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an amtrak train headed to the bay area. as many as five people have been killed in the fiery collision in a rural area about 7 o miles east of reno. sharon chin is in emeryville tonight where that train was supposed to arrive earlier today. sharon. >> reporter: yes, there are a number of surviving passengers who are on their way back here, back here to the emeryville station. dozens of passengers who escaped injury crowded on to buses in reno tonight. their final stop, the bay area. before getting on to the bus, linda and clayton cook of placerville described the inferno from two train cars away. >> all of the flames coming. there was diesel fuel all over the windows. >> we facility the impact and looked on the window on the other side of the train and it was engulfed in flames. >> my heartfelt like it was up in my throat because we didn't know if it was the end or what. >> she's out there. >> a passenger with a cell phone captured the moments after the fiery crash. officers say a semitruck carrying gravel slammed into the middle of a ten car amtrak train on a rural nevada crossing this morning. two cars burst into flames. >> train engineer himself saw this coming up, hit some brakes, and as the train collided, it continued on. >> nevada highway patrol officers say those killed included a truck driver. at least 20 people are hurt. of the most severely injuried, two are listed in critical and three in serious condition at the hospital. a.m. ac trays 14 crew members were aboard the california. ntsb investigators are trying to determine what caused the truck to crash. >> don't know what the cause was or why there was a failure to stop at that crossing gate. >> authorities say it appears the safety gate's license lights and bells were working and it hasn't had an accident in the last 20 years. once again, a number of the surviving passengers are on buses right now. they're on their way back to the emeryville station. amtrak doesn't know what time they are expected to arrive. sometime in the wee hours of the morning. possibly around 2:00 a.m. or so. >> sharon chin with the very latest. as tens and thousands celebrate gay pride in san francisco this weekend, lawmakers in new york have legalized same sex marriage. >> it means that all of my friends can finally do the things that they wanted to do that i can do. it means that we're equal. >> tonight senate vote came after a week of intense lobbying from both side of the issue. the swing vote came from steven, a republican who changed his position. >> i know my vote is a vote of conscious. >> it hasn't been approved by the people. it's the legislatures that shoved this down the people's throat. >> governor andrew signed this into law a little over an hour ago. couples can get married in 30 days. new york becomes the sixth state to allow gays to get married. pride celebrations began in san francisco with one of the largest gathering of transgender people in the world. elizabeth cook on why some feel they are not part of the community. >> i just had legally my name changed, my gender changed through the court. my birth certificate i received a couple months ago. i'm full female now. >> it was a sea of color along the streets of san francisco as thousands of transgendered men and women march from delores park to city hall. >> i'm trying to put the t in front of the lgb. >> this is like one of the biggest gathering of transgender people like anywhere in the world, i think. so it's prett magical. >> i just came out a year ago. it's important to see as many of us as possible. >> they march to show other transgendered people they are not alone. >> especially younger people, you know, because they have a better chance. me, i had to wait until i was old. >> i feel this day is a part of something that will give me more experience to carry on. >> this parade kicks off a series of lgb pride events this weekend. although many of the people we spoke with today feel that transgendered people are marginalized within the lgbt community. >> invisible compared to the gay and lesbian community. >> when asked about new york city's vote to legalize same sex marriage, most of the responses were lukewarm. >> gay marriage givers up most of the resources for activism. >> there was no debate. >> everyone can live together as human beings. we are all pink inside. >> in san francisco, elizabeth cook, cbs 5. >> and you can find a full list of pride events on our website, well who pays the governor's rent? not the governor. we're learning it's been that way for decades no. private contributions it turns out have paid for brown's sacramento $3,000 a month apartment. there's a nonprofit that takes donations to pay for the governor's living expenses. brown spokesperson says governors since ronald reagan tapped into that. everyone except governor brown. he was so frugal about his ceremony, he had $39,000 in contributions left over. >> he took excess funds that were left over from the inaugural fund and put them into the governor residence foundation. >> i don't see him paying for my rent. he is getting paid $165,000 a year. let him pay for his own place. >> governor brown's rent is far cheaper than the penthouse where schwarzenegger stayed. that cost about $8,000 per month. the department of homeland security putting a few of its own gang experts to work at the san jose police department. officers say there have been 14 gang related killings this year alone. shows us the new partnership is being met with some skepticism. >> starting next week, two federal agents will be working with san jose police to help bust gang members. they are paid for and will report to immigrations and customs enforcement. this has some people in the community nervous, but the chief insists this is not a witch hunt for illegal immigrants. >> we are not interested in your status. if you are causing grief in your community and you are a gang member, we will use whatever resource we have to to bring you to justice. >> the city