado and thanks for your support c.p.r. Dot org 804961531804961530 or online at c.p.r. Dot o.-r. G. I'm an evergreen member myself I find it very very affordable way to give us a sort of breaking up a gift each month with an affordable mount the comes automatically from a credit card bank account or a debit card and if you become an evergreen member today $10.00 per month at that level will send you the brand new c.p.r. Thermal mug it's normally $12.00 per month but we are discounting that right now just during this time just today and tomorrow really so and also if you go on the website give $10.00 per month or more ask for that we'll ship it to you tomorrow just in time for the holidays c.p.r. Dot o.-r. G. Is the website again that's c.p.r. Dot org And thanks. Support comes from divorce matters a Colorado law firm specializing in family law matters such as divorce child custody child support and more with offices in d.t.c. Lakewood and Fort Collins learn more at divorce dash Matters dot com support for Colorado Public Radio comes from Bell Co credit union committed to the financial well being of the Front Range community through education and services that foster financial empowerment learn more at Balco dot org Support for c.p.r. Comes from natural grocers through food donations supports the food bank Iraqis mission of helping families thrive by officially procuring and distributing food inessentials more information available at Food Bank Rocky's dot org Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Progressive Insurance offering a way to buy home insurance with their home quote Explorer tool custom quotes and rates are available online learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive Now that's progressive from dual lingo a language app whose mission is to make language learning fun and accessible to the world with lessons in more than 30 languages including French Spanish and Chinese available in the App Store or it dual lingo dot com. I'm from Jones Day and integrated partnership collaboratively providing legal services for more than a century 43 offices 5 continents serving clients as one firm worldwide learn more at Jones Day dot com. Hi I'm Allison Sherry from. Every day I aggressively seek out the most important criminal justice news in the state and deliver it to you with contacts I'm thankful that you are responsible for. Insight on how the system. In 2022 keep you informed about what's happening in all parts of the state today to make this reporting possible. Thank you on college campuses across India students are demonstrating today there have been almost a week of protests over a new Indian citizenship law it offers amnesty to migrants who are not Muslim critics say it discriminates against Muslims N.P.R.'s Lauren Frayer reports that in the capital New Delhi The protests have gotten violent. Then flowing into the John was more than 200 people were injured when Delhi Police stormed the campus of University last night they fired tear gas and beat students with batons dormitories were evacuated videos posted to social media show bloody students fleeing into a library in a men's restroom the university's vice chancellor now. Told reporters she's filing a police report against police. Is still quite a way I live in a damaged property can be recovered but the emotional toll this is taking on our kids cannot be repaired she said the citizenship Amendment Act passed by parliament last week offers amnesty to undocumented migrants from 3 Muslim majority countries that neighbor India Pakistan Afghanistan and Bangladesh to be eligible the person has to be a persecuted with just minority a Buddhist Christian or Hindu for example and not a Muslim the government says India should be a refuge for those minorities but critics say that by excluding Muslims this citizenship offer violates India's constitution but. At a protest today in Mumbai students read aloud the Constitution's preamble which defines India as a secular democratic republic Prime Minister Narendra Modi a Hindu nationalist tweeted that no Indian has anything to worry about with this new law but he also made a comment at a political rally last night. One of. Those behind these violent tests can be identified by their clothes the prime minister said seemed to suggest that anyone in Muslim attire was a suspect India has one of the world's largest Muslim populations about 180000000 people who many believe are increasingly disenfranchised under Modis government Lauren Frayer n.p.r. News Mumbai. This is n.p.r. News It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep and I'm know well King good morning the longest ever global climate talks ended on Sunday in Madrid but with not much to show the summit was supposed to get countries on track to meet the targets of the Paris climate accord that didn't really happen u.n. Secretary General Antonio described the event as a lost opportunity David just got back from the summit and he's in our studio Good morning good morning he's director of the International Climate Institute at the World Resources Institute which is an environmental research group so what was the mood when the summit broke up. Not a great mood in many ways this was sort of talks meant to take forward the Paris Agreement which is the landmark climate agreement that was struck in 2015 and that now needs to move forward on many fronts and what we saw there in Madrid was a strong sense of a disconnect a Gulf really between what we've been seeing in