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Because she was scared. Just mercy p.g. 13 appropriate for children at 13 select theaters December 25th if you were January tax erected by testing. Here's the townhall dot com business very moving may cut production of the grounded 737 back to jet or temporarily stop making it after being told that its timetable for a return to the skies was not realistic Boeing is waiting for the f.a.a. And other regulators to sign off on changes to flight control software that was a major factor in 2 deadly crashes stocks closing broadly higher pushing major indexes to more record highs today strong reports on China's economy helped drive that rally Madell gaining 100 points today closing at 28000 to 35 the Nasdaq was up 79 but inching at 8814 the s. And p. $500.00 ahead $22.00 points to $3001.00 not a one New York oil up $0.18 to $60.25 a barrel with business I'm John Scott news and analysis at townhall dot com I'm Keith Peters in Washington. Today marks 75 years as the start of one a World War 2 XP pivotal battles the snow covered our dense forest Shook here along what was the Western Front defense secretary Mark aspers marking Germany's last major counter-offensive in 19446 months after D.-Day the battle of the Bulge American troops fought and forged an incredible victory that is short Hitler's defeat in a cold soaking rain veteran Malcolm buck Marsh Jr told a crowd here at the memorial to Americans killed in the battle that the weather was worse then freezing temperatures blinding snow allies who won the battle and the war Marsh would rather not have it happen to get ready for who are obese Saager of agony with the defense secretary best known Belgium Puerto Rico's governor has announced she will run in the island's 2020 general elections after repeatedly saying she was not interested in the position when she became leader by default Morant townhall dot com. To buy your home you became a house hunting it's learned about loans coward neighborhoods and ask the right questions clean of your castle if you manage that you can get your retirement plan on track this in a secure retirement or can help 116 smart saving strategies you'll feel empowered to own your retirement like you own your home go to your retirement Donald because when it comes to clearing financial hurdles your names. Are clear. When it comes to local news k.-i radio has it covered in f.m. On one of 4.5 and on the Am side at 950 join Barry staggers weekdays for the k. I Morning News from 6 am to 9 am at noon Mary Jane pop is on to update your day with the Keanu news and join me Casey free love weekdays from 4 to 6 pm for the k. On afternoon news where we have the latest stories traffic weather sports business and more when it comes to local news keep it here for the best coverage on the voice of the foothills f.m. One o 4.5 an am 950 k. I. Can See these are both language programs and psychological disorders question is about. Those most exciting radio talk show. Welcome back to the passing of myself you know I've been off for a while now and back again and I think back in my house my hometown. You know in many ways the Savage Nation is my village I call it The Savage Nation. But it's really the savage village is what it comes down to when I 1st created this show in 1904 I envisioned a village became a nation it's now a global nation The Savage Nation we've elected a president they are our Trump like candidates around the world now there's been a revolution in the world make no mistake about it the media of course is extremely to the left in fact some would say that socialist they'd be right if you want to define that for me go ahead Good luck some would say that communist they'd be right in the cases of the Trotskyites in the media there internationalists they don't believe in nationhood they believe in international. They believe in little girls who lecture us on subjects for which they don't of which they know nothing little girls like gratitude and Berg the Swedish brat who was caught on a train in 1st class then says she was suffering on the train it's a world of lies it's a world of lies and liars you've got one of the most evil men in history chef who should be put in prison for what he's done to this country ship has the nerve along with that corned beef with I Nadler that nebbish who wouldn't even be able to run a subway car this guy you know what shifts you know what the big lie is that you've heard all of this before I'm not going to get trapped into this all day long the big lie is that they are our ally Ukraine is our ally and they're at war and that trump withheld aid I never heard anything like this in my life he says. You can't withhold military aid from an ally at war now the last I checked we were not at war with Ukraine against the country I don't know what that country is the u. . Secondly Ukraine has never been our ally they were Nazi collaborationists in World War 2 Did you know Ukraine Ukrainians were are you people stupid that you for this stunt. Sheriff and they let these 2 creeps an ally at war they're not our ally we're not at war it's a big lie in fact the law itself is impeachable ship should be thrown out of Congress and put in prison for what he's doing bribery wire fraud Nancy Pelosi want to look at her own mirror when she throws around words like bribery and wire fraud boy would I like to have a day of sunshine in California one day of sunshine the most corrupt state in the history of the world the most corrupt state in America as California bribery and wire fraud How about Jerry Brown's $1000000000.00 train to nowhere with that money go Nancy Nancy what about the sole interest scandal of the what were they someone in your family