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A dozen suspected members and associates of a San Pedro based street gang have been charged with a federal drug and weapons offenses prosecutors say 14 people have now been named in an indictment accusing them of trafficking drugs like meth methamphetamine heroin cocaine and opioids Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. Sports Dodgers Nick the Diamondbacks 32 in Phoenix they play again tonight the Angels beat the red yesterday and they play again at 530 today that's sports on 70 k. A.b.c. News time one o 3. Came see dependable traffic right now westbound side of the head right it may pull up and working out a crash in the right lane still here back up used l.a. In the north 5 from Dyckman north 100 Alameda another stall just cleared from 2 lanes but very busy here coming up from the 54 o 5 north of Jefferson is another crash clearing in a few minutes ago they just cleared out from the carpool lane but all in all delays coming away from the 105 and westbound 91 of Paramount debris here partially blocking that off ramp and delays remain from the 6 o 5 next to 4124 I am 70 k b c This. Am 700 k.v. See weather high from around 70 at the beaches mid to upper seventy's inland It's currently 73 degrees in Diamond Bar 69 in Long Beach 70 degrees in downtown l.a. Or 790 k. A.b.c. And h.d. Now 95.5 f.m. H.d. To download to tune in apps you can take a p.c. With you wherever you go I'm Liz Warner Cable scene use bulldozer better in a cabana but no cabana rule number one m.g.m. Resorts management has the right to only plan for you to reserve your cabana at any one of the m.g.m. Resorts 12 biggest destinations to book yours visit cabanas that m.g.m. Resorts dot com a.b.c. News is fostered by m.g.m. Resorts. Juries you can take your calls 802222 page dungeons. With a legal term and you can get each row. It is the delivery and breeding Dr Drew we just were having the power well about the language and it really becomes And I'm I'm you know George moved us and continued to try to struggle with exactly what he asked us to struggle with which is education and before you start with education about our history you need a language that satisfying and. I was using long language but it was I mean I think people understand slavery you have to have in your this is a career because the time is slavery you see your is it your Exactly what is that issue here it's not just slavery that's the thing you're right slavery was you know right you know as the Japanese the mere genocide post Civil War lost the job they were all read and grow decided you know it's really after and so we come back we need a word that I kind of think of it as a word that I am but it says all that that. I know what it is yet I may be hardened derived from that that has to you know it's not genocide and it's not Holocaust and it's not slavery exclusively right although it's all in it's opposed to slavery all of the other stuff they are talking about how they were treated how they've been set back from you know while other people aka white man was getting ahead in life they were held back so now they're Well yeah and in a lot of this is what George was trying to get us to discuss was the the the murder and the slavery you know and the torture or maybe torture is a closer word is affected multiple generations and you say you don't know what that feels like and for of a white person we don't even know what that was because you lost a grandma isn't it we don't know what the big until hell is a little bit early right Ok well potentially families that could have been had from those people I would argue that most families have kept alive some version of that . And that's what most of my I know better got I don't want white people to know but when in doubt like when an uncle of somebody back then slavery was killed or murdered. You know he could have had a family he could. Had more children you know I'm too much on you right now you know what I'm saying. That never feel real I don't really like attention Yes Actually Exactly yeah 802205222 I get it you know George and Karen always challenge me but. Yeah at least here and I certainly care you care and pull over Yeah be safe what do you say but you say doctor do it if anybody service referenced and I send that but I think I'll need it but the thing is there a sense of menace you know here in America when you look at all the shootings that was the police the police will shoot a black man at the drop of the head why because maybe that system it from how you know a white man or the system can treat a black man you know what I mean the minister here you know what I mean and there's nothing more going on like they don't get the police departments together and say hey this is how we have to look at black people when we're it cost them black people you know I mean I mean I think you know I think that because this ridiculous yeah i so what Ok I was just a back to the solution part so what what does a country or a people need to do to come to terms with this. Well Ok if not reparations it's a be more hobby treated just like the homeless how do we how we going to treat them as what do we do or do we go in and sort of work with the mindset of that and it's like that I mean not concentrated like I say on the way the police to look at Facebook and all of that and you see all these police sims on black people for nothing and have the drop of a hat you know what I mean so. It's of be well how do we. Work with that sentiment. Let me let me let me push a little bit and say that so you're looking at that symptom and it bothers you and it should but I want to get at the underlying disease and I want to I