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Reeling from the News of the ambush and he sent his condolences to the families of those killed correspondent Chris to Lars and reports trouble Burkina Faso has suffered a series of string at terror attacks and this one could be the worst the country has significantly destabilized the city $1015.00 as Islamic militants active in neighboring Mali and the share are increasingly looking to this country as a refuge we seem to write scale attacks in the capital and 20162017 but if the provisional toll holds this will be the deadliest attack another 60 people were injured in the attack and there are dozens more that are feared missing news and analysis at townhall dot com I'm Keith leaders in Washington Amazon poured $1500000.00 in an effort to overhaul Seattle City Council this year as correspondent Jeremy House reports it didn't deliver though the final vote is an inner Lee returns to just the online retail giant another business interests will have fewer obvious allies on the 9 member council than any time in recent memory in Amazon's liberal hometown it could mean officials who are more willing to tax companies to address the city's homelessness crisis and transportation problems it could also mean the council is ready to rein in corporate spending in city elections Jeremy House reporting the mobiles promising a new 15 dollar wireless plan if its $26500000000.00 Sprint deal goes through its also promising free internet to emergency 1st responders for 10 years and a low income households with children in 5 years 15 dollars plan is for anyone but comes with just 2 gigabytes of data per month more on these stories at townhall dot com. 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Hey welcome this is the bench got a lot coming up for you this hour a little bit later on in the hour we'll be joined by Sports host Clay Travis to talk about the Washington Nationals visiting the White House very very bad people how dare they visit the White House terrible terrible folks we'll talk about that we'll also be talking about the latest on impeachment gate 2019 apparently the Democrats wanted to call John Bolton to testify he said Sure I have one condition now like. After a little I guess we'll skip it but we begin today begin this hour with a new morning console poll it finds that support for president from a human about 51 percent 3 weeks ago is now down to 47 percent according to health . The percentage of respondents who oppose impeachment has remained unchanged at 43 percent since the House Democrats started their impeachment inquiry in September the Hill noted that respondents who reported hearing a lot about the house's vote to formalize impeachment proceedings were more likely to support it the Hill stated among those who claim to have heard a lot about the issue for 48 percent of Democrats 42 percent of Republicans 35 percent of independents and New York Post poll reported Wednesday a new Monmouth University poll showing that 42 percent of registered voters are sorted from should be a relict reelected in 2020 which is actually the highest percentage of every poll taken by Monmouth since it implemented that question a year ago so that is kind of shocking Ed Morrissey writes in the week they have rolled the dice on the 2020 election by setting the expectation impeachment will succeed and that it will lead public opinion about the Trump and Republicans in the election he continued the polling averages returned to a nearly even split and 48.3 percent in favor and 48.44.8 percent against a gap of only 3.5 points impeachment plays great among urban voters among those voters 5838 favor among suburban voters 46 percent favor him he 51 percent do not according to rural voters 58 percent oppose impeachment so that is a cautionary note for Democrats meanwhile the Democrats are focusing in on not really impeachment get itself an ancillary matters particularly on the trompe an interest in unmasking the whistleblower and so the original whistleblower in this case was allegedly a person and I'm not going to avoid mention his name it's been widely reported it was reported in a democratic transcript according to the according to James Barrett over a daily Wired dot com controversy over whether or not to reveal the name of the man widely believed to be the whistleblower whose complaint prompted the Democrats' impeachment inquiry ratcheted up even further on Wednesday after Donald Trump Jr tweeted out an article in quote including the whistleblowers alleged name. Well Democrats and the left leaning media expressed outrage about social media post an impeachment inquiry transcript released by the office of Democratic Representative Adam Schiff includes the very name from tweeted out as reported by red state shift allowed the name widely identified as the whistleblower to appear in the transcript of the committee's interview with Bill Taylor in the transcript the interviewer asked Taylor if the name of the man has been widely reported as the whistleblower rings a bell and Taylor said it doesn't the failure to reject the name it means one of 2 things either he's not the whistleblower or the Democrats made a big boo boo. As far as the claim that President Trump you know calling for the whistleblower to be outed this is unprecedented in horrible and it would be illegal it would be illegal that's not true so literally everyone is allowed to mention the name of whistleblower is not illegal in any way according to the experts at n.p.r. Ok it's not the Republicans n.p.r. Robert lit former general counsel for the office of director of national intelligence under Obama says quote from things he knows name in come out and say it is probably as protected as anyone is according to n.p.r. Lit and several other legal experts who talked to n.p.r. Said from uttering or tweeting the name could in theory trigger trigger an article of impeachment for Italian against a whistleblower but it wouldn't run afoul of any federal criminal statutes Similarly if a news outlet member of Congress or a member of the public out of the whistleblower legal experts said no criminal law would be violated Dan Meyer a lawyer a former executive director of the intelligence community said there's no overarching protection for the identity of the whistleblower under federal law Congress has never provided that protection now Mike Pence has been out there saying that the whistleblowers name should in fact be covered and m.s.m. He ran a clip of him from 2006 talking about protections for whistleblowers they're missing the context in 2006 when he was specifically referring to as I went back and read his speech where he was specifically referring to was that he opposed legislation or the Obama administration's attempt to force at point of bayonets