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About 49000000 people are expected to hit the roads for the Thanksgiving holiday this year correspondent Jan Johnson has a few other details AAA calls it the 2nd highest Thanksgiving travel volume since they began tracking in 2000 beating last year's numbers by more than one and a half 1000001 of the reasons is lower gas prices and elevated consumer confidence that has people willing to shell out at the pump if you add in Planes Trains buses and cruise ships the total number of travelers bumps up to more than $55000000.00 Amazon has pulled more than a dozen skin lightening products with dangerous mercury levels off its Web site after pushback from Minnesota Public Health and Environmental activists The move comes after the beauty Well project and the Sierra Club state branch delivered a petition this week with over 23000 signatures to Amazon's fulfillment center and that. 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Otherwise consider. 30 partly sunny with a high of 50 clear and quite chilly 32 on Sunday Sun shot at a high is 60 warmer Monday partly sunny ice 66 Tuesday mostly cloudy and quite mild showers a thunderstorm baes 72 for Wednesday some sun early then turning rather cloudy but cooler high 53 on Accu Weather meteorologist Bob Barr's Piro Mears Radio 102.9. Talk about everyone or not talk about whatever he wants and The Left the bureaucracy. The criminalization of politics. 2 countries are facing right now. One is a constitutional republic one is a parliamentary democracy. 2 leaders are facing. The present the United States and the prime minister of Israel. These nations are far apart terms of geography. But the left whether in the United States whether in Israel whether in Europe is the same party 1st power 1st they will exploit liberty exploit the rule of law talk complex what they want. You see this happening in the United States you present a united states who has been subjected to f.b.i. Spies falsify so warrants media terror any criminal investigations Pietschmann. And for what and for what they keep coming up the different theories and different arguments they keep throwing labels around like abuse of power in so forth. And they bring in people on television they call them legal analysts who have no common sense very little substance. You have so-called reporters and hosts like Chuck Todd who's now the worst of them with deep ties to the Democrat Party family members to Jake Tapper in a rest. Fund we just keep playing along like it's Ok as they destroy our country same thing going on in Israel to give you a sense for this I want to read you a piece by Caroline Glick. Whose take calmness brilliant young lady I know her quite well. And you should read her Peggy Noonan is sophomore. Preening. Condescending and in so many ways imbecilic. Her piece today was among her worst ever so don't read any more. Not so a Caroline Glick Here's her piece it's called. The reign of the prosecutors tell me if this doesn't ring true here. In Israel Thursday morning the politicians with the big story. Israel. Have a door Lieberman was the villain who held the country hostage for nearly a year as he fed his narcissistic personality disorder this is a guy who was in who'd been close to Netanyahu. Some people say they have the goods on this guy the prosecutors. But in any event he created this party either 7 or 8 of them 10 on the best day these are formula Cooder would be like and he's with their support. Needed was 6 of them or so. In 2 different elections and Netanyahu would have been reelected prime minister but he withheld them he withheld them. She goes on the left's latest flagship the blue and white party. There's all the political camp together now that it lost its side this is a real chameleon party and she's absolutely right. Let's got killed by suicide bombers and. Crushed under the weight of bankrupt government companies all the left has left is blue and white. That's the name of the party. The party stands on 2 planks destroying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and internalizing the regime of Israel's unelected bureaucrats. The party's figurehead Benny Gantz was tempted to join a unity government with. The would guarantee he would serve as prime minister in a rotation agreement but his comrades wouldn't let him joining a government would Netanyahu would be a betrayal of the very reasons for existing So I'm happy. He walked away. And then there was. A morning a supporter shook their heads in frustration and his enemies clapped their hands in glee the sight of Israel's greatest statesman leader the public wants to keep in office unable to form a government what she means by that is they had a straight up election and the person who got the most for would be prime minister in every poll it shows. That they have. Them that the socialists set up and they found the country. Now the conversation of politicians lasted less than 24 hours at 4 o'clock in the afternoon Attorney General. Mendel belt's office announced that at 7 30 in the evening he would announce his decision to indict. The underlying message was crystal clear The day after Benny Gantz party returned his mandate to form a government to President Ruben Rivlin. To get a sufficient number of coalition partners to build a government. Man said that there's no point in talking about whether or not is going to new elections in March voters don't decide anything the lawyers politicians are irrelevant the only people who count in Israel