Transcripts for KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] 20191201 030000

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And I think you're going to find out as I am continually reminded that God wants to use us in extraordinary ways with just a little bit of the resources that he has given to us and what a delight to have Gary Van Dyck he is the founder of food for orphans and this is an incredible ministry that at the end of the day Gary this is what you do you feed starving children welcome Ok pray Sir thank you Dave I appreciate the invitation and the opportunity that we have where the problem is starving or offend many of them abandon moms and dads of dieties orphans around the globe living in dumps searching for food in many cases rancid rotten food they're dying because of Laca food and we're saying through food for orphans Not On Our Watch It's incredible what we're able to do for just a little bit of of our of our resources to carry share your heart in the fact that this is what we're doing we're feeding orphans $11.00 a month feeds one orphan every single day well you know Dave the one of the things that happened that really drives us home is when I started food for orphans I was working with another organization and. I was praying about the orphans that I had met him and I asked God to care for them and I have believe that God spoke to me and said Will you take care of them and I said Will God they the orphans are hungry they they need they need food and Dave I thought that God spoke directly to me and said then you feed them. And I began to think about it I'd never started an organization had never. Done this kind of work before I had never done legal paperwork for incorporations or $501.00 c 3 but I obey God and I blindly just charged ahead and did it and I found out that there really is a stream Indus need to help orphans around the world because I in the. Ever since 2007 we started Food war and so the last 12 years I have never met a single orphan director who's a professional they're all just mom and pop operations or all the you know their neighbors died and left 4 kids and they said well we can't just leave the 4 kids laying there and let's bring them over here we'll take care of them well they have us an orphanage. So that's how these people got started and they are started because of the of their heart they got started because they could not sit by and watch these children starve and that's exactly why I started food for funds for the same reason Dave I can't sit by and watch them starve there are so many of these kids well we know for a fact that 99 percent of all orphans will never be adopted that means only one percent will be adopted and the 99 percent will have to live their life however best they can that means if they're lucky there's an orphanage in the community or there's a foster family that will allow them to sleep in a corner and provide them at least a roof over their head or there will be an encore and they have that will let them come and work at the farm and and live there but we have found that there are millions and millions of children literally millions now. Who Live on the street who live in a field who have no into care for them Dave I have met I have met groups of orphans I've met. Families of our friends of 3 or 4 orphans with the oldest orphan in the family was 10 years old right to try and that 10 year old is saddled with the responsibility of providing food for their brothers and sisters every single day that means they in most cases they'll try to live near the city dump and go out there barefoot walk through the broken glass of the city dump just to find some rotten food and I thought you know. I've got a refrigerator full of food I have got a pantry full of food I got a credit card I got a fast food restaurant in every corner I got a grocery store every other street and I eat at least 2 meals a day I don't go hungry unless the doctor tells me to before a test but even then I know when my next meal is coming right there's a difference if you are fasting for spiritual reasons or for medical reasons Dave we still know where the food is these orphans when they take that last bite of food and they don't know where the next meal is coming or when the next meal is coming. It really wreaks havoc on their on their system because dairy many of the aisle all these orphans I mean let's just write to the core of the problem I mean. All of these orphans are hungry and some more so than others in fact you're talking about 100 orphans in Zimbabwe that we're looking to to get fed through food food for orphans here again they're living either in the dump or near the dump and they are looking for rotten thrown out rancid food and we're solving that problem as a Cape Race family and here here's a here's what it is we mentioned it's $11.00 a month feeding one orphan every day $11.00 that's. That's. So doable the $0.35 a day to think about that change that we just throw into a jar 3 orphans $33.09 orphans $99.00 a one time gift of 100 bucks $9.00 feeds 9 orphans. Every single day $99.00 a month feeds 9 orphans every single month so we've got $100.00 