the streets with with protesters and with youth with businesses in cities around the world taking action all of that on the one hand and on the other hand what was actually taking place in the negotiating halls and what countries were saying and doing and so I guess the question is it seems like the activists are pushing pushing pushing in the countries are saying no no no not not yet why why was the outcome so disappointing Well the biggest gap was really with the major economies the biggest emitters in the world and they are they have been dragging their heels many of them on taking action next year is a critical moment in fact under the Paris agreement countries are meant to ramp up their actions meant to strengthen their commitments under the agreement and there was a lot of fuel dragging on that question and it wasn't really until the last 24 hours when we saw that many of the vulnerable countries small island countries least developed countries pushed very hard to have language. On strengthening action next year and so we saw that come through but it was really in the last moment and meanwhile there were other elements of the Paris Agreement that were meant to be taken forward for example on carbon markets that didn't really come to fruition there why carbon markets was it was a big point of this summit can you explain just briefly you know it's kind of confusing but why is there no agreement on what should happen with carbon markets why is that so hard to get to well the issues on the table were about how to go about trading carbon credits among countries and there were a couple of issues in play but mostly this came down to what to do with the carbon credits from the previous agreement the Kyoto Protocol Ok which we're coming to an end and there are some countries Brazil was really at the forefront of them who want to use carbon credits from the Kyoto Protocol In other words from before 2020 for action that's supposed to happen after 2020 leading up to it for the next decade essentially So there was that push from Brazil and some of its allies Meanwhile Australia also wanted to use a lot of carbon credits that it has from that previous arrangement so this was sort of you know taking the old elements of action taking those old emission reductions and saying well apply them to the future to the action that needs to happen over the next decade we know from what the science has told us we need to cut emissions globally in about half by 2030 so this would erode the kind of action that actually is needed on the ground this is a disagreement over how we move forward Ok the u.s. Was involved in these talks even though the temp administration has withdrawn from the Paris climate accord How does that play with the other countries they're not well the us was particularly vocal on questions of finance not really wanting there to be strong signals on financing climate action in developing countries who need it both to reduce emissions and to adapt to the serious impacts that they're having. And it was really quite concerning to see the u.s. Being so vocal at a time when it's going to be out of the agreement fully in a year's time from now do you see any any room for optimism any real reason for optimism moving forward well next year is a critical year is the year 2021 countries are met to increase their action strengthen their commitments under Paris and we've seen some movement the European Union for example has moved forward but others need to now take that next step the alarm bell is ringing Ok All eyes on 2020 David with the World Resources Institute thanks so much for coming in thank you hey this is c.p.r. News and n.p.r. And Morning Edition in the news from the climate conference in Madrid where there was some Colorado presence representative Jonah goose was attending there as well as representatives from the Rocky Mountain Institute based in Colorado we've done some reporting on that we'll get more of it too with our climate team a couple of reporters and editors. Specifically focusing on climate change as we go into a 2020 as we just heard a critical year for maybe turning things around or improving the climate situation that's what you get on Morning Edition every weekday morning here at c.p.r. News and thanks for being here and for your support this morning I'm Michael and we would like to invite you to become a member this morning with a gift of whatever amount at c.p.r. Dot org or by calling 804961530 I'm glad to be here this morning with a good morning Mike and I want to underscore something that you said climate team Colorado Public Radio because of support from the community Colorado Public Radio has a climate team a couple reporters and editors like you said dedicated to looking at this complex issue and what are some solutions that are out there that's something that just doesn't exist in many other media organizations these days but it does exist here because of strong community support your decision to give your decision right now to give a year end gift really do. Does has a have a real impact on the stories on the journalism on the music that you depend on it will have an impact in 2020 so please give now at c.p.r. Dot au r g The website is c.p.r. Dot org And the phone number to call quick and easy to give there as well is 180-496-1530 Again that's 804961530 or at c.p.r. Dot org We are looking forward to a busy 2020 with the election and the impeachment and whatever happens in climate change and whatever happens you