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Disorganize this is a very kind way to put it all right well I know you got to get screwed so let me remind everyone your book Easy for you to say is now on sale at bookstores nationwide and online he thinks a whole bunch for coming on our show. Hey thanks what I. Do. Ok before we close the show I'm feeling the need to come clean with my own. Dad for occasionally dressing up in a costume myself not the furry scene but you know I've always had a thing for sports team mascots Ok I mean it was way back to when I was a little kid I can't explain it but I've always you know it's always been like a dream job for me and everyone knows. I'm a terrible dancer so there was no path forward for this career choice but my friend who will remain nameless way back you know he was Seattle Mariners 1st most years ago he used to come on our old you know t.v. Show in character and he understood my interest in his job and he gave me his old when the team bought a newer model. You know they were just going to donate it to Goodwill I know none of those close to me are aware of this but you know it's time to open up and be honest about that you know this part of my personal life. I don't go to any sports team mascot they don't have a or at least I haven't been invited to one. I would never have guessed that you have an interest in Mascot uniforms you've never mentioned it to me I know but. You would think. He would have informed me about the I'm now cleared out. And actually I think. This year yes. Been here it's. Been a sports team. Very surprised good for you but it's not like I walk around all day in my apartment dressed up as a moose I only pull it out maybe once a month or so you mostly want to get a little bummed out and it seems to work a lot better for. I totally get it. But I will say. I'm the happiest when I'm in my. Room and not exaggerating. My home it just seems. So so what are you guys coyotes. Maybe a horse. Is an antelope my costume is nothing to brag about it's pretty. Understated this whole conversation is pretty shocking to me I don't know what to say it almost sounds. Like to dress up as animals. In my case how could a moose. I mean maybe if. I could see them being accepted in a coven maybe doing a fake sacrifice. Same person would let someone do a real sacrifice I would say. They're so. Beautiful. There's no need to be. Here but my gosh all of you dress up as animals how about our engineer Trevor. Day in this secret society too. I have no clue you can ask him after the show. Do you use baby powder before you put on the costume you know. I don't know what I try to move around and stuff chafing is an issue especially in the summer months actually. Totally takes. Care that problem I offered myself it's much much easier for the dry cleaner Yeah the dry cleaning bills are kind of pricey after a weekend of being in costume things start to reek of bit so it does need cleaning regular I should think about moving away from petroleum jelly to powder these guys that make millions of dollars as far as final thank you for being flexible Heinie It's not like I mind paying extra for dry cleaning for your costume but it does add up so if I know I'm going to stand my most costume for more than a couple hours at a time I go with aloe vera lotion it keeps me cool and it's not that messy anyway so chance Can I ask if you've told your parents about this furry deal I am planning on telling them I just haven't found the right moment to bring it up my dad is not really open to alternative lifestyles and he's a big hunter he has a lot of shotguns and automatic weapons I just feel comfortable walking around in costume told the Coast Guard. Does he drink a lot if so I don't blame you but if he's a stoner then you'd probably be safe I mean seriously how many acts of random violence have been perpetrated by potheads would be none and I know that. He makes his own beer in our basement but he doesn't have a drinking problem the thing is he's hunted for many years and has never I would prefer to be is 1st know what I mean that I get Yeah. I going to explain this to my wife that all of my coworkers. Just say where. I will make sure you don't tell her I'm not a furry freak Ok there's nothing strange at all about being a sports team mascot Actually it's a real job people get paid to dress up in some pretty goofy costumes so being a Moves is a very mainstream actually a conservative choice I don't think so. Moose elk antelope what the hell difference is there he's got a point they think it's subtle but there is a difference Ok And I'll just let me close the show I'm spud Goodman be all that you can be and I mean that God Bless and shout I once again here is watch Rome Burke. In here you head. Turner. But but but but but. Greetings and. He goes I'm in fact the host of the show Spike Goodman I can't do it. I'll do it live. A couple good live. To live my good ol write it I will do it live. All right then welcome thank you for. Given up a few moments of your life here on earth to be with us you know we have a decent show for us so it's going to be a win win situation trust me on that one so now I need to introduce our designated laughter my Aunt Dorothy to give us a quick sample of your skill set ha ha ha ha. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ok Ok take down a notch and well done now I must also introduce our temporary permanent co-host Joe Holcomb please do the bare minimum in response to my acknowledging your presence in the studio with not of a head will suffice see that not of the head and I'll raise you a full warm hello to everyone tuning into the show hello who think we're bad for America. Well I hope you don't expect people right now to say hello back Ok because they probably are doing stuff it's not going to happen the listener will probably multi-tasking while listening to the show and doing other more important things in their life you know some of which are very private you know what I mean no I don't know what you mean are you insinuating illicit behaviors going on because if so I don't want to know the specific do you think as people are now just sitting in a chair with their hands folded while listening dude I mean this is not 1940 and a fireside chat I know f.d.r. Nobody does just one thing at a time anymore well I suppose but I do you know I try to savor one activity at a time when I am. And you churn your own butter and make life so to write Let's just get the show started out Ok tonight's topic for discussion is the current Facebook wars you know going down it's because politics you know seems to have defined what team are all on at least on social media but I'm glad we're bringing this up as a topic because for some reason I no longer get your Facebook posts and I never see any likes from you on my posts there must be some kind of glitch or something with my Facebook account Yeah well you know I just went through my friend list and sort of you know discarded those who maybe were living in an alternative universe. I'm just I'm very sorry about this but what can I say I know there are some Facebook friends who can be annoying but you know I have a request in with the help staff to fix what's going on with me as recently this has been happening quite a bit my friend count has been reduced significantly so I know there's a problem with the app or maybe some of your ex Facebook friends have reassess their fondness for you I mean it happens in life people move on from old relationships Well I know occasionally we all have to cut loose someone who you know continually post material that's offensive and it only makes common sense I myself have blocked a couple who have crossed the line but I'm talking about losing maybe I don't 4050 friends in the last few months they just disappeared I never hear from them now yeah well I just want to tell you it's nothing personal and I I just had to do it for my mental health you know getting up each morning and and seeing pro Trump post was just bringing giving me migraines Yeah. Right away what do you say I don't cause you to suffer migraine spot right I would never want to cause you pain and suffering and I'm sorry to hear some on Facebook or irritating you maybe you should message them and ask them to be you know more considerate what they post and that would take up too much time the most effective way to handle this is just delete it you know and it's quick and painless as well it's just the except for those you've denied access to your worlds but they must be devastated when they don't learn that you've deleted them being the reason why I'm just feeling so. I can only imagine how I would feel it would hurt very much just think of it as a break from getting my stuff you know no more Trump is awake or post because you and my you know other fellow trying to stir friends just are going to sleep a lot better now they're here waiting to wait are you saying you deleted me as a friend on Facebook seriously seriously well more like I retired you from my friend list Ok it's no big deal I didn't do with malice in my heart yet I couldn't take anymore of your. Servant of pro Trump post just don't take it personal hashtags a president well still our president and I'm a little tired of your liberal propaganda but I would never think of deleting you as a friend my gosh this is heartbreaking to learn grifter just let me introduce our musical guest right now Ok and that we will be speaking with them a little later on the program here are the black tone was. This is going to help. This is the spot I do Michel. I this is Don Rickles But let me show show you how my career is going to listen to it because the last time I saw me was out in the woods chopping logs but who knows . That's it folks. Your 1st guest Robert Klein is waiting to speak with very cool Do you understand how big an influence this guy was to just about every stand up comedian working now and those you know that have passed to for sure he's a freakin legend I'm aware of Roberts' career as I remember seeing him on The Tonight Show from way back he was a very funny but he did tend to do a bit of political humor you know how I feel about that yeah make sure comfortable Yeah boo hoo you know he did used to do a bit of a bit of political satire in his act Oh yeah I mean but he made an awesome comedy well made for comedy I was but the one of them was just amazing he took some hilarious shots at Richard Nixon Well you know my position on poking fun of Richard Nixon people who. Determine the ideology is. Right. He remains a very misunderstood figure he meant well but I just don't get your you conservatives you got no sense of humor the best you got is what Jesse Waters I am the number one most impactful art is of our generation I think it's a genetic thing and speaking of funny before I forget what those freedom caucus doods on your side you know their health color the health care plan you know that they put up it don't we cover direct out is functioning. As you know being free is great I guess if you have border problems but what about the flu or yeast infection I don't want to get into a discussion about health care reform now but I can tell you I've never experienced a yeast infection whatever that is just but Robert on yet here he is. Please welcome comedian actor author Drew. Rector and I will add comedy God Mr Robert Klein How you doing that was a very nice into the can you do it again I could I could even make it even better if you want but let's but I never knew anyone named But yeah