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Are you ready to l let go . Amany. I am. Why kobe is hanging it now. What he did not accomplish on theourt and who would really win in a matchup with Michael Jordan. The exclusive only on gma this morning. And good morning, amica. Welcome back to robin. Court time with kobe. I didnt know baskskball was a girlrl its his first love and only love to this point and to give it up like he has, 17 times hes been an allstar. Hes been in the league for 20 years, five nba championships and hes going to tell us why five is not enough. Five is not enough. There is a r reasonwhy. Hes at peace. He is certainly at peace. Hes ready to move on. He looks soyoung. You look at him and cant believe hes retiring. Thats theing. When youre an athlete youre told youre old, youre old. Theres a whole other chapter or 12 for you. Breaking news, teor raids against isis enters a new p phase with the u. S. Pledging to put more special forces on the ground inside iraq and syria. Abcs chief Foreign Correspondent terry moran is in london with the latest. Go morning, terry. Reporter r g gd morning, geor. The Police Operation still under way. Four men arrested. Sevenddresses searched as europeans brace for more attacks after paris and now know the s. Boots on the Ground Fighting isis on the battlefields of iraq and syria. Intensifying the pressure on isis, backing up the air strikes that have pound their positions for months,efense secretary cartete announcing new deployment of u. Special forces to theregion. Were at war. Were usi the might have the finest fighting force the world has ever known. Reporter the pentagon says 100 to 150 special forces troops will be based in iraq a against isis in both iraq and syria. Their missionongather intellllence, free isis hostages, kill orapture i isis leaders. Its all part of the effort to carry t fight to isis. Carter was grilled about how successful the american effort really is. Re we winging, mr. Secretary . We will win. Are we winning now . W . Were going to win. Reporter but victory is still a long way off. Secretary of state kerry tod pleaded with nato allieso step up the efforts in theight ainst isis and here in londnd, whilehose terror rai are still under way parliament will vote in afternoon on whether britain should join the Bombing Campaign against isis in s after months of sting on the sidelines but paris, it seems, has changed everything and the house of commons will likely voteo have britain join the fight today. George and robin. Terry moran, thanks very much. See what that vote says. New headlines in the race for president now and more good nenews foronald trumpp as his opponents step up their attacks, a new poll out this morning frontrunner solidifying his lead with marco rubibio, ben carson and ted cruz now nk and neck for second place. Abcs tom llamas has the latest. Good morning. Good morning. This is not good news for dr. Ben carson. Hes down seven points in about a month. Why the droppy those polls feel he doesnt have the right experience oreadership qualities. As for trump, slightltly higher than he wasast time around when this poll was condued and headed ithe right direion. This morning, a new National Poll s shows dond trump not only on top but growing. They say that i have the most loyal people. You know, others, if you sneeze they drop you. Me, i can sneeeeze, i can say things that i thinknk are right. Reporter overnight those loyal troops in hisis campaign fueling the frontrunners claims thatuslims celebrated on 9 11 in new jersey. Tweeting this video from a local new york city station after the attack reptingng on rumors o were celebrating the destruction that the saw fro the roof. Reporter despite the claims the video does not show any must lips celebrating o on rorotops attributededo sourc peppered with inaccurate information. Trumps allegations fueling friction with new jersey governor chris christie. Christie, who received key endorsements in New Hampshire willing to take on trump or his words. If donald statarts yelling and screaming in the middle of a spee youll be sure ill say, sit down and shut up. Reporter candidates like christie and also senator ted cruz hoping to winver voters at like a toughtalking candidate like trump. Cruz detecting most criminals to a Political Party on tuesday. W, listen, heres the simple and undeniable fact. The overwhelming majority of violt criminals are democrats. Reporter but we couldnt find any research or statistic that shows that. The Cruz Campaign telling abc news, the senator bas his statement on a study conducted in only thrhr statas that showed states registered as democrats. When e elected democrats push to give felons the rht to vote, it is aerfectly rationale and reasonable inference to say those democrats understand that the overwhelming jority of violent criminals vote democratic. Reporter now, back to trump, a moment of reflection, rare moment of reflection from the billnaire last night. He talked about not serving in vietnam because of several reasons including draft number and as well as problems with his foot but last night he said h felt guilty about not rving. George. A different tone from trump last night. Joined by new jersey governor chris christie. We saw ted cruz, the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are democrats. Youre a former prosecutor. What did you think of that. I i neveroticed that in my experience but doesnt matter in the end somome of this stuff that gets said. Americans are worried about after paris nothing else is portant. Youve been talking about th a lot but coming in for some criticism by one of your predessors, former governor thomas kaine and the rhettic he says is helping isis. I think hes wrong with all due respect to the governor. My point is this, why doesnt the president listen to the fbi director. He said we cant vet these people and not vet them nearly at the speed the president wants toto bring them in. My poi is simple, they cant be vetted, the surity and safety of t t American People have to be placed first a its no me, itts he says it cant be 100 . Even women and children. We have seen women and Children Play roles in terrorist attacks before. You and i both know this. And so the fact is that we can all play to the u. N. Crowd a and say w we want to get applausee from those folks around the world. Im worried about the homeland here and the American People are worried about their safety and make sure folks are vetteded that is not that is not a unreasonable request. You and donald trump have been going at it a little bit more but a gre story in the new york times, comprehensive story that talks about some concern in the republican ranks about donald trump as the potential nominee and quote a prominent republican northth saying if dald trump is the nominee were going to get wiped out. Is that ue . I don know but hes not going to be the nominee because i am. Im n worried about that. Im not going to spelate about anybody else the nominee because im in this thing to win. Were gaining momentum in New Hampshire. And were talking about the issues that people care about and we have been talking about those issue for months and thats why theyrere beginning to resonate. You did a big endorsement over the weekend that spurred headlines for you. Youre still stuck in seveventh place in the polls in New Hampshire. Dont you have e to win there to have a chance . I dont know if i have to win there but i have t to do well and i think well figure that out once wee get to nuary, see just but as you know, there have been folks that have gone second place there and declared victory as second place. Second place a victory for you in New Hampshire to donald trump. It depends. Well se we dont know that donald d trump will w New Hampshire either. We dont know who will win. New hampshir votererssotorious mama their digs late. In the last election nearly 70 made their decision in thehe last two weeks so well be focused on continuing to work real hard up there. Get our message out, do our tow Hall Meetings and win vote, bumps at a time. Youve also suggested voters dont want an amateur hour. Dont want to reelect senats like ted cruz and marco rubio but so far they seem to be recting idea that experienen is what matatrs in this election. Thatsnly according to polls at the moment. People havent voted yet and i think the seriousness of whas happening in pis and around the world tell people new is nice, its wonderful, its shiny and exciting but we had new for the last seven years and iont think people are all that you need experience. Peop want someone there thats made these decisions. As a prosececutor and govnor ii made these decisions and willlle makingg that case in New Hampshire and around the country. Governor christie, thanks very much. Good to have the govnor here in the studio with us. Now to that massive recall. An e. Coli outbreak at major chai across the country. Abcs david kerley is in washington with more on that. Good morning, david. Reporter ood morning, robin. This started with that recall of costco chicken salad. The problem is with the celely thth was inside that salad so now this big