know around the world and in Colorado that's one thing that we've you know learned over the years is that it's impossible to expect everything that we're going to be covering but we know that we will be there thanks to you we know that our team is growing that we are able to focus on climate for example and on business and health care you've heard our series teams under stress a lot of very focused reporting about community and caught a lot of young people going through a lot often not heard from and we're getting their stories to you day after day because of your support you keep everything going here at c.p.r. News and on the music stations too c.p.r. Dot org is our web address and the phone number where we can welcome you as a member is 804961530 Yeah and as we're asking he you here to make it make that decision to give to support the journalism that will depend on in 2020. Well why not also give yourself a gift if you donate $35.00 today you can select one of 2 exclusive Colorado Public Radio recordings we're talking about some classical music here for a moment and we do have a comfort enjoy cd which is a cd of holiday music Christmas music we also have a cd music in Monet's time that was launched as well as the Denver Art Museum launch the big money exhibit so now we have these 2 these 2 C.D.'s that you can ask for the thank you gift $35.00 each or become. Sustaining evergreen member today $5.00 per month or more you can ask for both of those and if you do that today we will get that to you in the mail tomorrow C.P.R.'s to check that out c p r dot org is the website find more information also donate there it's quick and easy or you can call 180-496-1530 it's 80491530 couple of C.D.'s that would brighten your holiday season that's right maybe make a nice gift if you've seen the Monet exhibit as it happens I did on Friday on ice you can you know enjoy this accompanying music put together specifically for that the comfort and joy cd music performed in C.P.R.'s performance studio so that's that's music that you will not hear elsewhere those recordings are unique to this cd and that's what you can get for a gift of 35 dollars or 5 dollars a month or more at c.p.r. Dot org or by calling 804961530 you want information that is comprehensive and relevant that's why you listen to Colorado Public Radio News will c.p.r. Provides that to you and to the entire state only because listeners make that next step and become members so donate now and that donate now so that information that you need is ready for you in the future in 2020 c.p.r. O. r G c.p.r. Dot org is the website where you can donate direct your support or call 180-496-1530 thank you supporter Colorado Public Radio comes from Arvada United Methodist Church presenting the blue Christmas service on Friday December 28th at 7 pm and located at 60th and car in Arvada learn more about Christmas events at our data u.m.c. Dot org support comes from the Joshua school committed to helping individuals with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities attain the highest quality of life learn how to help this holiday season at Joshua school dot org. Support comes from attention homeless the only nonprofit shelter for youth experiencing homelessness Boulder County learn more about helping homeless youth this holiday season at attention Homes dot org Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Capital One committed to reimagining banking offering savings and checking accounts that can be opened from anywhere Capital One what's in your wallet Capital One and a. From Heather Stewart Hey gun Paul g. Hagar supporting African Wildlife Foundation working to ensure wildlife and wild lands thrive in modern Africa learn more at a w.f. Dot org And from the John d. And Catherine team MacArthur Foundation at mac found dot org This is c.p.r. News I'm seen a Sikh blinding snow steep roads and lots of traffic driving in Colorado's mountains this time of year can be a dicey proposition and even if you get to your destination safely your car could take a beating along the way especially your windshield from debris on the road we had a Colorado wonders question asking if that problem could be fixed C.P.R.'s Nathaniel minor looks into it Mark Burgman of Edwards is a car guy were in his b.m.w. Driving down Interstate 70 in Eagle County take care of my car is there not just tools of Transportation for me and that's why I could feel him start to get nervous as an 18 wheeler passes us the roads here are covered with sand and small rocks to help with traction when it's no way out the trucks a big tires kick up some of that and fling it backward right into Mark Bergman's windshield that's the small stuff Bergmann slows down to let the truck pass quickly has been Merc skates unfazed today but in the 4 years since he moved here from the Northeast Bergmann says he's had 4 windshields replaced and one memory stands out it was a beautiful clear day in the late spring probably late May early June a stone came flying and hit the windshield on my Mazda Miata I'm just glad I have to top up what was your reaction a familiar with the 7 words George Carlin said you couldn't say on t.v. And radio I won't get into it here but they are not nice words insurance generally covers the cost of repairs and replacements but getting them done can be a hassle and so urgent called me. Because he wanted an answer to this question why does seem. Very large aggregate bore stones as I'll call them instead of sand for traction so