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Some of these slogans O'Reilly the No Spin Zone was nothing but spin. Fair and Balanced was anything but fair and balanced what other good slogans Kerry came up with there were not anything like they were they just slogans didn't they were meaningless or actually the reality was that they were exactly the opposite of what they were purporting to be his interest in radio I guess and in general think about your life and the things that have been either you were told by your parents or things you grew up believing that are nonsense now you find them to be nonsensical and a lot of that stuff goes on it's part of maturation I think proving that in fact there is life before death right we all have our lives to lead let's have a good run let's have a wonderful contributing life nobody seems to be grappling with the question is there life before death I tell you there is yes it's now here where in the present Jennifer Jennifer Horn is here Jerry Keeling carousel and I'm Doug Stephan on the t.g.v. Program according to Jennifer she has a good one for us Ok Jennifer prove it well I think just an interesting discussion to have and I think maybe mostly with Kara and to some extent Victoria and that's about so I can hear you nap because I was well you know I mean me too maybe. Maybe you and I can hibernate for a minute but I thought this was kind of interesting I just an interesting take on the situation that happened with. Genitive Katie Hill who we've all heard a lot about nationally over the last week or so Katie Hill on Thursday resigned from Congress it was her last day and she gave a farewell speech where she said that there's a double standard and that if she were a man she would not be forced to resign from Congress now I take issue with that statement I take issue with a lot of Katie Holmes statements because. She's not necessarily resigning over her situation she's resigning because she broke a rule and no one really even called on her to resign except her constituents and that's really how it should be if you're not familiar with Katie Hill story she's the congresswoman who was involved in that throttle which is the 3 person couples she had a husband she had a girlfriend they were in a relationship for a couple of years and as you may have a case of revenge porn because just a couple of weeks ago photographs of her with this woman were released to and she was naked in some of them she was in some pretty steamy and salacious situations and one she was naked holding a bong and showing a tattoo that looks very similar to the Iron Cross but what's really at the crux of her of her resignation is not necessarily those naked pictures it's actually the fact that she broke an ethics law in Congress which was just voted on by her actually last year saying that congresspeople could not vote date their staffers they cannot pay their staffers and have romantic relationships with them. The one defender of Katie Hill and this is where the conversation I think begins the one defender of Katie Hill came from a surprising place it came from Representative Matt Gates who is a staunch Republican he was one of those people who stormed to Adam Shift skiffs he's from Florida he's all over cable news he has no love for the Democratic agenda the Democrats agenda clearly but he made the point because he's a young person that this is kind of the new normal that there are this is going to be an ongoing problem with millennial if they enter office that many of them who grew up with cellphones have naked pictures and they might come back to haunt you and that this shouldn't be something that knocks a person out of contention for an office and I thought it was kind of interesting because Doug you and I did not grow up with a cell phone in our hands my 1st one was a brick phone when I was like 6 knowing you would ever no one will ever find anywhere a naked picture of me no matter where. You should see my dossier on you know I really Yeah but I guess for the ladies is this is this kind of the new normal I just think it's it was an unlikely place where she found support with this Republican who's probably stance against everything that Katie Hill believes but yet he came out and was the loudest over any Democrat anybody else in Congress defending her saying that this shouldn't be a problem moving forward because this is really the new normal for young people and I agree I don't really I don't really see the naked picture as the problem but you're right money there I'm with you on that I that she broke the rules yeah I personally think it's I know a lot of people taking a picture and I'm not really sure why they still do what the amount of people who have had those pictures we're going to get pictures here anywhere right not that I know of unless someone's you know call me while I'm sleeping or something which is you keep your face out of. That's that's true. Yeah that's but that number one I'm sure a lot of white males going Everman if you're saying that you're faced out of it yes I have but the other nick. Picture isn't the thing how old is the guy who was defending her Matt Gates let me see he looks like he's in his thirty's he's a young I mean he's Ok republish So Ok so that does make sense then that he understands culturally that this is something that you know he's 37 Ok so he imes there Jane Jane Get with it