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Problem state assemblyman Bill Paterson is a Fresno Republican working with Democrats to investigate the system he wants to make sure the voting registration mistakes stop so voters have confidence in the system Kevin trip Kate a.b.c. News many in the sports world take Magic Johnson sudden decision to leave the Lakers actually makes sense Chris herring with 538 dot com was shocked when he heard the Lakers president was out but you know the more you think about it the more this is kind of what magic does when the going gets rough as far as something that he doesn't excel at right away something that is a basketball game playing basketball it's something that requires a lot more work and it's not something that he's totally well versed on herring thinks the former star player wants to be loved that's not happening with the Lakers not making the playoffs who are left users may be the target of fraud is called Bomb it fraud a Los Angeles woman claims she was billed 100 bucks by a lift driver to clean the backseat of his car saying she lost her lunch on a recent ride she says that her and her husband had an unintentional quiet ride home from a friend's house but the next day she got the bill the woman says she tried contacting the repeatedly saying the driver was scaling the money and she never threw up the money was eventually refunded and in the us today as has a new movie in theaters about the homeless crisis the public stars Alec Baldwin gentleman alone and Christian Slater It's about a group of homeless people sheltering in a Cincinnati Public Library during a winter cold snap of as is the film is his passion project Well I think we all need to collectively get our arms around the problem Emilio west of as was a guest on the morning Dr I'm Jeff whittle k b c news and Katie supports the. Hills are up on the Brewers light and the Clippers are in a close game of the Jazz in the final game of the regular season the Clippers had her in the 8th seed in the Western Conference finals to take on the Warriors and Brown for So Cal weather tonight clear ballgown 57 tomorrow mostly cloudy high of 74 currently 64 and while that's a key 3 in Santa Ana and. Los Angeles here 700 b.c. In h.d. Now 95.5 f.m. H.d. To the tune of the amp so you can take a p.c. With you wherever you go I'm right here k.p.c. Feel the roads are with traffic. A.t.c. Dependable traffic right now we have a wreck in a supposed to pass right now it's on the 4 o 5 southbound at Mulholland it's in the carpool lane the drive back up from Valley Vista and also on the 4 or 5 south at sunset we have a wreck reported in the right lane a problem in coastal Mesa $55.00 south of the 4 o 5 we had a vehicle that broke down that's taking out the left lane and then Corona right down on the 91 West to Green River that's in the left lane and the disabled vehicle in Downey the 5 northbound of the 6 o 5 The right lane of traffic blocked also in Rancho Cucamonga and West Africa 15 vehicle overturned it's got the left lane blocking your slope from Cherry also on the Santa Monica Freeway there's a bumper and lanes that tell me that bumper reportedly on the left lane c.h.p. Heading out right now to get that out of the way that's a tell me is to drive very carefully there your next report at 1015. Am 790. This is our American story and up next the tale of a disaster in American history one of epic proportion and Jesse Edwards brings us the great molasses flood of 1900. 2 we just. Saw your race your worst day. And you'll be right back strap molasses and the. Last isn't just used for grandma's cookies or for Grandpa. It's also used for weapons. Explosives and Unishe ins when it's refined to industrial grade alcohol. And the United States industrial company during World War One saw that this was a profitable market. There subsidiary the purity distilling company wanted to get in on the action in the north end of Boston Arthur jell treasurer of the purity distilling company realizes that he has to build a tank you see he's purchased a boat load of molasses that's heading north from the Caribbean and he's got no place to put he commissions the Hammond Iron Works Company and he doesn't pull a building permit he pulls a permit for the foundation therefore he's not scrutinised by any inspectors so the Hammond ironworks puts together each team huge steel plates with rivets and they build this magnificent tank it's 58 feet tall 90 feet in diameter a $240.00 foot circumference and they're going to fill it with the molasses. But there's only one problem you see the ship is in back and if they don't have that tank built. The ship will dump the molasses that they paid for into the Boston Harbor. Now December of 1915 was a tough year weather wise in Boston 20 inches of snow some casualties on the construction site the deadline is growing closer and closer finally as the ship is pulling into the harbor the tank is complete Arthur cuts some corners stead of filling the tank to the top with water to test the structural integrity he decides to fill it only 6 inches high Arthur declares it's dirty sound and ready to you bring us the motorists so they fill the tank up and everything seemed fine until about a year later. Isaac