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Holiday season to the post office right now get a special offer from Stamps dot com including postage and a digital scale go to Stamps dot com click the microphone at the top of the page and type in radio that Stamps dot com click on the mike and type radio. News traffic and weather station Radio 102.9 k r and f.m. Spirit in Little Rock. Station. Democrats debate more impeachment testimony coming I may have been hanging 10 Democrats battling for their party's presidential nomination are in Atlanta for their 5th debate and as Correspondent Bob Constantini reports it's their 1st debate since the impeachment hearings went public right off the top as expected to 1st questions here at the m.s.m. B.c. Washington Post debate dealt with the impeachment proceedings Joe Biden pointed out Donald Trump doesn't want me to be the nominee considering what has come out of testimony regarding the push to investigate Hunter Biden earrings let Republicans keep bringing up his sons being honored by Ukrainian gas company to its source House impeachment investigators will question Fiona Hill and David Holmes tomorrow Hill is a former presidential advisor specializing in the former Soviet Union Russia and European affairs Holmes is a political counselor at the u.s. Embassy in Ukraine where there were 2 hearings today the 1st featured ambassador Gordon someone at the 2nd senior officials from the State and Defense Departments testified David Hale with the State Department says Ukraine needed the u.s. Military aid for its ongoing war with Russia the State Department position was to advocate for the continuation of that assistance as an important element in fact a key element of our strategy to support Russia to support Ukraine against Russia chairman Adam Schiff pressed the matter would you agree though that it would be very unusual to place to hold a military aid in order to leverage a foreign country to get them to investigate a political opponent Yes Republicans have argued there could be no quid pro quo for the release of military aid because Ukraine didn't know about the hold but Defense Department official. Testified Ukraine did it. The u.s. Military formally notified a court martial Navy Seal commando that he faces proceedings to expel him from the ranks of elite special forces even though his demotion was reversed by President Trump special ops Chief Edward Gallagher was charged with war crimes during a deployment to Iraq. Trading involves financial risk. Past results do not guarantee future performance most people in today's economy. Software you can remove that dynamic from your investment strategy. Vantage Point has spent the last 3 decades. You can put to use today to take advantage of. The market moves. Massive quantities of. The information you need to make the right decisions to optimize your profits. For free when you tax money to. Take back control of your financial future tax money. Gas and Electric California's largest utility is again warning residents that they may be without power. Power company says for now it's the best way to reduce the risk of wildfires the winds are back in that conditions are still dry when the winds blow the power lines into dry brush wildfire now in spite of the governor accusing me of corporate greed in not investing in infrastructure and profits for shareholders he. Says right now is the only option. Has promised to invest in infrastructure and technology and has been pressured to reimburse ratepayers for costs associated with the power shutoffs worsening wildfires floods and hurricanes of climate change threaten at least 60 percent of u.s. Superfund sites according to the Government Accountability Office but the Environmental Protection Agency is rejecting the report's findings. 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I 66 showers and thunderstorms to be heavy later died so watch for flooding 55 more rain on Friday cooler with a high of 57 back to dry weather for the weekend sunshine a few clouds Saturday and Sunday Saturday 55 milder Sunday with 60. Just. First news weekday mornings on the radio 12.9. Get your day Is the bench going to turn coming up for this how little bit later on in the hour we'll be joined by Ellie Stuckey from blaze t.v. To talk about her congressional testimony on abortion it didn't go quite how Democrats wanted it to go plus we'll be joined by Representative Dan Crenshaw We'll talk impeachment $29.00 t. We'll talk about America's foreign policy and moving forward toward the Democratic debate tonight but we begin at this hour with the simple fact that the Democrats are not particularly good for Jewish Americans the reason I say this is because let me give you let me give you an example so today today there is a report that a Jewish man was nearly stabbed to death in New York outside a synagogue according to the Jerusalem Post an Orthodox man was stabbed multiple times on his walk to synagogue morning prayers and then was approaching the synagogue. In Spring Valley New York when a man got out of a car began beating and stabbed him in the sale and fled the scene before police and 1st responders arrived according to an assistant to the synagogues rabbi the incident occurred approximately 5 45 am upon arrival was quickly determine the individual had been stabbed and slashed with an unknown weapon and not struck by a vehicle read a statement from the town of her mom told police department investigation confirms the victim was walking to synagogue and was stabbed more than once by at least one individual in the street the victim is now undergoing surgery and is in critical condition the motivation for the stabbing is still unknown some residents of Rockland County home to about 100000 Jews have recently objected to the presence of a growing Orthodox Jewish population prompting accusations of anti-Semitism in August a county Republican Party ad accuse a set of Jews of course in court plotting a takeover. So are the media reporting this they have not as of yet they have not as of yet. There's been a dramatic uptick in the number of beatings. Assaults on Jews in New York City and its immediate suburbs in the in recent years and the media have basically refused to report on this and the New York Times last October announced that the reason they want to porting on it is because not one of these attacks could be tied to a white supremacist