orphans and Zimbabwe that we have identified Gary as in critical need I'm going to the phone number it's 888-2428 double 069 triple 8242 double 069888242 double 069 What is your best gift right now we have 100 orphans in Zimbabwe in critical need right now and again 9 orphans every single month being fed $100.00 a month 3 orphans $33.00 a month 888242 double 069888242 double 069 let's go to the let's go you were telling me about this one little little boy I've got a picture of him in front of me he's got a popsicle grand on his face but he's in what appears to be some sort of camp or he's got pots and he's kind of got one of those mess kits that we would have for camping or whatever and he is he is an orphan boy but he's got the biggest smile on its face tell us tell us about this young man this is a this is a kid I don't know much about him because I met him on the day that we were passing out food to a few 1000 orphans and so I just followed him because he was he was talking to me. In in his leg in Spanish because I don't understand why. He was saying because I don't speak any of these languages but he was trying to get me to follow him so I followed him and he took me into the woods and he showed me where he was living and he's just this is were the photograph you have is worry lives there and he's built a little tiny fire there and he's got a little metal cup on there and the metal cups got some water in it and a little bit of vegetable or something that he has found someplace and he's boiling it and that's his meal he takes care of himself and what is he about 7 maybe 7 years old he's about 77 years old he is 100 percent responsible for himself no one's helping him there's no government that's handing out food there's no food stamps there's no foster care program there's no free school system there is no way that he can get closer is knowing get warm there's no protection for him these children are at the mercy of evil people that want to scoop them up and steal them and take them from and use them for their own purposes and this was a little boy that he was thrilled to death that this was his only meal today and he was thrilled to death that he was able to eat today because they don't know when their next meal is coming and that's is the reason why I started food for orphans because when I realize that I have food and I have food available to me and I know when my next meal is coming even if I fast because of medical or spiritual reasons I know for a fact that I'm going to be eating sometime in the next 24 hours these kids don't know when they're going to eat again and I thought whoa wait a minute why am I so special Why do I get a chance to eat all this food and why do I why do I not have to worry about this why not why you know they don't they don't they don't deserve this I betcha that. I could probably cut back a little bit. Even if it's something like the difference between a large French fry and a medium French fries only $0.35 will day $0.35 is what it cost to feed $1.00 of these orphans a meal a day and Gary you know with this do this young man we were just describing here 888242 double 069 is the number we're talking about 3 or Finns being fed every single month for your $33.00 a month or again 9 orphans $99.00 a month 9 orphans every single month 9 little boys and girls who have lost Mom and Dad in many cases are double orphans and living on the streets like this young boy we were just talking about here Gary talked about how this young boy his only meal is coming if you could see this boy's face he's a joyous as any of us would be on Christmas morning and yet he's so grateful and thankful for this meal it's only him if not us who his problem is he didn't have any food were in Jesus' name we're providing food and his world is being change what we're inviting you to do that 100 orphans in Zimbabwe just like this young boy in critical need of food food being the problem no food we're solving the problem in Jesus' name with a phone call and a click of a mouse it's 888242 double 069888242 double 069 triple 8242 double 069 you can also go to the Cape k p r z dot com. Website to keyword orphan and you can get it right there 88242 double 069 your gift of $33.00 fee to $333.00 a month fee $3.00 orphans every single day for a month for every month 9 being fed for $99.00 maybe Gary there's someone listening to say. You know what I I really I want to give $233000.00 to to care for every one of these orphans that are in Zimbabwe we're just inviting everyone listening to Cape Race here in San Diego to think about what you just said and that is where Blass with food we've got Thanksgiving we've got Christmas we've got New Year's it's all with food Senate around food we're inviting everyone listening to get their baskets for orphans who their only meal is coming through the orphanages and through the other ministry outlets of food for our friends partners with in countries like them then Bob way we're providing food in Jesus' name that's what we're inviting everyone to do right now you just got back from Zimbabwe $88.00 to $4.00 to double up to $69.00 is the number of dollars a month feeds one