expananon of products that need to be recalled. The celery wasroduduced by taylor farms in california and in 150,000 different products from salad kits to diced celery and onion and vegetable trarays shipped to more than a dozen states mostly in the west but a couple of other s states in the middle part of the count and ththis did no longer just costco 7eleven, albertsons, starbucks carries some of these products and the food and drug people were sickened ein the chicken salad. This expansion to all the other products,he agency says, is out of an abundance of caution. Robin, 150,00 products, a lot. We move on to chicago now and more fallout from that Deadly Police shooting. The top c fired as his administration faces tough questions about why the video was kept under wps for a year of the shootingng. Abcs alex perez has the latest. Reporter the mant the helm of the chicago p police dartment gone. Mayorr rahm emanuel bowing to public pressur firing garry mccarthy. Now is the time for fresh eyes and new leadership. Reporter mccarthy apparently blindsided by his dismissal just hours beforee he was fed appearing onocal morning tv talking a aut his intentions to stay on the job. Im not going to regn. Reporter the major shakeup coming just o week after the release of dash cam vid shooting Laquan Mcdonald 16 times in 15 secos. Van dyke, who argues he fired bebecause h feared for his life, poposted bon thehe was released momoay. A second dash cam Video Shows Police pursuing mcdonald as he runs through a br king parking lot moments before he was shwt. Abc news has obtained these images of an officer inside the restaurant shortly after the shooting. The burger king district manager alleges officers deleted video from cameras athe restaurant but investigators say a forensic review of the system found the video was not tamped with. And this investigation is widening. The illinois attorney general asking the u. S. Department of justice to fully review the entire Chicago Police department. Robin. All riright, alex, thank you. Now to a brandnew report from the secret service profiling the type of people most likely toure a mass shooting, especially those targeting the federal government. Pierre thomas has this abc news repororr the pentagon on lodown from an active shooter. In this never before scene video of a 2010 attack obtained emotionally by abc news, watch how a routine evening suddenly becomes anything but. John patrick walks calmly toward the entrance and pulling out a 9 millimeter handgun and startrts to fire. Despite being grazed by b bullets the officer return fire. Fatally wounding him. According to investigators he was paranoid, convinced the government was spying on him. We ctinue to see these instances happen. Reporter it is 1 of 43 attacks on u. S. Government facilities since 2001 studied by the secret service and this morning the service is calling on Law Enforcement and the public to watch f signs that could mean vience is coming. We really want to work with the public and encourage t tm to developinterventions. Someone can intervene and make a difference. Reporter revealing more than half the aacks on the vernment involve socalled lolone wolves with guns. En more creative from detonating bombs to crashing a plane into an irs building. And this deadly poison ricin was sent to the department of transportation. Ha the attkers showed signs of hencealllness but warning gns can comee in many forms from radadical change in appearance to one suddenly becoming withdrawn. N. The key is getting troubled people help before their lives unravel. Now to amy with the mornings other top stories. Good morning, everyone. We beg with a 300 billion compromise on capitol hill to make your morning commute a little smoother. Republicans and democrats have agreed on a fiveyear highway spending bill that will improve the countrys aging roadwaysys a new survey finds 24 of bridges are structurally deficient. Well, a traffic nightmare in california after this tanker truck exploded. Nearly 9,000 gallons of gas going up in flames. Remarkably theriver is okay. More frirightening moments for blinding lasers pointed at them from the ground below. In phoenix three planessere hit with laserer over a twohourur period. In washington a cst guard chopper was grounded because of a laser threat. The price is rigight for a record deal in the major leagues. David price, you get what i did there has reportedly agreed to a sevenyearar, 217 million deal with the red sox. That makes him the highest paid pitcher in history. No pressure, price. All right, finally take a look at this. Itit couldld be the best Christmas Card photo ever. A politician in australia got his family together for this photo. You see his wife and threenn so, sons number one and numr two beaming for the camera hugging mom there. The little guy, not so much. Yeah, he chose to pout on the side. Probably really waiting for that photo shoot to be over. Weve all been there, pal. I feel you, buddy. I love they used that photo. That was great, amy. All right, guys, want to turn to that billion baby announcement. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg promising to give away 99 of his shares of the company to charity in a letter to his newborn daughter. Abcs cecilia vega is he with more. Reporter billion with a b. Little max was born early last weekeighghg 7 pounds, 8 ounces but that other numbernnounced along with h her birth with those private parents that is makes big headlines this morning. Her name is max chanzuckerberg. And the proud parents beaming announcing her to the world in a letter posted where else but on facebook. Max,x, we love you and feel a great responsibility to leave the world a better place for y you and allll children. And with that, promise not just to their daught, but to the world. Cebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan their facebook shares, the value, a mindblowing 45 billion. Having this child has mad us think about all of the things that should be improved inhe world for her whole generation. We need to m me sure that there are investments in programs that ensure that the future it going too be like today. The future is going to be better than today. Reporter the investments theyre promising, in education, medical research, intnet access, Community Building and theotential impact . Lifechanging. Whenever this kind of a gift is made oth philanthropists take note. They say, if he did it, why cant i . Reporter the new parents peful for the future of their little girl and the world shell grow up in writing, we wish you a l life filled with the same love, hope and joy you give us. We cant wait to see what you bring to this world. Love, mom and dad. Zuckerberg also announcing that hes taking a twomonth when that 45 billion donation is complete, it will be larger than t t bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Little max will love reading that letterne day. Absolutely. So nice hes giving away this money while hes still young and watch it. Be put to good for a long time. Incredible video. Ive got to get to writing. I got aetter to write. Lets talk about queensland, australia. This video of that lightning striking the huge explosion on the side of t t street. Fortunately everybody o oy and ththisning north georgia to southwest virginia und flash or just regular flood watch. I wish i could write that letter and promise my baby a good forecast but i cant. Not in chicago this morning. Ill have that coming up in you nations weather. How about thatone. We promise youll be a great mom. Oh, thankyou. Thats for sure. So much more ead. New details in the death of a newly elected mayor found inis own home. The investigation right now. With kobe bryant, oneonone with the lakers star and how he knew it was finally time to leave the game. The two newest stars from star wars are here live ts morning, oh, theyre live. Just head around the corner to walgreens when youre searching fofothat Perfect Little something. Walgreens has great gifts like toysys, beauty gift sets and photo gifts, and its all just a hop, skip and a bark away. