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New figures so black children go missing at a higher rate than white kids Christopher Cruz tells why a 2015 study found that black children were referenced only 7 percent of the time by the media in reports about missing children experts say media coverage is vital to helping sold missing children cases there are other reasons we don't hear as much about missing black children experts say their families are hesitant to call police because of the distrust that exists between law enforcement and black Americans also let children are often quickly classified by police as runaways and their families often don't have the money to spend for a private investigator or to take off work to help look for their child Christopher crew despite some pretty good reviews and word turn of producer James Cameron Terminator dark fate opened well below expectations at the box office this weekend still managed to be number one in theaters over the weekend followed by Joker in 2nd place a malicious And 3rd I'm really a Francis. 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It's real news for Rio people. Sunny skies today it'll be cool with a high of 57 clear and cold tonight in the normally colder spots tonight's low 33 mostly sunny skies tomorrow remaining cool tomorrow's high 59 Monday will have partly sunny skies and a high of 63 Tuesday clouds will break at times for a few pieces sunshine Tuesday's high 64 Wednesday partly sunny skies with a high of 66 I'm Accu Weather is true there is a lot of noise on the radio t.v. And the Internet how do you separate the wheat from the waste. From. Great shows like 1st news with Kevin Miller Chris Plante. News traffic and weather station News Radio. Radio. News of the day. Or just starting your day. Studio. Across America and around the world. Listen 247 if you can't listen to. This. Listen Real Clear Politics dot com It's time for l g b l g b t to go their separate ways something Eric and I said a long time ago I can remember when it was. In probably the last 10 years or 1st such a venture they're going to be at war with each other. And we were of course demeaned for saying that and called everything in the book and. That's the article that appears today Brad Palumbo running for. And again getting a lot of publicity because politics has there he is an editor The Washington Examiner. He is gay. And I just I'm sorry but you heard me laughing during the top of the hour because just going through some of the quotes and it's exactly what we said it was going to be and we warn the left of this and we warned. The gay community about this right and we said this a long time ago we said you know where you're going here and we said because the left is going and has become an organization of victims and oppressors that this is exactly where you're going to come to and he does in the article or the article again headline is time for l.g.b. And t. To go their separate ways. The growing rift between the increasingly radicalized transgender rights activist and the lesbian gay and bisexual communities has finally come out into the open this week Europe's biggest l.g.b. Rights organization the London based stonewall charity was publicly accused of subordinating l.g.b. Rights to the group's increasingly single minded goal of replacing sex with gender as a marker of identity. As Helen Joyce recently wrote in standpoint stonewall went all in for the gender self id. Describes biological sex as assigned at birth. Gay and Lesbian Now mean same gender and not same sex attraction transphobia is the fear or dislike of someone based on the fact that they are trans including the denial refusal to accept their gender identity at a stroke anyone who declares themselves exclusively attracted to people of the same sex has become a big. And it doesn't matter who it is. And he says as a gay man living in the United States I have no direct stake in Britain's l.g. Bt politics but I am surprised that it has taken this long for such a formal breach to occur the same pressures have been building everywhere and it was only a matter of time before someone acted on them. And he writes it up to the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide they said the only place to go was trans Ok we need to go to trans right. In a relatively short period the gay rights movement fused with the more radical campus based gender and identity politics movements to become the compound movement now known as l g b t Q lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer and more even many people within the movement now are having trouble keeping up with all the new subcategories contained within that plus sign. We've talked about what was at 54 and that this goes back 4554 I think Facebook got up to 58 at one point we've been forced to watch the simple moral logic of nondiscrimination. Of gays become transformed into a self. Parody alphabet soup of invented identities. Well no I mean think about well this is you know it is bizarre because at some point we said what if you get down to the whole identity thing then really it gets down eventually to the individual does it not. Which by the way if you're a conservative. We've been toting that for a long long time is that it really is about me it's about the individual but not for the left it's a different type of cause for the individual for the me and that's how ridiculous it's become is that you break it down into subgroups eventually until you get down to well this this group just think ludes me and everybody in the world is my oppressor I mean there's nowhere else to go. And now you've got the left many on the left looking at it going Ok You know we try to create because what they're seeing here what the l. D. B. And Q I guess you're seeing is that you know we as a group were getting plenty of. Notoriety notice attention our needs more and more were being. Prioritized and now there was something very different when the transgender movement came in it had to be something bigger than. You know someone who is gay