Transcripts for KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] 20191209 110000

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990-6976 that's 199069768 long awaited summit in Paris today aims to find a way to end the war in Ukraine after 5 years and 14000 lives lost in a conflict that has emboldened the Kremlin and reshaped European geopolitics the leaders of Ukraine Russia Germany and France holding a series of meetings trying to revive a 2015 peace deal that has gone largely ignored Ukrainian soldiers and Russia back sefer discontinue exchanging fire across World War one style trenches along the front line slicing through eastern Ukraine Turkey has deported and Levon French nationals suspected of being members of ISIS the Turkish interior ministry says 11 foreign terrorist fighters are returned to their home country it doesn't provide details or identify the suspects last month Recchi stepped up the return of suspected foreign ISIS members either held in Turkish presence or in Syria news and analysis at townhall dot com. The flu season off to its earliest starch more than 15 years an early barrage of illness in the south has begun to spread and there's a chance flu season could peak much earlier than normal blindness flu season the rest of this early was in 200320048 bad one some experts think the early start may mean a lot of suffering is in store others say it's too early to tell no Louisiana was the 1st state to get hit really hard when doctors began seeing large numbers of flu like illnesses in October John Scott reporting team overall about to face 14 state attorneys general in court offending its attempt by Sprint for $26.00 and a half $1000000000.00 He mobile is already won approvals from key federal regulators starting today it must also convince a federal judge the state attempt to block the deal is misguided the states argue that having one fewer mobile carrier would cost Americans billions of dollars more on the story at townhall dot com. I'm just sort of walking around here inside the theater of my mind how did I get my part you know that's the nice thing about radio I can but if I want to hear. Em. Merry go round over there by the. Well I'm like. At the mercy of the size of the screen you know the monitor of our head is limitless I get it like that giant turned back taking a bite out of the ship. That's me. Thanks for helping. I get a plane back on. Yeah the door to my mind open. Presented by the National Association of. Mike Nichols. If you have. You can give me. Your calendar. Christmas you want to do that. Think how many days to Christmas we should probably do that from time to time keep people lose plate lose their place in line and there are lots of lines people want to be boy in the well even though so much Wednesday or 2 weeks 2 weeks she's. Yes came fast yes it certainly did so the amount of business being done in the stores as well as on line seems to be exceeding a lot of records from what I can see so I guess to keep it up if you feel like you're going to be generous give people good things think about what you're giving to people so that they will think that you really care about them I think that's kind of know who you are if you don't know the person well enough to buy something for them or give them something that has a meaning why do it all you ever think about that you ever have that dilemma Lady Victoria saying and they get stuck on the cake for Terry Keelin is here and Jennifer Horn so carries off this week what if you Jennifer is very thoughtful Victoria what about when you get to that person that you don't really know and you feel like you ought to do something for him or her then what do you do on your car I don't have anybody like that depends like are you talking about someone like you want to give them something or somebody like that yeah I don't know I always think it's a good idea for somebody. On the money on if you don't know what they want you bake for the candles that's where candles come in handy or you know like a body butter or something like that where it's just small but thoughtful you know something just nice by the butter thinking of you like a nice moisturizer a lotion they call it body butter Yeah there is a thing called Body Butter from is that like Potter books maybe are the bottle shop I think started that right it was right the body shop Yeah yeah I think there are actually many benefits if you were to bathe in cow's milk there are many benefits maybe you should give some are very that you're going to do that for I want to do is give them about 5 gallons of milk and tell me take a bath in it well you could do that now because you could get branded you can give that to someone and and they'll never speak to you again so. That so when you give a gift that give to somebody that you really don't want Yeah right exactly right we have things this is murder mayhem Monday and this time one of our friends shot up the based out of Pensacola Jennifer you want to give us an update on how many have made it through that or how many didn't make it through yeah there was a shooting if you missed it a lot of the stuff that happens on Friday we hear about it in the weekend happens everybody's busy and we go Ok wait a 2nd what went on the person who opened fire in Pensacola at the Naval Air Station was a Saudi gunman who killed 3 people at the Pensacola Naval Base and apparently had gone on Twitter before the shooting to blast the United States' support of Israel was something big and accuse America being anti Muslim and this is according to an update that was given on Sunday the f.b.i. Confirmed it is operating anyway under the assumption of an act of terrorism investigators are also trying to establish whether the killer and Lieutenant Mohammad. Morani. Pardon me if I got that wrong of the Royal Saudi Air Force acted alone or was part of a larger plot because there were a group of people who went missing after