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Right now, save 50 percent on the gift of the week. Soil is the foundation. For healthplants. Just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair toothpaste. It helps reminerale enamel and ght plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. Strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair. This holiday i can count on being slammed with orders. Were getting slammed with orders. Totally slammed introducing realtime delivery notifications. One more reason 730 the flu virus. Its a really big deal. And with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution an antiviral. Dont kid around withh thflu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask aboutt prcription tamiflu. Attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. Tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flulu in peop two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have serious healthth conditions, or take other medicines. If y y develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an inincreased sk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. To moderate nausea and vomiting. Antiflu . Go antiviral with tamiflu. Cloud cover this morning followed by sunshine in the afternoon. Then well have some warming temperaturures as we move forward through the week cracking the 40 degree mark by friday with melting snow todays High Temperature is 34 wi gradual clearing. The overnight low is 10 and itll be clear, calm, and cold. Tomorrows high is sunny and seas. Construction project is finally wrapping up. More than three months behind its original completion date. According to city engineers, glenn avenue will re open today at noon. Many parents of nearby Morningside Elementary school expresesd concern at the start ofofhe school y yr, when the construction avenue will be open again, the street may be closed briefly later on in the week for a dot inspection. Jessica rae here in sioux city, crews continue to remove snow. Vehicle owners have until this morning to get vehicles moved so plows can clear the street. Any snowbound vehicle not moved by 10 a. M. Could be towed at the owneres expense. You can check out the citys snow removal policy at sioux city dot org. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt were on track for a much quieter weather day as our snow system spins eastward. Well have cloud cover this morning followed by sunshine in the afternoon. Then well have some warming temperatures as we moveveward through ththweek cracking t t 40 gree mark by friday with melting snow todays High Temperature is 34 with gradual clearing. The overnight low is 10 and itll be clear, calm, and cold. 37 and itll be mostly sunny and seasonal jessica rae good morning weve got a quick news update for you now. Jessica rae a monday house fire on Market Street is serving as a safety it must be a decision that comes from the heartrt so once i knew this was it might as well say it. Kobe bryant explaining his retirement dececision to robin righ there. One of the best players of all time of the big question, is he the greatest . I guess you got into that with him. Greatestofalltime. G. O. A. T. Is a good thing. War on isis, defense secretary ash carteter pledging to put more boots on the ground u up to 150 special forces will be conducting secret missions inside iraq and syria gathering intelligence and capturing te leaders. A very happy upda on a story weve been following. Nfl player devontill says his daughter leah is cancerfe. Leah is cancerfree. Her latest scans showing no evidence of the disease. I had a chance to spend time with him at the espys. The way he talks about his little gl, i know hes ecstatic. What a happy story. Were so excited to have the brandnew stars of star wars, daisy ridley, john boyega are here just ahead. Their fit live tv appearance er. No pressure. No pressure and the stormtroopers, oh, theyre ready to stand guard. R2d2. Very chay this morning. A special star wars segment coming up. We begin with a diffent story. Mysterious death, the mayor of juneau, alaska, found dead in his home greg fisk had injuries on his body b they revealed little else about the investigation. Abcs Neal Karlinsky here with the late. Good morning, neal. Reporter george, good morning. This rlly is a mystery in the heart o alaska. Theyre not sure if theyre dealing with a crime here and just reay want to know what lled juneaus mayor. This morning alaskas capital is reeling, the question many asking, was it murder or just an accident . Newl elected mayayor greg fisk discovered dead in his own home just five weeks after being sworn intoo office here in juneau. Monday, the 70yearolds body was found by his dealt son. Lice say he did have injururs but the cause of death is ununrtain . Speculation what caused those injuries. Cause of death determinedo we kn. Reporr this was fisk in a recent debate. But u ultimately we cant cut our way into prosperity but grow the economy. Reporter he beat the incumbent for themayos office with twothirds of the vote. Well liked, full of ideas and seemingly healthy. This was very shocking. This was a tragic event and very devastatingg for o o assembly and r city and the entire community. Reporr at this point police dont know if fisks death was an depth or a crime. Police say theyre exploring all possible scenarios. An autopsyill be conducted this week to try t to figure out what killed the mayor. For good morning america, Neal Karlinsky, abc news, seattle. There dont appear to be any gunsho and police say itll be up to the autopsy to determine whether this is a crimil investigation or t. They hope to have those results sometime over the next couple of days. So strange. Just elected a couple weeks ago. Yeah. That playeye out, the desperate 911 call, a family washed away in their suv and trapped by deadly floodwaters. Abcs ryan owens has that story for us. Were in the water. Thecars u uer the water. We need help. Reporter 911 is nothing short of a life line for a family whose suv is swept off the road by floodwaters. Whe are the babies . Ive got two of them in my arms and my other son is sitting in a tree. Reporter thats e voice of britta Frank Holding her 1yearold and 3yearold sons but her 6yearold miguel is just outut o o reach clinging to the same tree that snagged his mothers suv in the middle of an oklahomareek friday. Her 72yearold grandmother is holding on to the vehicle too. Honey, ive got fire, medical, all headed your way, okay . Please stay on the phone,e, im scared. Reporter even the kids seemed to grasp how close they mom, i love y y so much. I love you, baba. Thatssot the way its supposed to happepen especially for my babies. Reporter this morning frank and her family are safe and tell abc news in this i interview its i miracle they got out of that suv at all. I hadhe childocks on the back windows and i knew there was no way that i was going to be able to get that window down and it just went down. Reporter the family spent about 45 minutes in that frigid wateter. You see the officerersoming to you . Theyre coming rightht behind us. Reporter befor rescuers showed up withropes. I was thinking we cant let any of these people die. Reporter and they didnt. Three generations of one family saved just in time. For good morning america, ryan owens, abc news, dallas. That one ges y chills. You hear that call, yes. Glad theyyre okay. Coming up a hollywood producer vanishes without a trace. The urgent search right now. And next we go oneonone with ke bryant. The lakers star leaving the does he really think would win in a matchup . Would it be . Would it be m. J. , michael jord, jordan or kobe . Im not picking. Im not heart. Youll see. Come on back. 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Only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Makes jejelry with rare chococe diamonds. Save up to 20 on select levian styles, with Dazzling Designs that shes sure to love. At kay, the number one jewelry store. In amemerica. Levian chocolate diamonds. For the sweetest thing in your life. Were back now with our exclusive interview with number 24, kobe bryant, one of t greatest basketball players of all time callinit quits at the end of the season ending an incredible 20year caer with the l. A. Lakers. I went oneonone with kobe about his big decision. Kobe bryant. Reporter it is the end of an era. Whoa. Reporter r rordshattered. Respect earned. And now after 200 yrs and 5 nba championships, kobe bryant will say goodbye to his first love, basketball. Everybody wts to know why now . Its the right time. Theres no point i really belaboring it or dragging it out or saying, well, leave the door something may change. I dont think this is something, a decision you can allow have to outsidid influenens to dictate whether or not you continue t t play. It must come from you. So once i knew this was it, might as well say it. How did you know this was it . I try to havet least 15 minutes of still time and just kind of sit in my thoughts in the morning and meditate. Normally what happens with me my mind would always drift to the ga, always. And then i found myself sitting there my mind wouldnt drift to the game all the time anymore and ttshen i realized its getting close. Not just 20 years but 20 years with the same team, the l. A. Lakers. Ho important is that to you . Extremely. It means everything to me. I was such a huge laker fan growing up. A dierd laker n, magic posters, magic tshirts and was my dream and to be herer for 2 2 mentors its b bn a drere come true. The fans, the letter that you wrote, you wanted to speak to your fans first. Why . Well, because i think it was important for them to know how ch they meant to me. The letter still doesnt do it justice and how important theyve been. How vital theyve been in my career and i mean we grew up together andnd thats such a beautiful thing. Was it a slow process to get here or was it justst one of tse light switch went off and you id no. Its a whole process and something that evolved over the last t threeears with the achilles injury that really frightened me because my career could be over now. It scared me. What am i going to do next trained hard and came back the next season and fractured