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Terror arrest late today in connection with the horror that unfolded in sanbernardino. The husband and wife, turned killers at that wowo holiday partrt well, tonight, syed farooks childhood friend, Enrique Marquez, under arrest, after being questioned for days. Authorities tonight revealing the stunning charges. They say he was the friend who bought those assault weapons and had trained with farook before. Among the plots they allegedly hatched, a plan to trap drivers during rush hour and then unleash their terror. We begin with abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross tonight. Reporter after ten days of questioning by the fbi at a secret location, Enrique Marquez was brought to the federal courthouse in riverside, california, late today, in the back of this fbi vehicle to face serious terror charges. Within hours of the San Bernardino terror rampage, the fbi figured out that the two assault rifles used in the attack were bought by marquez, almost four years ago. But the charges made public marquez and his longtime friend and former next door neighborhood, syed farookok first planned tose the weapons and pipe bombs to attack the calf cafeteria of a Community College in late 2011 or early 2012. And then, later, for a rush hour terror attack on this california freeway. Quote, the plan was for farook to throw pipe bombs onto the highway. And then, move into vehicles. Accordinggto the federal complaint, it was farook who sper swalded mar kedz to convert to islam some eight years ago and radicalized him using online videos from al qaeda. Authorities also charge that farook got marquez to marry a russian woman who was an extended member of farooks family, so she could come to the united states. Marquez confided to his friends, it was all a sham. He just said he married her for the visa. Left it. Reporter more ominously in the weeks before the terror attack that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, friends say marquez warned of the plans of what he called a terror sleeper cell. He would just, you know, talk about how there are so many sleeper cells and when its going to happen, its going to be big. Reporter two days after the attacks, marquez wrote on facebook, my life turned ridiculous, involvedd in terrorist plpls, drugs, antisocial behavior, marriage. Might go to prison for fraud, et cetera. And brian ross is with us no we want to be clear here. Marquez is not accused of participating in the San Bernardino attacks . Reporter thats right, david. Federal prosecutors say there is currently no evidence that marquez was part of the attacks. But theres no doubt buying the rifles for farook clearly had fatal con consequences. If convicted on todays charges, he could face up to 35 years in prison, david. All right, b ban ross on this every step of the way. Brian, thank you. And meantime tonight, authorities are now studying a friend enkey kay marquez made right after the rampage in San Bernardino. Abcs senior justice washington tonight. Reporter david, just hours after the december 3rd shooting, a frantic marquez dials 911. Whats wrong . Why do you feel like you want to kill yourself . My neighborhood. He did the shooting. The dispatcher says, your gun . Marquez responds, yes. Oh, my god. The dispatcher asks, how do you know its your gun . Marquez responds, they can trace all the guns back to me. When asked who the shooter was. Marquez responds flatly, its syed farook. According to the fbi later that evening, marquez checked into the ucla Harbor Medical Center and went to thehe er. The fbi s sd head consumed nine bottles of beer. David . Pierre thomas live in our washinon bureau with the 911 pierre, thank you. We me onto other news tonight and to another case were following peking headlines. What authorities call a pharmaceutical scheme. The young ceo who set awful a fire storm before, after liking the price of a lifesaving drug 4,000 times overnight. Martin shkreli arrested for securities fraud. Hours later, released on bail. Abcs linsey davis on what hes accused of doing now. Reporter the 32yearold known as the bad boy of farm suitams infamous for increasing the price of a lifesaving drug from 13. 50 to 750 a tablet, arrested this morning on unrelated security fraud charges. Shkreli essentially ran his Companies Like a ponzi scheme. Reporter according to the indictment, martin this cell little started a hedge fund and got millions from investors. When he lost their money through a series of bad trades, he took money from new investors to pay off old ones. Then, he took a Company Called retrophin public. And sold them for higher prices. According to investigators, he and the companys attorney used that companys money to pay off hi hedge fund investors. The two defendants shkreli and available, could use retrophin for his personal piggy bank. One of the headlines saying you are the most hated man in america. He assured us he was going to dramatically cut the cost that had caud such a ruckus. Im not a greedy person. Reporter he cut it to the equivalent of 375 a pill. Still, a 2,000 increase over the original cost. Online, shkreli has posted hours of video of himself. I dont really care about people hating me. Reporter that devil may care attitudeot as apparent tonightt as he lefef this federal courthouse a aer his arraignment. He and the Company Attorney both pled not guilty. And the account of bond he pd to walk out of jail . Linziesey davis with us tonight. Thank you. Now to the race for 2016 tonight. Donald trump with a rare acknowledgement, telling jimmy kimmel he has been, quote, late bit divisive. And this evening, getting a vote of confidence from an unlikely source. Russian president vladimir putin, calling trump colorful, talented, and late today, trump responding. Abcs cecilia vega on the campaign trail again tonight. Reporter as his rivals battle on the campaign trail, donald trump basking in the bright lights of late night tv. Did you decide you were going to be nicer . You know what, i would like to see the