want to address on their heart and I have a feeling on the lyme disease if they will and if the. Church needs it hatred or just and I don't ignorance you know is it just ignorance I think a lot I don't mean you know it's a number of both Yeah and so for you to put you to have to for you to automatically when you see somebody yeah and you have this certain opinion about that that that's a true you know what I mean that's a form I hate when you form an opinion a negative opinion about someone as soon as you see him without even knowing this person Yeah that's a form I hate that you know I mean I think some of that's Tribal that we've learned from psychologist of like the primitive primitive primitive deep down human looks at another human not necessarily just saying black to white people saying you know I'd like another human right right right like yes but as he's right we have to you know helping I guess raise you know is a thought process for a lot of people that I think you're right but that they do look maybe a white guy looks at an African-American and says oh you know he might be. I think what you're saying he might not be aware I'm going to really think that's a problem with at least a pharmacy saying is that they're almost like they're not even aware of that yes is probably even more dangerous thank. God I'm just saying before you let me go you have. This is a conception that I have about that type of thing Ok I've heard and it says well white people aren't scared of black people they don't have a fear of black people know that don't but they have a fear of fearing black people you know want to May not that causes that immediate jump the fear of fearing black people if you know I mean I'm about to look at it and all kind of different way let's really look at the police shootings and also this one the white lady was fighting this police officer in it was just trying to contain it yeah you know if that lady was black she'd be gay you know hands that a police officer like that so what I'm saying is that mindset it stems from slavery it stems from that a slave owner you know a black man you look at a white woman the wrong way you're going to haunt you no I don't mean that but now it's out of the way right now there was that mentality is another right well but let me just say that right there is where we need to drill in and educated each other and think about and talk about and share about it and I think I think that will help us get to a solution but your appreciate bring us all up thank God it's about a 100 to 2 to 5 to 2 to Michael in a comma go ahead. Yeah thanks for having me on I just want to bring up the point that I think you're on the right track it brings up a bigger issue of education discussion simply writing a check won't restore someone's value that was my thing actually I had my point is that you know 3500 boxes but the Jews got Frank Germany and that made a wedding band of that do right that's ground ask Ron Goldman's dad ask o.j. Simpson's kids you know that his dad did that fix their life now $35000000.00 isn't going to fix their high fencing however so what do people need my Or I would have to guess and I'm just one guy making an assumption if an education of you know we have to it's part of our history let's not have some sort of rah rah or Howard Zinn based history this kind of guy actually get something down the middle this is what happened you know this is why it happened and this is where we are today and how can you in your day to day life treat someone with some respect and make a difference Yeah Mike I agree and that that was George's call for education Thank you Mike and Steve you have an extremely important point which is really I was saying like where do we stop Steve go ahead. Thanks you guys are going to mention you know we haven't discussed what about the Japanese in World War 2 They were rounded up but internment camps here in California dream it's like families were separated it was horrible Right and also Native Americans look at the you know what we would see we were Tom a Native Americans and Native Americans not one thing it's each tribe was manhandled differently what do we do we do we do enter tribe or each little locality how do we do that I think that saved them was gambling you know exactly yeah been there thank God it was a lot of the I'm glad they had that opportunity to do that I mean they want to there's a deadline for them just to I'm just a Where will it in as far as Elizabeth Warren is you can say all you want as a candidate the question is what's the House going to do about it and what's a set of going to do about it and this is all just blah blah blah you know for nothing the other no it's sort of weird that their promise. I mean next we're going to have literally like hey I'm going to give you the moon you get to move and say wow this is where they go when you get with thanks for letting me talk I'm going to look up told them like. I've had. 800 to told me is you know you'll get that's with the p.t. At the whole different issue Don go ahead Don. Sure thanks for having me on just. A mile or some sort of. Unity and see for myself that. They certainly need a lot of help and the education part of it my thought is a good education would stop a lot of harm resorting to gangs in the end of white communities they could have some right if they would spend more money in their education Ok I would. Be careful and again we are speaking on behalf of an entire community and giving free educate while there we have for education free college that be hitting way of doing and I buy through certain after American colleges how are they well funded don't they have a certain a lot 802 Thank you Don