my knee and traed harder and tore my shoulder and then it was juice like, oh this is one thing after the next so it was kind of a slow sheyear processss of kind of evolving to get where i am. The 17time allstar calls himselfis biggest critic and his best. Do you feel youre being treatly fairly this season being your last and all that you have done for the sport . Yeah, i mean i wouldnt have it any other way. You cant just sit around and expect everyone to give praise all the time. You got to beble to take the goododith the bad. One of the most important things i can share with the younger genetion is to accept it al dont have any expectations or lean on or rely on positive reporting on your career or negative. Have you accomplished everything that youve wanted to on the court . No. No. I wanted eight championships as a dreamy kid growing up, i wanted eight. W eight . T . Because magic had five and michael had six and, okay, ill win eight and hadnn opportunity to have seven andidnt work out. You have talked about wanting to have your place in the history o this game. Top five players of all time. Who would those five plalars b and would you cra the startining five. No, i would never put myself i put the peoplehat i learned the most from being jordan, magic, bird, Hakeem Olajuwon and jerry rice. When you see that hashtag go by your name. Its fantastic too be mentioned in the same breath as those p playersonestly to me, thats everything. Well sit and debate endlessly who would win on a oneonone matchup between me and m. J. Who would win. He would win some and i will win some. That will go on forever. Reporter althoughe said his goodbyeyes,ad to ask. Go . I am. I am. I am but im carrying this with me no matte what. Internal internalally my love, my passion evything i learned from it will be with me. Hes at peace. His thinking is so clear on all those issues. He talks about the fact that he grew up for a time in italy. His dad played pro ball. He has other interests and tomorrow well get into what is his next. What hes going to do next but its hard. Can you imagine if youre told something that you love, that youve thought about since you were yea high and told you cant do that anymore but thats at excited about whats ahd. He isnd we will discuss that and, of course, i had t ask him Michael Jordan or yeah. He could be a politician. No correct answer. But he really appppciates hes g gting dumumd on a lot by the press. Hes havin a horrible season. The e word that he used, crap, thats how he describes how hes playing right now. They played in iladelphias hometown, the sixers won it won their first game of the season. Kobe had 20 but you could just tell that hes ready to move on. At peace is the perfect way to say it. Youre going to see what happens when we play a littlee word associaiaon game with kobe bryant. Go to goodmorningamerica. Com on part two tomoow. Coming up, the new star wars stars, john boyega and daisy ridley are here live. Their stunned reactions to seeing themselves in the movie for the first time. ] the whipped cream sea be extra whippy [ laughing ] together ahhhhhhhhhhh yarrrr, it be ththtwizzler. Run crew member what does he want . Happy holidays Free Shipping all season long at target. Com. And free rurns too i dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. 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Ahh ahh. Ahh but at cigna, we want to help evereryone say it once a year. Say ahh. Ahh. Cigna medical plans cover so america, lets s go. Know. Ahh and take controlf your health. H. Cigna. Together, all the way. Feel a cold coming on . New zicacacold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. There are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. Tropicana. I cant believe it. Star wars film star daisy ridley watching herself in thehe trailer for the new film for the first time. s her fir movie role. Heres john its amazing. Watching hihimsf show this. Theres j johnatatching the trailer first time. Yep, yep. You say yep i think 25 times. Yep, yep. Yep. Over the sofa. Out of your minds with excitement so give me whats running through your mind as youre watching that, your first movie role in star wars. It was in the middle of the night so i was really tired which i think is funnbut it took many, many years of work and to see it come together was very moving. And for you, the couch jumping moment. I mean i just saw myself going up against kylo ren and o the set i didnt see myself like that so i had to jump over the sofa. I love it. Well talk more with both of you coming up on gma and we will be right back. So g great to have you here. Coming up, baby oh baby, brought to you b baby ddrops, e sunshine vitaminn just one drop. Some cash back cards love overcomplicate things. Like liting where you earn bonus cash back. Why put up with that . But the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. Real simple. Im talkg easy likea walkinthepark, nothingtoworryabout, manthatfeelsgood simple. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchasas everywhere. Its a simple question. Was out in the dining room, you know, meeting the residents and i had a gentman stop me and ask me if i made his dinner. He had lost his wife recently, but i didnt know that. He m me a remark to me abobo not sure he nted to be there anymore, but he said d something to me that has stuck with me to this day. After having your nner, i think i want tstick around a while and that really meant something to me. To the couple who set aside the whole day to sell their old car and buy a new one. Oops nas got the kids til 9. But itsssnly 2. Guess youll just haveo see a movie. Then get some dinner. What a pity. Back here on gma the pictures tell the w weather story. This is a legit snowman in fargo, north dakota. That storm hasow moved to the east but look at this pipiure. Also in oregon, bigtime icece and winds waking up this morning. All that weather brought to you bycloud cover this morning followed by sunshine in the afternoon. Then well have some warming through the week cracking the 40 goododorning america is s out to you byy cosuiui joint health supupplements availab ax veterinarians. As a safety reminder for others. Just after 4 am monday morning. Two adults and 9 children were forcedo evacuate their home ater an extension chord in their sement was covered in a pile of clothes, overheated and ighited. Sioux city fire and rescue extinguished the fire and the building hasince been red tagged. The family is being helped by the red cross, i cant say enough thank yous to everybody. Its overwhelming and i think thats what makes me cry more, because im just grateful that everybody thinks of us, and is willling to help us, no questions asked says marguerere cortez. Jessica rara there are four locations to drop off donations for the family. If you would like to help head to our website siouxland matters dot com lets check in with for the weather. Matt were on track for a much quieter weather day as our snow system spins eastward. Well have cloud cover this morning followed by sunshine in the afternoon. Then well have some warming tempmpatures as we move forward through the week cracking the 40 degree mark by friday with melting snow todays High Temperature is 34 with gradual clearing. The overnight low is 10 and itll be clear, calm, and cold. Tomorrows high is 37 and itll be mostly good morning, america. Its 8. M. And vished without a trace. A highpowered hollywood producer who worked on blblockbuster films from the avengers to xmen disappppears. M m ryan speakss about aging revealing shes body proud. The actress and mom getting candbout beauty and hollllywood. And is picking the perfect holiday . I love my wife but she sucks at giving gifts. The science tt finally reveals how toive gifts right. Youll meet the husband who cant seem to pull it off. Is he the worst gift giver ever . Well helelp him le rigig here. And t t h htest newar wars stars about to take over the gaxy. Daisy ridley. Im right. A remember how we firirst met now theyre bothere in times square for their first live interview ever. Both good morning, amica. The force is strong with you. Theyre already pros. They are. Ready to go. A whole bunch of stormtroopers also this momorning taking over times square. Uhoh. I see someone else a villain. It is ar wars week right here on gma. I love being here in times square. People dont even bat an eye. Of course, of course, but there they are, the two newest superstars, daisy ridley and john boyega. And theyre wit an oldie but a goody. Shhh. Elling him to be ququiet. Theirdventure is just beginning. T really is and well talk to the straight ahead. Looking forward toh that. Also this morning, this medical alert, right. Big medical alert for millions of americans struggling to get some sleep. How do sleeping pills really dr. Jen i here withh pototential risks you may not know about. An some new techniques so you cannfinally get some rest. One time can we just havav the camera on amy, howhe gets up here and how she ducks behind the camera and its just so graceful how you jaunt over ere. Graceful because no one is watching, right. High intensity exercise. That