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Late Friday ending up in a river at Naval Air Station Jacksonville correspondent Rosa Flores has the latest learned from a tweet from the n.t.s.b. That the flight data recorder has already been recovered so they recover evidence they investigate not just the aircraft but also the history and the record of the pilots and the crew what they've been not up to in the last 72 hours the massive blast that rocked parts of an Illinois town Friday night has now claimed at least 2 lives as an employee taken to the hospital died authorities said 2 people were still missing following the explosion at 80 specialty silicones in Waukegan about 40 miles north of Chicago 7 Venezuelan military officers killed when their helicopter crashed while heading to a state where President Nicolas Maduro appeared alongside troops on Saturday the barbecue sack. K.p.c. News Live and Local at 10 o 2 I'm Ken Jeffries socalled residents have 2 new local measles cases to worry about Orange County health officials say an infant less than a year old has the county 2nd confirmed case of measles this year the child was too young to be vaccinated and is being treated at a hospital earlier today officials announced that a u.c. Irvine grad student who lives in Long Beach had contracted that city's 1st case of measles since 2015 police were looking for a man who stabbed another man at a Metro station on the Expo line it occurred around 9 pm Friday at the Jefferson u.s.c. Station near Flower Street and Jefferson Boulevard Witnesses say the victim stumbled onto a train after the attack and was later taken to a hospital and directly into surgery no media word on his condition 70 k. a B.b.c. Sports doctor playing the potteries in San Diego the Astros pummeled up the angels earlier today 14 to 2790 k. A.v.c. Weather cloudy who Sunday the chance of crystal in the morning lows in the fifty's highs around 7062 now and so. $66.00 in Van Nuys and $62.00 in downtown l.a. Now. Dependable traffic right now in Santa Clarita we have a works on the 5 southbound from Magic Mountain Parkway all the way to the 14 Caltrans going to take away the 2 left lane for road work until 9 in the morning watch for delays throughout that area in the supposed to pass good food earlier stall that was all the 45 northbound at Mulholland Well it's been cleared for planes but their drive is still slow. And in the city of this is all the 5 northbound right before Chapman Avenue stalled car in the right lane there go traffic from Main Street next report. O'clock am Brian fans. If you own your own big rig you know more loads me more money but you know your pieces close is your phone call next truck you get a phone for 80 to. Take control with next trucking and choose when where and how often you go so go to your next truck to get a full load 880 to complete your 1st load in 30 days and get a free t.v. Next trucking really trucking easy. 888. We all want to age successfully join us at the Daily Breeze 11th Annual successful aging Expo on Saturday May 11th from 9 am to 2 pm at the Torrance Mary at the Days filled with 3 activities and services including health screenings 40 plus exhibitors entertaining and informational seminars hourly Raffles massages and photo booth stopped by the Meet the Press area and put a name to the face of our editors and columnists Doug McIntyre as he shares with you his stories fun for all no matter what admission and parking are free for more information go to successfully. Ribs are back baby stuff. Just $1099.00 Norm's one pound baby back ribs letter or try or full record with fries and cole slaw or half wrecked which is contenders or shrimp both with soup and salad only for limited to. Hire one Lou Manfredini here with another house smarts minute like most I'm sure you'll be anxious to get to work on your garden the 1st sign of spring but try to avoid doing too much until temps consistently are above 50 degrees to avoid disturbing any emerging stems then start to prepare your flower and vegie beds by removing debris trimming back any dead perennial growth and adding some compost and mulch. More information is available at how smart t.v. Dot com No one likes talking about death taxes or financial planning for too many smart people people are blindsided when curveballs complicate their personal and financial lives tune into love jackin money with me attorney non-security Saturdays at 5 pm on Talk Radio 790. 8. Hey welcome this is the Ben Shapiro show a lot to get to this hour we're going to get to the continuing crisis in Venezuela as well as the rise of anti-Semitism new statistics out but we begin with the Democrats attacks on Bill Barr the attorney general big story is that William Barr has said that he would not testify before a House panel the Justice Department is according to Politico the Justice Department issued a double barreled rebuff to Democrats on Wednesday informing the House Judiciary Committee that Attorney General William Barr would not show up for his scheduled testimony before the panel and that the department would not comply with a subpoena for special counsel Robert Muller's full report the administration has the nerve to dictate our procedures it's simply part of the administration's complete stonewalling of Congress period Ok so a couple of things it's not a complete stonewalling of Congress to turn over Miller's entire report to Congress that is not a stonewalling of Congress and by the way certain Congress people have seen the unredacted material so the notion that Congress has not seen the underdog material even that is not particularly true also it is not the job of the Justice Department to be the investigators on behalf of Congress there is a separations of powers in the Constitution a separation of powers which means Congress has investigative power and they can subpoena things and the Justice Department which works for the executive branch is not mandated to turn over those things this is why the president can declare executive privilege it's why the Justice Department can point out that it does not have to under regulations turn over underlying materials and investigations can you imagine if the power of Congress extended to the ability to go to the d.o.j. And then ask for all underlying confidential grand jury testimony. And if it extended to that you know that Congress would immediately leak that stuff into the public sphere you know that Congress would