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Through February 8th it happened after Senate Democrats agreed to lift their blockade on the bill but they had complained did nothing to address urgent issues including immigration Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell offered assurances that immigration would be addressed in the updated bill even though 16 Democrats and 2 Republicans still declined to go along Next comes a final vote on the bill expected later today then the House will vote and finally President Donald Trump will have to sign the bill something he says he plans to do . Washington meantime the White House offering its own analysis about how the impasse was result not long after Senators negotiated an end to the shutdown White House press secretary Sarah Sanders read a statement from President Trump I am pleased that Democrats in Congress have come to their senses and Sanders added Democrats realize that the position that they had taken frankly was indefensible the president said his administration will make a long term immigration deal if and only if it's good for our country right kludged and the White House the International Monetary Fund is upgrading the outlook for the world economy i.m.f. Managing director Christine Lagarde global growth has been accelerating since 2016 the i.m.f. Note surprisingly strong growth in Europe and Asia Nick Foles threw for 3 touchdowns in the Eagles made the big play after big play as they moved out of the Super Bowl last night to beat Minnesota he goes had a fan and the days have a team spoke to w.p.b. I.t.v. As good as night t.v. When I said. That it was a great game they were the Eagles 1st Super Bowl appearance since 2005 will be against a team that beat them last time around the a.f.c. Champion New England Patriots more from townhall dot com. It either or it isn't when it comes down to it that's all that really matters when choosing a certified pre-owned Mercedes Benz it's either certified by Mercedes Benz factory trained technicians or it isn't either bought by the limited mileage warranty for up to 5 years or doesn't it's absolute confidence in 30000 persuasion parts or isn't. The Mercedes Benz certified pre-owned sales event through February 28th only at your offer as he spends dealers coming to take advantage of 2 years of complimentary prepaid maintenance and special financing offers available through Mercedes-Benz financial services there are those who settle for nothing less for them the choice is simple it's either up to Mercedes-Benz standards or it's flawlessly maintained or it isn't it's either been certified pre-owned or it is. A complete details an imitation. Of. The group Oxfam is highlighting the scale of inequality in the global economy on the eve of the annual gathering of the political and business elite in the Swiss Swiss ski resort Oxfam says its research shows 82 percent of the wealth generated last year went to the richest one percent of the global population Meanwhile the poorest half of the world's population 3700000000 people saw no increase in their wealth the research notes the number of billionaires rose at a rate of one every 2 days in the year to March 2017 as correspondent Jeremy House reporting Oxfam International's executive director says the so-called billionaire boom is not a sign of a thriving economy Facebook says it will play up new sources at its users deemed to be trustworthy It's all part of Facebook's effort to deal with the uproar over so-called fake news and Russian link posts aimed at influencing the recent election more from townhall dot. The area New Jersey less than 2 Biles from the George Washington Bridge is putting up a keep out side for motorists seeking a shortcut a response to navigation apps that reroute some of the 10s of thousands of vehicles headed to the bridge the town is now slapping fines on nonresidents who drive on residential streets during the morning and evening commutes local officials and police say the decision as a hasty one and that they've done extensive traffic study they also say it's a safety issue as well as a ingested issue for residents to get out of their driveways in the morning Richard Thomas in reporting Amazon now has a cashier list store the giant online retailer has been working in that idea for more than a year now in the 1st full fledged model is opened today in downtown Seattle the Amazon goes store allows shoppers scan their smartphone with the Amazon go after the turnstile and pick out the items they want and to leave if a customer put something back they are not charged or any stories at townhall dot com not to do you need Am I included. That's not fair have a strict box that only listens to music and never local news he's not very informed then but you knew that don't worry you can get up to the minute news information and local advice from our talented high used anywhere you want now follow k.