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Or pay your title settlement lender and recording fees maybe you just want to lock in a lower rate or refinance out of paying mortgage insurance all takes up 5 minute phone call the ceiling save thousands of dollars a year so call West on it a day for 553669 it's the biggest no brainer in the history of mankind calls it a day 455366988 day 455-3669 that's 8 a day for 5 by 3669 and it was number 304. It's 53 degrees in the human body still 30. 2.9 They all ran a huge concern. With. Race behind the program police found a man with multiple gunshot died at the. University of Arkansas students have an ultimatum get an m.m.r. Vaccine or not go to class for the next month the university has 9 reported cases of mumps on campus this semester a letter was sent out saying any student not immunized at least twice will need to be vaccinated immediately or be excluded from class for $26.00 days gas prices are decreasing just in time for Thanksgiving the national average for regular gas is about 239 to gallon right now Arkansas is average about $227.00 here is industry analyst Trilby Lundberg supply was curtailed a few weeks back more than it is now because of many refining capacity maintenance and repairs going on now that many of them have been completed prices are allowed to dry up because supply has been enhanced and the Doobie Brothers are coming to Arkansas next year as part of their universe reads your will be performing at. Number 12 Michael McDonald will join for the 2 or tickets go on sale December 6th at 10 am I am Heidi sold with your. Exclusive actor with the forecast just ahead of person in law on News Radio 102.9 a k r Rand with 1st news weekday mornings on the radio 12.9 k r n get your day started with a to Chris's christening or has your news Chris towns has your traffic whichever Chris you're hearing you know you're getting the info that will get you to work informed and on time by the way fares more Chris Plante at 9 with news in traffic with their 2 courses 1st news with Chris and Chris Chris Plante Chris Chris and Chris Christie is a news radio one o $2.00 k. R.e.m. Like you think and then on the fly let me nice Kiki me as a kid. You need. Taking me to the doctor when I broke my foot in ballet rehearsal for leaving me alone when I wanted to be alone and now as a grown up I'm thankful for being able to take care of you my dear mom for having the chance to take you to the park for reading those books we enjoy so much for being able to take you to your therapies f.a.q. Twisted your ankle for understanding that sometimes you simply want to be alone. Roles change without us noticing and in your new role we help you visit a. Org slash caregiving to get practical health and wellness tips to provide even better care for your loved one remember visit a r.p. Dot org slash care given. Your exclusive accurate forecast for some black insaan today sunny high of 66 tonight cloudy a low of 56 tomorrow 60 percent chance of thunderstorms a high of 69 on Wednesday clouds in sun high of 56 and on Thanksgiving and Friday 60 percent chance of rain at Thursday's high 45 Friday's high 59 I am Heidi Skolnik news at 11 30 am News Radio 12.9 a chaotic and it's time for rush. Greetings my friends and welcome it's great to have you here on Thanksgiving week the Rush Limbaugh program in the e.i.b. Network while most everybody else thinks the week off guess what guess who is here I am we are for the next 3 days great to have you with us telephone number if you want to be on the program is 80282282 the e-mail address Elm rush woa at e.i.b. Net dot us I have so many people asking me Rush does it is this stuff I'm hearing true that Kolo she may be looking for a way out of actually having an impeachment vote folks I've got 3 stories about this including polling data from the anointed one Nate Silver at 538 dot com which indicates that support for impeachment is plummeting and it dropped as the shift show was ongoing and on the other side of it not only of their support for impeachment dropping. Here it is 530 that support from patient topped out at 47.7 percent late October it's down to 41 percent 6 points down over the last 3 weeks you Gov is among the polls registering the decline with independent support for impeachment dropping from 39 percent down to 35 percent and Emerson University survey found an even more extreme flip among independents now you know the thing about the Drive-By Media that you have to be on the lookout for and they use polling. So here you have you have. Nate Silver and chronicling how the impeachment. Prospect is droppingly the public sentiment for impeachment is plummeting Isn't that true. Or is it an attempt to manipulate us well there are 3 different polls that. Nate Silver is analyzing here so I'm going to I'm going to take all this under advisement because we talk about polls here frequently and some of them we cite. With acceptance and others we are automatically dubious of and you have to be consistent with this I mean you can't sit there and pick the polls that you like and then start heralding them. If you have like I do have an overall distrust of the genre itself for a host of reasons but I don't have doubt about I don't have any doubt that the American public's desire for impeachment is dropping because there was nothing in these hearings to excite anybody where were the tapes Where was John d. And where is the evidence in the break and they say this