5 of the partial federal government shutdown President Trump has rejected a suggestion to reopen the government for several weeks while the goshi ations continue with Democrats over the border while he's demanded trumpet suggested last week he might bypass Congress and declare a national emergency now Trump says he's not looking to do that Trump's nominee for attorney general William Barr is on Capitol Hill today for his confirmation hearing as N.P.R.'s Ryan Lucas reports the hearing is expected to focus on Barres approach to the special counsel's Russia investigation Democrats plan to 0 in on comments Barr made about Robert Miller's Russia probe before Barr was nominated to lead the Justice Department bar wrote an unsolicited memo last year in which he criticizes the special counsel's reported investigation into potential obstruction of justice by the president that prompted some Democrats to call on Barr to recuse himself from overseeing Mellish probe in his prepared remarks to the committee bar does not go that far Instead he says it's important for Miller to be allowed to finish his investigation he says the American people need answers and that the public should be informed of the results of Mahler's work but bar does not promise to publicly release the report the special counsel is expected to write at the end of the investigation Ryan Lucas n.p.r. News Washington the Los Angeles teachers strike continues today N.P.R.'s. Reports the educators will picket and more than a 1000 schools the union that represents teachers in Los Angeles said more than 20000 educators demonstrated in downtown yesterday many want to have more nurses and librarians in schools and smaller class sizes it's not clear when the l.a. U.s.t. Superintendent and union leaders will meet again this week and P.R.'s. Reporting there are evacuation orders in some communities east of Los Angeles because of the threat of mudslides the National Weather Service says that heavy storms in the region may cause flash flooding you're listening to n.p.r. . The United Kingdom parliament is expected to vote down Prime Minister Cerys amaze unpopular Breck's a withdrawal deal today as N.P.R.'s Frank Langfitt reports from London the deal's defeat could send the United Kingdom into uncharted territory if the deal fails the prime minister has 3 days to return to Parliament with a plan b. May could go to Brussels to ask for changes to the agreement but the use made it clear it's in no mood to renegotiate members of parliament to try to seize control of the BRICs a process which could lead to a softer Breck's of the Keeps the United Kingdom more closely aligned with the European Union or they could push to take the question of Breck's it back to the British people for a 2nd referendum some hardcore Breck's tears in May's own conservative party want the u.k. To lead at the end of March with no deal at all even if it damages the country's economy Frank Langfitt n.p.r. News London House Republican leaders say they're going to block Iowa g.o.p. Congressman Steve King from sitting on any House committees that includes the House Agriculture Committee an important issue in Iowa in an interview with The New York Times King had questioned why the term white supremacist was offensive is previously made racially offensive statements but has not been punished a federal judge in Pennsylvania has issued another hold on Trump administration rules that led more employers drop no cost birth control for female employees the ruling would lead employers drop the coverage under a moral objection the judge's hold is in effect nationwide another federal judge in California had issued a similar stay but that ruling only affected 13 states and the District of Columbia . I'm corps of a Coleman n.p.r. News in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include capital one offering a variety of credit card options with features for a range of customers from foodies to travelers Capital One what's in your wallet credit approval required capital one bank USA an egg. Studio. Coming up a visit to the. Members of the. Beauty. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep in Washington and I'm David Greene in Culver City California good morning Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King has been stripped of his committee assignments in the House of Representatives King is facing backlash for comments he made to the New York Times questioning why the terms white nationalist and white supremacist are offensive House minority leader Kevin McCarthy announced the decision to strip all of King's committee assignments after a meeting of the house g.o.p. Steering committee last night McCarthy called King's comments reckless and wrong let's bring in Iowa Public Radio's Clay Masters from Des Moines he has covered Congressman King's career for a good number of years Hi there Clay Good morning David So you've been tracking comments like this for a long time right this is certainly not a 1st for this congressman No it's not a 1st and covering the congressman over the years he has a history of saying offensive things and I mean there's a running list that we could go through all the different times where he has said something and then top Republicans in the state from the governor to the state party chair 2 u.s. Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst then regularly call out these remarks say it does not represent their values but that's kind of where it stops but now it's a new Congress and it's getting much more mainstream attention I think largely because the comments were published in The New York Times we have Republican senator Mitt Romney the one time Republican presidential candidate even calling on king to step down to resign and move on and let someone else who represents American values take a seat Ok so you have someone that Romney's love actually calling for him to step down even more action than was taken but these committee assignments have been stripped Is that a big deal in itself Well Congressman King was on the Agriculture Committee which is a big industry in Iowa he was also on the Judiciary Committee which has jurisdiction over immigration voting rights impeachment these kinds of things and you know now he has to go back to. Iowa as he will start campaigning for 2020 and make the case that people should send him back to Washington and without committees that could be a hard sell now the congressman has been making the argument right Clay that this was all taken out of context what exactly is he trying to say as he explains all this he's trying to say that the comments were mis characterize that it was not a full quotes and in his statement after this came out and there was all this controversy surrounding it he said he will continue to point out what he calls the truth and work with all the vigor that he has to represent his district for at least the next 2 years and I should point out too that he is facing already last week a primary challenge in 2020 against a powerful well known state senator from that part of the state Randi Feenstra And he also has had Governor Cameron olds the Republican who did better than him in his district in 2018 saying that she will remain neutral in the primary election. So what does this story feel like in Iowa in his home state clay What are people making of these comments and what it means for him Congressman Steve King is a very divisive person in the States I think he's largely seen by many of his voters and those that send him back to Washington time and time again as an anti-establishment congressman and I think that he could spin this as Hevia Leitz aren't giving me a seat at the table which potentially could work in his favor in this district that heavily went for Donald Trump and I should point out too that Congressman Steve King is now the only member of Iowa's House congressional delegation that is a Republican and last year King narrowly defeated his Democratic challenger who is a political newcomer by the name of j.d. Shelton and King has also announced that he plans at the beginning of this year he said that he's going to hold $39.00 town hall meetings between now and the end of the year so there will be plenty of time for a few holds true to this for people to voice their concerns and he will just continue to be this divisive person within the state of Iowa why and I don't want to put you in a position of making predictions but you're saying it's not out of the realm of possibility that the idea that he is embattled could actually help him with with his base in this district yet that's exactly what I'm saying I think that that could work in his favor but there is going to be a lot of attention from different Republicans to try to get him out of this seat I think so like like all election stories are going to watch and see how it plays out and I will look forward to all your reporting as we follow Him My him along on his journey Clay Masters of Iowa Public Radio thanks so much thanks David a tide of plastic waste is contaminating the oceans and in a congressional hearing Senator Sheldon Whitehouse named major culprits over 50 percent of the plastic waste in the oceans comes from just 5 countries China Indonesia the Philippines yet Nam and Sri Lanka N.P.R.'s science correspondent Christopher Joyce well. To one of those countries the Philippines to see how bad it is. That sprawls along the coast a little bit. Sit in the shadow of new high rises in shopping malls people here have more money than they used to so they're buying more stuff fancy. Coffee and food which is wrapped in plastic packaging and a lot of stick. In the back there's an island in the bay that's kind of like a doormat. I want to take a look it's not far from sure. I can see lots of mangrove trees could be a place for a resort except that what looks like Spanish hanging from the branches isn't it's plastic bags. To get. A little catwalk. Well together with. Plenty. Sick so. The Pariah the stuff is amazing shoes bottles syringes even motorcycle helmets it's impossible to tell exactly where all this stuff comes from but clearly a lot of it comes from the neighborhood surrounding. Some of those neighborhoods are trying to stop the flow of plastic into the bay. Visitors who long. Good morning to. The local government is now requiring residents to actually pick through their trash and segregate the plastic so the community can deal with. A woman for it with a series of. The. Along with there is a monitor from the neighborhood government my name needs. To speak through a translator so the policies that geisha nothing action selection screed but that household need to segregate the Army food waste goes in one bag levels paper in another and 2 bags for plastic recyclable and non-recyclable if residents don't comply with all this they pay a fine present tense by bonded. Second. And 3rd going to Jade even jailed for not separating plastic from your friend there are hundreds of official neighborhoods in this huge city. Is one of just 16 that now require residents to segregate plastic from their garbage is it enough I asked the town secretary they need to lobby. Here think it's going to work I mean it's like a tsunami of plastic. Now you're now home well sometimes I get mad as a community we do our part to clean up the waste and educate people about the environment and in the beginning people call operate but then they go back to their old lakes and it makes me sad Yeah but even when people do do their best Where does that plastic go that's where it gets complicated some plastic like bottles gets recycled but then there are the sachets plastic packets that contain a single portion of soap or coffee or shampoo that's all corporations like Unilever and Nestle market consumer goods in Asia and most of the session is cannot be recycled that rankles for a long he's with an environmental group Mother Earth Foundation which has sponsored the neighborhood