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Belling cat is reporting that one of the 2 suspects in the poisoning of an expiry in England as a doctor who works for Russian military intelligence out said on its website Monday that the man British authorities identified as Alexander Petroff is actually Alexander Michigan a trained doctor working for the Russian military intelligence unit known as g.r.u. Website claims Michigan traveled from Russia to Salisbury England using Alexander Petroff as an alias almost street that up by 40 points the Nasdaq dropped 52 the s. And p. Lower by one more on these stories at townhall dot com. The following is not an actor but a real life story from Trinity debt management My story begins with debt a lot of debt credit card debt and I heard a commercial for Trinity I gave them a call if you're in death and you need Hill call Trinity 180-990-6976 when I 1st called I was a little embarrassed and kind of ashamed and I looked at the numbers and I saw how quickly that astronomical debt that was in my life would go away trinity will consolidate your accounts to do one easy to manage monthly payment reduce your interest and possibly improve your credit score you'll save thousands what I would tell other people please pick up the phone and call Trinity just let them put together a program and see how affordable and easy it is to pay off your debt Trinity 180-990-6976 that's 180-990-6976. Here's the townhall dot com business brain a leading adviser on international corporate deal says executives are cooling to the idea of mergers and acquisitions in the face of rising trade tensions in its half yearly assessment of the mergers and acquisitions scene he wises only 46 percent of executives around the world are planning to acquire in the next 12 months that's down 10 percentage points from a year ago in March the lowest appetite in 4 years the firm said ongoing trade discussions notably between the u.s. And China are waiting on sentiment uncertainty over Britain's looming exit from the European Union is also a factor behind the decline corresponded Jeremy house a Chinese government spokesman has sidestepped questions about a report that spies in sort of chips in a computer equipment that might allow them to hack into u.s. Companies and government agencies crude oil futures ended lower on the New York Mercantile Exchange that are about the contract for the benchmark grade fill 5 pennies a barrel with business on both Agnew news and analysis at townhall dot com I'm Keith Peters Argentina joins the space club and a 1st for space x. Falcon 9 rocket carried an Argentinian Earth observation satellite into space Sunday and for the 1st time land it 1st stage booster back at its California launch site the primary purpose of the mission was the place to say a Com one a satellite into orbit but space x. Also wanted to expand its recovery of 1st stages to its launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base about 130 miles northwest of Los Angeles space x. Had previously flown 1st stage rockets back to land after Florida launches but had not done so on the west coast Rhonda rocks to reporting u.s. Interior secretary Ryan sinking approved a 20 year ban on new mining claims in a towering mountains north of Yellowstone National Park on Monday after 2 proposed gold mines raised concerns that an area drawing tourists from around the globe would be spoiled zinc is order extends a temporary ban imposed in 2016 under former President Obama more on these stories at townhall dot com. Here's one of our local advertisers to tell you why he loves k. Hi radio I'm Fred penny managing partner opinion associates injury lawyers all offices are located throughout California and we have the opportunity to advertise across the state we chose to advertise with chaos among our other locations we see the advantage of reaching those who matter most the local customers through local radio on k. High the voice of the players. Sinatra and friends weekends on k. High is taking the book deal by stealing. From so much that he said that if I could live life Diana Krall and all the great artists working and playing the Great American Songbook Sinatra and friends made possible by our sponsors Mickey's quotes in downtown all gone as for the Great American Songbook by Frank and his friends every Saturday and Sunday right here on Am 950 k. I spread. Both Savage Nation contains all dolled language. Psychological nudity listener discretion is advised. Now America's most exciting radio talk show Savage Nation almost borders. And author of liberalism is a mental disorder trumps war and dog faith and reason Michael Savage. This area that we're witnessing in America today is not new to America it's a new fever pitch in America and it's not new to the world we've seen it. When other mass movements have broken out whether it's the massive Steria of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia which led to the death of a $100000000.00 people or the French Revolution Mao Tse Tung's China where there was a massive Steria against the middle class Pol Pot's Cambodia masses there against anyone with eyeglasses they were beaten to death or killed I want to talk today about Columbus Ohio here is a city named for Columbus Christopher Columbus and this sick group of individuals who have forced themselves upon the city have eliminated any celebration of the namesake of their own city in your lifetime they have torn down the name of Columbus they want to go after all the Founding Fathers I want to tell you that before we talk about Christopher Columbus Perceval before anyone talks about any Explorer or scientist artist the politician we need to understand the subjects motivation background and environment again as a part time bestselling novelist I can tell you that one of the greatest jokes of modern socio political propaganda is that the kind of basic detail every reader demands in fiction such as Why is that sea captain chasing