is Watergate redux Where is all the stuff that we had in Watergate there isn't any all we have is a bunch of disgruntled civil servants who are upset that they were not utilized nobody's accusing them of lying you are that's why we're all of these troops have borders you every one of these civil servant someone nobody's accusing them of lying were accusing them of being a haughty arrogant snobs. That Trump doesn't trust for obviously brilliant commonsensical reasons look at this seal case you know it's almost a mirror who does trump side with he sides with the military hero the down in the dirt grunt who does the great miraculous work Eddie Gallagher a Navy Seal. 95 percent of the people of go to that seal school bomb out they can't do it it's no no criticism of them it's one of the most difficult things you know the seals the Army's Special Forces and the Rangers they're the closest that this country has to producing actual Superman. And I guess I should say super women in there because I don't want to get sidetracked here by being accused of gender bias but it really is the case Tromp is he's instinctively drawn to the people who literally do the work as opposed to the establishment. Flag officers and others. Call them the establishment and call every Gallagher the guy that gets the work done Trump just instinctively sides with I don't know what the Fed of ordinary average american people who make this country work as opposed to the haughty arrogant management tier would secure around and really doesn't do anything and can't even keep order and discipline this what happened to any Gallagher is it's kind of being portrayed as complicated it really isn't a bunch of people don't like the guy for some reason they tried to decommission him take away his rank and kick him out Trump didn't write it so Trump reinstated his rank the secretary of the Navy has since said To hell with that I'm not going to do that I don't exempt orders from tweets so he went up against the president and the president fired him for essentially disobeying the commander in chief and then when they had been reinstated Gallagher's rank and his Tritons which is the icons logo symbol of the of the seals but it's far more detail than that what happen here. This guy was ganged up on by by a bunch of military management people for whatever reason was drummed out of the seal Corps Trump didn't like it after he found out what had happened and how. And so he's reinstated his rank in the secretary of the Navy refused to follow Trump's orders and was fired and now the Drive-By you can't fire desert Obama's anybody remember the name Stanley McChrystal. Stanley McChrystal was the general who was waging the war in Afghanistan for Obama and he was in a bar one day with a Rolling Stone reporter. Where he was speaking in the Rolling Stone reporter was writing it down and it was that meeting where McChrystal called Biden Bite Me Obama fires McChrystal media applauded it he applauded it because how dare this guy disrespect our beloved Obama and Vice President Bite Me. We all the name might need a Stanley McChrystal he got canned military admirals and generals get canned all the time. Largely for failure the Brits that going to 17 or 18 hundreds literally shot admirals that failed in their duty one famous Brit admiral was literally shot for failing to hold. A military fortification that had been ordered to hold he failed they shot him no I'm not advocating that generals and admirals and all that be fired I'm just telling you that this is not an uncommon thing the president is the commander in chief the Jag Corps does not determine things like what happens at the Gallagher if the president wants to pardon him if the president wants to pardon Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher he can do it and there's nothing the Jag orders nothing the admirals can do about it and yet they stepped in and they tried to supersede Trump's pardoning of valor I'm really giving it a compressed version of this. And because the. Richard Spencer because of the the center of the Navy refuel is due to go along with what trumps order was he's now fired. This is almost it's amazing how close this is how similar of this is to what was happening with Trump and the civil service core of a administrative state within the national security apparatus and Ukraine they didn't think Trump knew what he was doing so they didn't have to implement his orders and so Trump says oh if you're not going to do that in Screw you I'm going to go around you're going to send Rudy over there are going to do my own investigation I'm going to make sure that what I do in Ukraine is based on what I know not what you think and certainly not on what Obama's done in the past so then all hell breaks loose and to people like Lieutenant Colonel Vin Minoru horse a new euros get their noses out of joint because they're no longer listened to. So it's not it's not complicated at all and the president has the it's ridiculous to have to even say this if the president wants the fire the secretary of the Navy he can do it in this case he was fully worded look discipline following orders. It's crucial. In the military if that breaks down then you know the left has gotten too far in corrupting too many of the institutions. In this country have a read of piece by by Kurt shrink there today at a town hall on the ne Gallagher story and let me let me just give you his recounting of this so that you can have the dean