Republican Party come together, and ive been a little bit divisive, in the sense that ive been hitting people pretty hard. A little bit, yeah. H. Reporter jimim kimmel even unveiling a trumpthemed childrens book, winners arent losers. There are two kinds of people. Which one will you be . A loser like them . Would you like to finish . Or a winner like me. Reporter and today, trump getting unexpected and vladimir putin. [ speaking Foreign Language ] donald trump. Reporter putin calling trump a talented, very colorful person, and the absolulu leader of theheresidential race. Trumps response . . It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond. But while trump is riding high, a tough day for his chief rival, ted cruz. Supported legalizing undocumented immigrants. Hes not told the truth about his position in the past on legalization. Reporter on fox news, cruz stumbling after being shown his own words from 2013. I dont want Immigration Reform to fail. I want Immigration Reform to pass. It sounded like you wanted the bill to pass. Of course i wanted the bill to pass. My amendment to pass. What my amendment did was take citizenship off the table. What it doesnt mean, that i supported the other aspects of the bill, which was a terrible bill. Reporter tonight, cruz doubling down. I opposeegalization for illegal aliens. I always have and i always will. Reporter the texas senator fighting for those donald trump voters. But fighting against trum m onp on the other side of the aisle . Hillary clinton sending a personal plea to the trumploving father of this young woman. Hi shawn, im here with your daughter and i hope you can see i dont have horns and i really goes on youll listen to your daughter. Thanks. Received. Cecilia is live in New Hampshire tonight, where abc news will host that debate between Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and governor omalley on saturday. And cecilia, senator sanders marking a milestone today, more campaign and many of them very small. Reporter thats right, in increments of 30r less. They are coming in. And since wednesday alone, hes raised more than 1 million. Big numbers for sanders. 800,000 donors so far. But the big show happens right here behind me. You canee the stage getting ready. We will see you soon here in New Hampshire. Cant wait to see you. Cant wait to see you, too. The stage looking pretty good there. And we hope everyone at home will join us this saturday night when Martha Raddatz and i moderate the New Hampshire democratic debate, 8 00 p. M. Eastern, 7 00 central, right here on abc. To other news this evening, and to the acknowledgement from the pentagon tonight, admitting defense secretary onash c cter used a personal email account for official businene. Even afterer Hillary Clinton was already under fire for using her private email. Tonight, defense secretary carter saying he made a mistake. But this even, many are asking abcs chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl now. Reporter defense secretary ash carter was in iraq today, but dogged by questions about his use of private email for particularly someone in my position and with the sensitivities about this issue should have known betttt. I didnt do the right thing this is entirely on me. Reporter in march, revelations about Hillary Clintons use of private email as secretary of state set off such a firestorm that the white house issued firm instrtions to all administration employees that they were to use government email for government business. Those guidelines have been made clear. Reporter but it turns out secretary carter kept using his personal email for at least two months after that, much to the surprise of the white house. Howws it thatt secretary carter kept on using his personal email even after the white house made it perfectly clear that it was against policy, that it was not to be done . Jon, i think even in the context of some of the exchanges that we had about secretary clintons email habits, i observed that surely given the attention to secretary clintons email habits that no one would admitted, he did make that same mistake. Reporter eventually, the white house found out carter was still using private email and asked him to stop. He did. But listen to what the state Department Said today when asked if secretary of state e hn kerry ever uses private email for official business. The short answer is of course. You know, he cant prevent somebody from emailing him, if they have his private email account. And jon karl joining us live from the white house. Over email rules. But back to ash carter for a moment, jon. Acknowledging his mistake today, but it doesnt appear that thats going to be quite enough. Reporter no, it wont be. The Senate Armed Services committee wants to review his mails to see if they included any classified information. Carter has pledged to cooperate with that investigation, david, and he has insisted that he did not include any classified info in his emails. All right, jon karl live from his post at the white house. Jon, thank you. We tern now to a developing an apparent road rage incident that left two people dead. A suspect now in custody. 45 minutes of terror stretching 60 miles across i40, as a gunman opened firere hitting unsuspecting drivers, including a husband, sitting in his car with his wife. Heres abcs ryan owens. Reporter this stretch of western oklahoma interstate looked more like the wild west Late Wednesday night, a crime scene stretching 60 miles. Ambulance to the 84 mile marker offramp. Possible gunshot wound. Reporter police say a guntoting, pickupdriving jeremy hardy was drunk when he fired at at least six vehiclcl, including this semi. Officers are advising that they are doing cpr. Reporter Authorities Say it started as road rage, that hardy tried to run kent powell and his wife off interstate 40 just before midnight. Hardy legedly followed the couple some 15 miles before shooting and killing powell. Another ten miles he roa officers found billie jean west shot to death in her car on the side of the road. Picture was taken