group so in other words the Democrats in the media they only want to talk about anti-Semitism when it happens to apply to white supremacists when when we're talking about anti-Semitism in minority communities in black communities or Muslim communities then that is remote you're not allowed to talk about any of that and to talk about any of that is bad taste and thus the idea that Jews are mostly threatened by the Republican Party these days is bizarre to me I mean simply not listen I am not downplaying the the impact of white supremacists I'm not downplaying their presence in American society I'm not going to pretend that I think that they don't exist of course they do I mean personally threatened by them I have 24 seventh's Kerry because of them they're out there they're vile they are terrible and they are in fact reaching out to new audiences on the right there's no question that that is happening but if you're talking about the long term danger to American Jews that is not coming from a very small but dangerous coterie of white supremacists that is coming from a Democratic Party as well and to wink and nod at anti-Semitism coming from the mainstream of their own party willing to allow the media not to even cover anti-Semitism so long as it's coming from the left so that's why I got to take a giant grain of salt when the Jewish Democratic Council of America launches its 2020 campaign and targets President Trump is the biggest threat to American Jews literally this week President trying to ministration announce that Israeli settlements would not be considered illegal under American law and by the American presidency. There are actual settlements in Israel in the Golan Heights named after President from there's a street in Jerusalem named after President from he moved to the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem now that doesn't necessarily speak to his policy toward Jews in America but there is very little evidence that he is anti-Semitic in the United States either his purchases or ministration of people who are considered all right people like Steve Benen or already Jason and to pretend that the true threat to American Jews ideologically comes from President from who again is very close with his Orthodox Jewish daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared over them serving in his administration that's a stretch is a massive stretch. Meanwhile the Jewish Democratic Council of America completely ignoring anti-Semitism on their own side they have cut a 62nd video ad in which they link President Trump to Charlottesville. The video shows scenes from the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and highlights the affidavit posted by the shooter in which he quoted from sentiments about immigrants calling them immigrant invaders and infestation but the fact that there is crossover between white supremacist beliefs on immigration and immigration restriction is believe that or not based on what supremacism is not particularly surprising there's a lot of crossover between anti-Semitic beliefs on the left about income inequality and general democratic beliefs about income inequality the question is which party is more likely to embrace its anti-Semite. And it's hard to argue that the Democratic Party which has embraced full scale people who proceeded to leave in Ohio Mark overt anti-Semite are doing a better job in fighting anti-Semitism and the Trump administration. The ad from the Jewish Democrats claims that the president is directly aiming his dangerous rhetoric at Jews. And they quoted his statement earlier this year the Jewish people who vote for Democrats showed total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty Now I talked about that statement at the time and my impression that statement is that if it is that if Trump was talking about practicing Jews like Jews who care about Judaism and spent a lot of time thinking about Judaism and Jewish Jewish religious priorities for example and he's not wrong if you're an orthodox Jew in America or an observant Jew in America or a Jew who cares about a religious freedom issue I don't know why you would vote for Democrats better pledged earlier this year to remove nonprofit status from every religious charity in America if you're a religious Jew who cares about the fate of Israel which you would as a religious Jew pray with regard to the safety and security of Jews in Israel literally every day then why you would defend a Democratic Party that cut a deal with a nuclear Iran is beyond me so Trump wasn't wrong about that from a religious perspective obviously a Jewish Democrats have to come up with some excuse for the fact that their party has so wildly Dave verged into and veered into German Corben territory in Great Britain Jewish Democratic chairman Ron Klein said Jewish Democrats have an obligation to work to defeat from in 2020 Haley so for so for the council's executive director said Nancy's medic dog whistles conspiracy theories bigotry harmful rhetoric and policies are permeating the g.o.p. And they start with Trump. According to a poll by the Jewish electorate Institute 73 percent of Jewish voters feel less secure they did 2 years ago which is not a surprise. 88 percent of American Jews say they feel anti-Semitism is a problem because it is Ok Meanwhile in other crazy cultural warfare over and over a Binghamton University Art Laffer former Reagan administration economic adviser was shouted down at an event. According to Fox News The Economist was invited to speak about economics by the school's college Republicans however as soon as laughter approached the podium protesters with a bullhorn jumped up on desks shouting with the intent to shut down laughter speech according to university officials 2 of the protesters were arrested laugh and other students were immediately ushered out of the room. According to according to laugh or he said they were out in the crowd jumping on tables one of them put on a mask and sort of looked like it and then the police pulled them out made sure I got out of there I would have stayed longer but they want to get out right away one man was yelling that the Campus Republicans who invited laugh are racist and fascist. In a statement vice president for soon affairs Brian Rose said the university is incredibly disappointed with the events that happened particularly given the demonstrators were provided an adjacent