I know I guess I have that's a good thing I think I'm the only person on earth with the name Smart going to get well let me get this out I want to say this you haven't brand new documentary titled Robert Klein still can't stop his language just happens to be by you Robert and is now airing on the star's network and people need to check the listings on when or just go to the on demand and stars but he I don't want to give away your life story now that doesn't have a happy ending I sure hope you didn't like die of a drug overdose in your twenty's or lost everything I dream enough like too many radio good times I mean you know a lot of. It said you know I have absolutely Garland and briars Robin to those of along with. You know why this is a blowout it till they just knock me out it is directed down a Marshall find it was a journalist and a film critic for 25 years and he saw that a lot of these famous comedians had said publicly how I wish they were able to do it yeah laughs Jay Leno Tonight Show billy goat it was all he said he had one thing in Europe no furniture in Boston when you would start yeah but you had a poster of Robert Klein on the wall you know and that day where those says you know when you're when you're a kid in rural Massachusetts and you want to go into comedy people come up to your mother and say Is today over that thing yet you know can you imagine you deployed around inclined to look even a little guy and he is a comedian and so clip I'm telling you I've seen myself a screen as large and small in a long career but this is the end I mean I am the subject here guys say a wonderful thing and it's a funny movie some of my best work from the 9 h.b.o. Specials and even that could have. Very performances up bill before they die oh yeah I did a show Saturday last night and the night before in Rhode Island. You know and so so would I like a couple Barry fans it's like hearing your own your eulogy but you're still alive I love it right who tossed out h.b.o. Let's do it that you did the very 1st standup comedy special in 1975 shortly after that channel was launched so I guess that concept caught on people stand up comics Oh you big time I mean I think they kind of went with that model Well it is now the biggest money maker at Time Warner when I started it in $75.00 I didn't have a pretty college Bridwell up until then yes it was one hour you know somebody said Hey take a kid like why I didn't do it all these college contrary to show and that's kind of 7 minutes of The Tonight Show Faucheux So at that time they had about a half a 1000000 subscribers. You know they've been in eastern Pennsylvania Avenue to Long Island it wasn't big it was called the whole box office don't have all that h.b.o. And they had about 30 a boy you said it was a lot of time life and are now would be huge and I take complete credit quality success of this thing that bit me and as you should as you should you mentioned you also you had many Tonight Show appearances and but then I want to get to this you had some massive comedy albums and some of these you were and true comedy rock star Did you have groupies back then to. Have done as many of the musicians but they were you know where you had kind of like the allowed me to write. You know also with the sixty's God bless them and their early seventy's you know where they were you know the sexual revolution which was so much well part and then the Bolsheviks French Revolution you know no one was hurt and it was the before a you. Know you know member the. Good old days of syphilis and gonorrhea Oh boy bring them back. It was lots of fun and I did 4 albums altogether a child of 50 years was the 1st born and mind over matter the 2nd one was a lot about Watergate and that really opened the eyes of a young. Bill Maher and Jon Stewart. Because a lot of it is as a terrier that I wouldn't remember about the well the Watergate scandal but you know I I loved talking about it in debating a hard look let me ask you about that here's my question on that on Mind over matter could you possibly just bring that material back in just after we started instead of why Gordon Liddy's look in Michael Flynn and say oh man a Ford for John Mitchell and then you can have another good album easy well it was hilarious for a while all of that stuff and then Election Night happened and after I remove my head from the oven I realize life goes on and I have to deal with it. You know what will be right now there's a lot of stuff that's happening this. Historian David Brinkley's to the sun. You know there's treason in the air I mean this could be real serious and so incompetent as head of the government is not that funny but I'm glad that Saturday Night Live the jokes in are great but the ever Tasia is a fantastic I mean you know. I'm a car be doing his show it's got her the others and you know Samantha d.n. Called They're just think if you did where they're doing in Egypt or Turkey or Russia or China you'd either be dead or in jail so that's how important comedy is as a satire and this country has a tremendous history of it even in the early years. The Republicans they were political cause they were. The leadership people George Washington was. It good how. Good that we don't have a lot like you know people the president like you hard to get that kind of kind of well if you mean as I'm trying to put a bug in your ears if you want to come out with maybe another politically related comedy album I think it could be massive and I know you have the wit and the wisdom and the experience and the knowledge to make it to comedy gold I just want to throw that out now that what why must you try in a garden guest to make a comedy album making fun of our current president take Make America Great Again Robert just give me a 2nd