-i on Twitter or like Ai on Facebook to receive local news updates multiple times a day you can also download our k. Radio at that k. Had dot com and enjoy the voice the foothills at am 150 k. At any time day or night better and face treacherous situations filled with peril while serving our country many veterans come home physically injured suffering with p.t.s.d. Have traumatic brain injuries or other ailments. For over 45 years help heal veterans has provided therapeutic art kids to these critically injured veterans at no charge to them help us heal vets to volunteer or learn more visit heal vets dot org help of veterans visit heal vets dot org. Most. Big thing I think I can do this I want you to see my Prada shoes I was wearing sandals. I feel like I'm 6 years old. And republics. About to show. You know about the big deal right show me a shutdown is over Brooklyn jackass Chuck Schumer blanked the Brooklyn jackass Chuck Schumer blink 1st. Looking up his name in an old book of mine the political zoo Why do I detest that man so much I don't care if he's a Democrat and a phony that's a given I don't care that he caters to the illegal alien instead of the native citizen I don't I mean I do care but it doesn't bother me as much as his style Gotham pushes I call them in the political So the great picture of him as a jackass with big ears and I described him as follows Chuck Schumer the Brooklyn jackass is an obstinate and excessively loud beast of burden that was removed from the petting zoo by veterinarians for turning overtly red when pet it one should approach this brain creature cautiously if it is near a camera be particularly careful never place yourself between the ass and the lens a particularly volatile animal the Brooklyn jack ass has to shift its position when exposed. To light or heat it is closely related to the dumb ass and often is this illegal using these words I don't think so. And often carries out the simplest such tasks aspect chords not related as something to root gator Ginzburg those stubborn as the name of his breed implies Chuck Schumer has made himself a powerful player in the Democratic barnyard serving as one of its chief Senate spokespeople Dona pocket pickers and party law enforcers with both him and Hillary Clinton in New York this was written in 06 Some have suggested license plates that read the Vampire State and I go on the Brooklyn jackass but it's a long interesting piece in here let's see how it ends I'll cut to the chase. Happily fame the Brooklyn jackass has the mainstream media to cover his tracks on his do is I say not as I do position on guns. And yet the Senate has surprised this is the keeper by me more vigilant on national security than the president that was when old Bushie was in power. Sure led the charge to block the sale of 6 u.s. Shipping ports to a company controlled by the United Arab Emirates while Bush and company defended this transfer of control including port security to an Arab company Senator Schumer had the foresight to block the sale politics does make strange bedfellows in the bill that was then this is now he has done nothing since to have given me any hope that the man is anything but what I have described him as welcome to the program as a news story for those of you insist on news and talk radio Hey Al Gore How's that global warming thing working out a brand new Us Navy warship trapped in Canada amid cold an ice Al a brand new u.s. Navy warship has not moved from Montreal since Christmas Eve Al and will spend the winter stuck in Canada due to cold in ice let's have a laugh line al the u.s.s. a Little rock unavailing a ceremony on the summer 16th has not moved far due to adverse weather conditions that kept the warship locked in ice at bay in Canada the Toronto Star reported. Isn't that interesting. Isn't that interesting that in a war ship of ours cannot move its locked in ice owing to that global warming thing and I thought the sea levels were going to rise Whatever happened to that let's see the Russian conspiracy a lie global warming a lie the dreamers being kids who came here against their will a lie everything they do is a lie and they blinked today that's a good thing I was calling for the nuclear option in fact I tweeted someone in the White House 5 minutes before that showdown and I said Trump was right go for the nuclear option give him the nuclear option you know what the nuclear option is. The Dems invented it it's a constitutional option it would have allowed the Us Senate to override a rule the 60 vote rule to close the bate by a simple majority $51.00 votes rather than the 2 thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules so it was used in 201320175 the jackasses on the left Remember Harry Reid the guy who left the Senate after running into a. Rubber wall Pollie that was the cover story Harry Reid rubber Walpole he attacked them in his home Gemma right sure. So the Dems used it once and the republish use that once on April 6th 2017 Senate Republicans invoked the nuclear option to remove the Supreme Court exception created in 2013 I don't even understand it but the point is this you could have moved it down from $60.00 to $51.00 votes and you would have had it anyway and that's why they caved in they knew the Trump had the option to go to the nuclear option and they caved in despite all of the kicking in the barnyard they are finished trapped. Now what is this thing about a government shutdown I was happy when I saw there was a government shutdown and I was the 1st time for example let's look at what could have closed down that I could care less about what if they closed the post office down for about a week what do I need the post office for everyone I know uses ie the Fed Ex or another express service the only thing comes the post office is junk mail and by the way why do we need postal trucks that pollute the air so badly have you seen the level of carbon dioxide and other quote toxins that are coming out of the tailpipes of post office trucks they're about the most polluting vehicles on the road one example they set for environmental regulation. But seriously think about it what government agencies do you really care about the military for sure in a few others but why do we really care about a government shutdown aren't they spending too much as it is don't we want them to tighten the budget don't we have a budget