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The wod. Ive always said that we would do whatever was necessary, whwhatever it took too trackown emwazi. Today i want to thank the united states. Reporter the world first came to joe jihadi john a little over a year ago when he appeared wearing a black mask holding a knife and threatening the life of american journalist james foley. His voice was disguised but he could not hide his british accent. You have plotted against us and gone far out of your way to find reasons to interfere in our affairs. Reporter one after another, he presided over the murders of foley, american Steven Sotloff and pet kassig, plus two britons and then two japanese hostages. Earlier this year, his true identity was revealed to be mohamed emwazi, seen here wearing an american baseball cap, the son of kuwaiti parents who emigrated to the united kingdom. Even as a schoolboy in london, emwazi was spotted by teachers as having a violent streak. One teacher td the bbc at age 11 he was put in anger mamanagement therapy. Wed find that hed get very angry and word up and it would take him a long time to calm himself down. Reporter as a young adult he joined isis flauntitingis role as executioner with his piercing eyes and gravelly voice he became one of the worlds most wanted men. Our knife will connue t to strike the necks of your people. Reporter the parents of murdered hostage james foley said the action against him was of small solace, quote, this huge effort to go after this deranged man filled with hate when they cant make half that effort to save the hostages while these Young Americans were still alive. Its unfortunate that the government doesnt get it they think it gives us solace, but it doesnt. U. S. Officials this morning say they presume that emwazi was killed in the drone strike based on what they observed of the hitch the vehicle he was in burst into flames a one official said jihadi john essentiall george, was evaporated. May never have thedna. May never have the dna. The long hunt coming t a end and Abcs Martha Raddatz in washington. What does it say about our overall intelligence capabilities in that area . Reporter wellll, amy, clearly even with limited intelligence assets we managed to track down leaders. If confirmed he is by far the most prominent. That may have helped him find him. Its never easy to track any single person. You have to figure out their paern. How would he travel . Who does he meet with . How does he got the execution messag out. By being the public face of this Terror Campaign jihadi john was tempting fate. More people would know who he was, where he stayed, especially with that british accent. But ev with all that as we said, it took more tha a year to find him, amy. So, martha, does this make a difference in the fight against isis . Dodoes this have an impact . Reporter its without question a big symbolic victory for the u. S. And britain and you can be sure well make the most of it in terms of c counterering the isis message but he was not the man leading the fight and surely soone will step in to take his place. The isis network remains very strong and very widespread, but this stke, if proven to be jihadi john, is a blow to the group for now, amy. All right, Martha Raddatz in washington, thank you. The fight against isis front and center in my exclusive interview with president obama yesterday when we spoke in the cabinet room shortly before the strike, the president acknowledged how difficult it would be to eliminate the threat from that deadly terror grou even your friendly critics, Fareed Zakaria says what you have on the ground is not engh. Every couple months you will be faced with the same choice, back down or double down. I think whatt is true is that this is always been a multiyear project, precisely because the government structures in the sunni areas of iraq are weak and dont have Ground Forces there in s sufficient numbers to simply march into al raqqah and syria and clean the whole place out. And as a consequence, weve always understood that our goal has to be militarily constraining isils capabilities, cutting off their supply line, cutting off their financing. But isis is gaining streng, arent they. I dont think theyre gaining rength. What is true, f from thetart our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in iraq and in syria theyll come in, theyll leave. But you dont see this systemic march b isil across the terrai what we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate theheir comma and control structures. Weve made some progress in foreigign fighters and part of our al has to be to recruit more effective sunni partners in iraq to really go on o offense rather than simy engage in defense. S so what d you think wn you hear someone like ben carson get up and say, hey, this would be easy . We can te isil out by bombing their oil fields. What i think is that he doesnt know. About it and, look, george, i think its fair to say that over the last several yearars, ive had access to all the best military minds in the country and all the be Foreign Policy mines in the country and im not running for office and so my only interest is in success and if im down in the situation room talking with people who have worked in these regions and have run Major Military operations from the staff joe dunford to individuals like gener allen who was involved in iraqi operations back in 2007 2008 and they don think its easy, then its probably not easy and whatt weve been able to do is to shape a strategy that first and foremost contained the momentum that isil had gained, but until we get the syria political situation resolved and until assad is no longer a lightng rod for sunnis in syria and that entire reon is no longer a proxy war for shia sunni conflict were going to continue to have problem. That could take a generation. Well, i would distinguish between making sure that the place is perfect, thats not going to happen any time soon, with making sure that isil continues to shrink in its scope of operations until it no longer does, not just primarily to us, but to neighbors in the region like jordan or saudi arabi and that the humanitarian crisis thats taking plalace with millionsf people who are fleeing the country, that they can be rerelieved. Lets bring in jon k karl fm the white house for more on this and, jon, the president acknowledging how difficult this fight is but a as martha pointed out this morning,g, aig symbolic victory for the president. This is a hugelyy important symbolic victory for the white house. Jihadi john is see as somebody who was not just the public face of isis but somebody who was key the recruitment in the west andd also a you mentioned, george, somebody who repeatedly unted the president ,t, mentntioningim by name in virtually every one of those beheading videos. And, jon, we heard the president say ben carson doesnt knowhat h hes talking about on the fight against isis. Carson also taking fire last night fromonald trump. Reporter yeah, donald trump is on t the w path. This was his most overthetop attack yet, really a bizarre speech overnight taking on the man who is now the frontrunner or challenging him as the frontrunner in the polls, dr. Ben carson its Donald Trumps most overhetop attack yet going after ben carson using words carson wrote in his autobiography about his troubled youth. When he said he had a, ote, pathological temper. So he said he has pathological disease. W, if youre pathological, theres no cure for that, folks. Okay. If youre a child molester, a sick puppy, youre ahild molester, theres no cure for that. Theres only one cure. We dont want to talk about that cure. Thats the ultimate cure. Theres two. Theres death and the other thing. Reporter and trumps rant didnt end there. I say wha the hell we come to, what havee come to when we have to believe this kind of stuff and were going to put somebody in office who consers himself to have paththological disease. Read the definition in the dictionary of patlogical disease and im not saying it. He said it about himself. Reporter in the most bizarre part he brought out ann imaginary thrive to imitate a scene in his autobiograph where as a teenager he said he tried to stab a friend hitting him in the belt buckle. How stupid are the people of iowa . How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap . Reporter carsons spokesman dismissed it as a reaction to carsons staing in the polls sayingquote, mr. Trump has resentment when he sees dr. Carsonrise. And, george, that speech went on for 95 minutes, trump was going after everybody. He called marco rubio a lightweight and went afterarly fiorina calling her carly whahats her name. Totally bizarre and, jon, typical candidates if they call iowa voters s stupid p pay a