lecture hall to engage in counter discussion the protesters chose instead to infringe on the expressive activity of others as an institution of higher education freedom of speech is fundamental to our core mission Well then why were they allowed to shut down the event that would be the big question What it not. I mean this is. Pretty pretty astonishing stuff again I guess they just hate marginal tax cuts because that's Laffer His whole schtick right mean Laffer is not even a controversial speaker when Art Laffer speaks for yaf he is talking about the value of capitalism and the so-called Laffer Curve which suggests that as you increase tax rates beyond a certain point tax revenue actually goes down because it lowers economic growth to remove money from the capitalist system. So the protests it at Suny Binghamton apparently were so strong that laughter had to be escorted out we seen this happen here daily wire one of the other folks over daily worse than he had been a couple of weeks ago that was cut short by protesters so this is why it's always bizarre you see people who are like well you know when Shapiro goes to campus and there are protesters it's because he's so controversial really are they shutting down Jason Riley of the Wall Street Journal because he's so controversial or laugh or controversial or has left simply decided that campuses are the specific preserve an exclusive preserve of the radical left and anybody who steps on campus must be of that viewpoint in order to be allowed to speak Ok we'll get to more of this in just one second 1st let's talk about the popularity of socialism among young people polls show that socialism is rising in popularity mainly because young people don't know what socialism is never had to live under it they've lived in a free market system their entire life they're tweeting about socialism and how great it is from their capitalism produced i Phones and capitalism produced Twitter and so it is imperative that we understand exactly how much socialism has crept into the Democratic Party that is why my friends over 3 more to put together a socialist scorecard evaluating where presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren sin on the issues of the day if you'd like to check out just text Ben my name Ben 25286 and you'll receive exclusive access to Freedom Works socialist scorecard if you're going to candids yourself decide how socialist they are especially tonight is a big debate so now would be a good time to check it out Freedom Works or spends a lot of time analyzing the policies of those running against President Trump if you'd like to view the scorecard please text Ben my name Ben to 5286 receive exclusive access to Freedom Works is socialist scorecard right now Freedom Works is doing great job pushing back against the socialist left you can help them out by texting Ben my name Ben 25286 and get yourself informed. I'm always astonished when I when I hear the media treated it as sort of a common occurrence not to be not to be commented upon when universities shut down speeches like this again Art Laffer is not exactly a radical character but what is happening is that professors I know this because they've done this to me professors on campus very often will tell their left students them speakers who are coming are white supremacists and racists and bigots who are threatening violence students don't know anything about speakers nothing about speakers or they'll put up a poster with a couple of quotes taken out of context and then that's all you need to know about the speaker you're not allowed to actually look at their body of work or if you bother to look at a body of work you probably wouldn't be protesting so instead you stand outside you shout about racism in this happen in Boston University last week I gave a speech about the evils of racism the evils of Jim Crow the evils of slavery but I pointed out that the running theme of America is the triumph of freedom over slavery due in large part of the bravery of black Americans and I was being protested by 200 students outside of time who are calling me a vicious racist who didn't take slavery seriously because they're ignorant and that's because the professors urge them to engage in this sort of ignorance better to morally castigate your opponents and to listen to them and realize that you may indeed agree with the vast majority of what they have to say and I'll tell you when I was at Boston University there are a lot of folks on the left who were at that speech and a lot of those people on the left were nodding along because what I was saying was utterly uncontroversial about slavery and Jim Crow and they're evil but they were expecting me to get up there and I don't know what percentage slavery didn't exist or something. This is how you end up with students shouting down Art Laffer and Andrew Klavan is an utter absurdity already coming up we're going to be joined by Allie Stuckey a blaze t.v. Should testified before Congress last week about abortion it did not go well for congressional Democrats apparently are very shy about both science and the nature of the Abortion Act itself is the mention here. It's Jamie progress is number one number 2 employee leave a message at that page Amy it's me Jamie this is your daily pep talk I know it's been rough going ever since people found out about your acapella group Matt harmony but you will bounce back I mean you're the guy always helping people find coverage options with the name your price tool it should be you've given me the pep talk now get out there hit that high note and take Matt harmony all the way to nationals this. Sorry. 