lasast little burst but shesthere. All in fourinch heels. Good morning to you. E big story we have a serious story, new protests in chicago overnight following that shooting death of Laquan Mcdonald. Mayor rahm emanuel f fing the head of the tys policee department, but protesters say, you know, that is not enough. Some are demanding the mayor himself resign. Meanwhile, illinois a Attorney Department to investigate whether the Chicago Police departments practices violate federal law. Well, at lst four m have been arrted near london this morning picked up on terror charges in a series of raids. Authorities say the arrests are todaday brititi lawmakers are debating whethther to join the bombingg campaign against isis in syria. It comes as the pentagon prepares to send more special forces into iraq. But this morning some troubling news. A u. N. Report warns isis fighters are building a new stronghold in libya with 3,000 of them now in that country. And a new poll in t the race for president showing donald d trumps lead growing. Senator marco rubio hasow taken over second place in a National Poll with ben carson slipping seven points into third place. Titi with ted cruz. And now to the frantic search for a hollywood producer who worked on a string of blockbuster films has not been seen since last week. Abcs matt gutman has more from l. A. Reporter eric kohler with credits in action flicks like the avengers, xmen and world. What zzs now at the center of a mystery vanishing in Southern California im a devastated dad. I want my son back. I can f findhim. Reporter police say they only havee these surveillance images to go on so far. His brandnew range rover pulling o of the shopping centert 4 p. M. Tuesday then his cell phone stops pinging and the trail goes cold. He has no history in the past that hes been missing for tss length of time. Reporter r kohlers family suspects foul play saying its not like the friendly ofnall on his social media account to just disappear. He would never just throw it away. Like he loves his job. He works so hard. He loves what he does. He i ambitious. Reporter his family shattered. Its a living nightmare. Its really its the hardest thing i can ever tell you to go thugh. Reporter for good morning america, matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. We hope they get some answers soonon, matt, thank you. Finally an unlely lottery rodney meadows of modesto, california, bought one of these 30 scratch t ticketsnd cashed in. He won a thousand dollars. Thats amazing and mos of us would just run home to celebrate but not rodney. He took that money and bought three more tickets and take a look at the result. There he is holding if you cant see the number there, a 10 million check. That is wha he won on theext round of tickets. He was in such disbelief he asked the clerk to check the ticket twe. Yep, he won 10 million. He hasnt decided what t do with the money yet butave an idea he could buy me a lottery ticket. Third time i i the charm. Exactly. Wowo thanks,amy. Lets go to lara. An unbelievable story. Thank you so much, george. Heres whats coming up on our gmaorning menu. Meg ryan is in the headlines saying that age shouldnt be a headline. The romcom queen opening up about hollywood and beauty. And aededical alert about sleeping pills and the risks you may not know about. You will want to hear dr. Jen then you may have heard its star wars week. R2d2 iss here. Wheree are daisis where is john . What . I figured. Stormtroopers, darth vader, daisy and john, the newest stars with the force all coming up on do the move. At ally bank no branches equals great rateses its a fact. Kind of lili mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . T being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that y you jason . It was georey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. What if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. F. With fewer relapses. Tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infectionn that usually leads to death or severe didisability, and decreases in your white blood ces. The most comn side effects are flushing and stomach problems. Tell your doctor about anany low whe blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Leararn more aut the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at tecfidera. Comom. Talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. So much more ahead on gma. We are counting down to christsts with the secret to finding thehe perfect present. The three key things to remember and its rescueime for o husband, even hisis wife calts him the worlds wst gift giver. Stay with us. In a world full of dictatess and conventions, could there be another way . La v vie est ble. La vie est belle, the eau de parfum, lanc me. Now at macys, grilled chicken and bush baked beans. Mom totally forgot to give us vegetables. I know. Its awesome. Booyah. Blow it up. Bus baked beans. Slow cooood according to our secret famililrecipe th a hint of sweetness. Theyre the vegeble kids lov theyre totally eating their vegetatables. Booyah. Blow it up. Whaaat . Bushs baked beans. The veggie kids loveve. Try our newest flar, asian bbq. Available for alimited time only. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicodermq patch, with unique extended release e chnology, helps s event the urge to smomo all day. I want this time to be my last time. Cant afford to let heartburn get in the way . Try nexium 24hr, now the 1 1elling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with the new leader in frequent hetburn. Thats nexium level protection. We welcome you back to gma. Meg ryan is sparking a new conversation about women and aging in hollywood. She tells us she loveser age, but she doesnt want it to become a headline. Abcs linzie janis has more. Hello. Reporter shes the r romcom queen. Id like it heated and vanilla. If not no ice cream whipped cream but only if its real. Reporter startg in an endless string of classicic but speang out tell ingin porter magazine there are more important conversations tha how women look and how they are aging. She probably has bee hurt about. I i think intelligently shehes looked to find out how she can deal with it. I think shes also like all wome very sensitive about her changing face. Reporter thehe american sweetheart makakg headlines in th past few years facin criticismver her changing looks. Ryan alluding to the Media Attention saying in the interview, i dont pay a lot of attention frankly. Theres a lot of hatred in the world today. Its soo easy to judge. Imagine being a hater, how stupid. When i think a woman has not been in the public eye for a very long time those images that the paparazzi capture become in the public csciousness how she looks. Reporter its been a busy year for the mother and actress. Its meg ryan. Reporter appeaearing on t the pop culture pop show billy on the street. Meg ryan invented the scrunched nose reporter and recently make her directorial debut in ithaca starring alongside tom hanks. Saying i l le my age, i love myy life right now. I love the personve become, the one ive evolved into. Pleased to meet you. Reporter for good morning america, linzie janis, abc news, new york. Oh, i love that movie. I love all her movies. So happy that shes a career behind the camera. The latest issue of porter available globallyy on friday. Over the counter and prescription medicatitions. One in eightht america use them. Are they always the best alternative . Becky worley takes a look. Reporter insomnia, toining, turning, desperate to get a im not getting restful sleep and havent for many years and on t average its 4 to 4 1 2 hours a night. Reporter brenda suffered with it for 25 years an tried prescription m mication but rarely t tes it fofofear of becoming addicted. Ive tried almost everything im aware of to try. I have changed my bedding, i have blackout shades, ive changed my eating habits. Reporter but lots of americans do take prescription medication. In 2013, 9 million americans had prescriptions for sedatives. Recently though sometudies suest sleepingills may increase the risk of psychiatric issues and even cancer for some people. Though a definitive cause and effect link has not been established. I think sleep aids should be used for an acute need but theyre not the best use for longterm care of your insomnia. Reporter so this past fall brenda underwent a sleep test at the university of chicago medical center. The results she had 32 brief awakengs every hour so now shes trying something alternative. Program. I really need to limit my computer work because of the blue light they were sharing with me eating earlr, no alcohol. R rorter its also recommended for sleep restriction. Only get in bed when youre sleepy. Notv, no devices. If after 30 minutes you cant sleep, get up and go somewhere else. Cognitive behavioral therapy allows the patient to approach the bed and restruure their thought process so that the bed is for sleeping and itts not a stressful experience. Reporter eloying new Behavioral Changes brenda is now tracking her sleep. The first night netteddix hours and a month into the program shes a araging f fe hours, an