Appreciate that and the George we were talking earlier you know different you're different Georgia go Georgia question your palm and well you know I love white but I think any of my community has been paid just for the rights of living and him an American legacy systems in the world if it weren't for slavery they would have it never been born. Well not here they would have been more here so I generally would have been Ward who knows you know but not here please or I'm I'm not sure exactly what your logic is except that my thigh do I will say in this not my opinion but I will as is a logic I have heard which is we the African the the debt of slavery was paid with a war the Civil War right that's what some people hear from a lot and yet there was a lot of going on down there a lot of people so there are other people have various opinions out there about reparations having been paid but if you listen to a butcher saying. He was talking about something else he was talking not about a reparation time but a mindset change or culturally people still like fear or people that are not like them and how they have underlying even if they don't realize they do it they treat people differently right and it was it was I looking at them and you if you point out we're going talk to him a Craney later in the 2 o'clock hour and he knows all about tribalism and all right off shore and he can talk to us about so and so stay tuned for that we'll try to member to bring this up as you know he I want to talk about cognitive distortions and we're talking about tribalism and why we're in such a mess here with our tribalism and where that comes from and how automatic it is and what we can do to fight it which is really the question 802225222 I want to spend their main a couple minutes here is switching gears of people don't mind the issue that we were going to address we were effort ing the suppressor head neck surgery u.c.l.a. We did not get him so let me do a little primer on this if you don't mind yes which is that human papillomavirus h.p.v. I think people are aware that's a virus that effects causes cervical cancer the predominant cause of cervical cancer there are 6 subtypes that car there are associated with the cervical cancer and there is a vaccine that prevents those subtypes if you do not have your male or female child vaccinated you are potentially allowing them to develop cancer before they can get vaccinated I think it's 9 like I started that's why and now of course the men get it as whales get it as well now here's the deal and as this virus has proliferated it's not just causing cervical cancer it's causing head neck cancer Michael Douglas got an h.p.v. Related head neck cancer Dog the Bounty Hunters wife died today of h.p.v. Related head neck cancer if you are so and you would not know you have it you would not know you have it Ok you just have to go get the bloodwork or the Pap smear whatever it is how do you know you present with cancer Oh God yes and if you are if you believe you may have been exposed and you did. Not get the vaccine and you use tobacco products and drink moderately you are at high risk for these cancers they are deadly they are deadly tongue throat larynx pharynx that's the region they get these cancers and the current generation that is of the age that gets the cancers did not have access to the vaccine right and too late to get it now. Like an older person it's not you know you hate it yeah I mean if a middle aged person is single and worried that they might get exposed most doctors if they're enlightened by well give it to you it's a 3 part vaccine and I would give it to somebody if they came to me and said look I'm single and yeah I just want to make sure I don't get exposed to think Fine get the vaccine but for those of you have children this never has to be an issue yeah but we are seeing a marked uptick in head and neck cancers they are awful they are called screamers carcinomas and they spread rapidly and they are horrible Can I ask you a. Go Loveline Yes I know it's young aging in the afternoon as it is from oral gentle kind Ok Thanks so much when I was learning that is but it can go to oral oral contact too just to say that's what Imus writing happened with dog's life maybe. In that age group more I'm not going to say but but it's but but the point is we do believe it can be through kissing it can definitely be faster or gentle contact I'm Ok Steve you're with my language you know. And and it's a thing it's a it's a real deal and if you don't get the vaccine and if you're drinking and smoking you gotta watch out is a really serious area of it or do both or December to have a friend like does a male give it to a female Well the male give it to a mad dog where does it originate historically it was more common and when a few women in terms of it being a persistent problem men penal canceller anal cancer I was actually angry when I have it when what's her name Farrah Fawcett died and she had read that documentary and said I want to educate people about this and she did not mention h.r. H.p.v. I thought there was a catastrophe that means shots which she had to course most anal cancers are related to a treaty so at least bringing it up as something they could be prevented and something that is of a concern to people if they get you know if you want to do something for public health right which is what she alleged she was doing and not mentioning that anathema wrong you were not doing something for public health or you didn't know and if you didn't know it on your doctor you know bad on her for not asking her finding out details any physician would have told her like that so again you know cervical Vattel and oral cancers