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Welcome back to the bench here is how well you may have missed it last week but you should know it was pretty great moment in Congress Allie Stuckey my friend who is from blaze t.v. She's host of the podcast relatable she breaks down the latest income. For a news from a Christian conservative perspective here on Fox News a lot Ellie was called to testify by Republicans on the hill in a hearing about abortion Democrats could not handle it. Sort of Flomax them Ellie thanks much for joining the show thanks for having me so why don't we start with the basic premise behind why was this year and even taking place. There is legislation in the very That of course given to Skerries history Kone had it so terrible because it shut down abortion clinics throughout the state now Missouri is the only state with only wanted for Shanklin a Democrat for lack of better way to describe it or freaking out about that saying that they that lawmakers in the jury are taking away a woman's right to choose a are stifling reproductive rights in the state so they had that overseer of the clinic in St Louis Missouri and abortion provider there giving testimony as well as someone who had had an abortion herself and 2 other heads of organization so-called justice organizations there providing their expert testimony then you were basically the only Republican witnesses as far as I understand it yes and for the left to do you to explain why abortion is wrong you gave a terrific opening statement about the nature of abortion you describe in detail what abortion constitutes And then the Democrats were very angry you had an exchange with Debbie Wasserman Schultz I want you to tell people about because it really was astonishing Yes it was interesting so Debbie Wasserman Schultz wasn't there for the majority of the hearing that lasted a couple hours I actually had to leave to catch a flight at the end of it unfortunately and to be at the chairwoman announced that I would be leaving deputy watch for Mitchell came and right before I was about sleep which I do think was intentional and h. Or that she told everyone she actually wasn't addressing me she just wanted to make the statement that there were public. The witness is simply sharing her opinion today that she doesn't have any kind of doctor any kind of medical or scientific background of this is just her opinion she actually did not want my response at all but the chairwoman who is that you know I think that Whitney should respond and I'm glad that I was able to you for just a 2nd to point out that even though I don't have a quote that ground I am the only witness willing to talk about what an abortion typically is but before I could finish that is that they said that he watched a ritual that he was reclaiming my time and that he never intended kill at your actual question toward me anyway it is pretty is time and again it's pretty amazing an astonishing that folks on the left you talk about abortion as though it's basically just that he's cleaning they are they're absolutely unwilling to talk about the act of abortion itself because euphemisms on a routine basis when my my pet peeves for years I mean I did a 5 minute segment when I had when I did a special on the nature of abortion which I describe as the actual abortion procedure and people lost their minds on last if if folks on the left are so all fired confident in the more ality of their position why are they so afraid of describing the actual procedure that leads to the death of the child. It's amazing in this abortion providers she said that her clinic actually performs $3000.00 abortions every year so we know that she knows exactly what an abortion entails but if you listen closely to their language she will you. Like pregnancy remains so she will go out of her way as many programs do to completely obscure the child at all and like you said make it seem like it's just you know a root canal because they know this is not a great p.r. Strategy that you know someone who says that they are pro-choice have believed in the so-called woman's right to choose they're very uncomfortable describe being or listening to talking about for example a dilation and extraction abortion dismembering a child in the will because it's very easy when you consider that it's just the if you consider that it's just a couple of cells it's more like a tumor or appear is site well then yeah it's easy to argue for the morality of abortion of bodily autonomy but when you think about the fact that it's actually a child then all of us all of us with any kind of sliver of morality at all we get a little bit queasy about that which is exactly why of course people like you and I bring it up. Testified on the Hill about abortion last week the other thing that strikes me about Wasserman Schultz's response to you is it is true that you are not a doctor is also true that she is not a doctor and sort of amazed that that the pitch by the left on this is that only women are allowed to have input on abortion unless the woman thinks the wrong way in case in which case it should be a doctor who agrees the pro-choice woman. Well the easiest way not to contend or the easiest way to contend with an argument is to not contend with that at all and so if you can simply try to deal with your demise that what someone is that if I say no he doesn't have a medical degree which by the way like you said the other 3 witnesses to cite the doctor they didn't have a medical degree either and she didn't have anything to say about them sharing just their opinion it was only be that would share in my opinion but you're right it's a very easy simple way for them not to have to contend with anything that I said and you'll notice that even though I described an abortion either the doctor or any of the Democrats corrected me they never said no that's not actually what happened to you or you know you're incorrect you don't have the information or education if that were true if I were just an amateur to have no idea what I was talking about you would think that the doctor of the room would be able to correct the record but she didn't because I was right Ellie you've been going around on college campuses and talking about this issue as well you certainly see a groundswell in the pro-life movement I feel like over the last several years even talking on campuses talking young people that there is in fact a building pro-life movement that is not mirrored in a lot of other areas of American politics. It's hard to see it from a wide lens I think it's hard to see the big picture I know that I personally I'm sure you have Q I personally get messages and e-mails frequently I would say at least once a week from young people saying hey I didn't know this is what happened in abortion and now either my mind is changed or I started to think differently about it that would be I think the number one objective that I get e-mails about say this changed my perspective and it's not that I had any kind of more compelling argument than anyone else out there I found a tricky way to talk about it it really is simply saying here is what you know here's the facts