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Hey welcome this is the bench here's a lot coming up for you this hour a little bit later on in the hour we'll talk about the new Democratic plan for a public option why that is a bad bad idea we'll also get to the Navy secretary Richard Spencer being fired after apparently had something to stop the president of the United States from reinstating the Navy Seal status of a man who was not convicted of a crime originally he was charged with will get out in just a little while 1st your impeachment date 21000 updates it seems that some Democrats are a little bit uncomfortable with this whole impeachment thing because it turns out the Democrats don't have the goods I mentioned last week the New York Times basically acknowledging as much Peter Baker had a piece in The New York Times late last week on Friday talking about how the Democrats could be calling people like Mick Mulvaney like John Bolton like Rudy Giuliani but they're not instead they haven't even subpoenaed most of these people and they're trying to move fast which suggest they don't actually have the goods it's just there are bunch of holes in their case and they are rushing to meet an arbitrary political deadline. Over the weekend Democratic House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff said he wouldn't rule out the possibility of his committee undertaking more depositions and hearings in the impeachment he was on C.N.N.'s State of the Union was Adam Schiff and he said that he won't let the trumpet ministrations stall the inquiry now let me point out again the trumping ministration is doing whatever is in their legal rights here so if the Congress issues a subpoena to an executive branch official and the executive branch official says no I'm not going to comply with that subpoena I challenge it in court that is purely within their rights that is not obstruction of justice obstruction of justice is when a court will has you to appear via a subpoena and you say no now you want to structure territory but if you appeal a subpoena to a court and then you wait for the court to rule that is not obstruction also not obstruction if somebody issues you an informal request that is not a subpoena and you don't challenge it in court you just say no it's not a formal subpoena request so that is not obstruction either Democrats are playing a stupid game here where they pretend they have asked a bunch of people for information but they have not done so in legally compulsory ways so if you say no and it is not obstruction none of us Schiff is saying that all of this is obstruction basically he said that he is still compiling the panel's findings to submit to the House Judiciary Committee and open their own hearings but those hearings generally on matters of law are not matters of fact he said his committee may need to file agendum Stewarts reports of the Judiciary Committee can move ahead he said the investigation isn't going to end meanwhile ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee regular represented Devin Nunes said on Fox News Sunday that public hearings over the past 2 weeks have drawn in many Americans who don't follow normally cable news he said the hearings showed Republicans are serious legislators and were not anything but a disaster for Democrats Schiff then said he wanted to talk with constituents and colleagues before making a final judgment on impeachment which demonstrates exactly where his head is at by the way. I was under the impression that for Democrats this was a matter of principle the Constitution mandates a president from be impeached he has violated all the rules right in this is what Schiff was saying over the weekend he said Republicans are putting their country 1st if they were they join me in impeaching if we decide that we cannot accept this kind of conduct in the present States and the Republicans decide that because of the president's party or because they're afraid of a primary for whatever reason they cannot vote to support impeachment I think it will mean a failure by the g.o.p. To put the country above their party and it will have very long term consequences if that's where we end up if that's where we end up but then he says he was asked of the we can also so is that where you end up and his mission his immediate response was you know I need to talk to my colleagues or my constituents what the hell are you talking about that's a political consideration you're now saying for political reasons you need to consider whether to move forward with this and here's the thing the polls are not great on impeachment most Americans particularly the swing states are not super high impeachments about 5050 in the general public in the in the swing states most people don't like impeachment according to n.p.r. News congressional Republican support for trying to show no overt signs of buckling ships that have no Republicans and up voting to support impeachment he believes it would mean a failure of the g.o.p. To put country over party he contends that if Obama had acted like Trump on Ukraine Republicans would have voted to impeach him in a heartbeat with a fraction of the evidence and then shift said if this had been a Democratic president I would be among those leading the way and saying we need serious we consider impeaching this President Obama crap you really believe that Adam Schiff would like yes Barack Obama needs to go based on he had a conversation with a foreign leader in which he mentioned that he didn't like Mitt Romney yes I'm sure I am sure by the way when this thing comes to the Senate it's bad news for the Democrats because guess who the Republicans will call all of the people the Democrats do not want to call. The Republicans will call Hunter by Republicans we'll call Joe the Republicans will call the whistleblower they will call everyone . All the people the fact that the Democrats are rushing forward with this thing shows that they really don't believe they have the goods now Meanwhile Rudy Giuliani continues to just