improvement she says. Anything could h help me im willing to do becau im goal driven to get this taken care of. Reporter for good morning america, becky worley, abc news, oakland, california. Lets talk to dr. Jen ashton about is. We heard a little about the consequences of prescription medications. Right. What more d do we know. Not a lot. Hardly anything in the medical liteture past 12 months of use. How the big classes of sleep aids work. Basically the valium or xanax class, the ambien class of medication both work similarly in thehe brain, sedating. The problem is associated risks of longter use, what is in the literature, not great. You can see issues with brain,n, memory function, heart, in terms of high bleep. G. I. System, nausea, vomiting, ab nall pain, weight gain, memetrual irregularities, you have to balancece those risks against the r rks of being sleep deprived. Its not the kind of thing yo want to be doing every night. I agree. What about over the counter. Two main classes, you have the sedating antihistamines like benadryl, andthen the sleep hormone melatonin. The thing with these antistamines, t they will increase the time you spend asleep but they make that sleepep day you will be more sleep depriviv. Melatonin good for Something Like jet lag but its a hormone not regulated by the fda. Not regulated at all. Only if they find a problem after its on the shelf. What other tips do you have. The onus of responsibility has to be on the medical community of we cannot write a prescription for a sleep aid and send someone on their way for life and take i forever. If you need tout or taper down some cannot be stopped abruptly. You can cut it in half, alternate one day on, one day off, i recomnd trying it on a weekend because you dont want to be sleep deprived when you go to work. Makes a lot of sense, jen ashton, thanks very much. Over to amy. We were taking n notes over here. Now to something many of us struggle with this time of year. Finds the perfect gift for someone special. It is hard. A story trending bi in the e wall street jojonalhohows how science canruly help us all. I love my wife but she sucks at giving gifts. Reporter many off us are garbage at gift giving. We are claire on modern family. I got nothing. Im so screwed. Reporter you dont have to be that person. Seasonal science is here to help. Psychologists and retail researchers actually spend time on this. Nuer one, give somhing of yoyoself. A book you love. A 2wi69 card to a restaurant you love. That is love. Meaning. Theyll think w well of you. Number two, less is more. Dont throw a little giftt i with a big one. Subconsciously the receiver will value late the avege cost and be underwhelmed. Number three, just give. Youll enjoy it and experiments toddlers show greater pleasure in giving than receiving. Someone who could use these tips, kayla moncurs husband. What did he get me . Its a paper shredder. He also got me a a wind up flashlig. Entire stocking full of hand warmers then there was this ridiculous hat that wee live in mesa, arizona, like the need for this kind of hat is just really limited. Ah. Nick, thank you for that of were joined by kla and aaron moncur from their home in warm, mesa, arizona. Here with us is Lori Bergamotto from Good Housekeeping magazine. Thanks for being with us. Thank you for having me. Lori, i want to start off with aaron and kaa, i understand, aaron, sorry, a lot of hate heaped on you there. You have kept one of the least successful gifts, lets call it that. W wt was the least s scessful gift . Yes, i underand you kept it . Oh, its the hat. Well, that depends who you ask. I guess kayla thinks so. Why did you choose the hat . Im going to defend you the. Ththere was a reason. Shes always cold and shes into fashion and you look at this hat and its just its beautiful. How could someone not like that. Extreme fashion. Beaeay in theye of the beholder, perhaps. Lori, what about the studies . Do you think they can help us be better gift givers . I love the idea ty studied the gift giving aspect from a scientific aspect and anything that helelps you give better gifts i am in favor of. Why is it so difficult. When you love someone and trying to give a gift the stakes are so high. You rlly want to show them i love you. Heres the reflection of how much i love you. But i think what matters more to someone is notot spending 500 on a gift, but spending more than ve minutes thinking about what to get. That rule youre not supposed to add the kicker gift to the big gi. From a personal perspective i dont agree with that so much but i think that all that matters is that the person feels like theyre gettingng an intangible memory of from this tangibible gift. All right, so not to set up aaron here because now weve just told everyone how to fe the perfect gift. Howid you doeyey. I understand you have a Christmas Gift that youre going to give it a little early right now. Thats right. Are we ready right now. Go for it. Good luck. Here, bring it out. Crossg her fingers. O on quickly. Lets do a closeup. Oh. Itsike lots of like body stuff. And it smells nice. Oo. Ochlto oo. I like a candle. Why did you pick that . What was your thinking . Well, shes been burning candles in the house lately and know she likes them so we walk past a Bath Body Works and i thought lets just get her a big gift basket of allhings scenty and nice. Think thas thoughtful. Yay. Good job, aaron. Nice effort. Yeah. And it is different how you buy for men and women. It really is and yourwife. It is and the things dont start looking just the week before the holiday, you know, you wantt to not look f a date the week beforore valentins day. Presents are nice. Being present is even better. Momma always knows best there you go. Want to thank our couple for putting that out there. Theyre so cute. Theyre adorable. Thank you. Merry christmas. Now outside to ginger. We are beingresent out here. Look at all my folks. You know, saying this looksks very hardy. It could withstand you said go it has thstood a blizzard. Hats not happening this still enough to me the roads slick. Thats i90 in chicago. That storm will be pulling outut that heavy band of snow moved already through a lot of folks this morning. Ststill, col heintzt for only a short time. Cloud cover this morning followed by sunshine in the afternoon. Then well have some warming temperaturures as we move forward through the week cracking the 40 0 degree mark by friday with melting snow todays High Temperature is 34 wi gradual clearing. The overnight low is 10 and itll be clear, calm, and cold. Tomorrows high is 37 and itll be mostly sunny and season oh, lara, all i want to do is push these buttons but he says thats not a good ea, right . Dont touch the butts. Touchy the buttons. Thank you, ginger. Pop news, everybody. So break out your best puffyfy jersey seinfeld taking up residencyt one of new yorks most historic theaters, the veteran comedian announcing he ll perform at the beacon once a month through je and maybe beyond, we hope. If he enjoys himself hell stay he b blatantly stole the idea from billy joe whos been performing monthly soldld outhows at madison squarar rden. Tickets for seinfelds s sw go on sale monday just in time for yone celebrating festivus thats a perfect size. A great gift idea. The gift of laughter. I like that. Festivus for the rest ofus. Speakingg of billy joel, everybody, the piano man is moving out. Before he ever moved in apparently. Selling two sidebside properties in the palm beach area for 29 million. Which is not bad considering he bought them less than two years ago for less than 12 million. He has a great idea for real estate. Property includes a seven bedro mansion that youre seeing pictures of and a large undeveloped parcel of land. No word on whether joel is heading to lentown, we do know he is always i a new york state of nd. I had a little extra time while writing that one. Baby cent. Com has leased its st of the mostt popular names and this year the most popular include jackson for boy, listen up there, ginger, and sofia for girls. Thats the top name. Ah, look how cute she is. Little baby girl. A Surprising New trend that some might find disturbing. Parents naming their kids after instagram filters. What . This is not a joke. On the list, lux, a boys name or i guess a girl too, an effect thatdds contntst. That wasas the most popular stagram inspired name and ludwig. Enhahances lig in a picture and valencia, okay, which is a pretty name but its an what about amaro. That could be a prett fame for a girl. We have not seen any big jumps in names like selfier snapchat. But you could in just a few weeks. Oh, little sfi zee. Youre so cute. Selfie e. That would be great. Go ahea tricked me. I thought i had time. George, i dont have time. This is the fourth time ive tried to do the story. Im saving it for tomorrow. The star wars, the newest stars coming up, johboyega, daisy ridley are here live, reminderor others. Just after 4 am monday mning. Two adults and 9 children were rced to evacuate their home ater an extension chord in their basement was covered inin a pile of clothes, overheated and ignited. Sioux city fire and rescue extinguished