cleanups The problem is that for most of these companies they feel they're responsible for their product and the moment they saw that he says there's a reason used to sachets end up in the ocean. In the Philippines independent waste workers collect plastic and sell it to recyclers but if it can't be recycled like those it has no value the waste worker can you actually earn from this because so they don't collect it Russia has spent 17 years looking for ways to get rid of plastic waste in a realizes that Filipinos can't dig out of this alone most packaging comes from just a few big companies he says it's time they take more responsibility you have companies dumping all of this new products and packaging that is beyond their capacity to manage you earn from this you know and you expect all of us to then magically just solve it for you I. Pledge you can't just magically get rid of something that is permanent that doesn't degrade into just keeps piling up I remember that island I visited walking toward the beach I succumb to put I stop to look at a huge pile of burlap bags stuffed with plastic waste a team of workers collected that waste one day's work and yet they barely make it that I try languish and it buries his self in the sand it becomes permanent I pick a sham to find it and there's a plastic as for 5 straws in the sand there's half a plastic bag and a mixed in with coconuts and mangrove seeds you know it's just a common feeling that you can't ever catch that's why many people throughout Southeast Asia are now saying enough cleaning up isn't going to fix this they want to take the fight to the corporations that create the potential and in the 1st place Christopher Joyce n.p.r. News. This afternoon on All Things Considered How did a marketing strategy for consumer goods contribute to Asia's plastic problem. Listen by telling your smart speaker to play n.p.r. Or your local member station by the way. It's n.p.r. News. Thousands of Los Angeles public school teachers walked off the job on Monday we're on strike about class size you're saying is fair wages special education and more schools are over 70 percent Latino man coming up we'll look at how much Spanish speaking parents understand about the strike that's coming your way within the hour here on community radio it's 619 Thanks for tuning in. These days people go to great lengths to shed the stress of daily life there's acupuncture. Meditation yoga I'm married to Reese Cali and all things considered we offer our own terms of news stories that span the rainbow of human experience. Weekdays on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News and. Support for k v t comes from Conason county libraries you can connect discover imagine and learn at library locations in Conason and Crestview Oregon Assen County Libraries dot org And from skis who hand craft custom skis locally for 20 Bellevue Avenue skis strives to perfectly fit each skier style with custom skis skis dot com skis have more fun skiing. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Tire Rack with more than 500 tire models from 22 manufacturers and an online tool for finding tires based on vehicle needs budget and brand tire rec dot com helping drivers find deliver install. From constant contact their automation features like customers automatically send welcome and birthday emails as well as auto responders when users taken action learn more at constant contact dot com and from Life Lock life luck with Norton reminds consumers that cyber criminals can steal identities sell personal information on the dark web and even infect mobile devices with malware learn more at Life Lock dot com. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep in Washington and I'm David Greene in Culver City California the largest utility here in the state of California Pacific Gas and Electric has faced much of the blame for the recent wildfires here state officials determined their equipment sparked 17 Fires in 2017 in p.g. And e. Is under investigation in last year's deadly camp fire that is the one who destroyed much of the town of Paradise now facing what could exceed $30000000000.00 in liability costs p.g. And e. Is now planning to file for bankruptcy cuties Merissa Lagos' reports on what that could mean the reaction to p.g. And his announcement was swift California Governor Gavin Newsom called on the utility to keep its promises to energy suppliers and its customers and lawmaker after lawmaker promised to protect the public Here's Democrat Tony Atkins president of the state senate I think for most is protecting ratepayers fire victim and certainly the integrity in the reliability of our electric and gas service to California consumers whatever happens at the company everyone agrees that the lights will stay on in California the bigger questions are who will pay for all those wildfire costs and for the upgrades to make sure the electrical grid isn't going to keep sparking deadly blazes Patrick McClellan lost his home in a 2017 wildfire and has been lobbying on behalf of fire victims at the state capital for the past year he believes the utility is posturing to pressure lawmakers into some sort of favorable change in law bankruptcy is not a good direction for anybody in California bankruptcy lawyers and it's definitely not good for victims there lawsuits will be put on hold while the company reorganize us some a clone is still holding out hope that the state can do something before month sent to prevent bankruptcy are they leveraging do we trust them no but there is a severe financial problem with that utility given everything that they're going to have to do in order to create a safe for all of us to read and. Dictums another key player in the discussion is p.g. And E.'s workforce which is largely represented by the enter National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Tom dolls all is i.b.e.w. Local 1245 is business manager he doesn't think their contract or pensions are risk in the end