immediately take that stuff and blow it up the reason that William Barr is not turning over the unredacted materials in the grand jury testimony is number one some of that stuff is classified and number 2 it is not the job of Congress to be able to grab a grand jury testimony that is being attained and obtained by the Justice Department under threat of criminal prosecution that's not Congress's power Congress has it's own investigative power they've got subpoena power they've got the ability to hold people in contempt but they do not have law enforcement power there is a difference between Congress and the law enforcement arm of the government which is the executive branch I think Obama is completely right to say I'm not turning over and verified a grand jury gossip that was not included in the final mole report to you that is well within his purview the Thursday hearing which was set to examine bars handling of the Miller report would have included an extra hour to allow Committee lawyers to question the attorney general the Justice Department who argued it would be inappropriate for staffers to question a cabinet member and as a result bar back out that's of course is indeed the prerogative of the executive branch they don't have to agree to any of the conditions that Congress sets on them and then if it ends up in court and then something court of Congress chooses to hold somebody in contempt or impeach they can hold somebody in contempt or impeach there is solution to this if they want to impeach fire they can go forward and they are talking about impeaching bar but again they are doing so not even on the basis that he is now being obstructive they're doing so on the basis that he's been obstructive in the past which is weird because the conversation has gone something like this Democrats to bar why are you obstructing this investigation where is the Miller report bar it's in front of you on the table printed out and in public view for everyone to see Democrats obstruction though that's how this conversation is going to coverup. This is this is wild stuff so Democrats of course are trying to play politics with a mole report that did not give them what they wanted namely a clear cause of action for impeachment or or certainly a criminal prosecution of the president of the United States Jerry Nadler who is deeply dishonest about all this stuff the representative from New York who once used to believe that the executive branch didn't have the necessity to turn over these sorts of reports during the Clinton era and says given his lack of candor in describing the work of the special counsel our members were right to insist that staff counsel be permitted to question the attorney general I understand why he wants to avoid that kind of scrutiny Nadler added his terrified of having to face a skilled turning last I checked these Congress people are supposed to be skilled attorneys and I'm glad they're acknowledging that they're idiots now but it is not it is not William bars decision to have to sift him and he doesn't have to sit in front of a bunch of lawyers who are unelected bureaucrats to grill him saying Catch him in some sort of perjury trap Justice Department spokeswoman Cary Cooper countered that Nadler had established what unprecedented and the necessary conditions for the hearing adding quote Congress and the executive branch are co-equal branches of government each have a constitutional obligation to respect and accommodate one another's legitimate interests in a separate letter Assistant Attorney General Steven Boyd told Nadler that his subpoena for the full unredacted mobile report plus the underlying evidence and grand jury information was not legitimate oversight the department has long resisted congressional attempts to rummage through its files Boyd wrote he added the neighborhood issue the subpoena knowing the department could not lawfully provide the under attack a report that the committee lacks a legislative purpose for seeking the complete investigative files and that processing requests would impose a significant burden on the department Nadler said to hold bar in contempt of Congress if the department doesn't turn over the Underdark mole report and all of the underlying evidence in the next day or 2 for notes on how effective it is to hold an attorney general in contempt he should turn to his Republican colleagues who once held Eric Holder in contempt and then did nothing about it and Eric Holder is now sitting out there. Proclaiming from his perch on moral Hi how terrible William Barr is the chairman also said he could issue a subpoena to compel buyers attendance at a future hearing the committee had teed up the clash earlier Wednesday after a tense party line vote on a stabbing the ground rules under the motion adopted by the Democrats on the committee interning for the Democratic and Republican side of the panel but had an hour equally divided to question Barr but threaten to back out of the hearing if that was the arrangement Democrats said that despite d.o.j. Claims there is ample precedent to use staff attorneys Republicans have jumped a virus defense asserting it would be disrespectful to anyone but lawmakers question the attorney general now again I don't see the purpose why if I'm Barr I don't do that because then I'm basically testifying in the open without the help of my own legal counsel in danger of perjury from lawyers whose job it is to create what we call perjury traps now there are people out there is a there's no such thing as a perjury trap just tell the truth well sometimes you can tell a version of the truth and people will not believe you and they will still be prosecuted for perjury and this is for example when Bill Clinton said he didn't know what the meaning of is that is very loyally answer for example Obama could give a loyally answer and still be accused of lying in fact there are members of Democratic Congress who have suggested that he's lying right now and he has not yet lied it's pretty amazing when the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee are very upset about this so upset that they brought a bucket of fried chicken to the House Judiciary Committee is pretty incredible So Steve Cohen was another one of the geniuses in the Democratic House he showed up to the hearing with a ceramic chicken and a bucket of fried chicken which he proceeded to chum and then talk about how bar was a chicken you guys get the you got it like he's