or you get with it or get out maybe you do think that no one's naked picture should end their career or and there are you know and look we've all seen Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett Johansson and all those pictures that were leaked Doug probably heard there now it's really it was embarrassing but it didn't end your careers shouldn't it shouldn't and your career if you're not doing anything wrong as a politician and you have a naked picture from a former relationship who wants revenge that should not end your career but she also broke the ethics rule though like you said Jen The real problem is that she was hooking up with someone on her payroll Yeah and she a couple of allegedly one was this woman who was a campaign staffer in the other was her legislative director and so I think she's leading people when she says this is a double standard they're only going after me because I'm bisexual or a woman I don't think that's true I haven't heard one person actually calling her to resign because of the pictures I actually haven't heard of one person actually calling on her to resign except for one Republican woman running against her in her district and that's for obvious reasons as the only place I've heard it so shuts like this you think maybe because there's more to it I think she knows that she got caught I think she knows that she probably broke that rule and so she's getting out before it gets messy and before she goes through that well they expressed to me this is the reason I don't like the whole situation is because it is messy it's just there were so many different things that came out and like when it comes to naked pictures it's really frustrating to me that it seems like the person who's the pictures come out about is the one who always gets all of the flak for it and not the person who actually released them but I don't doubt it was made throughout person's going to get trouble though yeah you're right I think California as to whether it will. Husband or the girlfriend or whoever did it they'll probably be some ramifications I thought it was just kind of interesting that the unlikely source defending her was this Republican guy managed to get so much I mean trust me he is so loud he's not every cable news show he's on c.n.n. He's on Fox He's really a defender of the president he but he came out he said this is an issue where a lot of millennial I think sympathize with Katie Hill because a lot of young people who grew up with the smartphone in their hands took pictures sent them shared messages and materials that are now recoverable later in life well that he's also done Yeah I don't know for sure that's what I was going up a number of what we know about him Mike but he has them to a lot later this is about that's what I tells me so there's that you know that I had that he also said that she that he she should be angry at her fellow Democrats for not standing up and defending her and I would say that's probably right she was seen as the young and rising star in the party and everybody just sort of hands off because of the cancel culture that we've talked about so much air Yeah yeah all right so tell me whether you think this is also hypocritical and the Starbucks manager who was fired she was white member last year there were 2 black people who were arrested in a Starbucks in Philadelphia and they were just hanging around waiting for a meeting and they were they were arrested for waiting for Business me so that often the store manager is Shannon Phillips who was at the time and she was fired by the pretty upset Starbucks So she this week filed a lawsuit against Starbucks alleging that she was the victim of racial discrimination when she was terminated she said weeks after the arrests and surrounding media coverage Starbucks took steps to punish white employees who had not been involved in the arrests at all she had nothing to do nothing to do with the arrest of the guys he said she was not involved with the instant. She said yes a fire I think we're going to get really handsome yes they were looking for someone to go get fire I think we've put our all of what we've all put ourselves between a rock and a hard place where now we expect you know a big corporation like Starbucks to address the issue and do something and so if they they think the way to address it is to Ok we'll just fire someone but then it doesn't actually fix the problem so I don't know this is going to fit you is the Mr porting of the media and that's the way it works j.v. Podcasts are places in ways in which you can find information that you may when I just I mean if the conversations continue here and sometimes actually with most people I can listen to the whole program so we have prog cast that you can go to at the j.v. Show dot com and the one that's posted now we talk about the wildfires ravaging California interesting situation or solution to fix the problem there I think you'll find. The reference to Geo 80 pretty interesting the World Series winners discussion about how the Nationals are parading around this weekend there's a conversation we have a President Obama's take on the dangers of social media that I think people of all sides would be well adjusted to listen to Twitter's decision to ban all political ads and their platform that conversation as well so you can find these stories lots of conversation that you if you haven't listened to the whole program you can listen by the way also at the j.v. Show dot com You hit the Listen button there are ways you can find another program itself continues in repeats all day long until the next one comes up so you can listen to the podcast This is the whole program so all the d.j. V. Show dot com You can follow us on Facebook at d j b show. 