about gestation and be to look at that all of it here's what abortion 50 cli actually is not hyperbole laziness not trying to make anything up but they know they hear the back when people hear that like everything earlier even just the liver of morality that all of us have it but make people uncomfortable and I think when they take that back and ask why do you really believe this and they have a hard time reconciling. Her podcast relatable she breaks down all the really appreciate your time thanks so much Ben Coming up we'll be joined by Representative stopped by to give us his take on impeachment as well as the latest. Democratic presidential contenders are debating. Correspondent Bob Constantini reports much of the focus has been on impeachment on health care while impeachment the country Medicare for all seems to be dividing the party senators Warner and Sanders defended their plans. For the potential cost of hers if taxes are not raised on middle income Americans Joe Biden and people both argued against forcing your government run health care plan or an all American. Public Option is the way to go for those. We were covering all day President Trump has been tweeting about the impeachment hearings Democrat Raj Krishnamurthy asked u.s. Ambassador Gordon song about on October 8th of this year the president twee tweeted that you are a really good man and a great American and of course on November 8th one month later he said let me just tell you I hardly know the gentleman easy come easy go. 50 to. 66 showers and thunderstorms to be heavy later died so watch for flooding 55 more rain on Friday cooler with a high of 57 back to dry weather for the weekend sunshine in a few clouds Saturday and Sunday I Saturday 55 miles or Sunday with a high as 60. Just. Chris Plante on News Radio 102.9. What did they think it was in the 1st place how dumb are these people the u.s. Attorney in Connecticut as at the request of the attorney general the United States what did you think it was everybody was going to order Chinese food and it was going. Here's the birth of these people it's impossible to Chris Plante weekday mornings 9. News Radio 102.9. 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Then always great to be doing well so why don't we start with sort of foreign policy and then we'll get to obviously the big news of the day but the big news internationally really should be bigger news domestically and that is that China is running roughshod over Hong Kong violating treaty obligations Hong Kong could be swallowed up by China as as soon as this month well what do you make of what American policy should be toward China and what do you make of the Hong Kong situation. First of all if they. To talk about American policy Congress has been pretty clear on this the Senate passed a bill unanimously to support Hong Kong and require that the State Department actually. Issue a report on the status of the freedoms of the people of Hong Kong and I think that's important the House passed our own version and mid October and I like to see a conference that gets that to the president's desk and I think it's I think it's incumbent on us to make a very clear statement about that and you know show them the moral support for freedom and for democracy that. You know we should continue to speak out about that and make sure that this stays on everybody's radar the fact that it is not on everybody's radar is I think in large part due to domestic political concerns because not the only foreign policy matter and it's all about everybody's radar over Iran there are rolling. Rolling protests have been happening for months announcement this week that up to 100 protesters have basically been murdered by the Iranian government nobody seems to give a damn or notice Meanwhile the media continue to proclaim that the Iran nuclear deal is a wonderful idea what you make of the situation in Iran. You know similarly I think I think we need to speak with one voice on this and support the people of Iran. I've met a lot of Iranians You'd be surprised how much how much similarities they have with our western values I think they want their freedom they want democracy they want free markets they want prosperity and they're fighting for that and you know it it's I I appreciate the president on this and and pulling out of the Iran deal and showing sowing the regime for what they are which is a murderous regime that that cares a lot more about regional influence and regional conflict whether it's supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon whether it's supporting Hezbollah and Syria and influencing that war in Iraq murdering our soldiers in Iraq they've never been a good regional actor they've never been a force for good and Iran will sort of ignore that and that was that was always the problem with not only that but it was it was based on a set of lies right and we've seen that recently where we've actually found. Your rainy and traces of uranium and under cleared sites and so there's a lot of problems with this regime and you know this it's really coming home to roost for them I mean ever since they you know they imprisoned this woman might as Robbie for dancing on her Instagram videos and the run of people see that right there suffering from this regime that uprising of the future in the rightfully standing up to it and taking to the streets and I think it's incumbent on us to support that what in terms of American foreign policy can actually be done with regard to both Iran and also the situation in Venezuela which seems to come to an impasse protesters are back out in the streets again supporting landslide Ogle of course was nearly the new leader of Venezuela after what was basically a failed attempt to oust Nicolas Maduro majority has recaptured the military and strengthened his grip there what is the future of Venezuela what can America do there. So that's a deeper conversation what exact. Do we do and there's no obviously no appetite for us to take military action let's say you know I don't think that's quite on the table really I don't think that the American people have appetite for that so what else can we do. I think these protesters and you know whether it's in Venezuela or Hong Kong and Iran it's more important to them than we realize that we actually just speak out that would that we show with one voice that we do support them on a moral or moral basis for what