today are the unelected attorneys around the country. But then we already knew that and the fact that as expected Mandel belt he's the attorney general announced early that he is indicted on 3 charges of breach of trust one charge of bribery and it best anti-climactic the game was up if it was ever in play in February. Last February at the height of the 1st election campaign of the year when Netanyahu in his right wing coalition partners were leading in all polls by a wide margin this attorney general mental Bill took the unprecedented and legal legally dubious step of announcing his intention to indict those charges pending a hearing the moment he made his announcement the right began to slide in the polls the leader had spoken and we had no right to question him. Scattershot campaign converged recommendation now the left had a rallying cry and a reason a vote was on the chopping block. Ever since this attorney general many so-called recommendations seen his comrades have been the only political actors with any parent speak. Or actually did leaders were rendered bit players in the Lord's regime Mandell belts announcement to Thursday just made it official to the cheers of corrupt media and I'll get to them in a minute I just had some experience with their media for the past 3 years our legal overlords have gnawing away at all aspects of political power in Israel and in the press. I thought they cared they corrupted Israel's legal system from top to bottom from beginning to end their criminal prosecution a. Travesty of every norm in democratic societies governed by the rule of law carefully edited and wholly distorted recordings and transcripts of police interrogations of. His wife son and advisors were systematically leaked to the media the fact that every such leak was a felony offense was of no matter Netanyahu is attorney submit a request the request for the attorney general mental bell to order an investigation of the criminal leaks all were summarily and scornfully rejected as the probes escalated overseen by state prosecutor. Police investigators extorted Netanyahu close advisors to coerce them into becoming state witnesses against the most successful and admired prime minister Israel has ever had investigators threaten spokesman near habits that they would destroy his family and bankrupt him if he didn't turn on Netanyahu they finally succeeded in breaking him after incarcerating him in a flea infested jail cell for 15 nights denying him sleep and medical treatment and bringing a young woman he knew into an interrogation room next to him and then threatening to destroy his family the earlier stages of the probes then police inspector general Ronnie. Spun wild unsubstantiated and frankly insane conspiracy theories about. Including the claim that he hired private investigators to tell police investigators. Then went out of his way to prevent the government from appointing a successor for him as he approached the end of his term of service still today more than a year later Israel has no police inspector general. Then of course there's the attorney general Mendel Bill himself mental. Blit. Who claims not to have known about the abuse of witnesses but then refused to investigate the allegations and Mandelbrot who promised there for publishing his recommendations for indictment at the height of the election campaign that he would approach pretrial hearing with an open mind that promise was exposed as a lie when the chief prosecutor Leon Benn left the hearing 2 days early to take her family on a safari in South Africa 11 a little thing like the prime minister's legal fate to ruin her chance to see the elephants the same man refused to investigate Ben-Ari one record last month showing that she submitted a false deposition to a court in relation to a lawsuit submitted against her by former suborn an attorney and of course there is the substance of the charges themselves. The charge that Netanyahu accepted a bribe is based on an invented notion that positive media coverage of a politician is bribery the notion that press coverage can be considered bribery exists nowhere in the democratic world no prosecutor in the world has ever indicted or investigated a politician or media organization of having committed bribery involving the provision of positive news coverage senior American jurists appeared before Amanda bell and not Yahoo's suff evidently on Sirius and hearing to warn him that pursuing bribery charges against politicians for receiving positive coverage is a recipe for destroying freedom of the press and democracy itself. But then that's the entire point of going after Netanyahu isn't it with invented crimes now that Netanyahu has been charged for bribery and incidentally he never even received positive coverage for the media organ accused of providing it. Every politician that gets on the lawyers bad side will be sweating bricks any time a reporter write something nice about him. After Mander belt made his primetime announcement Netanyahu pledged to fight for his freedom and for the restoration of Israeli democracy and the rule of law in his speech Thursday night he made an impassioned appeal to his decent political rivals to join him in this fight if any politicians doubt the nightly house struggle is their struggle it should look no further than the prosecutor's announcement last week that it was hoping in a review of a criminal probe of Dance's role in the so-called 5th dimension affair the 5th dimension was a startup headed itself for $14000000.00 allegedly