orphan every day how many orphans will you feed per month AAA to 4 to double a 69 you just got back from Zimbabwe What are your thoughts about the children that you just saw there in the beautiful land and country of Zimbabwe that we're offering hope to. One of the things I want to remind the listener is that food for friends is a 5 a one c 3 so all of your donations are tax deductible Now when I 1st went to Zimbabwe I spoke to a group of orphans about 600 orphans these are double orphans these are children who have lost their mother and their father now that means that their mother and father may have died that means or mother and father may have left or and abandoned them but they've lost both of them they have absolutely no one to care for them as we were speaking to about 600 of them. And trying to encourage them trying to trying to give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and tell them that there is hope for the future I know it's rough now but there is hope for the future because God loves you. And you know Dave it's really hard to tell a child that when they're hungry and we at the end of the message we we asked them we said if if you would like to be prayed for would you please just come forward and more pray for you Dave 400 of those children walked forward and said we want to be prayed for and my wife and I would lay our hands on the children's head and pray for them and when we did we could feel the fever in these children we could feel the the infection in them we could see in their faces their the runny noses they had medical problems we could we could see their bloated bellies from malnutrition we could see the orange hair from the from the mounted tradition we could see the sadness on their face because they were hurting literally hurting because their bellies were empty and they were hungry and they had absolutely nothing to eat and so my wife and I prayed for every child there we came back 2 years later after the children had been on a regular feeding program with food for orphans and I was thrilled at the difference I am mean when we walked in I looked at these kids and they were hollerin and yellin and running around and laughin and being all orange hair was gone and the bloated bellies were gone the runny noses were gone we begin to hug on them and pick them up and play with them their fevers were gone and all because we we were they were able to get on to a regular scheduled feeding program with food for friends there's nothing special about what we do it's just that we that we do so. Thing we do something we really try to find them food every single day we try to give them good nutritious food we try to give them food that will help them and help their bodies to to fight off diseases and to and to bring joy to them and take that pain and suffering of starvation away from them the mountain attrition and I read some medical reports about what Mao nutrition and starvation does to the body and it's terrible and I understand now why these children look so bad when the 1st time I met them but within 2 years there was a complete do night and day difference and how they are acting at how they how they were able to associate with the school work and the things that they could do and they were happy and dancing and every one of them was attending church because you know one of the things that I find important as the present the gospel of Jesus to these children is so important but when you have demonstrated what love is. It's so much easier for them to understand when you explain that Jesus loves them enough that die for them because they they had never experienced love before every adult that it ever crossed their path Dave had tried to hurt them and so here was the 1st time that there were adults who cared for them and they begin to understand what love is and we started talking to them about about their future and now they actually could think about the future and Dave what we're asking people to do is make an emotional decision do something be part of the solution don't don't just sit back and watch children starve to death be part of the solution join k. Prays and let's get these $100.00 orphans fed every single day and you can you choose how much you want to give to you want to feed 2 for $22.00 a month for for 44 month you want to feed 6 for $66.00 a month habit feeding 9 for $99.00 a month every month every day every day of a month you know that 9 orphans are going to live because you made the sacrifice are going to warn you though these children never know who you are they'll never be able to thank you. I You'll just have to wait to get well have a down triple 824-200-6988 extension 8242 double 069888242 double 069 as Gary invited you your best guess how many orphans what I love to think about Gary is this set some extra chairs around the dinner table maybe Christmas New Years have 5 chairs 6 chairs 9 chairs for the orphans that would be eating at your table a bad day and all the gas coming over to your home maybe it's just your family you've got 4 empty seats there in that room and that is in honor of the orphans you're feeding every single day they actually become