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And a lady came here say let's get this mantra that you are stand right away don't we see this every day heart attack or angina pain due to blocked and clogged arteries key lation can remove obstructions or blockages from arteries and help avoid painful and expensive surgery now there's an angiogram it's a liquid oral copulation product that you take with juice you start to feel the results fast and you'll prim increases blood flow all over the body and that means more energy and strength to take on the day with less aches and pains 60 years of research has gone into key lation and angio pram is the result a safe and easy way to unblocked your veins and arteries from build up that slow circulation having Dr Joe the purported emergency right away log on now to angio Prem dot com That's a n g I o o p r I am dot com or to speak with a trained consultant give angiogram a call at 954-882-7221. It's 954-882-7221 you're listening to k.c. . You're good neighbor along the way. 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You yeah you do you know where you are while you have done it now you're listening to k.c. a Loma Linda your c n.b.c. News station so expect the unexpected. Now we hear the call of the turkey was I officially I hereby pardon that gaggle of turkeys from the g.c. And mother ship all 15 of them so nobody can take them home I'm going to have to have. Alex Knutson our technical maestro for this show make sure that he puts out my pardon officially to everybody else at the studio so nobody accidently walks away with one of those suckers it's hard to get them in the building let me tell you. And I don't know if legally they're allowed to run away they run around the way they have been running around especially since we've got a vending machine that has a hole in it that could be pretty interesting to those turkeys speaking of having a hole in what's happening I think when we talk about immigration and we just had weeks of this whole immigration inquiry behind closed doors in front of the cameras dissecting and analyzing and looking at the Rubik's Cube and trying to figure out where is Rudy and all of this there are more questions than answers and there are t. Shirts being sold with no quid pro quo what ever so that might be under your tree perhaps Rudy Giuliani is the mystery man in the middle of all of this he was in talks to work for Ukraine a Ukraine official who was helping him. Find some of the details I guess on Biden allegedly So that's where we're at with all of this I think the focus is on Rudy and then what the report's going to say what happens and where do we go from here it's let's take a break time because it least for a handful of days people are thinking about turkey and football and everything but Washington d.c. In my opinion and trying to get home some people got stuck with these crazy storms and the storms were pretty bad there were people had power knocked out in the Midwest and then there were so much snow in some places that it was slow going on the roadways and even here in Minnesota where people are so used to I think those conditions there's always accidents when you get big big snows and there was a lot of snow that fell and then the bomb Cyclon on the West Coast the snow in the Midwest certainly. Handcuffed a few people as they were trying to make their way back home or someplace else for the the holiday so once that clears up I guess some people will be able to get back to where they were headed I mean you get you know you think of the major hubs like Chicago O'Hare and Midway airports and when you've got gusty winds you know they're not land on those planes on top of snow and whatever other potential threat you could throw out there and there were a lot of. Threats happening you know whether it was for example even Santa Barbara they have they're worried about mudslides in these some of these burn areas and they're worried about you know the rain that helped them battle this cave fire they're worried about what I said mudslides because it burned 4000 acres and it's 20 percent contained so they're saying at least people should be in their homes and be there in time for the Thanksgiving weekend and all of that but pretty devastating in places where I used to live modestly though California and if you remember him on a c though there were mudslides that killed 23 people and destroyed about 100 homes 100 homes that was nasty stuff let's go to Grim who is listening to us in the great state of Mississippi Hey Graham Graham you have been there Kerry Hey you too what's happening in your own world. What's happening in your world. Well let's try this. It goes with how you open your program anyhow. May take you back to when you were young and just. Carry how many young lives because we don't really need this what this small stuff you know what drives our tornado but let me take you back to your 1st Berry your 1st very 1st Thanksgiving dinner it women out there right now their 1st Thanksgiving dinner just very 1st year Berry is just her and her husband and she wants to please them so badly I want to tear are you it is a good up there is a story you say and him about to get it. So I did a video because. They got a turnout. Like you see all of it to even see it ain't going to be golden brown and it made you know it maybe. Because all of us Kate what was your sly. Yeah my my my mother was such a good cook and I learned from her but I I didn't know my tippers Turkey was not it was Ok it wasn't great it wasn't golden brown amazing easy to cut known and then and now but it was that expectation yes that the thing I'm telling all the young all the young women out