violated standard procedures maybe Gates did nothing wrong but then again Netanyahu is being indicted for crimes that don't actually exist so it doesn't matter the message is clear every politician is at the mercy of the prosecutors fall out of line and you'll become a criminal suspect before you can say prosecutorial abuse it's certainly true that the left shares the prosecutor's hatred of Netanyahu blue and white exist to destroy him but all the leftist politicians and Lieberman who are celebrating today need to understand that the Netanyahu they love to hate is their best friend and defender today if Netanyahu is found guilty of crimes that were invented for the purpose of destroying him then their goose will be cooked along with his. Politicians may make us happy or sad frustrated or infuriated but today and post democratic Israel hardly matters Netanyahu called last night for an investigation of the investigators and less our elected official join forces so he does call day the voters will like to them will never be relevant again. And here in the United States. The present the United States Donald Trump has never ever been treated like any president in American history there been investigations criminal investigations but not like this based on a fantasy based on opposition research. There were an impeachment hearings but none like this ever the Democrat Party in the media have destroyed forever this important constitutional provision the impeachment clause they've turned it into a mockery here say evidence president doesn't have counsel present the minority party can't call witnesses without approval from the majority they can't provide evidence without approval from the majority the individual but the main accuser his name cannot be revealed he cannot be confronted in the American people are supposed to never know his name a secret for all time they're destroying their country from within in Israel and we are destroying our country from within in America who are they and who are we the left the left in government the left in law enforcement the left in intelligence services the left in the media and the left in the Democrat party whether they speak Hebrew or speak English or Spanish or French or whatever they speak the left as the left and they are totalitarian. 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Senior diplomatic correspondent for Channel 13 news it's a big channel in Israel. Not a t.v. Station they do run Fox. Obviously 7 hours ahead are they but that said. Barak Ravi. He's been watching very carefully my posts on Netanyahu in Israel and. And the coasters. And I want to show you how this works for psychic disaster but I want to show you how this works just as it does in the United States be right back. 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Livia's interim government ousted president. Terrorism today for reportedly organizing highway blockades that are intended to prevent food from reaching. Too. Early. 53. To be thankful. For the Democrats. Following Marc he was Radio 102.9. 1 of the problems in a lot of these free countries today is we're being scammed by a phony media that is hardcore left the vast majority there's no diversity of thought they do not seek objective truth even imperfectly they just don't seek it. And they believe all information should be laundered through their ideology in Israel the left is hard core left and what's amazing is under Netanyahu they've had 10 years of relative peace and enormous prosperity. Their farm he's been more successful than any time in their history if you look at the relationship between the prime minister and our president. And how much fruit that has borne for the Israeli people but they're more than prepared to burn it all down certainly the media are the left the prosecutors who are government bureaucrats the police who are government bureaucrats not like our cops totally different. Sign a number of posts for the last 2448 hours about how appalling all this is on my social sites. Because all kinds of people do including. The senior diplomatic correspondent for Channel 13 in Israel. I listen to what he writes this is a liberal. Mark Levin is pretty worked up about that Netanyahu indictments 7 very angry tweets about it in the last 24 hours he's obviously entitled to his opinion but his rage is kind of strange considering he doesn't live in Israel doesn't vote in Israel and doesn't pay taxes in Israel why. Do you think that Mr Producer. Kind of strange don't you think. Size busy today and I answered a few hours later Iraq. Is a liberal Israeli journalist of course Iraq Ravi is unknown in America but in Israel he's thought by some to be a big fish apparently he's an avid Levin follower and rabbit is also a liberal Israeli journalist Now Barak Israel is the ancestral home of all Jews sky lives in Israel I suspect mostly in a tiny part of Tel Aviv but the guy lives in Israel does he even understand the ancient history that surrounds him of course the. Israel is the incest home of all Jews not just leftist Jews not just Israeli Jews as a Jew who is an American I care deeply about what occurs in and to Israel and you folks know that you listen indeed I speak often apart Israel on all my media platforms Moreover Israel and the United States are the strongest of allies and while I don't pay taxes in Israel some of my taxes go to Israel while I don't vote in Israel my vote in America impacts Israel for example trump an avid Israel supporter as opposed to say Sanders who is deeply