and solace technician noticed that the molasses seemed to be congealing around the riveted joints seeping from the seams rolling down the side of the tank you noticed children going to the base of the tank to put molasses on their fingers and putting in their mouths they were getting in all of their clothes . Really brought this to Arthur Jones attention Arthur said oh never mind we'll just repaint the tank gray and that's exactly what they did they painted the tank grey to cover up the molasses stains another technician soon noticed that when he leaned against the tank he noticed this low rumbling noise that sounded like the growl of an angry animal. Another leaning against the tank swears that he could hear the heart of the tank was flexi in and out. Something was wrong. This wasn't molasses ferment. There was bubbling inside but this was an ominous sign that something was wrong with the integrity of the tank. 1919 the mole Aero is offloading nearly 2000000 gallons of molasses into the tank at 529 commercial street on January 12th the temperatures are freezing near 0 the following day on the 13th they swing 35 degrees into the low forty's by January 15th it's a beautiful day in Boston the sun is out and it's nearing lunchtime all around $529.00 commercial street is bustling It's Boston's north it. Mrs Corteen is out hanging her wash on the line her cat Peter sits on the doorstep . Mrs O'Brien is planting flowers. Little Maria de Stasia was near the train tracks collecting free firewood. And. Then suddenly. this wave is devoured. In the noise of the rumbling stopped. There was a fair pool of molasses spread over where 529 commercial street used to be by sundown 15 bodies were recovered 6 more the following morning 150 people would be injured later there are lawsuits $3000.00 witnesses come forward and the lawyers tried to deflect the blame from the United States industrial alcohol company impurity distilling it wasn't the infrastructure of the tank it was an anarchist so he planted a bomb. And that was enough to get them off the hook for the great alas a stew Sastre. Legend has it that I'm hot summer days in Boston you can still smell that bitter sweet molasses scent harkens back to the great molasses flood of 1919. I'm Jesse Edwards and this is our American stories. But now he's got a smile the. Baby's. Eyes Oh. I gave cherry pie and. Chicken. And ice. I don't. Know how to call. You. But. I never got. 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From machining and motor parts the valves and vacuum pumps when it comes to solve a my problems Granger's got my back call click Ranger dot com or stop by to see for yourself Granger for the ones who get it done in my yard I'm a grill messed up we have invaded this backyard barbecue Kingdom was downstairs builder we didn't feed you can figure on your lawn and kill over 50 pesky weaves guaranteed because Scott's weak grip technology of choice is affected on dental ends in clover as it used to be so you can get free 7 feeders and green up your grass it's my secret recipe for a great looking long this is a Scottish yard pick up a bag of Scott sweetened fried today. Work I'm all about it I can sit for hours watching others do it no sweat and no your top 5 reasons to visit me run go Number 5 Don't leave us hanging next Thursday in Ohio by day high 5 a team member and get a prize number for son Sam sounds cool season has begun and are always to school and sunset bar and grill cook your family today 3 years next Sunday from a break down or cook a featuring honey glazed cam prime rib rack of lamb and over $100.00 other items Number 2 it's time to pay him $500.00 points on your rewards card when playing your favorite game Monday the 15th and take a look who are thinking days and Grammy nicks and the number one reason to go to Morocco Casino Resort and Spa in Alexis e.-s. 300 hybrid this Sunday around the Casino Resort and Spa Morongo good times. Katie see dependable traffic right now in the Sapulpa pass accident cleared 4 of 5 southbound of Mulholland there's still a back up from Valley Vista And also ahead on the 4 o 5 south at sunset it crashes got the right lane taken away got a problem and close to Mesa the 55 south at the 4 o 5 the left lane block of the. Breakdown and in Anaheim now 57 South could I go to the 91 East closed for Caltrans work your next reports at 1032 times the deeper the Am 700 k. A.b.c. I'm not a big talker I am a big doer but sometimes the only way to solve the problem is to get on the horn and figure it out so the only people I like talking to Granger with knowledgeable product experts ready with the answers to my toughest questions calling Granger's the one conversation I don't mind having for machining and motor parts the valves and vacuum pumps when it comes to solve a my problems Granger's got my back call click Ranger dot com or stop by to see for yourself Granger for the ones who get it done in my yard I'm a grill master we have invaded this backyard barbecue was Scott's turf builder we didn't feed you can figure on your lawn and kill over 50 pesky weeds guaranteed because Scott's weed good technology of choice is affective on dandelions in clover is it used to be so you can defeat the invaders and green up your grass