had neck cancers of various types of tongue mouth throat pharynx larynx all the time I saw him and like I didn't Eddie Van Halen have like tongue cancer or whatever I thought because he's a smoker they are back in the day we used to see less h.p.v. And it was almost exclusively smoker drinkers almost exclusively but now we're seeing a marked up tipped in the incidence and that incidents that smoke or drink or with h.p.v. The good news is the h.p.v. Related tumors are more responsive to treatment is that same thing as regular cancer like chemo or you. Both Yeah but pretty heavy stuff already having chemo but they pretty ones are a little more responsive witness Michael Douglas is going to write 10 years ever since his diagnosis so he's a cancer is a good. Outcome that you could put There is a silver lining to this story but in the meantime this is fundamentally a pitch for vaccine get the vaccine everybody go to your doctor are going to stop drinking stop Smokey's don't use it to market products not faithing a ping is not associated with this by the way 800 to 2 to 5 to 2 to 6 entry not doctorates but they live in 70 k.p.c. . You see dependable traffic right now sponsored by the California Lottery If you're on the West Bank and it may pull in working out an accident here and that's where the right lanes been taken away it's busy. North the 100 Alameda post all vehicle cleared but still very busy here even the 5 northbound side of the 110 very busy century into the downtown area to at least the 4 level northbound side of the 4 or 5 Jefferson next crash also cleared but you will find your delays coming away from Manchester and also on the West thought he wanted to hear about but a bit of debris there still trying to clear that partially blocking the off ramp and delays on the freeway from at least the 6 o 5 this summer Good things come in sevens like 7 scratchers from the California Lottery supply to day for a chance to wait up to $5000000.00 and make your summer the summer of seventh's please play responsibly next report at $134.00 I'm Roger Kramer am $798.00 technology truth brought to you buddy Geico the truth you think you can solve any problem by turning your computer all found. 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Money got a medical tomato as he went in when he got aboard actual human secular liberty the mentor that I support of this those who need to see the Ad Council. Can Play Anderson visited Julie the songy prison and she said he does not deserve to be in a Superman prison he's never committed a violent act he's an innocent person he's a good bad he's been credible person I love him and I can't imagine what he's been going through a take the espionage just sides of him a big animal activist shouldn't she be concerned that he would clean is cat's litter box Yaz there you. Well wouldn't you rather be in an embassy than prison Yeah Ok so wouldn't you behave yourself if you were inside the embassy I mean I'm sure he has access to doctors and could talk to somebody that is a pretty low bar being a good house guest isn't it. I think so but on top of that he's posting stories on his website going after the Ecuadorian you know protecting him well that's not very smart can't be a great guest if you're an international fugitive such drugs with John Phillips and Julian Barber morning 6 to 10. A.b.c. . To reach. Right. 70 k. B.c. . If you do live in freedom Dr Drew and part of the hour we're going to get into it regarding the Democratic debates coming up tonight right now we go to Chad Chad go ahead yes I was wondering when I was 28 I'm 32 now I gone in to get a car so that Dean and the doctor at the farm that I was you all had 26 yet still things are that's it's not that it's dangerous it's the $26.00 is still the cutoff for males and females for the guard so as to vaccines or severity and there's Gardasil Gardasil is the more comprehensive vaccine it's a little more expensive Why are you too old for it just carrying it was here's the reality Chad it was it was submitted for approval for age 9 to 26 that means that a doctor the drug company can only mode it for age 9 to $26.00 and they've only proved its efficacy for $9.00 to $26.00 after that it probably be off label it's off label and it doesn't have the same Africa's see but most enlightened physicians would allow you to get that if you're interested and there's another vaccine called Ono's a go some called Gardasil 9. Gardasil 9 that is for women age like 16 to 45 or something when you look it up here so there's another Gardasil for older populations and in many countries even Gardasil and the severity is given all the way to faith 45 it's just hasn't been approved that's an f.d.a. Issue here Ok so it's been 5 years since I got that information has changed doctors opinions I believe I think. 5 years of research is just more generalized use of it I've I've noticed when I've talked to my peers they seem more willing to give it so Vera is approved for a women group females age 10 to 25 and in some companies up to age for in some countries up to age 45 that's the severity of ours back seem the Gardasil is licensed in men and women 9 to 26 and in the Gardasil 9 you have to give me one second to find that they have. Well there's another one that's that's been suggested for older age groups and it's a broader vaccine here it is if you approve Gardasil 9 for women and men aged $27.00 to $45.00 so there you go as for the Gardasil 9 Ok thank you thank you you've got about 802225222 is our phone number of line say I told you a little taste of life on your knee I mean your info so Medicaid as he welcomes Rick Springfield with the Pacific amphitheater to Houston with the Pacific