say things Rudy has a gift for running off at the mouth so over the weekend regionally Ani suggested that he has that he was afraid that he would be killed based on the amount of information that he has on on the Democrats' non-hunter Biden particularly here is really being Rudy reality is I'm embarrassing you because you didn't do your job and I'm also going to bring out a pay for play scheme in the Obama administration that will be devastating to the Democratic Party Ok I expected the moment I heard Biden today sure I told my colleagues they're going to try to kill me because they're going to kill the messenger but damn it the mafia couldn't kill me but your colleagues are not going to kill Ok. Can we then the mafia tried to actually have him killed the media are criticizing Rudy again if she's got the goods now big time to come forward with this Giuliani claim he does have lots and lots of evidence which does speak to you Ok if Trump actually believed that Biden was guilty of crimes Hunter was guilty of crimes and Joe had used his position to commit those crimes then asking you to cooperate with Rudy not wonderful he said in the initiated d.o.j. Investigation but not exactly motivated by making things up really tweeted out over the weekend truth alert the statement I've made several times of having an insurance policy thrown under the bus it's not Catholic and relates to the files in my face about the Biden family for a decade monetizing of the office if I disappear will appear immediately along with my recall job so. It's literally tweeting out that if he gets killed he's got his papers in a safe. Well now would be a good to like what are you holding back exactly like why don't you just release the stuff if you really have something good and so this thing is getting crazier and crazier Meanwhile top House Democrats are suggesting that Devin Nunes is going to face an ethics investigation because there was a report last week that 7 Noons was working with his own people in Ukraine. There was a report last week in which Eric Swalwell suggested that Nunes had been working with left part as was Rudy Giuliani's inside Ukraine associate as partisan a part of an effort to get dirt on Joe Biden the news reports also say he had a minute meeting with Viktor show can be in battle the former Ukrainian prosecutor general the core of the Trump Ukraine scandal so according to House Armed Services Committee chairman Adam Smith of Washington he says that he's going to call for an ethics investigation of news do you believe that this should be a matter for an ethics investigation regarding Mr newness and quite likely without question and I do understand that a piece of this is about about Joe Biden but the bigger thing is about what President Trump and the Russians and all these people have been doing a systematically as the senator just pointed out and as you pointed out this is a systematic problem and there is a threat to the country because of what Russia is doing to democracy now is just a mess all the way through you've got an accusing Biden of criminal conduct you've got other Democrats accusing Noons of criminal conduct got Giuliani out there doing whatever comes to mind does any of this have any impact on from I don't think much I really don't I don't think that this is going to eventually cut in favor of people being like yeah we got to impeach him it may impact his electoral prospects but it's not going to it really is not going to impact impeachment stuff Ok in just a 2nd we'll get to a supposed bombshell report over the weekend from The Washington Post about e-mails that went between Mick Mulvaney and other members of the administration regarding the holdup in Ukrainian aid 1st let's talk about the fact that the Democratic 2020 presidential candidates are wildly to the left not just wildly many of them have openly embraced socialism you've got Bernie Sanders career useless person who spent his career promoting socialism you got a list with Warren who is pretending to be a socialist but not doing a great job of it people like Joe Biden's hanging around the fringes you got people who judge you sometimes a socialist and sometimes a capitalist and all the time is slightly irritating Well where do all these people stand in. The hierarchy of socialism were good news Freedom Works put together a scorecard and that scorecard will tell you just how socialist these candidates are if you want to check it out just text my name Ben 25286 and yours have exclusive access to freedom or socialist scorecard evaluate the candidates yourself decide if they are indeed socialist for them or to spend a lot of time analyzing the policies you didn't do it they did it go check them out right now text my name Ben to 5 to 86 and receive exclusive access to Freedom Works a socialist scorecard right this instant Again please text my name Ben 25286 and help Freedom Works out they're doing wonderful work and will give you great information right before Thanksgiving text bed 25286 Ok So according to The Washington Post a confidential White House review of President from decision to place a hold on military aid to Ukraine has turned up hundreds of documents that reveal extensive efforts to generate an after the fact justification for the decision and a debate over whether the delay was legal according to 3 people familiar with the records the research by the White House counsel's office which was triggered by a congressional impeachment inquiry announced in September includes early August e-mail exchanges between acting chief of staff. And White House budget officials seeking to provide an explanation for the holding the funds after the president had already hold were to hold in mid July on the nearly $400000000.00 in security assistance according to 3 people familiar with the matter one person briefed on the records examination said White House lawyers are expressing concern the review has turned up some unflattering exchanges in facts that could at a minimum embarrass the president it's unclear whether the Mulvaney