it's my secret recipe for a great looking lower This is a Scotland Yard pick up a bag of Scott sweeten fried today you know an ad from dad. Got here saved my own car insurance money home on a great save money on car insurance ready to save money on car insurance when you bundle home and auto with progressive. Son pretty good I think I could do more time and I think as we said nailed it right now progressive can save you from becoming your parents but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto progressive country insurance company affiliates and other interest comes not available in all states or situations. The rule this is legal be in this is our American stories we tell stories about everything here on the show from sports to arts and from business. As to history and this story well it's the latter it's history in the nation's capital the sun the glitters on stone monuments to our 1st president George Washington and our 3rd Thomas Jefferson John Adams the 2nd president of the United States was every bit as brave as the former and as brilliant as the latter but there is no such monument for him yet no one not even Washington or Jefferson It is much to convince the colonies to break from England perhaps this is fitting because Stone is cold and he was anything but alas we must see that the United States alone serves as the proper living monument to this intense. Warm Heart on his sleeve founding father what we are about to do now is precise instead of telling the all encompassing story of John Adams we're going to dial it in on one specific moment in his life one that best captures this man's humanity and ideals more than any other and as we will soon learn Adams himself will agree with our selection here to give us a quick overarching Reader's Digest like version of Adams is none other than author and historian David McCullough a man who's written a definitive biography of John Adams the book in which h.b.o. Based its 2008 winning mini series here's McCullough answering the question what event most personified the life and character of John Adams I think it's the his defense of the. British soldiers in the Boston basket trial that's where you see what that man is made of. Here was a man whose was on the political rise he was brilliant he was well read he was tenacious he was a very 6 practicing lawyer and you know still. And then the soldiers were captured and they were everybody the whole commonwealth were looking forward to having them executed but they had to be represented in a trial and no one would represent them and no one would defend them. And they have said if we really believe that everybody deserves a legal defense in a trial we better live up to what we say we believe I'll defend them and he did so certain that it was going to ruin any ambitions he had to play a part. And he had a terrific wife. He was the only founding father most people don't know this but I think it's so important the only founding father who never owned a slave as a matter of principle and his wife felt the same way she saw that slavery was a sin evil unjust un-American and they never changed in that point of view but. Let's now take a deep dive into the story of John Adams and his legendary defense of the British soldiers at the 1770 trial of the Boston Massacre years Greg. It takes slightly more than 4 decades from the 1st rumblings of discontent for the 13 loosely aligned colonies comprising New England to be transformed into one of the largest and most prosperous nations on earth it starts with a simple idea that all men deserve to be treated equally and becomes the great experiment that will change the world. But before the Inger of colonial Americans boils over into the most epic of revolutions it begins as a daily struggle in all 13 colonies under British rule at the epicenter of the struggle is the sea port city of Boston by 76130 years after being founded by the Puritans Boston is thriving while in theory its commerce is regulated by the British trade laws in fact these laws are rarely enforced that changes in 761 with England's economy struggling thanks to the 10000 British troops protecting their American colonies from the French Here's historian. And screen writer of the 2000 and. The reason that they taxed America was because of the French and Indian War. So bankrupted the British Treasury that there had to be ways in which they could make up for this lost revenue and they decided to tax the colony but as they've always done Americans ignore the taxes so Britain takes action new tax laws and anti-smuggling searches turn revenue collection into combative encounters Here's historian Andrew Nelson. In the states something called a reserve assistance which is essentially where the British can church and what's proper for. The British army is no longer in America to protect colonists it has become an occupying force along with invasive laws allowing search and seizure England responds with the stamp act of $765.00 a broad tax targeting every American Colonist the stamp at the bar that all official correspondence from newspapers talking. Station playing cards had to be produced on paper or an official stamp purchased from a customs agent even though it isn't described as a tax is of