there don't worry about it don't sweat the small. Yet I mean this was the biggest thing you know the most sludge. Mudslide today everything else they're mediocre to bad in the thirty's Yeah there's so many other things happening in the world you're right it's just minor. That's funny but I agree you have created all family and this is. This is this is so than most people don't understand in the Bible. Or have to honor your father and your mother and because you have just created your own family you are the family. And that's part of. Making your grow up and yeah your husband should have enough respect to go out to heavily ham if you messed up least get a ham. Handed up to the store That's right make a good effort but if you go back you've got good backup if you just talk don't worry about it. And there's going to be a lot of the thought of women double. Just I can't believe some people I just can't bully some people I now I know they lose their minds over so my great foundation now a lot well. And I agree. Largely by. Your good name that you know new effort. Oh well there's that year that's right there's always next year so glad that you called a Happy Thanksgiving giving to you too that the whole weekend and it's funny Grim is so timely I was reading something in The Washington Post and this is so serious that they even carving the turkey there's pressure on whoever carves the turkey to do it right and they have a virtual way to carve the turkey and they let you practice virtually a let's practice virtually look you do need some practice and you're worried about the big c. So to The Washington Post and carve up the Virtual Earth he might take on kindness and gratitude next. USA radio with President Truman knew about the whistleblower complaint when he chose to police military aid to Ukraine in September New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman Sooners the byline on the story we reported the president was briefed by the White House counsel have any of the National Security Council I mean where John in August that about the fact that Elizabeth complaint existed and it was about a complaint of course talked about not as we know now not just the president's phone call the president's honesty from July 25th but also this question about the freezing up military a holiday travelers across the country are getting stranded in bad weather driving is tough I go real slow and I have my lights on and I just I watch out and very aware of what people are doing the day before Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel days of the year with tens of millions of people on the highway this is the USA radio news does your business spend $500.00 a month or more on gas and electric bills did you know by making a simple free phone call you can save up to 25 percent on your bill every month what could you do with a 25 percent savings on your bills every month energy deregulation is now available in your state making one simple phone call will show you how we can lower your gas and electric bills instantly with no changes to your bill and no one Roman fee this is a free service the only thing you'll notice is a lower bill every month call us Power and Light right now learn how easy it is to lower your utility bills for your business and save money we promise so if you spend over $500.00 a month on your gas and electric bills please call right now and done lean shore savings 809-413-3818 extension 094 ones 338180941338189413381 . Shot at in Mexico 100 drinks at a well worn bar with some shady looking characters in Vegas riding a bike from Dallas to Seattle on a bet scribbling the words dungeon on a napkin while 2 passengers next you want to play in wonder what the heck does that mean m k Delaney and what does this have to do with my success and why do you care part of my journey that I want to share with you in my new book deal your own destiny luckily now I can laugh at some of what seemed like other disasters at the time Can any of you relate that's exactly what you'll discover by reading my book I picture you want to vote each more relaxing in the backyard laughing out loud until your rupture is going well hopefully not while pulling out some seriously rare and secret stuff doesn't matter what you do or where you are right now and he won in any walk of life can use what I learned in my years of crisscrossing around the United States pursuing my dreams so what do you want to get out of life happiness contentment Why are you here pick up my book deal your own destiny at Amazon dot com. It's a wrap with cakes take. This time of the year people talk about. Giving gifts. Or reaching out to people they haven't talked to how about some kindness of America we have beaten each other up verb really and every of the way when I think of kindness I looked up the definition of kindness I know what I think kindnesses and I think it stretched in a couple of different ways but the pure. Or definition if you looked looked it up in the Miriam Webster dictionary he would get the quality or state of being a kind deed which would be a favor for a faction and then you look for synonyms and they would be courtesy Grace indulgence mercy service I like that turn benevolence acts of kindness people talk about acts of kindness I think one of the greatest quotes I can give you is from a guy you might not have heard of he was a speaker pretty notable speakers name is Joe Charbonneau long gone but Joe Charbonneau said you have to give give give before you get get get and I think there's too much get get get going on when it be great if you just did did did and didn't expect anything in a change and didn't shout to the world how kind you were because that's the