here I don't know maybe because Robert Klein is one of our finest minds in the field of you were and I would like to hear his opinion about your president on a new record I think I really think it could be huge spotted no one wants to hear jokes about Donald Trump short he might have been off a bit on his assessment of the crowd size at his inauguration let it go Ok maybe there weren't 3 and a half 1000000 illegal votes cast for Hillary it could have been closer to 2 and a half 1000000 and just possibly Barack Obama didn't order a wiretap on his phone at Trump Tower but you know we still don't know the truth on that one on you know we do Trump is that shit crazy Ok into story I think you were watching way too much m s n b c and c n n You should really start your day with Fox and Friends it will give you a totally different take on the world yet in Seoul a few hits of acid but I prefer reality now let me get back to Robert I know you I know you got to go on yours let me ask you let me wrap with this and I know it would take hours to really adequately respond to about what's been your most memorable moment in comedy to this point can you pick out one little quick story. Saving Rodney Dangerfield life oh wow there we were clearly you know we went up to Cape Cod got a gig here we're starting to get a reputation nobody knows me that we were very close for he was my mentor he was 20 years old and you know it's a 35 knot wind blowing on Cape Cod there and he said I'll tell you about Look for coming through a boat I said roughly what do you know about really what sort of know what the wind . Could send us out of this kind of Moran there's a 3 foot chop. And there you know 35 Not when there's Rodney is like an ecstasy like a spaniel on the highway sticking it had out the window you know it's all kind of I don't want to take a swim around I jumps of the water you know broken 2 packs of all birthday at that time and I don't know how to come around you know I put the rudder to one side made a nice tight turn of 6 miles. Blew a hand comes over the able to kind of Moran like a tale from the Crypt comic. Then. He was 2 minutes 2 seconds. From drowning and eat sounded like Rodney Dangerfield would if it were crowding over for good so that's a pretty good story wouldn't it Joy this great comedian and it wasn't for me saving his life wow all of you know you from the heart I should see the general public and comedy owes you for now I will take you out of your detailed account of the story in the movie but but I appreciate the plug and it's nice talking to you absolutely want to tell everybody the star network the documentary Robert Klein still can't stop his leg I want to everybody check it out for sure I just want to thank you so very much for coming on our show and thank you all right Mr Robert Klein. Let's see. Today about the. Freedom to really understand. There's a new way to do you. Rock n roll. A spud our public sector food critic Lawrence is on the phone are you ready to take it of course it's Lawrence man Hey you there. Can hear me Adam a long ways from home this week on a Honolulu Hawaii I mean I'm still in the United States or you know I'm not that far away but it was a long flight. Were not in Kansas and you know they never tell me where you're headed So what did happen this week sure doesn't have the budget to fly you or anyone actually to Hawaii that that's why you have to take the Greyhound bus around the country to do your reviews and on that note I got asked Are there some kind of trade out with Greyhound they must go he even the can afford that a state bank so yeah I know but the show did the show did not so for me flying over this is a lot to learn or did not know that 7 out of 10 a frequent flyer miles. Just. Fly into some not the marshal for the 3rd. To take the clerical job at the office. But this is right here on track to retire with your full pension and all that's nice but what the heck are you want to know why you know you know my wife and the kids hope to visit Honolulu some day that's high in our list what were you what you are. You know I've never been so I thought it was about you know all I have to do is find a public foot the facility to revere and you know I could just write off my mil that incidentals and also yesterday I had done at the mess hall at the army base here in Honolulu so how was it like microwave m r e's was a. No no no no no no no they had the finest cuisine I have ever tasted for a mess hall that is it were. A Lawrence did they serve poi I always wanted to try poison. Did offer it. To me but they did have a bear in mind. Ok not the best but they served it every day when I was. There and what the Tatas thought that they had. To die for every day he served it every day they don't have a half year. Under during their good about it so to have us fish fried is that. Tolerable is it mine my a dolphin or a dolphin fish Regardless it's some kind of Dolphin you know because the people you think it likely chicken say Chicken of the sea that must oppose like a moral dilemma for you on Lawrence. I tell you I did used to watch flipper when I was a kid but you know. I was really young. Thanks a lot for that piece of information I never ever eat again though I don't think I've ever had or Thank God I guess let's move on to more important stuff how were the deserts. Of the desert absolutely star I don't know how much longer because it's going to be. 40 to charge but you know you're not going to have a problem getting a good. New York City so when you fly back in still have time to like learn how to surf. Well you know that's the really weird thing about the you know why I guess I'm talking to you in the future because we have 3 hours earlier than you do. You know it's and it's really the whole why