symphony to the Pacific and theater on July 11th tickets are on sale now for us by the Pacific amphitheater is Rick Springfield to be on the way to see him if you're caught over 9 at 88705222 pair of tickets to call Never 988705222 Rick Springfield with the Pacific symphony at the Pacific have that or July 11th they really do a big concert really cool concert series and there's a camp that are every summer but you can go for free a date sometimes there are 5 to 2 tunes. Right so we're going to get into it after the break with professor of political science at St Peters University Alan Sanders regarding tonight's Democratic debate and the top there to collect are you to want to miss this is a guy I would call him an acquaintance a friend he's a science journalist he's a host of the podcast you were not so smart and I came upon this podcast and I just am in love with him and 8 you know I get very frustrated with science journalists because they're usually not scientists they don't apply a scientific sort of yardstick to what they're reporting and they really don't know what they're talking about David the craning knows what he's talking about he has a very special interest in cognitive psychology and he really applies what he learns and his is very good at it so we will talk to him about some of our cognitive distortions and tribalism 802225222 is our phone number be part of the conversation that's the entry in I'm Dr Drew this Monday live himself 90 k b c. 7000000. Baby news live in loveless $130.00 I'm Liz border a border funding bill is being passed by the Senate the bipartisan measure provides 4 and a half $1000000000.00 in humanitarian aid for migrants at the southern border it came after Senators voted down a similar house bill lawmakers hope to work out a compromise bill between the 2 chambers to have on President Trump's desk before leaving for the 4th of July holiday there's a legal challenge to a proposed homeless facility in Venice the Venice stakeholders Association is asking the Coastal Commission to block the proposed bridge home temporary housing facility but the city is moving forward the city council voted to begin least negotiations with Metro for the 3 acre site on Sunset The city plans to spend $16000000.00 in an effort to get homeless people off the street critics want to see a full environmental impact report 1st Kevin trip Kate a.b.c. News California lawmakers have advanced a bill that could come with severe consequences for the end c.w.a. The answer. Strictly prohibits college athletes from receiving any compensation for their abilities as athletes California Senate Bill 206 however would allow them to seek sponsorships or endorsement deals because they get no piece of the economic pie and which universities coaches and the n.c. Double a feast because of the student athletes is a double a says it will Bar California schools from Championship competitions the lawmakers say the schools make up the n.c. 2 way they can force a rules change Jim Roope Los Angeles the gynecologist accused of widespread sexual abuse at u.s.c. Is now behind bars the district attorney's office says former u.s.c. Dr George to know has been charged with sexually assaulting 16 women between 220092016 while working at the campus health center the alleged victim's rage and range in age from 17 to 29 Tindall faces up to 53 years in prison according to prosecutors Talk Radio 790 k. If you are God You snipped the Diamondbacks they play again tonight in the Angels beat the Reds they play at 5 p. Today that's sports on 790 k. A.b.c. Or traffic market check weather and more Dr Drew midday live with Leeann Tweeden next. Time 132 your home is important that's why Geico helps make it easy to save on homeowner's insurance because home is more than just a place home is where you have a cute little reading for those rainy days when you want to curl up with a good book but you don't even read so you just sit in there during thunderstorms and scroll through means on your phone and laugh in the darkness of. 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Dot org slash invest a mind is a terrible thing to waste but a wonderful thing to invest in a public service announcement brought to you by you in c.s. And council. K b c dependable traffic right now northbound 5 a car many the stall in the left lane delays here more teachable abart and westbound 91 and imperial will fight another crash in a few minutes ago the left lane was still occupied the northbound side of the harbor a look busy coming up the century stop and go into downtown l.a. North for a 5 Jefferson crash cleared a while ago but still delays Manchester through national and westbound 91 it paramount they've had quite a bit of debris scattered across the off ramp that's partially blocked and had some a little bit of a delay just minor delays as you approach this next report at 144 Armada Kramer am 70 k.v. Say. 700 pages the market check goes down 11 points today the s. And p. Closed down 3 points and the Nasdaq closed up 25. Whether I should need 60 the beaches mid seventy's headed inland It's currently 75 degrees and downy 67 in the United downtown l.a. 700 k.b. Seen a dino 95.5 f.m. H.d. Q moving in on 700 Am Love it was streaming on Cast dot com order a.b.c. News. Sponsored by fare. For pulling. The plug. Right 72. See. This video I mean Dr Drew a numbers 802-225-2224 an hour to go out to pressure political science in St Peter's University in New Jersey his name sounds Sanders and talk about website or Twitter handle for you Alan is there a Twitter for you to follow no there is no Twitter handle I don't intend sauce that is why I want to know why is why is the lottery so we're talking about