other thing with all the posting and social media posting what you did and how great you are and all of that nothing wrong with tooting your own horn but when you're doing something kind it be great if some of it was anonymous if that's possible I've been reading this year a great book called The Daily stoic it's by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Handelman and it's really. It changed my life in some ways because stoicism to a lot of people it's a way to be happy or to. Feel mentally strong and Stoics identify with virtue and being rational So the idea is you're in harmony with nature which of course we are all part of but there's so much craziness and external chaos around us that we're pulled in different directions and often instead of following the path and doing what we do we get packaged in different ways we get labeled in different ways and I think stoicism is kindness people who practice stoicism I think in so many ways could be described like that because some things are within our control and some things aren't that much of what we're not happy about is caused by thinking that we can control things that we can't control can anybody else here relate to that I can relate to that the good news is things happen some aren't inherently good or bad and it's within our power to decide how we value them we don't have control but we do potentially if you can shift your mind we do potentially have control over what we would call happiness how do you adjust your daily life for the daily challenges you face how do you think differently I mean life can be tough it's not all roses out there for a lot of people so easy to say that but what are people that you run into dealing with. You know sometimes we get irritated by something trivial in fact we just talked to Grimm who kind of went down that path when he talked about there are people that are married and women that are trying to make 1st time turkeys that are freaking out because it doesn't come out perfect and they feel like they failed and then basically it is the significant other running out to get a replacement meal because we stress out and we focus so much on what's happening that we can't handle it when it goes on and boy do I see that I see a lot of stressed miserable angry people sometimes and maybe that's from the travelling I also meet some amazing people but it's others that I see that I can tell they're just ready to pop because they're tired of the long lines they're tired of something else that's happened happened they have no patience when they're dealing with who's ever at the front saw. Of an airline problem which often is just somebody who is is manning a desk somebody who's a flight attendant and is helping people check into the plane basically and look for overhead space and I've seen that a couple of times just the explosions that happen and the way we are all so knotted up in a bunch give yourself some kindness for goodness sake take a breath wait 10 seconds breathe before you explode and then also like I said kindness to yourself because I think the secret to whatever your happiness looks like is being happy with yourself not finding fault in and everything that happens and everything that you do Marcus To really is. Had a strategy and this goes back to the day of the Romans reminded himself every morning that he was probably going to encounter a lot of stressed angry impatient I'm grateful people during the coming day by reflecting on this in advance he hoped he would be less likely to respond in kind reflected on the fact that none of the people would be like this intentionally they were victims of their own mistaken judgments no one chooses to be unhappy stressed angry miserable but they are the products of our judgments and that's in our control so what do you do about it the world keeps on revolving. How vast is our universe how infinite is time that stretches to the past the present in the future and it just seems like our lives are just one quick moment so when you're thinking of having that flash reaction when you're thinking about how your Fuehrer eous by so much that is happening out of your control when it comes to politicians when it comes to some of the nonsense we talk about that flows out of that river in d.c. Take a breath and remember you have control. And just because somebody else isn't being kind and you can create your own kind of kindness definition and there's so much to be grateful for I said this is about being grateful and acts of kindness right one thing I love that this is happened to me actually I love it when there is that random pay it forward person that they think Ok I'm going to pay for your coffee I've had that happen to be a couple of times where somebody I had money in my hand and I was going up to a counter and had a conversation with the guy and it was in an airport he's that you know I really got it and he was in a pick up line he was just being he said I'm just grateful and grateful that I ran into that we had the conversation we had Think of being grateful showing appreciation of that kindness that I said I'm thankful and that's the word Thanksgiving because after all what do you think the Pilgrims were thankful for where they ended up all those hard to stretch your mind back into that timeline of what they went through in crossing and coming over but imagine once they were here and once they had a chance to experience the kind of freedom you think there were random acts of kindness and gratitude once we had gone through the Revolutionary War and the country was founded and that people had rights and people also could express their opinions they didn't have a king's ransom to answer to and while we