hostile to Israel Moreover I dare say I know more about the law including the law relating to these bogus charges against Netanyahu than you. We've even talked about these charges I've written about these charges apparently I also know more about freedom of the press and free speech than you Iraq rabbit I want it's called passion not rage Iraq now how about you try a bit harder to practice objective journalism rather than wear yourself wondering why this Jew cares about what happens in Israel Admittedly I probably care more than many liberals who actually live in Israel. Yes indeed. Now what I could've also said but I'll say it on the air. If this is the way he thinks about Jewish Americans imagine what he thinks about evangelical Americans Christianity was born where in the Middle East it's the 2nd oldest of the religions Bethlehem. Or even chuckles allowed to have strong opinions according to this liberal so called journalist about what goes on in Israel of course they are and not just opinions passion opinions Israel and Jerusalem are strongly tied to Christianity and he wonders why does Mr Journalist he wonders why we are passionate about this. Well my friend I wish us passion about Israel as I am as a Jewish American a constitutional conservative I wish us passion about Israel as the evangelical community and so many evangelical Christians that I know from past and so many others and it's your mindset it's your mind set by rock that can destroy your little country from within your myopic area logical mindset and it will be because of people like you media frauds. So rather than serving as a check on government power and informing your people about what your police are up to about what your prosecutors are up to about how freedom of the press is endangered you cheer them on you're in bed with them because for you unlike with Marx and Engels and Mao Lenin Trotsky and others the ends justify the means and what this so-called journalist and his ilk for the leftists in Israel the ends well the ends are the elimination of Benjamin Netanyahu. In fact ladies and gentlemen individuals of this ilk who are not in the media in Israel and in the United States from these self hating left wing organizations think tanks N.G.O.s and so forth don't have the name Jerusalem in their in the name Judaism in their the name Israel in there and these are hard core leftwing self-haters or about ideology ideology they might be born Jews just as Catholics maybe just born Catholics while they're talking about open ended up portion and so forth but they do not embrace their history the tradition or really their religion and I don't mean there's one way to practice I mean the fundamentals of the religion. There's a few of these clowns in my own family and I really want to mention their names but I don't want to be. Got to go to Thanksgiving Harry Netanyahu essentially is being charged putting aside some of the more ridiculous charges but the fundamental one for seeking positive news media in exchange for supporting certain news media now that never happens in America does it. Is 33 year quads a free country in the face of the earth where anybody's been charged with bribery because of that bribery bribery and the idiots in the Israeli media including the idiots at the Jerusalem Post at Yahoo must resign don't understand that he stands between what the police state bureaucrats and prosecutors in Israel are doing and liberty their liberty just as the fools in our country don't get it just as the fools in our own country don't get it. Then they take polls if they beat down beat down beat down the prime minister a beat down the present United States day in and day out these frauds these millennial frauds who pretend that they're news people they're not news people they're barely people at all they're machines with propaganda who look at this poll 50 some percent of the people one Netanyahu to resign. And how many of those 53 percent know what's going on. This is look when you look at these openly aggressive tyrannical societies other than those that pretend to be free and aren't what do they do they control the press whether it's the Internet whether it's newspapers radio television they control the press in Israel it's not the government but it's the progressive hard left India logs that control communications it's the same thing in the United States the same thing in the United States and they are utterly intolerant of just one to 3 percent of competitors who may not agree with them they want to destroy them in our country every day. The prime time lineup at Fox which brings in the funds to fund the rest of the lineup let's be honest is under vicious attack the newsrooms so-called all over the country sometimes even their own newsroom talk radio it's always a cycle comes under attack why because the left demands uniformity and conformity of thought Donald Trump his election they take personally interferes with their power grab Benjamin Netanyahu has been in office over 9 years he's in their way they've had enough they've had enough of peace and prosperity they've had enough of one of the greatest statesman in the modern era they want dance whose Gantz. Gains when she stands these are political George they're not statesmen the people who are rooting for the drum the minds of Netanyahu are in Tehran they're living on they're in Syria they're in Turkey and they're in anti-Semitic so magic halls and bars throughout Europe and on college campuses in the United States and those who are rooting for the