price. Its never been tried before. Thanks very much. You can see a lot more of my interview with the president on this week. We turn to a secret Service Officer who worked at the white house under arrest this morni accused of sending sexually explicit messages and pictures to someone he believed was an underagege girl allegedly sending some while he was on duty. Abcs Pierre Thomas is in washington with the latest on that story. Good morning, pierre. Reporter good morning, amy. Authorities say wn confronted officer Lee Robert Moore admitted to the sordid online nversations and to sendingng a naked picicturef himself to what he thought was a 14yeararold girl and some of these communicatns which took pce over a period of months happened while moorere was on duty at the white house. He also allegedly said he sent sexually e explicit communication to other underage girls and, amy, it getets worse. Moore is accused of trying to arrange a meeting for a sexual encounter with a minor. And, pierre, tell us what type of work did moore do for the wte house and what next in his case . Reporter moore claimed that he actually worked clearing people into the white house. Hes due in court this morning as Legal Proceedings are now fully under way. This is the latest embarrassing incident for secret service tryi to get over a prostitution scandal and allegations of drunk agents and we all remember that fence jumper who got inside the white house. Amy. All right, Pierre Thomas, in washington, thank you. A lot of challenges for the secret service. We move on to strong winds causingome coastal flooding and, ginger, that wind and cold r is moving toward us today. We just started to feel the beginning of it here in new york city but look at these pictures, incredible image, waves up to 15 feet on lakemichigan. Thats grand haven. This is lake erie just blasting the shoreline and anything in its path. You can see the huge waves getting in there. Well, now that is because of 50mmileperur winds. We have wind advisories throughout the app layings up to they last through tonight orr early tomorrow. The gusts willasy be 300o 40 Miles Per Hour and, georgege, it gets very cold. Ill show you how cold coming up in the nations weather. We will bundle up. Dan harris in with the other top stories. You have more breaking news in this fight against isis. Another major blow to isis this morng. Kurdish fighters with the help of american air support have reportedlyly taken control of the city of sinjar, disrupting a isis supply rte between Northern Iraq and syria. The defense secretary ash rter has fired his top military adviser. Army Lieutenant General ron lewis is accused of misconduct. Pentagon officials have not confirmed reports of an alleged improper relationship. The faa investigating more dangerous laser attacks on aircraft overninight. Dozens of planes and helicopopters have been targeted this week, new cases have been reported overnight in dall, los angeles and in phoenix. New fallout from t uprising againstlleged racism on Claremont Mckenna college, the head has stepped down and university of missouri named one of the first black graduates of its law school as t interim president. A bit of controversy in the nfl. Fans are speaking out against the new bold colored nik uniform, the jets and byes wore them last night. Critics say people who were colorblind couldnt telell the difference between solid red and green. The bills, b by the way, in red won the game. And finally here, dad of the year. In anticipation of the new star wars movie a guy named colby powell who happens to be a contract built an enormous death star for his kids. s 23 feet tall, weighs 400 pounds. He used a 70foot crane to hoist it on top of their house in california. Heres t kicker. The thing lights up at night. Oh. On behalf of all of the other dads in america, i want to thank this colby guy for making the rest of us look like complete losers. Thank you f that. 11 months ole, doesnt speak english and has no idea what star wars is. All the neighbors are thanking you for not doing that. Your son is too young to know youre a loser. I have a feeling he suspectcts it. All right, dan, thank you. Well, thehe top nfl player who has had ten concussions about to take the field once again. That sry in just 30 seconds. Back now at7 17 with the many worried about his healt and abcs ryan smith has the story. Welker makes the catch. Reporter a 59 dynamo going from undrafted to one of the mostominant pass catchers of his era. He runs the route. Reporter a prime target for tom brady and peyton nning known for making the big play at a big price. Hes had i history of concussion concussions. Reporter but this morning after nearly a year away from the game, wes welker returning to the nfl despite suffering multiple concussionsver his 12 years in the league. This is one you watch in my opinion with your eyes clos. I am scacared for him. Reporter the fivetime po bowler signing with the rams sunday, once suffering three concussions in lesshan a year from hits l like this. Official is all over it. Reporter thats not stopping the 34yrold from playing the game he loves. Wide open is welker. Reporter telling espn in june. Cant say im really worried about it. I mean i know a l of people think i should be more t than i ill cross that road when i get there. Repetitive head trauma chokes the brain. Reporter the up coming movie highlighting. Dr. Julian bales played by alec baldwin say players like welker could plala themselves at risk. I think everyone in his style of play has to be concerned. You really have to weigh the riskenefit of fther participation. Rorter some imploring welker to hang up his cleats. I dont want him to play becae of these concussions. This thing is no joke. Reporteter but the nfl star telling the st. Louis postdispatch hes not at all worried hoping to suit up on sunday. The raps telling abc news their deers medically cleared him. He wont look for contact on the field, he says but not thinkining about it either adding you start secondguessing yourself you startting in trouble. We hope hes okay. So much more ahead. Newetails in that murder mystery. An urgen manhunt for the killer who ot a young pastors pregnant wife. A community and Police Searching for answers right now. And caught on camera. A Convenience Store clerk rescuing the victim of a a kidnapper. How he shoe she w in trouble the moment they walked in the door. All that coming up on gma. Look, the wolf wasas huffifingnd puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. 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Terry branstad. Big oil. They win. We lose. People and planet loses. There are those that argue that jobs will be created by the pipeline for other temproary and will provide work until the project is complete. I think its important to take a wider view. A two year project will yield thousands of high paying high skill jobs. Pipeline pipeline just say no. Dirty oil has got to go. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt a very quiet pattern is in place through the next 3 days. Sunshine and warmer temperatures are in the picture. The south wind will strengthen as our weekend continues and well have increasing clouds going into our sunday. This will culminate with a chance of showers returning to the forecast monday and lasting through wednesday of next week. Todays High Temperature is 54 with plenty of sunshine and calm winds. The overnight skies. Tomorrows High Temperature is 63 with more sun. Heres the 7 day forecast where showers are going to make a return early next week. vo shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood. All with worryfree ownership. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Welcome back to gma. That is the brutal terrorist known to the world as jihadi john. Killed in a drone strike in syria. One of the most wanted men in the world. We all saw him on those tapes executing three americans calling for war against the united states. Also right now, we have so ch more, samesex couple in utah fightingo keep the foster baby they have been raising for the last three nths. A judge ruling that the baby should be placed with a heterosexual couple for the chds wellbeing. Ththe state is also fighting this decision. And then a familiar face could be back on the president ial campaign trail if some republicans have their way. A report this morning saying theres a movement under way to draft mitt romney to run again. Some of the gop concerned about donald trump and ben carsons rise, they are getting behind the 2012 republican nominee. So my t twists and turns. Carson and trump stay on top right now. Also this morning, if you hadnt heard its friday the 13th and obviously a lot of people think its an unlucky day, but, lara, that may not be the case. Y youre ectly right. All of these Mega Millions tickets. Turns out friday the 13th may be the best day to play the lottery. We will explain why coming up. Is this a pop news investigation . No, no no, this is the speed feed. Are you sharing those . Are you . Sgl she used her top investigator. Fonzie. That is all coming up. We are going to begin with sad news switching gears, that tragedy in indianapolis where a pastors wife was killed in their home. Abcs gio benitez has the latest. Reporter good morning to you. By all accounts Police Believe this was a burglary gone wrong and not clear if the gunman took anything from the house but what they did take, a life. This mornin thehe mystery growing and a community on edge olice hunt for an unknown gunman who they say shot 28yearold Amanda Blackburn in the head, a pregnant mother, wife of a local pastor seen here on youtube speaking at the church. As soon as we got married, i movedo South Carolina with davey. Reporter overnight Police Telling abc news that they are following several leads and that three hours before that murder, there was another Home Invasion in that same ararea. Ryan mcconnell is the couples neighbor and friend. Amanda was an azing person. They had such a happy family. Reporter early Tuesday Morning police say pastor Davey Blackburn went to t the gym and returned to find his home broken into. Hiss wife with a gunshot wound to the head. He called 911. Their 1yearold son right there in the house. Amanda died in the hospital. This rning, a 1,000 reward for that mystery gunman. If you break into toburgle, why would you commit a murder . Ive seen it done before but typically when you b break in, you realize someones there. Most burglars ive prosecuted leave. Their goal is not to murder. Reporter now as police piece it togethther a Community Wants answers. And you might be wondering about that 1yearold little boy in the house. Thankfully hwas not hurt. Poli tell us abc news that no Family Member is a suspect right w so we should be hearing much more from them later this morning. Amy. All right, gio, what an incredibly sad story. Now to a story whi cou have had a. Different ending if not for a very alert gas station clerk. The quickthinng hero stoppingg an alleged knapping and abcs t. J. Holmes is here with that stor sometim you get that gut feelingg something is not right. This guy acted on thahat instit but instead of calling police, he actually put himself in front of an alleged armed kidnapper and said, shes not going anywhere else with you. At first glance you might not realize anything is wrong here. But this is an alleged crime in progress. Police say the man in this rveillance video carjacked this woman early wednesday morning claiming to have a weapon. He forced her to withdraw money from atms around town. Watch as they pull into this gas station and walk into the Convenience Store. Wave to the clerk before they go to the atm. Unable to withdraw cas they head to the counter whehere the suspect uses the womans credit card to buy cirettes. But watch what happens next. The clerk manveer senses something wrong stops the woman at the door physicallyutting himself between her and the suspect and tells her not to leave. You come behind my back. I help you. No problem. Reporter the clerk confronts the suspect who reefs into his jack as if h has a weapon, the suspect then flees in the womans car. Back inside the clerk gives the woman a bottle of water. Shes shaken but unharmed thanks in part to the clerk playing his hunch. They caut up with the suspect because, guy, he hadad stolen the womas phonone and turned it on and could track it no problem. Again, h didnt ask questions, he didnt say are you okay . Is everything all right . He just acted on his hunch. And said dont leav courageous was he and kind. Thats just incredible. Hunch or not, incredie courage. Shes okokay, unharmed. Thank odness. Thank you, t. J. Now to the airliline pot who says he was fired for ordering an emergency evacuation after one ofis jet as peered to be smoking. He is suing Allegiant Air claiming he was punished for costing the airline money a causing bad publicity. David kerley with the story. Good morning. G. Reporter already some of alallegiants operations and Training Program are under intense focus by the faa after a low fuel landing and also an aborted takeoff and now this former pilot is suing the airline. Evacuation slides deployed. 141 pasngers jumping and sliding out of this allegiant jetliner, some injured. All this aer an emergency landing. The flight attendants reported a buing smell. Reporter then ground rescue crews say there is smoke coming interest an engine. We wi be evacuating. 864, hold off on your evacuation please. Who said to hd off . Yes, please hold off on your evacuation. Yes, who is this . Reporter the captain of the jetliner we need an answer, please. Why do you want us to hol on the evacuation . Reporter said he couldnt get answers so hee ordered the evacuation. You were fired. Indeed, yeah. Reporter this morning kinse is suing. Allegiant said the evacuation was unwarranted andaid part of kinss job is, quote, striving to preserve the companys assets, a chilling statement the captain says from an airline facing scrutiny from regulators. Youre suing them, why . Its important to me that we set a tone that safety shoul always be a pilots Decision Just because it may cost an rline a little bit of media exsure tore a few buck, thats not my job. Reporter allegiant tells abc news, it is not able to comment on specific employees adding that it has a culture that values the safety of our passengers and crew above all else. Would youou make theame call i will always look out for your safety. Reporte kinzer wonders if hell ever get that opportunity again. Faa regulations are very specific and say the captain is directly responsible for and iss the final authority as to the operation o of tt aircraft. Thats a statement this former captain will be taking to court. George and amy. Boy, y you wouldld think his number one concern has to be safety. Th passengers one would hope as a passenger on the plane that would be their foremost policy. Lets see how it plays out. Thank you for that. Dating. New safety concerns this morning after a slew of danangerous crimes in a major city. Also ahead, an important n new ststudy about autism out this morning revealing the number of children who have autism. Price match . Explain. If a customer finds you for a lower price at another store, theyll match the price. Small childs toy, are you telling me theres more than one Optimus Prime . [gasp] ah ah ah ah all the hard work. Time in the service. Counity college. It matters. Its why we, at university of phoenixix, count your relevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder. Whether i should seek trement. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the mostst common pe of chronicic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney prlems, or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampmpin, or s johns wort. It also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. De effects may include tiredness and headache. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your h hep c specialist if harvoni we are back now with a major alert for the millions of americans who use Online Dating sites. Authorities are warning thievess may be using them to lure victims. That story an how youan protect yourself. Gogood morning. Good morning, amy. An estimated 40 of all single people in the u. S. Have tried Online Dating but a recent spate of crimesing itting daters in one major city is proving just how dangerous meeting someone online can be. This morning, an urgent warning to online daters about a dangerous new way criminals are preying on those looking for love. Using fake profil, getting women to agree to meet them for a dinner date at home, then when the women arrive at the address, robbing them at gunpoint. Its happened six tes in recent weeks in boston alone. Now police there and even the massachusetts attorne general telling daters, dont agree to meet anyone at their residence. Its ariminal spi on catfishing, luring someone with a fake online profile and its happening around the country. Reporter rebecca met a man online andhen she went on a date he attacked her. He became sexually aggressive and reporter it was only after ththey met she found out he was a convicted sex offender. Safety and selfdefense expert Jarret Arthur says were becoming so used to meeting people online were forgetting to follow basic precautions when it comes to meeting them in person. One thing she recommends doing, a reverse image search o of their profile photo. So ts shows you right away th this person might not be when who they say they are. If the photo is attached to any otheher namesnhe internet thats a red flag. They may have given you a fake name. Chances are somebody is using somebody elses profile. Reporter so before going on at first date our experts says always speak on the phone and always tell a friend or family going. Going back to that reverse image search, if y youre on an ipad, a downlo reveverse c. Its an app that costs 1. 