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Usually gets an annual check up it wasn't on his schedule and medical correspondent Dr Sanjay Gupta tells us there are indications many at Walter Reed were surprised also highly unusual the hospital Walter Reed in this case the everyone there would know that the president was coming there were certain protocols in place that didn't happen here in Northern California prosecutor used his 13 year old daughter to lure a man she said had molested her so he could get the suspect on video that suspect has now been arrested but the Santa Clara County prosecutor is under investigation for possibly endangering his child Kyle Busch wins the season ending race at Homestead the 16th Nascar driver turned multiple cops by Michael Toscano if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction please call this toll free number right now 803909528 that's 803-909-5285 calling your addiction team and you're taking the 1st steps to recovery the help you need could be one call away 803909528 make the free Call now 803909528 your addiction team is a 3rd party advertiser for various treatment centers in place networks individual results will vary visit your addiction team dot com forward slash terms for more information. Hey my friends company spent 3 days cleaning up an e-mail phishing attack that targeted several dozen employees yet if just one malicious e-mail slips through an attack and spread quickly into serious damage what if that happens to us Don't worry we have Barracuda forensics an incident response so we're good yes with fast automated response and remediation all traces of the attack can be removed in less than 5 minutes that's a relief protect your business Barracuda dot com Barracuda your journey secured. It's 35 degrees heading for a high of 61 then 7 o 3 I'm freezing where do you want to take night t.v. Are in a shooting in the parking lot of Kroger on Roosevelt Road in Little Rock yesterday evening k. T.v. Reports a bystander was shot in the back before 5 30 pm they were taken to the hospital that victim is described as being in stable condition and has been released from the hospital no information on a suspect yet a maximum security inmate it Tucker rushed a corrections officer with a shank Friday night the inmate stabbed the sergeant 5 times while passing her a food tray according to the Democrats said the shank was a foot long and made from a copper pipe the officer was not injured but had several holes in the shirt and stabbers system fast the inmate reportedly wanted to settle the score because the sergeant had taken contraband from him. Manila as having some water related problems that may impact duck hunters when this season opens there's a large water control structure that is responsible for ditch 28 it floods the ditch around big lake wildlife management area they had an electrical problem that took it out of operation however Game and Fish says there will still be water in hunting areas by Opening Day may just not have as much there is usual after a 2nd half push the washtub Baptist Tigers head on to the Division 2 playoffs the battle of the ravine ended with Henderson State pulling out ahead in the fur ended with a score of 24 to 21 in favor of the Tigers It was a good tight low scoring game Anderson state pulled out ahead in the 1st quarter with 14 points but then o.b. You tied it up on their 1st possession of the 2nd half and took the lead in the 4th the washtub Baptist Tigers will face Lindenwood next week at home in the reds are getting their own share of post-game action with a bowl game against Missouri Western State next news coming up at 717 I'm creasing We're breaking news as it happens News Radio 102.9 k r n. She clearly. Following Chris Plante. Lunch. With me. Lunch with you. 706 Newsradio 1029 k. Or red traffic now without a soul brought to you by unbound dot org Right now there are young people across the world facing a tough choice continue their dream of education or drop out to help their family put food on the table you can help change their future in a single moment see how far your support can go at unbound dot org state police and literal police say that we are all clear right now but we do see some slowdowns 67 south around Gregory 30 east from Bryant Park way to honor creek and 30 west across that river bridge if you see anything give me a call at 40108 well the Arkansas traffic network I am the sole Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. Partly sunny this morning Sunny and not this cold for this afternoon honey are 50 clear and cold 29 tonight tomorrow and Saturday will bring plenty of sunshine but it's still going to be quite chilly The high tomorrow near 50 high 52 on Saturday partly sunny for Sunday and Monday we're still turning mild or high 55 on Sunday up to 59 on Monday high 64 Tuesday I'm Accu Weather Center there I love sunshine I think we'll get that sometime today eventually we will right now it's 35 and was a little rough. If you didn't notice that news radio one o $2.00 k a r n we don't brag on ourselves too much power shows news traffic and weather is this wagger the News Radio 102.9 k a r n commitment to us not to pat ourselves on the back but to serve you we want to be your source for the news traffic and weather commentary that is aspirational incisive and entertaining little rocks news traffic and weather station News Radio 102.9 k r n and now i Phone from Geico motorcycle It took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah. Be the cheetah. And learn your animal isn't the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. Come on Glad insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance. Hi welcome to the subway ad for 299 subs I would like it I'll take drill sargeant please you got it all right now listen up no money to everyone who did something give me a 6 inch meatball they were never a combo that you don't like or lack or stand on your choice of bread with anything that you long for just too many not each. My good luck too long that participating restaurants additional charge for extra plus tax no one is not just going to coupons maybe a black 9. Plan morning in the. First series when Kevin Miller Newsradio 12.9 They are in any and 7 and they are randomly director of the bar but a bit taken in Johnny keep your the next couple of minutes. Together. Disney Plus we were talking about