The right to treatment, and i think that its a global problem. Its not west africas problem. The alisters were all here to help raise money to fight ebola and to show their appreciation. God bless. God bless america to help us. Thank you very, very much. One performer taking part in the nights concert is this teen rapper. I personally feel that being africanamerican, i have african roots, and, you know, i cant allow somebody else to just die off of a sickness that can be such easily avoided. Thats where my heritage comes from. Nico gave us an impromptu preview of his rap song. As a people, we are here to survive the pain that we feel lets us know were alive you cant stop now turn the will into drive have the will of the lord with your hands to the sky the concert was held in the giant room where the u. N. General Assembly Usually meets. Raging so high in west africa this group is called one voice. Although comprised of musicians from several different african countries, the message is the same ebola can be beaten. All the people in the world, in the nation, all affected by this plagues wicked implication hope for our soul and the light that we bring tomorrows always better with the soul and that we sing the gala ended on a high note, with nico in the spotlight. Its a check on my list we can do it all together, and turn our hands into fists stand tall together we can win im shouting out, reaching out for a limb the world goes on wont stop till its over not until the world lives free of ebola the concert was a big success. The organizers say the money raised will go a long way to help those battling ebola. For teen kids news, im eric. Coming up, what we need to know about hurricanes. Katrina, ike, and sandy. For most of us, those are just names. But for thousands of people along our nations gulf and east coasts, those names are reminders of the incredibly destructive power of nature. Emily tells us more. Katrina in 2005, ike in 2008, and sandy 2012. All were powerful hurricanes that slammed into the u. S. In recent years. Their winds, rain, and flooding caused tremendous damage. So, no wonder that the more we learn about hurricanes, the better. Dr. Radley horton is an expert on these super storms. Hes a climate scientist at columbia university. Welcome. Thank you. Its good to be here. Whats the definition of a hurricane . A hurricane is a storm with very strong winds. Its a storm that forms over the warm waters of the tropical oceans, and as soon as that storms winds get up to about 35 miles an hour, we call it a tropical storm. And if if its winds get up to 75 miles an hour, its a hurricane. How are hurricanes classified . Hurricanes are classified by how strong their winds are. A category 1 hurricane, which is the weakest, has winds just above 75 miles an hour. Category 5, which is the strongest, is winds at around 150 miles an hour. So, what causes these hurricanes . Hurricanes are caused by a combination of factors. Several things have to come hurricane. One of the most important things is a warm ocean. Hurricanes form over the warm waters of the tropics. With the warm sun beating down, when temperatures get to be about 80 degrees fahrenheit, conditions are right for a lot of evaporation, which provides a lot of power to hurricanes. Have hurricanes become more common or stronger in recent years . We need the next generation of young scientists to answer a lot of questions about hurricanes for us, but there are some things that we know right now. We know that sea levels have been rising as the oceans warm and as the atmosphere warms. As those sea levels rise, were seeing worse coastal flooding because of those seas rising higher. It seems like hurricanes in the atlantic have become a little more frequent in recent years, and the best Research Tells Us that the strongest hurricanes may get stronger. But there are a lot of things we dont know about hurricanes. We know that the oceans are gonna continue to warm up, but whats gonna happen to winds in the atmosphere . Thats gonna be a big thing that determines how hurricanes change in the future, and we need that next generation of young scientists to help us answer those questions. Whats the connection between Global Warming and hurricanes . As weve increased the amount of Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere, temperatures have gone up in the air, and theyve also gone up in the ocean. As the ocean warms, hurricanes can become that much stronger. But there are other things that impact hurricanes, as well, things like the winds in the atmosphere what we call wind shear, which is the difference in height in the atmosphere. We dont know with Climate Change how wind shear might change in the future, and until we know more about that, we cant say for sure how hurricanes are gonna change. But what we do know is that as sea levels continue to rise, were gonna see more coastal flooding, even if hurricanes dont change at all. Thanks, professor. Thank you. Just to give you an idea of how powerful these storms can be, experts say a big hurricane releases the energy equal to 10 atom bombs every second. Ever take a close look at your state flag . You should, because you might be surprised at how much you can learn from it. The name nevada comes from the spanish phrase, Sierra Nevada, which means the Sierra Nevada range rises along the states western border. In 1857, a huge deposit of silver, known as the comstock lode, was discovered. Prospectors flocked to nevada seeking their fortunes. Settlements quickly grew into towns. Not only did nevada change, its state flag would change many times. Quite garish. It had big stars. It had the word silver on it, the word gold. Over the years, the flag was times. And the slogan battle born was added. And thats because nevada was added to the union during the civil war. The slogan rests upon a sagebrush wreath that partially surrounds nevada, and a large silver star. The star represents the importance of silver throughout nevadas history. Huge quantities of silver still