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New leadership was necessary to achieve those goals . Yeah, looking forward thats what we think we need to take us to the next level to address all , those Community Challenges we of serving our public. Ryan members hope a shakeup at Fundraising Efforts for wellmark. Maybe in the long run it will be better because someone else will come in and get this thing built, which is what we were basically promised, and i hope it does get done. Eric former board chair jim cownie will now lead Fundraising Efforts. In a statement he says it is sad but true that the ys advisors failed to secure the anticipated and essential tax credit financing for the wellmark ymca. This has caused the embarrassing situation that we find ourselves in today. Vernon chose to resign to ensure that fresh leadership would have a chance to complete the project. Shaina polk county officials child enticement case. It happened in the 700 block of northeast 46th avenue northeast broadway avenue. A 16yearold girl says a man in a dark colored suv offered her a ride. She said no, but the man turned and drove back toward her. The suspect is described as a 40year old to 50yearold adult male. He was diving a darkcolored suv. Eric a former johnston man is still missing in missouri. 29yearold adam nixson vanished while on a hunting trip near rich hill, missouri. His overturned boat and hunting dog were found near a tree line but there was no sign of nixson. His family here in central iowa has been keeping in touch with rescue crews down there in missouri, who been using search dogs and sonar to find nixson. Shaina at four 32, you are going to need to use the low beams this morning. Metinka here in des moines, youre dealing with light rain. Off to the northwest, it has been snowing overnight from the eastern nebraska area, and the followed by the change over to snow. This morning, temperatures are really mild, above freezing. More light rain continuing through noon before changing afternoon. Mr. Clinton she never touched anything she did not make better. Ever seen. Shaina commitment 2016, Hillary Clintons biggest supporter visited iowa thursday, as one of her biggest opponents unleashed another attack. Former president , bill clinton appeared in dubuque and cedar rapids today. Eric while donald trump released a social media video featuring Hillary Clinton alongside bill cosby. Mark tauscheck has the details. Mark before his appearance at a town hall style meeting with Hillary Clinton supporters today in cedar rapids president bill , clinton made an appearance before a startled lunch crowd at the newbo city market. He spoke with several people and when asked by a reporter about his wifes republican rival donald trump. Mr. Clinton i have no interest in getting involved in politics or doing anything other than trying to help hillary. Mark on his instagram account, trump released a new video pairing hillary with some very unpopular figures in politics and pop culture. Mr. Clinton its harder to sideswipe someone with a 30 second ad in iowa. Mark the closest clinton came to a shot back at the Trump Campaign may have been this comment. Mr. Clinton real effectiveness of a president is often determined by how well suited they are by experience and temperament. But during his 45 minute talk before 500 at the National Czech and Slovak Museum he focused on the social problems in america and his wifes works outside the political world improving lives in underprivileged segments of society. Mr. Clinton i do not believe in not only by experience but by temperament to step into this incredible mix of promise and peril ever. I dont think its close. Eric on fighting terrorism , president clinton spoke about the need to knit the country back together saying well never do it without the help of peaceloving, americaloving muslims. Shaina in des moines, two candidates are hoping to make a big impression leading up to the caucuses, after trailing in the polls. Kccis rose heaphy caught up with republican Mike Huckabee and democrat Martin Omalley who are both trying to sway some votes. Rose democrat Martin Omalley hopes voters will be singing his song on caucus night. Mr. Omalley whats on the set list is we have to turn out our vote for caucus night. I am excited. Ive seen time and time again that people of iowa lift up new leadership and it all starts to turn in the last couple of weeks. Bar, carls place, in sherman hill to hear omalley speak and strap on a guitar. Omalley is in third place in democrat polls, far behind Hillary Clinton and bernie sanders. But a recent mock caucus held on the east side, showed a threeway tie among the democrats. In my mind people all across iowa are looking for new leadership and somebody with the ability to bring us together again. Rose thursday, Mike Huckabee reached a landmark in his campaign. He made a stop keokuk county, the 99th and final iowa county on his list. Mr. Huckabee great exhilarating feeling to go there and know weve done the full grassley, weve done the grassroots kind of work. I think thats how you win the caucus. Rose huckabee says he feels hes in a familiar position to 2008, when he won the caucus. Mr. Huckabee in many ways its very similar you know people were not making up their minds until late. Years. Rose huckabee who plays bass, hasnt played at his campaign stops, but isnt ruling it out. Mr. Huckabee maybe on one issue Martin Omalley and i can come to terms and maybe we should have a bipartisan jam session. Shaina today omalley will be in dubuque and davenport. Huckabee will stop in ottumwa on the 11th. Republican president ial candidate rand paul is also eric republican president ial candidate rand paul is also hitting the campaign trail in the state. Our vanessa peng shows us why he thinks iowans should caucus for him. Vanessa senator rand paul stood in front of a crowd of nearly a hundred here at the Fareway Training Center in boone. Happy birthday. Vanessa before he got on stage senator pauls supporters wished him a happy 53rd birthday. The republican president ial candidate spent the day with his wife kelley on the campaign trail. Paul says iowans should caucus for him because he will fight to keep government small. He