Transcripts For KCAU ABC9 News This Morning At 6 20151228

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Travel times of the entiti year. But with a winter storm m rning for the e tire state of iowa. Local lawenforcement is urging people to stay off the roads. Reporter jacob peklo has more on what you should keep in mind if you do get behind the wheel. Michael clyde has worked a lot of holiday weekends, in his 11 years with the iowa state patrol. Trooper michael clyde, iowa state patrol every year, it seems like people get in more and more of a hurry to get where theyre going, ananthat always seses to be a factor right around the holidays i ithe speed. On sunday, hes performing his usual checks of the roadways, making sure all the cars or trucks that have skidded off the roadways are accounted for. Nats with the potential for the whole state to be under a winter storm warning on monday, this flowing scene of traffic could look far different. Trooper michael clyde, iowa state patrol if you are stranded, its important to remember to stay calm, dont get out of your vehicle, call us and well put you on the list and well get to you as soon as we can. Nats clyde says its important to minimize distractions behind music and gps devices. And that means, allowing more time to get where you need to go. Trooper michael clyde, iowa state patrol drivers tend to be in a very focused sight of where theyre going and they lose track of everyone around them. Clyde says to be on the lookout for law enforcement, and be ready to slow down or s sp. Trooper michael clyde, iowa state patrol if you see us and you pass us, its probably going too fast. Most of us will probably be driving in the 40s if its extremely dangerous or maybe slower. He says its better to get somewhere a little late, than to have a far worse outcome. Trooper michael clyde, iowa state patrol we always they know how to drive in icy weather, and those are the people that end up crashing their cars into ditches. You cant drive 70 miles it was a busy and hectic year in politics. And after the break. Well take a look back at the ye that was in the political world. Scott well have. Youre watching jessica rae. And scott larson. This is abc9 news s is morning. Weather advisories blanket our siouxland map lasting throughout the day and into tomorrow morning. Heres the stormcast hd where an area of low pressure is spinning to the south. This will rise to the northeast today. This could be heavy the snow pushes away early tuesday and then were left with simply some bitterly cold weather for a few days and into the new year. The snow forecast shows 5 to 7 inches of snow lining up along interstate 29 with less to the west and more to the east. Today the high is 22 with moderate to heavy snow. The low tonight is 15 with falling and blowing snow continuing and the potential for difficult travel. Tomorrows high is 23 with light snow in the morning followed by cloudy and cold conditions. Heres your 7 day forecast. Blanket our siouxland map lasting througho the day and into tomorrowoworning. Hereshe stormcast hd where an area of low pressure is spinning to the south. This delivering our snow today. This could be heavy the snow pushes away early tuesday and then were left with simply some bitterly cold weather for a few days and into the new yeye. The snow forecast shows 5 to 7 inches of snow lining up along interstate 29 with less to the west and more to the east. Today the high is 22 with moderate to heavy snow. The low tonight is 15 with falling and blowing snow continuing and the potential for difficult travel. Tomorrows high is 23 with light snow in e morning followed by cloudy and cold conditions. Heres your 7 day forecast. Jessica rae blanket our siouxland map lasting throughout the day and into tomorrow morning. Heres the pressure is spinning to the south. This will rise to the northeast delivering our snow today. This could be heavy the snow pushes away early tuesday and then were left with simply some bitterly cold weather for a few days and into the new year. The snow forecast shows 5 to 7 inches deborah 2015 packed a political punch. From email scandals. To a speaker of the house scramble. To some very popular t unconventional president ial contenders. Dianne gallagher is in washington with a breakdown of the highlights. The 2016 president ial electiti campaign cked into high gear. natscrowd applause the crowded gop field started out with a whopping 17 and one name has dominated the political dialogue. jeb bush r president ial candidate donald trump. Carly Fiorina r president ial candidate donald trump. ted cruz r president ial candidate if you look at donald trump. The billionaires bombastic style grgrbed daily headlilis. donald trump r president ial ndidate i know more about isis than the generals do. Believe me. I would bomb the sh out of them. Now you gotta see th guy. mocking aw, i dont know what i said. I dont remember. Excuse me sit down, sit down. Sit down i dont care about megyn kelly but no, i would not apologize. She should probably apologize to me, but i just dont care. While he maintained frontrunner status. The democratic field much smaller, with political power house hillarar clinton fighting off junior senator bernie sanders. And Hillary Clintons a dramatic turn to october. Hillary Clinton d president ial candidate ive lost