the shooting. He was killed by the sheriff's deputy during the rampage of a classroom building Friday was undergoing flight training in Pensacola where members of foreign militaries routinely receive instruction this is something that's very commonplace in the United States authorities think that the gunman made social media posts criticizing at the United States under a user handle similar to his name but federal law I'm very aware of and are investigating whether he authored the words or just posted them and they haven't been able to decide that yet there was one to make doesn't I don't think but now I get I guess every little bit matters I think if you post it it that's the bottom line and that's media lies to these people seriously how much of this kind of stuff from the Saudis with where it's so transparent where it's happening in leadership roles with the courting of Saudi and their money and their oil and their repressive regime and they are backwards and I say backwards is that arrogant to say that they who are we to say that they're backward thinking maybe not backward thinking just leave go away leave us alone we don't want anything I think the average American if in fact he or she has been educated to what happened on September 1st kind of gets it with the Saudis and they're offended maybe even more action than offense to be taken for Saudi Why do we want them in the country what is this person doing here. We bring them in and train them that's the thing. I mean it's baffling the United States has done this for at for this this is not the Saudis but we have no I think with with all but with countries around the world we bring people in Yemen are they friendly to us send them back and then they end up getting going after us at some point. I just they're just this is another one of those things where it comes down to leadership pure and simple and what it is that we are looking at here I think this is this is a campaign issue Well it's a campaign issue going to have to answer for this because as much criticism as he receives for being an isolationist his policy is America 1st so why are we training all of these people this is something that probably could have happened under other administrations but there's this great area between promoting democracy and helping our allies and focusing on our country 1st and that it's a really murky area when it comes to the Saudis We've never put at least in modern times back to the Bush era I don't know maybe even the Bush the father who had really murky dealings with the Saudis both you know offer that and that's go ahead yeah yeah right why. Why why are we doing this and I have the money boiling Ok so then it's some point in time we're going to because of all the emphasis on electric cars with you know not that's a direction although we need oil one of the Salwa sees about electric cars is that we save a lot of energy at the moment we don't say much energy at all because the more electric cars we have the more electricity we have to produce and electricity is pretty much fired by fossil fuel so those of you who think you're saving by driving electric car know if you driving a hybrid Yes if you driving a an electric car not so much and so you're giving these people by buying an electric car you think you're being sold a bill of goods by really really clever marketers who talk about how we're going to do this we're going to do that from the environment Yes Well except follow the trail back to where the power comes from it doesn't take a lot of intelligence to figure that out and you're helping me but actually that's not totally accurate because the Tesla plant is completely that's completely run on wind and solar So that's actually not totally I think the car is not run on wind and solar the car is powered by electricity out of the power grid and the power grid I don't know but it's a huge improvement over producing a regular traditional engine so it is. You're missing my point I'm sorry Victoria The point is that the power that takes the power to charge of the battery comes down the power lines and the power lines the power comes from we go to p.g. And e. Jennifer in California and if you go to the plants that fire up the power they create the power create electricity most of them are fueled in one way or another by some form of fossil fuel whether it's coal not in California but it's oil some of the plants now as you're suggesting individually are powered by. And solar if that's what you're saying Be curious that's what the Tesla plant that's their big thing is that that's not really had our the cars right to tell me I know I'm talking about the manufacturing or no I'm not I'm talking about how you make the car run to see what worries me about those cars and I don't think anybody's addressed it or talked about it and there's other details about the stereotype but we can forget about we could talk about it but I went out this weekend to visit my friends who just bought a brand new house and they're all settled in and my friend's husband is like a Tesla fanatic he's got the new what is it the the 3 or the 6 I think he has a 6 he would kill me for not knowing. No but it already put the order in for that we are back to the future track so it's rocky Yes soon as he gets out in 2 years he's going to drive that my friend is going to drive is old but they had to call an electrician out they had to get a special power and he's got this garage set up like a showroom it's so funny and he's got this big huge power thing so he can fuel up his car power up his car the thing that I don't like about it is in California now the power outages are the thing are you not able to go anywhere if someone attacks the power grid number one which could need try really big reality for terror and the number 2 if you live in California they just shut the power down what are you supposed to do you drive your. Car and I go right when you go there I