deficit that's exploded shouldn't the government shutdown have been used to cut back on government spending so I was all in favor of shutting the damn thing down and then starting it up with 20 percent less government workers and less government programs but that didn't happen they need the old pork barrel to keep on rolling. So let's play some blues music now to keep it on rolling on the Savage Nation as you know. Like the kids I'm the last person on earth who likes. It's a neighborhood it's. You have a certain taste for a certain kind of. Guest a certain kind of benefits I don't really know the difference but. It's in the cement. Music is different is definitely in a world of its own and it's very not very popular today for a number of reasons I guess it takes a little thinking whatever who could do it anymore you got white guys faking blues music they made a fortune on it when it was the black people who invented it but of course it was the white guys who made a fortune off it because they could copy it very well like Bob Dylan great right mind great mimic really probably a great artist in his own way but you know that music was copied from the African-American experience that's where the blues music came from it didn't come out of the air it came from the actual experience of being blue sad unhappy melancholy but you see the drugs in those days at least that he was antidepressants which kills creativity. They just wrote music instead and that's a result of their music as a result of them writing the music so here I am back home my little dog Teddy is with me let's have a round of applause for modern surgery and modern medicine. Before I left for Los Angeles the dog was diagnosed with cancer. And I had a really rough trip because I didn't know until Friday afternoon while I was on the air that he survived the surgery Wednesday we found from the ultrasound modern medicine thank God that the cancer had not spread from his testicle and so basically the doctor had to castrate him you know Ok it's not a joke you know Ok I straight haha you know they do with the bulls all the time I get that but I mean I've lived with this guy for 14 years I'm kind of used to the whole dog. There are pieces missing I'd like to have to look and say where they go well they're gone they're gone he doesn't seem to spunky I would guess the energy from I don't think it's testosterone the drives and I think this is the Herenton something else that he has to slow down and all the doctor said she never saw a dog recover from surgery as quickly as this dog he was jumping off the off the operating table now he's wearing one of those bluebonnets that keeps him from licking the womb kind of crazy he has to live like a prisoner like in a stockade like to put certain people in government and that thing maybe you could put one of these when they call them the thing of shame that they call an idiot I know where they get that from a guy stop in the mall yesterday said Oh your dogs walking around with a thing of shame I said he's not ashamed of anything when they call it that can we put one of these on Chuck Schumer's had that they put on dogs to keep him from biting fleas or licking their wounds maybe that keep his mouth closed for a little while give every one of them a dunce cap and like a dog thing for their neck. Let's see what else Democratic senators blast from the world reelection and Schumer shut down Brooklyn Jack as did that u.s. Navy warship trapped in ice did that Ok well that's the show good night No I'm kidding we just opened up here it's Monday. It's a big change for me to be back home in a home studio after being on the road I mean you know anyone half my age who did what I did last week No you don't let me give you an example Wednesday did my show live jumped on a plane flew to l.a. Next day did a live performance at the 4 Seasons Hotel. Went to a big dinner lovely people next day did a live show from my studio in Beverly Hills flew home Friday night tended to my dog all weekend how to put the collar on him give him the medication blah blah blah and here I am on the show as happiness strong as ever I don't understand it frankly I was thought to be dead by 40 I'd really known of the stand how things work must be all those vitamins that I take. Can't be just the 3 E.V.A.'s if I find out who's calling me during a show and it's a friend on never talk to them again you hear my phone is ringing that sound I'm so conditioned to it that I want to put the microphone down and go answer and say why you bother me during the show whoever's calling me and I'll find out soon they're going off my list both devices are ringing now during the show well what I want to do for you today is not celebrate the fact that the government didn't shut down because frankly as I told you earlier I wish it did shut down. I wish it had shut down what I like to do is. Something I started to do on Friday which was play some of the fun stuff from my speech last week intermittently on the show along with the news views and reviews that you've come to expect on this program of mine we have found some new things some old things and I was at the 4 Seasons Hotel last Wednesday as I said to you doing a live performance that Horowitz's Freedom Center and it was the 1st live performance I did in 14 years which was a big deal for me I don't do live there are others who can do them God bless them I don't I don't do them for a number of reasons this is what I do I do radio but I have a natural ability to do it and as you're going to hear in the tapes as they play today there's a certain comedic element in everything that I do all play some of those