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The east coast. Major snow right behind it. The consumer alert tonight. The cdc now pointing to a popular Home Improvement item, saying there are possible cancer risks. The alarming new numbers. And forever young. Hes 1shes 106, and shes teaching the president and the first lady how to dance. Good evening. And its great to have you with us here on a monday night. And we begin with fastmoving developments in the race for the ite house. Tonight, we learned of a key resignation on the republican side, amid the bigger question at this point, can anyone catch up to donald trump . Trump winning big in South Carolina, after a major win in New Hampshire. And no republican who has won both New Hampshire and South Carolina has ever lost the nomination. Still, trying to catch up tonight, senator marco rubio, who finds himself at war with ted cruz. And tonight, senator cruz asking a key member of his team to step down after whats been called a and here are the numbers as we head into the nevada caucuses tomorrow. Rubio there in second. Abcs tom llamas leading us off from has say has. Reporter tonight, confident about thprimaries, youre going to say, please, please, mr. President. We cant stand it anymore. We dont want to keep winning. We cant stand it. And im going to say, i dont care. Were going to make America Great again. Reporter the billionaire not just winning South Carolina, but winning big. We won with highly educated, pretty well educated and poorly educated. But we won with everything. Tall people, short peoplpl fat people, skinny people. We just won. Reporter and tonight, the Republican Party facing facts. That if trump wins nevada, and romps on super tuesday, he may be unstoppable. Several Party Leaders now rallying around senator marco rubio as the best chance after tonight, this has become a threeperson race and we will win. Reporter but rubio now splitting the antitrump vote with ted cruz, and tonight, the tension between the two senators boiling over. Its every single day that something comes out of the Cruz Campaign thats deceptive and untrue. Reporter rubio furious after cruzs Communications Director rick tylerpread a false report that in this video, rubio disparages the bible, telling a young cruz staffer there are not many ansrs in it. Rubio says thatan absolute lie. I know exactly what i said to that young man. I said, the answer to everything question youll ever have is in that book. Reporter tyler apologized, but for rubios its not enough. Whos going to be fired when ted cruz is president . Because this campaign now has repeatedly done things that they have to apologize for and no ones ever held accountable. Reporter late today, rubio getting his wish. This morning, i asksk for rick tylers resignation. I had madad clear i i this campaigngnhat we will conduct this campaign with the very highest standards of integrity. Reporter but late this cruz and at trump. I dont care how much you think theyre funny or how interesting they may sound, if we nominate someone that 4 , 50 of our party cant stand, we are going to lose. And tom llamas with us live from vegas tonight. And tom, you heard what we said there at the top. No republican who has won New Hampshire and South Carolina has lost the nomination. Is this party ready for the possibility of trump as the nominee . Reporter well, david, i can tell you today, several prprinent republicans came out and endorsed senator marco rubio, including bob dole. The establishment clearly rallying around rubio and they are not ready to give up. Th, as today, senator ted cruz publicly acknowledged for the first time, attacks on his character could possibly weaken his chances against trump. David . Tom llamas back out on the campaign trail for us tonight. Tom, thank you. Now, to the major developments on the democratic side tonight, as well. Hillary clinton with a decisive win in nevada, the South Carolina primary just five days away now. Celebrating on that stage with former president bill clinton. A shift in her message, her tone. Meantime, Bernie Sanders this evening, not backing down. He was asked directly today, does he still have a path to the nomination . And you will hear how he answers. Heres what hes up against. The latest poll in South Carolina showing clinton with a nearly 30point lead. Abcs Jonathan Karl on the campaign tonight. Reporter a newlyenergized Hillary Clinton is back on top, thank you, nevada thank you so much reporter shes confident enough to make this extraordinary admission i think theres an underlying question that maybe is really in the back of peoples minds, and that is, you know, iss she in i i for us or is she in it for herself . F . Reporter and now, a shift in clinton talking less about herself, less about i and more about we. We hear you. We see you. Were incredibly grateful to you. Because were in this together. We all have to do our part. Reporter clinton won 76 of the africanamerican vote in nevada, support shes counting on in South Carolina, where more than half of democratic voters are africanamerican. Shes launched yet another new ad, featuring one of the most wellrecognized voicic in america ctor morgan freeman. N. She says their names. Trayvon martin. Trayvon martin, shot to death. Dontrhamilton. Narmed. Andra sandra