can complain about some outrageous red tape and ridiculous taxation and horrible representation in some cases there is something you can do about it and you can step out and step up. And if you don't like what you see especially locally run yourself one thing that Donald Trump did to proof is you don't have to have a politician's typical pedigree to run for office if you have bigger better batter ideas spread them spread the wealth and share we'll all be grateful for that. And join your Thanksgiving days because it's a long weekend that's already stretch for many many people you can't hang through. That so. Choose. They are going. To trash. The moment. Was. I am born a star seed. Born in a 3rd dimensional body. I am a Star see. In and shellac light being. High This is really merited welcomes in the angel awakening cd I have channeled this album as a gift from the angels to help you connect here gets and to awaking to the frequency of the highest dimensions of the Holy Spirit I have channeled these sacred healings chants mantras meditations prayers and messages for years that you too may be touched by the healing power of God If you listen and participate with a full joyous heart can experience profound healing and improvement of physical and emotional conditions through the Holy Spirit to purchase the cd you can go to the healing trilogy dot com God bless you. Ok like a nurse let's get this man to the e.r. Staff right away doctor we see this every day heart attack or angina pain due to blocked and clogged arteries key lation can remove obstructions or blockages from arteries and help avoid painful and expensive surgery now there's an angiogram it's a liquid oral copulation product that you take with juice you start to feel the results fast and prim increases blood flow all over the body and that means more energy and strength to take on the day with less aches and pains 60 years of research has gone into key lation and Enzio plan is the result a safe and easy way to unblocked your veins and arteries from build up that slow circulate shaping Dr Joe the purported emergency right away log on now to angio Prem dot com That's a n g I o o p r I am dot com or to speak with a trained consultant give angiogram a call at 954-882-7221 that's 954-882-7221 extension 1 if you could have an in-depth understanding of the stock market just like the pros Well thanks to Phil Grandy and Phil's game dot com You can Phil's game dot com offers comprehensive up to date market information designed to help you understand and anticipate market behavior with Bills game dot com will build you invest in companies even to the down cycles and periods of uncertainty go to Phil's game dot com Bills game dot com today 877600 game 877604264 going to build a member then 2000 or over that time I've generated over the figure following pill starting has really been a huge impact on my career and my wife I would recommend doing to a mom and there I would recommend the parent if you know children I would recommend a grandparent if you really trust them there then you will do for more information . Or give us a call at 877604264. Are you having trouble sleeping are you always tired and worn out is it affecting your work and personal life while South Pacific sleep lab can help you out South Pacific sleep lab provides a personal study of your sleep patterns with their trained specialists they will diagnose your sleep habits and will give you a prognosis for getting a great relaxing night of sleep South Pacific sleep lab has locations throughout southern California including Fontana and will provide transportation to any of their locations at no cost to you South Pacific fleet will give you the help you need 24 hours a day 7 days a week to find out more you might call it 844 s a d 5050 That's 844 s. 8 d. 5050 South Pacific sleep lab start rest in the easy and sleep in sound today he did like I'm in for more information recreation and guaranteed fun k.c. a 10 50 am. I . Do it is with us he's written a book called reading your mind daily this is book one embracing the culture of the Kingdom we had such a great off air conversation I think about a couple of weeks ago so I'm excited to introduce you to him Hey Rohan thanks so much for joining us thank you for having me and the reminder that the name of the book is renewing your mind dealing renewing your mind daily Yes and there's a couple of books attached to this because you and I talked about that too but renewing your mind daily Let's talk about the premise of that rely so little world again my name is Ron you know. For all we knew your mind Billy embracing the culture of the kingdom is book one so I was inspired to write the book because a to me main reason I would say. That an encounter with God. And our being and prayer and ultimately add supernatural experience in that group my pension i Phone myself that was eating up this type of experience with god. Like for my genes what was. The right that if you know you a few minutes late. Then that's a golden opportunity to like think and I've thought employment Oh dear I'm going back that did it with that. Kind of guy. So what I thought was a rejection turned out to be consumption from I remember to be born again and this is the path that God time for me to do so and to write. Second is the scripture phoned in Romans to and for. Which means going to say that we should not conform to that so this and the world would be trying to fall by the renewing before mine so in doing this is used to arriving late it leads you down this path there was something else that you and I talked about that prompted you to go in that direction of renewing your mind daily what else was it that you were