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Vision and accountability systems in place contributing to an over reliance on pepper spray which causes severe eye and skin irritation to help officers subdue unruly suspects now the report says recommends 18 changes to the department's pepper spray policies and questions whether it should be discontinued as some juvenile justice reform advocates have argued President Trump is expected to call for optimism and unity and tonight's State of the Union Address correspondent Joe Johns reports the people who have been invited to attend of the speech will highlight some of the issues that Trump is expected to talk about one of the gas we do expect in the box with the 1st lady will be Alice Johnson This is the convicted drug traffic her the president actually granted clemency to after an appeal from Kim Cardassian on immigration we do expect 3 family members of a couple murdered in Nevada last year to be there as the president talks about immigration issues those people allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant Ok a.b.c. News time is 70 now it's sports with Randy way while the Lakers play the Pacers it for Clippers owner it's in 4 Kings beat the Rangers for 3 overtime going to play the devils and form Ducks last leaf 61 they going to play the committee ends at 430 in Montreal the simple and on the back blue u.c.l.a. Place Colorado tomorrow and 6 u.s.c. Plays Utah to Monet you know it's been a while we haven't checked in with my Vols. Simply didn't get. Lucky with all say Randy love our ball the amount of Bali Angela ball Those are my balls at the ball family Ok And there's all these rumors that the Lakers are going to make a big trade for Anthony Davis could lines of the on the table will daddy ball says about his little ball in the Lakers you know what if he gets traded that's Ok but I don't want him to go to New Orleans I'd rather have him in Phoenix because it won't be long those fault that the Phoenix Suns. They just sucked. Time 7 o 3 and now it's dependable traffic with Bill Thomas Jefferson was going out of the $110.00 to begin with that's a big dog walking on the shoulder and occasionally into the right lane of the Harbor Freeway northbound right. Why don't you step out of the South Bay into South l.a. North on the 110 other big wreck with all of the 10 South Avenue 43 that's been pushed off to the right shoulder of the back up out of South Pasadena and then South Pass it's a new record The $110.00 southbound is right by the avenue $64.00 off. Take it away there and this just came in in the San Gabriel Valley Vincent Avenue off near the West Covina Plaza 10 he's found Vincent Avenue off ramp overturned car and the 2 left lanes are shut down their next report at 725 Bill Thomas 7 id case. Weather scattered showers cold today highs only in the upper forty's to mid fifty's winter storm warning for the local mountains until 4 o'clock tomorrow morning and the National Weather Service now says the snow level could drop as low as 2000 feet tonight right now it's $41.00 a new hall $53.00 and we go to beach $49.00 in Santa Fe Springs a.b.c. Will have president's State of the Union address and the Democrat response tonight followed by Peter Tilden with your calls and analysis with a.b.c. News are you. Ready to get. To the moon Dr. Phillips Chilean binary. Story and tell me. You. Good morning it's 7 o 5 in the am Jillian Barberie John Phillips here until 10 o'clock in the morning good morning. A lot is going on in the world let's go ahead and get to some headlines shall we at least 13 people who knew James Brown have said they want an autopsy or a criminal investigation of his death is according to reporting from c.n.n. . And the skeptics include Dr Marvin Crawford who signed Brown's death certificate at Atlanta hospital back in 2006 in an exclusive interview with c.n.n. Crawford said he never believed that Brown died of natural causes quote he changed too fast he was a patient I never would have predicted would have coded but he died that night and I did raise the question what went wrong in that says he died of a heart attack and fluid in the lungs when he was 73 years old 12 years after his death his manager his widow his son and several friends and associates all tell c.n.n. There are serious questions about Brown's death that can only be answered by forensic investigators here's the thing James Brown's daughter declined an autopsy back that his daughter Yama so I don't know why it happened in 2006 it Yama do it. I hope not based on interviews with nearly 140 people the 3 part series available at c.n.n. Dot com also examines the 996 death of Adrian Brown James Brown's 3rd wife although authorities in California found no sign of foul play when Adrian Brown died while recovering from plastic surgery a friend always believed that she was murdered Well this is the friend that believes that James Brown was murdered but she also claims that he raped her there's a lot going on in this story we need to really get to the palm of this no kidding and it just broke this morning so we'll have more information as it presents itself maybe we'll get someone on to talk about this this may be good for Donna Kaufman who covers these and wrote many books with Cyril Wecht Yeah who is the for. The coroner coroner young out performed lots of autopsies right all show according to new numbers Sunday Super Bowl was seen by only 98200000 television 1. 100 way way way way way we reported yesterday a 103 now 100. 