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And defeat Manning from my football days the special was put together in Nashville a video clip of dad he promises that the music is going to flip people out and musical showcase my town my friends they're all playing but they want to play and play it their way as the continues I'm blessed with incredible friends live in an incredible city that really is booming right now I think that's true and. By the end I think if you watch this program you're going to want to come to Nashville I like going to Nashville I wouldn't live there but it is an interesting one of the things that makes natural for me anyway as interesting as cities not only the crime in country music and all the stuff but Vanderbilt University is quite distracted. Variant. Campus that yeah yeah all right so that's the Brad Paisley story here on the d.j. Beat program moving now into the world of journey journey apparently going to hit the road next year for a big North American headlining tour with The Pretenders. Run days kicking off in May at the Ridgefield Washington sunlight Tampa Theater and then it's going to 60 cities past the country or wraps up in New York at the Center for the arts on the 12th of September a long tour process stops it's like they have that kind of but they still obviously . Oh yeah everything's going to try your stride Yeah. The show is set to include career spanning sets of heads by both journey and the pretenders from Don't Stop Believin any way you want it faithfully Chrissie hind in the pretenders standards I'll stand by you a brass in pocket Don't get me wrong this is a great great thank you. Think it's actually going to stay a week from today. It's interesting when I was asked presales for American Express card holders and others began on Monday. With a member of the contenders you know one of the things that some people may or may not know or have forgotten the theme song of the theme tune the theme music that Limbaugh has used since his 1st day on the air Rush Limbaugh is a riff from a Pretenders song and she's never like that he uses it but at some Evan Bayh I get him to stop the music so that riff that you hear at the beginning. Program comes from prissy and The Pretenders and so does most of what I mean. From journey I think I almost prefer if I were to. Just a 5050 in my mind as far as impact is concerned so yeah it looks like. A pretty good show this is a very good show it's called the d j v show I'm dead Stephanie 28 after the hour. Hello saver at Walgreens we like the way you save on things take afternoon matinees you know they have the same endings as full price movies and co-pays on Medicare part d. 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As the impeachment inquiry into President Trump continues the whistleblower who raise concerns about that phone call with Ukraine's president now says through his attorney that he's willing to take questions from House Republicans President Trump is again calling for his identity to be released there was a signal gave a very inaccurate report about by phone by phone call with perfect White House adviser Kellyanne Conway appearing on c.n.n. State of the union says President Trump has done nothing wrong we're trying to impeach a president here now in this town across this country why because nothing in this conversation is so far residents of the kind of 3 especially the 17 swing states that will lead to a high crime or misdemeanor that's why Nancy Pelosi has also said she's not sure that we'll get there this is us a radio news. 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That's kind of a big thing you do have to grow up a lot of people get stuck in their beliefs and it's a new world it's a New World Order so many assumptions that people have it seems to me that are wrong we are not here to change your mind by any stretch of imagination none of us are but. There are along the way a lot of wrong headed thoughts that people have and I don't know that we could identify them because I think we all my disagree we wouldn't agree on what it is they might be wrong headed but let's just say that people who are all stars and stripes leave perfection behind because the human condition is not perfect so if we are tolerant we listen to other people's points of view maybe we don't agree but here we disagree without being disagreeable and that's the difference that's the detail that's there is sort of between the sheets speaking of between the sheets interesting story Victoria from the way thank you thank you. This is. Scuse me I'll try not to ply too much into this because I'm the same age as she is but I'm not enjoying life the way she is. Every bit of that that was she's having a lot more fun than you're right there was a time but it isn't now anyway so why do we have so Suzanne Somers is in the news because she is talking very candidly about her sex life with her husband Alan Hamel now they've been married for almost 43 years and she is 73 as you said Alan is 83 and they