Transcripts For KCCI CBS This Morning 20151229

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>> we begin at this minute on today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> your in a scenario no one has been in. >> a massive winter storm batters the nation. >> tornadoes, ice storms, flash flood, claiming dozens of lives and there is more pane ahead. a wintry mess moving into the northeast. same areas in the 70s, a few days ago, getting the first winter storm of the season. >> the manhunt for the affluenza teen is over. >> demonstrators marched in cleveland, where the grand jury decided not to indict the officers involved in the shooting of the 12-year-old boy. a huge security breach. >> a drone flewed a janet to the motorcade before acts forced him out. donald trump is taking aim at someone new. >> that hurricane, obama went to new jersey, he was like a little child, christie. >> it's causing evacuations for thousands of residents. >> they got to do something about it. >> rock 'n' roll icon lemmy kilmister zooid died. he started out as a road di for jimmy hendrix. stuck inside, a local fire chief was able pull him to safety. >> all that. >> another hoverboard going up in flames. this time, it was a part of a display, still in its box. >> the broncos are in the playoffs! what a way to lose a football game. >> and all that matters. >> jeb bush says, nobody wants his autograph anymore. they want to take a selfie. >> the selfie is now the 11th amendment of the bill of rights. it is a requirement that you take one and i do it with great joy in my heart. >> the titan spartan cheer leylanders had a guinness world largest game of cornhole. >> yeah! >> this morning's eye opener is brought to you by toyota. let's go place. >> and welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose, norah o'donnell and gayle king are off. much of the east is waking up to a wintry blast of rain, snow and ice. it's the same storm system that hammered areas, hundreds of miles away, sparking flooding and tornadoes in the south and mid-west t. line of heavy rain reaches as far south as florida. >> this storm has already buried some areas in snow. new mexico and oklahoma saw whiteout blizzard conditions. the systems reached new york. overnight, rain and snow created slick roads in buffalo. our minnesota station shows us the conditions in plymouth just >> reporter: good morning, the city is under a snow emergency bracing for a storm expected to hit with a one-two punch. the first punch has brought three-and-a-half inches of snow so far, while cities farther south are just getting rain. swollen rivers flooded dozens of homes in branson, missouri. people have voluntarily evacuated along a larks approaching its highest ever flood stage. the mississippi river could crest at historic levels. the governor says they have declared a state of emergency. >> are you in a scenario no one here has ever been in. if that river hits the targets it is right now that, is higher than the mississippi river has ever been. >> st. louis is under a flood warning with seven inches of rain, since saturday, it's the city's wettest year on record. these men spent monday sandbagging, shoring up homes and businesses west of st. louis expected to crest. 20 feet above flood stage. high water made this stretch of interstate 70 impassable. freezing rain and strong winds and power lines were twisting and cracking. nearly everything coated in ice. strong winds blew over this gas station canopy in southeastern wisconsin. striking a car and narrowly missing the people who pulled in to refuel. and along the shores of chicago's icy lake michigan, high waves made for a pretty picture, but it was not inviting. minnesota department of transportation crews are out in full force. they're using around 800 plows and people are working 12-hour shifts, to keep up. anthony. >> ashley, thanks. the winter weather could ruin travel plans for thousands of people today. so far this morning, more than more than 225 are delayed. adriana diaz is at chicago's o'hare international airport, where travelers are looking for new ways to get that their destination. good morning. >> reporter: anthony, as can you see, it is a zoo here at terminal three. normally the security lines stop just where you see that black barrier. i don't know if you have see through the people. it is extending the length of a football field and wraps around to the other end of the terminal. many people on this line are stranded here, were stranded overnight, because their flights were canceled yesterday. there have already been more than 200 flights cancelled here today t. severe weather is a major factor in the travel chaos. more than 1,300 flights were cancelled here yesterday. nearly 300 were delayed. passengers were stranded. many were scrambling to try to rework their travel plans here at the second nation busiest airport. in texas at airports across the state, there were backlogs of flights because of the weekend storm. more than 1,200 flights were canceled and nearly 600 were delayed at airports in dallas, boston, and houston, causing a ripple effect in air travel across the nation. but if you can believe it, there is some good news. almost all of the major airlines are waving rebooking fees for travelers traveling within the path of the storm system. anthony. >> a little bit of good news. thanks. the storm is delivering snow and ice this morning to parts of the northeast. chief weather caster lonnie quinn of our new york station wcbs shows us the impacts across the nation. good morning. >> good morning to you, anthony, every single weather story you showed us, every one of them related to the same weather system. take a look at why it's all different colors. because you got sleek, ice, rain, snow. the question is, where does it go from here? you take a look at the computer modem. the low pressure responsible for this system will make a push to the east. basically, off to the east it goes, it drags the moisture with it. is it rain? is it snow? i will show you how it plays out. you get to the green mountain, that's where you find the biggest, six to 12 inches. maybe more as you get into maine, albany new york, you are in that darker slot. darker portions into the hudson valley, one to three inches. so is it the biggest snowstorm ever? no, certainly one of the biggest for the northeast. we have winter weather advisories in the northeast. we have them in effect for portions of the mid-west. look at these swatchs, little splashs of green. these are river flood warnings. what's interesting, you look at them all. they're all over the place from just outside chicago down to north of the gulf of mexico. this is a picture that you see typically in the springtime, we're catching it right now, out the year. abnormal weather picture. it will be a snowy one well into the northeast today. back to you. >> hard to know to put on your rain coat, your winter gear, weeks. they were found on monday in puerto vallarta. we have what is next for the pair. omar, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the bizarre international search for the so-called affluenza teen and his mother is now over. but the question of why they were running? that's just debting started. and son, are now in the hands of mexican authorities after the pair was apprehended in puerto vallarta on the pacific coast of mexico. this new image, released by mexican official, shows 18-year-old couch with an altered appearance, his blond hair now a dark brown. >> ethan couch now sought by the u.s. marshals service. >> reporter: earlier this month the two disappeared after coup missed a meeting