the media to release the names of their anonymous sources. That's not quite the same thing as not saying that he's going to force the media to release the name of the whistleblower but from urging the media to do so not not the same thing at all actually because one is a compulsive Government Act which is what Obama was trying to do from just saying that he'd like to know the name of the whistleblower he'd like to be out there in the middle of an impeachment inquiry by the way is it relevant to the public mind set who was a blower as well yeah which is why the Democrats don't want him to testify if it weren't relevant they'd be fine with themselves to find when they have the original claim for Democrats that they don't need the whistleblower to testify and originally they said they desperately wanted it because the transcript and show the transcript of the call didn't show what they wanted to show so that it was we need the whistleblower to come in here and fill in some gaps and I said at the time now you know you got the transcript you really don't and then was like no we need to hear from and then it turned out that whistleblower may have been coordinating with Adam Schiff before his complaint was filed but the whistleblower may in fact be if these reports are correct a partisan Democrat and Obama accolade who work with Joe Biden and James Clapper inside the Obama administration who is allegedly ousted from the Trump White House and 27000 for leaking to the media or allegedly leaking to the media and then the Democrats like now we don't want to testify anymore Don't be silly Jim Jordan points that out Republican representative from Ohio he says 6 weeks ago she said the whistleblower would testify he's now changed his mind what happened in the interim just 2 things we learned the individual met was just staff and we learned about their political bias the whistleblower only knew about the call from the characterizations of others he waited 18 days before filing a complaint with the inspector general during those 18 days the whistleblower met with ship staff but failed to disclose this communications the inspector general should also had this meeting so why should we find out what exactly this guy was saying and to whom he was saying it why would that be a very bad idea. And the answer is it wouldn't be a bad idea and the answer is that the American people should know the details of this sort of stuff now news outlets are saying they're not going to unmask him because he it violates his safety Well welcome to the world where the media actually care about people's safety the media have been willing to unmask everybody from me makers on behalf of Trump to people who question Barack Obama on their driveway in Ohio like Joe Wurzelbacher They never worried about safety before Nelvis on they're deeply worried about the safety of the whistleblower Now listen I think that if the guy's name is mentioned I hope that he has security I don't want anybody set safety threaten that be terrible but it is relevant to know the motivations for launching this thing and that's particularly true in the aftermath of finding out that this guy's lawyer was out there tweeting about a coup President Trump says that he was at a rally last night and President read the whistleblowers lawyers which he points out and this seems kind of like a hit job if used reading about a coup like 5 days after I was elected and you were $27.00 Tave they could have started and the impeachment will follow the fault of intellectual is so low that said I predict at c.n.n. Will play a key role in at real Donald Trump not finishing out his 1st term Can you believe those decisions and this was done a long time ago when he goes as one falls to more will take their place referring to outgoing trumpet ministration employees who by the way have been put through hell by the sleaze back there and by the look at politicians. Has a reason to be a bit suspicious of all of this I do find it amusing the Buzz Feed editor in chief Ben Smith he says that he does not know whether he's going to release the names we'll let you know when I figure it out so yes I'm releasing the steel dossier full of garbage about how Trump was being on prostitutes or peed on by prostitutes yes on that no on reporting who the whistleblower is or any of his background. Pretty amazing it's more of this in just one second 1st let's talk about the window coverings in your homes I know you haven't thought about it I know you really haven't considered those window coverings because if they were to my house looks pretty good but they're still something dingy I can't really put my finger on what it is it's those blinds those blinds been there since before you live there is time to replace them go over to blinds dot com dot com It's really fast and easy to shop for blinds with 15000000 windows covered over 30005 star customer reviews winds dot com is America's number one online retailer for affordable quality custom window coverings lines dot com makes the whole experience fast and easy plus every order gets free samples free shipping a free online design consultation just some pictures of your home and some back custom recommendations from a professional for what will work with your color scheme furniture and specific rooms they'll even send you free samples to make sure that everything looks as good in person as it does online every order gets free shipping for a limited time my listeners get 20 bucks off a blind's dot com When you use promo code then it is blind dot com a promo code been for 20 dollars off for what blinds a little or shades roll or shades and more blinds dot com promo code then rules and restrictions do apply go check them out blind dot com promo code banner for 20 bucks off so as I say the media have been attempting to claim that it's some sort of massive violation of law for people to mention the whistleblowers and that's obviously untrue Sunny Hostin was on The View with Donald Trump Jr everybody's mad at Trump Jr for tweeting out the name of the whistleblower the other day again the Democrats released that it was it's been put out there by Drudge Report which everybody knows at this point who the person is Sunny Hostin says Did you know that's illegal it's not it's not illegal. Yes And we know after you were abnormally lost again or I mean did you advise your boyfriend that it is a federal crime to out what I did or are you going to do as a federal crime but I didn't come out of the bathroom and say I left alone for 10 minutes what happened let me think I got what I want out of time trying to figure out what I want to do with that in the statute so that's you know that's what I'm sure you can run wide is not she's going to show you that they're not attribute I don't know about you I got everybody stop resisting is hard to hear I'm going to tell me like a 1505 it is a crime it's not accurate just ask but all you want my lawyer is going to start with it Ok well you want to raise wrong because that's not correct already coming up. Stops by to talk about the Washington Nationals going to the White House and why the media are so all fired up about all of that you're listening to Ventura. 