just coming out of the closet right it had to be something it had to become something that was more apparent You can't always identify someone in terms of their sexuality based on their appearance right. Remember the left going after people. To judge and his husband and they were you know the left was going well you know why are they trying to they were complaining for Love Why are they trying to make it look like they're just a normal couple absent that been the goal idea all along isn't that the goal really no I mean it was about because we have to go back to the word acceptance in other words a society that sees it as something that is very normal right well how do you take something how do you now have a greater cause well creates something that visually for its appearance isn't always normal now we've all likely end 2019 Bye Bye bye now we've all likely. Run into somebody who was a transgender and whatever and whatever capacity. I was at an Airlines desk not too long ago and the person helping me was a very nice person was a transgender I didn't care I just needed help I needed my my seat on my flight and this person was very helpful very nice very efficient and likely pulled some strings I didn't care but see that's the problem with the far left they need you to not only care you've got to go out of your way to be the champion for the cause and it needs to be something that has a greater. Impact. A greater challenge for society they believe to accept I don't care how you live your life don't force me Don't force me to use pronouns don't force me to accept your way of life because it's not my way of life whatever you want to do and your life is yours. But more and more they needed people to accept something that they I think knew full well wasn't going to be widely accepted this article by Brad Palumbo wanted to sort of couple more sentences here because it's just you know I was shaking my head I was laughing because it was something that you and I were saying a decade ago yeah and saying to the gay community don't you know where this is going and he writes here over the over the last few months a Democrat a Democratic presidential debate focused on the issues. And it was hijacked by a rogue transgender woman who shouted slogans about trans rights while the candidates and moderators nodded along robotically presidential candidate Joe Biden has called for unisex prisons a policy that have implemented would lead to the rape of female prisoners Sen Campbell Harris another Democrat running for president even came under fire for daring to suggest that pregnancy remember this is a women's issue and you saw the woman that God got fired in Great Britain for standing No only women get pregnant right right right. Because it's now fashionable to highlight the fact that trans men in the 9 binary can also bear children and gays lesbians and bisexuals all have something obvious in common same such as attraction this is an alternative sexual orientation that to some extent at least shapes our experiences and alters our life becomes We typically identify with our biological sex and in fact sometimes it's spent many years feeling trapped by it to be gay is to understand that sex is set by birth my sexual attraction likewise is based on hardwired factors beyond my control transgenderism is a separate I'm just reading this I started laughing because this is something that you and I were saying 10 years ago and warning the gay community saying you know what this is going to end transgenderism is a separate concept homosexuality leads to obvious differences in real life behavior transgenderism offers a categorical categorial deafening. What it means to be a man or woman as Joyce describes it a gender identity is a quad I spiritual concept almost like a soul that is something between an internal As sense knowable only to its possessor and stereotypically masculine or feminine appearance and behavior Wow. One of the more settling elements embedded within this advocacy is a demand that women lesbians more specifically make themselves sexually available to trans women on the far fetched theory that gender identity not sex is the real source of human attraction. Wow exactly what we have. Said What you see what happened here same sex attraction has become same gender attraction this might seem academic but take a moment to reflect on what it means in the context of stone walls affirmation of gender identity stonewalls asserting that lesbians are attracted to anyone with a female gender identity whether that person is biologically male or female This turns gay and lesbian desire into transphobia. That's right burst out laughing during the top of the hour because we had predicted this a long time ago yeah I'm a gay man attracted to male bodies not people performing male gender roles. Well remember the the the transgender that came out and said. If you if you say that you can't date someone who is a transgender Yes your not attracted to somebody who has a transgender that makes you a bigot yes yes. They said the United States Democrat controlled House of Representatives has passed the Equality Act a so-called bt rights bill that outlaws discrimination on the basis of sexual Orient tender and gender identity this is a noble goal that would seem to be in keeping with America's larger civil rights legacy but the act explicitly redefines biological sex under federal law according to self defined gender identity so it easily could allow for a whole host of adverse consequences as we have seen in Canada where the trans woman tried to leverage human rights law to force immigrants to wax her. Male genitalia the victims of this movement tend to be women even under current u.s. Law Title 8 of the Civil Rights Act reserves to outlaw discrimination on the basis of race color religion sex or national origin activists are arguing the transfer Jai devotee is protected under the laws reference to sex even though gender identity is mentioned nor in the law trans activists are also demanding government support for policies that subject