noticing around you is probably was the gene that we discussed that out of the mind of God that I managed it was of passionate about being and praying and reading scripture and I had my is that I thought it was pretty I didn't understand why someone would pass the entire day and read scripture and prayed I mean I went to church but I was deep into a into. The god he was so I thought he was praised he. Told me and that water jihad and I thought it was just crazy that you would do you. Expect that this. Would manifest but you know what that Jean Valjean came to fruition and it was then I said to myself God I want to know you like like he knows you I want to have a time for you since if I started to fast then and pretend to spend time in the presence of God reading scriptures. And worshipping worshipping God on a daily basis. And. God proven to be to be no respecter of persons who start having dreams. Of almost 2 things and one of them I captured in the book. I Phone myself in this in this. Building I was probably of all Midway and I could see that a staircase and I could see the top the pinnacle of this building and I realized that. There was a fire and it was ruling in. Me and then I started to run down the spiral staircases as I as a exited the building I saw what seemed to be hundreds of people. At the top of the structure I realized that there was like a ball of fire at the top and it was too getting getting more ferocious than i still people jumping out and I couldn't understand why they would do that because of course you know from such a high by the time you get on collision it's in stone that I do with many people doing that. And I was stunned I agreed for them but then that. Was 6 years and even to turn for the worst as I fought all the buildings started. And the debris on the. That came along with it everyone no one could stand to it so we all had to scramble. For our lives as as the dust and debris just chasing us and nothing could could withstand it's around 50. So we I are. Fast as I could and I got to a point of safety and when that's done. I went back because I was very curious I went back. And begin 10 stories at the time of the debris and you know the rocks and everything and and when I look below my feet dozens of uncountable. Dead bodies and I woke up from the dream King. As opposed to be shaken up I needed I know that 911 would would would. Happen so the gene was like in general 2001 and then of course September 11th happened and I think to myself. I said to God God you know you are you are north for one and you hold the future and. Nothing. Knowing and. I knew there would be there are members of audience who would probably always to deal with. That type of things these dreams were words were just happening in Bible these books say no because of my experiences and the experience of all this captured in and this book. That God. Into Mystic times does this. And to worship and for it's not the room. Service it is weakening it's more than that it's it's. In to Mr with God as we have been and been like. You know marriage my relations but. Yeah that's a good analogy we're speaking was word Stuart and the name of the book is renewing your mind daily get it on Amazon dot com What do you hope people take away from reading this so I would hope that people would would. Things. First. For those who buy the food for the book and get everything cause I would condone the one. Percent of college they are. Reading your mind the amount of 5 star reminds be a little one and the cause of the kingdom is doing them both sons formation so it encourages us to renew the way we think by coming in out of line man who is the cause of the Kingdom of God For example number one. Giving without limits but 1st there was no focus focuses on topping into the uncharted so forgiveness. It's always the mark on the brink of the force due to the wise infidelity it's formative point in the lungs and success of any marriage for any number this is a formidable point into the lungs and at the end and a marriage where the problem was exacerbated when the husband asked a tamed that his wife was pregnant with another man's child these are the moments we need to tap into our one God given power to forgive. So we had a teachable moment the nice thing the discussion on forgiveness when when friends on the board of Italy from John. King. The one responsible for the slaying of office brother such on charges that the forgiveness should be repeated across to distance states and nations and. This is the man does . Read your mind the elite. Media is breezed in influencing all work. To become a better place. The 2nd half of the 2nd example renew your mind and feel encouraged to talk to the transform is to dispel the myth that divine James and visions are not for today but exclusively reserved for by the days that will provide testimony is that that gun statistics. Today. Mentioned before with my testimony. And then later. You know I. Teach. 