Disney plus my own kids are talking about Disney plus 2 they want dad to get the subscription I don't have it I've got Netflix I've got Amazon Prime I'm paying for high speed Internet you get a job pay for your own Disney Plus And so I feel about it in a way I had hers have started breaking into people's accounts I started doing this just within hours of the launch. They logged in removed all the original users devices then changed their password and username account is already paid for right so they gave them complete complete control over the account. Then they place the account up for sale on the dark web somewhere as low as $3.00 so this went for as much as $11.00 So does the plus costing $699.00 a month so why were shady people willing to buy these accounts not real clear but since they were prepaid and some of them have been prepaid for at least a year. Maybe from buyers in countries they don't have access to this the plus because it's not available everywhere. How many people affected. They don't really have a real number hundreds anyway perhaps thousands of hackers got reported in reportedly got in because the users had the same e-mail and password combo they used on other sites does and he hasn't commented about that as of yet 711 a kid and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg moves closer to officially making a run for the presidency he's already been here to Arkansas to put his name on the ballot as Steve cast about as well and what's happening there former New York mayor and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg did something he has rarely done throughout his professional career I got something important wrong. I got something important really wrong the self-made billionaire and potential Democratic presidential candidate went to one of the largest historically black churches in Brooklyn on Sunday and spoke to the congregation about stop question and frisk the controversial police policy that was a hall mark of his 3 terms in City Hall police officers are allowed to stop anyone at any time if they have reasonable suspicion that the person had taken part in some sort of illegal activity in New York that translated into an aggressive policy aimed at getting illegal guns off the streets in the process countless young black and Hispanic men who had done nothing wrong were stopped by police and frisked toward the end of Bloomberg last term in office a federal judge ruled that the practice violated the civil rights of minorities because of how the policy was almost universally applied against black and Hispanic men I didn't understand that the full impact and stops were having on the black and Latino communities I was totally focused on saving lives but as we know good intentions aren't good enough fighting gun violence has always been a priority for Bloomberg when he was mayor he. That stop question and frisk was justified because even the small number of guns that were taken off the street in comparison to the 10s of thousands of stops taking place each year meant that lives were being saved the fact is far too many innocent people were being stopped while we were trying to do that and the overwhelming majority of them were black and Latino Bloomberg said he wished that they had acted sooner to cut down on the police stops and he was sorry that he didn't some question his sincerity though and whether he's just saying this now because it would dog him on the campaign trail Steve cast and down New York to be heard about this one I don't think that I've ever seen something like this come up for 19 year old guy named Nathan Newell he lives in Bel Air Maryland he's a bank teller at Freedom federal credit union branch there at least he used to be anyway he was working last week last Monday in fact when a 78 year old guy a customer came in and made a very large withdrawal that night Nathan went to the guy's address since he had it from the account he forced his way into the guy's house attacked him robbed him. Iran's off when the fellow's 57 year old stepdaughter pulled a gun and threaten to call the cops. The police are able to put the pieces together they arrested Nathan at the bank 2 days later he's been charged with robbery burglary assault and home invasion go figure that. 8 witnesses are scheduled to testify this week in the public impeachment inquiry what's happening there Linda kid is following this story and she's got more right now one of the high profile witnesses will be Gordon some of the u.s. Ambassador to the European Union Democratic Representative Shaun Maloney tells A.B.C.'s This Week some months testimony is key investors who at the president's instruction told the Ukrainians either go to a microphone and announce an investigation of the Bidens or there will not be military assistance that is solicitation of a bribe and why is that so bad that is an impeachable offense listed in the Constitution Gordon silent gave a closed door deposition to the committee and later amended his testimony I don't know why he decided to ultimately come clean Democratic Senator Chris Murphy and c.n.n. State of the Union Mr sonne when asked to decide whether his primary loyalty is to America or whether his primary loyalty is to the president of the United States Democratic Representative Jim Himes on Fox News Sunday says this may go beyond a simple question of loyalty it was not lost on Ambassador and what happened to the president's close associate Roger Stone for lying to Congress to Michael Cohen for lying to Congress the truth according to Republican Representative Jim Jordan is that there was no quid pro quo Nope bribery no anything like that there's there's all kinds of talk about things but they did it happen Jordan made his comments on C.B.S.'s Face the Nation he was backed up by a Republican senator Ron Johnson on N.B.C.'s Meet the Press and Johnson says this whole thing boils down to the whistleblower who brought the matter to light it's never been exposed that funding would have been restored in our relationship the Ukraine would be far better off than it is today on A.B.C.'s This Week Republican Representative Chris Stewart said that's why the. American people need to hear from the whistleblower how in the world can you impeach the president United States and never hear from the person who started that process House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tells C.B.S.'s