3 I know that was the year before that's including streaming No 100700000 overall one counting streaming platform so 5 percent drop from last year and the lowest Super Bowl audience in a decade I'm not surprised so 5 years ago I think they were at 112113000000 then it went down 21100103 it's been dropping every single year that's right 5 years this continues a trend of the Superbowl audience dwindling since 2015 where they had a peak of 114000000 people the 1st appearance of an l.a. Team in the Super Bowl since 1904 did boost ratings in the nation's 2nd largest t.v. Market the 44.6 rating was the highest in Los Angeles since 1996 President Trump will deliver a student union address to a joint session of Congress tonight at the House of Representatives of the u.s. Capitol according to an excerpt from the speech released by the White House the president plans to call for unity and bipartisan cooperation immediately following the State of the Union Stacy Abrams who narrowly lost the Georgia governor's race in November is delivering the Democrats' official response California Attorney General Javier Basara has also been tapped to give the Democrats Spanish response who's doing the Vietnamese response that I don't know but Bernie Sanders will be delivering the socialist response to lots of responses to the speech a.b.c. By the way is going to cover the State of the Union live and the Democratic response and then one gets the English one we're not taking the Spanish one until we flip formats Peter Tilden by the way is going to be taking calls and having analysis right after all of it takes place we're also going to talk to Andrew Rimando from Yahoo News the 9 o'clock hour to get a preview of just exactly what is going on with the state of the Union there's a viral video that took place when I was on vacation last week that went all over the place very shocking shocking video of a big guy who looks. He could be a football player or a rugby player a guy for sure a wrestler and them a fight or whatever getting into a dispute with 2 women and he goes for the t.k.o. Pint for both and I'm sure dead in front of a crowd of people and if you've ever been to downtown l.a. At night they have these vendors that are selling food on the street so you get out of the bar you get out of the restaurant you get out of a nightclub that's funny just sit you stand in line you grab yourself a hotdog and you know hopefully it absorb some of that alcohol it's a bunch of people trying to sell up let's just beyond what this is I have done this many times and everyone's been finding cordial except this story is unbelievable that you know I actually did a study no human in history has eaten of bacon wrapped hot dogs oh God just like no human histories ever eat a Denny's at night. By the way talk about to the greatest food of all time being combined together what hot dogs and bacon crocs that's what they say really for this nonsense all right so talk in the morning it's a sound Ok so this is these women are in line and if he ahead of them or behind them he's ahead of them taking his time are Ok so he said that the video shows an incomplete picture of what happened. Always you decked 2 women you big was and then you ran away but that's not the whole story and his name is Arca He's 30 years old he said The last thing I want is to get involved in an alter cation but they kept attacking me he rejected the account provided by one of the women that he attacked them is a complete lie he spoke to n.b.c. For n.b.c. For spoke to the women let's go ahead and listen to both of them presenting their side. This is the use. To support accompanied by his 2 attorneys or coroutine speaking out for the 1st time since the viral video of him punching 2 women ignited a fire storm we're going to hear. Russian agreed to speak with us because he thinks people need to know what happened before the cell phone camera started recording but you know if you want to do is going to go to Beijing I mean you know that's the last you know it's a good book at the time he was coming forward he did agree with what one of the women told us that he had a verbal dispute with a hotdog salesman and they chided him we said something like. This we would like we have the guy alone like what's your problem like this go you're getting the free hot dog and then the next thing I remember is that he hit my friend ruffian insists they attacked him when he looked back at that woman spit on me her friend I don't attack me and I went out I got all. The friends and myself as are both trying to come at me she acknowledged he went down before the cell phone video begins but told us that she does not remember how and that they were just trying to defend themselves with nobody else intervening was. A little bit too much to see she ultimately he rented to traffic and down the block then Tuesday surrendered to police the rouge and his attorneys do not think what he did is a crime. He punched 2 women in the face and room like a baby he didn't really that's not assault give me a break and by the way I don't care if she spit but I don't believe that for a 2nd and example that I don't believe any man that punches a woman is a complete coward and I don't believe she spent on him for one second and bystanders taking video can they collaborate one side or the other all right this guy's got what has he got. Coming forward big balls to come forward like this and to say I believe I'm being misrepresented now who saw you on the attack to women you big fat slob and see what they said and then leave or ran off a long time feeling oh my gosh all right I believe that everyone involved in the story is an a hole. Yeah why because here's what I think I am probably drunk and hungry so no one involved in the story is sober that much I can put a holes I don't think these women were out there to get punched in the face and assaulted this is assault here and I think I'm