the white whale or why is Dorothy so unhappy in Kansas somehow this is not required to be present in real life in the memes and tropes and mantras of the Left and Right in other words fiction has to be more real than reality. And that's not surprising if the mainstream media had looked carefully an objective way at the back story of Iraq and Michelle Obama the Obama's never would have lived in the White House and if we give Columbus the courtesy due any historical subject it would not be possible to manipulate gullible social justice warriors into appending his statue or that of Robert e. Lee or anyone else and I'm going to talk about that and I'm reading to you now from page 50 to stop massive stereo which is the most important political slash historical book of our time and I'm going to continue to show you how insane it is that statues of Columbus are being torn down across America by the Maoists of our time and that Columbus Ohio itself is not he was celebrating the holiday as anyone who went to school before the p.c. Police started scrubbing the curriculum anything that someone arty might find offensive they would know that Columbus sailed from Spain that nation has always been a hotbed of religious turmoil and the 11th century more than half of Spain the southern portion was on the Muslim control and known as the Caliphate of Cordoba Spain's national hero rather. Popularly known as El Cid the Lord participated in the recall he stopped the military retaking of those regions. Taken by the Muslims the task took more than 400 years that's why else it is known as the Lord it took 400 years but was completed last in January of 1492 and then Spain was once again a Catholic nation both holy and holy now here we get down into the Columbus thing from March of 19026 months before Columbus reached the new world an event took place that was seemingly unrelated to the seaman but was clearly an offshoot of efforts to solidify the Reconquista Spain's King Ferdinand Queeny Sabella decree that within 4 months all Jews had to leave Spain those who had converted to Catholicism the converse so could state the 800000 Jews who would not converted were out of course an unknown number of the Converse those were attending mass but still secretly practicing Judaism these people these human beings were known as Marranos swine and I've used this word Marranos to describe conservatives who continue to be conservative in secret in this country you understand where that came from let me continue there is good evidence that Columbus who Spanish name was Cristobal called Long was Jewish probably or possibly a Marano the evidence is found in the will he signed on March 19th $1506.00 in it he honored the Jewish custom of leaving a portion of his wealth to the needy he specifically named a Lisbon Jew as the beneficiary of a portion of his estate Columbus also earmarked part of his estate to go to a group that was charged with retaking Jerusalem from its Muslim occupiers and finally he signed a document with a triangle of marks that appeared on Jewish headstones those dots and characters were intended to represent the cottage the Jewish prayer for the deceased. I'm going to continue in a few minutes reading about the real history of Christopher Columbus' one of the greatest explorers in the history of the world and the sadness that we should all feel today that we permitted the Communists and the fascists of our time to the fame of this great explorer and to rip down his name across America and it's all found in a book that you must have even if you've never bought a book before stop mass hysteria this is not a polemic this is a required reading for anyone who wants to save America while it still can be salvaged so I'm trying to sound the alarm bells which have not yet gone off in America the left has conducted a civil war for a long time and then it became an uncivil war in recent times and now this insanity or this hysteria threatens to engulf all of us and so when we read that Columbus Ohio a city named by far more intelligent people for the world's greatest Explorer is not even celebrating Columbus Day and we see mobs mobs mob rule mob hysteria tearing down statues of Columbus I think you need to know a little bit about the context of Columbus to understand what you're doing and why you should defend Columbus and Columbus Day which is today so let me continue on page 53 it's only about another half page from stop mass hysteria out tomorrow though born in what was then the Republican Genoa before it was part of Italy Columbus went to sea at the age of 10 and built a life for himself as a seaman trader based in Portugal and Spain. He was married to the daughter of a Portuguese governor he had 2 sons who lived in the region he had local interest both familial and professional to protect the also had a livelihood to expand and trade with the in these was a part of that at that time the traditional land route the Silk Road fell under the domination of the Ottoman Turks who were intimately at war with Europe merchants then came up with the sea route following me to survive the sea route that was safer though the so-called Cape route named after the Cape of Good Hope in modern day South Africa required a long and arduous journey around the African continent Columbus who was fluent in Latin School themself in both the Bible and astronomy his studies gave him the idea that there had to be a quicker way to get to the in these and back one that would give his adopted home a trading edge it would also perhaps insulate him by both distance and accolades from Spain's rampant anti-Semitism that was raging at that time you understand little the context now that you never knew Ok my book this book is not the place to the bait the modern day furious around the Christopher Columbus and the voyage on the took in 4902 the voices of political correctness won't even let us call it the discovery of America any longer since uncivilized natives were here before the