flow out of nevadas mines each year. And huge quantities of silver flow into nevada, as well, thanks to the thousands of slot machines in the states most famous city las vegas. With flag facts, im veronique. Theres lots more ahead on well be right back. Heres eden with another report in our babysitting tips series. Not all babysitting jobs are paying jobs. Were often drafted by our parents to sit for our younger brothers or sisters. Whether you consider that a pleasure or a pain comes down to how you approach the task. Dr. Connie hebert is the author of the teachable minute. Welcome, dr. Connie. Hi. Thanks for having me. So, how do we make sitting for a sibling fun for both of us . Well, you want to remember that younger kids, your younger brothers and sisters, want to be with you. They dont want to see you on your phone or in front of the computer or the tv all the time. They want to do some things with you. So, remember to catch some teachable minutes with them, and then theyll be more fun and youll have more fun. So, give me an example of catching a teachable minute to make it more fun. All right, so lets say that you want to play a math game with your younger brother or sister. Just start out by asking whats 2 times 4, and then they give you the answer, or you can do pluses or minus. Doesnt matter. So, lets say you did 2 times 4. They give you the answer, and then you add minus 5, and they give you the answer. Plus 10, and they give you the answer. And its kind of fun cause youre thinking of ways to get them to think. In the meantime youre thinking. So, its a great way to go back and forth with math. Okay, how about science or history or english . Is there anything there that we can do to make a fun game . Yeah, well, we can go outside, and we can look at some really neat things in the backyard. Nests and ants and how animals dig holes and who do they think might be living there. Theres a lot of things you can do outside. You can also do some mapping skills with kids. You can draw maps together. You can color together while youre watching tv. You may think coloring is something that only little kids do, but its fun to color, and kids really like to see what you create and what colors you use, and why you use them. And so, coloring with your younger brother or sister is something fun to do, too, and it helps them with their handwriting. Terrific. Well, thanks, dr. Connie. Glad to be on the show again. Catch some teachable minutes with your younger brothers and sisters, and they will love and appreciate you forever. As dr. Connie says, your younger sister and brother just want a little of your time and attention. And what will you get . A whole lot of love. Scarce in baseball history, but people have won it before. The triple crown is when a batter leads the league in three major offensive categories batting average, home runs, and rbis. 17 players have won the triple crown. Most recently, in 2012, Miguel Cabrera won the triple crown. Other than cabrera, every single triple crown winner is in the hall of fame. Im matt with teen kids news. This Important Message is brought to you by the National Road safety foundation. On the court, you want to crowd your opponent. Its called setting a screen. But on the road, crowding is dangerous. Its called tailgating. Green 18. Hike in football, you want to take advantage of blind spots. But when driving, dont be blindsided by blind spots. So, before changing lanes. Check that no ones in your blind spot. Remember, always share the road. This is a message from the nrsf and sadd. Coming up, well take a tour of a Fascinating Museum that years of flight. From up high, this looks like a very crowded airport. But its actually a century of aviation history frozen in time. This is the Pima Air Space Museum. Located in a tucson, arizona, desert, its home to some of the most important and unusual machines to ever fly in the sky. This is quite an impressive display. Well, thanks. You know, weve been working hard at it for about 35 years now, so were very proud of our accomplishments. One of the most popular exhibits is the blackbird. Its the worlds fastest jet. The blackbird was designed to outrun missiles trying to shoot it down. Thats because the u. S. Used blackbirds to spy on other countries. It was a secret program, so they were flying high and fast long before anyone acknowledged that the program existed. But in the late 70s, i believe 1978, one of the blackbirds flew from los angeles to new york city in 1 hour, 4 minutes and 6 seconds. Wow i wish all flights from new york to los angeles were that fast yeah, no, exactly. But the Inflight Services arent that great. So, what was its top speed . Generally it was a little bit over mach3. Mach 1 is the speed of sound. So, mach 3 means flying at three times the speed of sound. So, were getting into 2,100, 2,200 miles per hour. Wow next on the list was one of the worlds smallest planes, the bumblebee. With so many aircraft in the hangar, i was afraid i would miss finding it. But i neednt have worried. So, im guessing this is the bumblebee. What tipped you off . [ laughing ] i dont know its official name is the starr bumblebee. Thats because it was built by a pilot named bob starr. I would have trouble fitting in there. How did he fit in there . Bob was a really sort of slightly built guy, right . So, he sort of squirmed himself in. The little plane only carried two and a half gallons of gas. So, the flight of the bumblebee was very, very short. Im just surprised it made it off the ground. Yeah, well, you know, one of the reasons he kind of named it bumblebee is, you know, theres the old myth that you know if bumblebees knew anything about physics they wouldnt be able to fly, right . So, thats kind of where he took the theme from. Up there is a concept that really needed to be aware of the physics of flying. That looks like a oneman flying machine. It is. Its a oneman hoppicopter. It was meant to drop soldiers into battle with their own personal helicopter. Interesting idea but terrible