99 then upload the persons profile picture into the app. Here i have one of my purchases then illearch that picture and see what other types its been used online. See if it matches the name. Her twitter account, taylor, same picture so i feel safe. Could have been a dicey moment for our colleague. Ss actually a real person. Shes engaged. Not too many online profiles. Most important go to a public place. A always meet at a public place. Meet there. Dont ever let anybody pick you up and take youthere. That took about ten seconds if easy to do. And something very important. Thank you s so much. Stillll ahead here on gma, explosive new details about gwen and gavins split. Was the nanny at the center of earth all . Photos. Was she trying to look like the rock star . Lara, you say we dont have to worry about friday the 13th. It could be the best day of your life. These tickets belong to our crews. Boys, Im Feeling Lucky for you. The story coming up in our speed feed. Buy lottery tickets today. People think calornians live in our own reality. With our heads in the clouds. Like a bunch of space cadets. Huh . Ve drawn a blank. Whats my line . [director] reset maybe we do live in a fantasy. In our own little bubble. Just hangin out as if were not completely down to earth. But just a bunch of dreamers . No way were just like everyone else. You know, average joes. Start dreaming big at visitcalifornia. Com lowes presents how to make a snowman while eating a turkey leg. inflating noises ha now get these Christmas Lights for only 9. 98, at lowes. Ifif you havmoderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me. And youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my papain and ptect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribingg humira for more than 10 0 years. Humira works for many adults. 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Friday the 13th has been a baer day for lottery winners, especially in michigan since 200 200, the great lakeses state has scored three winners on friday the 13th ting in a total of 150 millio lightning could strike for a fourth time toght, the drawing at 11 p. M. Eastern. I know wereot in manager package but i did buy these for the crew. So, boys, here we go. Here we go. Passss them out. Pass them out. I got nothing for you guys but love. Were together. We share. If we all win one for all. One for all. L. Are you superstition about anything . Not about the lottery, no about missing a commercial so go. Thank you so much. Did you say honey . Hey, try some . Mmm that is tasty. Is it real . Of course. Are you . Nope animated you know im always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well youve come to the right place. Great, mind if i have another taste . Not at all mmm youre all right bud . Never better i dont know if he likes that. 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Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Elara helpskeep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara. I was out in the dining room, you know, meeting the residents and i had a gentleman stop me and ask me if i made his dinner. He had lost his wi recently, but i didnt know that. He made a remark to me about not sure he wanted to be there anymore, but he said somethinto me that has stuck with me to this day. After having your dinner, i think i want to stick around a whilile and th really meant something to me. I never had an experience like that and it just let me know that what im doing is much more important than just food. Back here on gma up to ten inches of snow this morning in northern wisconsi not in sheryls front yard in ashland but plenty coming with the cold air and then its going to warm up. Theyre stopping in the mid30s today but goes to 60 by the time we reach vo want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase . At enterprise, we guarantee it. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales change your thinking about buying your next one. Assault case that occured several weeks ago on the campus of usd according to Vermillion Police, on september 27th, two female students were sexually assaulted one on campus and one off campus. The Vermillion Police chief says the department has referred its investigation to the state attorneys office. Until charges are filed the suspect is not being identified. Following the attack the university of south dakota sent out an email to faculty and students with photos of three persons of interests. We will have more on this story. Later on in the show. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt a very quiet pattern is in place through the next 3 days. Sunshine and warmer south wind will strengthen as our weekend continues and well have increasing clouds sunday. This will chance of showers returning to the forecast monday and lasting through wednesday of next temperature is 54 sunshine and calm winds. The overnight low will drop into the 20s under clear skies. Tomorrows 63 with more sun. Heres the 7 day forecast where showers are going to make a return good morning, america. Its 8 a. M. A and whave startling new numbers on autism. The neweporort revealing that 1 in 45 u. S. Children may have autism. Whats behind the surprising increase . Never been in love before explosive new details emerging about gwen and gavins breakup. Was the nanny at thee center of it all . Bizarre twist. Was the woman watching their children trying to look like the rocksuperstar . And gma undercover and its our biggest and best one yet. Six olympic figure skaters in deep disguise. Wait tillouou seehat happens when they hit the ice and stun the crowd. Only on gma. Shut up and dance with me gma body proud. Big fears from so many women over buying a swimsuit. I never even consider buying a bikini. Revealing major insecurityies about their own body, Ashley Graham helps one woman take the plunge. Are you ready too shopping for a bikini . Yes, lets do it. A as we say good morning, america. [ cheers andnd applause ] thatsot all, mark cuban, Ashley Graham right there and mark cuban is back because we have a big edition of shark tank and entrepreurs trying to w him over. They dont care about the cold at all. Get some coats on. Its cold out here. We are celebrating gms 40th birthday and ginger is sharing some of her favorite stories and the amazing places shes taken all of us to see like this cave in vietnam, plus, ginger, we haveve a big surprise guest for you and you actually dont know who it is. I have no idea. I have some guesses. Could it be alex trebek. We have to go wake him up now. Its somebody else that you also look up to a great deal. Ill say that. That is coming up. Huge Family Reunion next thursday. L kinds of familiar facaces foror our big 40th celebration and big marathon broadcast, 40 for 40, that kicks off tuesday at 5 00 p. M. , 40 straight hours of live many stream. E everybody drink their coffee. First lets go inside to gma weekend anchor dan harris with the morning rundown. One of the most wanted men in the world is believed dead killeded in an american drone strike in syria. One u. S. Official is calling it a direct hit on the british citizezen and is militant known as jihadi john. Hes been the public face of isis appearing in disguise on video executing american, british and japanese hostages. Mnwhile, donald trump is unleashing new attacks on his closest competitor in iowa mocking ben carsons story of how he tried to stab a friend when he was a teenager. Trump claiming a belt buckl could not stop a knife. Trump also compared carsons, quote, pathological temper to a child molester who cant be cured. The Carson Campaign is dismissing this rant saying trump simply resents caons rise in the polls. Police in houston say another child has been shot in a road rage incident. In this case a 3wu8 let passing ththrough the car wounded a 10yearold boy. Just last month a 4yearold girl in albuquerque, new mexico, washot and killed in another road rage incident. Onef the stars of the tv drama ncis sayss she was attacked on the street in los angeles. She was punched by a homeless man thrhreatening to k kill her. She tweeted a description o what happened calling the man psychotic and saying shes gratef to be alive. Child welfare offs now say they will fight a judges ruling ordering a samesex couple to give up their foster child. Abcs Kayna Whitworth has deils. Reporter this morning, a samesex married