a chicken like he's scared basically Steve Cohen is needles from back to the future too. But you. What do you chicken Mick why you're. Being a full fledged silly person should get a bar should have shown up today and answered questions he was afraid of Barry Burke he was afraid of Norm Eisen. General whose pick for his legal acumen and his abilities would not be fearful of any other attorneys question him for 30 minutes dismay and was picked to be what coming in to be Donald Trump's fixer the Black Sox look clean compared to this it's a sad day in America a sad day in America here's my ceramic chicken guys take me seriously chicken bar by the way I'm really considering opening now in discussion my producers opening a restaurant called chicken bar it sounds delicious to be many types of chicken there be Terry Aki chicken there be fried chicken there would be chicken alla King by all sorts of chicken it sounds great and William by his picture would grace the entrance has chicken bar yeah I think I'm taking you super seriously when you say it's a sad day in America as you will they ceramic chicken at me Steve Cohen Don't worry guys this is super serious stuff Democrats are taking this really seriously they have uncovered wrongdoing so much wrongdoing that the entire report is sitting on a desk in front of them like right there then James Comey sounds off that's always exciting James coming was spent the last year and a half a couple years wandering the woods staring at the sights of nature. Sort of like fantasy after the after the snap fingers you just become a farmer is out there staring at the trees and being all weird Well now James Komi is back to write an op ed for The New York Times in which he attacks all of his former colleagues as deeply corrupt he says people have been asking me hard questions people are not you did like you standing the mirror asking yourself hard questions James Comey that those aren't people but that's just you it's Ok this is what happens with leaders in the Trump administration especially the attorney general Bill Barr who I have said was due the benefit of the doubt how could Mr Barr a bright and accomplished warrior start channeling the president in using words like no collusion and f.b.i. Spying Well 1st of all he used the words no collusion because the report found no collusion and f.b.i. Spying because spying means surveillance and surveillance was taking place so there's that how could he downplay acts of obstruction of justice as products of the president's being frustrated and angry something he would never say to justify the thousands of crimes prosecuted every day that are the product of frustration and anger Well actually James Comey since you were incompetent at your job you tried to rewrite the classification statutes to include intent is an element of the crime he said Hillary Clinton didn't intend to expose classified material to public scrutiny and therefore she was not guilty of the crime intent was not an element of the crime you just rewrote the law to include it you know where intent is an element of the crime obstruction of justice so William Barr goes to the president's state of mind that's because intent is an element of the crime if James Komi had 2 brain cells to rub together it would help but it's more of James Komi on this in just a 2nd but 1st when it comes to improving the look and feel of your home without spending a fortune a lot of us have ideas we don't know where to start thanks to select lines dot com upgrading your home is so easy it's a no brainer score amazing deals on blind shades and shutters today from select blind's dot com So let's plan to make an instant impact on the way you look at your space swap out those tired old window coverings for high quality easy to install ones with products you see in all your favorite home improvement shows select ones that com is the easy way to upgrade select lines takes the guesswork out of order and lines on line by offering high quality blinds for an incredible price after those new blood. 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Welcome back is the bench so Attorney General William Barr committed the great sin of putting out a memo that summarized the findings of the report correctly and then releasing the entire Miller report this apparently is a is a grave grave injustice according to Democrats in the Senate they're mad at him they won't talk with the lawyers you know maybe Barr should show up and talk with the lawyers just to show them that he can run circles around them but there is no necessity for him to put his life in danger the possibility of being imprisoned for a perjury trap set by Democrats for example or an attempt to subpoena him in violation of for example executive privilege there are a lot of legal issues that arise whenever the attorney general testifies before Congress which is why they do have a negotiation about setting the ground rules in the 1st place but what exactly is are accused of doing no one knows he issued a 4 page letter it absolutely summarized the findings of the report even Muller acknowledged that it accurately summarized the findings of the miller War So here is William Barr testify in from the Senate Judiciary Committee suggesting correctly that focusing on his 4 page synopsis when the entire report is available is really really weird. To say these are my words not yours the 1st concern that Mr Moore had he felt like your letter wasn't new watched enough correct Ok that problem's been solved as well was sort of solved by putting out the whole poor extract which was the that's why I think this whole thing is sort of mind bendingly bizarre because I made clear from the beginning that I was putting out the report as much of the report as I could. Ok so this of course is true he put out as much of the report as he could so what exactly why they focusing on a synopsis that is obviated by the actual report this is like William Barr writes a summary of a book the book is publicly available and you're mad at his summary even though you could just by the book are also mentioned hey guys like the mower team didn't recommend charges I hate to break it to you but the Muller team had the ability to recommend charges to me and they did not do so they declined to do so his bar reminding Democrats of this fact has lowered changed its mind on its conclusions its conclusions as to what answer to call motion conspiracy the conspiracy not that I'm aware