the victims at all no no no no you can't do that during my time of night in this part of downtown l.a. People are coming off there and you get really crabby Yeah with Emilio I'm down there and I've had dinners laid and we've been to clubs and then you get a burger this in a futile or aggressive for don't reason. I think you blaming the victim I bet you didn't see the tape he was a complete I saw why you why you are assuming that these women are a holes b. Here's what I deserve to get punched in the photo I look like I said all of this was totally unnecessary Now I believe that the guy was Richard to the guy selling the hot dogs where he didn't like his hot dog and he was probably jawing with the guy trying to get out of paying it and people around him were irritated with his naughty behavior no doubt and these 2 women were likely irritated with his behavior so what and they spoke up to get a punch in the face for that action they did spit on and I think they did throw even if they did you know yes a huge fat slob like 610 and these are 2 tiny women I don't care if I just I don't think it's right and I don't believe that they punch him and I want witnesses to come forward no woman in her drunken mind is going to punch a man that huge no woman I've been a woman on the street dry having a hot dog after I you get nervous around huge guys like that you do you you mind your p's and Q's. They speak up I believe they probably did but they didn't think they spit on I'm not I don't believe any of his man that punches a woman in the face or 2 women I think is capable of the law in the video I want to see the rest of the video now let's say for a 2nd that he's telling the truth let's say that they spit on him and then threw the 1st punch not an excuse it's not it's not call the police and by the way why didn't the people who were standing around did eyeball that was that 1st when I saw the designs of them there was you know my vision get involved to get him going to get lunch to know every person around them video their cell phone out because they're all broadcast journalists now all right well let's see the video they're all they do it so I'm saying there's got to be angle there's a ton of witnesses and bystanders but they're all voyeurs that were well it doesn't matter they're still witnesses I don't care if they're taping it but they are witnesses and so get those people and get them involved and to me this guy is nothing but a huge coward and huge in every sense of the word and by the way why aren't these people involved if I'm standing there and I saw a man punch 2 chicks in the face do you think I want to be like Excuse me sir citizen's arrest no no no I'm shutting my colleagues will I get my I don't want to get punished handcuffs out in the face I want to get punched in the face and a man that's willing to do that who knows what else he's capable of so you know I'd be quiet too all right what's your take on this 801 of the interview to simply normal Yes but she said when they asked her about her being aggressive she does remember she was drunk yeah but no one deserves that 80222 k. A.b.c. If they don't remember it means they did it 8525 to 0 Let's go to Mark in Sun Valley Mark good morning. Good morning Juan I don't think they had a leader like this on hot food on the street violation of health care policy I don't think going on sound like I mean you sound like a bag of fun. A woman but a banjo I would never buy a house on the street needs but look right now I don't know what you're most an answer by the way a lot of them are local restaurants they have food trucks now where have you been Mark there's a hotdog carts are never legal anywhere in the United States they're always thinking I'm God I sound like I'm the hearty party favor but we don't play stupid people in the street that Sundays are coming to them and saying these chicks out of town into the way his father went to school is that they were so. He got out of the stories that they're selling books on the street let's go beyond that let's take down he said I never had them but I absolutely believe there's been a lot of what man would just get instead of a hot dog and pledge to want it from the video I've seen they actually came out there and over and over again they're coming back you know if they're so brave why would they back up on hey man you hit us you punch them in the face Mark I mean that's pretty hardcore it's a big fat 280 pound man I mean and then he ran away so we knew we did something wrong so he didn't do anything wrong why did he say that if he's Ok Mark why didn't he just stand there and say Ok get the cops involved because he punched 2 women and assaulted 2 women that probably weighed a 100 pounds and the face I mean ran away like I don't say. It's a big baby let's go to Sandra in Pasadena Sandra already a.b.c. With the. Lead in that disaster in Pasadena Sandra good morning good morning yes you're on the air yes I just feel that yes. Want that. The 1st you open yourself up for a time to plant you never Ok for a man to punch a woman the face never never never never never period if you hit on that like that and that's why we don't know that they did that's what you say and yes yes he did say they spit on him why did you run away then Sandra like a bit what a man he punches 2 chicks in the face and then he ran runs away to see the video it's a Seroquel I'm saying if anyone did you can punch them in the face if you spit on me I will knock you out I wouldn't spend on you and we don't have proof that that they spent on him he's just saying that if I think it's a big lie or if you know if he's a man willing to punch 2 women face of course he's going to lie and say that they spent I did