discussions or other records pose any legal problems for Trump in the impeachment inquiry but some fear they could pose political problems of reveal publicly so a couple of things one no such thing as a political problem for trump everything is baked in all of the things right now the only question is do they back the impeachable case. People familiar with the Office of Management and Budget handling of the hold up in aid acknowledged the internal discussions going on during August but characterize the conversations as calm routine and focused on legal question of how to comply with the congressional budget and Helman Act which requires the executive branch to spend congressionally appropriated funds once Congress agrees they can be rescinded o.m.b. Spokeswoman Rachel some will says there was a legal consensus that every step of the way that the money could be withheld to conduct the policy review o.m.b. Works closely with agencies on executing the budget regime practices and procedures were followed not scrambling so is there any there there unclear according to this report in the early August e-mail exchanges Mulvaney asked acting director Russell bought for an update on the legal rationale for holding the 8 and how much longer could be delayed from had made the decision the prior month without an assessment of the reasoning or legal justification according to White House officials in other words from like I don't want the 8 going out and then everybody had to back fill e-mail Shabat in on the staffers arguing that withholding it was legal Well officials at the National Security Council and state protested only were said it was legal to withhold the aid so long as it was deemed a temporary hold a senior budget lawyer crafted a memo on July 25th defending the hold for at least a short period of time according to an administration official more of a news request for information him days after the White House counsel's office was put on notice about the whistleblower reports from his acknowledged ordering to hold on military aid and also pressing Ukraine's president to investigate his potential Democratic presidential opponent Biden but said the release of funds was not conditioned on Ukraine launching any investigations the emails revealed by White House lawyers include some in which money urges watch would mediately focus on Ukraine's aid package making clear it was a truck priority for the administration so this sounds like it doesn't have much to do with the underlying issue it sounds like it has to do with the legal argument over whether or not the aid was being illegally withheld. But that is not really a question as to the motivating factors behind the it being withheld which would be the motivating factor behind any impeachment investigation so again is a misfire by the mainstream media if they expect this thing to be seen as a bombshell already coming up Hong Kong held elections over the weekend the elections went well for the Democrats they did not go well for the tyrants in Beijing we'll get to that in just one moment 1st let's talk about the window coverings in your house so you've read on your house lately right you know all the painting you read the floors everything looks great but something still looks a little dingy you can't quite put your finger on it let me explain it is your blinds you have a place in ever you were looking at them you didn't think they were important turns out they are this is why you should go check out blinds dot com going blind shopping it's not something that I particularly enjoy It's not like I wake up in the morning like man can't wait to get the blind store instead I had over a blind's dot com to make it really really easy. 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Welcome back says the Ben Shapiro show so pro-democracy parties actually had a big weekend over the weekend in Hong Kong which is good news but also brings everything to the boiling point over in Hong Kong according to The Washington Post pro-democracy party scored stunning gains in the Hong Kong district council elections on Sunday sweeping aside probation parties and a significant endorsement of the protest movement and an indictment of the political establishment seen as responsible for months of unrest in the City voters took to the polls in record numbers to cast ballots in the only fully democratic election in the Chinese territory in early sign they want to send a strong message to their government ends the Communist Party in Beijing early results compiled by the South China Morning Post showed pro-democracy parties when in $278.00 of the 1st $344.00 seats to be declared an overwhelming victory approaching probation parties took only 42 seats independents to 24 seats many prominent figures in the protest movement won many leading pro-democracy. Figures rather were unseated pro Democrats looked to be able to secure 12 of 18 district councils available in Hong Kong before the vote they had a majority in non pro-democracy parties comfortably surpassed the number of seats they wanted 2015 this is their strong showing ever in district council elections they have also secured all 117 seats according to them on the 1200 member election committee that votes for Hong Kong's leader which of course is a system that is rigged in favor of the Chinese government's turnout was more than 71 percent 3000000 people turned out it was more than double the 1400000 who voted in local elections in 2015. Calvin Lim who won the South rises West said quote Hong Kong as regards the election as a referendum and clearly spoken there are unhappy with how Hong Kong in Beijing have dealt with the ongoing protests for the last 6 months in 2015 probation parties were about 54 percent of the vote they just got swamped this time they absolutely got crushed so the people of Hong Kong are not interested in the tyranny of the Chinese government will the United States stand with them well that's appends largely a president from the the Senate of the United States already passed a bill that