of so the decision not to bring an indictment against the press for conclusion conspiracy with Russia has not changed No it hasn't and the conclusion not to bring an indictment against the president for obstruction of justice has not changed No Ok Ok So that is not change none of that has changed and then people on the left are saying well maybe the reason that Miller didn't prosecute is because of the Office of Legal Counsel opinion that suggested that the president could not be prosecuted for obstruction of justice and I said No I talked him on remember Barres under oath here he said I talked to Mohler 3 separate times and Miller said he didn't decline to prosecute because of the l.c. Opinion it a claim to prosecute because the evidence was not clear one way or the other special counsel mother stated 3 times to us in that meeting in response to or questioning that he emphatically was not saying that but for the Oh well see opinion he would have found obstruction. He said that in the future the facts of the case against the president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the Oh well see opinion but this is not such a case. We did not understand exactly why the special counsel was not reaching a decision and when we pressed him on it he said that his team was still formulating the explanation So in other words. Explicitly said to bar there's an o l c opinion if we thought the fact hadn't overcame the also opinion we would just recommend the overthrowing of you also opinion we don't think that happened here so Barr asked Miller So why don't you just recommend a charge or not recommend a charge and mode to mirrored he said oh we're coming up with an explanation the real explanation is that Muller knew he didn't have enough to charge here he didn't want to exonerate president from so instead he wanted to dump it out into public life all of the bad stuff about from well well sort of washing his hands of the whole thing Muller did not have the intestinal fortitude to simply pull the trigger on obstruction of justice charge nor did he have the legal backing so instead he took what I think is a is a pretty cheap way out by dumping all of the material in public and then suggesting well not up to me up to William bar to get over there even though it is his really responsibility to give a determination as to whether he thinks this thing is prosecutable or not and then bar point out by the way I didn't exonerate from I just said we didn't have enough material to prosecute but I'm not exonerating the guy on on all of the stuff that he did with regard to pressuring his underlings on the mall or report. You in effect exonerated or cleared the president I didn't exonerate I said that we did not believe that there was sufficient evidence to establish an obstruction offense which is the job of the Justice Department and the job of the Justice Department is now over that determines whether or not there's a crime the report is now in the hands of the American people everyone can decide for themselves there's an election in 18 months that's very democratic process but we're out of it. We have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon I love William Barr having to educate sitting senators in how law works it is not my job to come up with stuff that's mean or bad it's my job to determine whether the law has been broken William Barr is getting a lot of flak for suggesting that Muller's letter to him was snotty it was Mahler not protesting that bar had been dishonest in his letter protesting that bar hadn't sufficiently captured his mood when he wrote the Muller port this letter was an extraordinary act a career prosecutor were puking the attorney general of the United States memorializing in writing I don't consider Bob at this stage a career prosecutor had a career as a prosecutor Well he was a very eminent crime was the head of the f.b.i. For 12 years I know of no other instance of but he was also a political appointee and he was a political appointee with me at the Department of Justice I don't you know the letters a bit snaky and I think it was probably written by one of his staff people Ok pretty pretty hilarious so you know Barr is correct about all of this obviously you know he knows Miller he had conversations with Miller and so he feels like most people are probably take that molar that bars letter came out and that's probably why this whole thing happened coming up congressional Democrats suggest that bars job was to somehow target from for non criminal behavior and now they're also questioning whether Robert Mueller did his job it's amazing how unwilling to accept reality they are is the mention here I show. You some kind Jeffrey with this news update So Cal residents who knew local museums cases to worry about o.c. Health officials say an infant less than a year old has the county's 2nd confirmed case of measles this year a child too young to be vaccinated and being treated at a hospital earlier today officials announced that a u.c. Irvine grad student who lives in Long Beach has contracted that city's 1st case of measles since 2000. 15 Muslims in the l.a. Area will join millions around the world tomorrow and marking the beginning of the month long as law McCollough day of Ramadan Muslims fast from dawn to sunset and they engage in increased prayer and charity the holy month will be welcomed with community services projects and outreach to help those of other faiths get to know the Southern California Muslim community better Steve coming 790 k. A.b.c. News gave you see so cal weather will play cloudy through Sunday France of growth will in the morning lows in the fifty's and I was around 70 and I am I Now it's 61 Van Nuys at 62 in downtown l.a. It's 61 degrees I'm Ken Jeffries pay a.b.c. News. 