demise of Donald Trump said in Beijing and Moscow Yes Moscow and Tehran along with the d.n.c. N.b.c. A.b.c. And c.b.s. And yet they would have you believe that Donald Trump loves these dictators and yet it's the dictators and the mass murderers who love the American media. The attacks against President just won't stop if you're tired of the media war on Trump tune into Newsmax t.v. America's new conservative news channel this week Newsmax has Mike Reagan Alan Dershowitz Bill O'Reilly Pat Buchanan and our truth squad exposing the media lies check out Newsmax t.v. Now on Directv x. Finity dish spectrum Cox optimum Fi OS uber Suddenlink and more just check your channel guide millions are watching Newsmax t.v. Because it's real news for real people does your dog scratch tanker shed like crazy come to dine to fight for help order a 90 day supply of dynamite pick up 2 bottles of liquor chops get the 3rd bottle free new improved liquid chops with omega 6 omega 3 vitamin e. And now 6 extra direct Fed microbial even better for the digestive track enemy and system and dogs love it try little shops buy to get one free this is for died of I don't want to add all of these why. Of education and. Learning. Faith and Freedom for 175 years has been committed to these. Many of them have lost their way he maintains an unwavering commitment to learning Faith and Freedom. I've known him president Dr for a long time many decades you won't find a better person in every respect and he says learning is difficult and takes more than talent takes hard work which requires character. Freedom freedom is essential for learning but it's fragile constantly under threat so it's principles must be studied by all for the sake of its defense. Hillsdale faith and learning faith and learning are integrated toward God because He is the 1st authority. Curriculum in all students learn the basics of the u.s. Constitution. Biology Business Economics or any of the dozens of other areas of study all students learn what it means to be good citizens and why it's necessary to fight for freedom. Truth in defending liberty since 1904 and you can learn more. I mention Peggy Noonan very briefly I don't really mention her at all. I rarely read her columns the popular with the Drudge Report the links to them. And why she says something profound now. And so she's trying to Hillary Clinton she might as well write a piece about the deplorable she was never Trumper of sorts and you can see them coming out of the woods now as they join with the hardcore left but the Obama holdover. With the bureaucrats with the foreign policy bureaucracy. They cannot tolerate a president the United States that doesn't conform to their demands. And I was thinking about this today I think about a lot of things every day you know the left never even conforms to the left demands because the left demands can never be satisfied. It's a constant state of turmoil. A constant state of more government more bureaucracy more regulations more taxes more programs less liberty. Less capitalism less family less faith. You see it's one thing in your own life to have endless desires and wants. And to pursue them to the end it's actually healthy many respects but it's another thing to use the power of government. To force the pursuit of your endless desires and wants. That's tyranny progressivism socialism what you will the right word really is statism it is an endless pursuit endless pursuit. Of impossibilities. As a continuously. The golden goose demanding that I lay more and more gold. But the times and there's no more gold. And so the pursuits die and the whip comes out the point of the gun comes out. Because you see. Traffic and weather station. 2.93 are here and there. Are. Watchdog report for Romain warning who sat in a report due out next month the Justice Department's inspector general is expected to conclude that surveillance of a former Trump aide was legally justified sources also notable side missteps that include the allegation alteration of an e-mail by an f.b.i. Lawyer but it also reportedly found that political bias did not top officials running the f.b.i. Probe into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign in 2016 Meanwhile after a White House event President Trump was asked by a reporter whether he's going to fire the whistleblower whose accounts led to the impeachment inquiry what whistleblower only do. I considered to be a fake whistleblower because what he wrote didn't correspond to what I said. Before and then there's. Thank you very much credit blame is being laid in the latest outbreak that comes along with a warning health officials say they're investigating a new food poisoning outbreak involving e-coli bacteria and they're telling consumers to avoid Romaine grown in Salinas California or skip the leafy green variety entirely if the label doesn't say where it came from at least 40 people have gotten sick in more than a dozen states not unlike the incidences of illness that came just before Thanksgiving last year I'm Jan Johnson a federal judge awarded a Washington Post journalist and his family nearly $180000000.00 in their lawsuit against Iran over his captivity and torture being held internationally criticized espionage charges the judge entered the judgment late today in the case filed by Jason resign and his family a Delta flight bound from Boston to Los Angeles had to make an emergency landing this evening in Syracuse New York after reporting an engine problem.

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