I called si dot and talk to Kyle Lester see DOT's director of maintenance and operations and he feels the market Bergman's pain you ever had your own which occurred yes I believe it's cracked right now. Lester says see that uses an aggregate that's a little bigger than playground sand about a quarter inch at the largest and he smaller than that and he says it would wash off the road too quickly and plug up nearby rivers and that's a big deal watersheds are very fragile and the state uses tens of thousands of tons of aggregate every winter and there's one more reason to see that mixes the aggregate with liquid to help it stick to the road better if the sand is too tiny it'll turn into mud if you have to find of a product that will. Leave the truck Lester admits that sometimes some bigger rocks will slip through he blames that on quality control issues and Lester says those issues are just a fact of life when you buy as much of this stuff as si dot does Eagle County Government uses a similar aggregate on local roads so I called Mark Burgman back and ran all of this by him he was not impressed Well I'd really like to see si dot improve their quality control and while I'm not on some long great crusade I'd like to try to activate our state representatives to have them take a look at it too in the meantime it seems like this will probably remain very common what I'm going to start by doing is heating this up just in this small area Steve Moore with novus out a glass holds a tiny blowtorch so you can get this at Home Depot for 30 bucks we're in a garage of a home in the Vail Valley Steve Moore is leaning over a Mercedes-Benz with a tiny chip in its windshield he says of chips aren't fixed at this stage they could likely spread into bigger cracks more of them. Oyster from the glass so the repair resin will hold tight next he attaches a tool with a big suction cup to the glass so basically I'm forcing glue into the damage and removing the air then he uses a u.v. Light to cure the resin and make it hard the whole thing takes about 20 to 30 minutes more says he's done this repair $10.00 to $15.00 times per day in the winter since he started off his franchise in the early eighties back then the industry was still young people didn't know when shields could even be repaired Novus is now a multinational conglomerate We're all over the world I think we're in 43 countries doing chip repairs and obviously Colorado is one of the biggest markets for it he's done this repair nearly $200000.00 times but he says he doesn't get bored I run into friends all day long it's pretty social and I'm helping people out and they're usually pretty happy when I'm there and happy when I leave it's not hard to see why because even if drivers here have to deal with little dings and cracks the view through that glass of the Colorado Rockies it makes it all worth it I'm nothing no miner c.p.r. News. And this question was brought to us by our Colorado wonders project you can be part of it too you can ask your question big or small about the state at c.p.r. Dot org slash Colorado wonder and you are listening to Colorado Public Radio. The things that you did not know about windshield repair that you now know maybe as you are in the car this morning Colorado wonders is a project that has been letting people know what's going on around Colorado for a while now and really taking some unusual questions and and then here's Nate miner going to a place where you know you think again you thought you knew what when she'll repairers like but here you go some really in-depth on eyeopening coverage this morning that. You support with a gift at c.p.r. Dot org Or when you call 804961530 we are going to continue with Morning Edition and the Marketplace Morning Report in just a couple of minutes and between now and then how about making that phone call 804961530 or going to c.p.r. Dot org C.P.R.'s org or 180-496-1530 I do have to say I love the reporting of Nate miner when when he's not out on the Colorado wonders beat He's covering all things transportation here in the state of Colorado and look Colorado Public Radio has a transportation be a reporter again something that doesn't exist in a lot of other places other media organizations but it does exist here because of strong community support and we're asking you to donate because listening to Colorado Public Radio it's part of your routine you depend on it Welp c.p.r. Depends on you and contributions from other listeners to purchase the programs to keep the statewide network on the air to keep growing a locally owned newsroom that's what you make possible when you donate and we're asking you to make that decision to donate right now at c.p.r. Dot org that c.p.r. . You can also call 180-496-1530 it's 804961530 maybe this is the time of day that you have c.p.r. News on in the car you're getting on your way to work it's the start of the work week this is your companion and your source of information that helps make the week began the right way maybe you unwind later on with classical music or Indie 1023 to hear some music that you haven't heard before and to get introduced to bands and cut a lot of music that is new to you this is what you support with your gift make a commitment now as an evergreen member you continue into 2020 that's something nice to think about the new year just couple of weeks away you can begin the new year right as an evergreen member giving month after month maybe it's 5 or 10 or $20.00 a month or something more than