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Well if you've been watching the sports scene with any regularity lately you'll notice that it seems like the sports media are pretty well invested in the left side of the political aisle is particularly true when it comes to President Trump the Washington National visited the White House the other day and a couple of Washington Nationals It turns out voted for that's not allowed it's very bad joining us on the lines discuss is Clay Travis Clay is an American sports journalist writer television analyst he's the Morning radio show host for a nationwide Fox Sports Radio from 6 to 99 am Eastern He also appears on Fox Sports one daily sports gambling show Clay thanks for joining us I really appreciate it. So why don't we start with the media blowback to the Washington Nationals who showed up at the White House we see nothing but plaudits from the media for basketball teams that refused to show up to Trump's White House and I don't remember the same sort of treatment being given to Tim Thomas the goalie for the Boston Bruins when he refused to show up to Obama's White House he was of course ripped widely for not respecting the office of the presidency now the national show up and now they're being hit for some of them actually treating Trump decently curd Zuki putting on a maggot hat what do you make of all of it. Well 1st of all it's as if the sports media is astounded that half the country voted for Donald Trump and What's also funny to me is that the majority of sports fans I believe voted for Donald Trump as well so I always like to use this analogy then to explain exactly how the election came down 1st of all in 2020 we're going to have a decision made by the Big 10 states right well in 2016 Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania all went for Trump by around $80000.00 votes which is about the size of a cretin with Ball State so this idea somehow that if you support the president when it's Barack Obama and you are praised roundly for it right by the media every time the somebody met with Obama or cured at a fundraiser for everything else how can you not have the same standard applied here when it comes to the president United States now Donald Trump Moreover I think you hit on it a good way with the Boston Bruins goalie Thomas when he didn't go it was an insult to the country and somehow we bought into this parameter in an artificial paradigm shift that has been put in place by the sports media which is now if you are photographed or handshake or in some way interact with the president the United States it's almost like you're tainted and that's unacceptable when prior to term the standard was when a president welcomes a team to the White House it's nonpartisan it's a opportunity to recognize athletic excellence and everyone should go if given the opportunity to go and somehow in the last 4 years that shifted to my God how in the world can you allow yourself to be to be seen with Donald Trump it's really pretty extraordinary Well it is also extraordinary when you just oppose it to political issues that actually matter so for a few weeks there seem like people are focusing in on the n.b.a. And its relationship with China Le Bron James came out and said that it was very very bad for. Anybody associated with the rip on the fact that China is a horrifying one party dictatorship that represses millions of people and is attempting to dominate Hong Kong and was like well you know that sort of endangers my bottom line and for a minute there was sort of bipartisan outrage and then that went away and now it seems like the outrage is redirected toward people visiting the White House the juxtaposition is pretty astonishing. Well it's also I think what I have found is the average member of the sport's me just not that smart right I mean let's be honest most people who decide that they're going to cover sports for a living are not deciding to do that instead of let's say you know go examine your political tensions as a Ph d. Student in Israel that overlap does not occur that often so I think a lot of time sports media is out of their depth and I thought when any time there's a complicated or more intellectually challenged aspect of sports intersecting with the real world sports media are probably most of the time the worst school on the planet to actually be forced to talk about it but moreover I think what is extraordinary and I wrote about this in my book Republicans by speakers to it we talk a lot about how left wing cleaning the political media is right I mean that's clear and accepted you know an element of the of the media sphere is that there is a left wing bias when it comes to the media that cover politics Well what I found based on money donated to politics is that the sports media is actually $10.00 times thing about this for a minute 10 times more liberal than the average score than the average media is that covers politics in terms of money that's being donated and in the characterization of common sense stories that what not so that's an easy is evidence of a purely brokered marketplace of ideas and frankly I'm one of the few people in the world of sports who will call out what I see as evidence and rank hypocrisy. Among my colleagues we're seeing with Clay Travis is the author of the book Republicans by sneakers too and also the host of Fox Sports Radio from 6 to 9 am Eastern so Clay one of the things that I fear is that one of the things I enjoyed as a kid and still enjoy is the bipartisan you just go to a ballgame enjoy the ballgame and the media are actually undermining the ability of people you know they're actually going to destroyed. There on jobs because I'm not reading yes p.n. Or Fox Sports in order to get the political viewpoints of reporters because you say they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground on these issues nor am I watching sports in order to hear Le Bron James wax philosophic about the nature of Chinese dictatorship I'm watching sports because I want to see people compete and yet these reporters seem so invested in the politics I mean I remember it's been probably 10 years since I got an issue of Sports Illustrated I kept every issue of Sports Illustrated from time to 16 years old and out as a birthday present until the time I was probably 25 years old 26 years old I would read it cover to cover every week and then Sports Illustrated decided that