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Place for a moment 180391755 that's 180391755 anxiety depression trauma stress it's time to do something about it and get the help you need to break free Dr Sheerin to be has helped people just like you live a happier more fulfilling lives rediscover the happiness that lives within you called Dr Sheerin to be now or log on to s h i r i n t v dot com Dr Sheerin to be making the world a happier place one person at a time call 3109039213109039181. Welcome back to the bench of hero shows a rubber ball are found no collusion and then he declined to make a decision on obstruction of justice but he didn't have the evidence to push an obstruction of justice charge or presumably he would have recommended some sort of prosecution so now Democrats want to have the report and they are trying to cast blame on Bill Barr the funniest thing here was Democrats trying to push bar you say that Donald Trump should be prosecuted for non-criminal behavior so the report which I have read the entirety of summarized twice on the show the report does not include evidence of criminal conduct by the president of the United States at least criminally prosecutable conduct by the president of the United States includes a lot of bad behavior a lot of immoral behavior a lot of behavior that is not appropriate for the president of the United States to engage in that is not criminal as William Barr the attorney general whose job it is to prosecute criminal violations told Dianne Feinstein who certainly knows better the senator from California still have a situation where the president essentially tries to change. The lawyers account in order to prevent further criticism of himself but that's not a crime so you can. In this situation instruct someone don't lie number it has to be well to be obstruction of justice the lie has to be tied to impairing the evidence in a particular proceeding Ok that is called the Law His job is to enforce the law and find side job is to yell at him and forcing the law come on Harris tried the same tactic this was pretty amazing so Kamel Harris is now proclaiming that Robert Mueller did a bad job and so her suggestion is that Robert Mueller in fact a very bad job and that William Barr the attorney general should have gone around looked at all the underlying evidence and then have prosecuted and then prosecuted president from based on evidence not synopsize not summarized by Robert Mueller Ecomil Harris was the attorney general of California I promise you if one of her lower level prosecutors came here and say you know. Attorney General I've got this case I'm not going to tell you whether you should prosecute it or not here's the evidence you think that Kamel Harris is going to read the synopsis and say you know what this doesn't look like it rises to the level of a crime for me or is she going to go back to the hundreds of thousands of pages of grand jury testimony the $25000000.00 already spent on the investigation she didn't go around that and come to her own magical determination ignoring the law so the Democrats kept saying that Barr is going to ignore Moeller then Barr doesn't ignore Miller and they're mad at him her center Ecomil Harris being deeply disingenuous counsels investigation produced a great deal of evidence and I've led to believe it included witnesses notes and e-mails witnesses congressional testimony witnesses interviews which were summarized in the f.b.i. 3 o 2 forms former f.b.i. Director comments memos and the president's public statements in reaching your conclusion did you personally review all of the underlying evidence. No we except the statements in the report as factual record we did not go underneath it to see whether or not they were accurate we accepted it as accurate So in other words Come on why do you trust Miller So after years of you must trust Muller Now it's why did you trust him what you want to look at yourself has come here as afterwards and bar should resign based on what based on nothing he made a decision and didn't review the evidence no prosecutor worth her salt. Would make a decision about whether the president of the United States was involved in an obstruction of justice without reviewing the evidence this is attorney general lacks all credibility and has I think compromised the American public's billeted to believe that he is a purveyor of Justice Oh is that what happened here I remember when Kabul Harris was fighting mad fighting mad at Attorney General Loretta Lynch for not ignoring the recommendation of James Komi and looking at the underlying evidence to bring a prosecution against Hillary Clinton a way to know that number. Happen because so much bull crap that she spewing right there is just nonsense again events and then you've got Richard Blumenthal the senator from Delaware who lied for a very very long time about his involvement in Vietnam or calling Barr a liar and saying the buyer should resign so he has got a lot of credibility standard here. I think that Attorney General we empower our order recognize that he has an obligation to resign here I have called at the very least for him to recuse himself from those 12 to 14 ongoing investigations into the president of the United States in other jurisdictions he declined in fact he ducked the question entirely as to whether he has had any conversation with the White House about them said he couldn't recall a response that is. Very difficult to believe so I think he should resign Ok so he should resign by the way the senator from Connecticut not Delaware and then Mazie Hirono who is the worst of all so she says you're a liar this is before she asked him a question by the way she knows when a question then accuse him of lying to her just said you're a liar and a mean man and I hate you and I like your hair and you're ugly you have bad glasses and you smell center Mazie Hirono from the great state of Hawaii well done why now the American people know that you are no different from Rudy Giuliani or Kellyanne Conway or any of the other people who sacrifice or once decent reputation for the grifter and liar who sits in the Oval Office you want to turn down a job offer from Donald Trump to represent him as this private attorney at your confirmation hearing you told Senator Feinstein that quote The job of attorney general is not the same as representing quote the president so you know the difference but you've chosen to be the president's lawyer and side with him over the interests of the American people Ok so well done Mazie Hirono I mean that's and that's a hard hitting question right there Ted Cruz Senator from Texas is a guest on our program yesterday sitting through all of this nonsense Senator Cruz has a rough job he actually has to sit in these committees while these Democrats say this stuff and then people like them that's a that's a very difficult job and the man does have a lot of forbearance but you would have to be a Zodiac killer obviously to Senator Ted Cruz he is he just rips on the Democrats and you can see William Barr trying not to laugh as Senator Cruz does so. The principal attack the Democratic senators