whatever comes out of the bankruptcy court has to be approved by the Public Utility Commission and I think that that's a strong backstop for us in terms of protecting workers but clearly someone will lose out and if history is any indication any rate payers will be among those hit hardest the utility filed for bankruptcy 18 years ago during the state's electricity crisis and customers are still paying higher rates related to that and even if p.g. And e. Doesn't seek bankruptcy protection rates will likely go up in addition to those wildfire liabilities the company is going to have to spend a lot of money to make sure it's equipment doesn't keep starting fires for n.p.r. News I'm Arisa Lagos' in San Francisco. Broadway actress Carol Channing died today she was 97 years old Kim coconuts has this appreciation Carol Channing trademark platinum blonde hair framed a face that always seemed to be smiling her wide eyed innocence style the Allied a very savvy mind and her voice was unmistakable to its needle. Or. Channing's career on the stage in film on television and in recording spend more than 6 decades in an interview with n.p.r. In 1905 Channing said that when she began working in theater in the early 1940 s. She was rarely unemployed 1st off I think it's very fortunate I never stopped working is terribly important because I guess it's like an athlete if you keep using it you get stronger and stronger actress Marge champion is credited with discovering Channing. In a casting office while scouting for a show being directed by her late husband Gary champion came in a ghostly guide and in your mind if I take off my huge and of course they fell down laughing as she took off her shoes and launched into a theory you might think it's because that's what gets you with the best Carmen Miranda and dopey Tucker and they were laughing all the time but I think they did enough but I kept urging her to keep on doing more Channing was born in Seattle Washington her parents were Christian Scientists in her self admitted rambling in selective memoir just lucky I guess Channing writes that she was a young child delivering copies of the Christian Science Monitor to theaters when she got her 1st glimpse of backstage she explains it came over me that I was looking at the stage and backstage of a cathedral a temple a mosque a mother church I know I'm using adult words to describe a child's feelings but I don't know how else to tell you the simple reaction of a child to a holy place Channing's near religious connection to her audience gave her she said and the standing amount of energy and she grew irritated with those who tried to diminish the importance of theatre in people's lives live theater is something that can't possibly die because we're working on their metabolism some nights they're hyper seriously but we have to find the way and to communicate with them and slowly the anodes and cathodes build and it's an electric thing for the performer if you plug. Out. Canning's 1st great role was also her 1st big break apart. In the 1949 original Broadway production of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes but the role with which Channing will always be identified is Dolly. Believe. It was this role that Channing loved most because it was life affirming in every sense she had great respect for Thornton Wilder who created the character of Dolly Levi as a widow and the characters gradually reawakening in this most optimistic a Broadway shows touched. Easy to slide downhill but who are the ones that just won't do it who are the diamonds in the rough they go upstream against everything and match what it's all about that's what Thornton Wilder kept writing about and he said in the skin of our cheek mankind can survive the ice age the stone age the dinosaur age if we just forget our jealousies forget our competitions stay together burn the furniture in the fireplace but we'll make it we'll somehow make it any. Good has been rejoined. For n.p.r. News I'm Kim. This is n.p.r. News support for Kaye beauty comes from the gym at the North Riverland entrance featuring a weight room and cardio machines and classes yoga boot camp plotty cycling and more information at the gym in Crested Butte dot com and from Alpine express offering private rides and shared rides shuttle service Alpine Express is always looking for safe and responsible drivers application and benefits for Alpine unstressed shuttle dot com. What. You're. Wrong. You're wrong. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly William Barr appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee today far as President Trump's choice to be the country's next attorney general Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar Shar is a Democrat on the committee she says Barr will be asked about Special Counsel Robert Muller's Russia investigation specifically why bar sent an unsolicited memo to the Justice Department last year criticizing the idea of Mahler's team investigating whether Trump sought to obstruct justice the only have the evidence before us and that is that he sent this memo strangely just literally a few months before he gets nominated before Jeff Sessions gets fired and then he gets nominated for this job so we're going to be asking when did you send it to those people why did you say it and what are you going to do about the Moller investigation club char was speaking to N.P.R.'s Morning Edition if confirmed Barr would replace Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker are served as attorney general from 1901 through 93 under then President George h.w. Bush probably way legend Carol Channing has died. You. Know Natalie to jam in appeared in nearly 5000 performances of the musical Hello Dolly she died this morning in California at the age of 97 this is n.p.r. News from Washington. Proposed. In an interview with n.b.c. . The decision. Since 1900. 50. 