that. It's up to you c.p.r. Dot org is the way to do it or call 804961530 we're about to get you into the Marketplace Morning Report So stick around for that but speaking of evergreen memberships decided to give $10.00 per month and we have a special going on right now in C.P.R.'s brand new thermal coffee mug it's normally $12.00 per month but you can choose it today when you decide to give $10.00 per month or more you can take a look at it at c.p.r. Dot org c.p.r. Dot org Is website you can go there take a look at the mug selected make your donation take advantage of this limited time offer and support the news coverage that you all depend on in 2020 again the website c.p.r. Dot org or by phone 180-496-1530 Ashley in Centennial says that she relies on c.p.r. To stay informed about what's going on in the world that's you know very straightforward and that's how it is when you get news from all around the world from across Colorado every day all day long and that's what you support with your gift this morning Ashley thanks very much and actually is an evergreen member giving monthly and that is a very convenient way to do it often in an affordable way to do you spread out your contribution over the year and we're happy to do it that way too c.p.r. Dot org is how you begin that process or call 804961530 whatever works for you whatever you can you can find room for to support this independent nonprofit journalism Well hey that's that's really great we've heard from Ashley in Centennial we've heard from a listener in Denver given 12 dollars a month a family in Littleton giving $120.00 a month saying that Colorado Public Radio is educational informative and they get cook international coverage so thank you very much for your support whatever Colorado Public Radio means to you know that it is something that you that you depend on a new continue to depend on into 2020 that's why Mike and I hear the smarmy asking for your support the website to give his c.p.r. On the phone number is why. 80496153804961530 maybe you've been doing a lot of shopping over the past couple of weeks 8 it's that time of year do something nice for yourself today start the week out right and support got a lot of public radio and c.p.r. News classical music indie 1023 and there is an evergreen member a one time gift it's entirely up to you and thanks a lot it's c.p.r. Dot org or 8049153804961530 support comes from the Colorado Symphony and special guest Olga Kern performing barber's Piano Concerto with Brett Mitchell on the podium January 10th through the 12th more about these concerts at Colorado Symphony dot com support comes from goodbye gear a full service marketplace for buying and selling gently used kid stuff committed to making the lives of parents easier by providing a safe and easy pick up service learn more at Goodbye Gear dot com support for Colorado Public Radio comes from Shane company your friend in the jewelry business offering a curated collection of holiday gifts designed with natural diamonds Ruby sapphires and pearls more at Shane co dot com for a limited time you can get c.p.r. Classical is exclusive holiday cd with your 35 dollar donation comfort and joy features 17 seasonally performances by Colorado musicians get today tomorrow make a difference at c.p.r. Dot org. Phase one of us trying to trade deal is as clear as mud Marketplace Morning Report is supported by Progressive Insurance committed to offering a streamlined shopping experience where home and auto can be bundled together now that's progressive learn more at progressive dot com or $1800.00 progressive and buy little passports a holiday gift for curious kids with a subscription kids get a package each month designed to inspire their curiosity in the world little passports dot com slash radio with the Marketplace Morning Report in Austin Texas on a you're in for David Brancaccio As part of phase one of a deal in the trade war between the u.s. And China Washington has canceled tariffs on some Chinese goods that were supposed to go into effect this week but details of that here deal are still murky here to shine some light on what we do know is our trying to Correspondent Jennifer Pak in Shanghai the u.s. Says in the Phase one deal China has agreed to buy a lot more American goods and services like in manufacturing energy and at least $16000000000.00 more agricultural goods each year for the next 2 Chinese officials though have not confirmed any dollar amount just that they have an agreement on issues including agriculture intellectual property technology transfer and transparency China's state run press over the weekend has only quoted optimistic opinions on the deal from u.s. Media and that's because Chinese officials have always said that the tariffs hurt consumers in the u.s. More than in China right now the u.s. Still has tariffs on 2 thirds of Chinese exports with a portion of those tariffs to be reduced by half to 7 point 5 percent u.s. Officials say both sides are aiming to sign the Phase one deal in early January in Shanghai I'm Jennifer Pak from Marketplace Jennifer just mentioned u.s. Manufacturing as part of that trade deal will be the number of economic reports on u.s. Factory production will be out this week The New York Fed said this morning that manufacturing in that state was pretty subdued inching up just 6 tenths of a point which is on theme from a new. Factoring of late it's been a bit of a slump lately which has led to job losses throughout the country but especially