course a tax and this leads to opposition. When most people think of the founding fathers they envisioned wig wearing politicians debating on the floor of some legislative body but they in fact did their organizing in a bar a tavern in Boston called the Green Dragon the Boston Tea Party was planned here in Paul Revere was sent from the Green Dragon to Lexington on his famous ride it is here where their fight begins not yet for independence but for the equal treatment under the law as the British citizens they believe they are. Behind the power of these laws English customs agents begin ransacking homes and businesses a group of patriots formed to fight British oppression most notably the Stamp Act They call themselves the sons the Liberty. Sons of Liberty is an association of men who are looking to rob situations and that will lead to a disturbance that will force the attention of the crowd the sense of liberty we're just in Boston today we're very quickly organized and strewn throughout the original 13 colonies the founder of what could be called general of the Sons of Liberty is John Adams cousin 43 year old Samuel Adams Here's colonial historian Marvin Kitman San Adams was a real rebel with a cause and the reason for it was in his personal life he had been a failure in everything they did until the revolution is fought they gave him a lot of money to start a business see Will. All the money he's one of these people who become obsessed with a cause and just put their personal life aside it's in Adams is the general of the Sons of Liberty his colonels are John Hancock the wealthiest man in Boston in the 2nd wealthiest in the colonies and Goldsmith Paul Revere Academy legend relegates revere as a mere lookout and shelter from the top of a horse but Paul Revere is both a salesman and a strategist a multitalented patriot who organizes tough men into a force for liberty. As the atmosphere in Boston turns and Cindy Paul Revere leads something of a guerrilla army that uses tactics of fear and violence intent on intimidating the king's tax collectors out of existence what is known as the Stamp Act riots spread quickly throughout the 13 colonies Here's the story an extraordinary Tony Williams They were tearing down the stamp collectors homes they were burning in these crosses officials around the world governor in effigy and so there's a great deal of ocular to 0 so many even violence. The Stamp Act riots renders the man enforcing British rule in Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson powerless to collect taxes with no colonial taxes being collected the British Parliament is in a state of panic Here's historian David eyes and back after a member of parliament dealing with an empire that is stretching all around the world if they allow the abuse of tax collectors in Boston that would encourage lawlessness all around and decided I'm going to make an example but putting more troops in Boston to try to clamp down on the trouble. And want to story and when we come back this story setting up well like us. Showdown like high noon and we're putting you where we always put you right there on the streets in the context in the history itself when we come back more of John Adams' story more of the story of the Boston Massacre trial and the circumstances that brought us there John Adams story here on our American story. Though I hear the producers or the producers of our American stories on our American network and we would like to hear your story if you or someone you know has an interesting story that you would like to share with America simply e-mail us a pitcher and a paragraph a picture and a paragraph to your story that our American Network dot org That's a picture in a pair of Yep that's all you need to do you are someone you know serve in the military tell us about it send a picture and a paragraph to your story at our American network that work or someone you know have something dramatic happen we want to know about it and a picture of yourself in a paragraph describing something that happened in your life that you would like to share with America and the rest of the world Has someone ever done something for you to change your life share it with us share it with us share with us or just having a bad day we want to hear about it we want to hear about it share your story with us on our American story which your story is important to us and our listeners to share your story simply emails a picture of her your story at our American Network dot org. Katie females live a local a 1030 up right here. Many in the sports world think Magic Johnson sudden decision to leave the Lakers actually makes sense Chris hearing with 538 dot com was shocked when he heard the Lakers president was out but it's different for him and I think that's what showed years and that really does bother him and he wants very much to be well and being the face of a of a team that is underperforming but most people standards it's hard to kind of be held in that esteem forever you don't when you don't create results haring thinks the former star player just wasn't having fun lift users may be the target a fraud is called Bomb and fraud a Los Angeles woman claims she was billed 100 bucks by a lift driver to clean the backseat