have marshaled upon you it's an attack that I want people to understand just how revealing it is if this is their whole argument they have got nothing so their entire argument is general bar you suppressed the 1000 pages that are entirely public that we have that we can read that they know every word of it and their complaint is it was delayed a few weeks if that is their arguments. I have to say that is an exceptionally weak argument. Even bar can't hold itself back at this point the best reaction in all of this by the way as always but I think. They have the money that when they show they want to appear not to be last night have you met a far right having a Wm by last night watching some weird pizza guy showed up and. Lady answered there are so I want pizza and they get pizza and then things get away strange I watch that last night made me think of my report made me think of William Barr I don't know why but this is how things go as crazy as it might go. Once he's testified before Mr special counsel investigation how can he now say I won't make the same testimony in public claiming executive privilege I think it is sort of like virginity kind of the once you start talking about a matter of your jurisdiction and then you say oh I want to do the more you can't do it once you've started so I understood that some executive privilege works once you've given it up you can grab it back I'm not going to go with the one. I'm sort of metaphor used for I've been admonished already about it so I really should have used in fact I began today as. The only time I've ever like I'm a lawyer. Trying not to burst out laughing at Chris Matthews it was embodied that you know he didn't assert executive privilege that he wants to 30 seconds per se the lady trying to hide a rigidity I mean what I'm going to carry out around town of the Virgin and what. Biblical law battling to do that I know about Kathleen and about me and I think they just come over here on this show and this chair swivel around all weird like there's nothing to report Michael Isikoff what do you say. I love our media they're just great at their jobs all right in fact when you get to the latest developments from Venezuela Suffice it to say things are not great but 1st there's nobody on the planet like you so why would you buy a generic mattress built for everyone else he likes leave his bill to sleep because it takes 2 minutes to complete the use the answer is to match your body type and sleep references to the perfect mattress whether you're a side sleeper or a hot sleeper or the like a pleasure from bed with the looks there's no more guessing and no more confusion just go to healing sleep dot com slash hero take their 2 minutes leave because they will match you to a mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life for couples he likes can even split the mattress down the middle providing individual support needs and feel preferences for each side of a 10 year warranty you get to try it out for $100.00 Nights risk free right now he was offering up $125.00 off all mattress orders going to 100 $25.00 off and he like sleep dot com slash hero that's helix leave dot com slash hero for $125.00 off your mattress order he likes sleep dot com slash check them out right now my wife and I have a helix the mattress it is in do beautifully indescribably comfortable it is so great my wife and I took the 2 minutes leave it arrived customize to our door the mattress that we propped on the bed frame we were good to go you could have just as good a mattress as we do personalized to you helix Lee dot com slash Shapiro Meanwhile here's the update from Venezuela so the dictator of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro is still in power the protests continue apace in Venezuela Venezuela's. Is remaining defiant after a failed attempt to oust. Material has no appeared in public with soldiers these soldiers some of them are Venezuelan soldiers and some of them apparently are from Cuba according to b.b.c. And show defiance against his opponents as well and President Nicolas Maduro appeared flanked by soldiers at an Army base in Caracas on Thursday material called on the armed forces to oppose any coup plotter as clashes between opposition supporters and pro-government forces continued opposition leader why don't tread on Wednesday to spark a military defection and force material from office why to his urge public employees to strike to undermine the government but there appraise the Army's loyalty hunters. Since he's paying them off in the running over civilians in trucks calling on the military to unite in defense of the Constitution a Constitution that he has over written personally he says no one dare to touch our sacred ground or bring war to Venezuela what he's trying to do is draw the west into actual military conflict so that he can then claim imperialism is what is causing this as opposed to an uprising by the Venezuelan people who it turns out are not all that fond of eating dog in January quite a declared himself and as well as interim leader he has the support of more than 50 countries including the United States the u.k. And most of Latin America the reason that people are unhappy with with is because they were unhappy with Chavez increasingly because socialism is a giant fail but as well as one of the most oil rich nations on earth the average Venezuelan adult has lost 24 pounds over the course of the Vista regime and Wednesday both pro and anti-government supporters held demonstrations in Caracas that were initially peaceful there are reports of gunfire in the city a local NGO said that 127 year old had been shot dead during a rally in the opposition stronghold of l.t. Mira at least $46.00 people were injured in clashes between opposition supporters and the security forces of the white Oh posted video on Tuesday showing him of the number of men in military uniforms saying that he had the support of the military that obviously has not materialized as of yet and thus we have what is effectively a stalemate according to The Washington Post the United States has presented a plan by a white Oh as to what exactly was going to happen here there is a strong suggestion that Nicolas Maduro might peacefully flight to Havana. And Monday the plan started to fall apart because Maduro had gotten wind of it and one white responded by rushing ahead with his plan anyway at dawn he released that video after a day of bloody protests the government