in the industrial upper Midwest Marketplace's Mitchell Hartman has more on that a host of troubles have be set America's factories this year retaliatory tariffs on u.s. Exports the strong u.s. Dollar and the global economic slowdown says Joseph Druce Well us said r.s.m. Consulting if you look at the domestic u.s. Manufacturing sector it's still contract to u.s. Manufacturing has added just 56000 jobs so far this year more than 250000 were added in 2018 auto making jobs are down Christian g. Chack at the Center for Automotive Research says the new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico may boost employment over the next few years but down the road the growth of electric vehicles will likely take jobs away those are much more costly to build but there are fewer moving parts the better production is not as labor intensive as mentioned in transmission this year there have been manufacturing job losses across the auto making heartland in Illinois Indiana Michigan and Wisconsin on Mitchell Hartman for Marketplace what's to the numbers. China's economic indicators beat expectations which has traders feeling pretty good footy London is up 2.3 percent Dow s. And p. And Nasdaq futures are also up the Nasdaq and s. And p. Futures are up half a percent. Marketplace Morning Report is supported by black line a cloud based accounting platform that simplifies centralizes and automates the financial close process to increase visibility and control designed for accountants to eliminate tedious repetitive and spreadsheet driven tasks that are being performed daily more of black lines. Than by t. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines opportunities 1st hand since 1937. T. Rowe Price invest with confidence what would it take to reunite an economically divided America the d.c. Based Think take the Brookings Institution is arguing that a direct federal intervention through the creation of a new geographically diverse growth centers is the key Mark Murray policy director for the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program spoke with Marketplace Morning Report host David Brancaccio last week about it the innovation sector of America's economy tech and beyond according to your data is like 5 cities in the u.s. That's it yeah we define it pretty tightly we look at you know highly r. And d. Oriented Stam worker oriented innovation industries 5 places garnered 90 plus percent of all of the growth of our defined innovation sectors so you know the stronger getting much stronger and most other places are going sideways or worse so 1st of all you like to spread the innovation there for spreading the wealth some of argued that innovation just wants to be where it should be and any outcome is what the market. Wants we don't see it that way we see think that a lot of things can happen along the road that lock in maybe sub optimal dynamics and I think there's a lot of evidence that having the bulk of our innovation sector in a narrow set of coastal metros is leaving huge problems so we think there are all kinds of reasons to encourage more growth elsewhere in the rest of the country and you pitch this idea of a growth center what is a growth center a growth center is a place that is designated to receive substantial federal investments what we call an innovation search to get to the next level of you know innovation sector growth and change and you know we think we should be so let you know select . Dean $8.00 to $10.00 places as an experiment to get to that next level do you think you could find bipartisan support for the level of funding that you might like to see it will be a heavy lift but we think there is a growing recognition and perception of emergency in terms of the nation's you know geographical divides and those geographical divides effect blue places and red places early response to our idea has been quite bipartisan and hope springs eternal as we begin to get into discussion about the price tag and legislation which we hope will you know begin soon and think they will Marc Mero senior fellow at Brookings the papers called The Case For Growth centers how to spread tech innovation across America thank you very much thanks so much you can hear more of David's conversation with Marc Mero on our website marketplace dot org a company called International flavors and fragrances i f f if you're in the know it creates smells and tastes for a bunch of household names said yesterday that it will merge with chemical giant Du Pont the deal was announced on Sunday and is set to create a new consumer giant I get more than $45000000000.00 in Austin Texas sun and a year later with the Marketplace Morning Report. From a.p.m. American Public Media. You're listening to c.p.r. News 90 point one k c f r f m Denver 1490 am k c f c Boulder on h.d. At 90 point one f.m. And online at c.p.r. Dot org. Support comes from peak ear nose throat and voice center where Dr j. Michael King treats singers speakers and performers with voice disorders with locations in Broomfield golden and Brighton more at peak e.m.t. And voice Center dot com support comes from divorce matters a Colorado law firm specializing in family law matters such as divorce child custody child support and more with offices in d.t.c. Lakewood and Fort Collins learn more at divorced dash Matters dot com support comes from swallow Hill music a new session of group music classes including percussion bass mandolin and more.

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