Face the Nation she will not allow president trying to bully the whistleblower who is protected by federal law make sure he does not intimidate for whistleblower Pelosi says the president has already taken great pains to intimidate others including former u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine Maria Vonnegut who testified in open session on Friday president's basically telling her during her testimony that there may be consequences to you and your family in your paycheck if you don't shut up Senator Chris Murphy on c.n.n. Talking about tweets the president sent out while you have on of it was testify I would prefer from you provide that type of tweet but Senator Ron Johnson on n.b.c. Says the tweet was not impeachable many are asking how long will this go on it is self-evident that we have open hearings for the next week and then says Speaker Pelosi on c.b.s. We'll have to see Linda Kenyon Washington 717 the plan this morning to talk to the director of the Arkansas Department of Education Johnny we weren't able to connect We'll try to reschedule that sometime in the very near future. Sponsored by. The Little Rock. Star Washington. 10 nada. Zip. Car Wash now seeing some slowdowns 30 west across that river bridge 67 south around Vandenberg and 30 east from Reynolds road to Otter Creek if you see anything give me a call at 401028 with the Arkansas traffic network I'm Heidi sole driven by crane automotive team cranes team dot com Believe it or not today. You know we got the clouds early on this morning I don't know I'm not a meter I'm just not going by what they say close to 60 tonight 43 tomorrow even more sunshine I 67 near 70 on Wednesday and you know it's going to change and. We've got showers towards the end of the week 35 in West Little Rock right now on. Radio 102.9 k r And. As you know at least 10 people shot in 4 killed at a football watch party in Fresno California last night they were attending a family and friends gathering in the backyard of a home when an unknown suspect approached and opened fire House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited President Trump to testify in the House impeachment inquiry head of a week where several key witnesses appear former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reversing his longstanding support of the controversial stop and frisk policy he said if anyone has been wrongly stopped by police he apologizes full time are not employees didn't get their paychecks Friday they should receive a direct deposit today it was a glitch in the payroll systems that caused the delay a shooting in the parking lot of Kroger on Roosevelt Road yesterday evening a bystander was shot in the back there in stable condition and have been released from the hospital next news coming up at 730 I'm Christine Graham breaking news as it happens News Radio 102.9 k. a r n Ford has done it out there they've got this new 2020 Mustang Maki electric s.u.v. If you heard about them you have kind of looked at it did a little bit of running apparently this weekend just before the actual official debut at the Los Angeles auto show they say that could be a big win this year with 3 or 4 vehicles out there or the headline including this one but it's an s.u.v. With the Mustang name plate I just I just feel weird about that and I could argue I'm kind of agree they say it's about the side size of an escape but more passengers space and you've got options for all wheel or rear wheel drive the battery is underneath between the axle so they as a bit more room so we'll see if it goes over maybe it does it's going to compete with Tesla. Course a $720.00 and it's time for rush for existence and do is he here after Michael Bloomberg filed paperwork to run for president a team was set out to clean up his record of sexist remarks now according to The New York Times Bloomberg once said if women wanted to be appreciated for their brains they'd go to why Berean snowboarding Dale's another troublesome remark came in a sales pitch that he used for his high tech computer terminals he said that the terminal could do everything including give oral sex I guess that puts a lot of you girls out of business Bloomberg said Hardy har har Now according to Bloomberg spokesman Mike has come to see even some of what he has said is disrespectful and wrong not all of it some of it but it really doesn't matter because Bloomberg the Democrat and for Democrats there's no such thing as wrong they can wear black face like oh Raphe know them they can remain in office they can remain in office after being accused of sexually assaulting multiple women like Ralph Norah Vincent Bennett governor they can mishandle classified documents they can run phony foundations that collect millions of dollars on the column and still run for president they can even get oral sex from internes in the Oval Office and stay in power. So once a few crude sexist remarks Democrats can do anything they want without shame or consequence then when you look at what this guy thinks of China. What a mess he. Rushes live at 11 on News Radio one of the NY. Statements of not been evaluated by the f.d.a. 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Impact mortgage mortgage animal as Id want to a 231 equal housing lender not license in all states including New York offer not available in Washington Cali 56579914 licensing terms the restrictions attention homeowners with a strong housing market if you bought a home more than a year ago chances are you have equity in your home and with one call to cash call mortgage that equity can mean cash in your pocket the cash you need for the upcoming holidays to remodel your home or just keep in your pocket the timing to take advantage of your home's equity has never been better depends just lowered interest rates so if you have an interest rate higher than 2.99 percent give us a call to see if we can lower your monthly mortgage payment and get you the cash you need at cash call mortgage we're a direct lender and we can close your replying as fast as 20 days with no upfront deposit if you qualify will even pay your closing cost the holidays are coming fast so get the extra cash you need now for a free quote to see if you qualify call cash gone mortgage at 802603104 that's 802603104802603104 your get a Love This is how. We call that cozy look not down this while rewire it in price and there's a McDonald's in the