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The pond there. From Konar thank you so much also for your story. From the only music in the Holocaust and Robert she Viber who was on the Queen Mary thank you all for your participation thank you for listening I hope that this is something that resonates with you for an important in the you can see up close and personal and for some friends like you down there take a look at science for a listen to. This show furnished by the very hard. To see face tired of scanning the dial for your beloved Trojans. Your search over a.t.m. 790 cagy see your need for trojans for September the pocket. It's u.s.c. Trojans looking for. Right here j j d.c. Los Angeles County was 62 Los Angeles to New the station high temps here and there I never naming President Trump has issued a public invitation to North Korean dictator Kim Jong on to meet him at the demilitarized zone for a handshake some diplomats in the troubled ministration were caught off guard when the president tweeted the invitation at the final day of the g. 20 summit even if it is just as simple as a 2 minute meeting at a handshake perhaps president from making history by being the 1st sitting u.s. President to step across the military demarcation line on to North Korean territory just to do that they're going to have to be hours of meetings going very late into the night here on the Korean Peninsula correspondent Will Ripley Meanwhile at the summit the u.s. And China agreed to restart trade talks says Trump offered concessions including no new tariffs and an easing of restrictions on the Chinese tech companies Huawei China agreed to make on specified purchases of American farm products and to return to the negotiating table. Our severe storm systems in Texas the southeast and Northwest right now along with scorching heat in the mid and upper ninety's and higher in much of the Midwest and Southeast meteorologist Allison chinch are reports Europe is sweltering France actually broke their all time record for any month but the previous record prior to that was actually in July meaning it is a little bit more normal to have some of these temperatures reach these extreme temperatures in July maybe even August but not this early Well here's some history for baseball fans you see 33. The Yankees and Red Sox faced off in London for the 1st m.l. B. Games played in Europe and Joe Buck made the call on Fox Sports each team scored 6 runs in the 1st inning the Yankees won it 17 to 13 I never name. Just a. Great. Talk Radio $790.00 k. A.b.c. News a full vote 2 I'm seeing coming a trio of Inland Empire women face accusations of stealing just over a $1000000.00 in federal student financial aid through Fullerton Community College the u.s. Department of Justice says the 3 were involved in the scheme in which they enrolled $235.00 fake students successfully applied for grants and loans and then pocketed the money the suspects were identified as 32 year old Sparkle Nelson of Highland and 31 year old psyche Johnson and 37 year old Jared Johnson both of Apple Valley the defendants have pleaded not guilty to several counts including conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud if you're heading to the beach during the 4th of July weekend it will be a good time to go there Shelley loose from the environmental group heal the base has only 3 Southern California beaches have poor water quality City Beach in one. Beach in your beach Brielle in Sam p.j. And mother's beach in Marina Del Ray Lewis also says most Southland beaches are clean overall Ok if you see so cal weather mostly cloudy tonight with a 20 percent chance of showers after midnight lows in the upper fifty's the bit sixty's Riverside as 90 degrees Burbank has 86 downtown is 83 I'm Steve coming now a look at k.m.c. Traffic. Getting a b. C. Dependable traffic right now the amount of below the $64.00 we wait eastbound at Paramount Boulevard to get to let a wreck blocking the left lane and go right behind that from Atlantic disabled vehicle on the 91 freeway eastbound before we're canyons where the left lane is blocking that broken down car holding it slow from Imperial highway crash partially in the right lane of the 55 southbound at 22nd Street victorious 3 next reported by the do I'm ready Fuller I am 790 k. A.b.c. . Nation Divided furnished by the Cochran for. We are Ok b.c. Talk Radio 790 you are listening to a nation divided and we are coming to you live from Culver City I am Brian Dunn sitting across from my best friend Mr James else how are you doing brother it's a nice temperature out there today Brian and when we think about the temperature it's good to hear it actually going to be dovetailed ing into the very substance of our conversation today. And it all has to do with the atmosphere it has to do with the planet Earth it has to do with current events but it also has to do with events that have taken place over millions and millions of years what I'm talking about some people call it global warming some people call it climate change or climate change some people call it a great big waste of time that shouldn't even be discussed other people refer to this event as something that could carry the very real possibility of the extinction and extinction events what they call it of the human race who's right who's wrong where is the data who is generating the debt where does it come from and where does it lead and should we be concerned or should we be still waiting for more answers this is the issue that we're going to be talking about and it's quite pressing if you're following the headlines you will see some of the most aggressive political activism in recent memory taking place on this very issue there's a group called the extinction rebellion and our 1st city of Los Angeles quite recently. They literally superglued themselves to the n.b.c. Glow that had universal you know that's even possible Mad Men yet it actually did occur Yeah that I think yes they believe absolutely believe me and and you know they want to raise awareness I'm all for raising awareness but this concept of they're really good happy with the glue they've been glowing themselves that is London Yeah right yeah same thing yeah so we want to talk a little bit about this phenomena we want to talk about some of the things that scientists can agree on many of the things that they can agree on but most importantly folks we're going to want to hear your opinion on this one to want to know why this issue was so divisive Why is this pitting American versus American it seems like something that nation against nation Absolutely thank you I mean it's all global thing yeah right seems like no one can agree on it at least on the solution so in terms of where we are folks there are certain things that