thefire and the building has since been red tagged. The family is being helped by the red cross, i cant say enough thank yous to everybody. Its erwhelming and i think thats what makes cry more, bebeuse im just grateful that everybody thinks of us, and is willlg to help us, no questions asked says marguerite cortez. Jessica rae there four locations to drop off donations for the family. If you would like to help head to our website siouxland matters dot com jessica lets check in with for the weather. Were on track for a much quieter weather day as our snow system spins eastward. Well have cloud cover this mornrning followed by sunshihi in the afternoon. Then well have some warming temperatures as we move forward through the week cracking the 40 degree mark by friday with melting snow todays High Temperature is 34 with gradual clring. The overnight low is 10 and itll be clear, calmand cold. Tomorrows high is 37 and itll be mostly sunny and seasonal jessica rae good morning weve got a quick news u update for you now. Jessica rae a Major Construction project is finally wrapping up. More than three months behind its original welcome back tostar wars week. You just saw there john boyega one of the think stars of the film along with d daisy ridley, and they are both here live. So want to get straight to robin who is with them. In the social square, these two 23yearolds right here taking the galaxy by storm. They were launched to statardom only two years ago when cast in the force awakens and the rest is history i themaking. Welcome, daisy ridley and john boyega. How are you doing . Nice to have you here wh us. Good morning. In goomorning. Is it tough to be up this early . The sitede of the pond like that. You saw the movi what did you think, john . It is so good. Thisis is a great reminder that star wars is back after so long and this is just a great balance between the new genetion and the old full of action, full of passion and its quite emotional. Ii enjoyed it. How about for you, isy. The first time ive seen myself do something so i was quite overwhelmed so looking forward to seeing it again so i can be like, okay. Ts is your first movie ever. I heard you cried on the way to the airport after watchingg it a it seteted in. I did. No, because i came out and i was like, yeah, im cool and in the car i was like the whole way and the whole way home the tenhour journey. You are fnt and center and its wonderful to see a fale character i in star wars being one of the major story lines. What do you think that says for young girls. Its really exciting. The way i think about it if i had a little sister i would be so pleased for her to see thehe were just talking a aut jennifer lawrence, the Katniss Everdeen thing has been so progressive for the female audience. Way cooler. Nice to continue that thing. Is it true you all dnt even have the s scripts that they were secretive about the scripts inin the begiing. Yeah, i it was sort of messed up. During auditioning they would have you com t Pinewood Studios to learn your lines then youdd he to go he and try to trace back what youou leaeaed and most of the timee it just w wt out of my heaea and bottled it got. I like your confidence. I just bottled it. It was a gait expernce b but had you to be so secretive. I didnt even wantt to take it. I think if the option was there it would be like,no, because its just terrifying. What if you lost it. Someone did lose it. Someone did. Yeah, someone did. Were part of the disney family. Yes. Normally wee g to see flipsps speaking to actors. We didnt e have been seen it yet. Thats how secretive and under wraps it is. I know Robert Downey jr. Has been somebody that you has been a mentor to you. This must mea the world to you to have someone like that give you vice. Know you dont wanant to share the advice hes given you but just to have him. Its great. The only issue i have with robert is that sometimes when hes doing these interviews for big shows i have too wait for him. No but its been great having someone thats had so o ch experirice to trynd like talk me through thihiwhole thing thats going down right now. Did you see yourself in times square . I did. I saw myself in times square. Did you see itt on the big screen. Yeah, so weird. So strange. Just for peoeople at home, help them understand what it must be like for you two to be on the cusp of this greatness that the people that its going to be soon, unfortunately, you wont be able to walk in times square without being mobbed. Couple of years ive been living in the Twilight Zone and think, oh, like the first few months of filming i cannot remember, i was just like overwhelmed and so emotional. So i think i a few years to look back will be right now it just seemsxciting but also unreal. It doesnt feel like its going on. Let us learn a little bit more about eh other here. I hear, da this man is a great imper nations. Yeah, yes. What . From shrek come on, h hit it. I cannot say that shrek was here at this present time so i wont say in terms of the time difference he might be he en 15 minutes. Right . He n nailed it. That was a morning gingerbread man. That like made me exhausted. I t thought o seeing him all over again and for daisy, is it about the singing. Yes. Oh, my god. Voice to the point where we challenge daisy on setet n not to sing for 24 hours. She couldnt do. We were an houour out of wrap and she sang one note, la and everybody just gave her a round of applause. Shecouldnt make it through the whole day. Broaay, perhaps in the future . Oh, i mean i saw the color purple last night and it was so unbelievable and you think, i wish i can be that you can be. The color purple. I love that. Have you seen it. Yes, yes, and they were here. Yeah, yeah, ah. Jennifer hudson, whoo. So, if you were not doing this, what wou youe doing . If wasnt acting uhhuh. You know, probably a cartoonist, i like to sketch, i like to dr. Probably something along those lines. Arent you already working on a plan b . Plan b, im just off of the education side of things so i tart a degree in january. Yeah, im going to be on set. Ill be on the set. Notice the difference between the two. Okay. Johnnd daisy, remember this moment. Bottle it. Treasure it. Thank yo thank you. We wish you all the very, very best. Thankyou. And very excited for everybody and star wars the force awakenslying into ththeaters decembe 18th and you are part of a big surprise, dont go anywhere. Just ahead, stick around, that will be in a few minutes. First outside to ginger. We will stick around for that surprise. Cant wait. We cant wait to say good morning, abby and riley from delaware sayy hi, everybody. Yeah, good morning, america. Letss go ahead and talk about sk zee because we got one thats brought too you by belfor. It cops from 10yearold judy from illinois. Listen up. Hey, ginger, its judy from illinois. My weather question is, how are weather and waves connected . Its a great question. L about wind, when the wind forces over and i think youere didnt look like this but this was last month, that wind piles up the water at the shorele along those piers and the waves grow. Thetronger the wind, the stronger of waves. Parents, i want you to send us your video question. Use the cloud cover this morning followed by nshine in the afternoon. Then well have some warming temperatures as we move forward through the week cracking the 40 degree mark by friday with melting all that weather brought to you by belr property rest restoration restoration, resesring more than propty. Celebrating star wars all week. This morningisney and bloomingdales are teaming up with top designers in force 4 fashion. Die e an von furstenbergs rey look andag and bones rey look and nice pants and chewbaccas look all from snyders. All starting tomorrow. Fans, though, can bid on these looks at charitybuzz. Z. Com. Proceeds ben hit bloomingdales mind institute. Get into the spirit and make money for a charity, amy. I likee that chewbacca coat. Guess what, we have more st wars aroun here very big fans with us. We have bryan, roque, brandon an kiy and recreated one of the trai. Kia and brandon s star in the remake and all four of them built the ops. Shot foror s st recreation and posted a split scree compaparison to prove how precise they were. Very incredible. Roque and bryan, you created it. What motivated you. Huge star wars fans and trailers for fun, you know, and we post them on our youtube chapel and have a Film Festival back in fresno where were from for homemade remakes. This was a labor of love and it took a lot ofhours. How long did you all take making this . It took about three weeksr so time wororking o o weekendssnd rightt after worko we justt put a lot of time and effort into it and a lot of creativity. I know you thought you were here to talk about your tribute video but what you didnt know is you are going to be meeting some two very qualified criticscs on just how welll you did it. I would like to introduce, com on, john anddaisy, come on out. [ cheers and applause ] look at this. Did you guys watch the trailer. Yes. What did you think of the perfmance here . Very creative. You guys weren a very expensive budget. So creative. Its