listen I do not believe that they deserved to be punched particularly the way that they did they were punched However if you spit in someone's face you're asking for it. Not justified but you're asking for it let's go to John in Van Nuys John good morning good morning I just want to say that it's not right for any kind of a 6 foot tall to hit it you know these women most of these people of your are very disrespectful I don't want to be a racist but I believe I live their lives. And that's all these people do there's respect you there burn rubber in there Mercedes-Benz never respect any other people around them so you're really going to be a woman spit on him when he sits with 10 she can't even reach a shoulder. Yeah I personally don't play it but you know what there's got to be tape out there everybody was videoing I wish some of these videographers would step forward and help the police out the way you know if you want the hot dog stand speak up you saw the whole thing go down what happened I just like to point out to John I know plenty of nonviolent Armenian. Always that would He was referring to that he said racism he said of Mercedes I'm like I have a lot of friends that have those I don't know it's going to David in Santa Clarita Dave in the boarding. Hey John a Julie David. Jillian I agree with you on most topics and particularly when it comes to law enforcement hurting children all that you and I are on the sax and. I don't think he should have punched them of course I'm with you there you know why because he could have killed them because of a size. But here's where I'm going to stop you you said this No woman is going to punch a man of that size I would correct. You wouldn't you wouldn't but I've been punched before would you punch a bag no. But Jillian wait a minute I agree with you 100 percent but when you say a statement that no woman drunk or not drunk would never punch a man that's when I stopped I did a lot of course not most of my life I've seen it all up believe it or not I've seen it all and I've seen that when people are drunk they do crazy crazy things just don't you to watch your for you'll see it but I grieve with you you said not in any way you sort of walked away it could have killed or the proportion of strength is way out of bounds and I agree with you 100 percent thank you for that call David 802 to 2 k. A.b.c. If you want to weigh in 180-222-5222 The viral video involving a large man punching 2 women in downtown Los Angeles is now being called into question he's saying that the whole picture wasn't put out on the news and he's being unfairly maligned he says they spit on him and threw punches at him 1st the women say they don't remember 80222 k. A.b.c. 180-222-5222 it's the morning drive on talk radio show k b c k b c To travel traffic right now traffic I think sponsored by the accident temporal scatter thermometer just watch that crash of the 10 he's found right by Vincent Ave in West Covina it's never turned s.u.v. They just up right at that for time the whole freeway had been taken away but they did open up a few right by. 2 left lane from a taken away 10 to the back of begins at the 6 o 5 this wreck of a fast lane for a 5 northbound Lakewood Boulevard off ramp if you are back on the right into Riverside County I collision of the car pool white at the Market Street off ramp eastbound off a 60 cold and flu season hits hard especially for the millions looking at heart disease asthma or cancer a fever could be a side of the flu and a trip to the e.r. Hospitals prefer the extra temporal scanner thermometer back by Bor than 70 clinical studies that's the best way to stay safe this season next report at 733 I don't Thomas a have 7 i.v. K.p.c. . Right it's time for the super pound of the day and today we have Nala and Nala has so much love to give she's a little dog dog a little girl dog and she's a Staffordshire terrier mix she would do best as the only dog she wants to be top dog wants all the attention and that just means more loving for her if you're ready to open your home to an animal to give love to that gives you so much love back because they know that you've rescued them and the love is so great unconditional then maybe knowledge if you gotta ask p.c.l. a Dot com We love the s. P. Ca they do so much work for animals and we want to let you know that the Superbad of the day is Bochy by the 2900 Cebu outback this may be our most adventurous outback yet. 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You are you concerned about the volatility in the market attend the upcoming money matters seminar to learn how you can protect your retirement savings please visit Money Matters dot net to register for a seminar or call us at 809940302809940302 Nick seminars or Tuesday February 12th a Radisson hotel Chatsworth and Thursday February 21st at those made his golf club . Today in school I learned a lot in chemistry I learned that no one likes me and biology I learned that I'm fat and stupid in English I learned that I'm disgusting and Jim I learned that I'm fighting and joke the only thing I didn't learn in school today is why no one ever helps kids witness bullying every day they want to help but they don't know how to teach them how to stop bullying and be more than a bystander at stop only in dot gov a message from the Ad Council Super Bowl if you want to call and talk about that. Yeah it was boring yeah on a movie it was boring yeah when you have to take off your shirt and that's the high point of your performance that's not good it's not good and then when you love to see the Mensa members in the room who are doing the have time and they say let's get like a an elevator pop band and then let's pair it with a rapper