with his probation officer. ethan couch made headlines two years ago, when he alluded jail time after killing four people in a drunk driving crash. during trial, a psychologist testified on behalf of couch saying the teen suffered from affluenza, suggesting his parents' wealth left him without a on the of responsibility. officials believe the pair may have fled because of this video. it appeared to show couch at a party where a drinking game was this could have violated his probation. even though he is 18, couch's case is moved over to adult court. he will face sentencing in front of a juvenile judge. it can only go to juvenile detention. antony. >> omar, thanks. cleveland officials are appealing for calm today after a grand jury decided not to duty two police officers in the killing of a 12-year-old boy in a play grounz. prosecutors say a video showed tamir rice pulling out a pellet gun just before last year's shooting. there were protests as far away as new york city. more a likely today. demarco morgan, the county prosecutor says a series of mistakes led to his death. marco, good morning. >> good morning. first, let's take a look at this memorial behind me. >> that continues to grow since that announcement was made yesterday, dozens of people stopping by to contribute items to the boy who lost his life in this park. mistakes were made, pointing to a police radio dispatcher who spoke with the officers on the day of the shooting, who they say did not relay important information. they say the officer or dispatcher never told the officers that tamir rice might be underage or that the gun that he was carrying could be fake. president test protesters watched, hours after they announced the grand jury's decision. given this perfect storm of human error, the state, miscommunication by all involved that day the evidence did not indicate criminal conduct by police. >> reporter: enhanced under surveillance video from the shooting shows loehmann and garmback drive up to tamir rice, within seconds, loehmann opens fire. prosecutor say they show him pulling out the pellet gun to officers it was not real. >> but there was no way for the officers to know that. they saw the events rapidly unfolding in front of them. >> on monday, rice's family says mcginty was abusing and manipulating the grand jury process and hired so-called expert witnesses to try to exonerate the officers. >> i just wish they would quit using my grandson in vain and do the right thing. indict them police officers. >> reporter: rice's grandmother calls the decision heart breaking. >> this is a 12-year-old kid's life that was taken and they letting everybody know it's okay for the police officers to do whatever they want to do. there were two officers and mr. mcginty. they're going to have to live with this just like i do. police off both the rice family and the officer's involved. >> thank you. presidentttial candidates are back on the stump this morning after a christmas break. and this time donald trump has a new target. this one is not named clinton. the gop front runner rallied with supporters if new hampshire last night after the state's largest newspaper compared him to the bully biff in "back to the future" major has trump's fiery response. major, i'm bracing for it. >> reporter: good morning, donald trump had harsh words for the paper's endorsed candidate, new jersey governor chris christie, after threatening on twitter over the holiday to lead a republican charge into bill clinton's sordid sexual history, trump apparently felt his online at least for now. >> i believe in hitting back. done you think so? >> reporter: donald trump hit hard as new hampshire's leader. >> you have a dishonest knew it's also a failing newspaper. it's going down the tubers. >> also lashing out at the paper's publisher. >> his name's joe mcquaid. nah. he's a low life. i'm telling you. >> reporter: mcgrade used his paper's monday to call traump crude blowhard, reminiscent of biff tanon in the "back to the future" trilogy. >> i want to say one thing, good bless america. >> reporter: since starting the battle over sexism with hillary clinton, trump tip toed around the word that stirred the pot in the first place. >> can i say the word? obama. i won. >> reporter: trump accused bill clinton of unnamed acts of abuse towards women and warned that allegations of his past infitelt campaign. hillary clinton's camp called trump's words degrading and that outrage immediately morphed into a fundraising appeal. we can't make donald trump stop talking, said a campaign e-mail, but we can make sure he never, ever becomes president. trump's online attacks were enough to force several gop rivals into his corner. >> every past president is fair game t. fact that one of them happens to be married to a presidential candidate doesn't change that. >> i don't think it's hillary's fault she is married to a man that does this, but it is a question about what kind of laws we should have and how you should treat women in the pork place. >> hillary clinton's campaign announced bill clinton will be on the campaign on his wife's behalf on monday. after hearing this, trump was reminding his follower, when bill campaigned for hillary in 2008, according to trump, he quote failed badly. >> major, thanks. a man who flew a drone over president obama's motorcade in motorcade did not stop or slow down. the aircraft was brought down after secret service agents approached its owner. they say he was completely unaware the president would be in the area. iraq's prime minister is reported to be in the city of ramadi this morning. this follows days of fighting, where iraqi government troops drove isis militants out. ramadi is a key proishl capital located west of baghdad. elizabeth palmer is in london tracking the newest development. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the final 'ush to take ramadi follows weeks of preparation as iraqi troops patiently surrounded the town and cut off all the supply lines. nally the symbol of victory. for the first time since may, iraq's flag was hoisted over government buildings. all week, iraq special forces have led the fight to retake ramadi. equipment and more than 600 airstrikes by coalition planes on isis targets. but the iraqis also won because they have been learning on the job. in ferocious battles earlier this year, they managed to push isis out. in ramadi, they did it without major help from irregular shiite militias. for these soldiers, that was a big moral boost. "cbs news," national security analyst. >> they're better trained and enabled in part through the u.s. and koes partnership. but also, they have greater will and capacity. they are clearly fighting with more strategic intent and capability. >> reporter: the battle to retake ramadi important though it was is just pre amble for what's coming in 2016. on national television, iraq's prime minister warned, we are and deal isis a fatal blow. first, though the government will have to repair the damage and restore services if ramadi to lure residents back and keep them loyal so isis stays on the run. and the iraqi army is warning that operations in ramadi aren't entirely over yet. there are still pockets of isis fighters and at least one suburb and the city is heavily bobby margaret. >> thank you. major new developments in the search for a methane grass leak that forced thousands of families from their neighborhoods. ahead, we'll tell you why those families still have to wait months to return t metinka: the snow has moved out after dropping a fresh blanket of four to 10 inches across central iowa. it is looking like winter and feeling like it with wind