think there is some sort of backup power system that it has like some sort of a backup battery thing that holds it that does that in a case of no electricity or an emergency I think you flip it over to that so it's either it's either on the newest ones or it's going to be on the next gen I'm not sure but your friend would know what to do in that situation but I think that the guitar inside it want to be like negative nellies But I mean that's the future of terror attacks is people attacking our power grids Unfortunately I don't want to wish that but that is what is and the Saudis are right in their eyes of the line right Saudis are right there that's something that north probably a lot right now everybody's focusing on missiles and China could do it these are these e m t's that just take down power grids that are big problems that we are not prepared for and with everybody going to that system it's like what are we going to do are which is going to be stuck like rats someplace maybe good question it's 18 and change past the hour on the Monday. Is very and it's their way to eating healthy at this time of year kind of with a lot of people is not an option eating is that the right word I always wonder healthy eating is better than eating healthy because there's I think an adjective with an adverb there doesn't sound quite right but I will stick to. Eating the right way as a target for conversation here with regard to losing weight it isn't practical to think you're not going to have a lot of extra drinking in a lot of extra party favors cookies candies and all that kind of stuff so if you are on that diet right now Ok you are acknowledging you're going to gain some weight you do every year at this time right from Christmas to New Years all the way maybe even a Valentine's Day So why would you want to put your body in jeopardy no reason in the world to do that when you know those calories from around Kalak friend is the best weight loss formula doesn't involve any dieting doesn't involve any drugs it doesn't involve any stimulants So Doug what does it do I like to sell from the positive what it does is over a period of time it takes 3 or 4 months to get your body in sync that's what I'm saying right now get on the program and then you are on the offensive you're trying to keep the way down while you're enjoying all the great Christmas foods that there are around you helping your body keep the weight where it is and then if you happen to not want to start the program now so you start up the 1st year he get on the program and you stay with it for about 6 months and a lot of magically recharge the things in your body that help you keep your weight to where you would like it to be when you were younger it's all about the measurement of college and it's in your body and what it does and I get too technical all you want to know is that it works right Calla trend is proven to help with weight loss and the natural energy that goes with it no diet no nothing that's ever been around no supplement has ever been like Caliban go to their website Kalitan dot com see the formula find out the story of the company feel comfortable that you're going to have the body that you want over about 456 months it's not a thing that involves lots of doing anything so. 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Seniors 1st is looking for volunteers who want to make sure that no senior is forgotten in Placer County the team of staff and volunteers are dedicated to ensure that Placer County seniors are not forgotten come join the team at seniors 1st your help is desperately needed to deliver hot meals Monday through Friday drivers are needed in Auburn Colfax Rocklin Rose Lincoln and us it takes 2 hours to deliver a meal to seniors who desperately need the meals and a friendly visit from the volunteer call today for more information 180-878-9222 extension 208 once again call seniors 1st today at 180-878-9222 extension 208 join the ball. Here's who deliver meals to seniors 1st. American war fighters go into battle if all goes well they'll come home but not everyone makes it all the way home it's estimated that over a half 1000000 current war fighters will return from service diagnosed with p.t.s.d. For over 45 years help heal veterans are not for profit organization has crafted a way to help returning veterans create their way back help us heal vets to learn more visit heal vets start org That's vets dot org. And the u.s. . With the red. And the. Reality. Is there one dude here with regard to. Returning to Las Vegas for the 1st time headlining shows there at the m.g.m. Jennifer you dress the audience with a message that referenced the shooting a couple of years ago at the route 91 harvest festival where he was on stage at the time of the shooting he said quote We have a lot of people a crowd tonight who are family to us so well come out everybody prove $91.00. Back here in Vegas 1st show back here make no mistake about it and I came back to blow it out for you guys all right let's finish what we started what you all think. A lot of I saw a lot of people on social media you know it's interesting I have I don't know if this happens much but a lot of people for whatever reason in kind of the areas that I follow on social media in my area were actually at that harvest festival and so a lot of them went back and this is a solid group of people who travel around the go to another country concerts they identify themselves by writing you know the wax crayons on the coming out of them are there and you think well how many people were at that concert I mean were there at least 2030000 people a lot of people there I think I told you this remember that day that I had that weird allergic reaction I just went to this new urgent care that popped up up the street you know and it was right after that concert literally the girl that was working there from my neighborhood. Telling me that she just. A lot of people from California were at this and some of the thing that always gets me is. How many stories of. People who escaped the shooting. Crazy during the show. Cheered for a fan who was there in a wheelchair. Holding an American flag he was lifted up by the way by some of the other folks in the audience. At his venue continue all weekend long and he was pretty. Popular and I'm sure. I'm sure this is an emotional weekend for everyone everyone there 26 after the hour of the program. With the music. Emmylou Harris. Is the headliners for Montana's under the big sky festival returning for its 2nd year. In the 400. 