part metaphorically become part of your Christmas of your new years of your holiday celebration What's your best gift and know that we're solving a problem the problem is the lack of food the problem is no hope the problem is they can't even be introduced to any kind of education let alone learn about Jesus until we serve them like like in the Gospel of Matthew in the red letters where Jesus said. Do this to the least of these you do it to me it doesn't get any more least than an orphan living in trash or near a dump or on the street who's looking for rotten rancid food and is full of fever and just hurt no help we're solving that Ok praise family with a phone call at 888242 double 069. If not ask who we're inviting all of us listening right now to act to respond because if we don't the orphans we're just educating and we're just saying all poor poor people poor orphans no oh we as jesus followers through food for orphans it's Dave big wave Dave here along with Gary Van Dyke the founder of food for orphans with a phone call in a click of a mouse we say enemy you cannot have the kill steal and destroy thing happening for these were friends they're going to have a hope in Jesus name and it begins with the meal at 888242 double 069888242 double 069 we have $100.00 orphans in Zimbabwe in critical need of being fed right now your gift of $99.00 a month will feed 9 orphans every single day what's your best gift at 888242 double 069 Gary we have about 2 minutes or so that remain just. You know that the difference you painted that picture of the children in Zimbabwe you saw 2 years before you went back after these children were being fed every day through food for friends after they were being introduced to the gospel there is nothing like food in the belly and the Gospel of Jesus being presented that fuels the tank for hope and change in an orphan antibodies life but let alone that an orphan's life who has no hope has been abandoned and you know that he's a man and there are so many scriptures. Tories in Scripture Dave were Jesus involved food with with the in the message of hope and the message of salvation and there's a reason for that it there's some kind of connection there's some connection between the heart and the stomach and there are so many times that Jesus fed them and when the little boy offered his lunch and said I've got a couple of fish and 3 have been through 3 biscuits here. I'll give that I'll give that and you can you can you can feed the people he was innocent he didn't he didn't realize that it was impossible to feed that many people with with his biscuits and fish and yet he was willing to give it anyway he was willing to give it because he knew that God could multiply it and that's what we're asking people to do today we know those 165000000 orphans around the world we know that but if we were willing to give of out of our heart if we're willing to say I'll feed 3 for 33 year off eat 8 for radiator all feed 9 for 99 that God will take that gift and he will multiply it and these children will not only have food in their belly but they'll also hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that's the most important we're asking you to call 188-8242 double 069 operator is standing by tell them what you want to get out of and they'll take care of it for you ate a 2 for 2 double or $69.00 triple a 2 for 2 double of 698-882-4200 extension 69 feeding 3 orphans every single day a gift to $33.00 a month 9 of our friends being fed every day $99.00 a month what is your best gift to see $100.00 or friends and Zimbabwe. If did this kind of transformational hope we're doing this as a Cape Race family we're saying not on our watch you're going to allow these children these abandoned orphaned babies a majority of the cases abandoned orphan children living in trash living on the streets to starve we're solving that problem and stopping it in its tracks with food for our friends as we partner here as a Cape Race family in San Diego 88242 double 069-882-4269 you can gift online safely securely as well like a p.r.g. Dot com keyword orphans 888242. 69 Gary thank you for your passion in making an impact in Jesus' name and the side of eternity we're not going to meet but I know and have been we're going to have a bunch of children adults people coming up to it's gone you saved my life and it's right in Jesus' name amen 88242 double 069-882-4269 until next time Gary Vandyke's big wave with food for friends here on. 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Be $6.00 north. 