for several weeks in a row they were just going to cover Caitlin Jenner and I thought to myself This person has not been relevant since before I was born I'm not subscribing to this magazine I feel like a lot of people in America are doing the same thing with regard to sports and eventually it's just going to kill all interest in sports other than sports that refused to do this kind of stuff like you have see. Yeah I mean look I It is a it's a fantastic point and I'll use the entire. Book that I wrote that came out last year is that sports used to be a communal space where when you are in an arena or you're in a stadium into a recruiting for a team and a team scores a touchdown or makes a last 2nd shot that that helps you the winner at the home run or whatever it is it's one of the few pure joyous occasions where when you spin around and start high 5 ing everybody around you are guided in something that doesn't matter what your differences might be right doesn't matter what you think about abortion or American tax policy or what your religion is or what you're at in a city his or her sexuality or anything else everybody is a member of that tribe and it cuts across every different group and I doubt you always like uses you know whether you're the Nero certain or the janitor in a hospital Think about how few topics there are that if you're sitting in a cafeteria you know it's 6 am and yours happen to be sharing a table and it's Monday morning and many towns across America you can talk about the college football team or the n.f.l. Team that's a local and you're 100 percent on equal ground it doesn't matter what your profession is doesn't matter what your background is and I think more than ever America needs those areas where we can be in communal sort of joined together in experiencing sports and I think that school work is becoming for lack of a better term polluted by the political universe in a way that much of our content and entertainment and and other cultural experiences are in the country today. I like to think I like to think that my question back to push back on this I push back on this I think a lot of your listeners my listeners habits well that the leagues are starting to realize that being political in nature is not good for them to do and I and I would want to get out of silver on the record and retrospect maybe would have weighed in on the North Carolina transgender bill and moved our All-Star Game. And we were also doing everything we could to curry favor with China I'd like for him to acknowledge that hypocrisy I don't know if you already support and he has yes but that's the kind of thing that I think many people just find to be particularly ridiculous and you know the beginning of the war on terror for God sakes you know what Governor I mean all of these things are you know when I was growing up you talked about reading the what the Sports Illustrated the tagline what the n.b.a. At the n.b.a. Accepts fantastic right to me and that selling the brand of the sport so don't worry about anything else other than the product it's got quite well Clay Travis he's the author of Republicans buy sneakers do and you can check out his show on Fox Sports Radio from 6 to 9 am Eastern as well as Fox Sports one lock in play Thanks much for stopping by I really appreciate it Briggs I think it works well coming up John Bolton has been called to testify by the Democrats but he has one condition and Democrats are not likely to meet that commission to get to that in just one second this is the bench. California Headline News a single engine plane crashed into a house and killing the pilot and creating a huge fire in the hole. It was one year ago today. Grill in 1000 Oaks killing 12 people a new heli garden at a 1000 Oaks Park has been created as a tribute to the victims this is Ventura County Sheriff's Captain earth to show that it's for. Everybody the guard has 12 stone benches to represent those who lost their lives there was a deadly shooting at a church as chicken in San Diego last like police captain Thomas Underwood says a customer got into an argument with workers. Turned a few minutes later with a hand. Looking at the restaurant one of. The gunman reportedly tried to buy food with a counterfeit $100.00 bill speak. Do you want shoes made from nature's a regional luxury super fiber then you need new at Sketchers washer was made from premium quality to start weeks away moisture to help keep you dry and comfortable but it's also super flexible and highly breathable and not only do they keep you cool and comfortable in the summer but Skechers washable seems also regulate temperature to keep you warm and toasty in the winter plus they're even discover the wonders of. Skechers store near you. In my case the Honey Nut Cheerios cereal you trying to tell me you love me actually it's reminding you that they can help. 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Ford $1650.00 Grass Valley Highway for classic American food in a fun atmosphere it's Mel's Diner in Aubert else is a throwback to the great diners of the fifty's and sixty's with great food and service and family friendly fabulous burgers like the Big Bopper a wide variety of salads huge dinner entrees and classic drinks and desserts stop by Mel's right after the placer high put ballgames or on Saturday just show your ticket stub and get a 10 percent discount breakfast lunch or dinner the place to be is Mel's Diner $730.00 Grass Valley Highway at Luther road in Auburn. Which side of the political spectrum do you follow with a 2020 Alexion coming up there may be a wild and crazy ride so let's explore the possibilities and pop off tonight I'm Mary Jane pot here if you want success maybe just comfort in your life where you got to do the work to get there and we'll explore how one pop up with. The I'm in 10. 