the Democratic debates tonight and really and you were framing the question to let you ask it look like I think my question is Al and I know there are so many in the field and they're splitting it up but of the 10 tonight of maybe you know even the other one that's going to happen is it going to be do you think the focus is going to be more we are going to Everything's going to be anti tramp tramp tramp tramp is that they're going to fight each other or are they going to fight who right now many see as a front runner Joe Biden in attack him how do you think it's going to go down well Leon it's a delicate task I think they need to achieve all 3 of the objectives that are in your question the candidates need to differentiate one from another they need to put out a political agenda and they need to show that they have the best political heft the popular have the temperamental have to take on President Trump That's a difficult task given the fact that each of them will really only have about one minute to lay out their position Wow 32nd rebuttal so that number 3 difficult challenging moment for all of the candidates you know I'm just thinking back to last year when the Republican feel like I saw him thing building and when and I and I thought there was sort of a cluster every time they did it based but usually 2 people sort of emerge as sort of. Dominating the evening do we expect to see something like that I mean can have a. Moment Yeah well maybe not to because I think the Democratic field right now is double what it was for the Republicans 4 years ago so I'm not sure we're going to emerge with 2 but I think we may emerge with maybe 5 let's say or something around that what the way to look at this actually you know everybody is saying well you know each of the candidates has have a breakout moment a moment of fame of that they can then parlay into fundraising and of course popular support but maybe the better way to look at it is this is the 1st of a series of elimination rounds because really there's not enough money to go around for all these candidates to stay in the race indefinitely I mean do you think they'll be dropping out by August if they don't do well well it could be it could be because what the Democratic electorate seems to want that at least according to the polls is somebody who can actually beat Donald Trump now you've got a competing factions here you've got sort of the middle ground faction led I suppose led by Joe Biden which says you know a middle ground is the way to beat him you've got the left wing of the party saying no new ideas youth and aggressive This is the way to beat Donald Trump so that's really the candidates that will exemplify those 2 positions are probably going to be the ones that survive and of course the Democratic electorate will ultimately have to decide between those 2 wings what is what is your guess what the best strategy. Well I think the best strategy and of course it's a mix of everything that Leon said is is to show that you have the heft you have the political heft you have the policy have you have the popular half that you have the temperamental heft everybody understands it going against President Trump is going to be no easy task and so what you really want to project is that you have that solidity both in terms of policy expertise and in terms of temperamental judgment to take on the president and of course that's what these kinds of debates do you see the candidates live you see how they project themselves you see how they react to unpredictable moments and. To attack there undoubtedly will be attacks and and you get a judgment as to whether these people really have the wherewithal to take on what will be a formidable foe in President Trump just curious like when it comes to Elizabeth Warren who seems to have I mean she's still kind of up there or is and you know in the polls when you when you're looking at them she still got her face out there even though all that Native American heritage thing it seems to have kind of been put on the backburner but now she's coming out and saying I think we should have a parishioner's for the all g b t Q community and I just look at her and I'm thinking is she just trying to go farther left than whoever is already on the left to try to stand out from the crowd and say oh I have this new idea might be a little crazy but it's just a surrogate or a bump in the ratings and a bump for tonight's of people are going to ask her that question she's got a lot of focus on her that is not what you think she's doing and if she really believes Well yes and again it's part of a delicate balance that is to say you have to appeal to the Democratic electorate in the Democratic voters in primaries and caucuses are further left than the general population so you 1st have to get through that hurdle you saw that with the Republicans 4 years ago they had to get through the Republican hurdle which was much more conservative than the general population and so they out Republicans yes are. Very likely you're likely to see some candidates perhaps Warren but others as well Democrat each other yeah but careful balancing that you have to do is to be sure that you do it in a way that you can walk back at least respectably walk back some of the claims that you make during the primary. We have take a little break we're talking to Alexander professor of political science at St Peters University in Jersey is their website I know that the twitter twitter handle well my website really is my university website you can look me up on the university and you can email me through the university website and certainly I will respond that is Alan Sanders at St Peters University Please stay with