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Impeachment inquiry at k. A.b.c. Dot com Just go there and click on stream 2 and a Taxpayer Advocate is warning about a new threat to property owners it's called Prop 13 that's not a misquote and it's headed for the March ballot it shares nothing in common with the original prop 13 that provided tax relief to California homeowners back in 1978 this one asked the voters to approve a $15000000000.00 bond to fund school and college construction our Jarvis taxpayer Association president John Coupole says if passed this bond will not only hit the state's general fund with high interest payments it will also incentivize local school districts to lift their caps or proposed local school bonds over and above the current limits and those local bonds are repaid exclusively by property owners So this is a double hit on taxpayers John coupon was a guest on the morning drive I'm Jeff whittle k b c news and one Los Angeles Dodger fan who wants a do over a former pitcher with the Houston Astros says the team stole signs during their 2017 championship season there are reports that say the team used a camera in center field in order to tell the batter which pitch was coming out but originally there were reports that said that the Dodgers pitcher was tipping off the batters the Astros beat the Dodgers in the World Series that year Major League Baseball is now investigating the Dodgers officials say they will wait until the investigation is complete to comment Jason Camperdown Iraq a.b.c. News and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library has a new attraction expected to draw massive crowds and F's $117.00 stealth fighter has been towed to Simi Valley is going to go on display at the Reagan Library December 7th which is Pearl Harbor Day Talk Radio $79.00 k. A.b.c. Sports Lakers beat Phoenix u.s.c. Blasted South Dakota State can't beat Minnesota and the ducks lost in Detroit that's sports on the new home of the u.s.c. Trojans and 791103 c.d.c. Dependable traffic right now northward. Washington earlier actually cleared delay Center through national. At a car fire to right lanes have been blocked allays from Lakewood north. He's the mountain also working out a crash in the right lane and delays here from about the next deport 1124 hour. Journey and 7 weather clouds cooler today highs in the upper sixty's near the coast mid seventy's downtown and eighty's in the valleys it's 69 in Woodland Hills 64 in Long Beach 68 in downtown l.a. You're 7. Point 5 f.m. H.d. To the list Warner cable news channel Sanders is cooking up wings folks trying to see wings today with your choice of Buffalo money barbecue or national hot sauce because it can. A.b.c. News is sponsored by k.f.c. By. The time. It's time for someone to whom some prefer cutting. Leave keys c c m So the lady g.c. Has your chance to win $1000.00 no just takes the national team were no 295. Times Now one w. To none 5. Will text you back to confirm your entry date and missing rates may apply it's free money Phone am selling Lady Jane a.b.c. Ok I want my money and I want it now so far. From our nation's capital by way of Orange County. Or show and you can get it right with. 700 k.b. See this ridiculous charade of a hearing going on on Capitol Hill what they're calling an impeachment inquiry and it's nothing more than the Democrats getting what they admit themselves to be a do over once you got New York Times writer on m.s.n. . We see yesterday you know this in some ways is a it's almost a bit of a do over for Democrats they Yeah it's exactly a do over for Democrats this is an impeachment process that's 3 years in the making just looking for a high crime a misdemeanor this golden found one but they think they can fool you trick you lie to you and tell you that this Ukraine phone call is in fact impeachable it's not and we'll get into the details of that in a moment with was Harington spokesperson for the Republican National Committee 1st so am 70 k b c Has your chance to win $1000.00 right now it's free money on e m 790 k b c text the national keyword right now oh excuse me take that as a good word now and that's the word text it now text Now now and o.-w. The 95819 that's n o w 95811 you'll get your shot will text you back to confirm your entry data messaging rates may apply free money on am 70 k. V.c. Weekdays it will fight a little 520-5405 once again so much of today's testimony like this is a bastard Taylor Mr Rove and what I can do here for you today is kill you what I heard from people and in this case it was what I heard from the besser song yeah I can tell you what I heard from other people it's the Ferris Bueller approach Bueller he's. My best friends is just boyfriends brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows the kid is going with the girl so fast pass out 31 Flavors last night get pretty serious. Thank you so much and this is how we remove a president. Let's bring in Liz Harrington spokesperson for Republican National Committee it would be funny if it weren't so damn serious with. The raid if they weren't trying to go I don't know overthrow a duly elected president what she's been trying to do for over I guess 3 years now even before then I mean because let's be honest they were trying to prevent him from ever getting elected and I loved this whole thing this where do you even start this whole thing ishe such a charade it is such a disgrace and Jim Jordan summed it up very clearly how Bill Taylor's clear understanding that there was a quid pro quo that doesn't exist was based off 6 people having 4 different conversations in a single sentence and that's Castle That's how Bill Taylor was so convinced even though he never listen to the phone call he never has met the president he has no idea what he's talking about and that's the basis the friend of a friend of a friend of an unelected bureaucrat disagrees with the president on foreign policy and that's what they're going to do to try to remove him and it's such a sham and you know I quoted that New York Times piece is well and I but I have coming out tomorrow another duel over of the Moeller report and they once put all their face in Bob Muller You know they had the prayer candles and now that has all shifted to Adam Schiff who's more corrupt as a team of angrier Democrats and you can see it during this hearing and who does he give over questioning to an m s n b c talking head to is a dasi a truth or 2 you know that sums it up right there because what was the dot ca the dot ca was the actual solicitation of foreign dirt against political opponents and it wasn't President Trump It was it what the Democrats did well actually was Harrington's that and other Democrats were also involved with Ukraine I'm looking at a General in love in 2017 article in Politico. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire Here's a part of it a Ukraine American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukraine embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump and blah blah blah blah blah so I mean literally everything they are accusing Trump of doing and there's no evidence that Trump has done that they have done exactly and Bill Taylor just testified earlier today that he didn't know about the allegations of Ukrainian election interference to quote sabotage President Trump as Politico reported multiple other outlets have reported this and also Ukrainian court ruled that they interfered in our 26000 election to hurt Trump and Bill Taylor says I had no idea I didn't know this happened so if he is ignorant on that corner issue about corruption in Ukraine how can he have a valid opinion about anything dealing with corruption and Ukraine and the president's motives if he doesn't know a course Fact fact is core is that what are we talking about here and of course we should all be interested in knowing what exactly happened because it's a bad our democracy it's about them trying to subvert it it's about Democrats going to listening foreigners and deep state operatives both inside and outside the government to overturn election results I mean this is really troubling and yet the Democrats are going to try to to impeach a president over hypothetical hearsay of a crime alleged crime of which Democrats are guilty of and you know it it seems that I was paying attention during that $26.00 you know election was here and it was kind of entertaining and they were a lot of people were watching what both candidates were saying and I remember Donald Trump often at rallies at the debates any time he had an opportunity saying that he was wanted to win so he could drain the swamp and be investigate the corrupt. And that has gone on in Washington d.c. Before he got there and see he would be doing things very differently then how was predecessors had done and how the sort of entrenched d.c. Bureaucrats had done things seems to me that the drop is guilty here of of anything he's guilty of doing exactly what he said he would do if he's guilty of following through on his promises he's guilty of trying to root out corruption and he's guilty of raising the same questions which one of the Democrats star witnesses today George Kent himself raised in 2015 he's the one George Kent went to when he was at the State Department went to the vice president's office Joe Biden and said hey this looks really bad your son's on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company this is a conflict of interest at the minimum So we're going to impeach the president for the very thing that their 1st star witness against the president is also guilty of raising questions about the Bidens in Ukraine this is a complete farce. So where do we go from here I mean I know Republicans are valiantly doing their best to try to you know blow this testimony apart an expose it for what it is but we also know that they don't have the ability to name their own witnesses we saw right the phonic congressman from New York you know begging the chairperson to allow them to put. Witnesses up and shift just gave her the the back of his hand rhetorically What do we do here I mean do we just play this out and we let them go through this process when we know it's going to fail in the Senate we keep exposing the truth that's all I mean that's that's the best defense it's all we can keep doing and this is a complete sham as you mentioned Elise the phonic. Shouted down when she's meant merely mention the fact that oh by the way when are we going to get a single witness that we've called in oh by the way the for on the top of that list is a registered c. a Demo. Reza who colluded with Adam Schiff to set this whole charade in motion and this is the idea that we wouldn't be allowed to question the person you work for the CIA is trying to overthrow our government Yeah I think we should have know who he is and be able to ask in fact questions about just to on his Adam Schiff Committee today worked with to get this in motion it's completely preposterous so we keep just hammering the truth what else can we do that the Democrats like everything else like every do over they've tried since the 2016 election it's always backfired they control the House elections have consequences but even you know what the election 2020 is going to have a big consequence for the Democrats because this is how they use their majority on a endless witch hunt and less harassment of the duly elected president ited States when they didn't do a single thing on paychecks on wages on infrastructure on the border on any issue on trade on u.s. M.c.a. What have they done is this parade of unelected bureaucrats who disagree with the president on foreign policy as a means to try to overthrow the election it's a complete farce and you know elections have consequences and they will again in 2020 I'd love for you to comment a little bit here listening to because you're very good at it on the media's role here and how they're conducting themselves I want you to hear something that was on m.s.n. B.c. In the the pre-show here earlier today I listen to they gave out that the Other than you know Super Bowl according of and I don't know maybe the finale of Game of Thrones or not that many things that everybody watches together and they're treating this. Poll Ok I'm always it isn't that the perfect beltway a lead is so you