was still intact the trumpet ministration blamed Russia and Cuba for keeping him in place and discouraging high level defections the White House has held an emergency meeting of top national security aides to moment steps it's a significant progress on defense matters was made throughout the day there are mixed messages about what exactly the United States military would do obviously those those really mixed messages are saying that we're not interested in getting involved at all options are on the table Obama used to use that language all the time because as President you constantly use that sort of language Well there is one group to blame according to a kind of Maher you know our moral leader she says that the us is responsible for what's been happening in Venezuela the United States by us now it should be noted the sanctions that were placed in Venezuela were not placed on Venezuela as a country they were not placed on them but as well as oil exports they were placed there play specifically and for years on specific leaders and business figures inside Venezuela so this is just not true then Israel was destroyed from within 100 Maher has never found a socialist dictatorship she couldn't cozy up to here is another one so she's cozying up to Nicolas Maduro worth noting here Mark thinks that you should sanction Israel the only democracy in the Middle East in a place where Muslims are treated better than any place in the Middle East she thinks that that country should be sanctioned Venezuela no sanctions she's not anti-Semitic no guys she's just a human rights advocate. Policies that we have put in place has helped lead the devastation in Venezuela and we've sort of set the stage. For where we were arriving today this. Particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and. Make which change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela and it certainly does not help and it's not in the interest of the United States is not in the interest of the people of Venezuela not the dogs dogs are delicious apparently it's really in their interest to continue under the auspices of an illegitimate government that's that's in their interests and if you don't agree that's because you are in a slump over something that's that's that's the direction this is going coming up a new report suggests that anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise well worth discussing on your show on the Holocaust Remembrance Day This is the bench of your I show. 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Welcome back his invention Pirro so Holocaust Memorial Day Holocaust Remembrance Day a day in which we commemorate the murder of 6000000 Jews in the Holocaust and there are reports that anti-Semitic attacks are again spiking according to The Associated Press Israeli researchers reported on Wednesday the violent attacks against Jews by significantly last year with the largest number reported number of Jews killed in anti-Semitic acts in decades leading to an increased sense of emergency among Jewish communities worldwide capped by the deadly shooting that killed 11 worshippers of Pittsburgh's Tree of Life Synagogue on October 27th assaults targeting Jews rose 13 percent in 2018 according to Tel Aviv University researchers they recorded nearly 400 cases worldwide with more than a quarter of the major violent cases taking place in the United States that Spike was most dramatic in Western Europe where Jews have faced even greater danger and threats in Germany for example there is a 70 percent increase in anti-Semitic violence and this is because there are 3 types of anti-Semitism that are at work in today's world there is leftwing anti-Semitism right wing anti-Semitism and radical Muslim antisemitism. And each one of them poses a different sort of threat so let's start with right wing white supremacist anti-Semitism right wing white supremacist anti-Semitism not only does it exist it is the most individually dangerous form of anti-Semitism to specific Jews meaning that if I see that he sure was shot up in in the United States I will almost immediately assume that it is a white supremacist because detestably speaking usually is and that is because there are these marginalized as they should be marginalized evil people who find communities on line self radicalized almost like adjunct members of ISIS and then go and shoot Jews at places like synagogues the same people will go and try to burn down mosques or Shoot muslims in mosques in many cases so that's right wing extremist anti-Semite as some white supremacist anti-Semitism and that is one ideology and the type of danger that it poses not a political danger it is a is a safety danger then there is left wing anti-Semitism left wing anti-Semitism is the is the belief that the Jews are in control of the world because the Jews are disproportionately wealthy and successful and don't agree with the anti biblical notions of the 2nd one left and thus they ought to be qua should there be Jeremy Corbyn in the u.k. It would be a had Omar in the United States now leftwing anti-Semitism is not quite as likely to lead to specific violence it is much more likely to lead to widespread and systematic acts against the state of Israel collectively for example or to legislation that targets Jews in places like Belgium it's much more likely to lead to government action because leftwing anti-Semitism has been mainstream so right wing anti-Semitism has not been made for it it's basically been cast out it's a group of small it's a small group of people who are exceedingly dangerous in how they interact with other people but it's a small group left wing anti-Semitism is less specifically dangerous but more broadly dangerous in the sense that it leads to broad political changes that target Jews. This would be people like Ohio Maher who has made anti-Semitic references repeatedly and then is given the green light by the Democratic Party celebrated put on the cover of Rolling Stone they raise money for her it's amazing what a mark was it was some rally and she said she can't fight Islamophobia if she won't fight anti-Semitism Well then I guess she's not fighting Islamophobia because she has not fought anti-Semitism she is engaged in anti-Semitism we are talking about anti-Semitism we must also talk about Islamophobia is 2 sides of the same coin the big 3 so I can't ever speak of Islam and fight for Muslims if I am not willing to fight against anti-Semitism but it