told the crowd he will balance the budget if he becomes president. The kentucky senator also spoke about eminent domain, the right of the government to take private property for public use with compensation. Its a hot topic in the boone area because of the bakken pipeline. Diagonally across all of iowa through eighteen iowa counties including boone. Mr. Paul weve gotten a little bit lazy in letting government take property to quickly. I am opposed to that. Its a really big thing for people along the route here its also a big thing when people realize that even if you live in des moines even if the pipeline doesnt go through your route you got a reasonable chance of getting oil in your water. Vanessa senator paul had a full day for his birthday before this for his birthday. Before this he over in carroll for a town hall and after this he went on to ankeny. In boone, vanessa peng, kcci 8 news, iowas news leader. Eric when asked about president obamas executive actions on gun control, paul said the president should not be allowed sidestep congress to pass laws. He adds that private sale background checks wont be possible without a National Gun Registry that tracks every firearm, which he opposes. Still ahead this morning, new technology. Republicans and democrats plan to tally caucus votes more how they are going to try to avoid what happened in 2012 when the wrong winner was name. Them for christmas. Youve upgraded all your old technology. So what about this . Its time to get into the new with ford come and get it if you really want it. New is ecoboost technology. New is a footactivated liftgate. New is tougher, stronger and lighter. New is ford. Americas bestselling brand. Now get into a new focus, fusion, or escape with 0 financing for 60 months plus 2,000 dollars tradeassist cash. This is iowas news leader. This is kcci 8 news this morning with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz and right now metinka good morning, it is foggy and rainy again this warning. The rainsnow line extends toward Council Bluffs and the audubon area. Northwest of it you have been dealing with some light snow overnight, just enough to put down a light coating of snow. This morning we had visibility close to a quarter mile or less in the central part of the state, so allow yourself plenty of time to get to where you are going. Headed for highs today into the upper 30s, but a lot of arctic air is on the way. We are headed for a big change temperature wise. Eric caucus tech. Cutting Edge Technology will be used this year to track who wins the iowa caucuses. Both the democratic and republican parties announced thursday, for the first time ever, theres an app for that. Shaina chief political reporter Cynthia Fodor explains how the mistakes made four years ago, when the wrong winner was announced in a close race. The winner of the certified vote total is Rick Santorum. Cynthia it was one of the closet elections ever in history. In 2012, Rick Santorum was named the winner of the Republican Caucus by 34 votes, but that big announcement came more than 2 weeks after the party mistakenly announced mitt romney had narrowly won by eight votes. State gop chair Jeff Kaufmann says that wont happen again. Its highly unlikely well have an election decideed by 30 votes with 120,000 cast but we need to be ready in case it occurs. Cynthia this year, microsoft has teamed up with both parties to create a more accurate way to tally the votes through an app on smartphones. Staff at each precinct for each party will be trained to verify and monitor incoming results through state of the Art Technology created for the first time for the iowa caucuses. The beauty of this system is computer minds in the world on caucus night in case anything happens. Cynthia today gop staffers , packed up packets to send to each precinct with paper forms to be used as a secondary system to tabulate results. If the election is razor thin again, they will hold off on announcing a winner caucus night. I need to make sure all those results are verified and as accurate as human beings can make them. Shaina the data will also be displayed for the public, with results posted on a website. Microsoft says it created the app for the iowa caucusess because its an important way to use technology as part of the democratic process with no , direct cost to the state or parties. Eric 4 44 on your friday morning, waking up to a whole this is i you got people working incredibly long hours. Median Family Income today 4,000 less than it was in 1999. The bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged. What this campaign is about is to demand that we create an economy that works for all of us rather than a handful of billionaires. If you work 40 hours a week in america, you should not live in poverty. Weather is never more than five minutes away, only on kcci 8 news this morning. Metinka it is another morning with rain and fog across central iowa. To the north it changes to snow closer to carroll, harland, and atlantic. Moisture the moisture will be streaming to the north. Overnight snows have created slushy Road Conditions across northcentral iowa. Partially to mostly snowcovered roads so be extra careful as you head out. A dense fog advisory just issued over the southeastern corner of the state to the east of the metro area. Watch for locally dense fog. It goes all the way through sioux city to eastern nebraska, but this is the back edge of the system, so we are almost done with the precipitation. The rain continues through about noontime, and northwest iowa stays pretty much in the light snow throughout the afternoon. We will see rain switching over to snow in the metro around 5 00 p. M. , and tomorrow there might be a few leftover snow flurries, maybe a half inch or less in des moines and up to the north and west, you will end up with one to two inches of slushy snow. 36 in des moines, the roads are just wet. Headed for 37, the temperature not changing much at all. By mid afternoon, the rain will be switching over to the snow increasing. Dragging in the cold temperatures. Temperatures falling to about zero by saturday night. Eric youve seen the videos. Some hoverboards that were all the rage for christmas catch fire when