know there's in this finale of Game of Thrones a way to get right and and girls on h.b.o. I hear cable prestigious dramas other than that I know it's a complete farce and the good thing it. And the good news is you know last time the Democrats went all in on a sunny hearing and it did they didn't end up getting the result they like you know what it was it was the Bob Muller testimony a day before mind you they started this Ukrainian hoax July 24th Bob Muller put the nail in the coffin of the collusion hoax the same thing's going to end up happening here it's going to be another resistance flop if any clip shows you how out of touch the Beltway is it's that right there the media is complicit on this we don't believe them anymore though and the ratings were a flop they were a bust when Bobby Muller testified what do you think the ratings are going to be like for this no normal person could possibly care could possibly follow this ever revolving door of cast of characters from one of the speech or screen writers like Adam Schiff who never could make it in Hollywood it's just not that interesting if and we know we know what the end result was there was no quid pro quo nothing happened President Trump released a 3 times rock Obama released aid exactly 0 so it's such a waste of time and media the media is complicit in that and this whole charade that's why they won't name the whistleblower and that's why they won't work at all to reveal information that would actually be illuminating actually get to the bottom of this and get to the truth they're complicit but there's a reason why we don't believe them anymore and it's because of their track record and the President Trump they've lost all credibility you know I'm the whistleblower you know if it was your lot smarter than me you watch the stuff you you know were you know a lot of things like that I'm unclear on something Adam Schiff says that no one's allowed to say the name of the whistleblower and if any congressman says that in the committee he's going to take them up on ethics charges but then he also said this today I do not know the identity of the whistleblower and I'm through that identity is protected so that could you have cited Liz again you're smart to me I'm still figuring I'm just a radio guy how exactly is Adam Schiff. To keep a person's name secret if he doesn't know that person's name a right I guess that that. Kind of gives away the fact that his own committee his own staff released a transcript from does depositions that named it the whistleblower who was under that shift Adam Schiff needs to investigate himself and his own staff for blowing the cover of this you know innocent little you know patriotic American who you know is not at all trying to overthrow the existing government of the United States isn't all Brennen Obama Biden has working in the CIA Now it's completely preposterous You can have it both ways you can't you know when he was sick the Ethics Committee against your opponents the Republicans in Congress but also at the same time feign ignorance that you know who this person is this guy is a terrible liar he lied about collusion for 2 years he lied about what the president said in the phone call he lied about his committee meeting with the whistleblower and that he's lying about not knowing the identity nobody believes this guy was Harrington always good to talk to you I appreciate I know you're busy today you're going to be all over the place probably bump into each other right appreciate you doing all that you do keep it up thanks for having me you bet that was heritage He's the spokesperson for the r. And c. And yet when he's not here he's pretty much on every Fox News program account like it is and it's about time somebody does our We've got more audiobook today's farce of an impeachment hearing coming up because you need to hear also oh by the way Hillary Clinton back in the news Hillary Clinton is it me or does she always have a book she's selling It's the never ending book tour this one with Hillary Clinton and she's in the u.k. She had some curious things to say about Margaret Thatcher and also about her own political future we'll play that for you coming up in a minute and I very much want you to be here coming up in just a minute as we check in with Scott O'Grady co-chair of veterans for Trump. It's important how our vets feel about this president and active duty for that matter in fact in my conversation with Scott O'Grady I'm going to talk about how the Donald Trump was not my 1st choice for president during the primary I was very much influenced by veterans who were so strongly in favor of President Trump becoming commander in chief I don't get to talk about that a bit mad love to hear from you 2 if you're active duty or if you are a veteran your opinion of Donald Trump as commander in chief and why it makes a difference who the commander in chief is about to hear from you on that but 1st it's u.s.c. Football Saturday the Trojans are taken on the California Golden Bears powered by Jameson whiskey and your local tailgate the M.V.P.'s of the season so if it's moved on the rocks and fight on game day starts at 6 pm on Am 790 it's the true gyms versus Berkeley football Saturday here on the home of the Trojans am 790 k. a B. C. It's the Larry O'Connor show. That you see dependable traffic right now is sponsored by the Chung resort casino northbound for all 5 I don't Washington that acted in clear but typical delays said free through national and south for a flat before palaver to get a car fire everything is out on the right shoulder a little bit of a delay through Bellflower and southbound for all 5 freeway Burbank through Getty Center Drive typical morning delays finding all lanes open and eastbound side of the 10th Mountain to crash here in the right lane a little bit busy as well coming away from on to the next report 1134 I'm Roger Kramer am 790 k.t. Plate and now i Phone from Geico motorcycle It took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah. And learn your animal isn't the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. Come on Wed insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to going. Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance. If. There were 17000 people at Chris Brown's house I have the greatest story my girlfriend goes bust she doesn't go for a friend goes I don't know the friend I met her once she thinks she's got sons I'm going to buy everything's an extra large Chris Brown she buys a jacket for her son and she buys a t. Shirt she gets off now this is after law of the blind goes out the door but she goes up to the front of the lines these are all people from out of town because I'm a neighbor the guy goes show me your id she shows the id your neighbor like I could show my id she gets to the front like people are past but she gets in she buys a jacket she buys a t. Shirt she gets home I got to show you a picture she goes into the jacket pocket. And guess what she's no Nagell which one are real honest teeth. Anyway it's a big thing of weed that they found in the pocket so there's your added value there he's got the morning drug with John Phillips and Julian Barber morning 6 to 10 day 7 nothing to carry baby see cozy up to your fall favorites at the Coffee Bean entirely trade their News Limited Edition the sweet and savory maple latte and neighborhood bossy lattes or spice things up with their classic seasonal favorites like the pumpkin ice blended drink pumpkin cold brew latte and pumpkin spice to try to latte perfect for the autumn days and let sheers see the early return of their signature holiday favorite the winter dream to latte which is available now through the end of the holiday season find your nearest store and Coffee Bean dot com. 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The great grips shark bites with Clark the shark it's Randi and I'm sitting here with my buddy Clark fielding a field of law and look at this clock the holiday season is already upon us and we know what that means traffic is about to get even crazier out there the sad truth is during the holiday season there's an increase in accidents you have distracted drivers on their cell phones you have drivers who are driving under the influence you know drivers doing the last minute shopping on Amazon you do and so what you should do is you should put my phone number in your cell phone I should be the 1st person you call after an accident that number is put in your phone now 83388 shark that's 83388 shark 833874275 put under the contact Clark the shark that well you know who to call you also want to bookmark the website on your phone Clark the shark Law dot com If anything happens this holiday season you'll be prepared that's Clark the shark Law dot com This. Here and get it he celebrates 30 years and 30 winters with exceptional offers on all infinity she legs 52 x. 60 and Q x 80 s t V's visit your bay area and he challenged a for the Infinity winter sales of that because a luxury city lived and newly rich. To visit the I. Did it right something good to. See. Very kind of implied in any case if you listen we're talking a lot about impeachment they give you a kind of importance and if we don't talk about it and give you context and shed light on it from a very real perspective about what's really going on here then then the only narrative that will be out there is the one that c.n.n. Wants you to have or the New York Times wanted to have the Washington Post want you to have the monopoly media wants you to have and there's much more to this story than that and you're not getting all of it back I'm guessing in the highlights tonight when you get home you're only going to see Adam Schiff and maybe a couple of Democrats asking questions you won't hear Jim Jordan Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio right now look at that this happened 30 minutes ago lay out exactly the problem with this so-called testimony and let me just be clear here this is the 1st day with the star witnesses this is where Adam Schiff wants to make his biggest impact really wants to make the case that the president of the United States should be removed from office against the will of the American people that's a big deal and here's Jim Jordan congressman from Ohio perfectly summarizing exactly what this testimony is today I mean what we're talking about her to recall that Mr Morrison told about her tailor that I told Mr Morse and I conveyed this message to Mr Yarmuk on September 1st 21000 connection the vice president his visit to Warsaw and a meeting with present Alinsky we got 6 people having 4 conversations in one sentence and you just told me this is where you got your clear understanding and we did you did you catch that. This is. This this is Ambassador Taylor is up there saying it was clear to me that Donald Trump was withholding aid to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation into Joe Biden by the way I would argue that there is absolutely nothing wrong with withholding aid to Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine actually doing what they're obliged to do to receive United States aid which is to clean up the corruption in their country we'll get to that in a minute but but this guy is testifying that he knew this for a fact that Trump was withholding aid to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation into Biden and how did he know that listen again this is his testimony Jim Jordan's reading it back to him. Because of Mr Morse and told him that's for terror that I told Mr Morsi that I conveyed this message to Mr Yarmuk on September 1st 21000 connection the vice president his visit to Warsaw and a meeting with presence Alinsky. And that this person told that person and that person then said to this person that this person was doing that to that person and so we got to remove President Trump from office. And this is the stuff of impeachment I don't know what to tell you it's the Ario Speedwagon approach to removing a duly elected president. You know listen I I liked when this was playing in my v.w. Bus there in the parking lot of chrome our high school after a football game when I was making out with Laurie Gonz Ok I liked when I could slow dance to this song wish and I'm a loop my freshman year. But I didn't think this would be the way