neighborhood with all the refreshing drinks you love me you will drink run. We'll take it now at McDonald's get a small mechanical Pepperidge or anything is ice coffee for just $2.00. Limited time price and participation a very nervy combine their offer on the way this is Doc Washburn let me ask you something do you have migraines you have neck pain Ok Now look in the mirror does one eye look bigger than the other are your eyes off balance are your shoulders off balance if the answer to any of these is yes you probably need to get your atlas adjusted that's how I got rid of my migraines and not paying your skull always anywhere from $8.00 to $15.00 pounds it rests on the top bone of your spinal column the Atlas which only weighs 2 ounces so it's really easy for you Atlas to get out of alignment if it does your whole spinal column. You can't get kicked up like a chain restricting your central nervous systems ability to send impulses to the rest of your body it can affect your respiratory system reproductive system digestive system and yes it can even cause migraines and neck pain do yourself a favor if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired call my friends at the Arkansas River cervical Center 501-279-2009 extension 48 free consultation to see if you need to get your atlas adjusted or go to their website turn my power on dot com one of Santa's didn't need a trainer to guide him through the night. Might need a Kalamazoo O'Kane mopping the fastest route to mystical or what if the sleigh could get real time weather can for Sadie's What's the temperature under 20 Triss 22 cools tops made long since we're sitting bins in the us technology hasn't made it to flying sleighs but it's available to you in the class the g l e or g l c And you can get them all for exceptional price for a Mercedes Benz with rivets and the Ritz can hand sing and. Download the tune in at so you can take news radio one of 2.9 k r m with you wherever you go no more 1st news point Kevin Miller on News Radio 12.9 k r 725 k r n Condit was he's been in the news because of his. Commitment to the Lord he said yesterday he was a Jolt City's Church in Houston and made a claim that was well still Kanye esque it's cast in a different light he said the devil stole all the good producers the devil stole all the good musicians all the good artist all the good designers all the good business people Jesus has won the victory because now the greatest artist that God ever created is working for him and they said you know what all that arrogance and confidence and cockiness y'all seen me use before God is now using it for him. Oh it works out. $726.00 a look at what's happening traffic now it's. Starting to build up around. 67 south around. 30 east from Spring Hill to honor creek and at 630 Eastern around Baptist Health if you see anything give me a call at 401028 well the Arkansas traffic network I am Heidi sole Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. Going to be causing the problems there. Jersey Massachusetts way the rest of the country for the most part fairly clear we've got to sunshine on tap today some clouds more than what we feel less than what we have now we've certainly got this morning about 60 today tonight down to 43 sometime tomorrow the high 67 close to 70 by Wednesday they may change again it's the rain chance it rolls and Wednesday night Thursday especially in the Thursday night and Friday of 2 inches of rainfall then improvement into the weekend 35 in muscle rock Winchell makes it feel like 31 . Ok let's go Top Row Tell me what you see on the eye chart. Y e c a r e good next a. America I care America dot org. Yes I care America is a program that helps seniors 65 and older who haven't had a medical eye exam in 3 or more years they also help those with an increased risk for the comma and the appointment is often free or at no out of pocket cost there are thousands of volunteer ophthalmologist throughout the United States which means there's probably a participating doctor right where you left to protect your eyes early detection is key so don't wait it's easy to see if you qualify go to high care America or today that easy why eat care America dot org. The 700 seat aged care and Mr Blue Graham. Here with our money news that's coming you know all about that through. Oh yeah yeah we're we're we're brushing blind terms we're going to pitch a very pretty open day yesterday just checked just to get you know yeah absolutely a record that we set up Friday a big surge of the Dow Jones Industrial Average trying to feed into the session up 1.2 percent the week 28004 is where it stands at a record the s. And p. At 3120 as well it's in a wreck or in the year to date up $24.00 and a half percent but Arkansas retailers are seeing those averages as least so far for this year Wal-Mart sure down a half percent last week at one $118.87 a share year to date up 27.6 percent shares of Dillard's up 26.4 percent for the year after gaining more than 10 percent for the week last week $76.87 a share j.v. Hunch or some give up West Wing. A little bit lower by about 3 percent and still for the year up 24.3 percent at $115.74 a share overseas this morning the higher close of the Nikkei index in Tokyo looks like we're going to head into records at least for the opening over here we'll see if that holds a 10 year Treasury right now with the yield of 1.84 percent have an all right Lou thanks so much coming up Steven news at $73081.00 company selling a $99.00 beer might be that for the holidays and if you crash into the fire hydrant . Go ahead take the hydrant with you who cares to wait 740 check in with the Heritage Foundation find out more about the impeachment process 730 news right now on family gathering turned deadly in Fresno California last night when devotee Chief Michael Reid says someone walked up to the party and opened fire they fired into the back yard where most of the people were in this party striking 10 people in the course of that gun shot 4 were killed 6 wounded Reid says the victims were all Asian males and part of the investigation will focus on possible gang affiliations I'm Jim Roope in Hong Kong protesters are denouncing police action against a student on a college campus in Conrad's not what I call 950 s. Are trapped inside this university and they cannot get out there is on a corner in Hong Kong Police are calling on those barricaded