is laying off 100 officer next week. they need the help. immigrants rights groups however are skeptical. >> there's infrastructure in place to catch the bad guys. i think we need to be clear about what this collaboration means for our community and it is about public safety. >> this will be the agent's new home. sjpd will reevaluate the partnership in six movants. cbs 5. deputies went door to door with warnings about one sex offender, but they never mentioned the other 16 already in the neighborhood. tonight we asked what made this one so special? >> awarded for his work with some kids, arrested for the pictures that he had of others. where police life and art met for a bay area man. and the robbery was well documented thanks so surveillance video. we're going to give you another look at the suspects. go ahead and make those outdoor plans for the weekend, but the day the rain returns and the seven-day forecast. the pinpoint outlook up next. one of the best known sex offenders in northern california just returned to the bay area. sex offenders move all the time without getting much attention, but robert lyles shows us authorities are making quite an effort to let neighbors know he's back. >> what we're telling them is to be aware that there's a high risk sex offender living in the area. >> so detectives and deputies rang bells and knocked on 1500 doors that straddle willow path road, telling all that answer that gary chandler lives next door behind this green gate. >> there's too much children in the neighborhood. >> you think they should go door to door? >> they should for any sex offender that moves into the area. >> but the sheriff's door to door blitz -- >> i think that might be over kill in light of megan's law, carey is going to be on the megan's law website. >> if fact, a search of the megan's law website revealed not just him, but 17 sex offenders living within one mile of each other. deputies never warned them of the other 16. >> telling us about one guy, they should have been telling us about all of them. >> the door to door blitz is harassment. >> we don't think it's harassment. we think it's our obligation to inform the public. >> a door to door blitz is well within the law, megan's law that is, which spells out cops can take whatever means the department deems appropriate to ensure the public safety. but mock claims the 40-year-old convicted of four rapes, including two boys is a portrait of redemption. thanks to his chemical castration and decade long therapy that cur bed his sexual preferences. that means he is still a predatory risk. >> in addition to the criminal behavior which underlies whatever got them into trouble in the first place is now enhanced by sexual urges, which have returned. >> so are these fliers the police protection the community seeks or big brother? that answer lies with carey. in bay point, robert lyles, cbs 5. he is well known for his murals that hang in a number of san francisco schools and tonight, he's also a child pornography suspect. linda yee reports, police think some of the offensive images that got anymore trouble may have helped them inspire some of his work. >> what i love about these murals is you have these buried jewels. >> san francisco police say what they found buried in some of these murals was not for family viewing. >> i think as an adult, you look at these and see possibly some sort of sexual connotation to them. >> mural artist was arrested by the fbi earlier this month accused of possessing child pornography. as the founder and director of kid serve, he worked with school children to create outdoor murals. recently cbs 5 profiled him in a story about his community service. but after his arrest, a school district team took a closer look at murals norris created at 20 san francisco schools. they found what they called offensive at four schools. >> negative of a photograph that is inlaid behind the clear tile itself, they are -- many different things. some of the tiles are actually drawings. >> some of the tiles have been taken down. how many children were exposed before their discovery is not known. police hope no one saw them. >> these tiles were very small. you would have to get close to these tiles to be able to see the inappropriate images. some of the tiles are at such a height you wouldn't be able to see them without an apparatus. >> children did work on the murals with norris. >> they were done at school sites, but we don't have any evidence that children were harmed. >> police revealed offensive tiles were removed in old mill elementary and global family school in oakland. the san francisco school district said it has suspended all funding to kid serve. what they plan to do with all of these murals is still under it discussion. in san francisco, cbs 5. >> violent robbery caught on tape. and tonight three men are in custody accused of holding up a pizza rent rant at gunpoint. it happened tuesday night. masked men coming in through the back door armed with handguns. they order employees to the store, tie up one of them and clean out the cash registers. one employee was pistol whipped, but he is okay. police arrested three suspects a short time later and they all face multiple robbery charges. some have been thinking it, today the naacp said it. the group is accusing u.s. airways of racial profiling. this of course stems from the removal of mormon on a flight. was taken off of a plane and refusing to follow instructions. later it was discovered a 65- year-old phoenix man is frequently allowed to fly the same airline wearing a little more than women's underwear. naacp is calling on u.s. airways to have a sensitive training program. time to check your weekend forecast with roberta. >> today's high temperatures across the bay area, 64 degrees to 85 degrees and that was in gilroy. and san jose, home of the hotel, one of my favorites there. overcast skies currently after a high temperature into the 70s. let's take a look at the temperatures. i like that hotel, it has a lot of history to it. mid 50s at the beaches. 