1170 San Diego the answer the central health news by Mercy connection incorporated next Bible healing oil these statements of up and evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease I think you're hearing here with essential health news today we're going to be talking to some interesting people about the oils out of the scripture is that would be an awesome awesome testimony but before we get started I want to use myself again Vicki herring former owner 80 pharmaceutical labs I study microbiology for a decade got really involved in the the oils in the Bible and the things that the scripture pointed to for our health and it was amazing that we bypassed that a lot of that information medical world and also in how Carol in a dish yourself. My name is Carol and I am fairly new to the essential oils and working with Vicki I've learned a lot about how this can be a healthy alternative to some of the things that we all deal with we all have some issue whether pain or vision memory so we have some testimonies that we're going to listen here and they're going to share the. Products that they used and how it helped them so now I've got an awesome Testament I'm going to bring me here on and are you there yes I'm here I don't know I know you said you had some growing pains it was a pale my left side of my head and it was very sharp very painful when I was walking and by I mean pretty much you know and then finally I got the name on a regular on it for a while and about one and a half hour after that I felt afraid to weigh in by me no more and the next day feels Ok no more I wanted amazing. Praise God praise you guys do yeah and you say it was like a stabbing thing yeah it was like I feel like a. Needle there yeah. Ok All right well listen I really really appreciate you coming on and just let us know how things go Ok I got the why are you there Donna Yes Hi Oh wonderful wonderful Ok So Don it you had a problem with pain right it was in my right hand. I didn't know what it was I called it arthritis but if he started I don't know maybe it could have been 6 months ago could've been more just gradually and started him I found that both of them they just sort of felt like they were separating from my hand and gradually it just started. Going into my fingers and the back of my hand and to my wrist and even I felt it sort of going into my wrist so. I tried a number of different things I even had p.r.p. On my hand I don't know if you're familiar with that that play rich plasma and it didn't work and so I was listening to you ladies and I thought What the heck I'm going to try this and I want to tell you I'm a very skeptical person I did not expect this to work at all but I had tried everything and it was really hindering me I ordered it and when I put it on my hand and read it and really good and I thought if nothing else it smells really good you now and. It the next morning I woke up and it was gone it was absolutely gone and been gone ever since you know and the interesting thing is that you know with arthritis we have different parts of our body were garbage kind of build up we have. A lymphatic system that kind of goes through the body to that actually drains that but. Like the thumb and the pointer finger right there when you have the pain right there that is arthritis that's how the. Arthritis but you have a lymphatic system that actually it will go up and follow it go up to the elbow go up to the shoulder to the back to the lower back to upper back to the hip to the other side I mean it just once is like breast cancer once breast cancer you get a tumor in the breast and one breast and then will squeeze out of there into the lymphatic system and then it will start taking over the lymphatic system all over the underneath the arm on the side of the arm and will go up and your shoulder down your elbows and then it will come across the back and that will come down the other side of. It's just the lymphatic system kind of takes over now the interesting thing is in the Bible the Bible talks about David for instance said purge me with hyssop which is one of the main ingredients that we use as organic his have I should be clean whiter than snow that one right there is one of our major ones for cleaning the lymphatic system and we have that in our fix it all we have that in just about all the formulas that we put together we use that one just because of the fact that your lymphatic system is kind of how everything travels through the body and that your garbage can too but anyhow the Bible 10100 times talks about these essential oils they were used by the doctors of the day back then to take care of issues I mean they did the natural herbs and they did you know I'm sure they had certain restrictions that they told people you know like you know cut this out or cut that out but I would love to get a hold of some of the research they did back then and I'd love to have Yeah I mean what we have in the Bible is really very very good we have some formulas in the Bible we have things that actually work which is amazing so in you know the New Testament talks about that healing word 70 times and 30 times one is translated from Greek to English it's therapeutical 42 I'm sorry it's supernatural miraculous 40 times translated from Greek to English is therapeutical so that their political using of the essential oils is what we do so when it comes to annoying ting in the Bible they use the olive oil as in $1000.00 carrier so we use that all of oil as our carrier yes yes again I called Oil Yes it is extra virgin are Gana all of well and then we actually have the. Coconut oil too that we throw in for smell sometimes to cover up like the hyssop because of it has a very very strong Yeah has a very strong I don't mind it but there are some people