247 a Cape Town Life can be better with good information and pop off will provide. Welcome back says the couple of pieces of breaking news that John Bolton has been subpoenaed by the by the House Democrats and he says he's willing to defy the White House and testify in the impeachment inquiry but only if a court says he should. So according to The Washington Post Carol Legan Tom Hamburger reporting former national security advisor John Bolton is willing to defy the White House and testify in the House impeachment inquiry about his alarm at the Ukraine pressure campaign if a federal court clears the way according to people familiar with his views Bolton could be a powerful witness for Democrats top State Department and National Security officials have already testified he was deeply concerned about efforts by President Trump and his allies to push Ukraine into open investigations into the president's political rivals while the trumpet ministration held up military aid to the country the former n.s.a. Is expected to confirm their statements and ascribe his conversations with Trump according to people who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing inquiry a button doesn't want to comply with the Democratic inquiry without a court ruling on the ongoing constitutional dispute between Trump and Congress is that going to happen fast probably not it's probably not in time for Bolton to be called as a witness in the public house impeachment hearings those are scheduled to begin next week on Wednesday House Democrats said they are still awaiting a key test case involving former White House counsel Don again in which a district court decision could come by the end of the month an attorney for Bolton declined to comment is a major obstacle facing Democrats hoping to secure Bolton as the star witness the court battle over congressional subpoenas will probably go to the Supreme Court and spill into next year not a shock while other officials have compiled have complied with requests to participate in the impeachment inquiry without a judicial order Bolton said nope not undo it so Democrats basically said well. Yes we should let it go. In official for House Intelligence said quote We regret Mr Bolton's decision not to appear voluntarily we have no interest in allowing the administration's play rope a dope with us in the courts for months rather the White House instruction that he will not appear well as the evidence of the president's obstruction of Congress Ok so that's absurd I'm sorry that's an absurd contention by the Democrats it is so here's the way a subpoena process works they issue a subpoena you say not under the conditions or setting they say yes under the conditions resetting you say no they say yes you say Ok I'm going to court you go to court the court sets a condition that's how subpoenas work bonus during the process and Democrats like now we're not going to bother asking we're just going to call it obstruction for trying to object that is not obstruction so how this works so I don't know any of this works the former n.s.a. Is closely aligned with National Security Council age have already testified about his concerns including former Russian affairs director Fiona Hill and Ukraine expert Alexander. Both directed Hill to report what she had witnessed with regard to relations between Gore and some of the u.s. Ambassador and Ukrainian officials John Eisenberg the top lawyer for the n.s.a. . Bolton is expected to corroborate their testimony he was aghast that u.s. Military aid was being held back as the president and his allies were pressuring Ukraine to open investigations that could be damaging to Democrats but people also know the Bolton has an expansive view of presidential power so it's unlikely that he would just get up and say that trump overstepped his constitutional authority and violated the law so it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here suffice it to say the Democrats are more likely to let it go the not Meanwhile there's another deadline that is pressing in on Democrats and that is a deadline from the Justice Department because the Justice Department is currently in the middle of an investigation into the origins of the Trump Russia collusion investigation and if it comes down that there was no various wrongdoing there is going to be very difficult for the Democrats to push impeachment of Africa appears that the Trump Russia thing was a setup so they've got to move this thing fast they also don't want to move the thing fast they want to drag because the drags and it goes into the election year. According to The Washington Post Justice Department officials are trying to release in the coming weeks a potentially explosive inspector general report about the F.B.I.'s investigation into President from 2016 campaign according to multiple people familiar with the effort one person involved in the discussions said the target date for the report's release has been of number 20 and another indicated the d.o.j. Is unlikely to the livery by then it's more likely to come after Thanksgiving because of the complicated and contentious mix of legal classification and political issues at play and then the Washington Post editorial as of course the port report finding will mark a major public test of Attorney General William Barrett's credibility and this is their schtick is that bar is actually just a tool from Nevermind the fact that there's another report from the same Washington Post same day the president from requested that William Barr hold a news conference declaring that trump broke no laws during a phone call with Ukraine and bar said no so the same day that The Washington Post acknowledges the Bard told Trump no on something Trump wanted that would have quote unquote exonerated him. They're still claiming another article the bar may still be corrupt and be a tool of drum beautiful reporting by the way it says that the request from from traveled from the president to other White House officials eventually to the d.o.j. And apparently Barton said No Apparently those close to the administration say that the d.o.j. Has made several recent maneuvers putting it at odds with the White House at a particularly precarious time for the president the request for the news conference came sometime around September 25th when the administration released a rough transcript of the president's phone call with Ukraine by then the whistleblower complaint had already moved congressional Democrats to move forward with their impeachment inquiry a Justice Department spokesperson said officials had evaluated the transcript and the whistleblower Kim complaint of campaign finance laws have been broken they said no but bar was not willing to go beyond that statement with a televised assertion that the president broke no laws so at the same time the bar said No Apparently he's still a political hack according to The Washington Post. In the findings by the Inspector General Michael Horowitz will also set the stage for the separate but related investigation led by u.s. Attorney John Durham was currently investigating how u.s. Intelligence agencies pursued allegations that Russian agents might have conspired with Trump associates during the 2016 campaign officials have recently said that investigation is pursuing potential crimes there are several investigations that are going on simultaneously 1st you have the investigation being run by the Democrats into Trump in Ukraine then you have the investigation run by the i.g. Michael Horowitz into the origins of From Russia and have a 3rd investigation led by John Durham who's investigating election interference generally in 2016 and who's been to Ukraine apparently to talk about all of that so this could all turn into a quagmire in a mess for Democrats