they're fighting for I know this because this is what I hear from them and this is what they want to know because we asked them in a swale and here in the us Iranians here in the u.s. What is it we can actually do and they say just just support us with some moral support that's actually what we need we don't need you to come in and save us we want to fight this for ourselves and I think that's something we can do and I hope we can we continue doing it showing the same amount of support for Venezuelans and Iranians that with that weight that the Congress has for Hong Kong who is being represented then Crenshaw Ok So rather than question I mean the big news of the day that everybody is covering is the continuation of impeachment between 100 Democrats attempts to impeach a president from the impeachment inquiry today at Gordon someone who's the e.u. Ambassador under President front and the only person to have testified so far we actually had one on one conversations with from about activity in Ukraine where do you think the Democrats stand in this impeachment inquiry What do you think happens next. I don't think much has changed even with. Silence testimony today when he comes out saying. I can answer the question there was definitely a quid pro quo but then he's asked some more questions about that he said Well did you have a conversation with the president about a quid pro quo to the president direct how you to tie the aid to these investigations and what isn't let's say says No Ok well then why are you saying that there's a quid pro quo Well he presumed it Ok so now it's just your theory it's an opinion and so that this really you know we're really left in the in the same spot where the there's 2 questions that I like to ask about this it what was it appropriate for for the president to be to be asking about the Biden breeze my relationship and pretty obvious conflict of interest which by the way all of the all of the witnesses have agreed upon even though they're Democrat what it says I've agreed that there was a clear conflict of interest and concern there is it appropriate for the president to ask about that and I would answer that yes it's in the national interest for us to know about a former vice president put a very clear conflict of interest then the next question is Well what was President Trump using some kind of quid pro quo and again there's a theory about this but it appears that all the people implementing the policy never had a clear answer so they're presuming things and someone has made the strongest presumption of everybody but one only but when you dig into this you actually ask it will you have a policy memo give an e-mail to the president actually tell you this you know the answer is now so where does this leave us I mean this question of for quid pro quo is very much unanswered and and again it really can really fall back into the foundational question isn't even wrong to ask about these things and I have trouble saying that yes it's problematic to ask about those things I think it actually is in the public interest to know this it seems like that latter question is the one that matters these I think is going to be much more difficult for the Trump administration to claim that a quid pro quo is basically seen by everybody and separate from Rudy Giuliani was calling for him but not in terms he has gotten some and understood there is liberal while that he was sort of assuming at the core Bulger's include Broadwell that basically all the witnesses understood. Quid pro quo but somehow trump had never said it was just everybody sort of assumed and I think that that is a harder defense for the Trump administration to make then the simple answer which is yeah I was worried about a lot of stuff that happened in Ukraine in 2016 up to and including the breeze the matter I mean that there's a Washington Post report today that suggests it's an attempt to to obviously snatch the president but The Washington Post report literally today says quote For former administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations shared or in someone's view and said terms main contention was that Ukrainians had quote tried to take me down in the words of one former senior administration official and then started complaining about everything that happened in 2016 I thought the original investigation hinged on the idea that Trump was actually going after Joe Biden not that he was worried about Ukrainian interference in 2016 basically the 2016 stuff was a cover for his broader concern about Joe Biden as a 2020 candidate but even the Washington Post story which is aimed at snacking from Seems like it is centered on the allegation that Trump was actually being vindictive about 2016 which is not impeachable maybe bad judgment but it's not impeachable. Right and I get it in the national interest I don't see really see a problem with the president be concerned about the fact that Ukrainians I may not Ukrainian government as a whole but Ukrainians are certainly involved in 2016 election meddling that's been that's been widely reported on that's that's not really disputable fact I get why is it wrong for the president to ask about these things and how do we how do we leap to the conclusion that it's impeachable it's just it's a huge analytical leap and. Viewing this it seems like there's a lot of potential narratives being spun none of which are provable there's no hard hard evidence I think of any of this I think if a if a bunch of people talk to each other and they all start presuming this reality of quid pro quo but they have no evidence to back it up in all of them to provoke or by the way says well the president didn't tell us that directly but we presumed I mean you know it creates a lot of questions around this entire. Heard of and it's you know and you can use that narrative just criticize the president if they want but to leap to this conclusion of impeachability is it's really strange it's really strange and it's a huge and Norma's Trump representative Crenshaw and I ask in one second about the Democratic debate which is slated for tonight who do you who do you see sort of emerging who you see sort of fading We'll get to your analysis of the Democratic debate in just one second 1st it is that time of the season for open enrollment and that means that you are looking at the various benefits that you can get through your employer one of those