you allusion. Which I never heard of it a. Little bit when I 1st heard about it but I'm Ok well I don't think the time zone means that I don't understand that stuff at all as I have a hard enough time figuring out that mountain time thing you know whatever you're. Not going to do and it happens over a month you were the head you could be prepared for it when it happened. Thank you you know I want to ask you though before you before you go did you delete me has a friend on Facebook last week. It's not personal Wow Wow I just did a lot of one of your musical guest videos that you posted you know what maybe I'll be considerate of my well you know that would mean a lot to me if you did but anyway I say we got to go now is running a bit behind schedule have fun and bring me back a couple coconuts or or a pineapple because I need to increase to increase the fiber in my diet so anyway take it easy. Bob. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye Spud. Yeah I know. First. Yeah I Anyway we're going take a quick break we'll be back in a 2nd I'm not going anywhere but I'm talking to listeners. There's still more fun and excitement in store in the 2nd half despite the radio show right after this week's intermission. He had no money he had no brain it was the good news but it is. The behind. And the game know the people. They like know. That. Good men good men but good men much good minutes but good men. Without a return to more action packed thrills and excitement on the spot good radio show you know I have to say I cannot grasp how you would ever delete me as a Facebook friends but I can't wrap my brain around it is that something that I was not prepared emotionally to hear I guess. I said I'm sorry Ok I am on moving on you know social media reminds me a lot of my high school experience I was quite often rejected but you know I try to keep a positive attitude people seem so cruel back then and now with Facebook those same feelings are just coming back it's not just you like you said I've lost quite a few friends over the last few months and that hurts Hey quite a few people have deleted me also really do you think you're alone a lot of people evidently can't stand me to. You can't stand me no wow no I just deleted a few people who just didn't you know see the world the same way I do you know like I said it's nothing personal I just I just don't understand how some people can feel the way they do if they actually read the same stuff I see every day on my Facebook feed I mean Trump is mentally unstable I have a winning temperament I know how to win well if you read my Facebook news feed you would understand how liberals are now trying to bring down our government that George so assure us is spending to sabotage President Trump It is so on the American that oldie but goodie hit George Soros Yeah yeah and Big Foot is going to mug you at a campground some day too but why why does right. Fake news sites get so much traction with you people those are the same sites that stead our greatest president was really a Kenyan witch doctor you do know teenagers and somewhere in Macedonia right most of that crap you're reading these days on social media you understand is right use but I've heard the story about x. President Obama's Kenyan citizenship many times on talk radio 2 Ok. It must be true then aren't you well I can't tell you how many articles I've read in the last few months about that how the Democrats are trying to organize riots in the streets by making fun of our presidents and those freakin losers who fake riot to get on t.v. By breaking windows and you know setting things on fire are not Democrats or liberals I mean they're bored white people who do it as a hobby Yeah. And there's also a bunch of arena writers too hired by you know that all right those guys pretending to be part of those goon squads true liberals would never break the windows of a Starbucks are you hire Nordstrom's we don't destroy stuff we love well maybe not but there's no doubt that the mainstream media is out to get Donald Trump has take golf is life hashtag hypocrite and thank God that there is a decent Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Security Council to to keep the dude under control and getting back to what you're saying I can't speak for the mainstream media but I'm just shown him the same respect you guys showed the next face on Mount Rushmore Barack Obama I think the whole turmoil of the country's going through has got chipset but it can be resolved if Facebook would come up with a new algorithm that would let you see what I see each day you know my friends that are still with me have shared some explosive articles but information that if you took the time to read would surely change your current reticence to support our president look at alternative facts are not facts you know I was going to say the same thing to you if you could read what I read each day on my Facebook feed it would blow your mind yeah I do think Mark Zuckerberg you know needs to tweak his damn app and forget you people you know if you can only see what I see is what I'm getting at here. Changing everything in this country but right now want to do your job and see if our next guest is ready to go because I'm sick of talking about politics with you Ok fine and the board is telling me your next guest Donny most is on hold for you yeah you know I had my t.v. Show way back but I doubt if you remember so I'm not going to bring it up but were you aware that this guy is now a crooner I don't understand he's like totally into that Rat Pack thing you know swinging No I was not aware of that of course our whole family still watches Happy Days reruns as it remains one of the best all time programs ever done he was so funny as Ralph Yeah I remember the