inside the city's Polytechnic University to surrender and face justice in Washington impeachment hearings enter a 2nd week witnesses are set to testify about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine Trump says the process is a witch hunt I'm John trout. It's 35 degrees heading for a high of 61 it's 730 on time crazing grim news radio 102.9 k. They are in a shooting in the parking lot of Kroger on Roosevelt Road yesterday evening. Reports a bystander was shot in the back and taken to the hospital before 530 that victim is in stable condition. Mission has been released from the hospital no information at assessed on a suspect at this point a maximum security inmate at Tucker stabbed a corrections officer with a shank Friday night the inmate stabbed the sergeant 5 times while passing her a food tray according to the Democrats is that the shank was about a foot long and made from a copper pipe the officer wasn't injured but did have several holes in the shirt and stab resistant vest the inmate reportedly wanted to settle the score because the sergeant had taken contraband from him. For repairs to North Little Rock after historic flooding last spring are still ongoing democratic said reports the city council approved an additional 455000 of the proposed 2020 budget last week those funds will go to repairs it Dicky Stevens park in the golf cart shed Burns park parks and riverfront areas took a significant hit costing millions of dollars in damage and the city's still waiting for female reimbursement there's only one problem with the flu shot and that is not enough people get it would one correspondent and Kate for maximum protection the Centers for Disease Control advise is that 70 percent of Americans should get the flu shot but in the last decade fewer than 50 percent were vaccinated and that puts 2000000 babies too young to get the flu shot at risk along with senior citizens people 65 and older accounted for 86 percent of flu related deaths in the 20172018 influenza season next news coming up at 747 I am Chris Ingram breaking news as it happens News Radio one o 2.9 k a r n n now i Phone from Geico motorcycle It took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah. Cheetah. And learn your animal isn't the cheetah but before Alyssa pealing Blowfish. Come on Glenn insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance in fact mortgage mortgage in a mill as I see once you a 231 equal housing lender not license in all states including New York offer not available in Washington Cali 56579914 licensing terms and restrictions attention homeowners with a strong housing market if you bought a home more than a year ago chances are you have equity in your home and with one call to cash call mortgage that equity can mean cash in your pocket the cash you need for the upcoming holidays to remodel your home or just keep in your pocket the timing to take advantage of your home's equity has never been better if it's just lowered interest rates so if you have an interest rate higher than 2.99 percent give us a call to see if we can lower your monthly mortgage payment and get you the cash you need at cash call mortgage we're a direct lender and we can close your replying as fast as 20 days with no upfront deposit if you qualify will even pay or closing costs the holidays are coming fast so get the extra cash you need now for a free quote to see if you qualify call cash gone mortgage at 802603104 that's 80260310480260310 for these 2 musicians play the same instrument one is around the other is more romantic They may sound nothing alike but they're in total harmony when it comes to breakfast at McDonald's whether you play hot licks or can't play a lick together we breakfast get into the groove with a $1.00 any seismic cafe premium roast coffee only at McDonald's your morning starts. Limited time only a participating McDonald's cannot be combined with any other offer or combo meal pay to stock Washburn I love lunch so we come up with a contest for you to win lunch with me and a guest of your choice it's called Dining with Doc to win free lunch with me or you want to guest go to News Radio 102.9 k. a r And on Facebook like. Can follow our Facebook page find out what restaurant I'll be at next week and leave a comment about why you want to dine with Doc I can't wait to have lunch with you with Newsradio one of 2.9 a are. 2 2 and whether they gather on the sixes is 1st with Kevin Miller he was Radio $102.00. To graduation a straight to win over coastal Carolina this weekend 9 years in the world they are bold. Red wolves. They sell a dirty 6 that we're going to have to travel now it's Heidi's old she's got a bit on the road a. Little Rock police work in an accident at Chance and catalyst in the season slow downs East from Spring Hill to Otter Creek 630 Eastern on Baptist Health through the north interchange to the river bridge along 30 West 67 south at Gregory 430 south across that river bridge and 530 north around the south interchange if you see anything give me a call at 401-0282 with the Arkansas traffic network I am mighty Sol Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. Partly sunny skies this morning this afternoon cold the sun in the high near 50 tonight will be clear and 29. 50 again tomorrow weather meteorologist titers they are the clouds 39 come by the airbases 3537 downtown Saline County still chilly chilly there 32 and I've got 35 in western Iraq Winchell makes it feel like 31. I am so still by her we'll start out with this one and it happened in Bozeman Montana a driver there smashed into a fire hydrant that happened earlier this month then he fled the scene in fled the scene with the hydrant to yell Why not you know he did leave behind his bumper but police say most every part of the vehicle somewhere has a number stamped on it. Yes I realize that but I guess it does they said we were able to get the replacement part of the bumper itself and the light came out of it and now they're tracking down somebody in a 2011 or 2012 dodge one throw who's missing a front bumper They say they want the hydro or they want the bumper back because the hydro is worth the pain of about $1500.00 if the guy's dog needs I don't know. What habits are acceptable in a marriage in water not well over $150000.00 people took part in an online poll about marriage habits Is it Ok to pass gas in front of your spouse almost everyone 85 