punishes Beijing for cracking down on Hong Kong President Trump has threatened to veto it because in trade negotiations with China right now it is pretty obvious that the people of Hong Kong are trying to stand up in favor of their freedom it just goes to show you again when the West hands over power to radical dictatorships it rarely goes well it's very easy for the left internationally to talk about the evils of American imperialism or British imperialism and there's truth sometimes to that but it is also true that where western boots have gone typically freedom has been in effect not the only effect but an effect Hong Kong is a freer place than China for example already Meanwhile the Supreme Court has now turned down an appeal from National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute regarding the work of Pennsylvania State University Professor Michael Mann Michael Mann of course of the famous climate change activist an analyst who had created what was the so-called hockey stick graph that showed radical increases in temperature over the last 120 years compared to temperature for the millennium before that he was criticized by Marc Stein over at National Review he was criticized also by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and he sued for defamation Well now the Supreme Court has decided to let that wasit stand Justice Alito. Dissented from the denial of Church asserts there is not the Supreme Court ruled in favor micromanaged said that they were going to take up the case Alito sense is pretty scathing he suggests that it is a mistake to allow these sorts of defamation lawsuits to continue he said the question whether the courts or juries should decide whether an allegedly defamatory statement can be shown to be untrue is delicate and sensitive and has serious implications for the rights of freedom of expression he says 2 factors make the question especially important the present case 1st the question that the jury will apparently be asked to decide whether petitioners assertions about man's use of scientific data can be shown to be factually false is highly technical whether in academics use and presentation of data falls within the range deemed reasonable by those in the field is not an easy matter for leaders to assess 2nd the controversial nature of the whole subject of climate change exacerbates the risk that the jurors determination will be colored by their preconceptions on the matter when allegedly defamatory speech concerns a political or social issue that arouses intense feelings selecting the impartial jury presents special difficulties when as is often the case allegedly defamatory speech is disseminated nationally a plaintiff may be able to bring suit in whichever jurisdiction seems likely to have the highest percentage of jurors or sympathetic to the plaintiff's point of view so he is suggesting that it is a mistake to allow this lawsuit to move forward based simply on the contention by Michael Mann that it is defamatory to criticize his statistical analysis Alito says this undermines serious 1st Amendment considerations he says a journalist who prevails after a trial in a defamation case will still have been required to shoulder all the burdens of difficult litigation it may be faced with have these attorneys fees these prospects may deter the uninhibited expression of views that would contribute to healthy public debate so another bad ruling by the Supreme Court already coming up. 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They also need volunteers daily the discovery shop is located at 2370. 307434. The bench Shapiro show weekdays from one to 3 pm right here on k. I Radio this is a great country the people came before us are great it's that latter point the Democrats and the people who came before us had greatness in ways that we have and we stand on their shoulders that's what makes the country great a little bit of gratitude would go a long way but Democrats cats acknowledge their American public your problems Democrats acknowledge your American public. And. It is another mess has broken out for the Trump and ministration with regard to the Navy secretary Navy secretary Richard Spencer was apparently fired over the weekend by the defense secretary Marc. According to media the pen's secretary Mark aspart has reportedly asked Navy secretary Richard Spencer to resign over his handling of a controversial case involving a Navy Seal and Eddie Gallagher Gallagher earlier this year was accused of war crimes he was acquitted of a murder charge earlier this year President from move to overwrite his punishment for a lesser conviction and then reinstated his rank a lesser conviction is that he was accused of taking a picture with the corpse of a member of ISIS according to The Washington Post esper said that Spencer circumvented him speak directly with the White House to find a resolution to Gallagher's current disciplinary proceedings according to The Washington Post defense secretary Mark esper asked for the resignation of Navy secretary Richard Spencer on Sunday after losing confidence in him over his handling of the case Spencer's ouster was another dramatic turn in the story of Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher a Navy Seal who's accused of committing war crimes during 827000 deployment Gallagher was acquitted of murder but convicted in July of posing with the corpse of an ISIS prisoner President Trump weighed in on the decision on Twitter accusing the navy of mishandling the Gallagher case mentioning cost overruns and unspecified contracts from said Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer services have been terminated by Secretary of Defense Marc esper I think Richard for his service and commitment as per said that Spencer privately proposed to White House officials that he would ensure that Gallagher retired as a Navy seal with his Trident insignia if they did not interfere with the review board convincing the chairman his fitness to stay in the elite force so apparently Spencer tried to