both take shots of p.t. One for one I have no idea what that is it's apparently not a drug but I'm not going to night that So 5140 want apparently know what it is to get in the mood it's remembering correctly and Jennifer's going to take a shot at me for knowing this I was getting it ready actually. It has to do with something a liquid that comes from a lamb and I don't I can't go anymore I don't know or there is anything about drinking a lamb Jews that would make feel they're not drinking it they don't drink it. That you know they're shooting I well I don't know if the shot is and I don't know yeah it is interacting and it's an injection I don't know what it is but I guess I have to look it up because it's pretty intriguing she said I'm kind of in that groove like when we were younger and you're in the mood all the time so is he because he's on hormone replacements Well you know that's her big thing she wrote the book on bio dad bio What's your book of love by 0 identical hormones and it's so for women who go through men a pause and she wrote a whole book on it it was a Sex in the city the 2nd movie it was she was featured prominently one of the characters Samantha Jones was going through the same thing so anyway so she's really big into hormone replacement so the husband who's 83 is on that and apparently both of them are taking the shot she said it's a great thing because men have by Agra but this actually is a shot for both men and women it's not a drug it stimulates that part of your brain that tells you that you're in the mood so she said she and her husband have sex 2 times a day and she said I usually say I sleep through one of them that's usually the won it 4 o'clock in the morning but then by 8 o'clock in the morning I'm back in the mood. I don't know if I decided I started crawling through they frolic through fields and. 4 o'clock in the morning on how bad a big it's a peptide because depending on where you get it 5560 bucks a shot but you know what So it's a peptide that comes from a lamb and that's the basic There's Olay am a part. You can get it in the cupboard a way to get a shot or is a powder but it comes from the placenta of a lamb I believe. After the hell ever discovered that and Wa and how do all kinds of big killing when it comes to sexual stimulants is all kinds of stuff but you would even think about a lamb placenta is going to have some sort of effect on Suzanne Somers consistent or 83 year old and now it well because it's now. Being used by body builders as well to build themselves is not it's non-steroidal So you know the people there experiments going on all the time in that world people trying to get bigger and not get not hurt their organs and stuff you know if you take enough of this stuff he will kill your sex drive number one and number 2 it will kill your body it's in there that it attacks all of your organs and stuff so you may have big muscles but you have much going on inside your body this stuff was supposedly built and it must not be hurting or wear him because they've been on it for quite a while frankly working if that well my question would be what if it's artificially stimulated then is there any real love involved is it just a physical act it's all I don't know ask that of anyone who's ever taken via Agra. So what do you think yeah. Was there any love involved or was it just artificial. There's a certain amount of lust that's involved everybody's life as well so anyway it's nice that she feels your marriage of about 43 year yeah I think they probably are cool that you love each other she says they actually slept together on their 1st date because she said he was so gorgeous that she just had to sleep with the still good looking guy 83 still a good looking man he is all right that's right this is the bad ass segment here on the d j v program at 42 past the hour. Geico presents. Another voicemail from your roommate a man so I was in a rush to get to work and I left the back door open Could you shut it I left it lying open a lawyer there could you also turn off the oven and all of the burner a Saturday my mom never let me use the oven I wonder why I The Geico Insurance Agency could help keep your personal property protected like if it's your roommate's 1st time operating an open visit Geico dot com to see how easy it is to switch and save on renters insurance Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. 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Pretty much on the bottom of the list so let's say you bet on the Nationals to win the Washington Nationals what would that pay off or what is the payoff today for people who are cashing in on their bets supporting the Nationals and we're there many of them had bet on line dot a.g.t. Yeah I've been going to these and they don't know why expectations they were about 33 to one so you got a 100 bucks when 3300 bucks so. It's it was a pretty good payout actually one of my friends took them up those odds. And are you at the bar drinking. Go into the final they were they were actually who won underdogs to win the series against the ice broke and I actually about to win not serious I thought that was a pretty good value but yeah I thought you know they should be diehard and but it was a great series if you want to 7 games it was pretty exciting and then they ended up pulling away yesterday and and winning and for the book when it comes