even the consensus of science scientists seem to say is true one of those things appears to be that over the last 100 years or so and it's pretty much well recognized although there's not 100 percent agreement on this almost everyone agrees that over about the last 100 years the temperature of the earth has risen proximately 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit they usually talk in terms of Celsius There's also been a great increase in the levels of carbon dioxide and we can almost universally agree that there has been a loss of sea ice especially in the northern regions the sea level is rising and we're starting to see some weather patterns that are somewhat unusual we're seeing more droughts some stronger storms. But are these manmade or are they just the result of naturally occurring events Well that's the real problem you know you . Have to dive into the history of all of these issues we take on every week Brian and the same thing applies here how did this ever get to be such a divisive issue in the 1st place and right it kind of goes back to the seventy's it was as I've been reading this past week so I think you and I were born just right when this started becoming an issue the issue of any kind of climate change right so we were too young to hear these 1st discussions in the early seventy's there was actually a big group of scientists who were saying Global Cooling it was exact opposite was exact opposite now they were there it at that time there were guys that were talking about global warming too no doubt but it was like $5050.00 split like another ice age is coming we've got to do something there's going to Marie Brice and I've got him quoted right here I love to tell this to I told you this earlier remember this is a guy that actually successful and this is a little history side note he actually successfully predicted the typhoon that almost destroyed hulls He's there a fleet when they were you know there are techniques Japanese American as well really well for everybody to the try to do this this guy's a legit duties and he's no joke right absolutely this guy testifies in front of Congress in 1983 and says we're getting cooler and it's going to be a real problem right and even as late as 2008 that same guy said he was quoted as saying look this whole global warming thing that's happening which he did admit it's happening it's not really manmade right that's what he said and that seems to be where the victim of the lines are being drawn right now obviously if anyone wants to weigh in we want to hear your opinions were at 180-222-5222 once again 180222 k.b. See 180-222-5222 is this global warming thing real is it fake Do you believe humans are responsible. Do you believe that there's anything we can do about it if we are responsible as humans and almost more importantly why is this tearing us apart in the manner that it's tearing us apart because that's really the most interesting thing I believe we can ask why is this dividing us we want to hear your opinion 102-225-2221 extension 8 100 to 2 to 5 to 2 to well it comes to a lot of it comes down to misunderstanding the data right just like we talk about every one of the issues so this same guy was just quoting a moment ago there was another guy's name is Jay Mary Mitchell He was also an American climatologist and he worked for know it yet in fact he worked with a for people who don't know what that no I said yes then the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association right they are the government arm that's supposed to make sure that they know when hurricanes are coming they're supposed to know what's going to happen you know with moisture for it to make crops grow right there they're in charge of all that stand here not Republican I do not read your Democrat is a scientist resigned to the owner job right and so this guy Mitchell was kind of responsible for collecting the initial cooling data that was used in some of these early sort of global cooling models but he came out later on and said The whole notion of global cooling is completely irresponsible right it's like a little blip on the radar screen and that in the data the truth is we're in a global warming trend and have been for a long and we've actually got that documented I mean in terms of where the battle lines are being drawn not everyone is going to agree with almost everyone no matter which side of the coin you're on here almost everyone agrees that this is something that is actually truly occurring but this is the thing that I get confused about can you explain to everybody just. We're talking about the rising and c o 2 level rising in carbon dioxide Yeah at the same time we're also talking about the temperature rising and all these other events can you kind of lay out for us how those players play out together yeah sure so I get it I think it's a lot of people sometimes don't understand how it works and where these terms even came from so you know there was a guy back in the early 1900 and I lost his name now that was kind of the 1st guy to coin the term greenhouse effect greenhouse effect so before that had that term never been used because that was the time when scientists were figuring out and then I'm in 1902 a guy named John Sawyer wrote a book and his book was used by a lot of people to talk to really get serious about the global warming thing right $172.00 wrote and said manmade c o 2 and the greenhouse effect So basically what they were saying is this that there is a thing that happens on the earth this greenhouse effect that has happened forever that is the reason we're even existing We wouldn't be here or you don't we would be sitting here when we say that there was no greenhouse effect yet it's right that's the Earth would be way too cold we're probably don't understand how we don't even know this places for us to survive as you know it's amazing the atmosphere is exactly the way supposed to be right we're able to breathe all of this great seal to right it never gets really too warm or to kill so you have all of this perfection because God wants us to just live exactly our job to make it and here's the thing scientists understood that for a really long time they understood for a long time that there was such a thing but what happened was again in the early seventy's scientists started waking up to the idea that hey wait we're adding a lot of carbon dioxide just atmosphere and that the globe can't keep Probably probably back in those days it really didn't understand it right now it's all the science has happened over the last you know 5 decades right but there were people that didn't they were they were saying we can't even really be sure how the carbon dioxide is ever going to get back out of the atmosphere so that's that the greenhouse