cut a deal with the White House because the White House wanted to make sure the Gallagher retired as a Navy Seal there was talk that he would not be able to do so because of the charge surrounding him taking a picture with this corpse of a guy in ISIS Spencer's proposal to the White House he didn't share with esper contradicted his own public position on the case according to Chief Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hofmann As percent in the statement he was deeply troubled by this conduct as present unfortunately as a result I have determined that Secretary Spencer no longer has my confidence to continue in his position I which I wish Richard well. A senior defense official speaking on the condition of anonymity so the Pentagon verified with several sources Spencer made the private offer to the White House Spencer in a letter to trump obtained by The Washington Post did not mention a disagreement with us for about privately making a proposal to the White House but Spencer acknowledged his termination and said he tried to ensure that legal proceedings were fair so it sounds like what Spencer was trying to do is go to Trump and say stop interfering in the process all of this guy retire with his Trident if you leave me alone and espressos that's utterly inappropriate can't go to the president of the United States with that sort of thing the president is in charge of the executive branch Spencer wrote unfortunately has become appearance in this respect I no longer share the same understanding with the commander in chief or pointed me in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline I cannot in good conscience obey an order I believe violates the sacred oath I took in the present in the presence of my family my flag my faith to support and defend the Constitution of the United States so apparently esper thought that Spencer never should have attempted to leverage Trump into leaving the military system alone and Spencer was saying I was trying to leverage from going to doing just that esprit has suggested to trump that kind of Braithwaite a retired Navy rear admiral he considered the next Navy secretary and Trump later confirmed that he would recommend that Braithwaite be the next Navy secretary apparently Spencer's proposal came after Trump intervene in the case of Gallagher and 2 soldiers on November 15th countering Pentagon recommendations the president issued pardons to Army Major Matthew Goldstein who faced a murder trial next year and former 1st Lieutenant Clint Lawrence was convicted in 2013 of the murder of 2 on our men Afghanistan also from Princeton a Gallagher's rank after the seal was demoted as punishment for posing for the photograph with the corpse after trumpeter being in the case Rear Admiral Collin green the commander of Naval Special Warfare Command convene Review Board for him and 3 other Navy SEALs to determine whether they should be ejected from the force and that prompted speculation that Spencer might resign or be fired for standing up to trump and angry and created angry reactions from Gallagher and his advocates as well. Gallagher said this is all about you going to Hell yeah it has nothing to do with good order and discipline they could've taken my trident any time they want it now they're trying to take it after the president restored my rank the Pentagon's not clarify on Sunday whether asked for will allow the other SEALs Lieutenant Commander Robert brush. And the tenant Tommy Neal to keep their friends each of them were also under scrutiny for actions details in the Gallagher investigation Daniel Horowitz over conservative Review has a piece about all of this he says in recent years our military has been overrun with social engineering dangerous and destructive rules of engagement and a culture of prosecution against soldiers who do their jobs well if there is a part of our government where we truly need criminal justice reform in the military he says our soldiers are given in most missions and placed into meat grinders in the Middle East where they must on death indefinitely play defense and patrol on foot precarious areas with multiple warring tribes where everyone must be presumed to be a civilian but Pink can potentially kill our personnel without any warning rather than lobby for more clearly defined mission top Pentagon officials and the current crop of generals are more concerned with continuing to run a p.c. Military according to Horowitz this brewing battle boiled over in the case of any Gallagher a decorated Navy Seal chief petty officer who faces life in prison on charges that he committed war crimes and killed an unarmed boy fighting for ISIS in Mosul in 2017 ultimately Gallagher was found not guilty in July but was convicted of posing for a photo in front of an ISIS corpse in Iraq the president as commander in chief reinstated Gallagher's rank and promote and promised to ensure his You'll try and pin was not stripped from him upon retirement from tweeted last Thursday the Navy will not be taking away war fighter a Navy Seal any Gallagher's friend in this case was handled very badly from the beginning get back to business from also pardon 2 other soldiers on November 15th Army Major Matthew Goldstein is the decorated Marine who faced a murder trial next year for killing a suspected Taliban bomb maker responsible for killing 2 Marines Lieutenant Clint Lawrence was convicted in 2013 of the murder of 2 unarmed fighters in Afghanistan and was serving a 1000 year sentence. Earlier this year from said that he felt these people were being mistreated Trump pardoning the soldiers kicked off around the review boards to determine whether they along with Gallagher would remain in the armed forces or be stripped of certain honors on Sunday defense secretary Marc esper acting on behalf of Trump fired Navy secretary Richard Spencer after losing trust in Him Trump announced the firing of notice and noted that he was not pleased with the way the entire case was treated he said I was not pleased with the way that navy seal any