of his car saying he lost her lunch on a recent ride she says that her and her husband had on the Benfold quiet ride home from a friend's house but the next day she got the bill the woman says she tried contacting lift repeatedly saying the driver was stealing the money and she never threw up the money was eventually refunded and the memorial service for slain rap star Nipsey Hussle will travel all over l.a. Tomorrow the 10 am service at the Staples Center should be packed all the tickets are taken but if you want to see the public perception or avoid the traffic of these are the streets that will use Thursday afternoon south on Vermont to Crenshaw world will go east and then west finally the procession will pass through neighborhoods in Inglewood and Crenshaw Kevin trip a.b.c. News following an intensive search rescue crews have found a pair of hikers alive who had been missing on Mt Baldy since Saturday air to splinters 33 from Chino Hills and 31 year old Gabrielle Wallace from Rancho Cucamonga had gone missing Saturday afternoon as they were heading toward took a Mungo peak they were finally located Wednesday evening and a rescue operation was underway to get them off the mountain their conditions were not immediately available k b c 4 to guide his life hardly ever be able to be the brewer support to the Clippers the jazz and over time in Los Angeles Chargers have hired a pair of coaches including San Diego native little boy lover he's a 13 year veteran of the n.f.l. . Her to be the team's new assistant depends on. Whether they are. Currently 60. 6. With you. Hears the news. Thanks Serai n.k.j.v. See the pedal traffic right now and ready to go there's a wreck with a vehicle overturned to 10 west of the 15 this is that the left lane blocking the drive is back from Cherry also in West l.a. 405 south at sunset a wreck now moved to the shoulder and in Corona disabled vehicle still the 91 reverts to the left lane taken away and then there's also a similar now in Ontario 10 to 15 connector road is black there so you're going to see some back up and also in our lead us style the car South Oz born street and that is in the carpool lane of a traffic hazard in central l.a. The 10 east at 4th Street there's something between the number 2 and 3 lanes possibly an object possibly a car no details yet that's the 10 east near 4th Street so watch for that in the middle lanes and also on the 5 in Glendale 5 north connector to the east we've got a vehicle broken down on the right shoulder city Berty am 70. Home Depot the start of spring means it's time to. Grow colored mulch to your list your Again this is our American stories when we return were you last left off Boston is under military occupation by the British troops trying to clamp down on Colonial troublemakers Here's Greg Oh there's no turning back for me England dispatches 2 military regiments to Massachusetts from New York to keep order adding fuel to the fire Boston opposing under military occupation for all. In 768 for more regiment sailed from England Boston by 772000 British troops occupy this city 815004 Paul Revere the occupation of British military presents an opportunity he creates a propaganda piece he calls landing of the troops as it travels throughout the colonies so does the fear of military occupation. With a British army camp in the center of their city Bostonian is have a constant reminder of their own repression while rank and file British soldiers start to wonder who has it worse here's historians brands Andrew Nelson and Denver brands. These British soldiers are a long way from home young men who are frightened most of them have hardly the slightest idea of what the political debate is they're told by their officers you need to keep peace. For many of the soldiers arriving America had been a faraway place that you read about in the newspaper but when they get there they see what all the fuss is about this really is a suggestion of a much better life in America so it is or should becomes a serious problem one hallmark of a professional army at this time is a high state of discipline physical corporal punishment for various crimes and the question of choice was the latch. The. Punishment for desertion could bring up to 250 lashes contrary to popular history the derogatory term of lobster back for British soldiers doesn't have anything to do with the regular old stay where the term is from the welts and the scar many men have on their backs from being whipped. The flame that will ignite the American Revolution is live on Thursday morning February 22nd 770 when according to the Boston disaster a barbarous murder was committed on the body of a young lad of about 11 years of age Christopher cider is a young rebel and the Sons of Liberty offshoot group known as the Liberty points since Sam Adams idea to protest taxes is to get all of the colonies together. To join in on a boycott against English merchants. The Sons of Liberty for claims of no British good movie so not everybody if you're significant Samuel Adams and some celebrity or not a marquee place with manure they're not above breaking the windows right but that dark morning cider in a crowd of 60 young men marched defiantly through Boston's cobblestone streets with a cart