I'll give you the news I'll take your calls and I'll play some music right here on the Savage Nation join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 85407282 sabotage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com beats one of the super foods of the world there's so much I can tell you about it but let me just tell you about nitric oxide nitric oxide is one of the most important molecules in your body it promotes healthy circulation which gets the oxygen and nutrients flowing throughout your body and it helps support healthy blood pressure and you can help your body produce nitric oxide naturally by drinking super beets only super Beets is made from beets grown to exacting standards and the nutrients in the beets are concentrated in a way that makes them usable to the body to create nitric oxide safely and naturally if you want to increase your body's nitric oxide levels and you should believe me simply call 804810504804810504 or go to savage loves beets dot com and. 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For criminals stop illegal immigration and Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants president will fix our border and keep our families safe I'm Donald business and I ditto the Democrats hate it now why do you think this is such a basic question maybe it's too preachy but it's so obvious to everyone who studies the issue why do you think Durbin Shomer Pelosi are so so in love with daka daka daka daka daka What do you think they're after here they want to grant amnesty to illegal aliens because they are losing the vote of the poorest poorest people in America who are doing better than they've done in many years and now they have to get non-citizens to vote for them so they're basically buying them off that's a Schumer as fundamentally cynic starshine us that a blackmail artist the entire Democrat machine is an extortionist party and blackmailers I don't know how it's ever going to change they know the demographic game and they know by importing votes they can supersede the people who actually pay the taxes that's Jerry Brown's truck the great Jerry Brown import millions and millions and millions of illegal aliens and then tell the people who pay the salaries and pay the taxes to drop dead and then say leave the state we don't give a damn what you do Jerry who's going to pay the bills for your fake railroads. Who is going to pay the bills for that railroad to nowhere in the Central Valley that is running with a cost overrun of about 700 percent higher than the fake number you put out when you put it forward Jerry your illegal aliens are going to pay for it the sci you was going to pay for it now it's the hardworking Californians who are supposed to pay for it they're going to leave the damn state. Jerry everybody knows this playing with our lives like this Schumer with blood on his hands the versity visa lottery winners how many of them have become murderers blood on his hands victims of terror blood on your hands upchuck So that's what we know that's what they that's why I blinked Dems putting the undocumented people above Americans we are all fed up with it let him go through the same process my grandfather went through to become an American citizen the lawful way not through some trick executive order getting around the law with crybaby stories oh oh they're all here to become doctors and engineers they came here against their will oh they did nothing wrong we got a lot of our own dreamers and our dream is come 1st what's trumps priority tax cuts for all Americans what's the Democrats' priority let legal stable shut down the government let em will crawl over the wall Chuck if you love Mexico so much get us some Brehon head south Jock you might be welcomed in Mexico City it's not too late for you to learn Spanish and you can pull the same garbage on them that you have pulling on the idiots in New York. Join those savage nation call No 547-540-7282. 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Cell dot com Now that's Genya Cell dot com now. California headline news in ma to see the highway want to one is finally open again here stream route those efforts and will the sick option it serves as an important step in the recovery of work immunity and serious steps the continuity of commerce and travel along this vital route will count trance another body recovered over the weekend bringing the death toll from the mudslides to 212 people still missing a 2 year old a 17 year old immigrant families working in service jobs accounting for about a 3rd of the victims' revenues continuing to exceed California budget expectations revenue was a year and strongly with California total revenue over 1000000000 part number at over 2800000000 about Jan but expectations are uncanny with the state controller of the saying personal income and corporation taxes both exceeded projections Minnie Mouse getting her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today Jeff Scott California. 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If you or someone you know lives with epilepsy be aware of an uncommon but fatal complication called sudden unexpected death and epilepsy also known as Sudan the American Academy of Neurology and the American epilepsy society have released a new medical guideline to help patients families and caregivers better understand suit up and its risk factors if you have epilepsy it is important that you talk with your neurologist to learn more about Sudar visit a and dot com slash guidelines k.