percent say yes Ok you've broken the barrier when you do that can you flirt with other people only 25 percent said that's Ok now would it be Ok if your spouse stayed out all night with friends over 60 percent said yeah no worries there you know where they are. Going to go to the bathroom with the door open almost 80 percent said yes Ok. Is it Ok to tell white lies to make each other feel better about 60 percent said yes about 40 percent said no you should never lie well at least until she says does this you know. Big then that's another story that's where you go for the 99 pack of beer apparently Pabst Blue Ribbon is doing this to they're selling 99 packs are calling it the family pack Yeah that would be really good for your kids you know. Maybe it does maybe work for your family during the holidays they come in a very long narrow box appears to be several feet long I've not seen it but it probably needs at least 2 people to carry it early some sort of assistance that's a lot of weight their eggs cheap either cost about $175.00 which works out to about a $1.75 for beer it's more of a gimmick I mean you know if you are by buying a 30 pack those cans only about 67 each They're available in 15 states Texas Massachusetts Michigan Pennsylvania Minnesota Florida New York South Carolina Montana Vermont California West concent Iowa Colorado and they're available here somewhere. We are on the list in Arkansas I have not seen if you have seen it feel free to call 433-0092 let us know where that's available on days are coming up I might need 741 ventures deep in News News Radio 1029 care and 1st news Kevin Miller I'm joined by Thomas gypping he is with the Heritage Foundation he's a legal expert Good morning Thomas good to have you on again good morning thanks for having me all right update on the impeachment hearings the public hearings that are going on what happened last week when we see there were 2 days of hearings Wednesday 2 State Department officials testified in on Friday the former ambassador to the Ukraine Maria vine of edge testified in my view neither one of them testified about anything that is relevant to impeachment so it's not but it was relevant but they just weren't persuasive that the 2 State Department officials discussed at length. The relationship between the United States and Ukraine and discussed how at least in their view. Foreign policy in that regard should be conducted they didn't like the fact that the president put someone like Rudy Giuliani into the mix this type of thing and then on Friday. Democrats spent almost all their time focusing on how. Ambassador Johana vigil was let go from her position she had served she was appointed by Obama served until May 29th teen and then was let go and in the opinion of many that wasn't handled well. She was you know at least some say improperly criticize this type of thing well a personnel matter you know the way the president appoints his ambassadors how he treats them or you can you can like it or not like it but that has nothing to do with impeachment and the way the president chooses to conduct foreign policy whether that satisfies the views of the you know diplomatic of stablish meant is also irrelevant the president not pleasing these folks is not an impeachable offense I was keeping with the Heritage Foundation an aide to Vice President Mike Pence that she heard the call to the Ukraine and now not only with her but multiple other people including the people who testified last week saying the same thing that many people think the same situation is there proof that if you well just a correction the people who testified last week did not listen to the phone call none of them did and that that's actually one of the issues here in other words if this impeachment inquiry stems from that phone call and none of the none of the witnesses last week in any firsthand knowledge of that that's going to change this coming week so the person that you referred to in a few others who did listen and many people listen to that call those kinds of calls are not typically just a one to one type of calls which is why the memorandum about the call that we have all seen exists because that memorandum was written based on the recollections of the people who did listen to the phone call so the witnesses this coming with. Appear to have a little bit more direct knowledge of something that's perhaps more relevant to impeachment do you feel like what they might say could be in a peaceable impeachable offense Well there's there's no way to know I think I think this this all hinges on. Whether President Trump specifically intentionally lying actions that he took as president such as you know a meeting with a foreign leader of the provision of myth of military aid. That he explicitly linked to that to and made as a condition for that and investigation into his political rival Joe Biden for the purpose of undermining. His standing in the 2020 a lecture I do think that we need to focus on that specifically because otherwise you can read this stuff 5 different ways there were investigations but what were they about and for what purpose and I think Democrats have a pretty high burden here to to do to establish that specifically and I don't think they can do it so I'm assuming with the Heritage Foundation what about the tweet that happened in the middle of the testimony. You're talking about the president trumps tweet criticizing the ambassador you have on of it well the president you know has sent 4000000 tweets and he'd been tweeting and criticizing embassador you know vine of it for weeks so it's not like that tweet suddenly appeared out of nowhere and took everybody by surprise of course the president did that he'd done it before. Chairman Adam Shift attempt to characterize that as intimidating a witness something that sounds like it's a crime or something like that that was a joke the president had done that before the president has the freedom to do that it's a tweet. Nothing of the president nothing wrong and the people who agree that he did nothing wrong are in the White House why not on. I'll go to testify and say that my boy was witnesses. I don't I don't know maybe other than Donald Trump I don't know who thinks he did nothing wrong but the question is whether whatever it is that he did arises rises to the constitutional level of impeachment but the exhibit a this is a this is a process