84 degrees in concord and in liver more. these are your headlines. this is what you need to know. saturday does look turn sunny. warmest day will be on sunday and we have a rear chance of june, late june rain. come tuesday night and the north bay, everywhere by wednesday. there you have the clouds. the patchy fog. a little drizzle tomorrow morning and during the afternoon hours, the closed want to hang tight. for your get away saturday, mid 80s, 70 on the south shore. mid 80s from clear lake back in through yukaya. tonight's overnight lows 40s and 50s. we'll have a wind up to 20 miles per hour. 80 in sanoma. this sunday the san francisco pride parade in the mid 6 0áz. east of the bay, temperatures to the low 80s. also means 81 degrees for the fair in pleasantton and warmer on sunday. around the peninsula, temperatures into the 60s and 70s. almost a good 9 degrees below average. 64 in half-moon bay with partial clearing. the extended forecast is calls o -- on tuesday with that slight chance of rain tuesday night. chances on wednesday, but you know, even if we don't see the rain, we'll notice a difference with those temperatures, much cooler. drink the lemonade now while the temperatures are in the 80s. >> that's a nice picture, wasn't it? >> that's adorable. we'll do that at 11:00. >> thank you. all right, imagine if it happened in your cul-de-sac. tongues are wagging in the neighborhood where an accused mobster was caught this week. how they describe their now infamous neighbor. the bay area -- a place with natural beauty and a forward thinking spirit. at bank of america, we've been fueling economic growth here for over a century. today we're investing in innovations that will define our future. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion. from financing a solar project for the milpitas school district to funding the institute at golden gate. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. there's one thing i m not clear about the man behind one of the most well known tv detectives, stories has died. >> something that i'm not clear about, but that can wait. >> you got to remember peter faulk. he passed away yesterday at his beverly hills home. he won four emmies as columbo. faulk appeared in a number of films and a two-time oscar nominee. he suffered from alzheimer's. he was 83 years old. after 16 years of being on the run, one of america's most wanted is finally facing justice. james whitey bulger appeared in federal court today. his brother former massachusetts speaker of the house, william bulger was also there. whitey bulger asked for a public defender, but prosecutors objected siting large sums of money seized from his santa monica home. bulger faces multiple charges, including 19 murders. tonight bill talks to the people who shared a neighborhood with the alleged mobster and his girlfriend. >> people in this beautiful seaside city lived besined james whitey bulger and girlfriend for almost 15 years, but most never suspected a thing. barbra did see flashes of anger. >> he would sort of scream, stop talking to her. or don't talk to me. and there was a kind of what i call a rageaholic response. >> the 81-year-old bulger and 60-year-old katherine lived nondescript lives in a nondescript rent control apartment. in a neighborhood full of retirees, they were hiding in plain sight. >> famous notorious, you know guy, a criminal. would you think he would be living in a rent control building? perhaps not. maybe it's a good strategy. >> bulger were unremarkable. when it comes to public record, they were almost nonexistent. there's no public record of an address. no record that anyone called to the police to complain about them. no record of a traffic ticket, not even a phone listing. of the two, greig was more out and about. >> her hair swept back. she seemed to be a very sweet person. >> neighbors who recall talking to bulger describe him as a -- >> he had an angry way about him. >> people who put dogs in a dumpster should be shouted. >> those words sent chills down her spine. the couple on the run found the perfect place, not just to lend in, but fade away here by the sea. bill, cbs news, santa monica. the sharks trade away one of their young forwards for an all-star. and after a couple days off, andres torres returns to the lineup. that's next. start the nightcap of a doubleheader the giants will finally activate barry zito from the disabled list on tuesday and he's expected to start the night cap of the double header against the cubs. bill, start the clock. the giants hosting the indians this weekend. 3-3 in the 6th. aubrey huff fouls one down the left field line and that is deep enough for torres. the giants beat the indians 4- 3. the a's struggles continue. high chopper over scott size more's head. the phillies beat the a's 1-0. they lost 12 of 14 on the road this month. yesterday the sharks signed to a new three-year deal. today they traded for the wild for all-star defenseman, brent burns. wimbledon, another early exit for andy who loses in straight sets to feliciano. reached the quarter finals in the last seven my ortournaments. and finally, joey is your ball sitter. he will try to become the pole sitter to win the race since jeff gordon in 2004. and marcus is the favorite to win that race. should have won it last year. >> think jeff gordon this year. >> really? >> looks good again. >> wow. all right, we'll see. we're coming back at 11:00. see you then.

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New York , United States , Bay Point , California , Emeryville , Nevada , Oakland , Massachusetts , Beverly Hills , Milpitas , Phoenix , Arizona , Reno , Santa Monica , Placerville , South Shore , San Francisco , Americans , America , William Bulger , Brown Sacramento , Ronald Reagan , Andres Torres , Barry Zito , Whitey Bulger , Gary Chandler , Linda Yee , James Whitey Bulger , Robert Lyles , Jeff Gordon , Clayton Cook , Peter Faulk , Dana King , Elizabeth Cook ,

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