civilized Europeans arrived voices of mass hysteria want this statue removed from New York City's Columbus Park and his name removed from the October holiday that bears it both actions I vehemently opposed by the way whatever else may be said of him Columbus had courage sailing 3 tiny vessels west into waters that were uncharted and said to be populated by sea monsters on a world that many an educated soul still thought was flat that alone should be celebrated in its own way. He set a standard for the ideal of American exceptionalism in which I wholeheartedly believe but now listen to the rest of what I wrote but those of you think I have a one sided mind without ignoring the historic truth of the diseases his crew and those that followed introduced to the defenseless native population among them syphilis measles smallpox and influenza and also of course the horrors of slavery Columbus's and the price fail of its original go yet succeeded on a scale he could never have imagined Columbus a search for a trade route triggered the 16th century colonization of the continent to the north of Hispaniola in the Caribbean where he had landed Let me repeat what I said at the start of this chapter context matters the anti israel rhetoric and passions of Barack Obama a Muslim by virtue of his paternal descent and tradition help to fire new waves of anti-Semitism the most open vitriolic since the days of garbles and Hitler neither he nor the critics of Israel have a sense of history they claim Jews have squatted on Palestinian land that was in fact Hebrew land since the days before that since before the days of Moses I mention this because the Jews or Spain today are faced with a situation almost identical to that faced by Columbus and the Jews of the 15th century you know August the 2017 just days after a terror attack in Boston on a killed 14 and injured more than $100.00 others the chief rabbi of that city gave an interview which he warned that Spain had become a nexus for slamming terror. The Spanish rabbi said I tell my congregants don't think we're here for good and I encourage them to buy property in Israel this place is lost don't repeat the mistake about Jews or Venezuelan Jews Europe is lost he described the Muslim community in Europe as harboring radicals and terrorists and one it's very difficult to get rid of them they only get stronger I'll stop right there and I'll let you read for yourself. The book massive stereo This is one example of what I'm trying to do before it might be too late if it's not too late already and I don't think it's ever too late by the way so Columbus Day is no longer a holiday for the namesake Ohio capital why is Christopher Columbus been turned into the most evil person to have ever lived was he that evil a person and by the way what was life like for most of the indigenous peoples in the areas that he landed on what were they like to each other with a kind and loving with a some kind of accent that angels as you would have the as they would have you believe all of these a lecturer as of ethnic studies would have you believe that the Native American was living in peace and harmony with each other and with nature nothing could be further from the truth I have studied this issue since 1978 in the 1970 s. If you look at how tribes live with each other here in North America think of the Crips and the Bloods because that's how the tribes live with each other before the Europeans arrived they will or a constant war with each other fighting over things as simple as salt. Or hunting grounds if they captured a warrior from another tribe they would sometimes skin them alive been thrown into the snow without skin you have to mention the rapes Well you see history is a very important subject and it was lost in this country a long time ago it is even lost today where the Common Core curriculum is not even being taken down by the trumpet ministration I don't know if you know this but we thought that we'd be getting rid of the Common Core curriculum but we haven't Betsy the Valse has not done that she's the education secretary who was castigated by the left and yet she's not done much to eliminate the Common Core curriculum anyway you could see all of these ideas into connect with each other. I'll be right back join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 854-0728 percent average the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Hi I'm billing ball and I'm here with Mike Stahl from Health Markets a national organization helping folks find the right Medicare coverage Mike the news reports keep saying that the rates might actually be going down the cost of many Medicare plans are decreasing this year so you have to ask yourself are you getting the best rate Health Markets offers a free service with access to thousands of Medicare plan plans I can eliminate your out of pocket costs plans with 0 dollars premium and even plans that hey you back right Mike with the enrollment deadline for Medicare coming soon what should people keep in mind with so many new options it can be confusing you can get objective help to find a plan that they cost less and cover more with lower co-pays more choices like dental vision or prescription drug coverage and the freedom to see the doctors you choose Don't miss out on savings you deserve our health markets Medicare assistance is free Thanks Mike hey folks your Medicare is just too important to put off so call health markets today and find out how much you could be saving call 803940609 that's 803940609803940609. 