wednesday, hours before her death. It was another 30 miles down the interstate before troopers finally y lled over hardy. He gave up without a fight. Were doing our best to gather the information about going inis world to make him do this. Reporter hardy is from texas, police arent even sure oklahoma. They do tell us they couldnt even book him in the jail through most of today because he david . Ryan owens, thank you. There is still much more ahead on world newswsonight this thursday. Big changes coming to new orleans after a vote. Coming up here, that city councilvoting, saying, we have a right to correct historical wrongs. There. Also, the new medical headline tonight about cancer, and what may be the biggest cause for men and women. An important headline tonight. And then, the consumer outrage this evening. Concert tickets for adele on now being sold for 12,000 . After the break. Whatcha doin . Just prepping for my boss party in a couple weeks. What are those . Crest whitestrips. They whiten way better than paste. 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Outraged fanss across america sasa they were shut out, trying to buy tickets online for her new tour. Abcs chief Business Correspondent Rebecca Jarvis on some of those tickets now being resold for up to 12,000 each. Hello from the other side reporter tickets to adeles 56date north american tour went this morning. Within an hour, theyd sold out. Fans reporting technical glitches on ticketmaster. Com, venting theirnger online, using adeles on lyrics. One tweeting hello from the ticket line. Ive clicked refresh a thousand times. Never mind reporter and immediately, the scalpers ss swarmed. Offering one for 7,500. 30 minutes later, he was asking 9,000. Tonight on ebeb, t tse four tickets to the showwn ebay, now on sale for more than 48,000 and climbing. The secret to getting the most coveted tickets . I must have called a thousand times hodas a phone call to ticketmaster. Must have called a thousand times. Never was a lyric more true. But what was the best way that you found, online or actually with the phone today . Reporter we talked to the most successful people that did get the tickets. They did one of twothings. They used the ticketmaster app on their phone and purchased the tickets thatway, or they did presale, because they were in adeles fan club. So, join an artists fan club, you get access to presale many times. Thats smart. A lot of frustration today. Rebecca, thank you. Wn we come back, news tonight an cancer, and the most common causes for men and women. And the new headline tonight out of new orleans. Correct what they say are mistakes of the past. What will soon go away in a moment. Ntlers on reindeer, gifts tied with laces polar bear noses, colorful faces candy canes wrapppp up to the top, how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop . Snowmen with buttons, snowflakes with icing candy corn feathers, sure look enticing Rice Krispies treats, the fun doesnt stop how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop . 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A major new study finding up to 90 of cancers are caused by lifestyle choices, including diet, exercise, smoking and stress, as well as environmental factors. The Houston Energy company holiliy bonus. Thats a a total off 100 mimiion. Merry christmas. When we come back here tonight, hours away from Barbara Walters tenmost fascinating people, but three of them are right here tonight, with some very personal reveals. The cold truth is. If a cold keeps you up at night [ phones ringing ] you cant just catch up on sleep the next day. New alkaseltzer plus night cold cough liquid relieves tough cold symptoms and quiets coughs for up to 8 hours. To help you sleep at night. New alkaseltzer plus night liquid. When youve got a house full of guests on the way and a cold with sinus pressure, you need fast relief. Alkaseltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. To put you back in control. [doorbell] woman coming alkaseltzer plus sinus. 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Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common,and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com Barbara Walters is back with her yearend tradition. Her list of the ten most fascinating people of the year. Abcs david wright with three who made the cut after they made their mark. Reporter tonight, Barbara Walters brings us a star wrestling with his inner demons. Drinking. Stopped drinking, yeah. Did it change you . Oh, tremendously. Very difficult . No, beautiful. Unbelievable. Better . Oh, are you kidding . I would never be sitting here with you. Reporter a comedian talking intimately about her life. When did you know you were funny . At 5 years old. Oh . Yeah. At 5 wewe, i made my family laugh for ass long as i can reporter she h a woman who made mystery. Ballina. Becoming a principal dancer with american ballet theater, thatatas my ultimate dream from the time i was 13 years old. Did you think it was going to happen . Because there are not too many black ballerinas. No. I thought, this is never going to happen for me. Reporter but who will be the most fascinating . Find out tonight. David wright, abc c ws, new york. Barbara walters presents, the ten most fascinating people of 2015, tonight at 9 30 eastern. Be a chilly night skies, the temperature will be 20 at 10 pm, 16 at 2 am, and 16 at 6 am. Ill be back in a few minutes even cooler day tomorrow its time matters jennnn good evening and thank k u for joining g tonight im Jenna Rehnstrom well joining us tonight im Jenna Rehnstrom well catch up with tim later. North highs band director. Who just resigned friday. Is facing felony charges. This morning 34 year old Lucas Sursely sirslee was arrested for Sexual Exploitation by a school employee. He admitted to sending a lewd photo to a student. According to court documents, sursely told police after his arrest that he was texting a 15 year old female student about him. Police say sursely

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