got a $1000000000.00 from the government under Obama to build solar plants in the desert that produced less electricity that they're required to do to run a 60 watt bulb but then again I'm getting ahead of myself we're living in we're times and we can get trapped in it and outraged and angry and pissed off and have a blood pressure go up ruin our day I really don't want to do it this week is going to be another sick week because of these horrible evil people on the left these communists but they're really not communist what they are just corrupt politicians I mean let's stop calling Pelosi this and she's a corrupt politician Schaeffer's a corrupt politician and they was a stooge he couldn't run a Carvel stand in Queens. We have to listen to this all week you know there's a thing The Grinch Who Stole Christmas take a picture of that and put it on a bulletin board there's the Grinch Who Stole Christmas I make no mistake about it she's the mind behind all of this you can blame Shefa Nadler all you want she runs these little parts of us they are her little putzes she's the one behind all of this but then again I'm getting ahead of myself let me go backwards for a moment if I may there are so many stories I want to touch on I don't know where to even start with which one is the most important so many of them are important I was agitated over the weekend over the girl in New York who was killed by the 13 and 14 year old teens teens of the new euphemism you can't say the right word it seems. The youths they stabbed her and killed her now why did that story affect me so much I don't know that girl but she represented in symbolizes America she was like Miss America student from Virginia she goes to Barnard College she's also an accomplished musician and all I could think about is I heard she died of the filth and vermin who killed her and I knew I sat here they were not going to serve a day in prison but then it got even worse I woke up yesterday and I couldn't believe what I was looking at I posted it on my website Michael Savage dot com. The police union in New York who should be fired the police union Boston New York and y.p. The boy should be thrown out for what he said he blamed the young girl for getting stabbed he said she was buying pot and that's why she got stabbed and I want to ask you something and heard anything as well was this yeah I know he's a cop and he's right you're supposed to support him but the crap he's a piece of trash that police should be fired for what he did the parents have not even buried this child and he's blaming her for getting stabbed to death right outside the college saying she was scoring pot you hear this unbelievable to me that story really bothered me because I knew that in New York on the de Blasio this was not the 1st time people have been mugged outside Columbia or Barnard I know that crime a crime wave is raging in New York City because of the black hands off policies and his racism same to blast. To not trust the New York Police Department had the New York Police Department chauffeur as his child to Yale real genius Yale you hear this I wonder when those 13 year olds will be given a full scholarship to Yale or invited for a Nobel Prize in climate science or something like that but then again I'm getting ahead of myself there are so many other things I want to do and can do them all at once and I will give them to you want to time saw many groups good soundbites this week as the impeachment week again but again over the weekend I went on to periscope which is a live broadcast thing on Twitter and I gave a 20 minute. Piece of audio many of you downloaded it and watched it it's on Michael Savage dot com You don't have to go to Twitter right now and I talked about being away a dream I had a nightmare I had and God spoke to me. I talked about the news the negativity of the news and the effect it's having on all of us and how we can I'm sure on it I talked about my faith in God and why evil exists and then I talked about the coming year and what we can expect it's all on the Michael Savage dot com website I'm going to play a little bit of for you later on in the show I personally don't want to pay any attention to the impeachment show I find it to be a probably the most boring topic I could ever talk about why would I care about this topic we know the outcome this is like a drama if you study what a Kabuki drama is it's a Kabuki drama we know how it goes we know the illegitimate I will impeachment in the house and we know that the other illegitimate I in the Senate will not impeach him and so we the people have to sit and watch the schmucks play out their kabuki drama we the little people sit there and eat popcorn and ice cream and sit there in a play on one side or the other like idiots you know there are a lot of bigger problems than the putzes on the left or the pots on the right real big problems we have a runaway deficit we have an immigration situation that's out of control Trump said he would control it and to his credit he tried but one after the other these left wing communist judges overturning every last bit of his attempt to stop the flow of drugs and illegals I was going to talk about that and I will at another time can do it all at once. But I want to invite you to listen to 1st of all to call the show the phone numbers 855-4072 way to go and I will tell you those things have to change on the show for that for this show to thrive in 2020 and big things are happening and I was given a great big stations starting in January that everyone in the radio business is green with envy over they all want to be on that station including the great stars of radio but they're not on I'm on it Ok a.b.c. In Los Angeles boy will I. Look