400 unit. That he did an album his most recent album. Was their. Head in the heart and wallet big. 100. 30000 people. Earlier this year continues to bring attendees some of the best artists in America. All the country. Who would be someone from country that. I feel like Probably country. Shovels and. Really strings Jaybird many more taking the stage and this working farm located about a mile east of their city line of white fish and so you get that all. Beautiful area of our country it's Big Sky Country is why this is called under the big sky. Are all kinds of things are happening by the way under the big skies and all ages event free entries were children under the age of 6 there's the story 28 past the hour on the d j v programme. Last more cough less This is mostly management I'm Dr Christian Conti Laughter is good for you it's been demonstrated to lower blood pressure to reduce stress hormones lessen respiratory infections and even lower your chances of getting the common cold laughter has also been shown to help memory and learning and in addition all those medical benefits guess what laughter also helps make life more fun which has a direct impact on your emotions it's tough after all to feel anxious or depressed in the middle of a very deep hearty laugh so loud more watch comedies read things that make you laugh and take yourself way less seriously the more open you are to funny experiences the more likely you'll find that not only will you laugh more but you also cough less and you'll likely feel a heck of a lot better too for all things emotional management visit Dr Christian Conti dot com. Hello I'm Mike window and I'm here to tell you about my brand new product for my pillow just like all of you out there I had problems with. They just don't seem to draw your anymore they feel solved emotionally in the stores but you get them home and they grown ups or. That around 2006 calls changed forever they started importing them and outings. Softeners and other things to the cause that made them feel good but they did. Right here in the USA their proprietary technology that I was able to create. Actually work. And they come with my 60 day money back guarantee and now you can go to my pillow dot com click on the new radio listeners special and get 30 percent off amazing new towels that they have to. Go to my pillow dot com Use the promo code j. . Legal advice for. Starting. Point 5. News it's going to be a bad weather week in California of. California. The head of that and then probably behind it as well into tomorrow and widespread rainfall across the area as well as some isolated thunderstorms after the front moves through as much as 3 feet of new snow could fall and elevations above 7000 feet a survivor of the April sort of god shooting and power he is suing claiming the power he did not use $150000.00 in federal funding doesn't dated for security upgrades and l.a. City attorney like you were is warning of a puppy scam after the victim pleas an initial fee the scammer gives live updates on the globe reconning the person out of a digital Molly. Disappointed a child when they got in the expectation that this puppy is on the way to help those hopes dashed when there's no pattern and their parents have been. Holiday Inn Express wants to. Remember. During. A different kind of joy the joy of course. The. Further. Until tomorrow because. Back for more thoughts on what works great job everybody this holiday give the gift of how it's all that one peloton dot com. Not Have To Do You Need To am I'm critiquing I'm going to that's not fair have a strict boss that only listens to music and never local news he's not very informed then but you don't worry you can get up to the minute news information and local advice from our talented news team anywhere you want now all Ok on Twitter or like Ai on Facebook to receive local news updates multiple times a day you can also download our k. I radio app that case dot com and enjoy the voice the that am I at any time day or night and logic and information that's what I want so here are 282 facts to put into my 32nd radio commercial answer you're missing a great opportunity see radio gets up close and personal and it pushes listeners emotional hot buttons more than t.v. Or print time maybe for a product that has some emotionality but not a straightforward product like mine are you serious but emotional about a cemetery they're dead they're buried they're gone but a big bets are radio can always make an emotional connection to the consumer Now here's a spot we did on my fax and. Now she's. Hidden cemetery knows how painful a loss can be and that's why I was here helping through your son turned it all off that commercial will haunt me from See that's radio and that's great advertising you know when Great show you what my slogan hidden all summer Terry conveniently located 6 feet under Cleveland. Maybe I should rethink that's going to need work do what radio does best and how to get closer to the consumer station a message from the radio advertising to the bench Shapiro show weekdays from one to 3 pm right here on Radio this is a great country the people came before us are great it's that latter point the Democrats refuse to acknowledge the people who came before us had greatness in ways that we don't have and we stand on their shoulders that's what makes the country great a little bit of gratitude would go a long way but Democrats can't acknowledge their American public check your privilege Democrats acknowledge your American public the Ben Shapiro show weekdays from one to 3 pm on one of 4.5 f.m. And am 950. 