effect says it's like a greenhouse the light comes in through the clear stuff in the greenhouse and so it heats up what's inside but then the greenhouse itself traps the heat inside that's kind of a that's a dumbing down but the question of the extent to which the. That is that is causing the temperature to rise and is something that's important gases in the atmosphere to let the light come through hit the ground but then they act like an insulator and they keep that the thermal energy and the writers and we want to hear your thoughts folks please set us up at 180-222-5222 once again 102225222 is this phenomenon real are humans responsible is there anything we can do about it Larry from like with. Yes welcome to a nation divided on a right and Jim and we are dying to know what you think rather well I appreciate this conversation I watched the program on p.b.s. 3 years ago and they had NASA scientists and they were using now. To be heating of the earth as. Any other planets and they stated there were correlation as to how much the sun is heating up doing our usual heat to well the earth is yet receiving well in the same kind of question or just as the rest of the planet and we're not on you know the Mars colony global Well that's sort of that yellow area that's sort of true that's actually some confusion over that science but yeah essentially they say that the solar activities greater across the board that's caused the hurricane we do know the sun is the source of all our energy folks listen we're going to have to take a very short break Larry we want to get right and come back and David thanks for your patience we're going to talk to you 2 in a minute we're talking about global warming is this something that's real is it something that humans are responsible for but what I really want to get out folks is why are we getting so ripped apart by this issue we're going to really dig into this when we get back from the break. Thank you for tuning in folks who are listening to a nation divided with Brian done and James olds we are k b c Talk Radio 790 and we're going to get right back is it feel of warming there to you I feels fine to me that we're in the air conditioning right feel kind of warm Oh getting my whole AC What is the AC issue and that is you know how to get to the bottom it's more AC you. Then you know an ad from Dad save money on car insurance when you bundle home and auto with progressive. To another way to save money don't buy the most expensive coffees every morning and you can save up for I don't know really nice dress shirt . 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B c Talk Radio 790 by listening to a nation divided I am Brian Dunn sitting across from had best friend Mr James Oates and we're getting to the bottom of one of these most divisive issues some call it climate climate change some call it global warming Al Gore shook up the entire world while back with the inconvenient truth and to be true that that's how you know a lot of people being it's equal right and there's no there's a sequel to that you know is it real is it based on science you know I've been a lawyer for a long time you can pay an expert witness to say almost everything not that I have ever done that is true you can create a statistical study that create any result that you want if you use the right data so you know this is real is this something that we really should be taken seriously Larry Larry and we were talking to you before we broke. It you're bringing up some really important points about the son I don't want to cut you off brother please finish your thought well I have to toss out was the one and and your guest has some comments on about about some of the misunderstandings about science I would love to hear what he has to say about that absolutely. Yes So you know here's how that works Larry the end there it has been a lot of controversy over this obviously in the scientific community because what they there's a there's a thing called the Little Ice Age And so I have my fave one of my favorite authors Brian guy brain Fagan I've actually got a book here Brian Fay is written all the stuff about like sailing up and down the California coast he wrote this book called The Little Ice Age basically says like the dream when 13161700 there was a mini ice age and that actually helped society develop Now that sort of corresponded with a relatively low period of solar activity right so there had been some speculation for a long time that that could have been one of the reasons one of the drivers of global climate change but here the studies I can't cite them right now there's been numerous studies have been written that come to have sort of debunked that now and here's one thing it's important for people to know solar activity moves in cycles approximately 11 year cycles most people don't even know this rate the kind of measure that by measuring sunspots we're actually at the lowest spot right now that we can be anywhere and one of the lowest like on the temperature still going up actually actually the cycle we're in right now I'm not remember this from the ham radio stuff that I do because I do a ham radio thing a little bit we're actually at the lowest time that we've been and since recorded like in the last 200 years Ok so that's one of the points Larry what was your other point about well 1st before you go on Larry do you think global global warming is real or fake science I tend to think it's fake science I'll tell you one of the reasons that kind of walk me up about is some time ago I watched a program that showed where the u.n. And you know these apparent scientists take their measurements right in some of the areas they had the the measurement the heat accept your measurement gauges or places like they showed one it was absurd of assuming this is real where someone had moved a barbecue underneath it but you've seen those You Tube video and then what they did rush down the access to some of those temperature gauges in certain areas in like in Siberia. Area and then what the scientists were stating is. They didn't take collective mathematical steps so it was on Larry. You saying bad stuff and bad stuff out I don't want to use the different type of language and you know a lot of this is based on science and you bring up a great point Larry because none of us have been to an arctic I don't know you might have I haven't seen that ice fall apart I haven't seen anything I'm relying on everybody else's discussions but it does seem like when there is a such a global consensus and we're going to talk about the Paris record in minute it seems to be something that people really have agreed on but one last question for you Larry do you have any ideas as to why this is divided us as a nation so much. Well I believe it's