to World Series on we are sure that was one of our best results so we did pretty good you know well because you're pretty happy you're at work I so let's play the same scenario in football at the beginning of the football season the odds high on the Patriots to win various other teams the saints the Chiefs the 40 niners the Packers Where did they stack up at the beginning and those odds sticking as the season moves along. Well the Patriots were favorites going in at about $41.00 which is not surprising I mean it's hard to bet against them and look right now I mean Tom Brady's not having the best year but he's still managing the team and their defense is really. Kind of carrying them so they're There are $2.00 to $1.00 right now to win the Super Bowl. If you look at other teams the Packers. I'm actually wearing my Packers out right now. Because I bet they're not $25.00 to $1.00 of the beginning of the season they're at $81.00 right now when it all I wouldn't be surprised if it's Brady versus versus Rogers in the finals and I mean I think that would be a great Super Bowl and probably the most watched and epic one almost ever Yeah Saints saints who are about $10.00 to $1.00 going into the year they're $5.00 to $1.00 now reaches back and he looks pretty good so you know they're in the mix the Niners the Niners were pretty high the Niners were 30 to one I think at the beginning and then now they're at 8 to one and there's there's money coming in on them and they haven't lost but they've got a couple they've got a couple hard games coming up in the next few weeks so it'll be interesting to see how they stack up against some better teams. Now situation there was and then. There was a dispute between rever Fishelson players and one of the ballgames he bet on things like that if somebody criticizes and official Do people ever do that yeah we actually had all jump on it on you know what who's the next player to get fined for criticizing officials we had to run Ramsey Odell back play Matthews and we had the next coach to be fined for criticizing officials you know Gruden kitchen's Ariens who I think actually did it this week so we had stuff up like that and you know people actually put money on this these crazy things it really is you look at some of the things that people are bidding on and the next head coach to be fined for criticizing officials who didn't was not 401 I was looking at the list to see. What's his face on the Patriots is because he's pretty I don't see him on the list and. We don't come unless you know what I think the check is a tie because he almost rarely says order to the officials you know I mean you know you know like a Pete Carroll who runs out onto the field in the middle of the field and yell that government should be getting fined but they somehow let him get away with it really . I was at a game last year in Seattle and I was I was literally sitting front row right behind him and he ran onto the field and yelled start yelling in official I was hearing and what he's saying and they didn't give him the you know it's like. You get away with this going back to baseball from another bets already on who will win the series next year do you have to go that far out you know we already do have it up you know it's it's the main teams I mean Yankees favorite. Obviously Houston you know Houston that 5 to one Yankees 8 to one national that 8 to one. Phillies 25 to one Red Sox 12 to one those are sort of the top teams in the in these brave 16 to one. Daughters $12.00 to $1.00 which may be a bit of value there I think that they're going to slow down a bit at the end of the year but they'd still have a good team. The beginning of the season that's for sure but I. 'd already checked the very interesting and so broad but you can bet on if you go to the bet online that a.g. Web site see what you can bet on have some fun Adam burns the sports book manager for Bet Online dot a.g. Here. Are you afraid to go to the mailbox because a letter after letter from the i.r.s. They stacking on more and more penalties and interest by now you know the problem on its own don't let the chase you do grave with penalties and interest and liens and levies you need real help now I'm I wrote the book on tax debt settlement and I helped thousands of people saw tax problems they thought couldn't be solved I can help you to call $834.00 no tax or go to my website. That's. 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I'm bringing out the fabulous experience with Nick Miles he is our auto expert his web site explains it all tells it all moves you into a place of enjoying actually the experience of having a car which is what this is all about so Nick I have never asked you about the so-called connected car the there are a lot of different definitions I've seen would you like to define what you think a connected car is for so we really get it from an expert what's a connected car. But the basic idea of a connected car as a car that isn't isolated it talks to other things either on the road or in the cloud or the central computer so the car actually has a connection with a computer similar that you would have with a cell phone to something else and so what it can do is bring data are into the car and they can send data or out of the car that's the basis of a connected car so it means a car that's not just isolated on the road but it's talking to either