tears what happened the president used his constitutional prerogatives of pardon and restore the rank of freeing accused no one Terry people which some in the military have mixed feelings about and some flag officers Vietnam POWs these guys. The 3 of it trump argued however of the 3 the clearly correct action was the restoration of the rank of seal and he Gallagher. His prosecution was shameful it had been replete with Jag misconduct judge advocate general misconduct including the mind boggling decision of the prosecutors to electronically spy on Gallagher's defense lawyers. Then there's a whole lot of spying going on here in this country. Spying on people who are aligned in a variety of ways with Donald Trump. But beyond this outrage by the way nobody was prosecuted for spying on any Gallagher's defense lawyers. The Jag officers put up on the stand and immunize witness who testified that he killed the alleged ISIS victim Gallagher was acquitted Gallagher was in his problem with your bill but this is this is about a guy who killed a terrorist. He supposedly murdered a terrorist in cold blood we are at war we're trying to wipe out terrorists this guy was kicked out of a seal's for committing murder against an ISIS terrorist the Jag guys put a witness on the stand to testify that he did the killing not Gallagher Gallagher was acquitted of everything except he took a selfie with a terrorist dead body that was his sole offense you've got a terrorist body there and Gallagher took a selfie with the dead body but Gallagher didn't kill him. Well after Gallagher was acquitted. The judge adjutant general lawyers decided to award each other medals they had tried to railroad Gallagher he was acquitted they start awarding each other medals not indictments for their eavesdropping and spying not letters of reprimand for their incompetence they gave themselves medals this is no different than all of these deep state people coming forth giving themselves medals for sabotaging trumps foreign policy are now trying to impeach him for it so trouble gets wind of all this folks how much of this do any of you how much of this have you seen in the Drive-By mean absolutely 0 right. So Trump gets wind of this fiasco and personally directs that these defective medals that the Jag officers who falsely accused Eddie Gallagher had when awarded themselves he directed that those medals be withdrawn now you fast forward to the restoration of any Gallagher's rank what happens next. That enables Special Forces commander the next day an issue even a proceeding to take away Gallagher's Triton that's his status as a special warfare operator so Trump pardons him it was found that he did not murder of the ISIS leader trumped pardons and he's totally acquitted and very next day the Navy Special Forces came and I even gave state the military establishment initiated a proceeding to still take away any Gallagher's sealed right and now the president was on quizzical what he wanted he pardoned any Gallagher and demanded that Gallagher's rank be restored that is End of story and yet the Naval Special Forces need gives me no pleasure by the way folks. Pass these details onto me there's nobody with greater respect and as much hope for the United States military as I have but. The degree to which politics and the politicizing of institutions as led to their corruption is. Sadly unavoidable so the president pardons any Gallagher unequivocally states he wants his rank Rian story and his trite and. And the Navy Special Forces commander publicly defies Trump disrespects Trump so then that's when Trump tweeted it that this was not going to happen Trump tweeted that we got any governor's rank was not going to be suspended was not going to be taken away from him. What should happen according to Kurdish leader is a chief a naval operations should have picked up the phone and called the Navy Special Forces commander breathing fire and reading him the riot act but he didn't and it got worse Rear Admiral Charlie Brown the chief of information issued a statement which read The Navy follows the lawful orders of the president we will do so in case of an order to stop the administrative review of Gallagher's professional qualification we are aware of the president's tweet and we are awaiting further guidance meaning they are not going to follow orders from a tweet they're not going to take the president's orders from a tweet so there's a open defiance of Trump going on here because these people have staked their reputations on having Gallagher murdering him ISIS. Terrorist turns out he didn't he was acquitted the judge advocate general more years screwed up the prosecution gave themselves medals after this and then after Trump had pardoned Gallagher the secretary or the commander special forces Navy tried to take away his Triton even after Trump apartment and. Los Angeles Times reported u.s. Navy secretary Richard Spencer denied a New York Times report Saturday and that he had threatened to resign or be fired if Trump intervenes to stop an administrative review of a c.e.o. At the center of a botched war crimes court martial. That if he doesn't put an end it is many mutiny pronto the president should still shift can him well he got shift canned Spencer is gone and once again Tromp sides. With the enlisted man he sides with the grunts he sides with the person who was wronged falsely accused presidential order restoring his rank was defied so Trump fire Secretary needed me to you fire people like you yes he can and he did got to take a break folks we are being coming right back to the old way and during the week you know her. News Radio 102.9 k k r n Is Rush Limbaugh if you've been thinking about buying a home security system there is no better time to get it than right now this week simply safe is offering their best deal of the year you don't get 25 percent off any new system and a free h.d. 