pretty quickly according to The Washington Post Barnes spent weeks working on the declassification decisions as Horowitz scrutinized large volumes of classified information to assess how the f.b.i. Launched and pursued the investigation and related cases people familiar with the matter said like others they spoke on the condition of anonymity because the report is not yet public a number of key figures in the probe have not received sections of the i.g. Findings so the public really still a little bit away Lindsey Graham plans to meet on Wednesday with William Blair to talk about the report's planned rollout the i.g. Is work is independent of the a.g. But in this case the 2 have to work closely because the i.g. Doesn't have the ability to declassify bar does so this could be the grenade thrown into the middle of the entire Democratic impeachment inquiry really good if it turns out that the narrative immediately shifts into Obama administration officials Hillary Clinton facials and Ukraine were involved in 2016 election interference and so Trump pressuring Ukraine to investigate that stuff was legit could be a real problem for them a serious serious problem in Russia Republicans and of course defended Trump in the inquiry an April congressional hearing the a.g. Declared the Trump campaign was spied on during the 2016 campaign he also criticized former leaders of the f.b.i. Saying I think there was a failure among a group of leaders in the upper echelon. So we'll find out sooner rather than later what exactly is in this report and it could be a serious bombshell Jonathan Turley he said that the eighty's work has been justified he's at George Washington University law professor he says there's legitimate issues on both sides of the 2016 campaign and warns that investigation has done precisely what he said he would do protect the investigation on both sides of the controversy with Muller he felt that so stop whining basically they'll get some more of this in just one second because when you speak of whining the media are doing some of it because then the 2nd 1st what headphones are you using to listen to the show those old fashioned headphones and you get your Sony headphones 182 or maybe you've got the your buds the ones that have the wires connected to them they connect your phone you have to keep wrapping them around your phone it's really irritatingly a tangle that Rifat seconds when what you really should have is a nice pair of wireless headphones that don't cost you a fortune I'm talking about rate con each $100.00 reckons each 100 headphones deliver great audio across all genres but top quality on every high low and they have you know they're also noise cancelling the perfect when you need to focus or have an important phone call or you just need to tune out a screaming baby on your phone which happens to me a lot I have 2 kids under 5 and another on the way the battery life on these headphones amazing yet 20 hours of play time talk time off a single charge 30 hours if you're just using them for the noise canceling their fully charged in just 2 and a half hours rate con is premium wireless audio at a fraction of the price right now you get 15 percent off your purchase when you go to buy re Kon dot com slash spending on that is b. Y. r a Y z o n dot com slash 10 or 15 percent off your a con purchase that's by Rick on dot com slash meant for 15 percent off as I say the media continue to push forward with their preferred narrative which is why James Komi is still writing op eds I'm still confused as to why James called me as an authority on anything he was such garbage as the former director of the f.b.i. That at one point Democrats wanted him out of then Republicans wanted him ousted and everybody wanted him out and then after from fired him nobody wanted to moused it was sort of the narrative on James Comey James Comey of course of course coming from some Pietschmann Shakur. He's not just a he's not just the guy left by the side of the road taking pictures of himself among the trees in Yellowstone No he is he's a truth teller is James Comey is a piece in The Washington Post today called why our old Us law could drive impeachment What is the oldest law that Congress people have taken an oath and. He said the oath has been required ever since its form changing only slightly over the centuries since 1986 every federal employee has made a solemn promise not just to support and defend the Constitution of the United States but also to bear true faith and allegiance to the same he says if Congress passes a law giving a vulnerable ally hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid desperately needed to fend off a relentless Russia and the president of the us use that money to coerce the desperate to provide electoral dirt on his likely opponent is the president faithfully executing his office blah blah blah blah blah Ok again now if you did all that if that's what that was about yeah it's impeachable if not the not and if unclear than not but apparently James Comey things that he's just going to lecture people into impeaching from good luck with that James Comey really good stuff Similarly you got the media now pushing the claims of in anonymous person inside the trumpet ministration who is writing a book titled a warning for the very 1st claim in the Book of Bull crap according to The Huffington Post The book claims that Mike Pence the vice president of the United States was basically ready to vote in favor of the 25th Amendment invocation would get rid of Trump on incapacity grounds if the rest of the cabinet had been ready to do so according to the exposé written by someone in the New York Times and publisher of the book says' a current or former White House senior official using the pen name Anonymous said that highly placed White House officials did a back of the I'm full of tally of which cabinet members would be prepared to sign a letter invoking Section 4 of the 25th Amendment which says the president is deemed unfit to discharge the duties of his office and so the vice president would assume the role. The letter would need to be signed by a majority of the cabinets with its pens for his signature then submitted to Congress according to anonymous there was no doubt in the minds of senior officials that pence would support invoking the 25th Amendment if the majority of the cabinet signed off on it yeah sure sure anybody who knows my pens has met my pencils watched my parents knows that this is utter and complete nonsense it's just it's an absurdity on its face and undercuts credibility but it is the leading headline at the Huffington Post obviously leading headline at the Washington Post I mean at the Huffington Post so demonstrates once more demonstrates once more that the agenda of the media is fairly clear in all of this