completely political and I believe it will it comes down to its issues being used by certain groups to gain control over American the free world is interesting to watch you know Larry you know for calling I thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us and your opinion matters so much force and we have to talk about the other side too right well we have another side that's also trying to always blame it on the special interests everything to blame on the side special interests right David from mine thank you so much for your patience we want to welcome you to a nation divided you're on with Brian and Jim and we designed it to know what you think well this is a bit of a brain dump but your guest seems to really know what he's doing number one climate is not weather number 2 why is it divisive because it's kind of anti civilization carbon taxes we don't like we don't like you being industrial. A little I think it will rise a great point you know that's a great point well saying otherwise and your guests will explain this the temperature does rise and fall periodic like I think it rises or fall I don't remember whether it rise or fall faster let's kind of a soft 2 and you can see this in oxygen and other records all across the world and so is it simply natural as a temperature will vary and we're actually at a point where temperature is rising right so do I think that humans are responsible not really. By the way all these people who don't like global warming seem to want to read glaciated Mischa Kinney or just some of the I mean cat Well David let me throw one thing out there for you because Jim and I want to put out some numbers before we started and I was born in 1968 Jim was born shortly thereafter right around the time we're done here you're looking here but I mean we're it's about 2.8 about 2800000000 people when we were born back to David 2800000000 and you know for a look at the numbers now we don't have a full. Consensus but it's somewhere between 7 and a half to 8000000000 people that's more than twice the problem right and the No problem overpopulation is the fundamental part problem is that little green ourselves if we don't reach sort of European or American levels of low population growth high investment our kids will bring ourselves back insist substance levels yeah and so when you think about that you've got to you've got to take that into consideration I do believe personally that it is manmade but I don't know if it is as intentionally manmade as we want to thought I mean I the concept of the amount of people that are now on this planet they're going to need to either going to stay warm they're going to drive cars they're going to do a lot of things that are naturally going to have this kind of effect we start talking about greenhouse gases is it all related to fossil fuel emissions is it related to coal burning or is it just related to living I mean because we start thinking about deforestation going on. To also rises and falls and insert joke about our dragon fly over towards here but I'm I wore worried about our ability to overpopulate in a generation which is about 20 years that I am about climate change or even even an injection of c o 2 which Arrhenius showed it would raise temperatures temperatures go up and down and I'm more worried about humans doing stupid things it's a very. Very David I can't thank you enough for calling we cherish your opinions really even great and you know he brings up some great points but if you really listen it's really want to think about this if you study the way the battle lines are drawn is it seems like it's one simple thing the people who are thinking that there was a problem with global warming are relying on scientific that church and a lot of that data shows on President rises things that are not statistically normal but if you will who are saying that global warming is fake or it's not right the you know. Down to these things are natural these things are just going to happen over time well it's not just to like here's a say here's another thing so like it just to kind of speak to David's point just there a moment ago so we didn't get going to and Segment one but it's a whole issue issue of ozone depletion you know the number when you and I were in high school it was the biggest It was the biggest threat to the world ozone depletion right everybody thought it was all going to end yeah we've got to fix this problem because the the hole in the ozone layer is going to kill us all right well guess what we did fix that problem and actually fixed it pretty well on so this speaks both for David's point but also for the people that are arguing that we can do something about global warming as well so here's what happened we took all of basically what were called chlorofluorocarbons out of manufacturing right that stuff that you use in your air conditioner that racial fire extinguishers right a lawn for the washing and as humans we recognize a problem when we probably it wasn't we realize the science was real and we did something about that's right except here's what happened we did something about it it did fix the problem basically what they say they say like by 2070 ozone levels will be back to where they were but it's not that I want to find but it's going to stop doing things when I realize we've got rid of all that we start we were placed C.F.C.'s primarily with h c f C's But now here's a problem 8 C.F.C.'s have like 17 times the global warming potential of water vapor and carbon dioxide which we haven't gotten the science of yet so now we would fix one problem and pictures on the problem and we craze another problem simply because we're not supposed to do it people that there are people that are skeptical I can see how they might be skeptical you could see it but I think the same time folks you've got to realize if everybody from the Globe seems to agree on these things occurring right and they have not occurred before there's got to be some you know the problem is consensus of scientists it is you know it's high you know so we want to we want to get to the bottom of this but Jim you are on with Brian and Jim welcome to a nation divided we are really dying to know what you think and anyone else out there who's listening we're dying to know what you think too you can reach us at 180-222-5222 once again we want to hear your voice 180-222-5222 extension 1 with Brian and Jim. The other jump thank you for being so patient and tell us what you think because we are dying to know this. Yes I'm coming from a different point of view all right is someone who has been hurt by. The idea of global warming as a contractor. And so in the mid ninety's as American contractor small contractor with 10 or 15 servicemen we were dictated that we could no longer