30 Monday December the 9th didn't talk much about December 7th either on Friday it was Saturday and there wasn't much attention. Have we grown beyond the focus of December 7th and what it means to our country we haven't I hope we don't get to that point and I hope we don't get that forward September 11th either but I'm just kind of thinking about what I did I actually I spent the afternoon on Saturday in the it was really cold that we were asked to help out in a nearby community with their Christmas festival and so it was on a tractor all afternoon it was about 23 degrees and carried about 400 people around on a rides in downtown Atlanta which is a town that's next to framing it and even though you were freezing you must yeah I did like it yeah a lot of children I had kids sit in my I sit up on the tractor and sit in the see didn't have their picture taken and the kids just don't see that stuff they don't even you know they kind of know what it is these are youngsters that are you know 2345 years old is really very sweet the parents are all bundled up and they're all thrilled to have a different kind of experience arriving around on a tractor in downtown Ashleigh it's not. Something that you see every day so but that was December 7th and I don't remember. When it was a little bit of news about sewer of but not a lot I just think that was the kind of things that are important to be focused on teaching especially on the day so but did you any of Jennifer Victoria hear of you see anything about. December 7th Pearl Harbor Day anywhere Well you know because there was the shooting on Friday well reversed so that so there was a date they connected a lot of that in terms I didn't see a lot of news I was pretty busy this weekend but when I did see stuff it was connected to that so yeah Ok Jennifer were I was pay attention I'm one of my old like grade school best friends has a birthday on December 7th so I always kind of think about it when I think about her and yes I think that's kind of cool I also heard a story and maybe you know about it almost essential text over the weekend about the last survivors of the u.s. Soldiers own and that was your honor all right that was my uncle was in the Wahoo every Why did I Well why did I think the Arizona had some can and he was not on the air when he was in Pearl when it happened but survived he was one of the 1st ones out after all the debris was cleared so they get they could get some Marines out he was one of the 1st ones out to go chase after the Japanese and was in the war more Japanese times and any other u.s. Submarine the Pacific fleet until he was given I think that's what it was a bunch of dead torpedoes 943 matters December of 143 again with the exact date was and his submarine was torpedoed and sunk off the coast of Russia off the Sakhalin islands and he's only in the boat for 500 feet of water and the Russians knew that the sub was there and these let alone was until 1905 that our government was told that the submarine was there and they decided just leave it there leave everybody where they were and so about 10 years ago my cousin Duggie who often times when we were in a room he had a son my namesake as was the commander of this submarine Dudley Walker Morden and so when we were we were together people would go to where his sons were. Reading I remember people called out daddy and he and I would both turn around and look and whoever was there was calling and then people would call out deadly and and his son and I would turn around and look it was he was he was a wonderful guy passed away a couple of years ago from Alzheimer's but his father was a real character and one of those write to the wall so it's a personalities and so he wanted to be out there 1st and was there and he was there you saw the movie destination Tokyo that was about his exploits he actually got into Tokyo Harbor in 1902 and suck everything that was in the harbor and he managed to get out and then went back again to kind of do the same thing in another area one of the northern Japanese islands and that's when they got him because he had bad to repeat us so anyway there was a memorial for him about 10 years ago in Pearl at this there's a there's a as you stand and look at the Arizona there are plaques for the submarines and the ships that were involved in action and lost during the 2nd World War and his plaque is right near the front and so there was an assault when once they they found the ship there was a sort of a ceremony over the area where the ship was sunk kind of an eerie thing I was supposed to go and then I ended up not being able to go but one of the things that was most unusual about it is they found the captain of the Japanese ship that sunk the sub and he was there at the ceremony. Yeah yeah that's going to be yeah. Freely Erie Yeah so anyway yeah let's brought up the u.s.s. Arizona I think actually interred one of the last survivors a pro Harbor cremated him in September when he passed away and Saturday on the weekends they actually. Buried him are they. Right oh I saw that you know that's a nice yeah good number just my point is let's not lose sight of this children Granger already should know what the story's about the This American student there was actually a Chinese American that was been been in a prison in Iran what's the story yeah that this was other big news this weekend he's the American graduate student he had been jailed in Tehran for more than 3 years on suspicion of being a spy and so he has been released his name is Wang and he was basically part of a prisoner swap and Iran in the u.s. Did this prisoner swap he was he was traded for must sued solo Monny