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People remember the last time we discussed Michael Bloomberg and they're sending me a mo so rosy excited about Bloomberg at Fox look like he. I'm not fascinated by it Bloomberg has gotten a raise and we're going to talk about it like we talk about everything don't misunderstand me here but rich people do not fascinate me so that aspect of Bloomberg is of no interest to me other than he can spend a whole lot of money. But Jeb Bush spent $100000000.00 got 3 delegates so once you are going to spend $200000000.00 1st 6. Money matters I understand that but. Most of the fascination of Bloomberg and people are going to cause he's rich and I'm sorry. I know a lot of these people there but there's if you want to be fast they would how they did it because it's so rare find they have deep but. Some of them are blistering it gets folks so. Self impressed they don't think they have to know anything else so we'll talk about it but no I'm not I'm certainly not frightened or scared I'm more amused at being a what it's going to do to the Democrat side of things. That's. That's going to be interesting to me to follow him coming so hang on. More Casper the defense secretary says the president ordered the Pentagon to intercede and protect the Navy SEALs status of Edward Gallagher and after he was convicted of battlefield misconduct Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer applauds the decision of the Navy secretary Richard Spencer who resigned I believe he did the right thing he should be proud good order by around and discipline in the armed services has to transcend politics too are dead after a shooting at a doctor's office in Durham North Carolina police say they were called to the scene and found a man and woman dead from gunshots in the parking lot 2 big investment houses are moving in together Charles Schwab and t.c. Ameritrade announcing a $26000000000.00 merger a massive new company could draw scrutiny over antitrust concerns London's transit authority is refusing to renew a license to operate citing safety concerns about one point I'm like watch. It 62 degrees heading for a high of 66 I am. Pretty When you see. The city of Little Rock will be voting on the 2021 teams day Mayor Frank Scott Jr says the budget is being lined with needs including public safety we get finally close the gap as it relates to Albion bacon we're very close to a full compliment of our port. Police department also in the budget we are funding the new South West Little Rock part apartment space and we will have 14 new funded employees in the solid waste is a former Liberal police officer Charles Starks his appeal is scheduled to be heard in Plaskett County circuit court December 10th Stark's added a new attorney to his team Lance Russo He's the general counsel for the Georgia Fraternal Order of Police start his other attorney Robert Newcomb says that the case is like. New when it moves to circuit court and a Civil Service Commission conclusion should not affect the judge's decision the decisions are going around to get recreational marijuana use on the ballot for next year they already have thousands of signatures in early stages for both initiatives they have to get over 89000 signatures from registered voters by July and so far hunters have Bagnet over 139000 deer this season heading into Thanksgiving that's over 72000 box over 59000 doze I am Heidi Skolnik news at new and breaking news as it happens News Radio 12.9 k. Already. Lunch So we've come up with a contest for you to win lunch with your choice it's called Dining with Doc to win free lunch with me or you want to go to News Radio $102.00 point. Like and follow our Facebook page find out what restaurant next week and leave a comment about why you want to. I can't wait to have lunch with you with Newsradio one of 2.9 change a. Week the capital one flavor card and 4 percent cash back. That's 4 percent cash back with extra with crude. READY 4 percent to get extra amount of. Capital One fever card 4 percent on dining and 4 percent. What's in your wallet Hey guys it's Taylor you can buy my new album lover. Now. Here's where Kevin Miller. Times. We're going to get Bloomberg later in the program. Here's one little tidbit the news you know Bloomberg has a news agency. It's called Bloomberg News. There is no trump news network and I think that's Fox but. No. It isn't Bloomberg has his own news agency. And it's one of the many things that has contributed to his obscene and some people's view well. So Bloomberg News just had to make some policy announcements they've had to make some changes in the way they're going to go about covering the news and here is the extent of it Bloomberg News will not conduct investigative reporting on any of the Democratic presidential candidates this according to the editor in chief of Bloomberg News this guy's name is John Micklethwait. He wrote this in a note to staffers he said on Sunday said we will continue our tradition of not investigating Mike and his family's Monday Bloomberg News Agency