conducted by the legislative branch and so automatically under our Constitution there are issues regarding the interplay between the branches of government the executive branch has significant interest in regarding. How they. Are treated by the legislative branch whether they just automatically do whatever the legislative branch wants them to do that's not the way the separation of powers was designed to operate and the executive as does the legislative branch they've long had the standards and rules for things like responding to subpoenas sending their people over to testify and it's not just a simple as well if you've got nothing to hide I mean this isn't law and order. There's very complex and serious issues which Democrats in the House hope people just ignore but the executive branch doesn't work for the legislative branch Thomas gypping He's a legal expert with the Heritage Foundation We'll talk again thanks so much thank you right they have 747 let's look at what's happening in traffic now Heidi's all the a bit on the road sponsored by Compassion International it's easier to change the world and you think sponsor a child in extreme poverty with Compassion International and you will change the world for that child just text the word child 283-3932 sponsor right now in Iraq police work in an accident Chance in Athens and we season slow downs 30 east from Spring Hill to honor Creek 630 Eastern on Baptist Health from the north interchange to the river bridge along 30 West 57 South that Gregory 430 south across that river bridge and $530.00 north around the. South interchange if you see anything give me a call at 401-0282 with the Arkansas traffic network I am Heidi sole Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com The club's early this morning begin to about 60 was in some time breaking through today and tonight 43 tomorrow 67 sunshine and near 70 on Wednesday rain chance later on Wednesday night into Thursday especially Thursday and Friday upwards of 2 wenches predicted as that frontal boundary works through improvement into the weekend that's the good news 35 and was Little Rock right now. Use radio 102.9 k r n i as you need to know House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited President Trump to testify in the House impeachment inquiry ahead of a week where several key witnesses appear president took to Twitter Sunday to dismiss testimony from Jennifer Williams a career foreign service officer Ian Stafford the vice president Penn State and the former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reversing his longstanding support of the controversial stop and frisk policy he said if anyone was wrongly stopped by police he apologizes full time are Dot employees that didn't get their paychecks Friday should receive a direct deposit today a glitch in the payroll systems cause that delay a shooting in the parking lot of Kroger and Roosevelt Road yesterday evening a bystander was shot in the back there in stable condition have been released from the hospital a vehicle was towed in evidence collected from the scene next news coming up at 8 o'clock I'm Chris Ingram breaking news as it happens News Radio 102.9 k a r And you go to the movies this weekend no I did not. Say anything really there that I'm all that terribly interested in seeing either I mean I was somewhat excited for Terminator but yeah yeah that happened well of Ford versus Ferrari top the box office I guess as the whole Christian Bale and oh yeah that one didn't they I think that star power more than anything else about it 31000000 and receipts at the box that was midway pulled in almost 9000000 Charlie's Angel. They're saying that bombed I don't know why they felt the need to reboot that anyone again let's just say that again a little over 8 and a half $1000000.00 playing with fire and last Christmas rounding out the top 5 outside of Ford versus Ferrari there was anything there was really just tear it up and everything from people were going to the theatre going Yeah well. In fact the Joker is still in the top 10 I mean you know me I want to see 4 versus Ferrari but that's right up my alley you know and I'm like man if I see it I see it if I don't I don't I mean if I hear it's a good movie I need to go see it I probably will but it's not one that I go out of my way to do you know but Charlie's Angels it's important to remind you that they rebooted it again. Once before and it didn't go over well either look I got a major crush under Barrymore have for ages and then even see her in the reboot they did whenever that was what 10 years ago I have a little more than that because it's almost like 15 here Cinco ever you know so just not interested not my thing 751 traffic and weather coming up like Graham has our money news that's on the way to little note here here's something you need to take care of if you haven't did the done this put it on your Monday to do list open enrollment right now for Medicare I know it sounds real fun doesn't look if you've been bombarded by information and you probably have if you're right there at the age of 65 or some family member is I mean you don't have to learn how to do everything all over you know I mean. 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Local and have front door parking Bible 19548100 that's the number again it doesn't cost extra to use their services so you know do it column but their hard work and expertise to work for you Robbie Davis agency what if Santa didn't need a trainer to guide him through the night the Mercedes might need a Kalamazoo who came knocking the fastest way to Mr King or what if his sleigh could get real time weather can for the Mercedes What's the temperature under 20 Triss 22 cools tops maybe one thing for citizens and Buicks technology has admitted to flying sleighs but it's available to you in the class the g o e or g.l.c. And you can get them all for exceptional price during a Mercedes Benz winter event in the u.s. 