out of my day there are I can smell it but at the same time yeah you're right Ok and I really want to thank you Donna for coming on and giving your testimony because that was very quick I'm happy to hear that your pain is gone yeah. Hey hey very bad Thank you God bless you Kate bye bye bye 1877231332618772313326 to call in and place your order or we can take the time and make some recommendations the special that we are running for the pain and the fix it all kits the pain kit regular $89.00 for one cream and one or oil we're going to throw a 2nd cream for free so $89.00 will get you to 4 ounce pain creams and one of the pain relief or oil and then the fix it all kit which we are changing the name to Kings or oil that's going to be. A regular price is $89.00 and you get the large 4 ounce or oil and then you get the small 10 mill leader oil for $89.00 but the special we're going to throw in a 2nd for Alex massage oil. Again the number 187-723-1332 extension 62 get in on those pink kits specials. Ok those are pretty cool deal getting 2 of the 4 ounce pane creams there last year why on that covers a lot of body you know we have the Moses oil which is now we've renamed it number 16 because in the scripture number 16 Moses was out in the desert with the Jews because of plagues that went through killed 14700 he got the 4 else off the temple he told Erin to go get him defused him he said he stood between life and death and it was amazing what those oils did in stopping the plague like that just I mean we just show fast and I'm personally had flew over and I got rid of it over and over we've got more under full testimonies on that but it is getting to be flu season so I want to make sure I mention that was the sale we've got going on Carol we have the regular price of $89.00 but the special is $69.00 and that's going to get you a 4 ounce cream and then the 10 mil leader or oil and the cream I enjoy to use that as a hand cream and then whatever I have left over I swipe across my mouth and my nose and it's kind of like a barrier between you and everything you're touching throughout the day so I use that throughout the day and then the oil you can always use that on the the throat the neck area. The ears behind the ears. The nose around the mouth the little guys they are getting into everything and anything so that cream would be a good. Thing to use for them grab a little bit of that and just swipe it on their hands and then you know pinch their nose and around their mouth and they'll take care of that and so let's cases 60 $9.00 for that regular price $89.00 and let's move on with some more testimonies we are going to listen to Carolyn and Irma My name is Carolyn Grant calling from San Diego California it has been a blessing to my husband that has good karma and cataracts since he has been taking the Bible healing all he has seen me 11 times the wall in our bedroom he seems 3 things and our car he seeing the cart to come we will for ever but these healing all they give us hope when he saw me I said what do I have lost and so then he told me black dress well thank you for sending all these blessings to all of us out in this world thank you Ok so now I'm Guy I've got an awesome testimony I'm going to bring em on and she's good Tell us what her problem was Erm are you there yes now write her tell me what was your problem Ok I have cataracts in la you know what they have my check the previous doc to say it wasn't right we didn't have to be no surgery this other little doc to say Oh you may have to have surgery when or you do have to renew your license and that was in the o.b. My family well you have to come back so I can check you in when I went back to his start on drop since you are our only Ok when he checked was it was helping inside. Do you fear you will be able to pass the i Book 1st from a coma they can add up how much do they cough. In the back not like my grandson but anyway I was able to see everything out my license renewed for 5 years wonderful wonderful and good news Ali Yes you are right well I am very sorry I have thought here I am so have be here that here is and we just need it yeah keep. You got the eye cream come now there are some cars our once great beauty care on top I don't. Yeah that took care of create cataract for me so yeah all we had more were going to get these out and you have a blessed day today Ok thank you so much. For your product Yeah if so do you have any other testimony you'd like to share nor I've just been you know I know Ok playing in other stuff in here is beginning to work Ok Ok Ok I have they are in my city right garrulous you up by one but by 1077231332618772313326 to call in place your order the 1st $100.00 orders are going to receive a free Q milliliter frankincense. These specials were running on the i Products this week is the essential I or oil $89.00 for one we're going to do a buy one get one free so $89.00 is going to get you 2 of those essential eye oils the eye cream regular $5069.00 we're dropping it down to $59.18 you know that the eye cream is my mommy Hugo's an iron man around the eye it's great for wrinkles on top of the fact I was pretty cataract and