Gallagher's Fry was handled by the Navy he was treated very badly but spite of all this was completely exonerated on major charges I've been restored and he's ranked Likewise a large cost overruns from past administrations Daniel Horowitz says watch for stories to pop up throughout the media on the disquiet and murmuring within the top Pentagon Pentagon brass on how unhappy they are with the president's attitude toward the Suppose it were crimes cases but now is the time for all of them to leave and for from to fire them. This is part of a systematic rodding of the warrior culture within the military leadership has been captured by political correctness but it's more of this in just one second 1st it's open enrollment season and that means that you should be looking at getting the insurance that you meet whether that is disability insurance or life insurance but the fact is that if you're doing it through your employer it probably is not sufficient to do it through your employer you're probably going like 110th of what you need instead you should check a policy genius policy genius is the easy way to shop for life insurance plan that is not tied to your job in minutes you can compare quotes from top insurers and find the best price once you apply the policy will handle all the paperwork and the red tape the life insurance you buy through policy genius stays with you even if you leave your job and policy genius doesn't just make it easy to get life insurance it can also help you find the right home and auto insurance to disability insurance as well so when you are looking at those workplace benefits remember there is probably a better option check out policy genius dot com and make sure you're getting all of life insurance disability insurance auto insurance home insurance that you need how she genius dot com competitive shopping always saves you money House dot com Get quotes apply in minutes how is he genius is the easy way to compare and buy life insurance that's policy genius dot com Go check them out right now Ok so as Daniel Horowitz says there's been this sort of brewing battle over the nature of military leadership for a long time Daniel Horowitz says this is the same military leadership that has turned our military into something that former Marine Jude Aden warned is more ready for motherhood than for warfare it's the same military leadership the not only one along with Obama when he pushed transgenderism in the military but rebelled against Trump when he reversed a dangerous policy at the same military leadership that adamantly demeans analysts and it was involvement in intractable demands rather and was an endless involvement in intractable Islamic civil wars putting our soldiers in impossible situations with no positive outcome and then prosecuting them at home Spencer For his part wrote in his letter to trump he could no longer serve under him anyway he says I cannot in good conscience obey this order. Horwood says we need more of it's better to have a much needed surgery within the Pentagon now than to allow it to fester forever as for the enlisted men and military officers doing the grunt work they now know there is one man they can turn to will have their backs the commander in chief is the head of the military so we'll continue to follow this entire controversy of course and will have on a Heritage Foundation military expert probably tomorrow to talk about the outcome of all this Meanwhile Jamelle Bouie over at the New York Times he's talking about how he's very much in favor of the idea of Rachel vigilantism so long as it comes from black people here's a piece titled watchman it dares to imagine a righteous black vigilante Well 1st of all we've had righteous black vigilantes in movies before but now Billy is very much in favor of the series why because of his politics of course he says there's one character in Watchmen named who did it justice he says he says in in a recent episode we learn the origins of put it just as the 1st jewel and hero in the world of Watchmen and the original comics the identity of put it justice is a mystery that goes on solved in H.B.O.'s Watchmen Ortrud speculation in the form of American hero story a show within a show it depicts the in universe past as a gritty violent action series a callback to a satire of Snyder's Watchmen Zack Snyder has a different movie about this which is that the magically rich source material as fodder for high definition brutality the hooded justice of American hero story is a powerful hyper aggressive vigilante clad in hood and using clearly played by a white actor but through an extended flashback what we learn is that he was in fact a black man originally a young New York City police officer in the late 1930 s. Named Will Reeves and he talks about how this character was was ignored by the whites system and how then he became a vigilante which is all fine isn't it's a show about vigilantism but here is the point for it's a show about reality he says that vigilantism in this society is the solution because it's just like watchman. He says it's not a plot contrivance that hooded justice is black it could be any other way a society that brings with the unresolved pain and anguish of racial trauma can't help producing a reaction critic justices violence or uncompromising he beats and kills an axe in contempt of the law but but H.B.O.'s watchman suggests his crusade is fundamentally righteous that his brutal work is necessary our society does not have mass vigilantes media punishments or races but if there were a put it just as if our history of racial violence and trauma had produced an avenger of sorts and Watchman seems to say that whether or not it's right it is justified so there's Jamelle bully actually suggesting that it would be justified to have racial Avengers on the scene today which seems kind of dangerous does it not already coming up we'll talk about the left embrace of the public option New York Times as this is the new hot thing but 1st your life is about to improve you can now watch all 3 hours of the show well 1st of all why should you subscribe lots of benefits you get the leftist years hot recall tumbler get the annual subscription get access to our Ask Me Anything style discussions your access to all of our other shows you get access to to our store like all sorts of good stuff but the real reason you should support us is because the fact is that the Left would like to end every show that is not on the left they go after every radio show every t.v. 