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That's not the near that silence no progressive can save you from becoming your parents but we can save you money when you want all the no progress especially in terms company affiliates and other interest comes not available in all states or situations and you're going to love this how. We call that cozy look not down this wall rewire it in price and there's a McDonald's in the neighborhood with all the refreshing drinks you love me you will drink run. We'll take it now at McDonald's give us money pop a beverage or anything I think copy for just a dollar. Limited time price and participation a very clear beacon by any other offer on a meal. What if Santa didn't need a trainer to guide him through the night. Might need a Kalamazoo O'Kane marking the fastest route to mystical or what if the sleigh could get real time weather can from Sadie's What's the temperature on the 25th 22 cools tops maybe longer. The city's bins and Buicks technology has admitted to flying slaves but it's available to you in the class the g o e or g.l.c. And you can get them all for exceptional price for a Mercedes Benz we are events and events can end soon and right now when you come in and switch to t. Mobile you get the amazing i Phone 11 Pro on us with i Phone tennis trade in ha aren't these mountains majestic Joe are you even looking I'm posting these amazing pics I took with my iphone 11 Pro It has 3 cameras oh those pics are amazing and you have service to t. Mobile their newest signal goes farther than ever before then you can look up whether these are bear tracks right where we could just run come to a t. Mobile store today i Phone 11 Pro on us with an i Phone 10 a straight in there right now getting 4 lines for just 30 bucks a line without a switch today. Contact us at the cancer critics may stop the president less taxes fees get $24.00 monthly credit but won't buy customers with all my services finance agreements you're down with trading plus 3125 dollars 24 miles program priced my new 9990 percent a.p.r. While supplies last. At 756 k. Or a and a look at our traffic now with Heidi still seeing some slowdowns from the north interchange to the river bridge along 30 West 430 south across that river bridge both 530 north and 30 East leading into the south interchange 40 west around Crystal Hill and 30 eastbound from Springdale to Otter Creek if you see anything give me a call at 401-0282 with the Arkansas traffic network I am Heidi sole Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. Sunshine breaks dinner date some point we get up to about 60 this afternoon tonight down to 43 tomorrow sunshine 67 your 70 on Wednesday rain chance later in the week especially those that I did into Friday upwards of 2 inches in total but it all clears up by the weekend hopefully hopefully those 35 and was Little Rock right now eating working living pain free these are a few of the things many of us take for granted yet for many United States military veterans finding and affording oral health care is a challenge many of us don't think about dental lifeline network is looking for dentists who can change this d.l.a. And is asking dentists and their teams to volunteer to see one veteran with special needs one time visit will you see one vet to learn That's Will you see one vet dork. 728 here and let's have a look at what's happening in the markets as a new sleep Yeah good morning can you know. Here's a link to the Dow spent and tempered glass a little bit lower trading previously about 28000 miles on it 28000 for such a new record The s. And p. And the Nasdaq also setting records global stocks starting the week with needed gains in the end but any further developments on u.s. Kind of train to go stations that according to The Wall Street Journal China's state media says the thing you're thankful from both nations had quote instructed discussions on Saturday morning regarding each other's concerns about a phase one meal will think what happened Arkansas share prices for the week 9 of 14 lower transportation sector the weakest other group down about 3 and a half percent share so it's fair to say though shares are up more than 24 percent Wal-Mart down a half a percent last week at $118.87 had an intraday high during the trading weight loss if it gets back about 120 or not after today Wal-Mart shares up 27.6 percent the 10 year Treasury yield of 1.84 percent we're back in 30 minutes All right Lou thanks so much at 759 were just ahead of a news update on the way at the top of the hour going to bait him we're going to talk to Robbie Brock with talk business dot net we'll talk chicken chicken exports we're talking about Chinese tariffs the effects on the Arkansas economy and we'll go to the top man. Hutchinson we're going to talk to him at $840.00 about possible highway tax tariffs the state economy more that's all on the way and you talk a news begins right now who's traffic and weather station Radio 102.9 k. R. And f.m. Sheraton Little Rock. Station. Backyard tragedy campus uprising I'm John trout a family gathering turned deadly in Fresno California last night as a senseless violence Fresno Deputy Chief Michael Reed says Sunday night as 35 people most of them from the. Family were gathered at a home for a party someone walked up and opened fire striking 10 party goers killing 4 of them all the victims were Asian males and possible gang ties were part of the investigation on Saturday in San Diego a man shot his wife in their 4 children during a domestic dispute the woman and 3 of their kids were killed the man shot and killed himself there's Jim Roope reporting in Hong Kong protesters are denouncing continued police action as Hong Kong police call on those barricaded inside the city's Polytechnic University to surrender and face justice protesters in solidarity with the students are seeking a different facet trying to troll the place away from that Polytechnic University the place have a fairly strict current time and cordon around that university and these protests this is trying to pull them away so that fellow protest this inside that campus can escape there is on a corner and in Washington impeachment hearings enter a 2nd week 8 witnesses are set to testify about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine one of those witnesses Jennifer Williams an advisor to Vice President Mike Pence is set to appear much to Trump's to stay in Correspondent Lauren Fox says more the president growing very frustrated with this impeachment probe tweeting over the weekend about Jennifer Williams she is an aide to the vice president who was on that July 25th phone call and she essentially said that she thought that parts of that call were inappropriate and that it was more political than diplomatic in nature.

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