chills in the teens and highs near 26. more light snow is on the way but nothing like yesterday. only an inch or fresh accumulation expected tomorrow. >> they're bumping into things and people. >> we'll look at the spike in injuries from storm tracker 2000ed walking and how technology is outpacing our ability to pay attention. >> the news is back in the morning." crawfish shorts i like your style hooked it just a little bit (window breaks, car alarm sounds) don't open that cellar door epic comeback starts right here lucky shot. mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmm jane didn't like restrictions. not in life. and not when it came to watching her calories. why settle on taste? jane thought. that's why jane loves light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. bursting with rich creamy awesomeness all for 80 calories. no settling here. what else does jane love? that you could win a fitbit flex from light & fit. learn more on specially marked packs. light & fit. feel free to enjoy. when it's your time to shine you want to feel good from head to toe... including your nails. introducing the latest innovation from amop\. the amop\ electronic nail care system. the fast way to file, buff, and shine for effortless, shiny wow nails! so you can step out with that amop\ confidence and shine on! the new electronic nail care system from amop\. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. but sir froggy can never forget. "what's worse", he thinks... "that my arms can never relax anybody who struggles with their weight and i'm at the head of that class, knows that it's not just about the weight; it's about something bigger. you've been fighting with then wrong tools; you've been looking in the wrong direction. so every time i tried and failed, and every time i tried again has brought me to this most powerful moment. to say, if not now, when? on average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year, to make as much money as one top ceo. it's called the wage gap. and the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for those at the top and letting corporations write their own rules. hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. she gets the job done for us. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. missing on a hunting trip when a tornado rips through. ahead the latest on the search. plus kennedy centers honoree george lucas and why he now 7:26... just in - a picture of a crash on the off ramp at 7th street and i-235 - very slippery there this morning. alyx sacks just snapping this picture for us... kcci 8 traffic! any accident locations are plotted on the map. your mobile speed unit locations are listed on the map. good morning. the snow has moved out leaving behind a blanket of four to ten inches across central iowa. it's looking like winter and feeling like it with wind chills close to 10 degrees. bundle up to shovel or sled today with highs only in the 20s. another inch or so of snow is on the way wednesday followed by a blast of really cold air to cordes: most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. people don't have access to healthcare because they just can't afford it. bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, and he's been consistent. he understands that the system is rigged, i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. >> a fire chief risked his life to rescue a man trapped inside a car after it crashed head on into a utility pole. york, pennsylvania chief nate tracy ran to the car as flames surged from its back end monday. tracy leaned into the car, pulled the man out, dragged him to safety as you can see just as help arrived. the man suffered head injuries and smoke inhalation, but he is expected to be okay. what an amazing event that was. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, residents of a southern california neighborhood could be out of their home for months. into the community and making people sick. why it took so long to fix a well. a pioneer of heavy metal music died. lemmy kilmister, we'll show you how his lifestyle influenced the songs he wrote. that's ahead. the "new york times" says police in belgium have arrested two people suspected of planning new year's eve terrorist attacks t. suspects were detained after searches on sunday and monday. prosecutors say the twoped to attack several targets in brussels. police found uniforms and isis propaganda but no weapons or explosives. the alleged plot is not related to last month's terrorist attacks in paris. the we'll journal reports on an agreement between south korea and japan over so-called comfort women. these were korean women used as sex slaves by japanese soldiers in world war ii. and they visited foreign comfort women. japan will pay $8 million to support the victims. it could reenforce their ties and help them to confront china. the search for country music craig strictland set to resume today. strictland and a friend chase moreland went on a hunting trip. moreland's body was found yesterday after police found their capsized boat. severe winter weather hit the area over the weekend. >> the houston chronicle reports a hoverboard that forced police to evacuate a houston area shopping mall. witnesses say the board was still in its box, but it caught on fire inside a kiosk at the mall filling the immediate area with smoke t. fire was extinguished. google is tracking more privacy experts. they are tracking children's data in self targeted ads. more than half laptops or tablets bought by u.s. public schools for dradz k through 12 were chrome books. they run on google software. google says it is committed to keeping students information private and secure. a southern california gas company says it has pinpointed the location of a noxious gas leak in los angeles. the fumes captured by an infrared camera forced thousands of people from their homes in the neighborhood. the company says it could be months before the leak is plugged. we see the toll on families. >> reporter: an underground well in the hills of porter ranch is leaking. this infrared camera shows methane gas billowing into the air. it was shot by the environmental defence fund. homeowners filing suits against southern california's gas utility company shared these images. >> you could smell the gas inside the house with the windows closed. and when you walked outside, it just smacked you in the face. >> reporter: robin shapiro moved her family into her parents' home after she claimed the gas made them sick. >> i was getting headaches that were lasting days and days, migraine-like headaches. then my son started getting bloody noses and respiratory issues for both of my children. >> the leak started in october. so far, more than 6500 families have filed for help. but the gas company admits there is a backlog and only 2,200 have been relocated. students at two schools will move to other schools when classes a back in session next week. >> once the leak is stopped, caused the leak and we will be able to evaluate how much natural gas escaped as a result of the incident. >> reporter: the state agency that monitors air quality estimates nearly 70,000 pounds of gas is released every hour, but health officials say methane doesn't pose long-term health risks. music producer says the leak is affecting his health and his business. >> i can't work in here. i can't breathe in here sometimes. when that wind blows off that hymn, comes down that fireplace, i can't work. >> reporter: to fix the leak, the gas company drilled a relief well nearby, using magnetic technology, workers have located the leaking well some 4,000 feet below ground. they