benefits presumably is life insurance but the problem is that the life insurance or getting through your employer probably is not up to snuff most people need 10 times the life insurance coverage they get through their jobs well this is where policy genius comes in policy genius is the easy way to shop for life insurance plan that is not tied to your job in minutes you can compare quotes from top insurers and find the best price once you apply the policy genius team handles all the paperwork and the red tape insurance you buy through policy genius stays with you even if you leave your job and policy genius doesn't just make it easy to get life insurance it can also help you find the right home an auto insurance disability insurance to house a genius makes it super easy competition is better for you I know Democrats don't understand that competition and free markets actually make things cheaper and better but that's what they do that's why policy genius exist to help you shop for these insurance programs so when you're looking at those workplace benefits this month make sure to double check your life insurance options then head on over to policy genius dot com Get quotes apply in minutes policy genius it is the easy way to compare and buy life insurance and home insurance auto insurance all the rest to dot com They represent crunch I want to ask you obviously tonight is another one of the Democratic debates the field is really in flux people to judge is really gaining he is now ahead in Iowa according to latest polls he's ahead in New Hampshire as well the conventional wisdom suggests that he is harming Joe Biden here because he and Biden are in the so-called moderate lane of a very moderate Democratic Party I don't think that's right I think that basically booted judges carving away Warren because of war and loses both Iowa and New Hampshire very white college educated state for the Democratic Party. She has no hope of coming back in future states whereas Biden actually has a pretty solid base if you go over Nevada or South Carolina it seems to me that this looks a lot like the 2020 Republican primaries where the Republican voters look at Mitt Romney he said Ok I looks good and then they spent the next 5 months trying to trying to convince themselves that he looked bad and they tried everybody else and they finally came back to Romney feels the same of Biden at this point to me. Yeah I mean. A lot of times I defer to you on election analysis so I would just say this you could almost make the argument that Democrats should stop going on the debate stage because they may force themselves into more and more radical positions and statements and it seems that they forget there's a general election coming up and you know I don't want to and going to go on the one hand we can be happy to watch them. Veer into this unelectable territory but it's also really concerning because they could win and they could actually want to implement a lot of these these policies that are I think widely detrimental to our prosperity but. You know it's hard to say who's coming out on top it really does seem in flux I think we all thought that Warren had a much better shot of rising to the top she certainly seemed to be on that trajectory and maybe it's getting a little bit more competitive now as you've noted so you know it will say definitely getting interesting out there representing Crenshaw thanks so much for stopping by really appreciate your time and keep your head about there is definitely a chaotic moment appreciate it. Thanks Ben Well coming up we are going to get into a very bizarre statement by the a.c.l.u. The a.c.l.u. Has a statement because yesterday was International Men's Day You'd assume maybe they would pay tribute to you know a man who stood up for the 1st men or something I know they've got a different idea we'll get into that in just a moment 1st and you take a moment to remind you there's a whole other worlds of this radio show over a daily Wired dot com Never miss an opportunity to listen to the bench of Heroes show well stop don't let it happen again. I don't over daily Wired dot com He watched all 3 hours of his radio show when you become a subscriber your life will be vastly and rich by the ability to see every single detail on this magical show with the relevant news clips and photos so this astonishingly handsome face not only you get my show you'll also be able to hear from prominent conservatives like Andrew Klavan. 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Is celebrating International Men's Day International Men's Day So yesterday was International Men's Day was supposed to be it was supposed to sort of signify the problems that men have that men have a higher suicide rate for example they have they have male health issues the idea was that was supposed to celebrate male contributions to society promote male role models etc Well the a.c.l.u. Came out with a tweet that basically tells you about the status of modern politics and why we are totally screwed here is a.c.l.u. Tweet there is no one way to be a man men who get their periods are men men who get pregnant and give birth are men trans and non-binary men to be long hashtag International Men's Day Women have to ask a question here if there is such a thing as an International Men's Day an International Women's Day presumably there is some distinction between them explain it really explain define man define men if you are if you are going to say that a man can get his period. I don't know what to tell you it's obviously your definition is not biological So if your definition is a characterization of gender stereotypes then which gender stereotypes are are male is that aggression is that aggression that makes a man a man because if so then a biological female who says that she is a man but does not have the male characteristic of aggression is not a man. By the way men who are biological men who are not aggressive are not men. You have to set a standard the problem over folks who keep suggesting that trans and non-binary men are men if the idea is that you are not a biological man but you are a man then you have to have an alternative definition of man that has some sort of internal coherence the left has none and so you end up with this stupid I mean it's absolute stupidity in the you claims inaccurate stereotypes for opposition to biological male athletes competing in