application. All it did was break legs, and it was abandoned really quickly. Didnt work. If the hangar seemed crammed with craft, outside looked like a ginormous airplane parking lot. So, were here in front of one of my personal favorites in the collection, and probably in my opinion one of the most genuinely historic aircrafts we have here. Its a boeing nb52a. This is the first series of the stratofortress Strategic Nuclear bomber. This plane was built in 1954. At that time, america was on constant alert in case of Nuclear Attack by the soviet union. If that had happened, the b52 would have been sent to bomb the soviets. Fortunately, there was never a world war iii. So, instead, this stratofortress played an Important Role in the early days of americas space program. It would carry a rocket plane up to the edge of earths atmosphere and then release it. This was one of the ways pilots practiced to become astronauts. You know, neil armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, did mission drops off of this airplane, so its a really this specific airplane . This specific airplane. Its really, really fantastic piece of history right here. When teen kids news returns, well tell you why the u. S. Air force went from candy. Were at the Pima Air Space Museum in arizona. Historic aircraft of all kinds are on display. This plane is older than most of our grandparents. But thats not why its here. Its actually a rather sweet story. This plane is called the candy bomber. Thats also the name of the man who flew it. I became the candy bomber because of kids. Kids and chocolate go together. It was 1948. World war ii had recently ended. Germany was defeated, devastated, and divided. The victorious allies cut up the capital, berlin, like a pie, with each ally controlling its own sector. The area where people lived in freedom was called west berlin. The area where people lived under the iron boot of soviet communism was called east berlin. This film by the u. S. Government helps to explain what it was like to live in postwar berlin. Two and a half Million People, more than half of berlins population, lived in the american, british, and french zones. But the whole city was surrounded by the soviet zone of germany. Supplying the two and a half Million People of the western sectors was a system of rails, canals, and roads. But the soviets wanted berlin all to themselves. So, they set up a giant blockade, cutting off the roads and railroads to west berlin. The suspension of all traffic successfully blocked all surface access to the city. The soviets claimed that technical difficulties caused the stoppage. The truth was that they were trying to force the western allies to surrender their position in berlin. And the weapon was hunger. With no food or supplies able to get in, the soviets expected the allies to pack up and leave. But they didnt. The United States and its allies refused to abandon the people to be starved into accepting soviet rule. There was a big problem, though how to feed more than two Million People trapped in west berlin. It seemed like an impossible undertaking. But the allies had a plan. Theyd bring in supplies by air. Airlift. Army, navy, and air force working together gave an inspiring example of joint action, and we mustnt forget that the british and the french gave much help. It was a massive operation bigger than any airlift ever before. Planes were landing in west berlin every three minutes every hour of the day every day not long before, we had been delivering bombs to compel peace. Now we were delivering bread to maintain that peace. The airlift cargos kept the city alive. One of the heroic airlift pilots was colonel halvorsen, although he was a lieutenant back then. On his day off, he came across some german children gathered at the edge of the airport. It was a tough time for kids in berlin. Most of them had single parents. Parents were killed the war. He knew they were hungry. All he had in his pocket to give them were two sticks of gum. He was touched by how the kids carefully broke the sticks into tiny pieces so that each could get a share. That gave him an idea. He told them to watch for his plane the next day. He would wiggle his wings as he came in for landing. And i said, you come back and stand in the space between the bombedout buildings and the barbedwire fence, and then the runway. Stand in that open place. And when i come over your head to land ill just be in the air a ways ill drop enough chocolate out of the airplane for all of you to have a piece. During the night, he turned handkerchiefs into candy parachutes. As he approached the airport the next day, he wiggled his wings, and the legend of the candy bomber began. Every time he flew to berlin, he and his crew would drop candy to kids waiting below. And then the news got out, and it was all over the world. He thought hed get in trouble, but his Commanding Officer realized the candy brought happiness during a difficult time. Soon, people back home joined in the effort. We got a tremendous response from the United States from people who said, how can we help . They wrote me and sent handkerchiefs for parachutes and candy bars, and then the American Confectioners Association through schools in chocolate. Almost 60 years later, the colonel is still flying and still telling the story. In fact, he recently went to germany, where a school was named for him. There are so many different kinds of planes at this museum, each with an interesting story to discover. Why is it important to have a museum like this . Well, you know, all museums are there to connect us with where weve been. Its one thing to read about the great aircraft that played such key roles in making our nation a world leader in aviation. But to be able to walk up and actually touch them . That truly brings history to life. For teen kids news, im nicole. That wraps it up for this announcer the following is a paid presentation for the fatburning fusion of pilates

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