he was an Iranian scientist who had been facing trial in Georgia not really sure exactly what he was being charged with but we did a prisoner swap for him and essentially Switzerland helped literally you know they're sort of oh it's the neutral Well they were in the middle of this and they they helped negotiate this the terms of this it kind of looks like from what I've been seeing a lot of national security experts were weighing in on this saying that prisoner swaps might be sort of the future bargaining chip in negotiations with Iran so we may hear more and more of this but this poor guy this American 3 year more than 3 years in a prisoner in a prison in Tehran is obviously not a fun time so his family greeted him and was happy that he is back on u.s. Soil and I'm sure that's a huge relief for him anymore about the upsets and all of the protests the people who lost their lives in Iran or that I saw a reporter for the weekend said that it's estimated and obviously we don't know the exact number but it's estimated that Iran has killed thousands of. Their own people at this point who are protesting them. Harm and that the government the government of the new president seems to be acquiescing to this thug called the supreme leader the Ayatollah for what benefit God only knows because politically the I told is very and popular and if you see some of the subs leaking out of there you know what people think about their government they're not getting any better that's for sure today marks the annual Christmas card day Christmas cards and the man who is credited with coming up with the idea for a commercial credit card credit card. Freddie and flip They Christmas card not the Christmas credit card man's name was Sir Henry Cole he didn't have time to write all his family and friends at Christmas time he's a worker at the Public Records Office in London so he commissioned an artist named John Calcutta hoarsely to design a card from 1st card was created in 1903 had a picture of family celebrating Christmas together while drinking and having a good time flanked by images of people giving food and clothing also to the folks who needed it in the England below the phrase a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year was inscribed under all of that as the cards work well 1st call he had a 1000 of them printed which were sold for a shilling each making him the 1st mass produced Christmas cause I go back to this 843 remember in 20011 of the original cards which was signed by Cole him self went for 30000 bucks at an auction. Believe that about a dozen of the original cards are still around today some of them can be viewed at the national art library inside the Victorian Albert Museum where Henry call was the 1st director in England Louis prang who was a print shop owner near Boston is known as the father of the American Christmas card his original card created 1905 consisted of a flower in the words Merry Christmas many of the 1st generation American Christmas cards consisted of pictures of animals and things in nature and scenes from winter months and by the 880 s. Christmas cards were an important part of the holiday we will send 1600000000 Christmas cards this year 1.60 who is sending cards among us here Jennifer you saying you know cards I am but I'm cutting my Les way down because as with everything I go way overboard and it takes me for ever to go through my Christmas list this year I decided select people get Christmas cards All right Victor about you and cards I don't know last year we sent the last 2 years I guess we send Christmas cards out but I haven't even really thought about it so I think no one's going to get a Christmas card from say Ah bah humbug revery one yeah true the Patriots lost again over the weekend so that does that mean then that and 1st play by the teams but what happened to your other fantasy teams last 2 weeks in a row and I was in 1st place and now I suppose just like the stupid Patriots you think the Patriots are done or they just lock you seem to have lost enthusiasm and it's kind of because it seems like Tom Brady has lost enthusiasm like you know I watched that game and I don't think it's him I don't really think it's him that much and Louis said last night you know I said well it's Tom Brady slipping and his answer was all of the Patriots aren't as good as they used to be so it's not just on him the whole team which isn't what's missing. The Gronk factor Thank you Larry the Gronk factor Well whatever his people going to start blaming him then and I wonder if that will be the I think people who don't like the Patriots jump to blaming him yeah right this is the biggest gap in college football number 4 number 5 ranking 1st a college football player standings and changed a lot over the weekend apparently there was some Ohio State's number one. But it was something that happened between Wisconsin and I staved like 217 at halftime Saturday and then they stormed back in the 2nd half to win for the following Ohio State you know because you went a little bit or had. A point. But I'm not sure what else I'm taken aback by the amount of attention that's given to college football you just am on Saturday you couldn't turn on any major network without seeing college football game but that's every Saturday and you're only just becoming aware of it now though but that's been the same way forever that every Saturday so ls you want over the weekend Oklahoma one over the weekend so what that does this was the last weekend of the season too and for college football right about now should be. All right speaking of the last game of the season I was trying to figure out you said to me last week in television news that the one of my favorite shows Madam Secretary was all done so I stayed up late because they started you know they started has the c.b.s. What program started it late so I stayed up late to watch it there was no trailer then there was no it just