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At the Civil War It's broken and I sang for years stop the coming civil war but I kept saying you know the Mason Dixon line is drawn after the cabin or hearings there's no no going back it's brother against brother it's cause of the guns and it's it's wife against husband on this issue and I don't know how to save America at all I'm saying is Where is the 4th something that will trigger the Civil War I don't know that this country could ever survive from what they did to this man during the hearings I know the hearings are behind us and we have another judge but that hasn't stopped them. They said they're going to impeach him now you understand what I'm saying to you their civil war has only just begun so if you think you can now go back to sleep and go back to golf go back to watching your garden hose going back and forth you are mistaken I am asking you to savage on me one last time to engage yourself for the mid-term elections because if you don't you're going to lose your golf club your golf course your golf balls and your watering hose if you know what I'm saying mean you're comfortable little mill middle class life will disappear in your lifetime that's what they want that's what they're aiming at so what is this thing about Cavanaugh that was so agitating Well they smeared a man a couldn't have been as bad as they said and it could have been you it could be your son tomorrow it could be your husband tomorrow it could be your brother tomorrow it could be Utah morrow because of what they've done which is make a man guilty before proving himself innocent is the reversal of all the laws of America as I and many others have been saying for weeks now but what I'm about to tell you is not been set so far as I know by anyone on the on Fox News or anywhere else do you remember the story of the Dreyfus affair maybe you remember the movie about Devil's Island where Dustin Hoffman played Dreyfus Well Dreyfus was a French military officer of Jewish descent who was accused of being a spy when he was in the spotlight other officers I conspired to make stuff up about him as a result he was found guilty of treason and sent to Devil's Island and the comparisons of the Dreyfus affair to Kavanagh are pretty strong because they haven't stopped the blood libel against Kavanaugh just as the blood libel was kept up in France against Dreyfus for a very long time by the anti-Semitic officers so too are the anti Americans in America continuing the blood libel against Kavanaugh as they have against Donald Trump as they have against every conservative in the media. It's a rotating moving field of targets I'm counting on my Savage on me tomorrow to go out and really clean out the bookstores you know what you're going to hit you know what opposition are going to get as you well know I'm banned on Fox News because they're not fair and balanced there are a cartel and only their authors and the friends of their authors get on that network and they're not obligated to put me on so I had bestsellers without them and whether or not I have one this time is very important for America not that important for me I got to make that very clear turn the music off this is so important let's say this book sold millions of copies what would it say it would send the message. That not only their books and their followers and their people count but that we count and here's the part that our expect one thing you've got to hand the left as they all stick together that's the one thing you got to hand them and they support each other you take a hack like that guy who the Watergate guy the guy writes a book and they say it sold a 1000000 copies the 1st day that means the people who hate America hate Trump went out and bought a book why is that why do they support each other and why do you do what I don't understand. 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Crowd Dharm abrasion for instantly radiant baby soft skin or and our shipping is also free call 8091 or go to join your Cell dot com You heard me right that's 80910 dot com California Headline News Parents of students who attend Herbert Hoover High School in Glendale not Will school officials today in the aftermath of a major on campus Well last week that was caught on video this parent is concerned about the lack of communication from the school so far as you've probably heard a lot of different stories come from different places we just need a single answer that everybody can be on the same page some students have been suspended following last week's flight crews continued we're controlling a part of the sales force Transit Center in San Francisco for street between mission and Howard will remain closed overnight for the rest of the week that's to install reinforcement beams under a 2nd building in the transit center and it was one year ago today that wildfires ripped through Northern California's wine country killing more than 40 people and burning thousands of homes Soma County sheriff Rob told a.b.c. News that the rebuilding that's taking place is inspiring by I have never ever ever seen such community support on so many different levels and California to use. Fans getting ready for a little fire and ice is leagues headed It's this week's. Been building is the park is about to drive real in the meantime the sound of basketball swishing through nets can be heard in just about every arena as protest preseason is in full swing as so many players changing teams it's giving hope to us fans games begin going to be about what other cars are typically they could i got more information a good night's sleep starts with the right pillow that's where my fellow comes in and we're excited to announce the new board back special go to Michael o. Dot com click on the 4 pack special tab and say 50 percent off the 4 pack which includes to my pillow premiums and to go anywhere fellows 10266 or 71 night that's 180-266-4719 take advantage of this limited time offer go to my pillow dot com Now click on the forecheck special Dad and use promo code comforted check out. Battling East on Highway 80 near Colfax be alert Caltrans is at work to improve traffic flow and safety we're building a 3 mile truck climbing lane widening shoulders and replacing the Cape Horn under crossing rolling lane closures will be in effect on I 80 near Colfax around the clock from Sunday October 14th to Thursday October 18th expect allays of up to 30 minutes details at 80 truck lane dot com That's 80 truck lane dot com. It's happening in the foothills still there right here on Am 950 for the morning news weekdays at. Noon News featuring the latest news information and then join me weekdays at 4 pm or the afternoon. And all the day's events with news weather sports the daily market and it's happening in the foothills you covered right here on the voice of. Good afternoon mostly sunny skies warm temperatures around 80 the south to New. Wins mostly clear overnight 52 to 58 and around 10 miles for our mostly sunny Tuesday mostly sunny Wednesday about 78 Tuesday and about 74 Wednesday Thursday mostly sunny about 757678 with sunshine plan for Friday. A high. School counselor and am 150. Students a high dot com free mobile app. That's a 4 point. 