overflowing with rock and fruit used to mark the windows of those merchants who refused to respect the boycott of all British goods these British sympathizers are known as loyalists or tourists walking down the street the mob sees Ebeneezer Richardson who was an informant to the Customs House about various merchants who were not paying their taxes. Stop even front of Ebenezer Richardson's house the young men begin throwing rubbish into his yard the rubbish is thrown back by Richardson's wife Kenzie but soon rocks on her and the Richardson's retreat to their secure. As the intensity grows windows are shattered and it hits Kazia Richardson grabs his musket loaded with swan shot and stands defiantly musket high at a 2nd story window he fires. It is intended to be a warning from the players but Christopher's side is hit in his chest and. Pieces of shot the size of a large piece have already bored most people believe the Revolutionary War is triggered by a shot from a British soldier on Lexington cream but the conflict is the actually set into motion 5 years earlier when the Liberty boy Christopher cider becomes the 1st American martyr to die for the cause of freedom there's nothing I can say a lot of us may. This into a huge hole that starts prolific and there was a great deal of anger last night they staged an incredibly elaborate funeral with a big decked coffin that gains mourners as it passes through Tara among the more than 2000 Bostonians who attend the funeral is John Adams Here he is from his diary . Mine eyes have never seen such a funeral. This shows that there are many more lives to be spent if wanted in service to their country. Shows too that affection is not yet expiring at the altar of the people is not to be quelled by the slaughter of one. Child. It's in full view the outpouring of sentiment for the loss of one individual symbolizes the promise of what many people think should be an independent nation. This boy's death becomes propaganda for sale Adams and scented liberty and this is like of Nash to light the fuse that will explode in the air to work. In the days that followed the funeral tension in Boston reaches a crime. On the frigid moonlit evening of March 5th $770.00 less than 2 weeks after sighters buried in a very boisterous and mostly intoxicated citizen mob groom in the snow covered cobbled streets early insults and threats said British soldiers. To Bostonian break into 2 meeting houses and begin ringing the church bells the alarm for fire and almost there once crowds comporting into the streets the city is alive with danger by 8 o'clock 2 British soldiers are attacked and. Then a large mob of colonists as many as 200 strong armed with sticks and clubs gather in front of the custom house on King Street. Guarded by a lone British century the times shortly after 9 words are exchanged in this century Streitz a story with the butt of his musket knocking to the ground the British want to demonstrate that we hold the power as they're doing the captain pressed who leads out the guard they form around the front of the customs house and that's what the situation escalates in a mob starts to grow British Captain Thomas Preston dispatches 7 men to the costume house to as he says protect the sentry in the king's money the more force the British and there the more radical the situation gets the mob launches oyster shells and rocks packin snowballs at the soldiers and dare them to shoot yelling fire fire the soldiers with muskets straw and fixed bayonets earn a state of panic when suddenly a British private receives a severe blow to the head with a club and falls to the ground causing his musket to this trial in the melee the soldier spoke and. Just days after Christopher siders Perry 5 more American colonists join him as martyrs in the struggle for freedom. What will be known as the Boston Massacre will be the rallying cry for colonists to fight for the an alien of all rights to be cherished today. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Day. And when we come back we'll continue with the final segment of this remarkable story and we're picking the Boston Massacre trial and honing in on this one particular point. Because it reveals so much about his nature about his character and what he really believed him in the deep principles that helped him and someone . Unlike him formulate the founding principles of our country hard ones to live by at the time though when we continue the life of John Adams the Boston Massacre trial and the story of our nation's founding here are an arrow or American story. a lot about Hillsdale College here in our American stories it is a special place where students study all the things that matter in life all the things that are beautiful in life history philosophy literature the Constitution and much more if you can't get to Hillsdale Hillsdale can come to you with their terrific online courses go to Hillsdale dot edu to learn more the courses are free the lessons are priceless and a perfect summer education go to Hillsdale dot edu and sign up now I'm not a big talker I am a big door but sometimes the only way to solve the problem is to get on the horn and figure it out so the only people I like talking to Granger. What knowledgeable product