used it in and took care of my free cataract and 2 weeks cell down it was really a nice one you know I really love that Frankenstein Frankenstein is really nice I put it like if I have a little sore I'm on my gums my mouth or something I still will ravel my finger ends to get in there and that one lone drug just eliminates the pain it's amazing there Frank and so when he does so I know we have some more cool house tomorrow he so Carol we're going to listen the next testimony we have is Cheryl she's going to give her testimony on the brain power and now they're bringing Cheryl on she has some awesome testimony so Cheryl there I am a my aunt she. Lives in assisted living. They make a long story short she ended up this hour and she was not waking up to 24 hour or 48 hours and so they can get away that thought I used the brain trauma formula and just kind of put it on the tissue and was waving it under her nose so she could breathe it and she opened her eyes and then she became alertness countering killer knows that the smell and then she just. Just woke up and so she was able to have a meal and so I've been down there every time I go to see her now I have her use the bring formula just smell it and it's really opening up her stances and she's becoming more alert and in fact now she's getting ready to be released back into her assisted living now you've seen the nurse had to do something I forget exactly what it was the nurse took something and she was could believe she woke up you know they couldn't when I had gone in there they were getting ready to feed her and they said we can't get her to wait that initiatives and wait that she's not and they eat and I said Oh wait let me show you what way so I went over to my purse and got out the formula and I put it under her nose and I waved it and she said again she just popped up there most f.n. The nurse goes what is that stuff that's amazing. I am pleased to learn and to you know how do you know I think yeah good movie very good for the brain and you know going to work on your mom by bribing it on the forehead and smiling at the way that one could be used so and then your mom and your aunt and how you had to do You had testimony on the ice yes I had been using the essential I form you know on my mom and I drop and her last dive course the stroke of their left side so she has macular and they've been putting the shots in her eyes and they gave up on the last guy and they're only treating their right eye and so I've been putting the essential oil around her eyes and I dropped and she went to the eye doctor and they give my chart and her eye exam had improved greatly they still did the shot because their main. Painting the vision in her right eye. I was like this totally. Excited that there was some improvement and then she was like Oh Ok well I'll put using the i formula so then the next I checked up had gone back to what it was before so I told her Mom we need to keep using the oils to maintain you know the level and hopefully it'll still. Improve So she you know. I'm sorry we should give her the glaucoma. Dry or wet I My mom has the wear and my aunt has the dry Ok to go come up with those blockages. And you have so dry in them but I usually just blockages in the doc and so I would get them right there is just an extra ball has to have that one a loyal in there that actually helps open blockages up so Ok yeah I would start using that when I hear now my aunt she's a little tiny I am so I've been trying her eyes open and putting the I dropped in there and then putting the oil but it she's kind of a cranky old lady but when I think the oils she lets me rub and so close your eyes and just relax the so I rub it and I kind of kept it in a little bit and then she'll been horizon and she's off her shoes it's just like a light came on inside her eyeballs and it just shines and so I'm just really happy with their improvement which both of them have had Ok well I'm happy to hear the testimony and we do appreciate you coming on today and you have a blessed day today Ok Ok thank you not keep your good work thank you. So I'm going to bring Arlene on right now she has an awesome testimonies are you there. Yes All right so you had a friend of yours who had a small child and you were she had a rash all over her body do you want to go ahead and give your testimony on that. Yes shooter is going to donate a grand She's 7 years old and she had a terrible read on the wrong body and she said to you know to the doctor and the doctor gave us some kind of a crema something that didn't work and she needs to doctor the nerve back again but something else but a way where you talk to me. And you acknowledge your no fly zone and you told me would you suggest it. Does pay. Keisha Yes. Sir I told her about. That for her and I got it I took it to her and she did with just a Jew. Body I just started. It just. As a charade to have. Anything. You so pure so grateful for yeah yeah I'm now enjoying a lot of. Here's who Autumn of the more bizarre issue or summer comes and then our parents are here and probably just as I am sure our tourist called you guys and you got to tell her we're shooting it