kind of I don't know whether it was or wasn't I haven't actually looked it up what do you know about that. Well I just know what I saw what I told you Madam Secretary final episode let's see Madam Secretary. Finale celebration a wedding was there in a way a way out there was a wedding of her daughter that was it yeah so that was the end of the series. So you know why that. Would be great if you're the only person watching that show no I don't think I was that all right there you are. There was wiped it out Jennifer was on tonight the movies and I have to tell you I watched the movies over the weekend and it's so cute I don't know if you guys have heard about that I had to start I haven't seen it yet I think it's cute it's sort of it's a mini I like Denis Leary so you that Fox Television has done with Elizabeth Perkins and Denis Leary and it's kind of a dark comedy but it's sort of sweet it's a troubled family who get together to try to have the perfect holiday and everybody keeps screwing it up so another episode of that will air tonight at 9 it's a short one so you're only going to get like 3 or 4 episodes I think I think maybe it might end tomorrow will double check on that also tonight if you want to feel little holiday ovation has the 21000 National Christmas Tree lighting That's at 8 o'clock and Discovery has a season premiere of diesel brothers on 3 to mark that one on my calendar. The networks a.b.c. Has the great Christmas light fight to that starts at 8 o'clock followed by a new episode of the good doctor at 10 c.b.s. Is still new tonight with Welcome to the neighborhood 8 parts at 830 and all rise at 9 ball was on rerun tonight new on the c.w. Is Batman this is a crossover event we talked about last Friday this is part 2 of that at 8 o'clock followed by a black lightnings winter finale Fox has an episode of beeches am a holiday special at 8 followed by that show I told you about the movies it's a good one and n.b.c. Has the semifinals of the voice the final 8 participants are going against each other at 8 o'clock followed by making its Which is a kick challenge at 10 o'clock anybody seen Miss Universe last night that outfit that Steve Harvey Harvey. Was the really do you know it was all winner right yeah yeah yeah I think so but he had on a tux that was green and covered with gold sequins in the industry festive. Yes fascinating 10 before the hour on the program. Strictly. Is committed to providing their customers with excellent service period they understand that automotive repair is either. They value their customers and always put them 1st listening to problems and helping find solutions in addition to . Those services. As well as other domestic stuff in a strictly 35 stadium or call them 870808 strictly. They'll come home but not everyone makes it all the way home many. Will return from service diagnosed with p.t.s.d. For over 45 years. And not for profit organization has crafted a way to help. Veterans with the support of citizens like you creates manufactures and distributes the. Military at no charge to the. Doctors an occupational therapist report that building things helps improve skills improve memory. Issues and help rebuild confidence and self-esteem. To volunteer or visit. Visit he or. Radio Why should I advertise on radio there's nothing to look at pictures listening to things on radio you couldn't possibly do want t.v. That'll be the day right watch this Ok people and now I give you the Q I want the $700.00 foot my. On the whipped cream to roll into Lake Michigan which has been drained and filled with hot chocolate then the Royal Canadian Air Force will fly overhead towing a 10 ton merit Shino cherry which will be dropped into the whipped cream for the cheering of $25000.00 extras all right she would have. $25.00 very much. Now you want to try that on television were radio is a very special medium because it stretches the imagination doesn't television stretch imagination up to $27.00 inches you. Got you covered. 4.5. M. 50. 3. Com. That's 4 point. 8950. Still the voice of the 1st hour of the. Time now 53 and the hour is Monday Jennifer Horn goes stage left for Kerry q. In stands right in the middle at the podium we go through some of the important technology stories and how they affect you starting with Bernie Sanders new Internet for all plan everybody paid to do this because it seems like kind of an interesting creation Yes Yeah and it's certainly something that we've talked about a lot here the focus on Bernie's plan is he wants to bring high speed Internet into every household in the u.s. Specifically he's going after what really underserved rural areas Native American reservations and communities though those are when you look at really who doesn't have internet in this country it's it's the rural America all that pretty much all of the Native American community people with disabilities and people below the poverty line and so that's why he wants he's calling it Internet for all his proposal aims to help states and use and municipalities build publicly owned and democratically controlled That's his quote networks he said the plan is specifically designed to help people who live in affordable housing tribal lands things like that he said he would this is a 7 and a half $1000000000.00 plan towards building networks in Native American communities alone this funding would actually come from the earth to come through the Green New Deal and receiving grants for it would be conditioned on providing universal service minimum speeds privacy in the creation of union jobs essentially what he his plan is to bypass what the f.c.c. Has claimed that they're going to do they announce that they're going to add 4900000000 in funding over the next decade for maintaining improving and expanding broadband networks in rural areas that I don't really even know if that's going to happen they've been talking. About this this new under the trumpet ministration