8 m. 950. Most of the political power of the. Wanted to abolish the Bible on the way to a Japanese meal all by myself because I was contemplating this week that I have ahead of me which is going to be the hardest week of my entire life I have the greatest headwinds I've ever seen going into the publication of my book tomorrow. Because you see if you're on Fox News you're in business you could publish a book about your analysis my favorite Your analysis by a Fox host would be a bestseller immediately or something along those lines and if you're not on Fox There was the government media complex virtually blots your book out unless you're a member of the liberal establishment who wrote a famous book 30 years ago then of course you also have a bestseller so I wanted to a bar you see last night alone to just think about the week ahead and I wanted to be here like b. Or some car and I'm sitting there and was having a rock on the on the jukebox and this kind of pretty girl with her boyfriend playing shuffleboard and some of the guys were playing pool and everyone minded their own business and it was the kind of place I like when I need to be alone and I'm sitting there and the guy comes over and I want you on the stand the bartender for a minute maybe 30 ish 32 pork pie had he had all of the bells and whistles of the of the hipster you know the hat the scraggly beard nice enough guy and he says to me how are you isis a little slow in here ha he said Well it's a holiday weekend and he quickly added But I don't celebrate the holiday I said What holiday he's a Columbus I don't celebrate Columbus they ask him how come he's I don't know I don't like what he did I said well it wasn't for Columbus you wouldn't be here so he stopped for a minute. And he said you know you're right about that I said well I'm a bit of a historian and you have to understand can you name one nation on earth that was not founded on blood and conquest and he thought for a minute the bartender then he said No Actually now that you mention it I can't and you know I learned something from that little interchange with the bartender which is that a little bit of history goes a long way in trying to hold an argument with someone and of course I'm going to pitch the book stop mass hysteria because it is a political book that's a history book and I'm going to give you I mean if you get some of these history not nuggets you might be able to convince rational rational people to see your point of view I'm not holding out any hope for Mazie Hirono or Dianne Feinstein or any other the e.t.o. Logs who are so beyond the ken of human dialogue I wouldn't even talk to them. But the point is we have to keep talking to our family members because we are now at the point where America was not before the sixty's but before Fort Sumpter as we talk about it I don't think how we're going to. Cure this thing I'm talking about my book which is tomorrow in the Army's going into the stores to stop mass hysteria you're going into the bookstores during your lunch break after work and you're going to bring your cellphone cameras and you're going to take a picture of the books to see that they're properly up front and all of the major stores you're going to take a picture of the clerks as they tell you the book is on their. Journey has 3 mommies or they don't know never heard of it you can take a picture of the Clark telling you that if you can find that you're sending it to me but we're also going to talk about should Trump's I r s remove the tax exempt status from Soros back groups and the a.c.l.u. This is perhaps the most important question of the week the a.c.l.u. Has long posed as a nonpartisan nonprofit group but last week they came out and spent a fortune trying to destroy Kavanaugh they have violated all of the tenets of a 5 a one c 3 all of the rioters were funded by George Soros front groups so far as I can tell they were paid agitators Donald Trump has the power to authorize the i.r.s. To remove the tax exempt status from the a.c.l.u. And from all of these Soros back groups and I don't know why he doesn't do that we're also going to talk about perhaps the most the oddest of all of the haters was Mazie Hirono I never heard of this unknown senator from Hawaii. Showed himself to be one of those hateful individuals of all it's hard to say when you see Blumenthal and Feinstein and Spartacus and all and you ask yourself why does Mazie Hirono hate men so much and I don't know if it ties into the next question of the day but here it is does it tie into it or not why do you think male sperm counts are dropping Is it because of people like that I don't really know I mean there's a kind of psychically I do not see the connection are male sperm counts dropping because a plastic straws or for some other reasons I would also like to direct you to Breitbart dot com where Aaron Klein's article came out this morning he's one of the few people in the media who is in the pendent of Fox News and the articles and tiles Michael Savage left orchestrated mass hysteria over Trump must be stopped I also was on there was Max t.v. This morning many of you saw this some were going to get some of you calling