-i weather forecast clouds and a few rain showers at through this afternoon and the temperatures in the low to mid fifty's a nice wind up to 25 mph partly mostly cloudy chance of a shower overnight near 40 still some gusty winds expected overnight looks like a west southwest wind developing on Tuesday up to maybe 30 miles per hour a blend of sun and clouds in the mid fifty's on Tuesday Wednesday clouds and showers in the fifty's this is we're all just temporary did you know there are other signs of Besides facial redness bumps and pimples and visible blood vessels other signs include burning stinging or swelling of the face even enlargement of the nose Rosie she can also affect the eyes causing a bloodshot appearance and irritation that could lead to vision loss if you have any sign of or is a Shia see a dermatologist and ask about advances in treatment or visit the National Rose Aisha society at Rose a shadow. Monday edition we won. They lost now the losing party the ones who back the illegal aliens primarily from south of the border over the mastic or American native citizens went away saying well we won and come February they're going to have to go for an up and down vote on Doc up well could be a down vote I think by the time February comes around everyone's going to come to understand that it's Americans 1st it's not invaders 1st it's that simple I mean which side do you want and why why would you take the side of non-citizens don't we have enough American don't we have enough of our own citizens as many of our own citizens to get race who are poor and the needy who need benefits housing education why would you give it to non-citizens 1st unless you wanted them here in great numbers so they would vote for you and that's why you're hearing this rank or right now because this is a battle a battle of the ages so sure fold it. And we'll see where it leads on February 8th when they come back for a straight up and down vote on the docket thing we've got to lobby as hard as we can to say America 1st by the time this comes because I am sick and tired of hearing about the children the children the children some of them are in their thirty's what a lie what a gigantic propaganda show that I have been been watching from the illegitimately on the left why do you care more about the illegal aliens than you do about American children black white or Asian Latino or Hispanic Indigenous children born here why would you care more about illegal aliens can anyone in America tell me why why do you care about them are you that stupid you hate America that much. It will create a permanent socialist underclass just like Tammany Hall did in the or for over 100 years in that case it was the Irish You don't know that but I do know that the Irish immigrants were courted by cynical politicians and for 100 years Tammany Hall rule New York politics and if we permit this docket thing to go through it's going to be the equivalent on a national level for a 100 years then over the weekend you had the hysterical Pink had women stupid just stupid everything to them is sexual harassment if you say you did well today at work sexual harassment was a what a pretty dress sexual harassment you say I really appreciate how you look sexual harassment I really appreciate your brain sexual harassment Have you ever seen anything as insane as this so there were various speakers and there was Jane Fonda Hanoi Jane never misses a trick to make herself more foolish than they before there was a Natalie Portman and I have no idea and I know she's an actress I guess I've seen her in a movie or 2. And it's about the silence again what is she talking about listen the clip 6 listen to much ado about nothing to day my new daughter is walking and because of you the revolution is rolling oh please tell the world that turn it off enough stop it with a revolution you don't even know what the word means you phony you that's why you're an actress the word actor means phony then there was the blast never misses a trick to start up the masses and foment a trip the blast turned New York into a cesspool New York used to be a melting pot he started into a chamber pot from melting pot to a chamber but a pot one ministration write that down because I used it for 15 years that's what the blast was done to New York the subways 4 are all rolling toilets on steel wheels he is the blast fomenting hatred at the so-called women's March in clip 12 Listen to this we celebrate the anniversary of the single greatest protest in the history of the United States of America 2. That protest was only beginning remember that January 21st 2017 that'll be plenty of a bit over been portraying get off changed to protect the rights of women and a fair and just society tell that to Hillary Clinton stop stop stop stop stop stop it I mean Oprah Winfrey is an oppressed woman Oprah Winfrey's an oppressed woman Hillary Clinton oppressed woman Nancy Pelosi is an oppressed woman who are they fooling when else. What other actor was at the March I don't know another 11 after the other we can't find Jane Fonda she's become so irrelevant nobody even recorded a speech so that's it we had the big thing thing going to do something I want to do to enjoy it I think going to go back to when I felt good last I felt good was last Thursday in Beverly Hills. So I was at the funny thing happening on the way to Beverly Hills you know where is the speech so we started with the thing that we did for you I told the guys to take out the laugh lines from the speech that I gave not the speeches I played on Friday so let's hear the laugh track the outtakes from the performance again I'd like to step out from behind this big thing I think I can do this yes sir I want you to see my Prada shoes I was wearing sandals before. I feel