the f.c.c. Has the 1st thing they did was repeal net neutrality which actually harms every single person that we're talking about in these category so I'm not really sure how much the f.c.c. Is really invested in helping people in rural America farmers who you know sometimes have to leave their own farms their own land just to get cellular service just to get a signal on their phone. No one and Bernie Sanders is absolutely right he said over the weekend access to the Internet is just a necessity at this point in today's economy if you don't if you if you run a business and you don't have a website or internet how are you even doing business you can't and so he said we're going to take on the greedy Internet telecom and cable monopolies and put an end to their absurd prices I think this is something that pretty much everyone can agree with the f.c.c. Actually reported in 2018 that the u.s. Is ranked 10th out of 28 countries for download speed and 7th out of 29 for fixed Broadbridge broadband prices that actually is pretty pathetic if we're supposed to be the know the most developed country in the world and work 10th out of $28.00 for people who have access to the Internet and for downloading speeds that's that's not great so millions of people now when we talk about numbers who don't have internet millions of people in tribal and rural communities are completely behind the 8 ball here they do not have access to mobile broadband and I think that you know whether it's Bernie your home ever someone needs to address this and put a solid plan in place so I like Bernie as a person he's not my in my candidate of choice but I think that this is a really good plan and I hope someone else maybe picks it up and runs with it the f.b.i. Home and network recommendations let's listen to that. You see I recently popped up with Internet security advice for consumers and while much of that was the stuff like your passwords on the regular the highlight was this weird suggestion. Putting your smartphone devices on a network different than what your personal computer or any hard drives with personal data would be now this probably is not as easy as it sounds for the general but many of today's smart gadgets do have vulnerabilities that could give hackers access to stuff so the takeaway here is that it's probably impractical to have 2 separate fine networks in your house but it is important to be aware that all of these new devices you create potential entry points into your digital existence we've posted a link to the f.b.i. Suggestions at the geek out everyone knows about the risks of driving drunk people could get hurt or killed you could get arrested incur huge legal expenses or even lose your job if you think drunk driving is no big deal you couldn't be more wrong or get pulled over by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration All right let's see we got here. Pass a bill combating. This Oh absolutely the A's were 417 in the names were only 3 which doesn't seem to happen a whole lot yes is overwhelmingly passed to crackdown on robo calls this is actually sponsored by New Jersey Representative Frank Pallone who is actually my representative here and all it Long Branch New Jersey and so he sponsored this bill and wrote it now it's in the hands of the Senate hopefully this will get passed because it's called the trace to act and it will it will require phone providers to verify where the calls are coming from so you can actually block them how what a novel about. 15 I passed. Since I was a boy I mean fascinating especially the work ethic just look at birds and other supplies to build a nest or opinions about the 500 miles to secure food for their families this work . Best friends before me work every day returning veterans alerting them when there's a change in their blood chemistry. In many ways so please join me in the supporting . To learn more. Ok has this wind chime Betty certainly. I know it's a little chilly out this morning but it is. Getting. Nice sweet. Saturday mornings at 9. Point 5950. S 10.5. 0 am 958. People killed 18 rescued after a volcano erupted on an island in New Zealand senior police official John Tim says a number of people are missing both New Zealanders and overseas terse believed to be involved. We believe a number of these tourists have come from the ovation of the Seas cruise ship. We cannot confirm the nationalities of these people involved he says the number of missing is in the double digits but he cannot confirm an exact number is being treated as a case of terrorism by investigators looking into last week's deadly attack at the Pensacola Naval Base the gunman was taking part in a military training program for members of the Saudi military or a Congressman Matt Katz says the program should be put on hold after 4 people including the shooter died at Naval Air Station Pensacola we should pause this program we should not be taking new incoming Saudi students and so we are absolutely confident in our vetting process gets spoke on A.B.C.'s This Week more than 850 Saudis are in the United States for various training activities they are among more than 5000 foreign students from 153 countries in the u.s. Going through military training President Trump says he will review the policies governing foreign military training m my company the Justice Department's inspector general about to release his report on the Russia investigation that report due out later today the Democratic controlled House Judiciary Committee meets today to receive the findings of the impeachment investigation of President Trump It would be chaired Jerrold Nadler saying he expects a vote soon on charges against the president Wall Street this morning stock futures in the red Dow futures down 22 points s. And p. Futures off 2 Nasdaq each is down 6 points ahead of this morning's opening bell more on the story at townhall dot com. 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