of you put together. Frontrunner testified in front of a House Committee investigating the benghazi tragedy. The Clinton Campaign calls it a political its not about clinton. But about getting answers. Another heated battle on capitol hill. Over planned parenthood funding. A series of heavily edited undercover videos prompted a House Oversight hearing. E group behind the videos claim they show planned parenthood employees negotiating the sale of fetal tissue for profit, which is illegal. Cecile Richards president of planned parenthood the outrageous accusations leveled against planned parenthood are offensive and categorically untrue. Some Congressional Republicans vowed to block a spending bill shutting down the governmeme unless funding was stripped from planned parenthood. But a shortterm plan psed that kept the organizations funding intact. Preventing a government shutdown. An unexpected departure gave rise to new leadership in washington. rep john boehner r former House Speaker i decided todays the day im going to do this. As simple as that. Then House Speaker john boehner said the turmoil in congress led him to after a chaotic scramble. Republican congressman paul the 54th speaker. rep nancy pelosi d House Minority leader it is my privelidge to hand this gavel to the speaker of the house. Congressman and honorable paul ryan. With a promise to end Fractious Party stalling the work of in washington, im Dianne Gallagher reporting deborah back. Everything you wanted for christmas . Well dont worry. For those unwanted gifts. Plus. Well take a look at the best christmas ads in history. And what makes them so special. Eres always returns, re those post holiday sales. And abcs Rebecca Jarvis has more on theest post christmas deals. If santa strayed from the wish list . And sort of missed the mark . Youre not americans s pically billion wowoh of gifts over the holidays clothing, electronics and toys topping the the most of any unwanted packages under your tree . Mark ellwood, author bargain fever how to shop in a discounted world dont assume you can return any gift any time, but most retailers are very forgiving around the holidays check those gift receipts unless the return by deadlines closing, skip the crowds by holding off on that t ip to the mallllor a few more days. Or ship it back, insteaea many retailers will now let you return by mail for free and what about the rules around re gifting . Mark ellwood, author bargain fever how to shop in a discounted world heres my simple rule for regifting. If youd be horrified to receive something, give it to charity. If you like it, but youve already got it, pass it on. Theres great news if you got this years s most popular gift gift cards. 130 billion worth of gift cards given thisyear. And now is the time to get some of the deepest discounts . Mark ellwood, author bargain fever how to shop in a discounted world if you receive a gift card for a store that you dont turn that gift card into cold hard cash and while the most wonderful time of the year may technically be behind us . Its the best time of the year for deals on all things christmas. Cards . Ornaments . Decorati ons. Target. Walmart. Even many grocery and Discount Stores . Now offering 70 off holiday merchandise. Its also a great time for major markdowns. On winterwear. Furniture . And mattresses . And for anyone whos resolved to get healthy . Fitness equipment. Deborah there are so many memorable christmas movies and tv specials. But what about the commercials . The test of time. Watt takes a look perfect holiday Nats Christmas is a time for closeness. Santa riding on a Norelco Shaver . A snowman eating campbells soup . David bushman curator, paley center for media christmas commercials, when theyre doneight, can be extremely powerful, because of all the magic and sentiment nats hershey kisses now as much part of the holidays as drunken uncles and chuckling children. Nats budweiser music and the best christmas commercials ofofll time . Most listmakers suggestm ms . Nats m m he does exist , santa they do exist David Bushman its clever, its memorable, any one of cokes Christmas Jolly gems . Nats old coke christmas commercial id like to buy the world a coke and keep it company. Sot David Bushman coke nats Merry Christmas but the king of them all . Folgers . 1987 . And it ran for 17 years straight. Nats folgers that was then . T ts is now . G n you slurp laughter nick watt im surprised you got the gig with that slurping greg wrangler. Aka peter, has done film, tv but he will forever hes every man, shes every mom. Gerry wrangler nick watt do people come up to you and say, oh peter youre home. g i cant tell you how many people over the years and said, that commercial makes me cry. i think the thing that does it is the moment there where down, recognizes me, and says i missed you mom mom i cant believe im saying all this laughs Jessica Rae Scott mom i cant believe im saying all this laughs Jessica Rae Scott are chatting about their favorite xmas deborah and scott are chatting about their favorite xmas ads. Deborah and scott are chatting about their favorite xmas ads. Are chatting about ads. Scott good morning storm warnings the area on our monday. Wean see the snow movin picture. This will deliver moderate to heavy snow for most of us with the exception being far western communities where