have to drill another 4,000 feet where they'll intersect the faulty well, then fill it with cement to seal it. a solution that can't come soon enough for homeowners like robin shapiro. >> we feel like this is never going to ends. gas company. and we want them to shut it down. >> for "cbs this morning." quarter ranch, california. >> 70,000 pounds of gas. >> what a way the spends your holiday, not knowing when it will end. all right, the rock music world is mourning one of the personalities. lemmy kilmister turned 70 on christmas eve and had just been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer a. long list of remarkers are offering tributes including billy idom, myles kennedy, lead singer of the brand altar bridge calls lemmy a rebel poet until the end. >> we are motorhead. we play rock 'n' roll. [ music playing ] >> reporter: with his gravelly vocals and signature style, the british rocker embodied the soul of heavy metal, influencing [ music playing ] >> reporter: lemmy formed motorhead in the mid-70s, the banned produced music with a hard gutteral sound. the ace of spade". >> reporter: in 1980, "the ace of spades" cracked the charts. with his heavy drinking and wild antic, lemmy's lifestyle appeared to live up to the lyrics in the songs he wrote i'm coming home". >> reporter: he penned hits for mama and coming home for ozzie osbourne. oz bourne tweeted. i lost one of my best friends, a warrior and a legend. fans salem my will be remembered for staying true to himself and his music. >> i did it right. that's about as much as i can say. that's the biggest thing you can get. >> lemmy's fan base expressed their shock and sadness on motor shhead's facebook fans. they said play lemmy's music loud, have a drink or two, share the life this wonderful man celebrated so vibrantly himself. he would want exactly that. a ral surprise i think. he was only diagnosed a couple days ago. people were shocked about this. a student's distracted walking has skyrocketed. we'll show you the risk of a nation wide problem that could be much worse than hospital data suggests. that's ahead on "cbs this morning". if you are headed off to, who, set your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" any time. you don't want to miss the honoree george lucas on why he walked away from directing at the very top of his game. . >> the risk of distracted this morning after an indiana man's deadly fall. witnesses say the 33-year-old was looking at a device when he plunged off a cliff. research on how distraction are leading to a rising football of injuries each year. chris, good morning. >> good morning. part of the danger here is where you are looking. when your head is down, looking at your phone, you have a limited range of vision. so you may not see opticals particularly like it is here in washington. take our producer here signs another obstacle. it's resulting in injury, in some case, even deaths. they believe this man took a picture of the sunset when he took a fatal fall onto the rock below. looking more down on the device. >> people distracted by devices like this woman seen on mall security cameras. focused on her phone, walking straight into a mound u fountain or this man talking into a phone and going right off a train platform. in a recent study, 78% of americans said storm tracker 2000ed walking is a serious issue. another study found people using tear phone while walking veered off course 61% of the time. overshot their target 13% more than when they were not storm tracker 2000ed by their device. >> reporter: a lot of people admit they don't do it. >> it's getting worse as we have more and more features on these devices we carry around with us that can distract us. >> reporter: while the number of e.r. visits doubled between 2005 and 2010 to more than 1,500, she believes the problem is actually much bigger. of texting and walk sack good safe combo? >> no, just like driving and texting, biking and texting. >> reporter: researchers at ohio state found millennials are the most likely to be injured. nearly 80% stem from falls, half at home. we found kelly davis working on her phone as she walked to lunch. kelly, have you ever had a moment where you walked into something or fell? >> absolutely, i walked into a light post. >> reporter: that had to hurt. for the first time, the national safety council is adding distracted walking to its lists of unintentional death and injuries. >> that list comes out every year the bottom line here, really, is look up and look both ways when you're walking, not down at your phone, anthony. >> chris, thanks. many of us are guilty of this. >> we all do it. >> i had an incident, i was walking down to the edit room. i was looking down, six stitches later on the top of my head. >> my goodness. >> air travelers that want to skip those expensive fees for changing a flight. plus a seal tries to cross a california highway and finds out that flippers only help you go fast in the water. metinka: the snow has moved out after dropping a fresh blanket of four to 10 inches across central iowa. it is looking like winter and feeling like it with wind chills in the teens and highs near 26. high clouds but less wind than yesterday. more light snow is on the way but nothing like yesterday. only an inch or fresh >> 6, 5, 4321 fire in the hole. >> hundreds of people in pittsburgh watched as 1,400 pounds of explosives brought down the 94-year-old greenfield bridge. a local school cafeteria manager won a raffle to set off monday morning's explosion. the interstate highway under the next few days while workers remove the debris a. new bridge is expected to open in may of 2017. >> i have to say, it would have been fun to push that plungeer. something fascinating about blowing things up. in northern. ka california, why did the seal pass the road? the female seal climbed out of the water monday north of san francisco and repeatedly tried to cross a major highway a. rescue team and police tried to get the half ton creature back into the water. it did finally leave on its own and swam away i wonder where it was going. >> you do wonder. was it confused by the weather? wow, emotions pour out as families return to homes ripped apart by tornadoes. ahead, a look at the cleanup as a storm victim takes stock of everything they loss. morning." all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! okay! fun's over. aw. aw. thirsty? they said it would make me cool. they don't sound cool to me. guess not. you got to stick up for yourself, like with the name your price tool. people tell us their budget, not the other way around. aren't you lactose intolerant? feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. when it's your time to shine you want to feel good from head to toe... including your nails. introducing the latest innovation from amop\. the amop\ electronic nail care system. the fast way to file, buff, and shine for effortless, shiny wow nails! so you can step out with that amop\ confidence and shine on! the new electronic nail care system from amop\. discover card. hi! so it says here i can redeem my cashback bonus for cash. do i need to have a certain amount? 