experts ready what the answers to my toughest questions calling Granger's a one conversation I don't mind having from machining and motor parts the valves and vacuum pumps when it comes to solve a my problems Granger's got my back click Ranger dot com or stop by to see for yourself Granger for the ones who get it done in my yard I'm a grill master but we have invaded this backyard barbecue Kingdom was Scott's turf builder we didn't feed you can figure on your lawn and kill over 50 pesky we guaranteed because Scott's weak grip technology of choice is affective on dental as in clover as it used to be so you can defeat the invaders and green up your grass it's my secret recipe for a great looking lawn this is a Scottish yard pick up a bag of Scott sweetened fried today as Californians we know that an earthquake can strike at any time having a plan on what to do when the shaking starts fighting the only thing better would be to also receive an alert that the shaking is coming earthquake experts and public safety officials in California are developing earthquake early warning system even a few seconds those could allow you to take action for more information on the future of earthquake early warning caliber. Sponsored by the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services by the California broadcasters. And we continue with the story of John Adams just days after Liberty boy Christopher siders buried 5 more American colonies join him as martyrs in the struggle for freedom only known as the Boston Massacre with a rallying cry for colonists to fight for the unalienable rights we cherish today life liberty and the pursuit of happiness Here's Greg hanging in the wall over a brick in the Boston Massacre becomes a huge propaganda effort for. Samael Adams and the Sons of Liberty you guys it's mediately famous engraving by Paul Revere it is one of the most inaccurate pieces of propaganda ever produced by an American press almost nothing and it is for. This is an early instance colors of our what we now call media shaped public and. Of years since ational ising graving is considered one of the most effective pieces of propaganda in American history showing an orderly line of red coats firing in unison into an unprovoked and an armed crowd of patriots with blood spurting out of their bodies Boston newspapers are quick to print and distribute reveres version. John Adams is a short chubby and very pious 5th generation descendant of Puritans who settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 tonight after 12 years of practicing law the 34 year old Adams is working in his office when a prosperous merchant James Forrest knocks on his door the day after a massacre. In his forests continue with tears streaming in his eyes as Adam writes Years later loyalist desperately asks Adams to defend Captain Preston and his men against the murder charges not even a single Noya list would take the case through an Ulster Jesus case as Boston's most respected attorneys and political leaders it would appear inconceivable that he would risk his reputation and his own safety as well as the safety of his pregnant wife Abigail and their young son in future 6 President of the United States John Quincy Adams by agreeing to defend British men who are considered cold blooded killers of American patriots It will be John Adams 1st murder trial. On the surface it would appear that the disc. Sting she between Adams cousins is made clearer when John takes the case to defend British soldiers but behind the scenes Samuel Adams belief in the rights of man are deeper than his in the open rough and tumble political tactics John Adams was mocked to take the task but Samuel persuaded his cousin on the basis of justice. That these men deserved the best of the facts. That was an argument. To all those sway. The trial in front of a packed courtroom begins on October 24th at Boston's new courthouse on Queen Street John Adams draws upon his personal mistrust of mobs to construct a masterful defense of the British soldiers Here's Kirk Ellis and John Adams from his autobiography and from the trial he develops the doctor's testimony of Patrick Karr recounting a dying man's last words would be considered inadmissible hearsay but puritanical thinking gives John Adams an advantage just as Peter Oliver and the jury accept the deathbed testimony is irrefutable since it is believed that no one would dare live so close before stepping into eternity to face God's final judgment. Instructing the jury Justice Oliver addresses the complexities of the case when he tells them if upon the whole you are in any reasonable doubt of their guilt you must then declare them innocent it marks the 1st known time a judge has used the phrase reasonable doubt in an American courtroom Adam's defending argument to the jury includes this statement that it's at code throughout American courtrooms for longer than 2 centuries facts to stop things. Out wishes and nations. Of the dictums of our passions. They cannot alter the state of facts and. We the jury the trial of Captain Preston last 6 days and that of his troops last night. These would be the 1st criminal trials in the colonies history to extend more than a single day in all you. Adams compelling defense wins