us we're going to try to take calls at 802225222 I want to revisit this issue of out Democratic each other how much how progressive being at ease our progress I go by the let go and then you come all the way around to the Right now I'm getting to have presser Sanders at 802225222 that's that's really funny because that's what started it because it's crazy I'm I thought I was libertarian I said I'm realizing I'm not I'm talking about this morning I thought oh my God I'm not at all I'm like demanding something be done about something these problems we always talk about 802225222 really entreating Dr Drew it's been a liar have said not a k b c. K b c dependable traffic right now northbound 5 as he came upon carbon Eda that get that stall in the left lane back up solid Beach Boulevard also West 91 again. Here in the left lane that's from where the northbound Harbor Freeway is typically crowded stop and go Manchester into downtown northbound 4 or 5 Jefferson attics and clear but from Manchester to Nashville it's quite slow and so is the west $91.00 route out paramedic that debris that's at least partially blocking that off ramp extra ported to hope for I'm Roger Craver am 7. 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Is their life in peace and you are speaking to restaurants and their friends or political science at St Peters University in New Jersey and we're talking with the Democrats sent you throwing acid the wall and trying to do it bigger and better than the next guy so I almost professor should I believe some of the rhetoric here I mean do they really mean it or is it really just attention seeking Well I think they do mean that I think all candidates really do mean ultimately what they say sometimes they saturate to make their point but certainly if you take a look at the positions of all of them or nearly all of them they all believe that there should be electoral reform they all believe that there should be criminal justice reform they all believe that climate change should be addressed they all believe that the immigrant crisis calls out for humanitarian solutions they basically agree on the main points and that's the problem in any primary debate most candidates are basically on the same page or let's say on the same set of pages what they have to do is try to break out and make a claim that's more believable more enthusiastic will energize more people than their opponents but that's always the challenge in the primary debate you basically agree with your opponent. You agree but you outdo right yeah the strategy some is stand out particularly challenging our numbers. 802225222 go to the press or Sanders he is going to press for political science and we're talking about the Democratic presidential debates in any predictions on who is likely to emerge it's not clear but certainly the front runners are more hardy let's say than the lesser known candidates I mean takes more to bring down a front runner remember in the Republican primaries 4 years ago Jeb Bush was the front runner and ultimately he went down but it took a while for him to go down so I would expect that. The front runners right now if they lose popular support will do so gradually it's interesting it's it's very hard for me to predict how this going to play out it I saw a little editorial saying you know 10 things a Democrat would tongue in their cheek you know ironically 10 things should Democrats should keep doing to make sure they lose the presidential campaign and and it was it was things like some of the progressive position that keep talking about a o c keep talking about you know eliminating the college declarations keep on the rampage and. That people you know the average person is going to go roll their eyes who's paying me how is this going to work is that true or is that really where they're going to get their their momentum from well again remember who they're speaking to they're speaking to the primary electorate but what's interesting and what you say no to not doing that and that is Joe Biden. Is a set himself apart from this kind of debate which he believes will ultimately not lead to success and so he's staying rather vague on the issues he's going to tell you which way he leans on these various matters but he's being very vague on where he actually comes down and he doesn't want to be part of the sword they don't in fact he's avoided debates or let's say then use where the other candidates have shown up this is really the 1st major of the. And you where he is going to be on stage with all the others so that will be interesting to see how he behaves and how he performs because he really has sought to avoid the sort that you. Think he can only avoid it for so long though right now he's a drag as they say dragged in the mud of course because they're all going for what the other one who kind of is in the same track as Joe Biden in terms of basic positions and what you should watch tonight because she'll be on tonight. Also And as for the middle he's a sort of a middle of the road Democrat and of course a woman and she's in the same lane really as Joe Biden so you might want to take a look at her and see how she performs. Perhaps a preview as to what to expect or or see when the Joe Biden shows up tomorrow night yeah and I feel like she's one of those people that sort of people kind of heard her name I think just the general public you know I if you're on the left I think yes you probably know who she is now you know and I think she came into her own during the. I'm confident you act haven't I here and that's what I really learned about in a presidential to when I was like This is a this is a human being or a mistress or no she is talking