like I'm 6 years old look how much of this is about peace and carrying peace in your heart and bringing peace where you go if only I could remember all those things when someone steps on my toe. Towards Me personally I see just shmucks as my threat. As a talk show host this is just the beginning for me through the 4 stops that I got to take a break now for a hair cream or something like that hair loss erection control something along but there's no break coming right now so I'm going to keep on going to fight was broken up but the point is it made newspapers all over the world talk show host attacked the street tried ran the story again and the book stayed on the list for another week. Syndicalist Jewish people from New York I know many of them it's why I left New York by the way. I became a conservative it's not soley because they grabbed my lapel and they gave me spritz the face that mocks political stuff listen to me when you know of you. And then you cut off you'll see even. Tearing my lapel at one suit it's like they would say things like I did to see 99 guilty men go flee then one innocent man locked up I set you up plots I trace it all back how did the 1st man get here what we grew from a back here here. I can't believe that I'm a descendant of a like a slime mold. Maybe. Slime molds where product shoots. Well years later after many fights the pipeline is built Mr President and guess what happened I could see what happening since I said Carroll came to love the heat of the oil in the pipe and they started to sleep and live in mate under the pipeline because it was with. So he reaches over to hold a lot of you and he says You see honey the carabao like the warmth. So you listen to me that so I said look in my book which I gave him and I signed to him. Incidentally I. Didn't ever miss an opportunity to. Get my ideas out there I think God has a good sense of humor I never met him I'm not in a rush. I pray before every show whether you know it or not. And I do one prayer of a Bible I mean that music's going on when the greatest minister on Michael Savage 2 seconds before I hand on a Bible I said God please give me the strength to not make a parts of myself today. Funny I like that if you don't like it it's your loss not mine people are so mean and dinner people have no lives you put stuff like this up on Twitter or Facebook you should see the hatred the jealous losers sitting in soiled underwear in their houses around America people have never gotten out of the starting gate who were sent anyone's. Anything anyone's anything whether someone in the family can paint the picture they put the picture down the person can play a clarinet they put the clarinet playing down the dish the mother makes they can cook better this is what the country's become because of the social networks every loser in the world thinks they're equal to the Winner Is that crazy. So I think I'm just going to go back because I could see no one's interested in those I don't blame you either I'm not interested in it now. During the thing last week which again it's not to be like I'm going to do it every day of my life I want to go to the to the next thing we played I don't have it. Did you catch a train Friday and listen show catching on Friday raise your hand if you did I tell you what let's do this I did the speech Thursday I played some of the outtakes on Friday and everyone I know the people I know closest to me didn't hear it on Friday just shows you how close my friends are where was everybody on Friday we were several like January where they all go it's a very low like I know by the traffic on my website which you look at every day Friday was normal I'm a normal amount every day but where was everyone on the radio where all my friends were all the people who claim they know me not one person heard about the replay all my dear friends who just want a free meal or free drink. So let me go back to. The high of the speech because I think it's good radio I wouldn't do it and I want to play a sound bite I don't know which one we can play right now but I'm a lot of time I did the show clock that's too short 35 seconds we did the shoes it's already boring and I'm never going to wear them again we can do with the threat from Islam of fascist peace. We could do that when I come back Dominion boring I don't want to eat the Eagle I've done we are the Eagle I think clip there too long to do right Maryse hand mutilated by the Nazis I did no one cried no one laughed No one cares what a cynical nation you know people are so cynical I don't care about anything what people care about Bitcoins on Talk of a because they could do that now that they're collapsing gold is you know here's my new phrase go back to gold. I called my advertiser Craig Smith from a source America I said What do you have to say about Bitcoin. I mean you've been telling your listeners to go back to gold for a long time but Cohen was a freak like a freak accident I guarantee you gold's going to probably go I go crazy now thank God all the gold coins I have like Scrooge McDuck in a bath tub. I will tell you what I want to do it's what you want to do in the Savage Nation the phone number here is I want to give it to you right now 855-472-8285 extension 54 savage and I've talked about the Schumer shutdown the navy warship trapped in ice savage live in Beverly Hills given you some of the stories tatty I'm going to ask you the listeners what you would like me to do for the rest of this afternoon on this program do you want to hear more from the speech that your midst. Do you want to hear more about the shutdown I get where you're at the shutdown that's an exciting conversation to have what would you like me to talk about because I'm open for business and I'll be right back join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 854072 way to sabotage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired when you rather be healthy energetic and fit I'm Dennis black 10 years ago I developed a Texas sized solution to America's health crisis I make my Texas super food from 55 raw vine ripened fruits and vegetables I lost 60 pounds I mean that's huge since I've been on I haven't been shocking how much energy I have joined us on Texas Super Food dot com Check the Super Food dot com or call 87755 Texas that's 87755 Texas. 