well there was that was awfully sweet after you get us off a sweet our eye on Raw I really really thank you for coming on and and that those kids that creams are really good for the kids the oils are a little strong coated good can they say about 12 or so but the creams are really good of a little guy so. Yeah I mean you know how they do they do yes so you know you are Ok well I thank you for coming on and you have a blessed day to day and you're through our efforts to fight our way 1877231332618772313326 to get in on these specials and remember the 1st 100 orders is going to get a free 2000000 or frankincense and the specials that were doing for the brain power which is formally known as the brain trauma support so it's the same line just different name brain trauma brain power that one is 60 $9.00 and that's where Sheryl used for her aunt and then. The memory support that one is also $69.00 That one is more for age related problems so just remember forgetting where you left the keys or turning off the coffee pot things like that but the special is you can buy both of those for $89.00 so you have some good savings there so give us a call 187-723-1332 extension 6 Ok and I know. We have a special going right now on our skin here for cation Now this team purification that one right there is the one that helps train the lymphatic system I use it is it deodorant because I don't want to use any of this stuff that's out there useful in a manner that my husband does every day we were fine with is great for your face it's like an explorer and it well itself would work for it helps with ropes Asia and things and that water is really pretty awesome so that when I know we have the 2 creams and the one or oil for 89 as the great great deal so I want to make sure I mentioned that and then let's see before we go I do want to mention that Vicki has some upcoming talks. October she's going to be in San Diego and in Mission v.a. Who in coastal May says so you can call the 187-723-1332 extension 6 phone number to gain more information or to place your order or if you have some further questions we can take the time to talk with you. So don't forget too that the 1st $100.00 callers is $100.00 orders will get the free to mill leader frankincense Yeah that's I again love that Frankenstein does the father oil of the Bible now I know I need you my talks I talk about things I can't normally talk about and I really can't go into the detail of what I'm going to be talking about but I don't care what kind of problem you have the Lord has an answer and it is amazed me this science that has recently come out the last couple of years so you need to show up to learn about the oils the blends and all this new research on I don't care what disease it is you've got a question just give us a call you know 187-723-1332 extension 6 you have a blessed. J.j. a Man weekend 173-133-2617 extension 0. 13320 think the show is sponsored by Mercy connections essential Health News sponsored by Mercy connection incorporated the inside story behind a Christmas song is presented by. Those words from Santa Claus Is Coming To Town were 1st written on the reverse side of a novel 1934 by Mr Haven Gillespie he was on the b.m.t. Train line in New York City when he wrote it the melody was his to j. Fred who has the Haven Gillespie Jr now present his father's account in 34 it was October the 1st of Mr but who was then the manager. All my father Allman. And him found in New York talk over the possibility of writing a Christmas or children are part of a little reluctant but Mr Butler persevered and Mark Potter to New York. The same day my father earned his writing partner precludes. Probably going to. My father to. Butter that year greasy my mother on the reverse side of the. First Book a melody to it Mr Coote. Cantor. Shooter was a little reluctant to go on the year with a children's song as white but it was during the 1st year. Or broken all records are. Far from the Christian Science. The musical sound Review dot com I'm Francis chick powers and. 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To live in sin city the answer. News this hour from townhall dot com I'm Rhonda rocks from London Police believe the suspect shot dead by Paul police Sanford fatally stamp to blow on the London Bridge yesterday acted alone at this time we found no evidence no evidence to suggest anybody else was involved in this attack however we're still making extensive inquiries to ensure that no one else was involved. Meanwhile assistant police chief Neil La Police Commissioner that is Neil Bisou isis a says the attacks in retaliation for the recent killing of a. In-wall in Holland yesterday police took a 35 year old homeless man into custody after an attack on a busy street in The Hague that injured 3 teenagers wintery weather is moving through the Midwest and Plains expected to keep on moving east specially into the interior portion of that the Northeast that we're seeing values upwards of $8.00 to $12.00 inches and even along the Catskill and higher terrain we're seeing values upwards towards 15 inches in that area. 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