snow totals are likely to come in a little lower in the 13 range. Temperatures are cold as you walk out the door in the Single Digits and teens. The wind is coming in at 5 to 10 miles per hour, but should get stronger as the day progsses. Heres your dayplanner dot traffic cams here at. Many folks still waking up and starting their workday. Please drive safely everyone. With 2015 nearly over. What can we anticipate in the coming year when it comes to technology . Abcs reena ninan and Kendis Gibson have some answers hey there, in todays techbytes, huge year for technology. What will be big in 2016 . The mosos anticipated tech item of 2016 wl be Virtual Reality headsets. Second will be new products frompple including the iphone 7 and the apple watch 2. And hackers are all but certain to take aim at new targets in 2016. Cybersecurity experts already sounding the alarm. They think hackers will go for fantasy football because of the personal information those sites storend Health Care Data on wearablee devic because it also could become a target. Full swing, waze is helping to keep the roads clear. Testing a new featun new england. Users in vevermont, new hampshire, m maine can report Road Conditions to transportation managers and deploy salt and plow trucks. Good thinking. Hope it works out. Tho arer yourare your techbytes. Have a good day. Im billy, and i quit smoking th chantix. I i dont know that i ian put into words how happy i was when i quit. Its like losing some baggage, i dont have to cacarry it around with me anymore. Chantix made it poible for me to quit smoking. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, deprpressed mo andndsuicidal thoughts or actions whi taking or after stopping g antix. So had seizures while taking chantix. If you have y of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. Dont takehantix if youve had if you have ese, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if yououave symptoms ofof heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taki chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common side effect is nausea. Ma i love being a nonsmoker. Dinner. W about doing something just a bit different with it . Howard is here with a recipe that will make that old meal taste brand by now, most of your holiday leftovers are probably gone, even though your company many still be sticking around. If thats the case or not, weve got an idea thats very welcoming after eating all of the holiday fair. Its an overstuffed meatball calzone thats great whether yoyore taking down the or watching football. Let me show you how easy. We start with some storebought pizza dough that we cut into two. And we use our fingertips to form a circle. We top half of each one with some store bought fzen meatballs. On top of those, we place some sliced mushrooms, a bit of spaghetti sauce, and a good amount of mozzerella cheese. Now we fold the dough over the meatballs and pinch the edges together so the filling wont ooze out. Brush it with a bit of olive oil and make a few slits on top before baking them until the crust is golden and the filling is piping hot. Since theyre so big, each one can easily fed two. And when you cut them and serve them with more sauce, get ready for a meal thats comfort food at its best. I do hope youll go online and get the recipe for our meatball calzone so you can make something that everyone will look forward to after eating all of that turkey and ham. And talk about game day kitchen, where today we found a hot and hardy way for you to say ooh its so good. Deborah coming up. The country continues to deal with severe atr. Bringing a mix of tornadoes, flash floods, blizzards and freezing rain to several states. Illllring you the very latest. Up next. Scott Welding Company skycam hd where its currently bitterer cold. Temperatates are in the Single Digits and teens while a breezy northeast wind is making it feel significantly colder. Winter storm warnings and Winter Weather advisories blanket our siouxland map lasting throughout the day and into tomorrow morning. Heres the stormcast hd where an area of low pressure is spinning to the south. This will rise to the northeast delivering our snow today. This could be heavy the snow pushes away early tuesday and then were left with cold weather for a the new year. The shows 5 to 7 inches of snow lining up along interstate 29 with less to the west and more e the east. Today the high is 22 with moderate to heavy snow. The low tonight is 15 with falling and blowing snow continuing and the potential for difficult travel. Tomorrows high is 23 with light snow in the morning followed by cloudy and cold conditions. Heres your 7 day forecast. Jessica rae scott skycam hd where its currently bitterly cold. Temperatures are in the Single Digits and teens while a breezy northeast wind is making it feel significantly colder. Winter storm warnings and winter blanket our siouxland map lasting throughout the day and into tomorrow morning. Heres the stormcast hd where an area of low pressure is spinning to the south. This will rise to the northeast delivering our snow today. This could be heavy the snow pushes away early tuesday and then were left with simply some bitterlycold weather for a few days and into the new year. The snow forecast shows 5 to 7 inches of snow lining up along interstate 29 with less