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"what's worse", he thinks... "that my arms can never relax or my eyes can never look away?" whatcha doin? just prepping for my boss' party in a couple weeks. what are those? crest whitestrips. they whiten way better than paste. crest 3d white whitestrips... whiten 25 times better than the leading whitening toothpaste. i'd say... ...someone's making quite an impression. crest 3d white whitestrips. welcome back it's now 7:56... kcci 8 traffic! any accident locations are plotted on the it's tuesday, december 29th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including this year's biggest legal stories. rikki klieman takes a look at everything from freddie gray to bill cosby. first, here's today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> the city is under a snow emergency, bracing for a storm expected to hit with a 1-2 punch. >> it is a zoo here. the severe weather is a major factor in the travel chaos. >> all the different colors, you've got sleet, ice, rain, the question is where does it go from here. >> the search for the so-called affluenza teen and his mother is over. the question of why they were running is just getting started. >> boston police say mistakes were made, point to a police radio dispatcher who they say did not relay important information. >> the push to take ramadi, troops had surrounded the town and cut off the isis supply lines. >> donald trump did have harsh words for the paper's endorsed candidate, new jersey governor chris christie. >> part of the danger here is where you're looking. when your head is down looking at your phone, you have a very limited range of vision so you may not see obstacles until you're right up close. >> we are under way at the military bowl. henderson from the 1, across the 20, side-steps, one man to beat. he could go! >> i'm anthony mason with margaret brennan. charlie, gayle and norah are off. parts of the northeast are experiencing the first taste of winter as a deadly storm system slowly moves toward the atlantic. the storms have already sparked other weather events, including flash flooding. swollen rivers flooded dozens of homes in branson, missouri. the mississippi river could crest at historic levels. >> and in new mexico, highways turned icy and treacherous. much of the state saw blizzard conditions and high water in illinois made a stretch of interstate 70 impassable. freezing rain and strong winds caused power lines to twist and crack. % >> let's bring back lonnie quinn, chief weather caster at wcbs. good morning again. >> if you take a look at what the storm is doing right now, you still see all the colors out there. the blue shows you where the snow is, the pink is particularly hazardous and that is a big swath of icing and the green is a lot of rain. now, where the storm is going to low pressure responsible for all of this is going to push off to the east and take the moisture with it. this has been a funk of a season as far as snowfall for the northeast. take a look at the numbers. now, these numbers in pink is where we should be. burlington, vermont, should have 21.3 inches. so far this year 2.1. boston should have 9.1, they have had 0. this is your story, buffalo should have almost three feet of snow, 33.1 inches. so far they have had officially an inch. who gets the big snow with this articular event as we finish this day will be the areas well north, like the white mountains, the green mountains into the state of maine. 6 to 12 inches or even more. look at what the temperatures do. when you get to the afternoon, new york city, you're 52 degrees. that's why this is wet, it's not white. if you look across the country, you'll find a 26-degree high temperature in kansas city. the ice box, international falls, comes in with a balmy warm temperature of 15 degrees. degrees, 53 in san francisco, 61 in l.a. so all in all i would sum up this day by saying it's a flip-flop from what we've seen this year. so far it's all been about the west coast and the storms. today the west coast is calm and the east coast gets some action. this is the biggest storm we've had. it's not enormous but has proven to be problematic with the icing and you'll get snow well to the north. margaret, over to you. >> thank you. people affected by the storms have begun the painful process of assessing what was lost. tornados damaged or destroyed more than 1400 homes. places in texas were the hardest hit. david begnaud is in garland as survivors share how they escaped the deadly twisters. good morning. >> reporter: margaret, good morning. the couple that lived at this home in garland was at a party saturday night when the tornado rolled through. the house is destroyed. across the city of garland, some 600 homes and businesses have either been damaged or leveled. in the city of garland, eight in their vehicles. and that happened just a half mile from here. the largest of the nine tornados that tore through northeast texas was more than five football fields wide. for 13 miles it barrelled through the cities of garland and rowlett, destroying homes, businesses and killing eight of the 11 people that died in the dallas area. petra ruiz was a 27-year-old mother of four. she was on her way home when the tornado tossed her vehicle off interstate 30. >> oh, i see it! it's crossing the highway right there. >> reporter: ruiz and several others died when their cars went airborne. before the tornado hit she made one last phone call to her husband. he rushed to find her. >> she started screaming. she screamed and screamed. her phone went blank. i grabbed her wrist to see if she had a pulse. but she was gone. >> reporter: are we standing on the roof? >> no. >> reporter: the home of the roach family is demolished. they say they hid in a closet as the tornado hit and could feel the house literally lift off the ground. >> the lights flickered and it just went pitch black. we got down into the closet like literally within seconds of this thing hitting us. >> reporter: in less than 20 seconds, the home collapsed on top of them. neighbors heard their screams for help but it took nearly an hour to pull them from under the debris. >> this is the closet we were in. it rained a little more, this was up a little more, but we were actually -- they dug us out. >> reporter: despite the fact that the home collapsed on top of them, anthony, the roaches, mom, dad and the two daughters, had minor injuries. >> thanks, david. the severe weather is causing new travel headaches. cancellations and delays yesterday created long lines at airports. some travelers are turning to start-up companies for help. customers a way to hold specific flights up to three weeks for a small charge. customers can lock in lower rates and avoid change fees. cherise jones is a travel reporter. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is a staggering number. the airlines made nearly $3 billion last year on these change fees which everybody hates. how do these businesses help travelers avoid them? >> basically they put a hold on a flight for you for a specified amount of time for a very small fee. you can go ahead and book the flight if you want it. if you don't want it, you're just out of that fee instead of paying hundreds of dollars to the airline to change your flight that you committed to plans were going to be. >> what small of a fee? >> it ranges from $2 to $50 depending on the itinerary. that's not a lot compared to $200 or $300 to change at the last minute. >> some airlines are even offering the service? >> united airlines lets you hold days for $7 or $9 and american up to 24 hours for free. >> so if the airlines are also getting in on it, that's a sign they're also making money off of this. does this overall actually in any way save you the cost of a ticket? or is this helping to inflate prices by creating an options market? >> it's not inflating prices. the good thing about these middle men is you have a lot of different options. so if you want to look at one carrier for one itinerary, another carrier for another, that's two different fees, close to $15. but if you have to pay a change fee plus