bland. Sandra bland did nothing wrong. Reporter and Bernie Sanders is turning to another prominent africanamerican actor danny glover. Today in boston, he attacked clinton as a political opportune is. And the people of the United States need to know the difference between hastily adopted campaign rhetoric, and the real record and the longheld ideas of the candidates if he still has a path to winning the democratic nomination, his answer was emphatic. The short threeletter answer is yes. And jon karl with us live tonight, as well. After a near tie in iowa, and a bruising loss in New Hampshire, what a shift, jon. Its actually the clinton team now pointing to the math tonight . Reporter thats right. We look at delegates. They are virtually tied among the delegates won in those three states, but you add in the socall superdelegates a a hillary clininn has a big lead. A lead she expects to add to over this weekend in South Carolina. But david, ive got to say, they are not overly confident. They believe that Bernie Sanders will do well o super tuesday and is likely to win several states and more delegates. All right, the fight ntinues. Jon karl tonight, thank you. Were going to turn next to the night of terror in an american city, kalamazoo, michigan. An uber driver now charged with multiple counts of murder. Six people dead. Apparently killed at random. Court today, investigators now say he picked up passengers during his killingng spspe. The attacks in three separate locations across 122 miles. Abcs alex perez tonight with the interviews. The passengers who weree in that car before and after, and what the driver said. Reporter tonight, that 45yearold uber driver charged with six counts of murder. You understand the charges being made against you and the maximum sentences i just stated . Yes, sir. Reporter appearing in court via video from jail, stonefaced. I would prefer just to remain silent. Reporter but investigators in court dalton said he admitted he took peoples lives. No one understands why it happened. Reporter dalton allegedly going on a shooting spree. Saturday afternoon, matt mullen nmellen gets picked up at home. We were driving through the lawn, speeding along and then, awaw. Reporter mellen calls 911. Facebook. Shots fired. We have one confirmed victim right now. Reporter an hour later, a woman is shot several times in residential complex. She survives. Then, just past 10 00, in this car dealership p pking lot, a father and his 17yearrd son, killed. 16 minutes later, the gunman opens fire outside this Cracker Barrel restaurant, killing four women, returning from a play. As word gets out that a killer is on the loose, three more passengers call for an uber to go to a bar. Noticing the driver is in a chevy, like the gunman. My buddy scott actually said something to him, like, this isnt the hhr, youre not the guy, are you . Reporter just after midnight, police take him into custody. Uber saying they are helping investigators. Tonight, two remain hospitalized, including a 14yearold girl, clinging to fe. Police say she was pronounced then squeezed her moerls handthers handed a responded to a doctors question. And, david, tonight, in a statement, the suspects family saying they are in shock, and offering condolences and prayers david . Just a horrible story. Alex perez in kalamazoo. Alex, thank you. Next tonight, to the battle between apple and the fbi. Over whether apple should help the fbi unlock the work phone of one of the san born bernardino killers. Tonight, the fbi director asking apple, both sides, in fact, to take a deep breath. But apple standing firm, and getting some help tonight. Ababs senior justice correspondent t erre thomas now. Rorter tonight, the families of those fatally shot and wounded in San Bernardino are preparing to enter the legal fight to force apple to help the fbi open a killers phone. The pain is still very palpable. It is critical that they get this information. That they get these answers. Reporter the families across the nation tomorrow, and the war of words escalates between apples ceo and the fbi director. We cant look the survivorsrsn the eye, or ourselves in the mirror, if we dont follow this lead, fbi director james comey wrote in an open letter released overnight. He added, we dont want to break anyones encryption or set a master key loose on the land. But today, apples ceo tim cook in an email to employees, rejected the fbis reasoning. He called on the fbi to withdraw its demands, seek legislation in congress, and set up a special commission to sort through these difficult issues. Cook writing, at stake is the Data Security of hundreds of millions of law abiding people, and setting a dangerous precedent thatathreatens everyones civil liberties. Theres no limit to what the government could require apple to do, if it succeeds this way. This is a pandoras box. Reporter but tonight, the fbi says it remains urgent to get inside that phone. The fbi thinks there may be seven weeks of data leading up to the attacks on that phone, potentially photos, emails and text communication, with the other killer, his wife. Pierre thomas tonight with us from washington. Thank you, pierre. Next tonight, president obama and russian president have Vladimir Putin cementing a ceasefire deal in syria on saturday. Some groups saying they