ro the west and more to the east. Today the high is 22 with moderate to heavy snow. The low tonight is 15 with falling and blowing snow continuing and the potential for difficult travel. Tomorrows high is 23 with light snow in the morning llowed by cloudy forecast. Jessica rae Scott Deborah a monster storm difficult travel. Tomorrows high is skycam hd where its currently bitterly cold. Temperatures are in the Single Digits andndeens while a breezy making it feel significantly colder. Winter storm warnings and Winter Weather advisories blanket our siouxland map lasting throughout the day and into tomorrow morning. Heres the stormcast hd where an area of low pressure is spinning to the south. This will rise to the rtheast deliveveng our snow today. This could be heavy the snow pushes away early tuesday and then were left with simply some bitterly few days and into the new year. The snow forecast shows 5 to 7 inches of snow lining up along interstate 29 with less to the west and more to the east. Today the high is 22 with moderate to heavy a a nster storm system stretching from new mexico to michigan and georgia continues to march eastward this morning. Since wednesday at least 43 people have been killed in 7 states from Severe Weather. Abcs megan hughes has details. The christmas twisters mared across the texas landscape in the neighborhood of rowlette they tore trees from the earth. The twister that hit garland, texas was clocked as an ef4. Mos you could see transformers blowing up the survivors count themselves lucky. Norma jimenez grateful were alive and safe. This can n be replaced mandatory on screen courtesy youtube roamin rich in missouri, flooding like this led to several deathsand led the governor to declare a state of emergency sunday night. In oklahoma, west texas and new mexicosnow created whiteout conditions on the roads. nats snowplow in oklahoma Mike Springer from affiliate koat cut after coated in snow just last week it was 60 degrees in roswell now its covered in snow. Trucks out of control rest in the snowbank more than 20 motorists were stranded on i40 border. In w wtern oklahomathe National Guard has been deployed to help people stranded. All of this weather impacted air travel too more than a mars has led to one arrest. Officers served a warrent for narcotics at a residence in le mars after three pm on christmas. And found remnants of a meth lab. 30 year old chase kounkely was arrested for possession of drug paraphenalia and resisting arrest. The investigation is still ongoing. And more charges are pending. Deborah a new state program in iowa will protect the home addresses of domestic and sexual abuse survivors. The iowa secretary of States Office will begin the safe at home program on january first. It protects abuse survivors, including victims of trafficking and stalking. Surviviros can substitute a street address on public documents. Like a drivers license or utility bills. Mail addressed to the substitute addresses will be livered to the States Office, and then forwarded to the survivors confidential address. Supporters of the program say it makes it less likely an abuser can find a victim. Deborah a fire yesterday morning in dixon county, nebraska left a family with a devestating loss over the holidays. According to the dixon county sheriffs office. Fire crews from dixon, concordrd allen, laurel l d wakefield all responded to the fire sunday morning. Officials say the home. That was once the old methodisth church in dixon. Was completely destroyed. The owners , Francis Eltman and cassandra ford, managed to escape the fire without any injuries. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. And the red cross is assiting the family. If you would like to help the family. Sit our matters dot coco to the red crossss home page. Deborah its easy to make excuses for not working out. But now, technology is excuses disappear at the touch of a screen. Jessica rae has the story. If you have a smart phone. You have a gym and your own personal trainer. Heres what i mean. Nat pop arm rows 30 seconds each side as mercy wellness specialist Hilary Overby explains. There are countless apps for your smart phone or tablet that will guide you through your own personal workout. Hilary theres nike training club, it isone that has videos and it walks you through it times you it tells you, what to do if you dont know you can take a second watch the movement and go from there. And these apps all vary depending on what youre looking to gain from your workout hilary theres one thats called circle timer, so you can basically plan out your workout so you have intervals and you can also add in time for it to add in rest so it will tell you ok now you can rest hilary says with each of experience depending on where you think your current fitness level stands. Hilary theres the beginners theres the more advanced so you can kind of test your body see where it is at, if you dont know where youre at maybe try that lower end, and if youre finding this is a breeze then start early to prevent osteoporosis. Be sure to tune inat 5 and 6 am next full story. Deborah coming up in ucla on saturday foster farms bowl. Stay tuned for a recap from santa clara. Deborah after a five and seven regular season. Nebraska had the chance to bounce back in their bowl game. Alex walker brings us the action from