couple is fighting to keep t their family together. I was really angry. Reporter judge Scott Johansson ruling tuesday that the little girl, April Hoagland and Beckie Peirce have been raising for the last three months beemoved from their utah home by early next week saying the child would be better served in the home of a heterosexual couple. Shes doing so well. Its not good toeep moving a child when t theyre thriving. Reporter the couple says the judge told them resrch shows children raised about samesex parent households don do as well as children raised by heterosexual couples. This is about the child and we just want whats best for her. Reporter overnight the stes department of child and famimily servis pushing back on carrying out t judges order, filing a motion asking him to reconsider. Leave your personal opinions at home. We have law, we have rules and we need to abide by those. Reporter this morning an outpouring of rage and support for the women. The governor of utah s saying hes puzzled by the ruling. We dont want to have activism on the bench in any way, shape or form. Reporter kay whitworth, abc news, los angeles. Also this morning, a new study sugsts an increase in th number of children with autism. Out of every 45 american ildrenen is autistic. Researchers caution this reported increase is likely due to how the survey was conducted but they also say this cld be the most accurate estimate yet. And finally a sign of the times in silicon valley. One of googles dverless cars got putted over by the cops. Not for speeding but for driving too slow going 24 in a 35mileanhour zone. The car got a stern warning, no ticket was handed out to either the car or the human being that is mandated to be i the car at all times. Back to you guys. What a reliefef. Noway. Thank you, dan. Hey, heres whats coming up on our gma morning menu. There is a bombshell twist in Gwen Stefanis split. Did the nanny play a part . Noww there are newew lookalike photos of her and the rock star. And then loving the way you look. Finding the right clothes for any size. Ashley graham back to explain. Gma going undercover. Six olympic figures in disguise on the ice, epic surprise o the ice. Shark tanks mark cuban, get over here. Hi, mark. George coming up on gma, dont go anywhere. Well be right back. [ cheersnd applause ] ahh. Ah. You probably say it a million times a day. Ahh. Ahh ahh. Ahh but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. Say ahh. Ahh. Cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your innetetwork annual checkukup. So a america, lets go. Know. Ahh and take control of your health. Cigna. Together, all the way. I am your father. No, no, no i am your father. Campbells star wars soups. Thats gototta be the worst vader ever. Made for real, real life. All the hard work. Time in the service. Community college. It matters. Its why we, at university of phoix, count your relevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. Fact. Advil pain relievers arere used bmore households than any other leading brand. To treat their aches and pains more people reach for advil. Relief doet get any better than this. Advil. Its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, love your laxative. Miralax. [ barks ] come on. Wait. Welcome to the annual lighting of the tree. Let the holidays begin [ crowd gasps ] oh that is not good a bulb h gone out. Who will go on the perilous journey to replace it . We will crowd huh . We will . Yeah shell ya later be careful out there. Good luck were talking about swimsuits and you decided not to wear a jacket. Aim a little crazy this morning. Weve got big fears whehen it comes to plungingg io buy a swimsuit but Ashley Graham is helping one woman buy her first bikini and confront a lifetime of disliking her bodydy. Its coming up. And off you go, and off you go, and off you go, for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 wholgrain quaker oats. And off you go. Hey marc. How you feeling . Dont ask. This is what it can n be like to have shingles, a painful, blistering rash. I never thought this would happen to me. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. Im going to go backck to the eye doctor tomorrow. Its pret close to my eye. I dont know how you do it. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today you might need this. I know this is not the right movie. Getting so close, there it is, that brandnew ftage frorom star wars right there. Debuted on abc l last night, tgit. And, boy, the excitement is just building. You can feel it. Ou can feel it. Biggest star wars fan ever. Every me you see han solo makes me want to pull out the lightsaber i had since i was 7 and beat my brother. Its right behind the desk. Come on. Be honest. George is piling on this morning. I didnt get a lot of sleep last night, sorry. Were going to move on now to that highprofile dirce. Gwen stefani Gavin Rossdale learning new details about their breakup and nick watt is in los angeles with all that. Nanny having an affair, it is a tale as old as the hills and, accocording t a new report in us weekly that is what happened in the gwen efani Gavin Rossdale split and there is reportey also a rather bizarre twist. Just before that emotional performance at the grammys i want you reporter a bombshell. Us weekly reports that george w. Bush found out her rocker husband of 13 year, father of her three kid, Gavin Rossdale was sleeping with the nanny. As far as gwen could piece togeth the affair went on a litt over three years, during the entire conception, pregnancy and birth of her third child. Reporter us weeklys story hits newsstands today. Gwen viewed the swaying as not only a vow breaker but the last straw. Reporter representatives for both rossdale and stefani declined to comment. Rossdale on his way to play tennis in l. A. Saying nothing. Mindy mane is australian and first came into their life in 2008. She was a weekend fillin nanny and then over time she grew to grab the trust of the family. Reporter in 2012 this photo surfaced, thats not stefani with rossdales hand on her back. Thats the nanny. Heres where it gets stranger. Thats gwen stefani and thats the nanny. Similar hair, similar glasses,s, similar outfits. She started looking like her, dressing like her, having an affair with her husband at the same time. Reporr stephan economy is now, of course, loved up with Blake Shelton and making music. I used to love you oh oh ohh reporter i used to love you. That were told is about rossdale. And how did stefani find out about t affair allegedly going on under her own roofy according u weekly rossles phone was hooked up t to one of the kids ipads so raunchy texts were popping up on that ipad for all to see. Wow. Wow, wow. New definition of family chat. Glad to see her doing so well, though. Thats the ultimate for her. Sorry for her kids. Ad to hear it all. All right, we move on now to our series gma proud and asked to you send pictures of what body proud means to you. Whilile many sent phot beami with confidence,urveys show that almost half of all women hate shopping because they frustrating to findlothes that flatter their bodies. It is a problem Ashley Graham lped one aspiring modelover come. 28yearold mandy holeas never loved her body. I would not show anything that shows my airports and i ten years. Reporter shopping for a bathing suit is t the absolutely worse. I never c considere buying a bikini. I could never find one in my reporter for her its always been her weight holding her back. Did you notice when you started gaining weight . Right before puberty. Like seventh, eighth grade. Reporter when she started suffer from polycystic ovarian cancer. Weight gain that mandy has litt control over and she says has led to bullying and years of depressionon. I was just sad. I was really beaten down and people would not take me seriously. Did noteel i could do the ings i wanted to do on a daily basis going out in public. Haveou come out of the depression from when you were a young girl to now . Definitely in the last few years with the Body Positive Movement i fee like ive changed a lot. Reporter now the aspiring model is ready to take a giant leap forward b buying her first twpiece bathing suit ever. Okay, are you ready to go shopping for a bikini . Yes. Lets do it. Reporter with ashy by her side she takes the plunge at swimsuits tore all in new york city. Halters. I like reporter for mandys moment of truth. Come on out. You look beaiful. Thank you. Reporter finally proving to herself that shes beautiful at any size. How do you feel . I feel really good. It feels like so freeing just like i thought it would, it feels awesome. Will you need a coverup anymore . No, no, ill be onhe beach like. Yeyes. Proud of you and thank you so much for coming on here. I want to give you