forward to being on k b c in Los Angeles I can't wait. And that's in January I'll be talking you see the beautiful part about k b c Is that all of the cats about cats have arguments about getting fat and rats and barks live their they are the gods of the media they are the gods of the media and they do not want my voice heard they have blocked me for years I was out in l.a. Years ago I was on a big station then a small station and they complained and they got me off the air same in New York same in Washington it's all politics my friend but something I've learned is that the truth has a way of finding its way to the surface in this day and age as much as I would love to be on the stations I was taken off because of politics my ratings were super high I hate people hearing me somehow on the Internet or they do a stream the show out of chaos of all or any other station or their local station and if you're not streaming it on a station you get it somewhere else so it's an amazing change in media history what's been going on of course we all want to be heard on radios in cars it's a great place I grew up on it I love it I'm one of the few people in radio actually grew up listening to radio you know do you know that I sat in my father's lap as he drove his older Sotto into Manhattan and he smoked his Philip Morris I got the secondhand smoke. And we would listen to the radio we listen to The Green Hornet other radio dramas radio is a an entertainment medium never forget it and anyone who can't entertain you on the radio belongs teaching at Harvard if they can get that job I don't care what their politics are going to that's about it I don't want to turn this into a mini bad political science class which is unfortunately what most radios become failed political science professors posing as geniuses peddling you stuff they know nothing about day and night I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it here's what I want to do today I want to talk about the news headlines the headlines on my website I may play a piece of the periscope thing that I did about being the way a dream I had the nightmare of what God said to me in that nightmare I had an accident let me make it simple without going into details and I was harboring between life and death for about an hour let me make a very simple and as I lay there on the hospital or whatever a surgical thing I was praying and. After it was all over later that day that the great doctors there geniuses said to my wife he was mumbling to himself for an hour they didn't know I was praying said I make a show of my prayer I didn't have like a show prayer I didn't pull out a little memo book well I did was do a Christian and a Jewish prayer on a Christian prayer combine the prayer that you say as you go through the valley of death over and over and over again both in Hebrew and English for one straight hour why did I do it I don't know why I did it did it help as the doctor said to me medicine has elements to what we know nothing about he said there are mysteries in medicine I remember when I was in graduate school one of my professors said to me. I forget which one it was he said to me a wonderful man. He said to me Michael because we're all you're may talk about 970 s. I was very into nutrition at u.c. Berkeley and one of my professors ago very intelligent high in my mind said 3 Michael I've seen people have heart attacks who have perfectly clear Audrie's I've seen them die I've seen them dead with perfectly clear arteries and that really was a revelation to me. A revelation you know. So there are mysterious elements to health and disease does prayer help have you ever faced a near death experience you want to tell us about this near death experience I do that and the news right here on the Savage Nation join the Savage Nation Call now 855400 savage 4072 way to salvage the Savage Nation of sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com shopping online this holiday season well finding the perfect gift from your computer tablet or smartphone is a breeze just a few taps and you're done but all that online shopping it could expose your personal information and leave you potentially vulnerable to identity theft and by the way you may miss certain identity threats by simply monitoring a credit like someone selling your info on a dark web or taking an online payday loan in your name or a good thing there's Life Lock they monitor your personal information and if you have a problem with identity theft they work to fix it we all know no longer prevent identity theft or monitor all transactions at all businesses but life like you see offer something that's perfect for the holidays and beyond not having to worry if identity theft happens to you please join now and save up to 25 percent off your 1st year go to Life Lock dot com Pramod called Savage that's probably called Savage at Life Lock that Com to save 25 percent off that's Life Lock dot com promise code savage. He's a one man dog. Because just Montgomery care began One Love Dog Rescue 7 years ago because much an ask. This focus is to help dogs in need long distances to save precious animals and then their spayed or neutered microchip can be wormed where there's a dog in need just there whether it's a homeless elderly dog 200 supply. From breeding operations. I've chosen one rescue from. Justin's dreams to find some land for sale. And eventually to care for our 4 legged friends I'm asking you to help with a donation. And hope for these dogs. At 905 he is a nonprofit he's found homes for thousands of dogs but many more need help as just . One heart. And. A free love here in studio with Fred managing attorney from Fannie and associates injury lawyers Fred tell us what makes