the difference in the fares, that's a fortune for a lot of people. >> so you think it's worth it. >> i think it can be. things happen, work gets in the pay, your partner you're traveling with may have to change their plans. you may want a little comfort to lock in that low fare when you find it. >> is this better than flight insurance? >> flight insurance is a little different. that's if there's a problem, if there's a calamity, if you need help getting back, if there's a disaster where you are and you have to get back home so this is a different thing. it's insurance on the front end that if you change your mind, that you're not going to be out hundreds of dollars because the airline hits you with that big price tag. >> if these companies are actually holding seats for potential travelers, does this in any way make the system any more gummed up? >> they're not really holding it. it's kind of a calculation they're making. they're looking at the universe of seats and what each seat costs and making a calculation that they can guarantee this flight in this window of time at this price. now if that flight goes away, they'll find a similar itinerary and if the fare goes up, they'll give you the difference. >> interesting idea. >> it's getting more and more complicated to travel. >> it is getting a little complex. >> thank you. >> thank you. george lucas transformed the way we watch movies. big screen and created a movie empire. charlie rose talks to lucas about how the director wants to be remembered, and his answer might surprise you. good morning. the snow has moved out leaving behind a blanket of four to ten inches across central iowa. it's looking like winter and feeling like it with wind chills close to 10 degrees. bundle up to shovel or sled today with highs only in the 20s. another inch or so of snow is on the way wednesday followed by a blast of really cold air to great day. big legal battles captivated the country in 2015, from new assault allegations against a popular comedian to the kentucky clerk who went to jail for her beliefs. rikki klieman is in our toyota green room to take a look back. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. in fact, it whitens more than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. >> we reported earlier on major new developments in the tamir rice case. a grand jury decided not to bring criminal charges against cleveland police officers involved in his shooting death. >> that case is just the latest in a year filled with big legal news. we have a look back and the cases to watch for in 2016. good morning. >> good morning. calm in cleveland in the wake of the grand jury decision. were you surprised? >> ultimately, i don't think i'm surprised be i the decision, because the material that went into the grand jury as it's become public as a story is very different than what we see in chicago with jason van dyke. in tamir rice, one thing we do know from the report is there was an enhanced video and that enhanced video supposedly showed this boy who had a pellet gun, having that gun in his hand at the time the police arrived. it was a case of complete miscommunication, misunderstanding and by the way, lack of training, which brings me to chicago because the case of the area in chicago, that is ending '15 an beginning '16 is police officer jason van dyke. why is his case so different? but what sus this video show, it shows they have a report, that's a slight way of saying it if they talked about thisay from the police, one police officer shoot him 16 times. >> this is the case you are watching most closely this coming year? >> i think jason van dyke is a case we must watch closely this year. it is, if you go to 2014 and ferguson, what happens with jason van dyke in chicago is not just jason van dyke. it creates a whole political atmosphere we must be aware of not only in chicago but nationwide, ultimately the lessons learned is training, training, training. we have got to take police officers and make them able to slow down both with people who is enhanced by drugs, also people emotionally disturbed. >> these are emotionally fraught cases. >> correct. >> in the d.c. area where i live, we are very focused on what's happening in baltimore with freddie gray. >> i think freddie gray has to be the case they will become most involved with for "cbs this morning" by virtual of six trials coming up here. the first trial as we know, william porter, the end of 2015. he is found nothing, not acquitted. not convicted. a hung jury, a big loss for the prosecution at that point. so where are they going next? we begin 2016 with the driver of the car caesar goodson. when have you officer goodson. he is the only one who is charged with murder not manslaughter, it's not a reckless endangerment. even though there are lesser included offenses. he is the driver of the van where freddie gray dies. what we're going to find out in that case is, first of all, can the government prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt and second of all, which perhaps is first, is can you get a fair trial in baltimore after the hung jury in the porter case the first of the freddie gray. these are going one after other after another for months. >> i want to get to one other case, there have been a prominent case, bill cosby is suing some of his accusers. what do you make of that? >> well, bill cosby was not going to sit idly by. it's all about defamation. his lawyers say you defamed me, okay, i'm defameing you. and round. it's an aggressive defense. '16. >> interesting year ahead, thank from high drama to every day routine, the extraordinary photos that show the story of our world. next the results of national . . only on "cbs this morning," we are revealing the winners of contest. the grand prize winner shows a tornado touching down in colorado. amazing. australian photographer james smart called the picture simply dirt. he captured the dramatic image while chasing storms in the west. national geographic divided the contest into three concern is place, people and nature. >> a binghamton new york man won the people photo with a young man and his bicycle in a uganda slum. a pick showing a marsh damaged by radioactive waste. some of the honorable mentions include photos from iran, indonesia, taiwan and lithuania. the grand prize winner takes home $10,000 and a national can you see all the pictures at "cbs this morning."com. >> a great shot national geographic brings out the best stuff. >> indeed. ahead, how an american ent tren (newer in china is helping welcome back, it's now 8:25! you're looking at the latest statewide road conditions from the iowa state patrol. plows making progress overnight - but there's still a lot to do! the few roads you see in pink are still completely covered - the blue are partially covered. residential plowing has started - des moines public works crews will be updating this map with their progress throughout the day. they have 700 miles of residential streets to clear- so be patient! a live picture from the des see many planes taking off this morning - a dozen delayed or canceled before 10 am! to houston, washington, chicago, denver, detroit, newark. airlines are having trouble finding seats to rebook passengers, telling them they can't get out until sunday! kcci 8 traffic! any accident locations are plotted on the map. your mobile speed unit locations are listed on the map. on average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year, to make as much money as one top ceo. it's called the wage gap. and the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for those at the top and letting corporations write their own rules. hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. she gets the job done for us. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. good morning. the snow has moved out leaving behind a blanket of four to ten inches across central iowa. it's looking like winter and feeling to 10 degrees. bundle up to shovel or sled today with highs only in the 20s. another inch or so of snow is on the way wednesday followed by a blast of really cold air to ring in the new year. have a >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, a new approach for chinese people who want english nicknamed. meet the young american avoiding choices like ghost. >> you don't want that name make the? >> i kind of liked it. >> before "star wars" episode 7 became a global phenomenon, charlie rose traveled to skywalker ranch for an in-depth conversation with the series creator george lucas. how they created an entire >> time to show you the headline the san francisco chronicle reports on a crackdown on sidewalk graffiti that promotes justin bieber's few album "purpose." it's a part of a gorilla marketing campaign. the attorney said he will groat pursue all available penalties for those responsible. the label has not commented. "time" reports on a facebook post circulating this month. it says, in part, mark zuckerberg is giving away $45 billion of facebook stock, what you may not have heard is he plans to give 10% away to people leak you and me. all you have to do is copy it no a post immediately. facebook confirms, zuckerberg has no such plans. >> it is a hoax. and the san diego unionhe had been feuding over contract negotiations, you think he should be able to see his daughter dance. >> you would think. you would sometimes ask what is in a name? in shanghai china, it's a business opportunity for an entrepreneur, how an expat turned it into a service for young chinese people. >> reporter: good morning the lesson those lost in translation moments is calling for chinese to take an english nickname. sometimes those nicknames are unusual. i work with a girl hayes, haze. my chinese teacher is named echo. on the streets of shanghai, we met cheng and longjing, their >> and your name? >> is jean. >> reporter: jo hung goes by dig. why do you have an english name? >> everyone has one at work he told us. but many nicknames do not exactly translate well to native english speakers. we met a girl named king and at star bucks a government and a right as in mr. right. >> a lot of international restaurants around. >> reporter: american lindsey jurn gen was introduced to this phenomenon when she moved from washington, d.c. to shanghai and started meeting people. >> their names were boat, 11, apple. there were normal ones like edison eddie for short. >> reporter: what did you think of all these names? >> at first i was sort of confused, curious, why is this your english name? >> reporter: in all of this, she saw an opportunity an launched a website to help chinese find an >> we have the name the origin. the target audience is 18 to about 30. it's people that are kind of getting a little more serious about tear job of stgd abroad. >> users can take a quiz where for $45 get a 30 minute one on one consultation. jurnigenex plains the meaning of names and chinese often want one uncommon and similar to their chinese name. >> i like when chinese people say i don't have an english name. ly stick with my chinese name. but we're in china. >> yeah,tomily. so on our website, you never say they have to have an english name. it's very much a resource for people actively already looking for a english name. >> almost all of my friends have an english fame. >> reporter: meet this 28-year-old, formerly known as 11. the number of her favorite soccer player. people my name is 11, what did they say? >> that's my trouble. they always say, seven, seven-11 is a famous comedian star in china. they go where is 7. >> caution another 7-eleven joke? >> right. >> after working with jurnagen, 11 became kira. >> it's not that common. it sounds smart. tier kira knightley. >> some names just don't work. >> you run into a name 14 or yellow and you have a name scarlet, violet, so i totally understand why it's confusing. >> reporter: there is a learning curve for all involved. this juice store manager was formerly known as ding, his new some practice for his father. >> evan. >> that's what your dad said? he couldn't pronounce it when you told him? now this goes both ways, in japan, they have a hard time pronounceing the th in my name. here in china the ministry of foreign affairs has given me a chinese name, doan, it means much kindness. for "cbs this morning," seth doane in shanghai. >> i apt chinese nickname. that's by a want. >> what an amazing business modem. the force awakens is blasting to new heights at the box office, charlie rose asks "star wars" createdor george lucas about his biggest moments in hollywood and good morning. the snow has blanket of four to ten inches across central iowa. it's looking like winter and feeling like it with wind chills close to 10 degrees. bundle up to shovel or sled today with highs only in the 20s. another inch or so of snow is on the way wednesday followed by a blast of really cold air to great day. zblomplts >> "star wars" "the force awakens" continues to shatter box office records, the seventh installment in the franchise passed a billion dollars in ticket sales faster than any movie in history. it's been almost four decades theaters, changing hollywood forever, legendary creator george lucas spans a career 45 years now, his impact gave him cinematic honors. charlie rose met with him at his skywalker ranch in california he talks about what it means to be a director. >> a director is somebody who's got a fetish with making the world the way he wants it to be. saturday of nars cystic. >> that's you? >> all directors. >> they're not all different. >> all directors are vaguely like emmoreers, whichemmorers, emperors. he can do it with less money and say i will create a world where people can fly. >> reporter: george lucas didn't he constructed an entire galaxy. [ music playing ] >> on its surface the "star wars" series, is a sci-fi space odyssey with odd creatures and epic space battles. but its genius lies in the simple story beneath all of that. timeless elements like family. >> i am your father. >> is there a stronger? >> no. >> and the fight between good and evil. as its creator lucas has been called one of the most innovative film makers in history. in his heart, he considers himself a storyteller. >> didn't you intend to in the beginning create really three movies when you started? and then you decide only to take one part of that life story? >> yeah, i took the first affect. then the first act didn't really work. take the ending of the third film, put it on the first film. it's what you do, you have a bunch of stuff on your desk while you are creating. let me stick that in here. i wasn't worried that much about the sequels. i was actually making it. i have make this the best film some when i moved onto the other once, ben kenobi is dead, i killed him. how am i going to fix that? and what do i do? i blew the deficit star. that's what the ending is. but part of it was simply when i got down to some of the other movies, i was able to create an environment in a world that wasn't possible when i started the first one, so to me getting yoda to do a sword fight, which i had always wanted to do, i couldn't do it. because he was a muppet. >> reporter: lucas became a pioneer in the world of special effects. >> reporter: his work forever changed the way films are made. and he changed how they sound, too. 