is nothing worse to fight against anti-Semitism now what she says there about Islamophobia and anti-Semitism being 2 sides of the same coin there is truth to that when she's speaking about right wing anti-Semitism they are not 2 sides of the same coin when it comes to leftwing anti-Semitism because leftwing anti-Semitism is based on the hierarchy of intersectional grievances in which case Muslims are victimized and Jews are victimizers according to leftwing extremists and this is becoming a mainstream view inside the Democratic Party which is why Ohio Mark is still praised It's also why the New York Times will print openly anti-Semitic cartoons and then pretend they don't know what they're doing the cartoonist who drew that Ansermet a cartoon in The New York Times earlier this week by the way he said that it was not Nancy's made a cartoon it was just an anti israel cartoon it's just an anti designers cartoon. If this is the convenient cover of the left for their hatred of Jews collectively this guy it's a perfect example this guy is on the left he hates Israel and he really dislikes Jews how can you tell he dislikes Jews because he says this cartoon is not anti-Semitic he claimed that the anti-Semitism charges are misunderstanding quote made through the Jewish propaganda machine which is anytime there's criticism because there is someone anti-Semitic on the other side and that's not the case he says the Jewish right doesn't want to be criticized and therefore when criticized they say we are persecuted people we suffered a lot this is anti-Semitism says the Jewish propaganda machine but he's not anti-semite guys so that's left wing anti-Semitism not quite as specifically dangerous to individual Jews deeply dangerous to Jews across the world who are then put at risk by both government policies on a broad scale and also by leftwing anti-Semitism is tolerance for the 3rd type of anti says some of his of which is radical Islamic anti-Semitism now that is widespread across the Muslim world unfortunately by polling data anti-Semitism in the Muslim world is certainly not uncommon there are moderate and for Muslims who do not believe this stuff but there are many Muslims who do believe this stuff and that does manifest not only in government policies in Muslim countries the crackdown on Jews or bar Jews from even entering but also it is manifest in specific acts of terrorism that are taking place across Europe so in Europe a lot of the attacks that are taking place against Jews are Muslim in orientation and they are made room for by by the left wing that has suggested that anti-Semitism is really just anti-science of the kind of. The apex case of this being the burning of a synagogue in Germany that was ruled to be an anti-science incident not Nancy sematic incident by a local court those are the 3 types of anti-Semitism and as a remember of the Holocaust and the murder of 6000000 Jews it is worthwhile to remember that any form of anti-Semitism that collectively seeks to destroy the Jews as a people those forms of anti-Semitism are not far from what happened in the Holocaust nor are they dead they are very much alive and they are thriving in certain fringe areas of the right and certain mainstream areas of the left and certain mainstream areas of the radical Muslim world we have to keep our eye on that or we fall prey to the possibility of greater evil in the future you're listening to the bench of Hiroshima. B.b.c. . 62 Los Angeles. Cumulus Zeeshan. Derby shocker live fire drought and barbecue sack it was an historic 1st at the Kentucky Derby as stewards overturned the results due to an incident in the race after an 18 minute replay review Derby favorite maximum security was disqualified as the Derby winner because he impeded the progress of another horse in the final turned he was replaced by country house a 62 to one shot trained by Hall of Famer Bill Mott and ridden by Flavian Pratt maximum security was moved down to 17th. Hamas fired over 200 rockets into Israel leading to the Israeli military to strike back details from correspondent or Lieberman Israelis carried out a wave of airstrikes against more than 130 targets inside of Gaza and were at 1st Israel was targeting smaller Hamas military posts now Israel has targeted larger buildings including an 8 story building with offices of the military says of Hamas and a Palestinian Islamic Jihad North Korea says leader Kim Jong observed a live fire drill of long range multiple rocket launchers and unspecified tactical guided weapons the Korean Central News Agency report comes a day after South Korea's military said it detected Pyongyang launching several short range projectiles into the sea while Keegan Mayor Sam Cunningham says structural stability has hampered the investigation into an explosion at a plant in Illinois the manufacture specialty silicone chemicals lead to leak bring in heavy duty equipment and to remove those those visible pieces that there are certainly looks like there they can touch if we fall down. At least 2 people were killed in the Friday night blast and 2 wethers are missing and presumed dead a concert in a ceremony marked the end veiling of Obama Boulevard Saturday in Los Angeles they renamed after of course former President Barack Obama and barbecue sack. A.b.c. News live in local at 11 o 2 Ken Jeffries So Cal residents have 2 new local missiles cases to worry about aren't County health officials say an infant less than a year old has the county's 2nd confirmed case of measles this year the child was too young to be vaccinated and is being treated now at a hospital earlier today officials announce that a u.c. Irvine grad student who lives in Long Beach has contracted that city's 1st case of measles since 2015 police are searching for a man who stabbed another man at a Metro station on the Expo Line It happened around 9 o'clock Friday night at the Jefferson u.s.c. Station near flower and Jefferson Boulevard Witnesses say the victim stumble onto a train after the attack and was later taken to a hospital and directly into surgery no immediate word on his condition 790 k. a D.c. Sports the Dodgers defeated the Potteries 7 to 6 and the Astros pummeled the angels 142-2790 k. A.b.c. Weather will play cloudy through Sunday with a chance of Grizzle in the morning lows in the fifty's highs around 7061 now in Santa Ana 62 in Van Nuys and 61 in downtown l.a. Now Ok a.b.c. Traffic.

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