you the number one choice for handling injury cases Casey most of our firm is made up of former insurance company trial with extensive experience handling all types of person we believe that gives us a distinct advantage that's plenty of associates injury lawyers with offices in Roseville and throughout California for free consultation go to Fanny and Associates dot com That's. The end and Associates. In California passed a law recently making it even harder for parents to avoid vaccinating their kids there was much news coverage one of the arguments made by those actors is the fear that vaccinations may cause autism original study making that like this long since been but that leaves the question if not vaccines cause autism a new study offers an answer to that question it is in the genes researchers analyzed data from over 2000000 individuals in several European countries between the 982000 of them over $22000.00 with autism spectrum disorder after looking at. Mother's health. And environmental factors such as pollution or vaccinations they concluded these factors. And the. Genes of the parents accounted for nearly one percent in the gene. David summit. Scenarios and if you're one family for. The Ben Shapiro show weekdays at 1 pm Ok hi it's amazing all of these terrible Republicans pelting on Democrats for their support of infanticide and blacks. Why Will public and stop helping us Democrat infanticide. Why don't they just stop there helping the real problem here is the filthy obviously the Ben Shapiro show one to 3 pm on one point. And not to mention the steady I was back in the car 3 times a week but I was scratching our my lawn alkie on the side of the day keeping me awake the whole entire night from all the stacking and chewing it kind of makes you know what does your dog scratch stink or shed like crazy and you hound all over the place come to dynamite for help and obey. If you want to. Come for help and a fight is your tradition make it free. Think vitamins and enzymes replace the nutrients cooked out of most commercial dog foods but it's not a problem like scratching hitting is amenable and it is a pleasure Michael relaxed non-shedding happy that I'm not the think I know fight for it don't let your dog it's scratched stink or shed like crazy come to dynamite for help 5912818594281000 and all of. The Savage Nation this is our village this is our town this is our community this is what I created this is what we have. And we have barbarians have burst through the gate burst through the gates bringing with them millions of barbarians you know want to overwhelm those of us who only make no mistake about who they are make no mistake about who these illegitimate illegitimately are. A call or a few weeks ago from Silicon Valley he said he was an Israeli technical guy who was visiting Silicon Valley and I asked him how could Jews like Chef and they live an angle and I'm saying Jewish I don't care if you like it or not what should I not say that these are the same Jews who have to Donald Trump included an anti. To protect Jews codified in federal law just last week last week calling some attention as a hate crime. Saying Jews to attack Trump for protecting Jews so I asked a couple of weeks ago how do people like this call themselves Jews who are so hateful and twisted that the president of the United States who was the greatest friend the Jewish people have ever had in the history of the world how can they call him an anti-Semite I do that Brian are sick and the man called and he said something to the effect that these are not Jews he said when the Jews fled Egypt strangers came along with them and then send them so the same strangers he said that is how we describe these renegades in Israel. Was shocked by the call he had a Hebrew word for I never heard anything like it I'll actually play that sound bite for you later up tomorrow we have it it's astonishing to listen to this because I'll tell you the truth when I met the president a few weeks ago or months I don't remember a time is a little bit of a compressed blur right now whenever we met whether it was on the plane or before that. I said to him you know Mr President if you announce that you had found a cure for a certain form of cancer with your scientists at the end I h. Chef and they would get up and say. The cure for cancer. Even though he had it this is how psychotic and sick they are. This is who they are these are very very mentally ill people. A straightjacket not in Congress unless you call Congress a straitjacket on America's heart I don't know joined. 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Child inside the car so. Citizens blocked the suspect in and they. Accused of stabbing his mother before taking Bethany a 65 year old missing since Labor Day has been found dead a hiker phone human remains you don't afford to be those of this week and the Supreme Court has decided not to revive a controversial wall that allows cities and counties the prosecutor homeless person for sleeping. With and. For. Police to go. Fishing. 