so fun, and dude, you sweat just like me. Dude, ive been working on it all day, man. Daisy, what did you think of amazing. All right, so you all can mingle here and meet the real de a and enjoy yourselves. Coming up, the real guys guide to grooming and what does a banana peel have to do with it . All coming up. Ay here. Tt2w`t o mt bt q tt2w`t o mt a q9. L tt2w`t o mt bm q2 tt4w4w o mt dztq \l 4w`t o mt entq , , tt4w`t o mt gzt 5. T tt4w`t o mt hnt 8 8 tt4w`t o mt iztqtq oi tt4w`t o mt jntq ]9 tt4w`t o mt lzt et\ here on gma were always helping women with style and makeup and beauty but what about the guys . Guys are so impmptant too so this morning were talking to mens grooming. Chris salgardo, president of kiehls, one of my forite brands. Thank you. Here to chatbout manmade. I love the title of the book. Did you feel left out . Well, actually a little bit but whats great now is that men really have permission to tak care of their skin. And as i traveled all around the country, meeting menen at kiehls events and being at the gym i noticed everybody wasas asking me questions about skin care tips d groroing needs. I thought now i the perfect time to come out with a resource like in that every man can benefit from. Not jt about being vain but taking care of yourself. We are living longer so why not takeare of the skin youre in. You say there are five types of guys. Archetypes. The first one is the modern gentleman. This is somebody that is very refined, very meticulous about his appearance and cares about his skin. The second, the handsonuy that loves to pull it apart and put it back together but isnt are you g ging tips for each of these guys. Eve single one. Different rules for different types of guys is there it depends about your environment, what you do for a living. The extreme dude shooting down a mountain or up the west side highway on his motorcycle and you have to think about your skin and the rebel artist who has big ideas but has to te care of his face or renaissance man that needs to put his best face forward. We have some stuff. Your must have kit. Definitete. In. Every kit should have a couple things, a body fuel because this is a three in one wash, shave with it, wash your hair, your body a good to go. And is that a great tip for guysys, kp it simple. Won have a lot of products. Yes. Thats not that dsnt seem the kiehls bag. Keep it simple. Absolutely, you want to have products that perform well and thats why i like aacial one. You can put it on day or night spf is 15. Yo can go as high as 50 depending on your choice. Multitier cleanser and moisturizer and anything else. Yeah, you shoululd always have blotting paper, i say, because men, we haveatier skin so blot that away quickly. If we dont have that well get to thahat coming up. We do. You have an unusual tip. Theres a lot of times about to go to a meeting and your skews are scuffed. Bananas, potassium which is found in shoe polish is in bananas, enjoyoy your banana first and rub it over your shoe and voila. Look at the difference you will look sleek and dogs will love you. Exactly. I me, all about multitasking. There you go. You also if you dont have otters which most women do. Youre about to go on thaha date, grab a tissue, blot it over your face and good to go. Its not a wipe, its a b. Guys, you need to know put a little pressure. Dab it on. Doesnt mean you have to wear powder it does actually make takes it right down. A smoother face and fononzie our stage manager was nice enough to volunteer for your final tip because guys dont often havave a lot of the grooming tools but sometim the eyebrows can get a little unruly and, chris, you say just lip balm. Break out the lip baumein. Multiple choices. Just take it like th. Ill dot for you. Pat itt rightver the brow. Oh, fonzie. Like a makeover for you. ; voila. Youre ready too go. Looking your best. Thank you so much. Fonzie, you are manmade. And that is t name of the book. Chris, we thank you. Thank you for all those great products from kiehls. We all love those and manmad available now. Coming up, the hottest new gadgets for new many mos out there. Strollers, heart monitors, baby love we are back now on gmaa with baby oh baby, the hottest tech gifts this time of year, theyre notot just for under the trtree. Parenting in the digitatal age definitely has its advantages. Take a look. Strolls, to baby monitor, as a momtobe ive been gaga over baby gadgets so i went to the bump, headquarters in new york city to check out the coolest new pregnancy paraphernalia. I think this is a foot. I dont know forsure. A smartphonepp t that monitors your babys heartbea my baby beats is an app that lets you lisxen to your babys heartbeatn the womb. Reporter it works best at 30 to 40 weeks pregnant and all you need is your phones microphone. Put it up against your belllly. Once you detec a heartbeat sound youan press record. The babys heartrate. Reporter next. These are belly ps. You canan record them and listen to them. I put the buds o on and recorded a message. Hi, baby boy, its your mo you will be the next harry yles. Its very exciting. I dont know that that worked. I think i bored m. Well. Strollers. The origamistroller. This is a whole part back here. This stroller charges yourr cell phone, knows the temperature, logs your mileage, has lcd lights but the best part part there it goes. Wellet you try it. Does it go up itself . I lovehis thing. Oh, those were so cool. That is not all. Joining us jeica, t the enrtainment editor of parents magazine. This is almost liken espresso opinion for bottle makiking. You hit button and, kathlhln, if youant to demonstrate. With b by ryan. Akes a perfect bottle for baby ryan. Filters thehe wat no matter who does it, your grandmother, it makes the se bottle every time. You buy a threemonth size, sixmonth size. Buy the formula in stages. We hit a button and what happens. Almost out of wipes. I got to remember to go online. You get the amazon dash button and that goes jumps on your wifi and orders the wipes are to you and theyll show up at yo door two days later. One for diapers, paper towels and put them all over your house and hit it and know that youre going to be getting your refill. I know baby brain hits hard so no list necessary. Ght. This is perfect for mom brain. Finally, leo. Leo. Is in here. A bassinet and changing table. This is by graco. So some people are reluctant to buy a bastionen intert but l laea willnly sleep in here three months so you have the bassinet and changing table both. Leo, are you comfortable . Hes all set. We like to thank our sponsor ddrop. Go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo to follow my adventure. Thank you, leo, tha you, baby ryan ryan. re all set. Bababy oh ba is broughto vitamin in just one drop. Princess leia heherself i taking over times square tomorrow on they will them, han solo. Good morning, america. Plus, the countdown to christmas deals eals is on. You can get up t 71 off and all you have to do watch gma tomorrow. How much fun is i to have all these star wars people here. Its been great. T. More tomomrow as weeust saw but wehank you for joining us. Huhump day, halfway home. See you. News update for you now. Jejeica rae a Major Construction project is finally wrapping up. More than three months behinits original completion date. According to city engineers, glenn avenue will re open today at noon. Many parents of nearby morningside expressed concern at the start of the school year, when the construction began. Although glenn avenue will be open again, the reet may be closed briefly later on ithe week for a dott inspection. Jessica rae and here in sioux city, crews continue t to remove snow. Vehicle owners have until this rning to get vehicles moved so plows can clear the street. Ansnowbound vehicle not moved by 10 a. M. Could be towed at the owneres expense. You can chcheck out the citys snow removal policy at sioux city dot org. Jessica lets check with for the weather. R. Matt were on track for a much quieter weather day as our snow system spins eastward. Well have cloud cover this morning followed by sunshine in the afternoon. Then well have some waing temperatures as we move forward through the week acking the 40 degree mark by friday with meltining snow todays High Temperature is 34 with gdual clearing. The overnight low is 10 and itll be clear, calm, and cold. Tomorrows high is 37 and itll be mostly sunny and seasonal jessica rae good morning weve got a quick news update for you now. Jessica rae a monday house fire on rket street is serving as a safety reminder for just after 4 am monday morning. Two adults and 9 children were forced to evacuate their home ater an extension chord in their basement w w covered in a p pile of clothes, overheated andnd ignited. Sioux city fire and rescue extinguished the fire and the building has since been red tagged. The family is being helped by the red cross, i cant say enough thank yous to everybody. Its overwhelming and i think thats what makes me cry more, because im just grateful that everody thinks of us, and is willling to help us, no questions asked says marguerite

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