we remove the man that is currently the present a united states anough Are you done with us do you see what a joke this is you should hold every Democrat in complete and total contempt right now for even attempting this process and it should begin and end with our very own Adam Schiff have you as Adam Schiff spent any time on the destruction of his district due to criminal vagrants due to drug use due to mental illness do you ever see Adam Schiff walking around here in Southern California inspecting and trying to get to the bottom of the concerns of pestilence and infestation and disease and public deaf occasion and public urination does Adam Schiff spend any time caring about what you matters most to you and to southern California now he's way too busy with this Larry O'Connor k b c. 7000000. Cable News Live and Local It's 11 30 am Liz Warner the very 1st day of public testimony and the impeachment hearings is underway on Capitol Hill right now Congressman John Ratcliffe asked the witnesses to describe the offense in this impeachment hearing today where we impeach presidents for treason bribery or other high crimes where is the impeachable offense call either of you here today to assert there was an impeachable offense in that call shall not anyone. Full coverage of the public hearings of the presidential impeachment inquiry is available live it k b c dot com Then just click stream to one person is dead after a deputy involved shooting in East l.a. The dead person has not yet been identified according to t.v. Reports the shooting happened close to 9 am at the Esteban eat Torres high school and it's led to a school lockdown the station says all students and staff are safe no other injuries are being reported Wall Street analysts say Disney exceeded their expectations by signing up $10000000.00 subscribers to its streaming service on the 1st day the news of the early success of Disney plus sent the company stocks soaring more than 5 percent meanwhile rivals Netflix and stock is down more than 2 percent Disney's original goal was to sign up between 60 and 90000000 subscribers in the 1st 5 years and another day in another fight over a chicken sandwich in southern California a large man was seen pummeling a man in the drive through of a pub by his fast food joint in Temecula recently when 2 women got involved the woman in the car behind the fight says they were all waiting in line for about an hour for the new chicken sandwich when things escalated barely one person claimed that their order was wrong and started backing up the line when the fight started cops showed up and broke the fight up but no one got arrested Jason Camperdown Iacke a.b.c. News Talk Radio $794.00 makers beat the Lakers host Golden State tonight u.s.c. Beat South Dakota State Kings beat Minnesota ducks lost in Detroit that's sports on the new home of the u.s.c. Trojans you're traffic market check weather and more Larry O'Connor next k b c news time 1132 the hardest working appliance in your home is the heating and air conditioning system and to get the most out of your investment regular maintenance is key any problems left unchecked can snowball into a bigger issue and inexpensive repair cool city air conditioning will make sure everything is running efficiently and when you hire the pros of cool city you always get white glove service call my friends at cool city for your. Annual check up and tell them Lou Manfredini sent you 8 for 4 cool city 8 for for cool city or go to cool city ac dot com and now i Phone from Geico motorcycle It took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah. Be the cheetah. And learn your animal isn't the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. Come on Wed insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance. On November such a great time of year love that I can still get left over when we get the on sale super cheap and no your top 5 reasons to visit Bronco number 5 the best way to. 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K b c dependable traffic right now south 110 and ave 43 trying to get a bigger yet of late has been there for a couple minutes and he's been side of the 210 right I was born other accident not a few minutes ago still in the right lane for a 5 freeway southbound busy out of the valley from Burbank you get the Center Drive no accidents or stalls here just busy conditions and he's found side of the 10th Mountain crash in the right lane with delays from on to this next report 1144 I'm Roger Kramer am 790 k v c. Sure am 790 market check the down is currently 50 points the s. And p. Is down a point now almost 2 points and the Nasdaq has also retreated 17 point. 8 m. 79 whether highs in the upper sixty's near the coast mid seventies downtown eighty's in the valleys it's 64 in 20 or 63 in Huntington Beach 69 in downtown l.a. There are 7900. $95.00 f.m. H.d. 2 booming in on 790 8 am plus get a live streaming the podcast. And was Warner Cable News. Right. 70000000 j c. Oh. That's dramatic where it got I am 790 k. A.v.c. More going on as we speak on Capitol Hill it is impeachment inquiry hearing Congressman Rachleff of Texas asked a pretty good question that he can't get an answer to so in this impeachment hearing today where we impeach presidents for treason or bribery or other high crimes where is the impeachable offense in that call are either of you here today to assert there was an impeachable offense in that call. Chano anyone Bueller Bueller and of course there was no response because there is no impeachable offense here but they don't care they don't care he Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters and Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi they're all smarter than you you shouldn't have the right to decide whether President Trump should remain in office for another 4 years they're going to get in the middle of you in that decision because they're wiser they they get this country better than you you they understand things at a higher level than you I mean don't you trust people like Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters to decide whether Trump should be president or not why should you the lowly