standing down the middle right now I think that maybe tonight is a is a way or is she on tonight or she does you know I think you know it's an attack which I think is unfortunate Well I think that's what he's saying tonight she may be able to speak to the wider American public and some people go Oh I haven't really kind of honed in on her I kind of know her name by hearing it all over the news that she's part of the you know campaign but maybe she will say something there's a beat to be there is an interesting sort of I think. Question in these debates and is there or is there a level of interest below which the Democrats should be concerned other words that the ratings are super low which I don't think I can tolerate watching I can't 10 and then when they're only speak yes committed in Highland do they have a problem if people don't watch. They do in the sense that each one of them is looking for a breakout moment but this is just the beginning so of course there's not all that much of an audience and remember we're just before the July 4th holiday a lot of people are thinking vacation Yeah not politics I think it's also media thing kind of. Just I don't know I'm just like not interested for some reason and there are people I'd like to hear from right now I'm sure who come across my plate right now more than Alan do you think though that pretty soon they're going to start then in the field. Well yes yes but you know summer is always a slow slow time things really heat up just as we get into the fall season and certainly that Labor Day That's when people start to refocus again politics but for the candidates the moment right now is the money moment they have to make sure that they raise the money that they need in order to be competitive so the appearances tonight may not necessarily play so much to the public as to the donors. This thing as well as the individual donors and of course Democrats you know really do want to be president so there's always that activists that will certainly be focused on the elections and many of them will be voting in a sense with their dollars thinking Ok so which one should act contribute to who looks like he or she will really progress and get close to the final nomination Professor thank you for spending time with Alexander professor of political science at St Peter's University in New Jersey you can reach him at the St treaters university Web site thank you sir my pleasure you take care guys thanks our numbers 802-225-2220 extension 0. I've always loved. Fans. Feelingly. 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More than drug. Week on the next morning drive the Democrats have their 1st 10 way since Bill Clinton was a grad student Now that sounds like fun Ellie pushes ahead with the homeless shelter in Venice despite a pending lawsuit and how competent is our government one California city doesn't know how to stop this is not a start of the morning drive with Joan and Julie and learning's 6 to 10 a serving of the. Same sort of you. 800 to 2 to 5 teachers who may have been doctoress unable songs to my sledgehammer That's right I think that it's venues Peter Gabriel like when I hold on yes. There it is all right we have David McRae newcomer to top the hour you're not going to so sick as great as a. I guess called you were not so smart you could call him an active grading and he's a science journalist and he's interested in how essentially the conversation we're going to have is how we deceive ourselves how we think we know what we're doing but we don't start writing these things down I know in Kruger effect yes exactly hammers my pen actually brought a pen from my office today and I'll bring you on to yes you do but I'm going Ok Krueger Ok they're laying. Done in Kruger I'm going to have him of Ok but it is a distortion that. Allows you to believe you're better than you are the opposite is the imposture a fact which a lot of overtrain people have but under trains like you have done in Kruger like the opposite right you know like you're really overqualified for everything that you really feel like a 100 I don't really talk about yeah I heard Conan O'Brien talking about this yesterday he said when he got to Harvard he was 2 years and he was doing well I was grinding it out any felt like an impostor nice and he said a very common feeling on Harvard campus Oh my God allowed like their underachievers and you know what my son did better build felt that and he would he did well there and he was they did this had a little video montage at their graduation and there was my son of the big screen going I feel like I pulled like I've been apart I should I can be relied really as far as you yeah so cognitive distortions of memory tribalism. And they're just so many different distortions we have cognitive dissonance which is that when you see the little like you know it's the mean with the little kitty cat the orange tabby and she looks in the mirror and she sees a lion is that kind of one of these there are people that kind of you know you look at yourself and this is one of the same you body that's body dysmorphia which still is a kind of a kind of distortion but it has an emotional basis to run your pure cognitive are to get into your head and you don't want to miss and you'll be here with us just a minute that's Leeann Tweeden I'm Dr Drew and this is going to live am 70 k b c. Love is easy to express when you get it. Right. By any huge fan attack if you're you and me and higher. Than the bureau you are well but. I've. Done deal yet my favorite favorite favorite to a.b.c. Los Angeles and Orange County jail a 62 Los Angeles she knew the station. Just a.

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