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The New York Times now suggesting that there's been a vast spike in support for a public option because a lot of voters are not interested in Medicare for all the Democrats of course are pushing Medicare for all incredibly hard but a bunch of Democrats are realizing that this is a big mistake and so they've been pushing for the so-called public option so we need to explain what the public option is and why the public option is a bad idea a public option basically suggests that if you are not employed then you are immediately enroll in Medicare This creates 2 separate problems problem number one employers now have an interest in downgrading you to part times that you're covered by Medicare and then they don't have to take care of your medical insurance. 2 the people who are most likely to end up on on a public option are the people who are the sickest and the oldest and require the most care which means that they are not risk pools with other people in means that private insurance is going to be up charged by doctors in order to compensate for the fact that Medicare tends to under Medicare reimbursement rates are somewhere from 60 to 80 percent private insurance is somewhere over 100 percent usually And what that means is that if you're in the private insurance sector Your costs will go up as the public option grows either you will have to pay additional tax dollars in order to pay for all of the new people who are on the public option or you will have to pay through additional premiums and then $1.00 of 2 things happens you the public option is real crap in other words it's not as good as the private option doctors don't take it doctors either have to be forced to take it right which is a cram down or doctors are not forced to take in which case a lot of doctors decide they're not going to work with the public option because it under charges them under and under delivers in terms of their payments in which case again the other have to be forced or the government has to raise the reimbursement rates if the government raises reimbursement rates to the point where it's competitive with private insurance then they will then the governments and Democrats and employers will use that as an excuse to push for a single payer health care system at which point when everybody is thrown onto the single payer health care system then the entire system goes back to being a system of scarcity so you could see if the government revved up spending on a public option or to compete with the private option the private option goes defunct through regulation and through mandates and at that point we have a single payer health care system at which point the spending ratchets back down and you end up with all of the evils of Medicare for all so it's always been seen by most analysts the public option as step one toward a Medicare for all system Well Democrats are pushing this right now because they understand that the final outcome is not something markets want they get that Americans. Are not pleased with the idea of being thrown off their private insurance instead they're looking for a step by step approach according to The New York Times they believe that this is going to gain credibility New York Times has the proposal would allow people of all incomes who aren't old enough for Medicare to choose health coverage through a new government run plan that would compete with private insurance nobody less than cut short term public option that means again the only people who are actually going to enter this public option are going to people be people who are too sick to get private insurance people who are unemployed or if the public option is really ramped up people who are who are pushed into the public option because the public option is actually really good for the moment and then private insurance collapses there's no reason for competition then the monopoly kicks in a decade ago the issue created such deep internal divisions among Senate Democrats they also really dropped the idea from their bill even though the public option was strongly favor by many liberals a majority of House Democrats but now it seems as though a public option is looking like a safe moderate position and even a realistic policy goal according to The New York Times Warren says that she would start her presidency by pushing for a public option about 2 thirds of voters like the idea of a public option or a Medicare buy in according to several recent national polls until they are told about the cost of course large majorities of Democrats and independents favor the public option Kaiser's November poll why because they think someone else is going to be on the public option not that they think I'll get to keep my Medicare my medical insurance it won't cost me more money yeah it's going to cost you more money either through taxes or through your up charge private insurance which is used against pay the doctors who are mandated to take the public option Dr Alexander August since the $56.00 an internist buttonholed Biden about his plan in Concord said I think our goal should be to try to get everybody in America to have health insurance I think the easiest and fastest way is what Biden is proposing to have a public option. Polls suggest voters have become a nerve this New York Times by the price tags of the war and Sanders Medicare for all plans support for such an approach has narrowed in recent months as people begin to understand what would actually involve a Kaiser Family Foundation poll of voters in Michigan miss it