california. Good morning. Nebraska fans went through more advil this season than any other fanbase in america. After seven losses worth of headaches, nebraska redeemed itself with a win over ucla in the foster farms bowl. Brett edwards anchors our coverage from santa clara. It may have been a meaningless bowl game to some, but not to this nebraska team. The huskers capped mike rileys first season in lincoln with a win over ucla. Nebraska did it old school 326 rushing yards. The huskers will use this win to springboard heading into next season. It means a lot more than us. We had a tough season, 57 record. At the end of the day, we proved that we should be in its special. Last game here. Last game as a husker, supper happy that it ended this way. Proud of these guys, we had a tough season after a season like this, but the guys stuck out and got it. Especially these out right, we sent weekend a lot of people doubted us we had us and the fans here. Everything went came out with the win. Its humungours can help you or hurt right direction, wrong direction, we were fortunate to get this win, over a good team like ucla its huge for us, huge for this program, its just going to give us so much momemtum through training it into next season to go. With them, wether it team, we went through a lot of adversity over the year and its caused by not winning games group, because we came back they to work and competed every football game. Brett edwards nebraska now enters a very important recruiting period. Its the first full year that mike riley and his staff have had to recruit. For now, the huskers will enjoy this win finishing the 2015 with a record of 67. Reporting with the huskers from the foster farms bowl in santa clara, california, brett edwawas. Thanks brett. Have a great rest of your morning. Jessica rae scott its time now to check on your for now, the huskers will enjoy this win finishing the 2015 with a record of 67. Reporting with the huskers from the foster farms edwards. Thanks brett. Haha a great rest of your morning. G. Jessicicrae scott its time now to check on your forecast. Scott good morning siouxland. Winter storm warnings encompass much of the area on our monday. We can see the snow moving northward on the satellite and radar picture. This will deliver moderate to heavy snow for most of us with the exception being far western communities where snow totals are likely to come in a little lower in the 13 range. Temperatures are cold as you walk out uing digits and teens. The wind is coming in at 5 to 10 miles per hour, but should get progresses. Heres where the snow the middle of the day before backing off tonight. The area on our monday. We can s s the snow moving northward on the deliver moderate to heavy snow for most of us with the exception being far western communities where snow totals are likely to come in a little lower in the 13 range. Temperatures are cold as you walk out the door in the Single Digits and teens. The wind is coming in at 5 to 10 two churches will soon become one. Stay tuned to hear what the community thinks of the merger plus heres what you can expect coming up on gma deborah your trees at the Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center. The Nature Center will accept youre undecorated Christmas Trees until january tenth. The trees should be undecorated. Meaning no ornaments, tinsel, lights, price tags, stands or plastic bags. You can drop off your trees in the lower parking lot. The trees will be chipped for the Nature Centers trails. Dederah Morningside Presbyterian Church and third Presbyterian Church become one at the start of the new year. Both churches have been declining for more than thirty years and members from both congregations think the merge will be a great start in revamping the churchs image. Pkg i know that people are very much looking forward to this new beginning with energy and enthusiam, said daniels. Faith united Presbyterian Church will be the new home to both morningside presbyterian and third Presbyterian Church beginning on new years day. Resources in an effort to restablish the identity of the demonination. For more than 30 years both churches have seen a decline in member numbers and those currently affilated with the church say the fresh start is a new step in the right direction. Congregation really. Church is really the only place to go and now theres so much more going on on sundays that i think is taking the young people away from us, said mesmer. We have to be open to some new stuff. Thats been rt of our problem as a denomination and over the years weve not been always open to new things, said reverend koehler. Faith united will be located at morningside presbyterians current residence. The e urch is hoping to establish a connection within the e ouxland community. By combining our resources we will have more to use to reach out into our community, to do ministry that is reaching out and serving others, said daniels. Thats what were really looking for is to combine and see if we cant get new members to join our congregation, said says hes excited for the big plans that the new congregation will have in the coming year. Were excit that we have the possibibty of being a new w dy. Out of the end, comes a new beginning and were very excited about that and we thank god for that, reverend koehler. In sioux city, bria