does not investigate him now you might think Rush if you had a news agency with any you let them investigate you well know probably not. But I mean. The guy's running for president and we now learn that Bloomberg News will not cover Bloomberg office c.e.o. Or owner founder head honcho but now they've expanded they're not going to cover any of the Democrat candidates running because that would be on fear I give Bloomberg is running in the Democrat from by the way Bloomberg is going to skip everything up until Super Tuesday. He's going to skip Iowa he's going to skip New Hampshire he's going to skip whatever and he's just going to be lion in for Super Tuesday. None of this matters Bloomberg doesn't have a chance and it has nothing to do with any of this it has nothing to do with policy it has nothing to do in campaign strategy it has nothing to do with Bloomberg knows he hasn't chance of being elected president it isn't going to happen he could be the best thing that ever happened to America and he's not going to be elected president. It isn't going to happen now anyway Bloomberg News pledges not to investigate Democratic presidential can't now don't worry they will investigate Trump or yeah they'll go out there no dig up as much as they can on Trump but they're not going to dig up any dirt on any Democrat because they're not going to dig up any dirt on the owner Berg So they want to be very very fair sold they're not going to investigate any Democrat. Now let me let me turn back if you will to the thing that I opened the busy broadcast with and that is the shrinking. Support for impeachment in poll after poll after poll I mean folks it is really plummeting and the support for impeachment is plummeting at a time that coincided with the hearings. Now this is not strictly about the polling by the way. I have other insides to share with you. But my problem and I'm have mentioned this countless times you think the whole point polling industry itself has been corrupted. It hasn't been used to reflect public opinion and I don't know how long it's used to shape public opinion polling units that major networks are used to create a new as stories. Fact I think I think one of best things that ever happened and this may sound counter to opinion juv heard me express previous I think one of the best things that ever has happened is for the media and the Democrats to think Twitter is majority national opinion I think they've bought hook line and sinker into that because the media has the Democrats and it isn't thing got a much much distorted view of the American electorate they believe the American electorate majority opinion is reflected in average ordinary everyday Twitter. And it isn't and because they have this view of Twitter representing majority public opinion I believe that shapes the way they ask questions in polls and I think it shapes the way they. Assign percentages of Democrat respondents percentages of Republican respondents independents I think it shapes a lot about what they're doing and as such I don't know how truthful we also then know that because these polls are your used to or to to make public opinion not reflected that without doubt one of the greatest you'll see age of polling data is to depress. Conservative and Republican voters it's meant to dispirit it's meant to convey that you have no hope it's meant to convey your candidate your issues. Are so small in terms of public opinion that you're such an outcast your tiny in terms of a group of people who think like you or that it might is not even worth your while to get involved because you're so small you're so tiny you're insignificant This is one of the primary purposes polling data had yet here we have 3 different polls which show plummeting support for impeachment Ok so let's analyze are these polls accurate or are they an attempt to sandbag us are an attempt to create an opinion from Trump on down that maybe the Democrats didn't think in a mound 9 doing it or are these polls intended to sound a little bit of a warning to the Democrats you have better want you might want to think about doing this because his support is dwindling now they're goo rule when it comes to polling is Nate Silver at 538. So the polling industry. Sadly. One of the most accurate remains Rasmussen. Never cited by the Drive-By Media ever and they are one of the most accurate as established by factual application of their forecasting and polling data after elections how close were they very close and fact Rasmussen has which I want to get into in a moment here fascinating polling data on rising support for Trump in the black community would you believe 34.5 percent approval for Trump in the black community and it is rising and by the way makes perfect sense with circumstances on the ground black unemployment at an all time record low the number of black holding jobs is a record high and their wages are increasing things that are happening in African-American populations and Hispanic that have not happened in 50 years of the Democrats promising to deliver these exact things Trump is delivering and more and more African-Americans are aware of it so let's go for a moment here with the impeachment support is plummeting. Because I believe that it is I don't think it is ever been as high as sheriff and Palosi thought that it was. And I think there and the reason I say this by the way folks is not distrust of polls but I watched the hearings I saw the audiences shrink day after day