on that which is interesting. So we saw the leftwing in action last week in a way that was so naked that it would take a real dummy not to see how evil they actually are not how they became they reversed all the rules of law and of ethics and of the Cincy and the only question is will this reflect in the event at the ballot box I don't know I think it I think it will because women in particular who are the siding factor in many elections who are the reason Trump is president never forget that it was a late surge of white middle class suburban women that swung over to trump at the end of the election last time that put them over the finish line and the question is will they come over again and in large enough numbers to save America from the communist juggernaut or will we start the year the same thing fascism racism equality. Let's see one of the other watchwords of the hash tag this hash tag that patriarchy racism white privilege Trump Mueller Oh abortion male male supremacy. You know you know the watchwords of the radical left they have they have all of their little characterizations ready to go Now Trump has the power to save America and I don't know whether he'll pull the trigger on it but remember Obama that Obama had his i.r.s. Pull the tax exempt status of conservative organizations he didn't like remember that scandal. Do you know how many of those women in the street when there spontaneously no one does you know how many organizations were funded by George Soros most every one of the organizations that bussed women in to attack senators in the hallways to disrupt the hearings every one of them was brought in because they're working for these non-profits remember it's a job for them that's their job is political agitation and so they're nonprofit organizations they're supposed to be nonpartisan The i.r.s. Could pull the status of their organizations literally overnight with a letter and their funding would dry up and it has to be done it's a simple as that there are ways that a nonviolent way you could face these violent people without violence and I'm afraid that if we don't we're going to have another Kent State probably in this country I said to someone over the weekend I don't know if any of you are old enough to remember in 1970 I saved the newspaper from that time because. It was a significant year for me in many ways and never forget what happened at Kent State University and the killings the Kent State changed the course of American politics you see the radicals were agitated it's an intergenerational group of agitators Incidentally the old hippies of that time still alive and they've cultivated entire generation of new hippies if you want to call them that and the old hippies got the mobs in the streets against the Vietnam war against l.b.j. And they started rioting on the college campus called Kent State Well the governor of the state called out the National Guard they fixed bayonets and they faced off against the rabble the long haired rabble that was threatening to take down take down the whole campus all the riders didn't stop no one had ever stop them before unfortunately the rest this is Sturrock Lee factual. And that is somebody amongst the National Guard opened fire on them and then others did the little form of massive stereo by the way and a number of students were shot dead on that campus. One of the results of it in addition to the tragedy of the students being shot was that the entire student movement came to a grinding halt suddenly they cut their hair went home to mommy and took a job in McDonald's They were no longer out there in the streets rioting because they were afraid that they could get shot dead by the National Guard and I'm afraid that this is going to happen if they keep taunting the police if they keep taunting senators if they keep harassing people in restaurants how long is it going to be until a senator who is armed and licensed to carry feels threatened enough to pull a gun on one of them you think it can happen I told you I was in Washington last April. To visit the president well I was invited by my good friend Congressman Culberson from Texas and he gave me a personal tour of Congress and he showed me a group of marble stairs a back staircase in the into the House of Representatives that still has blood on the steps and he told me that there was actually a shoot out in Congress between a journalist and a congressman because the journalist had smeared the congressman over and over and over again taunted him over and over and over again you think it's new today there's in the 880 s. Well it turns out that the journalist came to Congress with a gun in his hand then I remember his name and shot the congressman dead on the steps and the blood is still there in the steps now I'll give you another example you may not know this but it's history that's all and master Steria again those who know the history of those who do not know the history condemned to repeat it I hope you learn your history so you are not condemned to repeat it do you know that in the early 1950 s. . A group of Cueto Rican nationalists broke into the gallery in the u.s. Congress and opened fire on Congressman below and killed a number of them did you know that and so when you see the pink cats or the women screaming and yelling it's not amusing to me it's a form of violence that must be stopped and the only way to stop them is by passing much stricter laws about who can and to Congress stop at the people's house garbage already without living in the in the early days of the founding here where we're now infiltrated were infiltrated they're everywhere they're running the television shows they've infiltrated the universities they've infiltrated to the peaceful front groups and it's only a matter of time until one of these lunatics shoots a senator or a congressman and I think that we need to take preemptive action to revenge another massacre in Congress as occurred in the early fifty's when a group of