bell abc 9 news, deborah reverend David Koehler says both churches will bring in about 200 members. Deborah friends and family will be gathering later this morning to lay Spencer High School wrestler Austin Roberts to rest. Funeral services for austin will be held at 10 30 am at Spencer High Schools gymnasium. Roberts died unexpectedly after collasping on the mat during a wrestling tournament. Autopsy resuls to determine the exact cause of death are still pending. Deborah hockey players from all around siouxland took to the ice this weekend to honor a former sioux the sixth annual lobster style hockey tournament was held at the ibp ice center. In honor of tj reinsch who passed away in 20 10. Tj was a youth hockey coach for 15 years here in sioux city. As well as sioux falls and san diego, california. Tjs former teammates and students. Say the event helps them honor the late coach. In the way he would have wanted most. You know a lot of these guys played with tj, like we did, or plalad for tj. To me back and play in his memory thatremember who he was, how he coached, or how he played, its a great deal, said burke lake, Vice President of t. J. Reinsch youth hockey foundation. Its a great honor to come back and help out the foundation and everything that theyve done, said sam schweigert, former player of tj. Deborah all the money raised from the tournament goes to the tj reinsch youth hockey foundation. Which raises money to help youth hockey programs in sioux city and sioux falls. Deborah a siouxland pastor is getting a lot of attenenon for his dance moves. After a vdeo of him boogying father andy sohm. Appeared on live with kelly and michael and became an internet sensation. He was participating in a contt on the show. When his dance moves stunned everyone. Father sohm preaches at st. Peters church in newcastle. And st. Jopephs in ponca, nebraska. He says theres a message behind his dancing. People are really hungegeng for something positive something fun, something inviting and encouraging. We see so many thing that are so negative and to just have fun, enjoy life. Deborah father sohm says the real blessing from his experience has been all the joy it has brought to so many people. And i do want to remind you that live with kelly and michael airs weekdays from nine to ten am on abc9. And if you would likekeo see father andys dance moves. Or simply see lukas dance again. Just head to our website. Thats siouxlandmatter. C deborah a special showing of the revenant starring Leonardo Dicaprio will take place in south dakota two days before the actual premeire. The revenant highlights a true story that occured in lemmon, south dakota almost two hundred years ago. O. The story follows a mountain mans near fatal encounter with a grizzley bear. That special showing of the revenant will be held in lemmon on january 6th. And speaking of movies. star wars the force awakens wasted no time breaking box office records. The film hit another milestone. Earnin g a billion dollars in global sales faster than any film in history. The movie tookok2 days to hit the billion dollar mark. One day earlier than previous record holder jurassic world. it also scored a record for Christmas Day Box Office Sales on friday. And it did this all without china. The film has yet to film market in the world. Deborah Scott Deborah and scott are chatting about star wars. Dederah and scott are chatting about star wars. Deborah and scott are chatting about star wars. Deborah and scott are chatting about star wars. Scott heres the stormcast hd where deborah and scott are chatting about star wars. Deborah and scott are chatting about star wars. Deborah and scott are chatting about star wars. Scott heres the stormcast hd where an area of low pressure is spinning to the south. This will rise to the northeast delivering our snow today. This could be heavy the snow pushes away early tuesday and then were left with simply some bitterly e new year. The snow forecast shows 5 to 7 inches of snow lining up along interstate 29 with less to the west and more to the east. Today the high is 22 with moderate to heavy snow. The low tonight is 15 with falling and blowing snow continuing and the potential for difficult travel. Tomorrows high is 23 with light snow in the morning followed b bcloudy and cold conditions. Heres your 7 7 y forecast. Will rise to the northeast delivering our snow today. This could be heavy the snow pushes away early tuesday and then were left with simply some bitterly cold weather for a few days and into the new year. The snow forecast shows 5 to 7 inches of snow lining up along interstate 2 2 wiwi less to the wewe and more to moderate to heavy snow. The low tonight is 15 with falling and blowing snow continuing and the potential for difficult travel. Tomorrows high is 23 with light snow in the morning followed by cloudy and cold conditions. Good morning, america. Breaking overnight state of emergency. 43 People Killed in storms across the country. Y. Its the worst i think anybody has seen it. Deadly storms and flash floods pounding the heartland sweeping away cars. Tornado on the ground. Dastating tornadoes hitting through arkansas, tearing apart texas. Causing a travel nightmare the very latest as Severe Weather heads east. Also this morning, superstar firing back

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