64040. A community works. Also home to the west central b d. And from Gunnison County electric Association g c e s college scholarships are available for high school seniors and returning college students application deadline is February 1 g.c.e. Dot c o o p. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Capt Terra for helping people find the right software for their business from Project Management to yoga studio software users can read reviews and compare solutions across hundreds of software categories more and kept Terra dot com and from Babel an interactive language program that teaches travel business and casual conversation skills in a new language like Polish available in the app store or online at Babble b. a B. B. e L. Dot com. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene in Culver City California and I'm Steve Inskeep in Washington d.c. William Barr faces questions before the Senate today his hearing for the post of attorney general underlines the complexities of the job he is seeking in effect he would have multiple masters if confirmed under the constitution he is appointed by the president but he must be confirmed by the Senate he is answerable to Congress and above all he supposed to enforce the law senators want to know how Barr will handle those conflicting forces because the attorney general oversees an investigation of Russian involvement in u.s. Politics an investigation that has come close to the president himself n.p.r. Justice correspondent Ryan Lucas has been covering this story hi there Ryan good morning what is William Barres background Well he's very much a Republican establishment lawyer he served as attorney general once before that was from 199-1903 under. President George h.w. Bush he held other senior positions in the department as well during the 1st Bush administration he led the Office of Legal Counsel and then later served as the deputy attorney general which put him in charge of running the the day to day affairs of the d.o.j. So he would bring a lot of experience to the job he knows the Justice Department people who worked with him there say that he cares deeply about it now he would be taking over from acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker who stepped in on a temporary basis after Jeff Sessions resigned under pressure from the White House given that depth of experience what has he said or done that would make this confirmation anything less than automatic Well Republicans certainly support his his nomination but the focus for Democrats in the confirmation hearing is going to be on things that bar has said criticisms that he has made about Special Counsel Robert Miller's Russia investigation topping that list for Democrats is an unsolicited memo that Barr wrote last year to the Justice Department and in that memo he essentially says that Muller would be wrong to pursue an obstruction of justice case against President Trump. Tied to Trump's decision to fire f.b.i. Director James Comey now so from a Democratic perspective he has weighed in with an opinion about something that he should be judging impartially it raises questions about whether he would be impartial overseeing that investigation yes now we learned last night from a letter that Barr sent to the committee chairman that bar shared the memo or discussed it with several people including many of President Trump's lawyers as well as the man who is now White House counsel now bar was a private citizen when he wrote the memo he says that it was he wrote it it was based solely on information that was publicly available but for Democrats that has not been enough so far some have said that they want part of recuse himself from overseeing the miller probe they've called at a minimum for him to commit to allow it to proceed unimpeded and they want him to promise to release to Congress and the public the final report that Muller is expected to draw I guess we should note the importance of him saying he was a private citizen at the time is that you may have any number of private opinions but still might be able to understand you have a public duty to behave in a certain way once you become an official that I would be bars explanation Democrats though not accepting that is Barr likely to recuse himself or do anything else the Democrats are demanding it seems very unlikely that he would recuse himself the Justice Department released a copy of bars written written testimony yesterday and in those prepared remarks bar certainly stops well short of recusing himself now according to those remarks he plans to tell lawmakers that it's vitally important that Muller be allowed to finish his investigation and that the country needs answers in a resolution to all of these issues that kind of encircle us right now he also plans to say that he will be an independent attorney general he won't interfere in the probe and he plans to say that the public and Congress need to be informed of Miller's results but but he does stop short of saying that he will release them he says that he will be as transparent as possible consistent with the law oh leaving a little bit of space to maybe not reveal everything if he decides his attorney general that that would be a better course Ryan thanks for the update appreciate it my pleasure That's N.P.R.'s Ryan Lucas. Thousands of teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District are on strike this is the nation's 2nd biggest school district it's a huge story here and parents have a lot of questions but we should note the district is over 70 percent Latino or Hispanic serving many non English speaking families k.p.c. Sees Emily Alina Dugdale looks at the difficulty of reaching these families. 