and that has nothing to do really with these supposed impeachable offenses as much more to do with driving from nuts it has more to do with 2020 that the impeachment itself the impeachment effort itself is driven toward the next election and much less about getting rid of President from specifically specifically because they're not going to do it I'm sorry the Republican senators are not going to vote for his ouster on the basis of the evidence provided thus far now will say Rudy Giuliani is doing the president of favor so Rudy over the last 24 hours decided to tweet some things out which is genius Rudy is the biggest threat to Trump's presidency he tweeted out the investigation I conducted concerning $26000.00 Ukrainian collusion and corruption was done solely as a defense attorney to defend my client against false charges that kept changing as one after another word is proven and the evidence when revealed fully will show that this present farce is as much a frame up in homes as Russian collusion maybe worse and will prove the president is innocent I am represented in assisted by Robert Costello and the Pierce Bainbridge firm in particular Eric Kreizman and Melissa Madrigal defense attorneys now here's why this is not good for Trump entire claim of came from is that Trump was investigating all the stuff on behalf of the United States but it was Giuliani whose chief adviser and Giuliani was the one going around apparently according to his own tweets doing personal work for from said I'm a great. And Rudy is indeed the biggest risk to trump for sure which is why Trump never should've relied upon him but not a shock already coming up we're going to get to some other news of the day that is quite astonishing with regard to a big transgender story that made the rounds a couple weeks ago 1st your life is about to get better you can now watch all 3 hours of the bench appear actual commercial free on demand how well you just pop on over to daily Wired dot com equip them subscribe button at the top of the page they were premium subscribers are the only people can watch all 3 hours every day no commercials that is correct as 0 commercials daily where subscription includes not only all 3 hours of this show commercial free but you can ask me questions through the mailbag you can watch live in recorded episodes of the show the Michael Most show that will show him much more plus as part of a limited time offer you get the exclusive leftist you're someone you can drink a leftist years coffee whatever it is you're into hot or cold you can look can't doing it go check out a daily Wired dot com We have all sorts of goodies for your brand new app to ask me questions directly on the app it is fantastic you'll enjoy every 2nd of it you go check it out right now over a daily Wired dot com already coming up updates on that crazy Texas case a 7 year old boy being trees grow by mom is the bench. 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Expected to be a lot easier I thought it was going to be the case I didn't know what step to take next I was transitioning from the military I was a vehicle going to an avionics specialist I was an m.p. . My friends thought I can do anything I missed minute my family playing with my daughter I felt like a stranger I was overwhelmed I couldn't sleep I just wanted to be by myself I didn't have a clear sense of what to do next I was too proud and then I thought if I'm going through this other veterans have gone through too I. Started to open up and it made a huge difference so I reached out and saw that I wasn't alone because before I was able to take on my next mission I did take on just taking care of myself to find purpose go to make the connection to learn how other veterans of overcome the challenges of transitioning out of the military. Put your helmet on Ok guys you work hard to protect your family but some risks are easy to miss mosquito bites can spread germs that cause West Nile Virus or. Cockroaches leave behind bacteria as well as allergens that can trigger asthma attacks stinging insects and more than half a 1000000 people to the emergency room every year common Peskin Cretan our health learn how to protect your family. Are a public service message from the National Pest Management Association and the c.d.c. . Says the bench Bureau show so I have an update for you on that very controversial case out of Texas about a 7 year old boy whose mother insists that he is a girl and wanted a court to hand sole custody of the kid over her because Dad says no he's kind of a boy but here is the update according to Amanda presser Giacomo over Daily Wire a 7 year old boy whose mother claims he's actually a girl named Luna recently chose to go to school as himself a boy named James now that his father has been granted equal say in his transition 2 weeks ago Dallas judge ruled that Dr n.g. Organise and Mr Jeffrey younger James parents have joint managing conservatorship and joint decision making over their boys James has a twin brother named Jude both George was a pediatrician and younger had gag orders placed on them by Judge Cook's barring them from speaking to the media the case gained national attention after a jury decided that one guardian should have sole conservatorship over James and that person should not be Mr younger going to school this is what it looks like when James gets to choose a Facebook post from a 3rd party said showing the boys with their father affirm this also a photo taken yesterday just before church James and Jude proud to be men the post added save James save thousands of young children. In an update It was noted that younger emailed the principal on Monday and James and Jude's teachers had reported as 0 stress or disruptions in the classroom today just another day in school prayers answered the update concluded Giorgos argued that James actually a girl who likes to wear dresses and identifies as Luna the husband younger said his ex-wife would in his opinion only show James' love and affection when he would present a girl he also posted a video of James just 3 years old telling younger that mommy tells him he is a girl well it seems appropriate to note that James does not look particularly perturbed to being dressed as a boy in these photos and looking at the photos right now it does not look like he is super upset to be dressed as a boy and the fact that the fact that the left is willing to declare that because a kid was confused about gender that means the kid is a girl just demonstrate how far we have come from reason I mean we are beyond the point of reason well beyond the point of reason and the fact that a court was willing to basically consider a jury was going to bar the father from helping raise his own child because mom says that the boy is a girl this is patently insane stuff this