of the vehicles to other road users to pedestrians that type of thing. So do you have one do you own what you consider to be and have today connected car. Yeah I do 'd my car can get over the dead over the air updates to its navigation system so when the maps change as they frequently do I don't know if you've ever been on a road and the map says the road goes somewhere and it doesn't actually go somewhere because it was an updated properly those can be updated over they have a software in your car can be updated with of course with all this the naysayers will tell you if there comes a security problem and if somebody else is talking to your card or the bad guys get to talk to your car to get all their info make a do hard things. It's a hackers paradise it would seem absolutely Who wants that the General Motors' public speaking who wants that the situation with the recall read 560-0000 S.U.V.s what would that be General Motors g.m. See the escalator Chevrolet Suburban that bunch is that we're talking about yes you know g.m. Where once I had that key problem. I don't remember where they had a key problem yes really started started like a huge amount of records that came one off the other and I think we ended up having like 75 incidents where people's life was in danger. They say they've had a They've had it rough the last won they you know they've had they had to Ca to add bag recall which was in some of those they were offering free rip has to that g.m. I've had those problems they've had some recalls over the years with the 600000 currently that's going on with g.m. Is sort of just in addition to other things that they have out there it's better for wheel drive trucks mostly the very core lengths and we can do and I tell everyone to do this or time is go to n.h. T.s.a. Dot com dot gov So any t.s.a. Dog of an import your vin number and will tell you exactly what your car is being recalled for. Whether it's on any kind of recall list and how that recall is as well Jim do have some asset even if you've got a g.m. Website by the way you can put in your vin number and it'll tell you where the old vehicles being recalled and what it is for whether it's for the to Ca to add bag of something else all right I see that Chrysler and pukeko will always call the Peugeot's grows because. They know they look like counting the Peugeot coming. Series about it I can their friends are never been serious about much of anything or taken seriously and that includes their car so why what's the attraction of Chrysler or as you call them cries matter what's the attraction of making this merger big deal interesting enough if it. Cries the Persian Service sorry pleasure seats are on is pride a big company p.s.a. They have to do something really well at small cheap cause my brother always makes a joke if you slam a door too hard the pain comes off they don't have a little bit of a reputation for not being great because but they are real monsters of making small cars this is one thing that cries a do horribly they don't make small cuz they make big colleges and big trucks and giant big crisis 300. They can make those really well but they haven't most of the small car try and cut down development costs of making these connected cars or making cars which actually small and efficient they're going to team up together so they can get a jump ahead it does make them the I think the 4th last or largest or to major auto maker in the world they jump ahead of General Motors General Motors had 3.3 s. a Point $3000000.00 sales last year and that together fit crys will have about $8700000.00 sales so they'll be a fairly big company just behind v.w. And Toyota in the amount of sales that they make so it might be good for them I'm not sure it's good for all of us if you're in for me drops to going to my Rover Thanks Nick Miles check out his Web site our auto expert dot com. Today not tomorrow but soon emplace to survive or get bunkers or not to live underground gopher you need survivalist keeps the ultimate functional off the grid. House that's well equipped and custom built to outlast any other r.v. Or trailer bold statement pit survivalist camps dot com That's survivalist camps Doc Tom trust your family survival just survival schemes dot com Would you like to get back that full head of hair from years past there is reveal Beverly Hills celebrity Dr Nathan Newman took nearly a decade to develop with natural botanicals to return to a full body head of hair reveal. With a 30 day money back guarantee. For 366378444436637 reveal at. Casey a long Melinda listen 110-5102 point 3 f.m. And one of 6. In today's ag news by ag net West a recent trade mission to West Africa could open markets for California grown goods more after this what does reinforce mean grapes it means all over protection from really bugs in Lima toads throughout the season to help the grape vines grow their strongest And that's exactly what most Vento brings to your vendors include mow Bento as part of your past management program to protect your grapes from below ground and above ground pass helping ensure increased root health and higher quality fruit talk to your local retailer about reinforcing your grapes with more than to always read and follow label directions there's that saying when one door closes another door opens and it's not a secret that.

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