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I've asked you to listen to what you rather me do today I'm not going to shut down I'll leave that to those who love the shutdown conversation where they can read gal you with them facts and figures that they're reading off a sheet of paper about government procedure I don't want you but I want to sleep in civics classes usually people who taught civics in high school those who couldn't get jobs anywhere else they were failed bureaucrats they really were bad suits and had tuna fish things on the lapels from the sandwich they brought to work I mean it's a big world there's room for everybody but believe me I'm not going to do that. So Steve On w s b a radio you call it what would you like me to do more of today Dr Savage I'd love to hear more your speech from the speech I wish I would have been a part of that great relief right people hey listen people paid good money for a lunch and the speech I did it gratis No no charge but I can give it to you for free to my millions of listeners can get it for free I don't understand why they don't want to hear what went on there is I going to vent for nothing. So I'm going to do a little of that so let's do this in the few in the short time slept. Thank you for that call it give you a copy of God faith and reason if you'll stay on the line Robert Which piece would fit right in here right now because I don't have the list in front of me right now let's pick one for all the listeners who were not there good one from the event. 26 or 210 those are the new ones I don't want to do the prayer it's too healthy right now I'm so not in the mood I'm in a cynical mood I'm not in a very reverential mood about anything right now my very cynical mood watching a dog get cancer and all I'm sorry not saying that God should worry about every chicken or every lizard on the earth it's not the same thing but I don't know I don't I don't get the suffering part of life I don't buy benevolent God I like to see children suffer from cancer what if we have it all wrong I mean you know I'm sorry there's a part I mean it's getting very very cynical you know through the eyes of a suffering dog Listen I've been compassionate about children with cancer for about 50 years now and children who were born to Sable for my entire life and I ask myself what's the suffering thing what's the torture of human beings why is that allowed on this planet those idiots with the children and they tortured in a basement kind of earth is this the Islam of fascist to capture Christian children . Yes Xeni girls and turn them into sex slaves and no one said a word in the so-called women's movement 'd yes the women's movement in this country it's a group of egomaniacs what trying to rip off a job from somebody you want to woman's movement where were you when those girls were being raped around the clock you liars in Hollywood not one word from any of you lipstick harlots in Hollywood don't tell me a woman's movement not one word about all the girls who were raped around the clock wanting to commit suicide when you're Muslim brother and ISIS were raping them around the clock and sharing them you didn't say one word there were no marchers there were no whistles there were no tattooed freaks running through San Francisco screaming about take down the patriarchy and while we're talking about the patriarchy let me ask you a question. If you think that army of women could have defeated Hitler I don't you think an army of women could defeat China if God forbid we have to go to war with China I don't think so. They want to kill the patriarchy it's the same Malaki I've been hearing for 50 years Hey hey ho ho Western save us got to go it's the berets same psychopaths think taters who are trying to take over society and if I have to be the last person on earth to say it like it is then I will be so join those savage nation cold our 5 by 470. The voice of the foothills the choice of the foothills you're turned into The Savage Nation on an am $950.00. 5. 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Week starting at 5 o'clock you may make reservations online. Or just give us a call. 892. Here's one of our local advertisers to tell you why he loves radio one Fred Penney managing partner opinion associates injury lawyers all offices are located throughout California and we have the opportunity to advertise across the state we chose to advertise with among our other locations we see the advantage of reaching those who matter most to local customers through local radio on the voice of the put the. Broadcast you get 950. We all are the voice of the foot in your mind $58.00 h. I. Breaking news this hour I combine. The Senate passes the structure of government funding bill moving one step closer to officially reopening the shuttered federal government correspondent Linda Kenyon as the latest Senate needed a simple majority to pass the bill after.

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