Minnesota Pennsylvania and Wisconsin found that 62 percent of those who are undecided are still persuadable leave a national Medicare for all plan that would eliminate private insurance is a bad idea 62 percent 62 percent the public option plans offered by Biden and booted judge would require much less federal spending than Warren's $21.00 trillion dollars proposal by the way that's a wild underestimate it would actually cost someone there are $33.00 trillion Biden says his plan would cost $750000000000.00 over 10 years would a judge says it would cost $1.00 trillion it would cost a lot more now because there has never yet been a government spending program that was under estimated that was over estimated in terms of cost rather I didn't do judge plans would automatically enrolled uninsured Americans into the new government health plan and allow anyone else to opt in if they wish both candidates would offer more generous premium subsidies than the Obamacare provides and capitols premium costs 8.5 percent of their income people would with premium subsidies would have to doctor bills of about a $1000.00 or less so basically there would be a very small opt in Mandate your premium cost would be 8.5 percent of your income which is not going to pay for the amount that's going to be taken out of a public option obviously Warren is proposing it overtly as a bridge she says that it'll be there for 3 years and everybody's going to have it so much they're going to opt into Medicare for all yeah good luck good luck but the fact is even the public option is a bad option the public option is worrying been seen again as a 1st step toward nationalized health care and trying to play it as some sort of a as a wonderful idea that is popular with the American people is is really it's a stretch it's a stretch but everything is moderate. I mean once you once you get to the point where a public option is seen as moderate you've gone too far to the left and everybody sort of acknowledges that a public option is a bad idea seam of her mom is administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services she has an editorial from July called I'm the administrator of Medicaid Medicare a public option is a bad idea this according to The Washington Post right she says a common proposal the public option would introduce a government run plan into the commercial health insurance market or alternatively allow consumers under $65.00 to buy into Medicare simply calling something moderate doesn't make it so as an administrator of the 2 largest public health care programs in the country Medicare and Medicaid I can say these programs face major fiscal challenges those who seek to expand them do so because of their expected lower price tag on premiums but there's a simple explanation that makes the low cost considerably less alluring public programs paid health care providers less than private payers according to a study in health affairs private insurance in 2012 paid hospitals approximately 75 percent more than Medicare did for similar inpatient services Medicaid payment rates were even lower than Medicare rates that's why a substantial proportion of providers 30 percent don't accept new patients on Medicaid rather than expand public programs for future generations Americans are more interested in protecting the viability of these programs into the future 1st further low prices imposed on doctors and hospitals can't stop health care costs from rising and they continuously do because someone has to pay the bill namely everybody in the private insurance market. At the same time a public option is backed by the federal government which creates a host of problems public options can turn to taxpayers to bail them out the private players have no such luxury so that's compete for consumers but without market pressure on the bottom line an expanded government plan would balloon uncontrollably crowd out private option options push consumers all private plans and reduce choice as private plans with a market which of course is exactly what's going to happen and this is the plan so anybody who judging by this plan is some sort of moderate tradeoff is just getting the answer was is not correct this is the bench. Let him win a $4.00 k. To a 3 c.m. Opera and am $98.00 each on. Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com And Keith leaders in the case of a convicted Navy Seal President Tom says he's backing the Warriors the president sparked a controversy when he pardoned a Navy Seal accused of war crimes in Iraq his action overruled military officials Mr Trump says he's committed to protecting the Warriors there's never been a president that's going to stick up for them and has been quick like I have defense secretary Marc Asper allowed Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher to retire with his seal status intact he says he did so at the president's direction Greg clutched at the White House Hong Kong Police are planning to send a team of negotiators into a university campus to coax a small group of protesters trapped inside for over a week to surrender the move came after pro-democracy politicians who want a landslide victory in Sunday's district council elections call for an end of the police siege at the Polytechnic University to let the protesters leave military analyst Colonel Robert Maginnis says the Hong Kong government has taken measures to protect its citizens from reprisals from China while the Congress of course passed a couple will our you know pro democracy in Hong Kong the condemnation of the potential wider column. David Alton a member of the British House of Lords is among a group of international observers hailed the high turnout and said quote It shows that there is a great groundswell in Hong Kong who believes in democracy President Trump is honoring the u.s. Military dog to participate in the operation that ended with the death of Islam ik leader back here our Baghdad introduce cone and to the news media at the White House.

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