7 30 am and raining and Hollenbeck middle school employees Heights a largely Latino neighborhood an l.a. Seaside teachers wearing bright red Union shirts class picket signs and chant outside the school entrance but school is still in session and Antonio Francisco poles up to the curb to drop off his daughter just as he always does but today he's shocked by what he's seen look then you pull over you don't just go says it I don't have words for that he had no idea his daughter's teachers would be in the streets but he doesn't have time to deal with that he's got to get to work to get him an even step to something like that you he says he thinks that teachers want to protest they also need to let people know what Francisco doesn't know is that other parents have known about the strike for weeks Francisco's reaction isn't hard for community leader Henry pet as to imagine the vast majority of non English speaking parents in our community they definitely have a disconnection with what is happening but as is the director of inner city struggle an organization employ a height that supports local families he says these parents often work long hours and can't spend time at their children's school or there's limited access to Internet so they don't always get new information but families who don't speak English have the most to lose from a strike they feel the impact of this challenging situation much greater than other communities to help close this gap but as hold meetings with parents and put together a stright guide. Spanish but the small organization can't reach everyone Joseph McCord out with the school district thought his team would come pretty close Ellie going to fight is so big that the district is divided into several local districts a quarter is superintendent of one of them last week the district set up a bilingual English and Spanish hotline to spread information about the strike they've also sent automated calls in English in Spanish to homes and some schools also sent letters a quarter says they're tracking how schools are engaging with non English speaking families I was able to get a good pulse from my parents coaches as well as much of our Terms of it regards to translation missions The district also put out notices in Spanish on a Twitter handle called so most l.a. U.s.d. That we are l.a. U.s.d. But the page only has about 200 followers and the District of thousands of Spanish speaking households spokesperson Gloria Martinez with the teachers' union said they've had success going door to door with strike flyers in some neighborhoods and rely on small networks of bilingual parent volunteers to pass the message of the strike along to non English speakers they themselves are saying you know we need to put our communities of color up front we need to make sure that all English speaking parents are also using their native language to communicate she says non English speaking families want to be involved it's just a matter of better meaning them where they are for n.p.r. News I'm Emily Bell in Los Angeles. This is n.p.r. News. We'll see cloudy skies this morning clearing in the south alley increasing in the north valley with snow showers starting this evening 24 in Gunnison today and 13 Crested Butte we're seeing temperatures around 0 in Crestview 10 degrees in Mt c.b. Negative 3 in all months all the way down to negative 5 in some parts around. One of the benefits of listening to k b u t is that you know that we've always got your interests at heart and we keep you informed. We continue to serve as community radio for the Gunnison Valley thanks in large part to our members. For a $50.00 annual donation you can become a cave you team member today learn more educated dot org slash give. Thanks for listening underwriting support comes from the Gunnison country times the Gunnison valleys locally owned newspaper is committed to excellence in community journalism on line at Gunnison Times dot com or by calling 6411414 and from Gunnison Valley Health whose focus is to improve the health of our community more information at Gunnison Valley Health. Good morning I'm David Greene with a way to vent your anger there's a company called Smash in Beijing Reuters reports you can pay 23 bucks to enter a room and release your pent up anger by smashing things T.V.'s computers old radios furniture one customer brought her wedding photos to destroy staff will blare whatever music you like I think I go with Def Leppard the only role it smash seems to be that you can't smash other people which is a really good rule It's Morning Edition support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation recognizing exceptionally creative individuals this year's MacArthur Fellows and more information are at mac found dot org from the Walton Family Foundation where opportunity takes root more information is available at Walton Family Foundation dot org And from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation providing scholarships to high achieving students with financial need j k c f dot org It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm David Greene Kyler Murray can certainly play baseball in fact he was a top 10 draft pick by the Oakland A's back in June but he can also play football pretty well he just completed a season as quarterback for the Oklahoma Sooners and he won the Heisman Trophy So what do you do if you're in his position to pursue baseball or football or yesterday Murray announced that he is filing paperwork to enter the n.f.l. Draft and to talk about what that means for him in both of these sports we turn to Jeff passon who has been following his decision making process for e.s.p.n. He joins us on Skype Good morning Jeff good morning David how are you I'm good fascinating story of this athlete if he's if he's entering the n.f.l. Draft is that mean baseball's off the table for him. Not necessarily and that is the confusing in fascinating part of this whole story the Oakland A's drafted Kyler Murray with the 9th pick last year and gave him a signing bonus of 4660000 dollars and there was one caviar that he could go back to Oklahoma and play football for one year it was almost like a parting gift for him and the A's thought that he was going to have fun at Oklahoma and maybe throw a few touchdowns and be back in spring training and a full time