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The minute news sports weather for all of the foothills high dot com Take a look and get info from a high dot com Your online home for the force of the foothill. With all the drama and turmoil taking place in Washington to stay in the know hey guys morning new show with Matt Ray and various Tigers Monday through Friday 6 to 9 and now they're followed by the new Brian Kilmeade show from Fox Radio News 900 news the latest from around the foothills and around the world on the voice for the 40 year old one of 4.5 f.m. And am 950. My weather forecast for this afternoon part you know mostly sunny high temperatures about 50 to 55 ladies twins scattered clouds light winds at 35 to 40 for the low 522584 the high today kind of cloudy especially in the afternoon there's a chance a rain shower is Tuesday night and Wednesday the better chance Wednesday and I Wednesday near 50 degrees more showers expected Wednesday night Thursday this is. From f.m. One o 4.5 an am 150. This is Steven Hill catch hearts of space Sunday nights at 8 here on the on the f.m. One of 4.5 and I am 959 the same voice of the foothills more powerful than ever. Infusion. And. It's the holiday season what better. Time is there to give them now you know you can take your money with you please go to Delta Rescue dot org slash savage and learn more about how you can support through estate planning this holiday what is Delta Rescue Well it's celebrating 40 years it's the only no kill careful life home for more than 1500 dogs cats and horses that have been abandoned in the world in the us it's a mountaintop ranch in Los Angeles beautifully landscaped the great sanctuary you know how I feel about animals they are pure souls who only want to give love and get love unconditionally and what founder I was doing at Delta Rescue is amazing helping to save and care for these innocent creatures so they can live safely and in peace for more information go directly to Delta Rescue Dog slash savage and ask for their free est package and since it's the holiday season enjoy the movie magic right there on the website freight It's a heartwarming story of a dog that has an angel played by Christopher Lloyd Delta Rescue Dog slash savage watch this holiday family movie and request their free state package again this package is only available on Delta Rescue Dog slash savage. Coming off. The can a few more weeks ago to listen to those. Human salamis out there with eyes wrecking our pre-crisis missed time Pre Hanukkah time Evil pure evil pure evil Nadler shift they're not doing it for America they're evil they are the true enemy of this country there's a beyond politics are ready. But as I said I had an accident was off the air did not make it to the White House I've been vital a long time ago on this beautiful Invitational of an interloper scald and begged to be invited at the last minute because they heard I was going and the interlopers enjoyed themselves they had the shrimp and the other outright. But I had an experience and I'm back from the experience and God will keep me here as long as he wants to I'm in good shape in what can I say people have things happen to them without dwelling on and I want to ask you again have you had an experience where you're hard between the 2 worlds of this world in the next San Jose Rupert Welcome to the Savage Nation I understand you've had such an experience what was it. I was. Some serious threat assessment. That 3 words that the searchers. That's a spiritual awakening for me because. I use the ballpark. Like you shared I was reading memory. So I have a lot to be thankful for in that world that's for sure is that I wish you really were listeners. You know you're the hero you know I have to I have soldier friends they're all my heroes they know that to you why the difference between I want some vital and our demise our freedom and our slavery I know that on at them on the domestic front it's the street police on the international front it's you guys without you would be slaves when you were harboring between those 2 universes of this world and the next what did you see and what did you do. Well you know what I was right in. The face so hospital. Expenses. But I was on the phone on the way hold the 1st step my mother found. There was people waiting like there's a chance but it was kind of a shocker in that. Usual mystery because it was a casket and. Oh that was that that was the vision you had as you Harvard Yes you did you pray at that time you were dying. Yes yes. I did just saying what prayer is a Christian did you did you repeat on the gurney or wherever it was what prayer were you repeating what a 1st year it had was he was in a foxhole we were getting shot. And I was a student that was fair. And everybody for joining me 'd and everything around us things for all of our you know us. That we all had of jackets and that's that was the 1st experience the 2nd level is that the one as I want you to value the shadow of death I shall not feel for the Lord is my shepherd . Yes I said that and then I said lots of prayers but I was in. Well that's interesting because that's the one that came back to me and I remember learning it in grade school it's a strange thing when we used to have prayer in elementary school that was one of the prayers we used to have to repeat over and over again in the in the school I went to in the Bronx and never offended me I used to scare me I'll be honest with you was a little kid you know kind of scares you to repeat a prayer that's what's supposed to do you know fear of God is the beginning of wisdom the French say in America it's the fear of nothing is the beginning of stupidity I thank you very much for the call you've got wild animals running in the streets of America because they fear nothing they've been taught to fear nothing by development on the left so I laid there and all that came to me was a Jewish prayer in a Christian prayer and I combined the 2. Years for Eleanor I want to know are the noir hero Israel or is our God the Lord as one Jewish people are supposed to say that in times of death or in times of fear or in times of stress when they are facing the end of their life that's all you say is the show and then I combine that with the I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for the for the God is with what the Lord is with me that's over and over again over and