Puerto Rican nationals opened fire from the galleries on the Congress below now what am I the only person America remembers that story yes I'm I the only author in America who knows that story I can't be I the only broadcaster who knows that story probably And here I am with stop master stereo having to tell you about it because I'm telling you right now that unless we know our history we are condemned to repeat it be right back join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 85407282 salvage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com. This story is called The Ugly Truth about timeshare if you think you've done your family a favor by buying a timeshare you name are hello hello I'm Chuck McDowell c.e.o. And founder of Wesley Financial Group 10 years ago I started helping folks cancel their timeshare contracts and in the process. I'm sure carrots like. That you can buy it you can't tell me how much it's going to cost or when it's going to end when you bought time sure you. Believe it will. Be Done this never ends even when you die your family's now going to be stuck with this burden stop the insanity to day calm office and I guarantee if we can't cancel your timeshare contract you'll pay nothing for your free information kid 88964200 that's 889642088964200 there's a Portuguese pirate right here on Newcastle television show on $104.00 f.m. 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That'll be the right watch this Ok people and now I give you the Q I want a 700 foot mountain of whipped cream to roll into like Michigan which has been drained and filled with hot chocolate then the Royal Canadian Air Force will fly overhead towing a 10 ton mare I she know Cherry which will be dropped into the whipped cream for the cheering of $25000.00 extras all right cute about. 25 gallons very much I know you want to try that on television or radio is a very special medium because it stretches the imagination doesn't television stretch imagination up to $27.00 inches. I'm a veteran my victory was admitting I had p.t.s.d. And getting home. As America's veterans face challenges da vs their I no longer see it as a weakness but as a sign of strength I call it post-traumatic growth. Provides a lifetime of support helping veterans of every generation get the benefits they've earned I am a veteran I lost both legs in Vietnam every year. Great and Small. Benefits and a good education. 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And unlike other home security companies simply safe has no long term contract it's the best around the clock protection you could fight at the best price get free shipping and free returns at simply safe savage dot com Now go to simply safe savage dot com. The today is Columbus Day And as I have so or securely described the city of Columbus Ohio because it had been taken over by radical commie pinko leftist hippies no longer celebrates Columbus Day in Columbus Ohio and I try to give you a moment of history to see how great Columbus was in the context in which he was living today I'm giving you another story that you're not going to believe an asteroid named Scott Kelly praised Winston Churchill everyone knows Prince was in charge will say Would Britain try to trolls forced astronauts Scott Kelly to apologize for praising Winston Churchill for being an evil white male I'm asking you who listen to my show and I run into you from time to time you say the America I grew up in no longer exists you're my last resemblance you savage I listen the I feel like I'm living in America again I'm asking you a simple question why is it that you don't go out and patronize me to a book so I'm making very personal Why don't you buy a copy of stop mass hysteria and give it to someone who is not knowledgeable about the age that we are living in and where it fits and I want to go back to the killings at Kent State for a moment I made reference to it earlier in passing when the students were killed. And many wounded by the National Guard when the hippies got out of control this is an interesting fact that you may not know a Gallup poll taken immediately after the killings at Kent State showed that 58 percent of respondents blamed the students 11 percent blame the National Guard and 31 percent expressed no opinion I don't think you understand what's liable to happen if George Soros is armies of leftists continue to provoke a massacre a massacre there will be you can only push and push and push and push until there is push push push back and God forbid that happens if a poll is taken most Americans will blame those who get hurt because there's only so much disorder a society can tolerate and we've I think we've passed the point of tolerance of the radical left listen to what I'm saying to you 4 students killed 99 wounded and 2 of the 4 students killed it can state Alison Krauss and Jeffrey Miller were in the protest for sure but 2 others who were killed at Kent State Sandra Scheuer and William Schroeder were only walking from one class to the next at the time of the shootings. And ironically Mr Schroeder was also a member of the campus are o.t.c. Battalion so innocent people get killed when violence breaks out which is exactly what the legions of left this want they want collateral damage in order to try and turn the populace against this administration and against the laws of the land don't let them have this victory. The power ultimately is in the hands of the people yes Donald Trump has enormous power yes he should pull the i.r.s. Status the nonprofit status of the a.c.l.u. And all of the front groups of Soros who are disrupting our society in a violent way he has the power to do it and he should do it and what are you going to get some belly acres on Amazon b.c. So what do you care so I say give him the 5 a one c 3 revoke Let's see how many of these pink cats suddenly go out of their no longer being paid that's the want but you the people really have the power in your own mind to begin with and then your own home within your own family you can stand up to the radical left and you could do it without anger without violence as I did with the bartender last night when he said he doesn't celebrate Columbus Day and I said to him you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Columbus would you I didn't say it angrily even though I was just a man in a bar having a beer with a white beard he said No you're right it wouldn't be here and then I said Do you know any nation on earth that was not founded in blood and conquest he said No Actually now that you mention it. That's an example of knowledge being power I want to give you that knowledge so you can have the power. So. Michael Savage weekly afternoons from wonderful right here on on f.m. 10.5 and once it came. 