will sign on,ut no word from the syrian regime. Both sides agree that attacking isis would still be okay. The terrorup taking responsibility for two bombings on sunday, alone. Next, back here at home and to a troubling new look inside the v. A. Health care system in this country. An army veteran trying to make an appointment, but as youre about to see, he was trapped in an endless loop. Millions have seen it already, and abcs david wright, getting answers tonight. Please h hd while you are being transferred. Please enter your Social Security number. Reporter frustrated consumer here . Dennis magnasco, an army veteran who served in afghanistan, documenting himself trying to get an appointment at the v. A. Hello. Welcome to the i spent two days in the office, my colleagues watched me try to call and schedule an appointment. Reporter a lot of vets have had similar problems, so the video went viral. His boss, congressman seth moulton, is also a veteran, i believe veterans deserve the beth health care in the world, hands down. Thats what we should get after putting our lives on the line for the country. Reporter he wroro a bill to reform the v. A. The faster carar for vets act. The v. A. Insists the technical issue that was described in the video was corrected. The v. A. Has had problems before, including a suicide hotline that sent callers to voice the mail, and then d dnt rush some of the calls. So, lets get the word out. Reporter and you certainly did. David wright, abc news, boston. Next tonight, to a major south and moving right up the east coast with snow and freezing rain right behind it. Lets get right to meteorologist rob marciano, tracking it all for us. Hey, rob. Reporter hey, david. The rain in the southeast a waup act for whats to come tomorrow. In texas, well time out this low thatts going to intensify. A squall line will probably develop and push through houston before the lunch hour and march down the i10 corridor throughout the day. Damaging ones with this. The highest threat zone will be southern louisiana through southern parts of alabama. A dangerous situation. Then, the low moves up the appalachians, to the east side of the u. S. The back side, michigan, back through chicago, could seal heavy wet snow with this. Everyone along the path is going to feel a little pinch with this tomorrow. All the way through wednesday. Rob, thank you. Next tonight, new meaning to forever young. Shes 106 years old, and 41 Million People have watched her and smiled, including the president and first lady. Virginia mclaurin. Reporter theres a charming story behind this video thats all over social media tonight of this 106yearold woman dancing with delight at the night of president obama. Just keep moving. Reporter virginia mclaurin is one of those many black americans over a certain age who never thought theyd see the day en a black man would become leader of the free world. I am so happy. We are happy to have you. Black president. Look att him. Right there. A black wife. Thats me. Reporter shes been begging the white house for this moment, for years. I was born 1909. Reporter sending them videos, and writing the president this petition, saying, i could come to your house, to make things ease yerp. At 106, her energy and light seem endless. Steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. We could only wish at 106. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. The new consumer alert, and the cancer concern. The government says it could be right in your own home. Certain types of floors. One sold by one company. Then, watch this. The out of control truck, veering off the road, slamming straight into ts house. Youll hear the drivers explanation, coming up here. And right here tonight, we ask, where is our own amy robach . On the eve of her great gma adventure, tonight, a preview. And the slight scare as she looked through one caged window. Any guesses . Night. Ive been claritin clear for 14 days. When your allergy symptoms start. Doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season. For continuous s lief. 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Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common sideaffect is nausea. Life as a nonsmoker is a whole lot of fun. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Next tonight, a new consumer day or thes. The new cdc warning tonight, and heres abcs chief Business Correspondent rebecca jarvis. Reporter tonight, the cdc says the cancer risk associated with some flooring are now three times greer than their Health Officials now predicting those made inhina laminine oors, in as many as 100,000 hos,ould cause 6 to 30 cases of cancer per 100,000 people. Im living in a space that has the potential to make me very sick. Reporter Terry Thompson installed the floors in her North Carolina home less than thre years ago. Im very concerned about the longterm cumulative effect. Reporter she says tests in her home say shes gettiti three and a half times the government recommended exposure to formaldehyde. The floors, still . Her home. Lumber liquidators saying they believe the cdc has overstated potential health risks. The company halted salesf the questionable floors last march, and has said it already significantly strengthened our Quality Assurance procedures and has offered customers flee air quality tests. Ed a as for those free air have come back showing concentrations of formad hide greater than whats recommended by the world health organization, david. All right, rebecca, youll ay on it. Thank you. When we come back here tonight, the new heheline this evening about billl cosbys wife, questioned under oath today. And breaking news about that tour chopper crash. What weve just learned. And then the out of control truck. The driver slamming into that house. Yosaw it a moment ago. His explanation, right after the break. Woman or where youre from. City country were just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. I am everyday people. Farxiga may help in that fight every day. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugarin adults with type 2 diabetes. One pill a day helps lower your a1c. D, although its not a weightlos or bloodpressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when usedwith certain diabetes medicines. Symptoms of a serious allergicreaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. 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Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. To the index tonight. Bill cosbys wife,ch thinge ing testifying under oath. Forced to answer questns in husband. Testimony. The case testing the law protecting private conversations between husband and wife. New developments in that the tour helicopter falling from the sky. Tonight, weve learned the teenager rescued after being trapped under water has now died. Four other people on board did survive the crash. And to that dump truck out of control in norththcarolina. Erving off the road, slamming into the side of a home. The driver said another car ran a stop side, colliding with the truck, sending him into that house. No one, unbelievably, was hurt. When we ce back here on a monday night, amy robach takes us on a first of its kind safari adventure. What has never been done before. There was a scare. If youre looking to save money on your Medicare Part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. Seize the day to get more out of life and Medicare Part d. Just switch to walgreens for s sings thatll be the highlight of your day. Now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphomb, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, patitis b, are prone to infectioio, or h he flulike mptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. This is humira at work. Every insurance policy has a number. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. For those whove served and the families who supported them, we offer our best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why tired of working for peanuts . Well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. Im talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. Ever see a peanut take a day off . I dont think so. Harness the hardworking power of the peanut. Finally, were just hours adventure. A live, 360degree view. Amy robach tonight from tanzania. Reporter its the landscape taking our breath away. The elelhants, hippos, zebrara and lions daring to take you, for the First Time Ever on television, live on safari. These guys. Sanctuary, risking their lives animals from illegal hunting. Youre literally fattening them up to send them back out . Send them back out. Reporter they take me to the orphaned lion cubs. I quickly learn, theyre watching every move we make. Oh, my. Woo. In the nexex room over shes beautiful a 3monthold caracal. She was being smuggled out of the country before being rescued. Oh, how pretty are you. Some of the wildlife youll see tomorrow morning as we take you on safari live. Thank you, amy. A few 40s south and west. The sattellite and radar shows cloudy skies. The planner for tonight is for a chance of a light rain snow mix. The temperature will be 36 at 10 pm, 35 at 2 am, and 31 at 6 am. Ill be back in a few minutes with a look at what to expect for tonight, and when we could see the 50s return. Its time for local news that matters jenna good evening and thank you for joining us tonight im Jenna Rehnstrom tim and im tim seaman. Over the weekend, human remains were found in rural nebraska. Believe the body has been there since this summer and now theyre trying to identify who it is. Jenna the discovery was made just east of tilden in Madison County. According to the Madison County sheriff, a hunter came upon the body shortly before noon yesterday in a shelter belt just north of highway 275. Tim the investigator on the case e ys the unidentifiedperson is believeded to be a man n o died sometime over the summer. A forensic exam is scheduled to try and identify the body. Investigators saying they dont really have any leads at this time. We honestly dont have anything to indicate foul play, but at this point there isnt anything to rule it out eitr. So were just looking at this as a completely blank slate and well just rely our findings on what the forensic examinations come up with. Tim the body is scheduled to be transported tomorrow to the Nebraska State Laboratory in lincoln. Jenna Sioux City Police are warning residents about fake money circulating in the area. Tim the problem stems from local counterfeitting operations. Abc9s elisa raffa

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