a hug too. You look beautiful. And back with us is Ashley Graham. Tell us the change that you saw in mandy when she walked out in that bikini . It was remarkable. I mean this young woman has been bullied. She has hated her body for so long and this is proof she tually loves herself. This is another way of her telling the naysayers shes too ugly or fat that shes proud of who she is. I was so ecstati to see her. You whispered to me when watching the piece you know how hard that is to do . And so the pride y see in her and her own body is remarkable. It rlly was. She came out, didnt care what size she was. The cellulite. She looked at herself in the mirror and said im a beautiful woman. This is something that you preach. You loo in the mirror. Yes. You tell your flaws that you love them and you want to show my flaws. Im going to show you. Right, right. Okay. You are bold, you a are brilliant and you are beautiful. You. You are capable. Thick thighs, you are just so sexy. Youant stop rubbing each other and back fat, i see you wanting to pop over mie bra but thats all right. Im going to choose to love you day and cellulite, i have not forgotten about you. You may want to take over my wholole bottom half but ill choose to love you toda ashley, i love you. Wloo so, wait, how often doou actually do that . You know, in the beginning when i really hated my body i had to do it every single day and now i have my ntra. Every morning i just look at myself when i getting ready, you are body, you are brilliant, you are beautiful because in the beginning i had to fake it. I really did but now imo nfident, it doesnt matter if there is back fat hanging out or, you know, a piece of cellulite. I dont care. I can tell. You embrace it. This is you. All of you. Yes. Ashley, such ann awesome ssage. A fantastic job. We appreciate it. Thank you thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. All of you, all of your sexy self. George, where did you go . Im over here with mark cuban, time for our new series. Were talking a lot of politics. Well get to that later. Two entrepreneurs really trying to test out their i ide on you. Rst i want to hear about the new season of shark tank. You found real talent. Yeah, its crazy. Last week i swooped in and grabbed a deal from the other sharks from dude wipe right . You know, mens health is just guys that have taken a product, disposable wipes so its areat fit f for men. Get them in Grocery Stores everywhere. Theyll crushit. What is the best piece of advice you have for them . Be good. Okay. Well, lets bringng them out. Three people vying for a chance to pitch their ideas too mark. Enteringhark stadium, amy. Whats up. Creator of cuffs, unique way to transform anypants. Owner of cool it and creator of the ctus scratcher. Two will have a chance to pitch. You have to do that by winning the time trial and writing down how long youhink its going to take to pitch mark. You guys ready . How much t time doou need to sell a shark . Name that pitch. I like that. I like that sic. Okay. They got it down. Lets see. How much time do you need . Amy. I need sevenen seconds to sell. Seven second wow. Matt. George, i could sell a shark in 9 seconds. 9 seconds. Knock em down. Mark, i can sell a shark in 8 seconds. Whoa. Matt, sorry. Y. You have a Second Chance in a couple of weeks to tryagain. 9 seseconds. I guess not. Okay. Now its time for amy a katie. Talent. This will take talent. You are not the olsen twins but youre both olsen. Amy, time for your pitch. Are you ready . Im ready. You said you needed seven seconds. Let us set the clock. Ready,set, sell that shark. Cuffs are a sleek and tilish fabric cuff designed to accessorize your boot, jeans and legginings. Elevate your style instantly with the cuffs. You got it. Got it. Im back. Katie, are you readiy. I am ready. You said you need eight seconds second put eight seconds on clob. The cactus scratcher twohanded back scrcher with two levels ofspikes, one intense, one mile, easy to satisfy any itch. Look, she beat the clock. Look, both you guys get credit because you have your point across in so quick a time. What do you think . You know, the back scratcher is okay but i know i would lose thatat, that makes it more difficult so i have to go with amy because i think you got a shot there because its interesting, itt can be multipurpose. Might be able to make money, amy, you win. Thank you. Nations, amy. You get the ophy. There it is. Thank you. My pleasure. Shark tank is on tonight here at 9 00 eastern right here on abc. Now to ginger. That was amazing. All right. Im right behind you guys, ngrats. Way to go. Let assay good morning back here. Hello, everybody. Y. How are yall . So nice to see you guys. How about we start in key west, florida, where there is a waterspout and not only do we see these immanages but great video too. You know its been hot there but its cold this morning from oklahoma through arnsas. Fros advisories, freeze warnings, its going to stay cold for the start of the weekend but, boy, things start to warm back up. The cool airir settles in. Anybody sticking around for the weekend . Chilly morning tomorrow in new york city. Temperatures are in the picture. The south wind will strengthen as our weend continues and well have increasi clouds going into our sunday. This will culminate with a chance of showers returning to the forecast monday and lasting through wednesday of next week. Todays High Temperature is 54 with plenty of sunshine and calm winds. The overnight low will drop into the 20s under clear skies. Tomorrows High Temperature is 63 with more ah, crowd ful of love out here, lara. Thank you so much, ginger. Now well begin pop news by the way, d dan put a lot of pressure on me. Yes, pop news is good today. Im trying to get inn your head. Thats my game. You did. You did. So i begin with a story about an Italian Company testing out a groundbreaking new strategy in order to reduce stress at work. I like that idea, right. So theyre deciding arrivederci, emails. Thats right. No more emailing. The company is in a trial period of carrying out of their daytoday tasks t the oldfashioned waway. They call you all day long. It has not been easy, people are now actually circling back to ancient traditions like talking to one another, picking up the telephone and even picking up pens and writing handwritten notes. What . What are those, my son says. Many studies show a full inbox can leado higher Blood Pressure and this tactic has proven to lower peoples stress levels significantly so how did the company send word out to employees that they were going emailfree . With an email. I just want to say how realistic that is. Theyll be so stressed out when they g get bk to thhe email and their inbox is fullll. Why so negative today . Why so negative . He said i didnt get enough sleep. You all right . He had a big d day yesterday. He did. One of us interviewed the president. One of us is doing pop news and one of us interviewed the president. Trump that. All right, also in pop news this morning, everyone, you know, has a dream and for question niech chee ito from japan, to bee the fastest man on all fours. This week that t dreamame true on Guinness World record day, ito ran 100 meters on all fours in 15 seconds. Thats like the walking dead run. Incredible he studied primates and how they moveo help him achieve his success. He sayss he never misses a training opportunity. He even mops floors on all fours while working his day job in building maintenance. Congratulations on achieving your drm. Everybody a a dream. He got his. Finally, they say gol is a gentlemans sport but that gentle when it comes time to play. Just ask this grumpy kangaroo who apparently hasas no patience for the golfers on his turf. [ laughter ] hes fast. Pleased. Is that guy screaming . They are screaeaming for their lives. Who wouldld win in race, the kangaroo or the japanese guy w who runs that is a very, very good question. Thank you to the web and thank you to my producer, william, for finding that video on this fridayay, i hope you have a very relaxing weekend, george. Thank you, lara. I expect to. Coming up, gma is going to go undercover. Sixlympic figure skaters, well fd out what happens when they hit the ice and theres a huge surprise. Then we e are celebrati our 40th and ginger sharing some of the amazing places shes gotten big surprise for ginger. Charge of their health. Were in what is known as movember. A month where men are encouraged to grow their facial hair to bring awareness to mens health issues. Unitypoint health st. Lukes is also using the month to put the spotlight t on prostate cancer. It only takes a blood test to screen for the treatable disease. Chuck johnson from sioux ci says, no. It was lucky that i got it because its a slow moving thing. If