people try to ride them. Shaina the rechargeable batteries that power the boards can overheat, causing them to bust into flames. Well, now one Iowa University is warning students who got them for christmas, to leave them at home. The university of iowa recently announced that hoverboards will residence halls, dining halls or apartments on campus because of the fire risk. Eric kccis kim st. Onge learned drake is considering a similar ban. Kim the brightly colored, selfbalancing motorized scooters quickly became the hottest item on holiday wish lists. Theyre so popular, a hoverboard store even opened at valley west mall. Its really fun. Its hard at first because you are kind of like, i dont know what im doing. Kim drake student haley davis loves riding around the hoverboard her 10yearold brother got for christmas. But, the futuristic scooters may become a thing of the past on college campuses. The university of iowa recently posted this warning on its website, telling students to leave their hoverboards at home because of a fire risk. I think they just got freaked out because they started having malfunctions with them, but i dont see anything wrong with them if you know that something bad could happen to them. Kim drake students were surprised to learn their university is considering a similar ban. Universities would do it but i do not know that it is all that serious. Kim the ban would forbid hoverboards in residence halls, dining halls and campus , apartments. There really doesnt seem to be a point to own one if you live on campus then. Kim haley says its a matter of doing your research. I feel like if you know what youre getting yourself into, youre not over charging the battery, those kinds of things putting too much weight on it , when it has a weight limit. That kind of thing is what causes it to catch fire so i feel like if youre doing your research you wont have much of a problem. Eric drake officials hope to make a final decision on whether to ban hoverboards by early february. Iowa State University says it does not have a policy on hoverboards. But that doesnt mean they may not have one in the near future. Pete englin, director of the isu department of residence says, given the risks being described in the media i think we could move that direction but shaina youve upgraded all your old technology. So what about this . Its time to get into the new with ford come and get it if you really want it. New is ecoboost technology. New is a footactivated liftgate. New is tougher, stronger and lighter. New is ford. Americas bestselling brand. Now get into a new focus, fusion, or escape with 0 financing for 60 months plus 2,000 dollars tradeassist cash. Metinka it is another messy morning, dealing with locally dense fog and light rain in central iowa, which has turned to snow to the west. Down to the south, there could be a few snowflakes or a freezing drizzle mixing in. Everybody is dealing with the fog, and it has been pretty dense at times. Quarter of a mile from des moines southward and to the east , so a new dense fog advisory has been issued. This will be in effect until noon today. In des moines, 36 with the fog and drizzle. Over the weekend, arctic air will be punching in and that will mean blustery air with wind chills in the 20s below zero. Eric president obama continued his push for stronger gun control thursday. Shaina the president headlined a town hall meeting on cnn. The white house says the meeting was intended, in part, to garner public support for the president s recent executive actions on guns. The nra refused to participate in last nights event, saying it saw it as a Public Relations spectacle organized by the white house. President obama said that is not true. President obama theres a reason why the nras not here. And since this is the main reason they exist, youd think theyd be prepared to have a debate with the president. Anderson cooper they havent been to the white house in three years . President obama no, no, no, weve invited them, weve invited them. Anderson cooper so right now, tonight, youre saying youd be open to meeting them. President obama we have invited them repeatedly. But if you listen to the rhetoric, it is so over the top, and so overheated. Shaina the president also took questions from the crowd including from taya kyle, whos late husband was depicted in the film american sniper. Eric investors are hoping for a better day on wall street today. The Dow Jones Industrial average saw its worst drop in three months. The nasdaq was down 100. 46. The s p 500 fell by 47. Financial advisors say although indexes are falling at a worrisome rate, theyre still not that far from their recordlevel highs. And so whenever you have a market that is this close to its alltime high, you should be very cautious and stay on top of it very closely if youre going eric pearson also says theres a lot of fear right now, but we may just wade right through it, if Fourth Quarter corporate earnings come in better than expected. Shaina the bad news is you , didnt win the Powerball Jackpot wednesday night. The good news is, no one else did either. No one bought a Winning Ticket for the 500 million drawing. Now, the jackpot for saturdays drawing is 700 million. Its expected to climb even higher before the drawing tomorrow night. Eric they are picking our next president with poop. Thats what the Worlds Toughest rodeo was doing thursday at Wells Fargo Arena in downtown des moines. Its time to let the poop sling, lets bring the bulls out. Eric a couple of bulls decided whos number one in each party by selecting their favorite candidate with their number two. Midnight, the rightleaning republican bull, made his deposit on the donald. Cracks america, donald trump. Hes coming for ya and he smells amazing. Eric but poor old oley, the caucused for more than an hour but could not muster a ballot. Shows tonight and saturday. Shaina this is iowa. More of todays top stories coming up. A highspeed chase ends in a crash, and an accidental shooting. Youre watching kcci 8 news. Eric a highspeed chase ends in a rollover crash near altoona. Wheel. Ties to isis. The charges they face this morning. Shaina also this morning,

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