release free on into the air there. Yes it was a. Conference I write morals Laura carvers floor carbs it right yes we had to buy reclaimers and we had to take our servicemen that have been trained by the state and be licensed to do this it cost me 50 to $100000.00 back then and now I'm going to go out on a limb here but I presume you didn't get a tax break for that. No tax and it was hard on me and other contractors Absolutely and then along we've got I see Al Gore on one side of it with his movie about global warming and then I see Donald Trump saying it doesn't exist and so here we have a talk about a nation divided we've got a government divided but yet I still had to do that I don't understand how that works Jim I have been the 1st one to tell you that's not fair but since you have such a keen insight into this can you give us an idea just based on what you think just as an American citizen why is this dividing us so much as a country what is it about this issue that has really put a wall between us and have you considered it. I think it's the same as abortion and homosexuality it's something for us to divide about while whether it's real or whether it's not real that's still the theory is that we will always figure out something to fight about I think now do you think are we when you look at this issue do you think that we're divided on whether it's real or not or do you think it's that we're divided on how to solve the prog I think that the 1st caller Larry hit it's become politicized and so many things that I'm politicized because you've got you've got you know the president and some and some others saying that this is a big liberal conspiracy that none of it's real and then on the other hand you have some very vocal scientists who are seem to be gaining momentum they're gaining a lot of traction but when we come back from the break we'll talk about how undivided we really are about parts of you know there are some statistics Jim we don't want you to go anyway Ok stick around we want you to come back after the break for those of you who want to weigh in and we'd love to hear what you think you can hit us at 180-222-5222 once again 180-222-5222 this warming of the globe the climate change all of these things c o 2 levels. Rising temperatures rising is it real or is it just a mess we really have to figure this out folks because if we don't. Something. That's bad no doubt we'll be right back folks. Talk Radio 700 k. a b C news update I'm Steve Thomas Senate Republicans are back at work in the Oregon state legislature after receiving assurances a controversial climate change bill is dead the bill is a carbon capping plan that the Republicans oppose Senate leaders say they lacked the 60 Democratic votes they need to pass the bill Republicans in that chamber walked away from their jobs for a week to prevent any action because of a lack of a core 3 Senate Republicans were still missing for today's vote but enough return for the 20 person quorum to allow business to return to normal. A 2 year old boy is dead after contracting e-coli linked to contact with animals at the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar possibly at the petting zoo 3 other children ranging in age from 2 to 13 years of age also contract of the bacterial disease at the fair but did not require hospitalization carry a.b.c. So Cal what are mostly cloudy tonight with a 20 percent chance of showers after midnight lows in the upper fifty's to me at 6 there's more news coming up in 30 minutes continuing coverage a k a b c dot com I'm Steve come on Talk Radio 792 news hey it's Jillian and a lot of you've been following me on my cancer journey what you might not know is that the help of my anxiety and just the pain of it all I take c.b.d. Oil I take new leaf natural c.b.d. 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To another way to save money don't buy it of some expensive coffee every morning then you can save up for a I don't know really nice dress shirt I'm just saying it's great that you feel comfortable here and work but you know an adult can walk in progressive can save you from becoming your parents but we can save you money when you bundle home and a progressive casualty insurance company affiliates and other interest comes not available in all states or situations. Shapiro weekdays it is 6798 b.c. . Good afternoon everybody. Today is a historic day in the fight to protect our planet for future generations 10 months ago in Paris I said before the world that we needed a strong global agreement to reduce carbon pollution and to set the world on a low carbon course the result was the Paris agreement last month the United States and China the world's 2 largest economies and largest emitters formally joined that agreement together and today the world has officially crossed the threshold for the Paris agreement to take effect. Today the world meets the moment and if we follow through on the commitments that this Paris Agreement embodies history may well judge it as a turning point for a planet that was then and this is now how. I am fighting every day for the great people one shortly later country. Therefore in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens the United States will withdraw. From the Paris how we know Mr President I'm going to court Mr President because you failed to do that no you can. Continue to work no can simply talk to them I know you love to play because he's only going to get them to pass a cliff and we're going to run is just doesn't understand that we can do that. But begin to show he ations to re enter you know either the Paris accord Donald Pleasence in really entirely new transaction. When terms that are fair to the United States its businesses its workers its people its taxpayers so we're getting out. Does the speechwriter get fired will just spin it no problem will turn it into some will tell him that's what he meant to say this is a situation sadly this could be a national embarrassment but. The 2015 Paris agreement on climate change has a 4 year term and it started in 2016 and that means that the very 1st the 1st time that the u.s. Could conceivably withdraw is one member for 2000 turning the lights I don't like that one day after the election so sorry Mr Trump you really just you did not have the ability to exit from the political Really I know it sounds a good problem yet felt good probably felt good to say I can't believe you know people even let you say I got lots of applause but come on man it's just whether it's right or wrong it's just folks who sadly for those of you who are Ok maybe listening and thinking that we actually did withdraw from the Paris agreement we didn't it's like that time I tried to excuse a jury after I had run out of challenges when the judge looked