American citizen have any say in this they know better than you and thank God we have people like Maxine Waters Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi to make these important decisions for us but the last thing we need is any kind of. Democratic process where the American people through their representatives in the Electoral College can decide. Scott O'Grady is co-chair of veterans for Trump he's an Air Force veteran pilot at f. 16 he's also an author and and he would like to have a say in who the president is or should remain as Donald Trump wouldn't you Mr O'Grady Absolutely I'm proud veteran for Trump is reelection and I'm one of the co-chairs for that coalition and thank you for having me on today you bet I'd love to hear from your perspective when veterans say that when you're in the military you swear to defend and protect the Constitution of the state from all enemies foreign and domestic and you take that seriously I mean when when you are fighting and when you are facing dangers of life and limb as you did as a combat fighter pilot you're doing it for a cause for a noble reason and now I'd love for your reaction to how that constitution is being used right now to remove the president from office. Well there obviously you know on a political witch hunt and they wanted to impeach him even before he was sworn in as president so you know it's a it's a big it's a big farce it's a big circus and show I think the Democrats are shameful but the thing I want to talk about are all the wonderful things that President Trump has done for veterans because the media the mainstream media won't tell you that what he's done he's done more for veterans in any President in history of our country for increasing their medical care their benefits and the respect that they deserve well I jump in there I mean we've had Secretary Wilkie on often from Veterans Affairs and I know that he told me face to face he said the president sat him down when he got the job and said this was one of the most important things if you have of his presidency was doing right by veterans and he certainly promised that in the election of 2016 Tell me a few of the things that you are grateful for for this president. Sure we'll all decide on a few but I'm going to get to what I think is most important is that you know besides 86500000000 is given the most that the v.a. Has ever had in history the size revamping the health care with the admission Act increased standards of health care accessibility or the the g.i. Benefits are not limited now to 15 years there forever the forever g.i. Bill got passed. But the president also has rebuilt our military that was depleted over 20 years by giving over $1.00 trillion dollars that were much of the Needed to the men and women who are serving and sacrificing defending our freedom but the biggest thing that I am really proud of the president is that turns unemployment level is at the lowest in history and why is that important I'm going to tell you it's the right thing to do to get a better job but it's a national security issue to make sure that our veterans are taken care of why is that well it's because the way we treat our veterans is how a nation will be judged is what George Washington said and packs on all voluntary military who is going to join the military today because they're going to look at how veterans are being treated because they're going to become a veteran and that impacts our national security today and so the unemployment for veterans is huge and what President Trump has done he's made apprenticeships accessible to veterans so nobly they can get a good job they can get a good job and have a career and take care of their families. Our guest is Scott O'Grady he is the co-chair for veterans for Trump and also an Air Force veteran was an a 16 pilot and you know Mr O'Grady I you know the 2016 primaries were pretty rough and tumble there were what 17 candidates I think and Donald Trump was not my 1st choice but I started meeting in the Washington d.c. Area there are a lot of vets a lot of active duty military as well as veterans who are around and I started talking to some of my friends who were veterans and I was shocked absolutely shocked how almost 90 percent of them all wanted Trump to win the Republican nomination this was very early on but they saw something in Trump very early on for them that said Yeah this is who needs to be our commander in chief is can you put a finger on that can you can you sort of quantify what it is about Trump that vets were so inclined to support I understand vets voted 2 to one for Trump in the last election absolutely I volunteered when he was running for the primary to be helping out his campaign because I saw that only in his private life he cared about that turns and did a lot for them and still does that's why he was the. You know the New York City's Veterans Day parade grand marshal just recently it's 1st time in history the president's done that because he's always cared about veterans but here's the big thing for over my lifetime. President Reagan was great on helping vets but for all of the other presidents and politicians they talk a good talk and they make promises and they don't follow through and they don't make their promises a reality where we can see that that was different with Trump and that he was actually going to make good on his promises and not only is he made good on his promises to veterans on all levels he's exceeded my expectations and that's why I'm proud to be on the veterans for Tromp I'm encouraging all Americans especially the veterans to go on our website and to join our team. And how can they do that by the way because there are a lot of veterans in Southern California listening right now and and listen that I know that it's natural to sort of listen I you know I send in a donation and I go and vote on Election Day But I said I don't need to get involved a tell tell people how they can get involved and why it's important that they do more than just you know send 20 bucks but actually organize actually help spread the word and get this thing going yes it's all of the above activism participating in Vence