an acquittal for 6 of the soldiers and 2 are found guilty of manslaughter for which they are branded with an I am for murder on their thumbs this session to adjourn. It is not only the soldiers Adams defense but the law itself which must remain free from man's politics passions in ever shifting beliefs far from ruin his career Bostonians realize that John Adams has won a victory for the Colonies he has shown England that colonists understand what justice means the trial solidifies John Adams as the most respected in gifted legal mind in Boston perhaps all of the colonies for his part Adams remembers the case with pride as one of the best pieces of service. I ever rendered one of the most gallant only and disinterested actions of my whole life. And one of the best pieces of service I ever and I can. Put to put that brilliant mind to use towards American independence Sam Adams and his Sons of Liberty must 1st convince him to join them in open rebellion because when their struggle turns to war they will need John Adams to persuade people to defy their king and define your ideals of freedom and liberty on which America will be built. Let's in this story with the man who started it here again is historian and John Adams biographer David McCullough I like to give credit where credit's due many cases long overdue I felt that way with child out of us. You remember the great scene in which Cassidy of the Sundance Kid when the posse is chasing them and their posse It is not only keeping up with or a started again a little bit and one of them says the other who are those guys and then they look again and they're getting closer and they're writing as well or better than Butch and Sundance or the other was that who who are those guys and then Who are those guys well that's the way I feel very often who were those founding fathers and the more you know them the better you know them the more you realize how extraordinary what they did is because they were so human. And they had flaws and failures and they had moments of gloom and despair just like all of us and yet they kept going. I don't know that it lifts us in spirit. It lifts us you know i love of the appreciation of those to whom we owe so much but it also lifts us in their outlook on life that for lack of a of another word I would call optimistic now it's not fashionable intellectually to be an optimist but I know because I've seen in my work again and again and again it works out they do it they get there and if there's a problem of there's a over overwhelming calamity nations hold the security and futures of state we've come through it as when people start. Countries want to oh. Sure it always has been. And we're doing just fine. And then when people say well the taxes are too high the cost of this these damn politicians I say Would you rather live somewhere else oh no no course. Right we lucky aren't we really lucky to live in this country and isn't it wonderful sometimes to be reminded that we are good people and we that great people bring has to where we are yes there was terrible people of course and there was there were scoundrels and scams and crooks and murders but there always have been always will be and just don't ever let us get so down about what might be happening at the moment in the way of less than admirable human beings but remember how many good people there are and how much progress is being made in our own time beneficial to a better life. I'm great handler and this is our American stories. And great job as always Greg and it's always a pleasure to hear from David McCullough And this story well it tells you everything about John Adams that one moment in your. Life when you're up against everybody else when you're alone and it's you and your principles and how you act upon them determines who you are and to determine who John Adams was no doubt would be great to hear this story and remind us of the founders of this great country and always remind us of Hillsdale College as well and they do all over this day in histories and whenever we do a history segment we always like to plug their great work go to Hillsdale you and listen to their constitution one o one class watch it and the whole family watch it too it's terrific and we can hear the story enough about the founding of our country John Adams story the Boston Massacre the Boston Massacre trial here on our American story. Merican stories brought to you by a p.r. . Thanks still care about your feelings through. I feel I feel more confident I feel like I have the liberating thing and feel. And I can I feel I feel so strongly feel your face of the lies and spin of the mainstream media get the facts no feelings. Soon it's the Ben Shapiro now afternoon 3 to 68 b.c. Los Angeles is guilty Cumulus station. Piers search and rescue crews have found a pair of hikers who would be missing on Mt Saturday 33 year old Eric to splinter from Chino Hills and 31 year old Gabrielle Wallace. Had gone missing Saturday afternoon as they were heading toward peak they were finally located Wednesday evening in a rescue operation was underway to get them off the mountain and their conditions were not immediately available there are renewed calls.

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