at me and said you can't they sorted out the big thing about the Paris the Paris accord was that it's non-binding so like we wouldn't have to do any of the stuff that we didn't want to read so it's almost symbolic just to say we're going to be out well you know people saying that they were to be out because it's a step in the right direction is what people say and what people are saying is that they have some pretty clear goals they want to try to get the temperature down stop rising at the rate that it's rising by 2 decades in the well and people like the extinction rebelling actually say it's not enough right but you know that's the type of radical. The radical political activism is you know it's kind of always going to tend to all major issues and that is the way we are as Americans we are passionate we care and when you think about it I have heard it said that the absence of love is not hatred but apathy it's apathy it's indifference and it is something that no one will ever accuse Americans of being is not caring or just sitting around and just lent. Example So anyway I wanted to get I know you did some research oh by the way if you want to hear you. If you would like to call and we definitely want to hear you folks read 180-222-5222 why are we a nation so divided on this dying to know what you think you want to believe in 810-222-5222 is this real is this just what you think we saw it yeah you know we just want to know what you think right can something be done and if so what 102225222 now being the awesome awesome co-host that is Jim you've done some research actually recent research on what Americans really think about this issue well of course it wasn't me it's Yale actually I don't know if anyone is going to believe this when we call the go ahead you're dead right Yellin just Mason put some of those dollars on us yes so they actually had this long I read about how they even came up with the numbers because you know me I'm always skeptical of the numbers and skeptical of data so I read about it and basically they start asking these questions of Americans like 20 years ago do you believe in climate change if you do is it manmade if you believe it's man well regardless do you think we as a man can change it can we want to years ago you know yeah I started asking a question like time ago so that so that I and I don't remember the exact percentage that it was when they 1st started doing it but obviously it was way lower than it is today but nearly today the last time they released their findings nearly 80 percent of Americans agree climate change meaning global warming you know in house effect is real and that is that that is the current contemporary target 70 percent of those people believe it's a real problem like they you know there's probably 10 percent out there that think Ok well it's going up but I don't really think it's an issue right 70 percent of Americans think this is going to be bad for us in some way so and then the numbers start to really decline from there on what people want to do about it so he yelled at her his it's interesting what they did they asked people they said Ok so if you believe in it what if we said it was going to cost you $1.00 a month to solve this problem right would be we'll. And to give up $1.00 some of the 70 percent believed in it just to let the details of what $1.00 there with 505057 percent exactly right to the I 37 percent they figure that's pretty good so then they asked next question they said what if we said to you it would cost $10.00 a month so basically we're talking about 2 cups of coffee at Starbucks like 2 lattes at Starbucks right $20.00 a year maybe if it cost it to $10.00 a month to have coffee at Starbucks drop to 28 percent Oh my goodness so what it reveals is that in kind of the overall take away artist no longer is I don't have to pay for Exactly yeah right. Sure it's happening but. I don't care. Maybe they don't take it that seriously after all my from Huntington Beach you know I've told my producer that you're actually worked with no Mike while I was in the Coast Guard but we are. You know work hand in hand with no sugar and doing the putting at the buoys and stuff like that to monitor they. Know that it's wet weather patterns and all that stuff area so thank you so much for taking the time to call us Mike we we obviously in terms of your unique viewpoint on this you do you think that this is a real thing. There is no global warming. Per se there is climate change but that's due to the polar axis shift every 2000 years so what 1 May be hot at one place 2000 years and years ago is probably under ice. Because because of the axis shifts so it may be global warming you know it's harder over here well now yeah but 2000 years from now it won't be can say that's definitely it and there are hundreds yeah right that the change in the axis the orientation of the earth so we're you are basically dealing with a 10000 year situation where I we're actually heading into a mini ice age when they say global warming I just laugh. I mean I could go on forever about this subject well in terms of the issue the money and $1.00 volcano puts out more c o 2 than all the cars combined and all the world all lifetime and they think they're ready and made their They're not me what do you think about the other so Mike when you think about the other so-called greenhouse gases rights we have like obviously c f C's are a big deal age C.F.C.'s are a factor to nothing. So fluoride What do you think about those diets and that's all natural stuff you saw from Florida you can tell from Florida's. In the air is different but I'm talking about as far as methane and stuff they're trying to burn cows the stuff is. You can't say Ok so take take many other way take take some of those other ones so you don't you don't believe that those those gases have any effect on the atmosphere at all. Well. Again there may have they may have have an effect on the atmosphere but the earth heals itself when one area goes bad it heals itself. I mean even the oxide plants live off carbon dioxide you're trying to get rid of carbon dioxide Well Mike you've got to do understand this one thing is that there does seem to be a consensus everywhere that you know the sea level is rising and we're losing ice in many parts of the of the world the glaciers are getting to be evaporating on an on a level that seems to be all present that these are having environmental impacts we're already seeing a lot of species dying off we're seeing the ecology of our country of our nation not just the nation but the globe it seems to be having effects that seem to be more happening more rapidly and going. Well the last poll maybe you lose a little bit I at the South Pole grooming So like I said when actually serious a little