gender confused children to potentially sterilizing hormones and other aggressive their abuse that we went through last week their rights are being sacrificed on the altar of self identification as well and it goes on and on and on it's a long long article and the article is you can find on Real Clear Politics dot com It's time for l.g.b. And t. To go their separate raised by Brad Palumbo who is a gay man who writes for the is editor of the Nash or The Washington Examiner. So and I had to read parts of it because it's something that if you've been a long time listener of the show we had warned the gay community of this years ago you understand you're going to be viewed as oppressors Yes Well there's there really is no other way around that there's no way to turn that around you know when you start separating into groups and sub groups and everything else that's it's the inevitable that's going to happen and you know forget about the political ramifications because those that are that are involved in such behavior they don't care politically who's doing what they really don't this is why you see right now the far left politically I mean if they were because what inevitably happens if they all come together and support like one candidate right it's their goal they know they're going to be severely disappointed that candidate can't be a part of their groups that can't happen so what do you have while you have a group of people who don't need you or any other person in political office to do their bidding for them they want to be the activist that's it they're activist purely and they don't care who solving problems and who isn't they don't see the the the the political party or candidate as somebody who is going to solve anything for them let's be honest here the gay community fought for things like gay marriage oh yeah they weren't afraid of the right There are afraid of trans the transgender activist movement right because it becomes again when everything becomes fluid then who who belongs to what group No I mean they're afraid to challenge them. Oh I don't know if they are anymore well well seen here here lately very seen more and more challenge Well a few more votes but Martina Navratilova backed off because remember all kelud to re-evaluate my thinking well it's not a massive movement at all from the l.g.b. But you still have the prominent gay people who are saying that this cannot continue and it can't there's no way it can sustain remember every what every single member of the Democrats in the House voted for it. Well yeah I see that happening because they feel the pressure. Yeah but but but it's if you look at what those movements are doing it's don't care who the president is they don't care who their house I remember it it may be minor but it's nothing compared to what the movement was to get gay rights and gay marriage Oh sure nothing right we'll see where it goes 86690 right I. Feel like Back with more radio radio with I downloaded today terms and conditions apply. 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What are you doing in my room and it's been a long time since we've had an adventure and for mom to be to the force last year I mean even it took me a long time to get here you're right I should get out the 1st not that far away come to the forest where the more adventurous you live check out discover the forest org for cool places nearby brought to you by the u.s. Forest Service and the ad counter 1st news with Kevin Miller this morning is 6 until Chris Plante at 9 News Radio 102.9 k. R. And. Funny and I'm Gary Mack tomorrow age 6690 coming up in the bottom of the hour we've got some of the economic news that came out earnings look pretty good. Yeah Chuck in law chugging along nicely Wilbur Ross saying over the weekend that he doesn't see why the trade deal with China couldn't be signed sometime this month in November we'll see if that happens here is your forecast problem spots will be fewer across the country today what we have is very dry conditions very clear skies due to cold sinking air and that's keeping high pressure in place for places like Atlanta where it will be sunny and 61 today New York City 55 in clear Boston 52 Dallas 69 under clear skies Chicago cloudy slight chance of rain 48 the high for Denver 51 and sunny Salt Lake City 55 l.a. $78.00 where winds have subsided and progress on wildfires continues in Seattle $54.00 today partly cloudy we start the work week with the 1st full week of November on the calendar less than a month to go now until meteorological winter which begins December 1st check your clocks and watches most of the nation observing daylight saving time there is a look at your national forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout. Air b.n. B. Is making some changes following last week's deadly shooting at one of its rental homes in San Francisco the c.e.o. Now saying the popular accommodation service will be banning so-called party houses correspondent Rick damage jelling in additional tweets air b. And b. Detailed a new course of action saying it's implementing a more stringent guest screening program creating a party house rapid response team and anyone found in violation of the upgraded policies could be removed and ufo. News poll finds 49 percent of Americans are in favor of impeaching President Trump 41 percent oppose it is Democratic Congressman study Hoyer on C.B.S.'s Face the Nation 80 percent of the American people's thinks it was wrong for the president stage to be withholding dollars appropriated by the Congress for Ukraine's defense and in effect saying you can't get a meeting with me and the White House unless you undertake an investigation futures operating for only apprentice. The day it'll be cool with a high of 57 clear and cold tonight in the normally cold response to meit's low 33 mostly sunny skies tomorrow remaining cool tomorrow's high 59 Monday will have partly sunny skies and a high of 63 Tuesday clouds will break at times for a few peaks the sunshine Tuesdays eyes 64 Wednesday partly sunny skies with a high of 66 I'm Accu Weather is true and share Piro on New Year's Radio 102.9. Talk about every monster not talk about what everyone's And they'll get criticized just like anybody else being an athlete does not mean you can't speak about politics it also does not in your you to criticism when you say something incredibly terrible I just love the fact he says he'd be cheating his teammate's by continuing to harp on something that won't benefit us trying to win a championship Oh you mean like all of the political stuff that you've been spewing for years Pirro weeknights 9 till midnight on New Year's Radio 12.9. Drama Club and marking. 