baseball player the next year well Kyler Murray went out and had one of the statistically greatest seasons in college football this season when the husband drove here which makes everything more or is there a harder and suddenly now n.f.l. Teams are interested in him throwing 1st round grades and potentially guaranteeing him even more money than he would have been making in baseball so you say baseball not off the table does that mean I mean he could be like a Bo Jackson a Deion Sanders and actually play both of these sports professionally I desperately wish that were the case as a child of the eighty's who grew up worshipping Bo Jackson and loving Deion Sanders and with a de rigueur the rigors of quarterbacking in 2019 and the fact that coaches want you to be in the film room all the time and learning playbooks it's just not realistic to think that Kyler Murray could be a quarterback in the n.f.l. And a center fielder in baseball now that being said. Could he potentially play some minor league baseball in the off season and play football year as I wanted to be true I really do the big question with Kyler Murray though it's not which does he choose It's Can he be successful in either he has not played baseball barely at all since going to college and the problem The drawback with him in football and the reason people are questioning his ability there however he's only 5 foot 9 we haven't seen a quarterback that short in the n.f.l. Since Doug Flutie so he's no sure thing in football either this is story tell us anything larger about sports in this moment. Yeah but you don't have to specialize and this is something near and dear to my heart having written a book on baseball players blowing out their arms because they throw too much as kids and the idea that Mary did not himself say I have to choose baseball or football early I can continue to play both shows kids that hey even though there's pressures going on for me as coaches you do not have to succumb to them. And Jeff thanks a lot. Pleasure's mine David thank you. From n.p.r. News I'm David Greene and I'm Steve Inskeep. Before. Thanks for tuning in to your community radio station here. Coming up next it's the Marketplace Morning Report from n.p.r. News artists of Crested Butte will host an evening. 1003. Artists of Christie. Volunteers for the loop. And the. Grant applications for admissions tax marketing for summer $21000.00. U.s. . Support for comes from Jackson's honest a maker of potato and chaps and grain free puffs all cooked in organic coconut oil learned more about their story from Crested Butte to the world at Jackson's Honest dot com. And from the Crested Butte Film Festival featuring more than $100.00 international films events and panel discussions always the last weekend in September see the film fest dot org additional support comes from the law firm of O'Hare Dawson helping the Gunnison country sort out legal issues in Gunnison at 641-3326. Dot com. Trade talks with Europe look like they're going to get off on the wrong foot Marketplace Morning Report are supported by Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more fidelity dot com slash wealth the Delany brokerage service has allowed. In New York I'm simply vanish or in for David Brancaccio who's on assignment the u.s. And Europe are expected to have trade talks soon but 1st the Europeans are hammering out amongst themselves what their negotiating objectives will be the European Commission is getting today to do that Tracy Samuelsen is our trade reporter and so far Tracy it seems like the u.s. And Europe don't even agree on what they'll be talking about the u.s. And e.u. Are set to begin negotiating a new trade deal later this year the u.s. Is also going to start talks with the u.k. And Japan but quick update as of yesterday the u.s. Trade representative's office the part of the government that negotiates these deals is mostly shut down already on its website said trade talks will continue but it didn't give details on how or who what staff will be a part of that so there's that and then yes as you mentioned the e.u. And the u.s. Are just not on the same page when it comes to what will be covered in these negotiations so the e.u. Has basically drawn this red line around agriculture said the whole industry is off the table the u.s. Has said oh we very much want to talk about this so off the bat there's this kind of big mismatch in expectations for these talks and that's important both for the prospects of getting a deal but also because the White House had said the summer that it won't levy any tariffs on auto imports from Europe while the negotiations continue those are something Europe is very worried about and very much wants to avoid And speaking of tariffs and cars we heard from auto executives at the Detroit Auto Show yesterday how much they're being hurt by steel and aluminum tariffs that are already in place what did they say about how much this is costing them so Chrysler said the tariffs are adding about $135.00 to $160.00 in costs for every car it makes. The execs at the companies had to raise prices on its equals 3 times already to help cover increase costs Marketplace's Tracy Samson thank you welcome. Let's do the numbers. The Footsie in London is about flat the down futures are down a 10th of a percent s. And p. And Nasdaq futures are up in the one to 3 tenth's percent range and the 10 year Treasury yield is a 2.69 percent the Senate holds hearings today on President Trump's pick for attorney general William Barr tomorrow the Senate is expected to take up the president's choice to run the Environmental Protection Agency Andrew Wheeler is likely to face some tough questions over his past as a lobbyist for fossil fuel producers and whether those companies would have undue influence over the agency that regulates them if he were to run the e.p.a. From the Marketplace Sustainability Desk Scott Tong reports from Washington we was deputy to the past e.p.a. Head and has been the