id have been 8085 probably wouldnt have done anything, but when your 50 or even 60 you hope you have a few years left jessica rae Unity Point Health st. Lukes is offering screenings next thursday. Thats from four to seven pm in the hospital atrium. Jessa lets check in with h for the weather. Matt a very quiet pattern is in place through the next 3 days. Sunshi and warmer temperatures are in the picture. The south wind will strengththen as our weekend continues and well have increasing clouds going into our sunday. This will culminate with a chance of showers returning to the forecast monday and lasting through wednesday of next week. Todays High Temperature is 54 with plenty of sunshine andalm wind the overnight low will drop into the 20s under clear skies. Tomorrows High Temperature is 63 with more sun. Heres the 7 day forecast where showers are going to make a return early next week. Jessica rae good morning weve got a quick news updatfor you now. Jessica rae the much anticipated Bakken Pipeline hearing took place in boone yesterday. The proposed Bakken Pipeline is bringing mixed reviews. The iowa utlities board heard from dont stop the party remember that concert. Pitbull up on stage in centr park. Talk about high energy. Always. Next thursday he is back getting the Party Started for our big 40th gma Family Reunion. Thats right. Also helping usick off our marathon 40 for 40 c celebration starting next tuesday at 5 p. M. We are broadcasting for 40 hours straight. [ cheers and applause ] propping yourself up there. Im all in. Dance. Something is coming up tonight. Boo . 20 20, as well, an incredible story. U. S. Army vet review nighted with the twins h to leave behind in korea more than 40 years ago. Theres the moment right there. The story, incredible. Youll see it tonight on 20 20 at 10 00 p. M. So fantastic. Right now we are doing a gma undercover. All week long weve bee showing you celebritities have been surprising their fans in very unexpected places and ways. This morning we have an olympicsize surprise fofor you. Kristi yamaguchi, brian boitano. Todd eldredge, Kimmie Meissner and john and s sinead kerr, all superstar olympians turned undercover gma agents. Think i probably look good. Hey. Mission, don a disguise, joioin a group lesson and convince a rink full of skaters this is their First Time Ever o the ice. You guys just have to make it into the blue coned area. Come into the blue circle. Yoyou guys want to be in the midd. Which direction would y like to spin . Reporter t the venue bank of americas winter village at bryant park. One gentleman askeds that his first time on the ice. She said, i think it is. Good job. Wow. Beauautiful. Got to hold back when youre trying to do some things. Definitely a challenge. I had no problem with itt all. Just comes natural. The thing about if youre on a scooter enyouull push back behind you. There you go. Almost like hard to pretend you can skate because it was almost like tougher on your muscles, right . Everybody, please clear t ice, its timee to clean and resurface the ice. Thank you. Come on, guys. Greatharacter. [ applause ] wow. Ladies and gegentlemen, please welcome kristi yamaguchi, brian boitano, todd eldridge, john and sinead kerr and Kimmie Meissner. You guys rock. Such great sports. I love seeing that. You can see more of our latest gma undercover agents in the First Special of the colgate skating tribute on abc this sunday at 3 p. M. Eastern, 2 00 central. Heading over to you. Ont judge a book by its cover. Morning, part of macys annual believe campaign, they are helping bring joy to children with lifethreatening medical conditions donating1 up to 1 miion to make a wish for every stamped letter to santa claus that you drop off at a special believe box at any local macys store or submit one online. We want to introce you to a brave girl who got to meet her idol tnks to make a wishsh. Meet 9yearold denay kirkland. Theyve been in the fight of their ves. Seasons so much older than her years. I feelike shes already in her late 20s becse shes experienced so much pain. Reporter she has philadadelphia syndrome. A rare form of leukemia. Of the past 18 month have been spent in and out of hospitals. One time i had to be in tre for a whole year. And i never got to get out so thats been hard. Reporter but giving her music. I always wanted to listen to arianana grande because it helelped me calm down and not worry as. Oh reporter we were there the day s found out her dream had been granted by make a wish to meet arianna. You wilill b flying to new york city to meet ariana grande. [ cheers and applause reporter and we were there just a few days later when she arrived in new york city via stretch limo at macys herald square. First came the makeover. A whole new fashion forward outfit. Bang bang reporter then came the concert. Front row access to see arianna sing those songs she loves so much. Take you there reporter finally a private meeting with arianna. Hi you look s cute. Reporter for ariana meeting denay was touching. You are so strong and beautiful and so cute. Thank you. Reporter for denay it was everything she hoped for Proof Positive for this 9yearold that dreams really do come true. We are rooting for you, denay. Congratulations. You can help grant a a wonderful wish lik that one just drop a letter at your local macys or submit one online. Go to our website to find out more. Love those stories. So touching this morning. So thank you to all of them. Lets go ahe and start with the Weather Forecast and get to that. We want to say good morning to our big and wonderful crowd out here and how about we lookat lake michigan. Kiteboarding and surfing yesterday. The waves that big you could do it. We wanted to fly fromest to east to get weend highlights and warmth headed to the temperatures are in ththe pictur the south wind will strethen as our weekend continues and well have increasing clouds going into o sunday. This will i knew you could dance but i didnt kno you sang so beautiful. Too talented. Sereding nger. Its a very exciting day for the singers of one direction and their fans, the band releasing its brandnew album this morning, its called made in the a. M. And we cght up with them in ireland to get a look at what life is really like othe road. Nobodyan drag me down reporter it has been a whirlwind year for one direction. Playing sold out stadiums of screaming fans in america, asia and europe. Today their fifth album made in the a. M. S out and w caught up with the band in ireland. We set out very much with the intention to make the best aum that weve made so far and were very happy and very proud of the fact that we think that weve done that. Reporter with megahits like drag me down nobody nobody reporter nd their newest single perfect. Baby im perfect im perfect for you reporter the music video takess place in a hotel. So we wondered w what are their Hotel Experiences really like. Most of the time, yeah, were just going and get room service, chat together, watch some fis, just stuff like that really. Reporter one thing they love. We do a lot of fifa. S spending t timeith them for our 40th. Were also celebrating our 40th with some of gingers favorite memories, the amazing places she has taken all of us to and a big surprise guest for her. She has no idea whos coming dont go because im happy we are happy about our 40th birthday celebration. Ginger, your turn to share your favorite gma memories. Its been such a privilege to be part of this family. For the past frr years and ive had amazing experiences to be able to travel t the world and share stories with ouriewers and about some of our viewers too. The gma weather team just grew by one. A vy special one, ginger zee, welcome. Thank you so much. My first day at gma was all nerves. Everybody, welcome ginger, please. She starts is this thats something the Storm Prediction Center puts out. Flattened trees. Gma has created life memories i wl never forget and my bucket list is getting short. I h no idea what i was getting my life into. Whoo oh. Good morning, america. This place is so surreal, you guys. , my gosh,ou can see it. Weve made it one story of 27 yet to go. This is kind of the craziest thing ive done yet. What was pretty significant about coming to gma was my storm chasing background. Had a funnel just moments ago. Imagine, though, a four to even eightfoot wall of water. Down here, its wild. If youre not a meteorologist in the field watching astorm, feeling a storm, knowing what it tastes like even, then youre not understanding the atmosphere and then el nino happened. Its been such a heavy weekend for everyone in oklahoma . And it was the first time ive had someone close to me pass away in a story. I remember that morning one of the producers statarted calalling me anand said, ginger, tim