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And the numbers stories written out there how he's going to be audited for years we're going to audit everything on here in New York to make sure that that he is actually spending the exact amount of time that he needs to spend in Florida Yeah I mean there was you know again. I think that was probably a given anyway that that his activity in New York was probably going to be from from now until the end of time. Anything with the Trump name there's going to be they're going to go over it with a fine tooth comb and a single time and the point is he's not there I read a few stories and they're not picking on him they do that to any billionaire No actually they write this they do this a lot too well a lot of people who don't live in New York might not know specially in New York City is that if you go there to work let's say your company sends you there for a week or 2 you're supposed to pay income taxes to the city for the end come that you earned while you were there they go over everything with a fine tooth comb but there's no doubt that it will be watched closely you know until the end of time if the name Trump is attached to it so I don't think it bothers him I think he enjoys the reaction you know of of a Schumer or anybody else who's complaining about it I'm surprised he didn't do it a long time ago yes and with me you know. You have to spend a certain number of days you know of out of New York state and right right there's a you know they pay attention to when you visit you get right. And I would if if a retired president goes to Florida you know he's I think he'll be back to doing you know business deals once he's you know not president he'll go back to what he was doing with real estate but I think it will be it will be more of a retirement approach. I think you'll see that probably his children taking over the brunt of his business they won't want anything to do with New York while like it is really not about the the political back and forth it's more about I think the fact that that New York and other blue states are becoming extremely difficult to deal with when it comes to profits when it comes to living this is why Schumer the other day was trying to get the salt tax deduction raised again you know above the $10000.00 because he knows that people and which is funny because this would be very rich people that he would be looking to protect the most right now I don't know what he was I didn't see the number he was proposing but it was higher than 10000 and remember it was the average person and the average property owner in Manhattan I think it was. Seeing a benefit of over $60000.00 a year I remember the $60000.00 number 2 you have to be wealthy I don't care where you are you have to be wealthy in order to be getting that kind of tax benefit and I don't know Schumer's plan how high it goes on that deduction but we'll see if it actually goes anywhere you know he came up with it a couple of weeks ago right I did it fail in the Senate I thought it. I don't know I don't know that it got anywhere actually. Failed this I just want to just put into Google. This being the 23rd senator Chuck Schumer failed was in his attempt and. York New Jersey and several county municipal governments from creating ways to circumvent federal tax laws regarding the deductibility of state and local taxes to mark the latest defeat for the Northeast Democrat legislators attempting to blunt the impact of the 2017 tax cuts the placed a $10000.00 cap on the deductibility of state local taxes on federal tax returns. Ok with that he wasn't. Ok he invoked the Congressional Review Act a little unsteady that allows u.s. Congress to nullify federal regulations within 60 days and a similar bill would have been would have to be passed by the Democrat controlled House right. Interview with the tax watch he said he had $46.00 votes needed to convince have the remaining 10 undecided senators to win passage of his of his plan which he did not after the vote were tallied just 43 senators voted to nullify the rules so there you go that isn't I don't know what his plan was I don't know what he would like to because that would nullify completely Yes would get it back to where it was right I mean if you know a fight it would do away with that limit that $10000.00 limit to be. So but it's not going to go anywhere there's nobody else on Capitol Hill right now even talking about that they may at some point take it up because I know a number of Republicans who would like to lift it I don't know how far the Republicans would be willing to go because it really was about having the blue states get in line with you know their local tax policies their state that. That's what it was for a lot of Republicans but you saw many Republicans even in those districts in red states forget about the blue states where many of their constituents their rank and file were seeing their you know their taxes go up as a result of that at least at that level look at it it hit it hit a lot of people we don't have an income tax or in the state of Texas right on our property taxes are a little higher than a lot of states I do not by any means live in a house worth a $1000000.00 I don't live in a $400.00 square foot. House in San Francisco I don't live in a 1000000 dollar home. No. I live in and I still I still blueback loop has it done 1000 last year and that was based just