acting administrator since July it will face questions over his past as a coal lobbyist and his use of furloughed e.p.a. Staffers to prep him for this hearing despite the government shutdown senators may also ask about his plan to ease carbon pollution regulations on coal plants former e.p.a. Lawyer Kevin Minola clearly they are going to be patient and you get that rule crossed the finish line that and many other Wheeler initiatives will face legal challenges including plans to roll back auto fuel efficiency and air pollution standards Richard Rivera's at n.y.u. Law doubts if any will survive in their own behind all of the proposals doesn't the minimal standards either on the economics or on the science still given his experience at the e.p.a. And his support for the administration's deregulation vision Wheeler is expected to be confirmed by the Republican Senate I'm Scott Tong for Marketplace. Marketplace Morning Report is supported by Pavel Alain. 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How dotcom women are underrepresented in corporate America at all levels they're less likely to be hired into manager level jobs and even less likely to be promoted into them according to some studies this under-representation is stifling growth some investment services firms are trying to address the problem by embracing what's known as gender lens investing the idea is to get investors to put their money into assets that promote gender equality marketplaces Renate say go as more than 2015 Grant Thornton study found that companies with diverse boards that include women get a better return on their assets about 2 percent better and runs the San Francisco Bay Area shareholders advocacy group called as you so he says putting women in positions of power is simply good for business it really creates a better culture that's going to reduce risk that's going to attract the best and the brightest talent group offers a free online tool which allows investors to review the gender equity scores of mutual funds for example whether the companies in the Find are selecting and keeping women on boards and promoting equal pay but that information isn't always easy to get the greatest challenge really is the transparency Deonna of on Mosaddegh as head of a company that collects gender equality data from companies everything from what percentage of women they employ and how much they earn to parental leave policies this type of information many times you have a hard time finding in your reports of the companies but more investment firms have been doing that research. And offering gender lines investment funds bonds even a cd investors poured more than $2400000000.00 into gender lines assets last year according to various wealth partners that's nearly double the amount in 2017 Alyssa Greenspan of Community Capital Management says that's not surprising we've seen increased interest because of some of the outside factors the meeting with then the women's March companies with better gender equality are more likely to succeed but there's no guarantees as Joanne Weiner She's an economist at George Washington University he will may very well wish to and bash in funds that promote generate quality because they think it is the right thing to do but they shouldn't necessarily expect to get extraordinary returns Weiner says gender equality is just one factor that goes into a company's success imo not a Seiko for Marketplace see n.b.c. Is reporting that the White House has doubled its estimate of how much the government shutdown will cost the u.s. Economy now it's saying it will cost point 4 percent g.d.p. Growth every month our producers are Victoria Krag Michael look and Janaki Mehta. And Sasha Woodruff in New York I'm sorry Ben a short with the Marketplace Morning Report. From a.p.m. American Public Media this hour of programming is underwritten by precision Automotive a AAA Auto repair facility servicing vehicles in the valley since 1984 precision Automotive is located at 510 west highway 50 in Gunnison for such an auto dot net 6414040. From Mountain surfaces serving the Gunnison Valley for 17 years they specialize in home and commercial flooring including carpet tile wood and more mountain surfaces dot com and from the dogwood the dogwood offers artisan cocktails small bites and desserts the dog wood is located at 3 o 9 3rd Street and historic miners' cabin just off. The dogwood c.b. Dot com 349-6338. Good morning William Barr breezed through confirmation hearings to become attorney general about 3 decades ago things might be a bit more challenging now that he's been nominated for that job by President Trump It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Senate Democrats are focusing on Barres criticism of the special counsel's Russia investigation we will question Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar sharp I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm David Greene 2 countries 2 political stalemates here in the u.s. The partial government shutdown goes on and we'll hear how it's hurting efforts to prepare for Hurricane season and in Britain parliament looks ready to vote down the prime minister's breaks a deal it is Tuesday January 15th Dr Martin Luther King Jr would have turned 90 years old today. The news is next. Line from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm core of a coalmine the Senate Judiciary Committee will be questioning President Trump's pick for attorney general today N.P.R.'s Carrie Johnson says William Barres prepared testimony indicates he won't interfere with special counsel Robert Muller's Russia investigation William Barr is likely to say believes it's vitally important that the special counsel's work be protected and that he's leaning in favor of transparency for the findings of the special counsel investigation into Russian election interference in 2016 N.P.R.'s Carrie Johnson Barr served as attorney general.

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