female flooded by the I mean these are completely out of touch they've lost whatever tenuous grasp of reality they ever had the a.c.l.u. Actually gave a statement last year suggesting that trans women should be able to compete as women in a biological male should be able to compete alongside the women and they suggested it was inaccurate stereotyping to oppose biological male athletes competing against women as opposed to you know the basic biological dichotomy between mammalian males and females true in every mammalian species the a.c.l.u. At the time to equal participation in athletics for transgender people does not mean an end to women's sports trans women are women including women and girls who are transgender. Advocate advances women's equality and well being. No having a biological male like Fallon Fox fight a biological female does not advance women's equality while being subdued hitting a lady which last I checked is not only an chivalrous but also quite dangerous. This is pretty and I mean this is just absolutely. This is ridiculous it's just ridiculous all the way through ridiculous but the the left is so focused on changing definitions of basic biological reality that they end up in the position of actually taking the interests of women and making them completely secondary perfect example there is a school district in Illinois that has now decided that you get to go into a locker room of your gender decision so if you're a boy and you decide that you are a girl today you get to go and under arrest in the women's locker room well here's a video I would teenage girl at one of these schools talking about the fact that she no longer feel safe in the bathroom because now there are biological boys walking into the bathroom who could spot her own dressing clip 23. Thank you. Very very serious. Times. In the industry. For it has nothing to do with. This image of. Ok well there is no I mean the alternative that has been suggested in the past to having you know biological boys dress alongside females has been to have like a separate bathroom for transgender kids right or to have these transgender kids dress behind a curtain allow the girls are just I mean parents the privacy concerns of a woman are no longer relevant so long as a boy who says he's a girl is treated as a girl and this is all insanity it has nothing to with reality it has nothing to do with biology. It's just that there is no description that is appropriate beyond it is pure insanity to suggest that this is the case. Truly yes it is amazing I do have to mention this is pretty amazing so I saw an argument the other day I have always taken the position that bio pronouns refer to objective biological characteristics it when I say male and I say female I mean biological male biological female because there is literally no other Scripture that fits. And if you take on the attributes of a male or female that's not make you a male or female you have to be biologically male or biologically a female now for purposes of identifying for going into a bathroom what you appear to be objectively to the outside world will probably be good enough because otherwise we're not going to take everybody's genitals as you walk in the bathroom or something or check your genetics as you walk into a bathroom but for purposes of saying male and female we mean biological male biological female so some dolt suggested to me well there look at the Romance languages there are lots of romance languages where the verbiage is gendered right if you look at Hebrew to take in on romance language then the verbs are gendered the nouns are gendered as well so for example the word for table full sun is a male word that means that all of the verbs are male verbs and thus because the language is gendered why should we say that the word male applies to a male and not to a trans male This is the stupidest argument you could possibly imagine the fact that there are gendered objects in language for grammatical reasons does not mean that the table is a male nor does it mean that the male is a table nor does it mean that a male is not a male there is no transitive property that applies here plus the logic here is completely asinine because you have to assume one of 2 things either you assume that the gendering of objects means that gender has no actual relevance to terminology in which case what do you care if I call a male a male and a female a female because these 2 words mean nothing anyway or you have to assume that gender does have contents in which case you're with me if gender has content then a male is male and female female but the social left wants to have it both ways and this is the bench because. It's news traffic and weather station Radio 2.9 k. And f.m. Sheridan Little Rock. Station. Top Democrats debate how. As hearings reaction I'm Evan Haining after a day long hearings the impeachment inquiry is providing part of the backdrop for the 5th Democratic candidates debate in Atlanta and for political junkies it has been a day full of tuning in the 1st Democrats' debate since the impeachment hearings went public and while it's no surprise the candidates with the exception of Tennessee Gabbert President Tom should be removed from office it will be interesting to see if any of them waver is the idea is splitting the country just about evenly and today's Capitol Hill hearing may be tough to top in terms of making News correspondent Bob Costas Teenie in Atlanta and the House impeachment hearings made plenty of news House Intel Committee ranking Republican Devan known as said President Trump wanted to withhold military aid to Ukraine until he was sure its new government was fighting corruption it wanted to discover the facts about Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election against his campaign Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell as deputy assistant secretary of defense or Cooper this now this anti corruption president who cares so much about rooting out corruption and Ukraine did he ever call you after he put the whole to say Mr Hooper what's going on in Ukraine. Ambassador help that he ever call you to ask about an update on Ukraine corruption. Ambassador Gordon son testified that the administration was demanding a quid pro quo and that he worked with Rudy Giuliani on Ukraine policy at President Trump's direction pressing you.

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