after day after day I saw as a television show you can say what you want about the American people's attention span or their overall education and knowledge of civic matters like this whatever you complained that all day long but people watched and went like numbers. There weren't any bombshells there weren't. There's nothing simple in any of this that was a complicated way of deceit that Adam Schiff attempted to weave here. And because shift doesn't know how to deal with the American people or how to reach them or how to bond with them he had no idea how to conduct these hearings in a way that would cause a bunch of moments of wow I did know that oh my god Trent did that it wasn't any of that. Everything Trump was accused of people were just patient in the afternoon session it was all explainable and it all made comments that. Every day. Of these of these hearings and even now even when you run into people who think I am not so crazy that Trump in the you can't find very many people who really think that anything's happened here has warranted Trump being removed from audience from office when there's an election 11 months from now so. The question has come up I am asked this routine and that's a bunch of times this morning folks rush they say I'm hearing that policies you know may be not even to hold a vote you think it could happen you think it could happen in Palosi would not actually hold any impeachment vote. I've answered I don't know. They are so far down the road how do they pull back from this. I mean you ship was on t.v. On Sunday and c.n.n. Pencil neck was all over c.n.n. The president's misconduct was there for all doesn't it sure has been the lying since the Russian meddling aspect of this ship hasn't told the truth about any of this and he's all the evidence is there left and right he was asked well why haven't you had the vote yet because you know people have to drive bys were expecting the impeachment vote to have happened already so ship was asked why haven't you had the money as well I need to go back and talk to my constituents and I need to talk further with my colleagues that's why you need to go back and talk to your constituent When did your constituents matter a hill of beans you know what your constituents want Tromp drawn and quartered or shot at dawn you don't need to talk to about what your your constituents are Hollywood for crying out loud what do you mean you've got to go talk your constituents yes and I Most talk to my colleagues what is happening folks is that a lot of these so-called moderate Democrats are publicly saying. That they're getting awfully nervous about this because they know the case hasn't been made and an official vote which they're still hasn't been by the way this is still an investigation there hasn't the impeachment vote has not happened despite what you think. And when it does and if they are committed to having by Palosi demands they vote for it there are a lot of these moderate Dems nervous now what I have heard is. That Palosi has the 218 votes but that she doesn't have 220 and. $218.00 votes is pure I mean that is the barest minimum margin that would win ideally polos see would want the full caucus which is in a neighborhood of $23235.00 Democrats voting but she doesn't have 230 or 35 right now suppose and I believe that of the vote what happened and if she is not able to get more than 218 in 201220 then she may think about so let's just play here what's hypothesis. How could Palosi pull back from this and save face after getting every Democrat wacko extremist leftist primed for Trump being impeached and that process is beginning how can she now then tell them Sorry it isn't going to happen I think I have a way she can do it. I think I know how she could do it and. Limit the fallout damage I'll tell you what that is when we get back. To fight them but talent to succeed brush. Work News Radio 102.9 take a are in Rush Limbaugh. Good in this is still investor insights was Chief Investment Officer Michael O'Keefe Well Michael it's Monday how are the markets last week well Pat last week the markets gave back a little bit of this year's gains the s. And p. $500.00 and up down point 3 percent tech Korean stocks as measured by the Nasdaq index were down point 2 percent and Industrials as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average were off almost half a percent very modest losses looking at data relevant to the economy leading economic indicators were negative point one percent but housing starts building permits and existing home sales were solid market Purchasing Managers Index is the pm eyes in November were above 50 reflecting expansion and consumer sentiment remains strong and what are we focused on this holiday week we'll learn more about consumer confidence new home sales the 2nd as in a 3rd quarter g.d.p. And some helpful business indicators like durable goods orders and capital expenditures and we'll begin to assess the news on the 2020 presidential election with Michael Bloomberg announcing that he's entering the race and Steve we monitor the economy and markets as well as the political environment as we work with our clients to learn more our listeners can speak with their Stiefel financial advisor Thanks Michael your path through investment advice starts with your Stiefel financial advisor find your site Stiefel dot com That's s t i f e l dot com See full necklace and Company Incorporated member. Northern 2 as your game plan for Black Friday could see you watching football getting a leftover turkey because the Northern Black Friday starts now. 