over from our mumbling to myself Dr Stuart I was just mumbling on drugs to help I don't know I don't know I think it helps here I am so people have accidents much worse than I do they fall off motorcycles they get belted by a horse they can break their neck car wrecks. Gone by some pot outside been on it have you caught caught out by now don't let the gutter things happen the people some people don't come back some do come back are they better for it or they watch for it do they change their ways for the better or they become worse Jim do we have time to begin that little piece here I want to play the piece from Twitter that I did over the weekend when it was fresh to me on Saturday morning and it's not too indulgent or I wouldn't play it please listen this is Michael Savage you haven't heard from me in a while and I'm going to talk to you about something significant in my life perhaps in your eyes as well so it will be a moment I'm alone if I choose to let you know as you know radio is a dramatic medium and we all tend to overdramatize I was subjects' our lives I was significance significance of what we're talking about that's we just never forget that radio like well other forms of communication are in some ways a performance God has made it that way and what it tells you otherwise is a liar everyone is performing myself included I might prefer me to you know why I've been off the air for 10 days something happened I don't want to go into details I had a experience where it was touch and go in my life and as I lay there in the hospital I was praying to God for well over an hour as the geniuses work their magic. Later in the day they said to someone very close to me he was mumbling for the entire time that we had him in surgery. No I was praying now God bless the doctors. I guess they don't understand the power of prayer but there was a prayer for one straight hour at least it's good I don't know what we're trying to tie so I sat here not that I would dramatize the situation people are going through much worse however when things happen to you it's as worse as it can be as bad as it can be as well as you and everyone's out again the killer not arrogant everyone is not believing until they are believing that's when you're on the mat and your face is down on the map whether you're a fighter or not one that I meant was not a fight or what your situation is on that map that's when you know whether or not you believe in God and so I prayed continuously a Jewish prayer on a Christian prayer and I mutter over and over and over and over the doctors apparently didn't you know they were busy doing their job they let me sanction my story a lot that I let you know that I thought but Schenck about Leah Longo add I was really the shadow of death I shall feel and I will go for my lawyers with me and I shall not fear over and over and over it all right I'm on tour get help how do I know God works in strange ways Ok so the word humility comes up I learned many years ago 40 years ago what your military means you know really derives from the root humus I think you can put 2 in trying to gather. Earth we come from the earth we go to Earth when we're at the peak of our strength we don't believe we're mortal you miss humility now a number of years ago I wrote a book entitled God faith and reason I'm not going to preach to you from God faith and reason but apparently a new piece was written last night which is why I am out of Periscope with you this morning. At about 1 30 in the morning I jumped out of bed I had a terrible nightmare about Amazonian man a giant 7 foot tall with a nice finishing out a stone by the way stone nice This is interesting and he was like a wild creature a wild animal from another world I approached him to speak with him because I spent a lot of years in villages all over the years I've always had a gift to speak to people anywhere at any time no matter what their language was I could communicate with them it's been since I'm a child it was one of my gifts I tried to approach him it didn't work out he had a you know a large animal that's not and took my doctor Teddy snappish I don't know why demon. That is up to you I woke up and I was rather shaken it was 1 30 in the morning it's very cold out here in San Francisco this time of year and I'm complaining I like to call I don't like he I don't want to go back to sleep but I was a little intimidated to lay down a dark again and I wrote this take it for what it is because I'm going to read it to you and say goodbye and I want you to I'm not reading from anyone else's work Ok this is my work I'm not Robert Deniro I'm not a derivative talk show host Ok this is my work see my work my writing there we go take it for what it is God exists that I want you to know God exist and here is what God said to me last night I want to go back to sleep but God I keep it had next to my bed I told you the story once from when I was 15 when I learned to do that and over the years that's why I write or many things I've always written thoughts down in the middle of the night I haven't done this in many years God put the pen in my hand and the pen in my hand which is next to that that it started I started to move my hand I already. You know all times in all places the largest group of people produce people of no consequence and also there are small groups of people who produce very small groups of people who are great consequence among these are the Jewish people some spread God's Word some the word of Satan What has one and speak of God Another speak only of evil that's something only got himself can answer we're not the question God's ways only to follow God's laws could well. The evil of others it's not a grammatical error that is the word that came from God to drill out of the evil of others is to become consumed by evil thoughts which leads to evil deeds God's word is God's Word from time immemorial. Sunday 15th the shamba 201-9145 am awakened by a nightmare. Join those savage nation Call now 855400 savage 85407282 savage savage nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com. 