show but the reason we booked him was his new swinging career who saw this coming I mean it would be like Tom Selleck cutting of a death metal album The wife and I really enjoyed Tom Selleck and blue bloods and for that I thought me understand why this man has not won multiple Emmys for that show by now I'm going to have to go and sort of disagree with you there yeah go figure listen are you can I ask Donny about the time on Happy Days when there were either and you can start how many cups of coffee if you have Happy Days fan Ok fine I'm just going to try just to do a regular interview Ok just just don't mess with me don't try to get in my head I'm the boss of this thing you know absolutely I'm just trying to make a couple of suggestions you know to make the interview more interesting are you saying it won't be interesting without your input. I'm highly offended by that No just just put him on I'm sorry if I offended you that was not my intention here he is. He's given more load to actor director and now singer Johnny must tell you and I'm doing great thanks for having me absolutely done the Julians and people know you as rough now from the classic sitcom Happy Days who know you are a big dance winner you know I mean that as in have a brand new cd out titled The most mostly swing that you always win even back in the early days I'm happy you know doing everything even before that I didn't get to do it I'm happy to. Days which was a source of contention for me at times but I started out as a singer before I was acting when I was very young. I went to New York and I was going into Manhattan from Brooklyn for 1st singing and acting classes and all that and then I got picked to be part of this review like a nightclub act and I spent the summer up in the Catskill mountains up in upstate New York at all the hotels singing and part of this review and and I loved I always . For some reason you know probably listening to some of the old big band albums that my mom had and and then on that radio and learning about. The songs from The Great American Songbook and and then finding discovering jazz and and swing and big band and I just love that music and you know Sinatra and and. Tony Bennett Nat King Cole and then my favorite Bobby Darin I was a huge die or not so. You know it came naturally for me to go back to it since I did it from such a young age well let me not believers out there right now let's give them a little taste a few seconds. Some ladies a tramp I don't. Know what I never had like guy in the swing here and there I had like the guys a dog or anything it's kind of sexist back then but anyway moving on you know. I just want to have you legally change you need to do most is I really dig you know I sure wish I had a name I could turn some cool like that that's good would work but that's good just . Do you most Yeah it's funny because back. When I was on Happy Days you know. People in to personalise license plates down here in California a lot so I don't know I came. Struck me I'd have the most as my license plate so then an old good friend of mine was a music producer and. Performer a composer when I was getting ready to do my cd. You know and I'd gone by Donny most as a as an actor and happy days and then when I got out of Happy Days and I was trying to sort of big more adult or whatever I went to Don most for film and t.v. Work and then for music he he said to me you know maybe you should go with the most and. I said well I like that and so then that we came up with came up with the most mostly swinging for this cd which because it is it does swing very well yeah but you know you've just won the John run rap I was thinking about this is very competitive and guys talk smack all the time and I know the time East Coast West Coast feud you know and swing on on but I say do you want sass McFarlane ever get into it my college Other names are right next to Donny Joel. You know I met Seth one time when he brought me in to do live to play myself and a family guy thing where they were having some fun with me changing my name from the most of the most but and I actually did see set perform at a jazz club out here in l.a. With the with a big band you know since I do love that so much but we haven't we haven't performed together yet or worked together on the music but I see that coming down the tracks on one of these days I'll just publish the thing I just really just started not least I think future sometime I really drew but it's true that we should. Look at look at the back of your time as Ralph mouse happy days did you ever think to yourself that maybe just maybe find these characters getting. Too much face time and rough maybe you know is getting screwed basically we never got to hold water skiing over shark right now we got a chance to realize you know symbolically moment like the Fonz you got the story right. You know people I think people have asked that you know it's funny it's been a while but you used to get that more off the when the show was hot. But it never really became a problem I mean we got along so well and and to see what was happening with his character how it was taking off taking you know I mean the show becoming so popular but his character you know be a big coming to the number one character you know and when you're talking about only 3 networks and you know 40000000 people watching or more it was crazy it was just nuts but it was exciting for us to see all this happening and so I mean it is sure there were times where where we go maybe oh I didn't have that much in this episode or I didn't get that much in this episode but the writers and producers were really good about giving everybody a chance you know so that they'd make sure they wrote episodes that would feature us all of us and on different