on my property taxes and estimated sales tax right because since we don't have an income tax. If you keep every one of your receipts you can you can do it that way where they estimated for you right but just the estimation put me of the sales tax you know put me over the mark so if I got hit with the size of my house. Then you had hundreds of 100 possibly millions of Texans that were affected by those Sure now know the difference is the difference is the rates came down right so it was just that it was just that in the rates I would have gotten a a a tax break I would be I would have been paying lower taxes it was our other deductions that you and I both have because of what we're involved in in the radio business that helps us get more business that they decided to double tax. Because because it's the deduction we get helped us make more money which means we're paying more income taxes. Right and so the we were that deduction was taken away that helps us actually make more money it's an incentive to make more money which That's the part we didn't like I like the tax plan overall. I don't like that in general and I don't like the fact that the Republicans believe that the problem in taxes was Eric and Gary was and were in pain enough. Well you know the. There could be and we've talked about this that the in the last week there could be you know some kind of tax deal coming but the Democrats would likely want to raise the corporate tax rate. But are they willing to forego that move just to get the salt tax deduction limit raised again and if so how far would they go with double its 20 grand or you know how far would you go with that you would have to get a deal with the White House to do that and I don't see that happening I don't see that when you see we'll get to talking about the economy here in just a couple of minutes but when you see that I was reading that the 2 thirds of the companies that report. You know the s. And p. That report 2 thirds of the think of the 300 something companies are reported. Surpassed projections for earnings right they reported on Friday. That's huge because you you think about it I just I was thinking about this yesterday when I was going through a bunch of different economic articles on this and I went Trump could have reached if the terrorists had never gone into effect he might have been able to reach 3 and a half percent. If the terror I mean we're not right now though we're right now at the year for what $2.00 when we were 2.9 last year. You're telling me that if if if if you have companies that are still. Beating projections and who knows because of this if the remember Still it was consumer spending the data for the 3rd quarter if there's a great Christmas. And he can get anywhere between 2 and a half and 3 percent growth you could have the year with again a $2.00 or 2.6 percent year followed by a 2.9 percent year now that is and. Again he was promising 3456 we said you're never going to see 5 or 6 I was going to happen but he doesn't need it I think the president if if the president could get what I think he got I think he could survive when we saw the 1.7 last week I said that's good enough for him to win if he can if he can stay a 2 to 2.5 percent he can win if he can do better than that and again if the terror that you were talking about China that was saying you know there might be able to come to some type of deal I don't care the weather what kind of deal it is if the tariffs come off I mean I do care what kind of a deal it is but I'm just saying for the sake of this discussion if the terrorist come off and already we're you've got a ton of businesses beating projections in the 3rd quarter and the tariffs come off and investment comes in it could be good times for the president and so the last thing I think he would want to do is to make a deal to cut or increase corporate taxes that was my that was my point that it took me so long to get to that yeah I mean I I think again if they get some kind of deal with China there is there's probably a number of things that could happen really to with impeachment. I don't see the president working with Democrats once they get the the train rolling in January. Well I see it that that if he comes to a deal with China he's colluding with China right. The you know the any kind of tax deal or working something out so let's say Republicans want to work out something on taxes you know to change the salt deduction or whatever. I don't know that the president works in that direction can he do that politically can he sign something if there's a bipartisan deal done on taxes in raising the salt tax deduction and putting in you know we talk about some of the deductions for small business if you invest in tools or whatever it might be in order to get more business some of that has gone away if they put some of that back into play will the president be able to do that quietly sign it and say it for the working class that was hurt by that move and we corrected that I don't know if if they all agree not to raise any other taxes Yeah yes and just whether it would increase the deficit or whatever just they were going to do this right. No matter what the rhetoric was afterwards that they both agreed with and they both ended soul to each other for right it's neutral it's exactly I can see that happening 86690 right I get in touch with the radio toll free at a $66.00. 