bit changes here and there. But I mean the dinosaurs are gone so it's you know you can't change. You know what I mean Mike you make a great point listen I want to thank you for calling and thank you very thing with thank you so much Mike so you know he represents what Mike represents Israel obviously does represent just one tourney on this and there's a lot of there that naysayer mentality and we can go into the whole psychology of it but here's the thing that's really is and it's an interesting number that I haven't heard anyone yet really talk about and that is what's in Pyrrhic Lee accurate is the measurement of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to what it was at some point in the past right so sometime in the eighty's a bunch of smart scientists figured out they could go up to the Arctic Circle and they could drill down into the ice and just like the rings on a tree they could see what the trapped air in the I read that somewhere like right so now I get it there's people that they're they're naysayers and then they believe that that this is made up science and they believe that you know like what the point that you see here is part of the problem what our fellow Mike Mike was making it's a valid point the global climate has changed and will continue to change as the axis of the earth moves that's not really what the issue is here they think people are trying to find on the side of the argument that say we have to do something what they're trying to say is that it's the additional stuff we've done as is humanity in the short amount of time we've done it that's a problem of time development plans don't have enough fuel emissions on a serious scale are going to have some years of do with the greenhouse effect so here's a here's a couple of numbers for you just to throw these out before we go to the break so one it we have they say right now the highest level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere that has been on the earth for the 800000 years that they they feel that they can reasonably accurately measure it ever highest ever right and this is a thing that's accelerating of course that none no one again has talked about the fact that water vapor acts. Represents the vast majority of it so I mean there's one example right there of a number that we can use that's kind of an empirical number so if something is different from we're going to get right back to you I've actually got a couple of mikes on. Give us a it will give us just a few short minutes we're going to have to take a break but folks we definitely want to know what you think you can hit us up at 1802252221802252 to 2 Is this something that is just a matter of the earth turning is it just something that is just going to happen are women 10000 years cycle is this just the way it is or is it something else we'll be right back folks plan a change global warming we're dying to hear what you think 180-222-5222 we'll be right back. 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What about the i k b c Talk Radio 790 you are listening to a nation divided I am Brian Dunn sitting across from Jim out's talking about this climate change global warming is it real is it fake Is it a political stunt is it something that scientists are just making money off of are are we drilling in trouble we want to know what you think we're going to be talking about some of the other aspects of this coin which is very shortly what if it is real what would be the effects of that but before we get to that Mike thank you for being so patient here on a nation divided with Brian and Joe and I are dying to know it's a great go ahead you know me yeah yeah yeah Ok I grew to laugh like a little bit but it's not going down your cycle it's a 26000 year cycle that's the change you ecliptic angle it changes approximately 6 tenths of a degree really over. That total period and right you know working in 1907 we were coming to the fastest rate of change and that it could begin on coming to becoming much smaller now when you are you near a school day and you're standing in the sun you feel warm when that plywood is full of carbon dioxide and water vapor everything else comes on it where you what happens you'll get cold because the sun is. That this might just think you're headed for another ice age one but that's because the sun is shining more directly on you know just like if you're in the middle of the winter and the temperatures 0 degrees and you put it up and you have a really like sunny day and you put a pan of c o n and it will read the sun is going to shine a light all day long and another one where the sun let shine out that temperatures are the same but the sun is shining like that I don't know what you're doing for a living but you have a calling as I school science teacher and I see Mike's got a great idea that he's going up he's bring up a really valid point not a clinical and like my science teacher but anyway see cloud formation of cloud formations really complex and it's been like. You know Dr that you figured out you know me a scientist even though he's bringing up a valid point he's talking about cloud formation and how cloud you know this actually was study was done you know a few years back it was during the day they were looking at numbers from 911 right how that aircraft had not flown for the period of time the days that the national airspace was shut down United States and they were talking about lack of contrails actually increased the temperature a little bit you know and you know very well and so he's talking about valid opinion some people argue that as again the primary driver of the greenhouse effect which is a real thing that's not we're not political about this this is something that's real it's proven the greenhouse effect is water vapor and that's always been there right and so some people argue that as the water content water vapor content in the atmosphere rises eventually more clouds will form why does a thing about your fault. Muscle fuel emissions are just they're just something that's an afterthought now yeah because I thought that was the big kind of gone away as well burn coal and all that re so folks listen we have to figure this out but I'm going to have to play devil's advocate with pretty much everyone in the universe right now and ask this question suppose this threat is real suppose the scientists that are saying that we are on a path that we don't need to be but you know given a mulligan let's just say that I don't mean external Oh sweet you know what we actually looked into this and it's it's something that we really need to bring up when we talk about some things even one temperature Ok so dearie here here's the thing delicate and again people talk about the science being fake Well I guess they can but