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We're hearing behind the scenes it more House Democrats are getting cold feet about impeachment Politico vulnerable Democrats by Republican impeachment and Onslaught Democrats want the party to step up its defense there are lots of examples today not in polling data the polling data is ancillary but it may be causing the coffee there's lots of stories of actual Democrats telling the liberal drive by media that they are very worried about this. They know the case wasn't made if folks here's another thing there's something. That every one of these people from Fiona Hill killed intended Colonel Vin min or. She and Bill Taylor and always other people realize any other there are a president that this group of people call it whatever you deep state the establishment the administration in the other person would have been gone by now the f.b.i. And the intelligence community all lone running this hoax against Donald Trump starting in 2016 any other Republican any other elected president who was targeted for destruction this way would long ago have been gone would have long ago resigned would have long ago sued for peace said I can't take it anymore I'm outta here Trump is the only guy and he has beaten them at every turn he beat them with that he Gallagher here in the in the sealed case he has beat them back every effort they have tried Robert Muller the 14th you name it Trump has beaten every one of them back. Now there are stories in The New York and Washington media about how Trump is remaking Washington and the premise of these stories is that official Washington is being left out that Trump is forging a new kind of washing that includes Rove outsiders people like Rudy and other Trump appoint Hedy's who are loyal to trump as commander in chief not dominant the personal loyalty trumps commander in chief there are there are lots of stories I haven't a stack of stuff today here. About how official Washington is worried as heck. That Trump is changing Washington and getting away with it I will guarantee you that Trump has inserted. A type of energy into Washington these people haven't seen in a while and they've tried to beat it back and they haven't. They haven't been able to. So how does Pelosi get out of this well I think there is a way and we already know the basic elements of. The question is. This did you hear about this the climate change protest at the Harvard Yale game on Saturday climate change wackos stopped the game they stormed the field and stopped the game what's funny about it is that there are no lights at the Yale ball they can play night games they're meeting they don't use fossil fuels and this protest went on so long the game might not have finished before sundown sundown for 25. They might not have been able to be finished if these clowns had kept on because there aren't any lights there are no fossil fuels what look look what I've done here make. Sure you know. 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Ok the Capital One Wal-Mart rewards card earn unlimited rewards including 5 percent back at Wal-Mart on line what's in your wallet terms and exclusions apply a capital one penny is always much so she gives much of it as you can entrepreneur business coach investor back will power and influence time you know is just a staple and joint case and as he shares insights on creating a more powerful wealthy and influential life that's the best advice I can give you every day somebody like Elizabeth Warren is trying to make it more difficult for you we're not there yet there's still time to listen and subscribe to well power and influence free where ever you can see from the less wood line cast network where the conversations start. I have 0 the rocks news traffic and weather station here is pretty 0102.9 k r and f.m. Spirit in Little Rock Ark Jojo a station. Coated in and White House Pentagon disarray I Mike Morris the hero dog of the u.s. Military mission taking out the leader of ISIS is at the White House Conan was wagging his tail and looking vice president Mike Pence is hand well President Trump paid tribute to the Belgian men and why we just gave Conan day a battle and a plaque and it would surely and I actually think going to do exactly what was going on at the Pentagon do concern about good order and discipline and it comes as Defense Secretary more Caspar says the president ordered him to prevent the loss of status for Navy Seal any Gallagher convicted of battlefield crime Democrats are running with the idea that Richard Spencer was forced out as secretary of the Navy because he would not simply carry out President Trump's tweeted order to make sure Navy Seal any Gallagher did not lose his trying to pin a 5 member Seal team would have determined if Gallagher could continue the honor of wearing the pin as he retired Senator Chuck Schumer on Spencer I believe he did the right thing he should be proud good order morale and discipline in the arm served. Says have to transcend politics the Pentagon is putting out an alternative that Spencer trying to work a back door deal directly with the White House regarding Gallagher's status Constantini Washington Congress isn't in session this week goal or awaiting an important decision from a federal judge today on whether former white.

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