died in the tornado and i said, thats not possible. Its actually not possible at all. Hes the mo essex experienced, hes the bt scientist out there. I think it really hit me not onlys the science that i do an what tim did every day, important we think in some ways that were slightly invincible and to watch someone you know become part of that story and then to have to cover it ill never forge that whole day so that one sticks out to me in a very poignant way where i thought we are all pt of this together. There was a story i wanted to tell. Environmental stori dont usually get picked up. The population of vultures in nepal was declining. I found this group that did parahawking to give attention to the vulture polation. Deadliest catch, definitely feel psych seasickness. I have never thrown up so much in my life for one thing. Ill be fine you got to see it and feel it and know why these people are putting their life at risk for crap. That one i hopefully will never forget. What is the scariest one . The shar. I feel like im in a movie. Bring them on. I loved it. The jellywish, swimming with them. The scariest for me wasnascar. Fast on the ground is no good. To become someone who can k kind of make history in a way or be part of a team that does that, it feels surreal. Live from 10,000 feet. Skydiving live was memorable. Nobody knew if we were going to be able to pull it off. The anchors were more concerned for me. Oh, my gosh, ginger, be careful. The skykyving one was memorable in the history way. Just look at this. It is unbelievable. I went to vietnam, being in that cave was one ofhe most difficult t things ive ever done. But at the end of it you look back and you go, wow. I climbed this. Im part of history. Im one of only a couple hundred people that have been able to be in there and able to bring the world in to this global phenomenena live. I think the one event il tell my kids and my grandkis is about iceland. Right behind me is the biggest lava flow in more than 200 years and we are going to take you inside i remember flying i into that volcano overit with a helicopter and then flying a drone inside and flying over this crater. The response that i got about how even life changing it was for them watching, that one is going to stick with me forever. Right here on good morning erica. Ive never been in a place that belilieves in you as much as they do here. I am honored to be part of the on air people. These people have so much experience and to become part of a team like that and help round out what i thihink is a nice family, that feels good. It feels good t be a part of every morning of the you may never sleep for a couple of years. You may never but the are second to none. A lot of screaming in that. Yeah. You make it look you have the hardest job here. Its not even close. You should get out more, ginger. Agagain, one of us interviewed the president. Not jumping out of a plane. You have no idea whoho the special guest is. I dont. It c could bee anyone from Beverly Hills 90210. Alex trebek. But do you hear that . I do hear it. Your special guest is coming. Do not turn around just yet. Oh, my god. Oh, my gosh. How are you doing . I am like this i cant believthis is ppening. Congratulations, by the way. Thankou so much. He just got married. Thank you. How are you doing . I was a huge fan of yours on idol. I watched the whole season, picked him out at the beginning. Dan, you remember. I do remember talking about you ear and often. Early and often. Your music has been so instrumental even in my relationship with my husband. The first gift he heiferotot me was the sheet music and we have it framed in our home. Oh. Yeah. Thanks foror making me a part of it. Youre shaking. Youure making me im shaking. I told him, w we have a lot of people come on and i you always wanted i think i talked to one time through the camera. Because ias doing the anniversary i was like, you have to say hi to ginger. Oh, myy goodness. Yep. Thats the picture. He took a picture. Phillip, im now you canet a real picture and take that and frame that. Along with the sheet music. Yeah. Put that in your bedroom. In the nursery. Y. Maybe we have a nam for t the kid. Nah. My name is weird. No. Dont want to use my name. Phillip phillips zee. Yeah, thats somomething there. You are a great sport. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Got to be a little weirdor you. Its okay. Im just happy to behere. No alec ebek. We couldldnt decide but were so thrilled. Thanks that yall. On upon a time. Its a magical drama filled world where fairy tales legends collide withh modern life and abcs rachel smith went to the set of once upon a time. Action. For you. Reporter once upon a time of cast ofairy tale characters traveled from story brk,k, maine, to a land far, far away. Camelot, of course. Reporter didntt get the i didnt. I wish someone would have sent me the memo. You look gorgeous. Work. Reporter while i may have missed t the wardrobe draeb memo the cast brought me quickly up to speed. About trying to get emma back to the light and weell do the beste can to do that. Im the dark one. Its veryy rar you go into season five with an opportunity to sort of build a character from scratch. Reporter regina is, as well. I felt like for the first three years i was this dark villain and then she found the light thanks to this group. Reporte going over here to u two loveburs. Art and life seem to be imitating one another. Baby neal in the show, got baby oliver in real life. Babneal will have attachment issues. The differences about baby baby neal back at the end of the night and we have oliver so ththeres a lot more work. Oliver is like a toddler. Hes a little dude. Jared. Reporter after visits from pan, elelsa and this season, who could be storybrookes next star wars. Incredible. Just sayingng. I always thought Indiana Jones would be fun. That woulde epic. Buzz lightyear walks in. Thats a good one. To infinity and beyond. Reporter so we took the casts suggestion straight to the creator and writers. You know, star wars is ow personal favorite fairy tale but im not sure again the millennium falcon will be what our fanswant. I dont know whatt we uld put at the kraft serviceable for a wookie. Reporter for good morning america, rachel smith, abc news, storybrooke. You never know. Tune in for a special twohour sunday at 8 00 eastern, right a gigantic thank you to Phillip Phillips and youre in new york writing new music. Working on new tunes. Really excited. Its been fun to experiment a little bit. Iveve been pushing some boundaries with my voice and musically and its going to be really fun. You know im going to love it. Thank yo no distractions in new york at all. Even if you start doing mongolian folk music, she will love it. Might be some in the. Might be some in there just for her. Have a great weekend, everyone. Took placen boone yesterday. The proposed Bakken Pipeline is bringing mixed reviews. The iowa utlities board heard from dozens of people in fav and against the pipeline. The vast majority of landowners s fected by this support the project and have given voluntary easements to use the nd. Corporate power. Rick perry. Koch brohters. Terry branstad. Big oil. They win. We lose. People and planet loses. There are those that argue that jobs will be c created bthe pipeline for other temproary anand will provide work until the project is complete. I think its portant to take a wider view. A o year project will yield thousands of high paying high skill jobspipeline pipeline just say no. Dirty y oil has got to go. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt a very quiet pattern is in place through the next 3 days. Sunshine and warmer temperatures are in the picture. The south wind will strengthen as our weekencontinues and well haveve increasing clouds going into our sunday. This will culminate with a chance of showers returning to the forecast monday and lastg through wednesday of nex weekek. Todays High Temperature is 54 with plenty of sunshine and calm winds. The overnight low will drop into the 20s under clear skies. Tomorrows High Temperature is 63 with more sun. Heres the 7 day forecast where showers are going to make a return early next week. Jessica rae good morning ve got a quick news update for you now. Michael. Today, tv heartthrob john stamos. Plus, a great big world performs for us. And dr. Melina jampolis tells us how we can have our cake and eat it too. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneybc d domestic levision] now, here are your emmywinning hosts, kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause] kelly hi, birthday girl hi hi. Thank u. Hello. Michael yo. Kelly hi. Hi. Hi. Birthd girirl. Hey, guess what, its friday, november 13

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