so the 4th national climate assessment that was the u.s. Global climate change report right this was written by the federal government this was written with authors from the u.s.d.a. The Department of Defense NASA Noah the e.p.a. The Department of Energy I can go on and on and list all these different organizations they actually did all this and they came to a consensus and here's some of the stuff they came to 1st of all the estimate is that in North America for every one degree Celsius in aggregate temperature rise in the atmosphere we will lose 10 percent of our overall agricultural productivity right especially with corn and soybean now because people in the city like I don't know where food comes there are some liberals think that food comes from people people who say we're going to understand exactly how we're connected to all of this is how it goes here have got people in this people who you know you've made this point. Where you know people in the city don't get it yet it's not just that crops magically grow just in any little dirt you got anywhere you want to get some sun to get some water and you give it the stuff that it likes to eat and it'll grow it doesn't work like we depend different different crops grow in different parts of the country because they've got different to any What's going to happen if a cow gets too warm well if they don't make any more I'm not going to be able to have you know so when you start to look at how these things are connected and everything connects to the physical what this government report was essentially saying was that as the temperature rises and. Little bit over time you'll have to go further and further north to grow the crops and we'll have less total land to grow these particular kind of crops which mean and less food and then be Ok here's another thing and more people at the same shellfish they're talking about so that's like they're expecting just in the next like I think it was the next decade is what they said a $230000000.00 loss to the to the fishery the fisheries in the United States because they're looking an economic impact right of the people the population is going to live in something 1000000000 by 2050 exactly like and so you've got more people he got less ability to grow food you know our hits it's kind of hard you know it's hard to put the numbers together and not believe that we do do not have some kind of problem so back to back to Mike. The one we might tell my so tell us a little bit about what you think I mean there are some alarming statistics that if this threat is real and if it is being caused in part by the actions of humans there are some pretty dire consequences that could occur would you disagree with that you know I would say you know I said the greater the dire consequences are now what the people who are pushing manmade global warming are trying to form a one world government in which all people will become slaves and it won't matter oh my god whether or not but we never really crack it to walk we crack a toilet blew up in 870 the room climax that put all the stuff in you know that you're talking about the world climate cools for 5 years now of course that we might have as old I'm probably a little bit older than most your callers so my data comes from earlier times I don't like modern data has shown but the world cooled and cracked it to acquire more carbon dioxide specifically that one gas into the. 100 Years of the worst polluting city on the earth if it was all over the Earth in every city could put in a 100 years and that she was here I noticed you briefly might you know that man did not make. We're going to go yeah yeah yeah Ok Mike thank you so much for calling Thank you I can probably talk to you as a historical got mad exercise and we have we want to get to get to Matt Yeah but once again Mike thank you so much for calling and we really care about your opinion this is such an interesting discussion Matt from from memory on tell us what you think we're dying to know I met you can argue I just think you know. In China you know what they're doing in America I mean what there's not much we can do I just find it's it's it's kind of like let's just say it's off the rails it's never coming back on we're going to do it's a great point I mean I never can get by that I mean I don't think that you know having less babies is going to be the solution there's always something we can do if we just. We are a nation we are a nation of 350000000 their nation the 1000000000 people right yeah that we produce I think if I'm not mistaken and if I'm not mistaken I think the number may just recently have changed man I don't have it in front of me but up until 10 years ago we actually still produce more greenhouse gases than they did right I think Ok fair enough Ok that's fair about it but it's still. Just regardless of where we're hypothetically you know emotionally or whatever on the subject what drives me absolutely going to have is that the state of California with the carjackers right they can solve this problem I gather we would and yet we need you know chance to get to that Gavin Newsome said by 2040. I don't want to sound negative but I'm very inspired when the governor says we're going to get these missions down to 0 but how are you going to do it I mean there's not a. Politically correct check to the Arctic and m l Well part of it is the emissions coming from cars and trucks and they're going to get they're going to attack that part of it is has to do with the deforestation and issues related to that but there are things that. Go back. Well met the man all right. Thanks for calling in Matt doesn't make it he's making good points once again so I want to thank you Matt So folks listen this is something that we we have some pretty strong opinions about we always talk about why oh why does this issue divide us so much and one of the things that we take fire about as Americans is if we feel like somebody is trying to pull a fast one on us that's right because they're trying to push to put a political agenda or they're trying to do something that would have affect their so called special interest so it's interesting to me is it just like what the guy was saying before man had called in what if we could change it and it wouldn't cost us anything Yeah what if the people are right and whatever we're not doing anything about it wouldn't we feel stupid if we didn't we sure would folks we love all of you thank you so much for being who you are you have inspired us you have turned us looking at the people who have brought our minds expanded my and minds we are. Talking to 7790 has been a nation divided with Ryan and we're going to figure it out some help and don't forget we love you all.

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