as well we're going to have for veterans and also there's obviously donations but they go on to veterans Donald. J. Trump dot com And that's where our official veterans for Trump 2020 site is and you can sign up as a veteran supporting the president. All right we're going to leave it there appreciate you joining us Scott O'Grady co-chair of veterans for Trump hope to talk to you again soon between now and Election Day a couple of times in fact because I think that that that veterans' vote could loom large in the selection especially in some states where things are going to be close thanks for joining us thank you it's the Larry O'Connor show on k b c. P a b c dependable traffic right now south 110th Avenue 43 in a big rig stuck in lanes along with the East to Ted I was born and working with an accident a few minutes ago still in the right lane northbound side of the $405.00 freeway on the Tibet around the south a bit south bay from Burbank you get it'll be a busy trip eastbound side of the Czech mountain that's a crash the right lanes block all that's been there while it's back up to and south 55 before make that an Orange County and working with an accident left lane blocking delays starting at 17th Street next to portage 12 o 4 I'm Roger Kramer am 790 k b c. Just in time for sizzling spring week now for Sunday November 17th get a free $49.00 inch l.g. 4 k. T.v. When you least the next think you plus just $15.00 per month that's right a free t.v. 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Coverage gets underway Saturday night at 6 we don't need to go right here in your home for trojans football stadium 719 to a.b.c. . Later I. Get. Right. 78 b.c. . I am 790 k v c r u u board with impeachment not board I mean I thought a question a board listen I'm a news junkie I know you are too you eat this stuff up on the politics and news junky I don't think you can do this job without being a junkie but after a while you realize what a farce this thing s. And one has to step back and say why why are we going to 247 in the same way cable news is going to 247 because we're almost lending some sort of credibility to this outrage So let's let's shift a little bit here Hillary Clinton Hillary. Hillary Clinton. Sad sad Hillary Clinton who is not president and never will be president out of state she's got a book it's about gutsy women right she and Chelsea are peddling this thing everywhere in there in the u.k. There on the b.b.c. And the reporter on B.B.C.'s to a pretty fair question you wrote a book about gutsy women and world history and no we're here to you mentioned Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as I understand in case I've made a terrible error he happens included Margaret Thatcher. Was a round about that did you think to include her because surely she comes to mind with gutsy woman even if you didn't like Well she does but she doesn't fit the other part of the definition in our opinion which really is knocking down barriers for others and trying to make a positive difference I think the record is mixed with her. I thought she was incredibly strong I remember taking Chelsea to see her in the Parliament when she was prime minister and we were visiting so I I had you know a lot of. Understanding of what it took and I thought it was clever of her to you know really try to mold herself to be more acceptable in terms of everything from hairstyle and speaking style to coding style do you see what she's doing here the best praise she can give to Margaret Thatcher is how clever she was with her hairstyle and her clothing style Can you imagine if a male politician reduced Margaret Thatcher's impact on world politics down to her hair style and her clothing style and that but then when she said you know Margaret Thatcher didn't really pave the way for others or break down barriers are you kidding me. Can we not argue that Margaret Thatcher is the single most influential elected woman in world history I know that there have been other women there monarchs and there are other women who have had big roles in world history but not ones democratically elected to lead a nation as prominent as United Kingdom and oh by the way unlike the United States where we don't have any women who have been elected president that includes you Hilary. You talk about opening doors for others the previous u.k. Prime minister just until of a few months ago was another woman Theresa May Does anyone think Theresa May would have been considered as the prime minister of England had Margaret Thatcher not broken that glass ceiling 1st this is why when you hear that Hillary Clinton is some kind of representative for women or some sort of icon for women and that her campaign and the fact that she lost was a blow to women could you throw a yellow flag on that for a moment I have no doubt Hillary Clinton represents something I have no doubt that she is an icon too to millions of men and women in this country but only certain women and that by the way that's by her own decision the fact that she left Margaret Thatcher out of this book is a deliberate act to say I'm not here about women I'm here for a certain kind of woman a certain kind of woman who thinks the way I expect a woman to think and behaves a way I expect a woman to behave and leads in the way that I expect a woman to behave and if I disapprove of your politics I have nothing to do with you whether you are a a housewife in rural Pennsylvania or whether you are working in a factory in Michigan. Or whether you are a c.e.o. Of a financial institution in Wisconsin or whether you're the prime minister of the United Kingdom Hillary Clinton does not represent women and does not fight for women Hillary Clinton represents and fights for women of the left and that's fine but just don't tell me otherwise Larry O'Connor Kavi city have your have you heard about that insane story about the couple from Corona they were $90000.00 behind on their mortgage they had a sale date Oaktree lost sued the lender and brought their interest rate down from 5 percent to fixed at 3 percent saving and over $800.00 a month in interest alone sounds like a giant load off to hear about the small business owner from the bear ranches company went under and his partner bails on him that left him with 798000 in business and credit card debt 150000 dollars fine from the Franchise Tax Board but listen to this oak tree law gets involved they're able to eliminate the $798000.00 a business in credit card debt and get rid of the 150000 from the Tax Board guys whether you're behind on your mortgage or you're sick of struggling with any kind of business tax or credit card debt Oaktree law can help call 8054 to 2949 $854.00 to $2949.00 a plus rating with the b.b.b. 