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 rock"? his movie "american graffiti" lucas opted out of a composer and nar rated the entire story with popular songs. >> that's the clearest inpoint for a teenager is the music. half of what a teenager is, is music. yeah. the other half is trouble. or raging hormones or whoever we describe it. at the same time, that's what the movie is about. >> cars and music and rageing hormones? >> i should have called it that. we were looking for title, you finally fixed it out. the studioped to call it another slow night in mo deficito. better. it could have been a hit. >> reporter: the low budget film was one of the most commercially successful films of its time. before he was 40, lucas went on to make the first three "star wars" and "indiana jones, raiders of the lost arc." and then, he walked away. >> i mean, i gave up directing in order to become a dad. you know, for 15 years. i just ran a company and was an innovator. but it was not doing what i really like to do which is actually make movies. >> reporter: that's because you wanted to be a dad? >> because, yeah, and i never, it was one of those things you don't expect it to happen. but once i was a dad, it was like a bolt of lightning struck me. >> reporter: lucas adopted his first daughter with his wife marsha in 1981. after they divorced, he adopted them as a single dad. everybody says the following things, you are so -- in 2013, he married mellody hobson an executive investor and cbs contributor. >> we found out we are exactly the same. >> reporter: together they have a two-year-old daughter. >> it's a miracle. that's how i see it. it shouldn't have happened. somehow it did. >> reporter: here in skywalker ranch in san francisco, george is once again able to concentrate on being a father. three years ago, he sold his company lucas films to disney for $4 billion. who are you? >> no one. >> reporter: let me just talk about "the force awakens." how do you feel about it? >> well, it's, you know, i made the decision to sell the company "star wars." looked at the future, i looked at the process, i was going to get married, i wanted to build a museum, i was married. i wanted to make experiment am films. so my life was going on a different track. so that started that ball rolling. and so, in the end, when i sold it, they hired j.j. to come in. >> reporter: are you at peace with this? >> yeah. >> reporter: as much as you can be? >> look, i said, i'm fine. fortunate i am old enough to have been through this stuff before. i'm sure it will do a nag 95 sent -- business. >> george lucas, he's a path findered and a pioneer. >> reporter: at the awards, his good friend steven spielberger, >> george lucas' movies changed life forever. >> he's insane, he makes three movies every year, stephen, when are you going to retire? he said, i'm not going to retire. my ultimate dream is to die on the set and keel over in the middle of shooting. i said, gee, my ambition is to die in bed watching one of your movies on television. >> reporter: but that doesn't mean he's slowing down any time soon. because you have worn all these hats, though, film maker, director, storyteller, writer, technological innovator, what do you want the first line of your obituary to say? >> i was a great dad. or i tried. >> it's so interesting when somebody that successful walks away from something so monumental that they've created. fascinating. >> and to have such vision, to be able to see through all these >> i will never forget the night i walked out of the first "star wars" film. like in on air, amazing. you can see george lucas and all the winners at the kennedy center honors tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central here on cbs. a fire fighter goes to a classroom with more than safety on his minds. see the surprise he had waiting for this kindergarten is the economy rigged? well, the 15 richest americans acquired more wealth in two years than the bottom 100 million people combined. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultra-rich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. the middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. ask for the directv entertainment package, bundled with centurylink internet. you get all the channels you love, plus hbo, starz, showtime, and cinemax at no extra cost for the first three months. and you also get up to 12 megs of internet. all for about 45 bucks a month for 12 months. this deal sounds great, especially if you love sports. [ sports announcer voice ] get all the channels you love, plus up to 12 megs of internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. score! [ normal voice ] or, if you love great movies... [ cowboy voice ] hey, clementine, bundle all the channels you love, plus up to 12 megs of internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. hyah! [ whip cracks ] [ normal voice ] just call... get the directv entertainment package plus centurylink internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. speed may not be available in your area. only from centurylink. call and switch today. to insult your way to the presidency. that's not going to happen. (applause) announcer: one candidate tough enough to take on isis. jeb will destroy isis... and keep america safe. jeb bush: the united states should not delay in leading a global coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. announcer: tested and proven leadership matters. jeb bush. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. >> a proposal. new york city fire leiutenant david royal gave a safety lesson to a kindergarten class last week. he asked the kids, if the teacher, to put on his fire gear. she did. and then he asked her to marry together two years. she said yes. her students screamed out. i wonder if they knew it was going on. tonight for everyone, it's now 8:55... the latest look at 511 ia dot org shows roads across the state are still a mess after monday's storm. pink here means roads are completely covered. blue means partially covered. so if you're heading out anywhere around iowa today.. you'll want to take it easy and give yourself more time. at the airport today - a dozen flights either canceled or delayed already this morning. including flights to denver, charlotte, canceled or delayed already this morning. if you're flying today.. be sure to check on your flight status as the day goes on. of course this all a result of the weather and all the cancellations yesterday. flight aware reports there were 32 cancellations and 19 delays of flights coming into or going out of the des moines airport. some iowa hawkeye fans were stranded at the airport.. trying to get to pasadena for the rose bowl! three charter flights are scheduled to take more hawk fans to california. the latest look at 511 ia dot org shows roads across the state shows roads across the state are still a mess after monday's storm. pink here means roads are completely covered. blue means partially covered. so if you're heading out anywhere around iowa today.. you'll want to take it easy and give yourself more time. kcci 8 traffic! any accident locations are plotted on the map. your mobile speed unit your weather in 30 seconds! good morning. the snow has moved out leaving behind a blanket of four to ten inches iowa. it's looking like winter and feeling like it with wind chills close to 10 degrees. bundle up to shovel or sled today with highs only in the 20s. another inch or so of snow is on the way wednesday followed by a blast of really cold air to ring in the new year. have a

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