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In the next hour I've got callers lined up around the block with the in the death experiences and. Calls I hope you'll be able to stay tuned if you can't you'll catch them all on the podcast later today in the next hour I also want to talk about humility and a vengeance your military in vengeance opposites in many ways but they're part of the human experience I shall I tell you earlier that when you're laying on the mat let's say you're a fighter and you get knocked on your behind and your face is on the canvas you know what your melody is when you get thrown from a horse your face is in the in the humans you know what your military is right talking about we come from the earth. It's. Humble grounded from the earth kind of thing it's the opposite of pride or arrogance the quality or state of being humble that's your military and we all have to face the fact that we will be humble one day in our life yet the media portrays fools day and night fools pretending that they can never be humbled morons rings and then those rubbing their crotches throwing money in your face blowing marijuana in your face holding a gun as though they are immortal in the lowest of humanity and yet the. Highest of humanity which is. Stab young girls to death in the street. It's because of the media it's because of liberal politicians who don't get up there and say we'll track them down we'll try them as adults we know who they are because they're on tape you hear what I'm saying these kids have done it before that's a 2nd story I want to talk about. A little later on on the Savage Nation joined Savage Nation. 400 savage savage. Pick your poison at 100. 50. Jack Hanna it's always a boy growing up on a farm in Tennessee I've been fascinated with animals on the way and all of their beauty and kindness but also their tireless work ethic just look at the birds who gather supplies to build nests or Swiss foxes who work hard to provide for their young or penguins who travel up to 500 miles to secure food for their families or bush babies whose impressive job allows them to navigate the trees in the wild in search of fruit this remarkable work at the shared our best friends the canines we know dogs are wonderful pets at home but because of their cute senses they also perform life saving work every day. In airports they come for returning veterans some of whom suffer from p.t.s. They were diabetics alerting them when there's a change in their blood chemistry working dogs have a variety of highly trained roles that contribute to society and help those in need so please join me in American Humane and supporting our heroic working dogs and all the amazing animals on this planet we have it together go to American Humane dot org to learn more. Senate is expected impeachment trial next month former Vice President Joe Biden could be called of Sen seek more information about his allegedly corrupt ties with the Ukrainian energy company that led to President Trump's now famous request for an investigation but Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer is already working to prevent that he warns of the Senate trial becoming what he calls a circus saying of the Senate. It's expected the House will vote on 2 articles of impeachment this week and that they'll be taken up by the Senate early in the new year new report president asked about North Korea's recent missile activity and its claim that it successfully performed an unspecified crucial test that will strengthen its nuclear. Deterrent I'd be disappointed if something would be. In the works and if it is we'll take care of it but we'll see watching it very closely Meanwhile a senior u.s. Diplomat says Washington won't accept a year end deadline set by North Korea to make concessions and stalled nuclear talks Senator Charles Grassley says Republicans and Democrats agree that far too many Americans simply can't afford to pay for the prescription drugs they need that's why we must pass a prescription drug pricing Reduction Act to finally help Americans afford their critical medications that they need Grassley says the bill he co-sponsors with Democrat Ron Wyden of Oregon can pass the Senate unlike a proposal from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi which many Republicans call a socialist takeover the health care system at least one person is dead from dangerous storm sweeping across the south the storms destroyed buildings toppled trees and downed power lines in several The easy and communities and forecasters say more bad weather is on the way on Wall Street that out by 100 points the Nasdaq rose 79 more on these stories at townhall dot com trading and also financial risk is not suitable for all investors past results do not guarantee future performance there's no one size fits all solution in today's complex financial landscape one of the markets crash tomorrow it's important to be able to take control of your investments before they take a toll on your life come to our life training and find out how vantage point has spent the last 30 years perfecting an artificial intelligence process you can use today to minimize risk and make more money this live online training is free and seating is limited so don't miss out whether you're a novice or experienced investor you'll want.

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