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Along on November love that I can still get leftover Halloween candy on sale super cheap and know your top reasons to visit a room to earn $5.00 resort play for every $500.00 points you wear while playing your favorite slots on Thursday the 21st number 2 just don't fight for your points and here we work hard Monday to 18 and take home an electric carving I can bring warmer and the number one reason to go to Morocco Casino Resort Spa this week so you can win a great weekend aviator dis Sunday no wrong go good times. Hey Jeff He's Julian and you know construction projects can feel overwhelming a little cumbersome but if you think about it these projects really come down to 3 things budget target dates and of course communication right then smart construction make sure all 3 are in line for you benchmark construction works with you to make sure that they create your vision comes to life contact me directly for more info at Benchmark estimate edge email dot com or license and bonded and insured of course e-mail o.-p. Now at Benchmark estimate at g. Mail dot com if you've got concerns or it yourself he would c.b.d. You can do for you it may offer many benefits similar to cannabis but without the rewarding of facts without the high without those risks 200 percent legal requires no prescription when you shop at c.b. Distillery dot com Listen to what their customers have to say 5 stars highly recommend seated everyone I know a customer excellent product makes a big difference in my health and this one I will never do without c.b.d. It works 100 percent for me here and try to be really should many anecdotes pouring in of course the science hasn't yet caught up with this we don't have the clinical side to support it but certainly we've all heard those anecdotal benefits where you get c.b.d. Products is important in about a lab test nearly a quarter 1000000 customers that is c b distillery dot com These are the folks you can trust you owe it to yourself to see what c.b.d. Can do for you go to c.b. Distillery dot com and The Wardrobe check out for 20 percent off again d r e w for 20 percent off at c.b. Distillery dot com enter d r e w for 20 percent off again that is Drew for 20 percent off at c.b. Distillery dot com c.b. Distillery dot com. Fisi in St Louis is going to need you to deal with the cold. Feeling you'll lose for 39 use to move. To Good Sunday mornings at 8 pm 7. That's a wrap for this Larry O'Connor show but Dr Drew and Leon will pick up right where I left off guys what's next they bury our cure Davis in for Liane about that although career I've. Always confused. That she's educating me off the air we're going to have more on the air we got a lot of talk about immigration doc and of course what you've been discussing it's all Pietschmann all the time at times but Dr Drew you just sit back and like hear a tell you Don't you worry. I'm just sharing. Good luck getting there to. Let them talk to you tomorrow after jaded sad right here on the Larry a commercial I am 787. Love is easy to express when you get it. Right right. You gonna kill me on a day I love that. I am 48 for loving thank the bureau I mean do you stand back if you're you and me and I am I keep it to their show I love it too b.c. Los Angeles the range county jail is 62 Los Angeles. Writes. The news live in local It's 12 unless Warner it's the 1st day of public testimony in the impeachment hearings Congressman John Radcliffe says the president of Ukraine has made it clear he did not feel pressure from President Trump told Reuters there was no blackmail he told you. Only times there was no pressure or blackmail from the United States he told Japan's Kyoto News I was never pressured and there were no conditions being imposed he told a.b.c. News and the b.b.c. I'm against corruption this is not corruption it was just call you can hear live coverage of the public impeachment inquiry at k. A.b.c. Dot com Just click on stream to a suspect been fatally shot by a sheriff's deputy campus of Taurus High School in East Los Angeles no deputies have been injured although the high school is on lockdown as students or staff have been injured either it's still unclear what prompted the shooting of a suspect is being identified only as a male and a Taxpayer Advocate is warning about a threat to property owner it's called Prop 13 that's not a misquote and it's headed for the March ballot it shares nothing in common with the original prop 13 that provided tax relief to California homeowners back in 1978 this one asked the voters to approve a $15000000000.00 bond to fund school and college construction our Jarvis taxpayer Association president John says if passed this bond will not only hit the state's general fund with high interest payments it will also incentivize local school districts to lift their caps or proposed local school boards over and above the current limits and those local bonds are repaid exclusively by property owners So this is a double hit on taxpayers John coupon was a guest on the morning Dr Jeff whittle k.b. C. News pressure is growing on various players in the college admissions cheating scandal after a ho tensional witness pled guilty Igor divorcée was head of the West Hollywood college preparatory school today in a Boston federal courthouse he admitted that he helped rig test for students taking the a c. T. And the s. 80 exams the 53 year old says he will testify in court if called as a witness dozens of wealthy and powerful parents are still facing charges in the.

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