occasions so so that I think they were probably cognizant of the potential problems that it could cause so but it would they did a good job of keeping us all kind of balance so I know how it's driven home by blood but you should at least got a chance to sing on the national anthem or some of the show but if you are it's. Just a 2nd. Must jump in here and say how much I can feel Donny Speight about getting the short end of the stick on Happy Days you know we both have experienced similar issues on careers. Comparing yourself to the great Donny most Ok you were a temporary co-host on a radio show you were not an iconic sitcom figure watched by 40000000 people each week. Temporary permanent and I'm just pointing out that both Dani and I had to undergo great pain and suffering in our careers it hurts to be ignored but I think Donnie is done just fine Ok And as for you well be careful what you wish for as the host of the show I can tell you the price I pay for this high profile position is a man's the stress and the pressure is overwhelming at times so be grateful for your extremely low profile here on the show you know I have saved you from serious mental anguish your welcome oh I feel I could handle the weight of starting quite well I am built for it mentally yet maybe much more so then use but if one day you were ever really popular and popular get emails each week from people who listen to the show and some of them I mean or maybe not big fans but they still took the time to type up their hate mail Yeah I guess that's a good thing don't try and get into my head I know what you're doing here Ok just trying to shatter my self-confidence and let me get back to Donny Hey man I'm back your point you're getting getting back to your singing and swinging career as the most you once again at it kind of found you know that was really cool fashion wise the Rat Pack looked just as hip as the 50s retro thing on Happy Days but if I would use just a little tip I would stay away from any project from the seventy's because it was a fashion graveyard because you pretty much have both of these things going on I wouldn't I don't know you don't think you're doing seventies really are you. Know wouldn't thinking about that I have I like the classic style from the you know thirty's forty's those are the kind of the look works for this. Aren't one of their I want to close with my standard question Donny most what has been your most memorable moment and their case showbusiness can give you a quick quick thank all my most memorable moment oh my god. Popcorn. You know I guess you know the thing that pops out shooting the. Pilot of happy days you know really popped up because it was such a an exciting thing that nobody knew what it would become but I had great feelings about it was very exciting doing it and I and it was something magical going on and I felt it so that that's up there that's definitely up there all right well I want to remind everyone that the most has a new cd out title mostly swing in available everywhere and if you can find just ask for it so Amazon or i Tunes right well I want to leave everybody with a little bit of a little more of what you do and this is a little taste of Mack the Knife So I just want to thank you so much for calling in to the show. Thanks so much for having me here pretty shit all right there you have the right Mr Donny. All the love go to full music there's one program you must hear this is going to go . All right it's musical guest interview time say hello to our musical guest the black tones hey please identify yourselves and your instrument of choice Yeah so my name's Eva and I play guitar and sing super. Robby I played bass cool. Rick and I play drums All right so as the band is publicly proclaimed an interest in food which I doubt is a necessity in life I would like to take a deep dive here and ask each of you what is your favorite flavor of Ben and Jerry's ice cream easy easy half baked vanilla boring hey hey I can half baked already I'm a long time of Cherry Garcia man myself but it takes you know and Ok school Millers like a taboo of having vanilla as your favorite has nothing in there. He is right they wouldn't sell if it wasn't cookie dough and half baked brownies. Well let's do with the black tones sound and what you've been inspired by in creating it please expound on this inquiry Yeah well. I listen to a lot of old blues music and I also love a lot of classic rock music so I just meld the 2 because well they go together. And are kind of. I guess. Objective is blues punk and black power and as far as our sound goes well you wouldn't have rock n roll without blues gospel in black people you know what she's trying to say is we're taking rock n roll back. Very cool stick to the old school sound it's our favorite sound all right well let me ask you this has there been any discussion within the band to maybe seek the management or advisory services of Jared cushion or I'm he is the man of the moment here on this planet you can pretty much do anything and I heard he's a mortal too so you know there's that so I had to give give give some thought and idea where you think I think he's busy running the country right now the president yeah. Right no but I but I mean he thinks he can do for you guys just think about it's all right. What's the name of the next song and is there a backstory with it a lousy You know former lover a bad landlord maybe a bad breed or just what's it about Yes Yes Actually it's called The Woman in Black and it's a song I wrote after I went to a Black Panther convention and I met Bobby Seale and the bunch of other former Black Panthers and this is what came out of that let's do it. So. It is not. Just. Like. You say.

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