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And ask for takes a chuck No No Chuck tags phone Carol the minister of production name Come on Mike I said Scott you told us they will build little cassettes for you he would endorse and put tape in them it is John Mark with words on it I like to talk to him about your company and I go shopping pretty simple all about how much dough What do you say every day that. I The Dave Ramsey Show where common sense meets dollars and cents if you can't pay for it you can't afford it. If you don't have any money don't buy stuff. If you have any money to buy stuff shocking get the big bucks right here weekday mornings from here on the voice of the foothills. F.m. 10153 c.n. And am 988. Breaking news this hour from. The National Transportation Safety Board says there were no apparent skid marks before a limousine barreled through an intersection and crashed into a parked car killing 20 people asked at a press conference what stands out as most striking about this crash n.t.s.b. President Robert somewhat says the large number of people who die this is the the the most deadly transportation accident or crash that we've seen on u.s. Soil since February of 2009 so it's definitely something that we're very interested in and we will follow up and complete recommendations that hopefully will improve the safety of this industry authorities in Florida and Alabama are warning residents that hurricane Michael will be a very dangerous storm Florida Governor Rick Scott families need to have to be the 1st responders 3 days of food 3 days of water make sure you've got all your medications get ready now if you think you might have to back wait no you're back away from plans if you think you can use a shelter find out where it is Michael could become a major hurricane with winds topping 111 miles an hour by Tuesday night before the anticipation of landfall Wednesday on the Florida Panhandle or big band. President Trump and Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein met for 45 minutes on a trip to Florida White House spokesman Hogan Gidley says the 2 men discussed a range of law enforcement issues including General Justice Department business there was no mention if they talked about Rosenstein reported discussion to secretly record Mr Trump to show chaos in the White House Rosenstein deny saying it and the president says he has no plans to fire the deputy attorney general he said in Orlando they had a good talk That's White House correspondent Greg Clarkston who was amongst the reporters on Monday's flight to Florida on Wall Street that up by 40 points the Nasdaq dropped 52 the s. And p. Lower by one more of these stories at townhall dot com Pat Boone here again for relief factor the company that's helping thousands of people just like my wife Shirley and me deal with all kinds of occasional aches and pains for years surely struggled with her neck and her shoulder pain kept her from sleeping through the night a lot of people just like surely struggle with aches and pains due to aging or exercise why don't you order the 3 week quick start it's now only 935 so this if we can get you out of pain to go to relief factor dot com Are you a responsible person and find yourself growing deeper in credit card debt then get ready for a toll free number that will put you on a path to financial recovery Trinity debt management will consolidate your accounts and work with your creditors you'll save thousands and become debt free for keeps If you're debt has you down we should talk trinity at 180990697618099069761809906976 . President Trump says he is looking forward to tonight's ceremonial swearing in of new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh I think it will be very interesting I assume most of you will be there for the official swearing in. Of Judge capital and I think it will be something very very that I've always been told that the biggest thing a president can do and I could understand that it would be verse that the ceremonies are beginning at this hour along with retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy Facebook is launching its 1st electronic device to bear its brand a screen and camera equipped gadget intended to make video calls easier and more intuitive but it is unclear if people will open their homes to an Internet connected camera that is sold by a company with a shoddy track record on protecting user privacy news and analysis at townhall dot com I'm Keith Peters and Chinese government spokesman has sidestepped questions about a report that it spies inserted chips into a computer equipment that might allow them to hack into u.s. Companies and government agencies correspondent Jeremy house has more on this story the spokesman directly to reporters the statements by the equipment supplier and customers including Happel and Amazon those companies denied any knowledge of equipment had been altered Bloomberg News cited identified u.s. Officials as saying malicious chips were inserted into equipment supplied by super microcomputer to American companies and government agencies Bloomberg said the components included code that caused the.

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