3 words to the Lord. And God be the respectful person Yeah yeah and you know what that's the perfect place to end this because we're up against it Stuart again renewing your mind daily especially the time of year that we're in it's a perfect time for this any time is a perfect time for it but definitely now we're thinking about so much with the important holidays coming up and what not thank you for joining us. I thank you so much for having me. USA radio with windy k. Bitter cold is causing havoc for millions of travelers in the West the northbound lanes of I 5 heading into Oregon have no reopened hundreds were stranded on the freeway for hours k x l reporter Annette Newell the blizzard forced a shutdown that lasted for hours from southern Oregon to Northern California dozens of miles of 4 major highways in the Cascades also shut down the worst on record according to the Oregon Department of Transportation's Gary leaving I've been with you nearly 20 years I can't think of a Thanksgiving though most highways are back open their store requiring drivers to use tire chains the big freeze stretches across most of the country winds right now across the Great Lakes gusting over 40 close to 50 miles an hour and tomorrow up and down the Eastern Seaboard specially in the northeast winds will be gusting close to 40 miles an hour this is the USA radio news Money money money money you got to have it when you need it what do you do if you don't have a rich uncle call ending tree with us hundreds of banks compete for your business so you'll get loans with competitive interest rates and in some cases with no closing costs so here's the deal if you need money call us do you want to refinance your current loan are you 62 or older and interested in a reverse mortgage then call Lending Tree now $8634131586341315.00 we've closed over $250000000000.00 in loans we know what we're doing and can help you call right now for free quote 806341315806341315806341315 that's 806341315 M.L.'s number 1136 day he will. 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It is difficult for your helper to talk about a thing and also something that affects a lot of people at the lowest quadrant joins us he's the founder and director of action and we're talking about newborns and circumcision so Anthony tell us the dilemma was circumcision and what people wrestle with especially with religious traditions except for us and what people don't know as the Crohn's or the pros of circle of. Absolutely and 1st Kate thanks for having me on the show again it's always a pleasure speaking with you and what I like to start off with is I want you audience to understand. That circumcision is unnecessary and I read a statement from doctors representing 20 international medical institutions and what they said is circumcision fails to meet the commonly accepted criteria but the justification of preventative procedures in children it has no compelling health benefits causes pain and can have serious long term consequences and it conflicts with the Hippocratic Oath which is 1st do no harm Wow. So this is really what you're talking about with you are going to nation as you're trying to have children have a voice in what's happening here they should have a voice and it's need more information because I think Americans have been in this tunnel vision of this belief that circumcision is necessary to do to babies nothing can be further from the truth the intact body has a number of benefits to the fore skin is an important thing to have on male anatomy and there's a lot of downsides to circumcision people don't even realize until unfortunately and a lot of times to them yeah how widespread is it I mean isn't it already a commonplace. It's it's common in America but the trend is going downwards the last to to sticks we have indicated like a 56 percent circumcision weight rate nationwide it varies geographically where the West Coast is the lowest the Midwest tends to be higher and then the east coast tends to be around $5050.00 Wow So what was the idea behind because you're the director of interaction was the idea of impacts in. We were founded because we realize that Americans really need some help in understanding these issues and they warrant being being given the correct information so they can make a proper decision on what's best for their children hearing it one sided from the medical community which really is about building how much they can build out how much they can charge or this procedure it's it's a $1000000000.00 business so when you have this call I it's of a medical industry that's behind this and pushing it has been for decades and we're just a little David kind of fighting back and pushing back against that Wow All right so the best place that people can go to learn more in tax in dot org right that's our Absolutely that's our Web site we have plenty of information there we have real life stories of men that have been severely impacted by this people think that it's a quick little snippet and nobody ever complains about it there are psychological impacts of this throughout an individual's life fortunately up to and including suicide and severe depression and the stories of real life stories of which you have to read it to believe it Wow All right so go and read the stories Anthony thank you for joining us on the show. Thank you for having me again Kate hope to speak to you soon. All right so I mentioned that we were also going to talk about they ping and long injuries Boy oh boy I mean this is the buzz in the land that everybody's talking about right there were 2200 I just read this there are 2290 cases of lung injury linked to a ping as of just a couple of days ago according to the u.s. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention So that's jumped another 118 cases of a pink injuries have been reported in 49 states and also the c.d.c. Is reporting 47 confirmed deaths in 25 states and the District of Columbia the c.d.c. Recommends that people not use cigarette products that contain h c This is what people have been talking about which we know is the psycho active ingredient in marijuana and it appears that vitamin e. Thickener that's used this acetate that's used in some they being products is also linked to these lung injury cases and they're talking about other chemicals that they can't rule out so the president is is holding in East secret meeting on Friday at the White House is how serious obviously it is and it's been talked about legislation except and he's going to listen to the outside stakeholders on what younger people are doing using the cigarettes what the government's role and regulation is this is according to some information that was released by the White House deputy press secretary so it's going to be advocacy groups so they're pushing for an industry groups nonprofits medical associations across the board that means you know everyone wide open door good idea of course and what is the severity of this problem because the numbers are frightening and then seeing some of those videos and photographs of people that are either dying. Are barely surviving and they're not even 25 years old wow and I mean children's health and safety and what they know or don't know about East cigarettes and this is such phenomenon among teenagers who are because it's the cool thing to do I mean we all know the risk things you did when you went to school that you jumped on the bandwagon and this was this is absolutely one of those bandwagon things and whether it just you know the info was an out there we weren't seeing it whatever this is obviously something incredibly serious and it affects way too many people and families are just devastated when they lose somebody to because it's they're just not expecting that right and it's it's shocking these. There was even a somebody who needed a double double rather lung transplant this woman really popped off to make somebody who needed a double lung transplant after the having of a thing injury because it was the only way they were going to survive it can you imagine you know it's just not you know I can remember my my great grandmother smoking and I remember that the I mean they lived pretty to pretty old ages but I remember the conversation that my mother would have of us like hey you don't want to go down this path and the whole thing about cigarettes and we know that we understand what the warning is on the side of the pack of cigarettes and it's our choice and all of that but I think people just had no clue or just were not thinking what are they inhaling What are they pulling in especially kids and it becomes this epidemic because it is the like I said the cool thing to do so there were doctors at the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit and they perform what they think is the 1st double lung transplant in the u.s. For a male patient who's lungs were irreparably damaged after they ping so they wanted to get the word out to the public they want to warn the others that this is they they don't believe that this is something that's limited that they you know this could this could happen to others and we're seeing that the lungs collapsing and that's why they're dying it except for and the numbers certainly are low compared to how I say low I think they're high and scary but low in the sense of how many people are baby but that's the whole idea and this is acetate that that is sometimes used in the t.h.c. And other vaporing products that might be the big problem for the national outbreak and they're still trying to figure out what the risk of factors might be if there are any among those who have gotten. Sick So some states and cities have placed limits on sales of aping products because they're being challenged in court Walgreens Walmart they stop selling them they said you know forget about it and remember back in September the administration said they were going to take action and look at possible a possible flavor ban but that's why they're having this big meeting because there's been some blowback to not doing that and the c.d.c. Is is being pretty strong about this they're suggesting people completely don't use any products with t.h.c. No matter where they buy them all of that because they just don't know there's too much that is unknown about what's. Happening here I can't I just can't imagine that feeling of having a teenager and then getting the word that they're in the hospital in their long has collapsed and it's because of this you know this they ping that they're doing with their friends and having really no idea now they would have more of an idea because of the conversations but really having no idea as to what could possibly you know what this could possibly lead to so the research and the race in this research to find the cause of these these baiting related illnesses I think is so so vital and that's why we're talking about it on this edition of For Your Health Ok Thanks to all of you for listening to this jam packed hour of the show make it count everybody. Shot at in Mexico 100 drinks at a well worn bar with some shady looking characters in Vegas riding a bike from Dallas to Seattle on a bet scribbling the words dungeon on a napkin while 2 passengers next to you want to plane wonder what the heck does that mean m k Delaney and what does this have to do with my success and why do you care part of my journey that I want to share with you in my new book deal your own destiny luckily now I can laugh at some of what seem like other disasters at the time Can any of you relate that's exactly what you'll discover by reading my book I picture you want to boat beach or relaxing in the backyard laughing out loud until your ruptures going well hopefully not while pulling out some seriously rare and secret stuff doesn't matter what you do or where you are right now and he won in any walk of life can use what I learned in my years of crisscrossing around the United States pursuing my dreams so what do you want to get out of life happiness contentment Why are you here pick up my book deal your own destiny at Amazon. 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