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And he read Holtz best wishes to you and your family for a safe joyous season and a happy healthy prosperous New Year helping in his rebuttal I know that the best and a whole lot of fun little x. News traffic and weather station News Radio one of 2.9 k. R. And. News Radio 102.9 k. a r n 102.9 k. a r n Little rocks news traffic and weather station News Radio 102.9 k r n no word in English language is less. Convincing them probably are you sure we should get matching tattoos 1st be. Complicated probably. It's been 23 minutes since I ate. Probably sweat you should wait 30 minutes and move on tell me what to do. I can probably hit the green from here probably. Can I get a mulligan. Ready to go here are you sure you're Ok to try. Pretty sober. I'm probably Ok. Probably Ok isn't Ok especially when it comes to drinking and driving if you're drinking call a cab a car or a friend Buzz driving is drunk driving a message brought to you by nets and Ad Council this is what matters this is beyond actions and. This is the difference mutual respect me this is what character looks like this is what defines us in Arkansas this is sportsmanship. Not the outcome that. They are playing this message presented by the Arkansas Activities Association and the Arkansas high school athletic ministry dissociation Arkansas values News Radio 102.9 k r n 1st news with Kevin Miller this morning at 6 until Chris Plante at 9 News Radio 102.9 k r And. When I am Radio way he is there early and I'm Gary MacNamara 8669 your right eye coming up in the top of the hour we'll talk more about the the the economy what might be going on in the China deal because things are awfully quiet are they not they are I mean aside from Wilbur. Ross over the weekend. You know you had China basically coming out saying they don't really trust any deal done with Trump. That was last week that kind of shook the markets for a minute but I don't see that as anything else other than well we don't trust him because he's unpredictable but the fact of the matter is that they really need a deal done if right now it looks like he's going to be reelected because the last thing they want to deal with is a Donald Trump who doesn't care about elections anymore so they want to deal done before next November and to get it out of the way now. Is the best thing for them well I think the administration also wants a because they know that it might give a nice jolt to the stock market do a nice day and by the way he understands or people are investors and a lot of people as we said even Democrats over 50 large for a one case. Or larger for a one case that that at that point are looking for anything. Like that plus the face of all the things that he's done while Nancy Pelosi has any of these trade bills and just focus on a. Radio on was one. Listen to Red Eye radio wherever you are with the red eye radio at all on Android and i Phone and download it now from the App Store or by visiting us at mit i Radio dot com using the key word mobile that rumble you hear is in your engine your favorite taste of home are waiting for you at Denny's and you're getting warmer actually your food is that's right the super slam is back and that means 2 eggs 2 bacon strips 2 sausage length hash browns and 2 pancakes cooked to order all for just 599 a breakfast this big won't be around long so hurry in today see you at Denny's limited time only $699.00 in select areas no substitution active military and veterans are done for free right country pride restaurants inside t. a Travel Centers Monday no. Joy and free breakfast lunch or dinner we've created a very special menu would leave bulk of the opportunity to serve you just show your proof of service and your mail is on it's our way of making up for all those m.r.e. Free meal on November 11th is available to active military and centric at participating country pride restaurants inside t. a Travel center has experience the stability you need for your business at Mercer transportation for over 40 years Mercer has provided independent contractors with the support and freight needed to make their businesses that says we have a large customer base and the freight you need to keep your business moving plus we help you cut costs through generous discounts on fuel tires and insurance and help you manage your cash flow by getting you paid fast after every loaded want to move your business further in 2019 joined teamers or visit us today at Mercer town dot com Did you know that the 1st form of social media was actually the c.b. Radio that's right and it's still a primary form of communication and information today join right i radio and someone writing unit in 55th anniversary unit barrack at 80 and 90 are must haves while on the road visit your nearest truckstop or travel center and. Asked for unit in by name unit in proudly serving the trucking industry for 55 years Happy Birthday Uniden unit in the name and c.b. Radios did you know that studies have shown that almost 2 and a half 1000000 truck drivers in the us have one or more serious health problems such as obesity diabetes heart disease even sleep disorders and our truck drivers lack the same access to health that other Americans enjoy the unfortunate result of these circumstances is that drivers are often unable to get treatment and the early stages of disease minor illnesses become severe leading to hospitalization and disability the driver then may lose their CVO and become unable to work just creates a downward spiral that leads to extreme financial hardship and possible unemployment go to truckers Fund dot org today and learn more about how you can contribute if you or someone inside the trucking industry may be in need learn how s.p.f. Can help we encourage you to educate yourself and peers on the St Christopher's truckers fund today donate if you can you never know when you may need some help too that's truckers Fund dot org let's band together for a Better Tomorrow Little Rock snooze try began weather station it was radio $102.00 k. R. And f.m. Stare at a Little Rock. Station. Protests McDonald's take out a 1000000 Francis there seems to be no end in sight to the clashes between Hong Kong police and pro-democracy demonstrators as the violence continues there this weekend Steve Kappes the bomb reports the protests continued for their 22nd week once again Hong Kong police confronted demonstrators with tear gas and water cannons some of the clashes turned violent on Sunday 4 people were injured during a knife attack outside a hunk Kong Mall one of those hurt was a pro-democracy politician whose ear was reported to have been partially bitten off .

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