is the direction the left would like to move by the way the hard left would like to make it so that if a 3 year old declares that he is a girl that if a parent says no sorry sweetheart your boy your boy and this is silly and I know you like to pretend but your boy if a parent says that then that is child endangerment then remove the kid from the home that would be there within 5 years and enough will take 5 probably even to that's where the left would like all of this to go because the only true path to parenting is leftist path to parenting which suggests that you must affirm all of the choices of a 3 year old and if you don't then that is because you're a bad parent which of course ignores every rule of parenting including the reality which is that you never allow a 3 year old to control their fate because if they did they'd be dead within 6 minutes and meanwhile in other breaking news Jeff Sessions is expected to announce that he plans to run for the United States and in Alabama I know there are a lot of Republicans who are very mad about this very very mad how did their Jeff Sessions offend the president by running for Senate now Bama. You should run for Senate Alabama he should and the reason he should is because he will very likely win the nomination and then the senatorial seat the reason that Doug Jones a hard core Democrat is now sitting in an Alabama Senate seat is for one reason and one reason only the Republicans in Alabama could not get their act together enough to move past Roy Moore why while Roy Moore is a very famous figure in Alabama he has high name recognition and in a crowded primary field he is likely to emerge as the victor now everybody sort of whistling past the graveyard apparently in the Senate g.o.p. Over there saying oh no don't worry we won't nominate Roy Moore again I mean terrible will probably nominate Tommy Tuberville the former coach over at Auburn University maybe a will or maybe people will like one more will say what experiences Tommy Tuberville have being in politics I've been fighting this battle forever and then you end up with a guy who's trolling the food court for 14 years of 14 year olds again running for Senate which basically guarantees the Dow Jones ends up in the Senate again because again it's me down your for Republicans 2020 maybe maybe maybe if just sessions runs however Jeff Sessions in his last several races in Alabama and Jeff Sessions one overwhelming victories huge victories the only thing that is really militating against him is President Trump That's pretty much it I mean he won in 1906 he won his Senate seat in Alabama 53 to 46 he then won reelection in 2002 by a huge margin he won it by he won in his 3rd term he won 63 to 37. So why exactly would you not want him to run other than President Trump is still ticked off that he was not the attorney general he wanted but. And by the way it was Jeff Sessions not doing what Trump wanted on Robert Mueller that probably prevents it from from being impeached earlier those people around from telling him no including Jeff Sessions idea that sessions by the way was disloyal to Trump is patently insane his 1st it was his 1st senatorial endorsement he was campaigning for him before the primaries really even got started half of the top staff on immigration comes from sessions office the best friend here is from Shut up let's take the nomination let's let's sessions take the seat if President from what's personal animus for sessions overcome the need of Republicans when that Alabama Senate seat and that is putting the president's own political Animist and personal animus above the political interest that he supposedly represents sessions should run he should win it is that simple Ok Well tonight I'm speaking at Stanford University it should be pretty exciting stuff left going to show up well party it up they've been making all sorts of trouble tearing down posters calling me a bug all sorts of fun things will bring you all the updates here tomorrow you're listening to venture. F m one o 4.5 k. 283 c.n. Auburn and I am 98 Auburn. Breaking news from townhall dot com. House Republicans intend to subpoena the government's whistleblower to testify in the House impeachment investigation into President Trump's dealings with the Ukraine Republican Jim Jordan says House Republicans will call on the unidentified whistleblower who drew attention to President Trump's July 25th phone call to the president of the Ukraine yes it is not likely to bear fruit as Democrats have rejected the idea of outing the anonymous figure citing saved concerns and they have veto power over any g.o.p. Subpoena request for witness testimony and an investigation is weighty isn't Pietschmann Republicans argue that President Trump has a right to face his accuser Congressman Mark Meadows in North Carolina recently told reporters the whistleblower statute never required anonymity Bernie Bennett Capitol Hill meanwhile the Senate has confirmed nominees to the federal district court the confirmation of Lee Rudolph ski and Jennifer Wilson bring to 112 the number of Trump nominees confirmed the u.s. District court both are what Majority Leader Mitch McConnell described as well qualified constitutionally minded judges who understand our job is to make the laws and our job. Is to apply fairly McConnell also noting that as of this week one quarter of all federal appeals court judges are 12 days by new reporting the leader of Britain's main opposition Labor Party is facing renewed accusations of anti Semitism as the campaign for next month's general election intensified like the conservatives before its labor is now having a disastrous Staats of the general election its leader Jeremy Colvin has been described as completely unfits lead the country by one of his own former M.P.'s The pot's is deputy leader and the moderate has resigned and in an unprecedented step the country's best known paper for the Jewish community has. Used to consider Labour's record on anti semitism before they vote in the a.b.c. Correspondent Rob Watson reporting on Wall Street that up by 182 points the Nasdaq rose 23 more on these stories at townhall dot com Thanks man if you want to have less bathroom problems listen to this a new Nobel Prize discovery was just proven in a clinical trial to help men urinate 241 percent more in the multiple trips to the bathroom and the constant urge to go this breakthrough is finally available in a pill called Crossed of 5 ls developed by famed men's health expert Dr Alice ears and for a limited time you can get a free bottle call 803383683 patients who have taken Prost of 5 l. Ast are saying mean it's praises my name is Paul and I'm 73 years old I used to get up multiple times a night to go to the bathroom but after take.

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