who we have to bleep every 2 seconds so you can even hear the music and then let's have the one person I really want to hear big boy come out in a Cadillac and perform for 8 seconds and have a woman scream her guts out from a choir and not to be they have to not to work one so it was ill conceived from the beginning and Adam Levine is so non the tattoos now I'm never get a tattoo after seeing that that is that that is a suburban guy with tattoos and I love that he has California real big on his stomach the only reason you would put that on your stomach is if you're 86 and when they say where you live you lift up your shirt you go California Joan Rivers always said that her tattoo if you got a tattoo it would be her father number her name her social security number the state she lives in the picture of her house so that when a cop says if you lift up your shirt and go hear it but John would say if my sagging breast didn't completely cover and obscure it. Probings in a good way it is Dr Drew and I'm Leeann Tweeden analytics but they will I will take your calls and we will continue to address the controversy regarding the Virginia governor should he resign we are well here while you are still standing by to see if that will be the case Dr Drew Mindy Lubber. Legal tweet weekdays noon to $370.00 the cherry a.b.c. . T.v. . Show you. A big fan our media guy is going to knock you out. Of the big boy that's what happened in downtown l.a. To 2 women he says the video doesn't show the whole picture a let's go to Bob in Valencia Bob good morning. I there I just wanted to I just wanted to say that. Well I would never punch a woman I've been married to I have an excess a Latina and I've had a couple go from here it is very beautiful women but there are all loaded I've had coffee mugs so my head I've had played itself out and I've been straight out sucked it off. Like I would never come back and yeah I still I mean yeah I had to turn this into women punch of course they do I'm saying I wouldn't and I mean to make a blanket statement so now it's become about the women now they're the victims and now they have to be on the defensive this is a guy who punched 2 women in the face let's not forget that period Bob One quick last question before we go yeah when that coffee mug was thrown at your face was it caffeinated or decaffeinated. You know what is the monks say on it was it one of those big heavy Oh my God Yeah one of those. Christmas Vacation rar mugs my friends who are Latino that tell you that they're like I'll go nuts on somebody and I know that 80222 k. A.b.c. 180-222-5222 is the number more coming up and we're also going to check in with Joel Montagne of criminal my life and yes but 1st headlines k b c news time is Live and Local at 7 30 am Jack will in the pilot who's plane slammed into a home in Yorba Linda on Sunday killing himself and 4 people inside the houses of down a 5 to 75 year old Antonio Steenie his daughter Julie Ackley of Torrance tells n.b.c. 4 News the retired Chicago cop had flown from his home in Nevada to Orange County to attend his granddaughter's softball game he's been flying for over 50 years and this is a horrible tragedy and I think x. My daughter and I have flown the plane with them. The 2 men and 2 women who died inside the home have not been a den of 5 the n.t.s.b. Now trying to recover all the pieces of the Sussan which are scattered over a 4 block area after that plane broke apart in midair a woman was shot and killed in the land. Around 220 this morning when a gunman opened fire through her bedroom window in the 44000 block of cedar Ave according to a report from the scene her name has not been released and there's no description of the shooter the u.s. Army began conducting urban training drills yesterday in downtown l.a. And in the Long Beach in a statement the military said residents may hear sounds associated with the training including aircraft and weapons simulations Well this woman Leslie Ruiz tells n.b.c. 4 News that several military helicopters hovered low over downtown last night people ran out of the start with because the start wishing that hello there. And there was actually a woman that the 1st time I see that I thought my sister that night in the room is going to fall apart the military drills are scheduled to continue through Saturday President Trump will call for optimism and national unity during tonight's State of the Union address according to an exit to released by the White House is expected to promote issues with bipartisan support like rebuilding America's infrastructure and lowering the price of prescription drugs Stacy Abrams who narrowly lost the Georgia governor's race in November will deliver the Democrats' response and California Attorney General Javier Basara will give the Democrats Spanish language response and Donald Trump's inaugural committee has been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors in New York as correspondent Simone Prokop has reports the Moller team had been looking at whether or not there was foreign money foreign donations that went into the inauguration and what these foreigners were doing possibly was using straw donors perhaps people who are here in this country u.s. Donors to try and get money into the inauguration and that is one of the things that this subpoena is looking for a.b.c. News time 738 sports with the way public display the paces that for the Clippers play the Hornets and for the Kings the 3 just 43 in overtime play the devils and 4 Don't worry about that that's not a real that's a military. Doing an exercise right outside the studio the ducks lost a belief 61 they can play the Canadiens at 430 u.c.l.a. Colorado tomorrow at 6 u.s.c. Playing Utah tomorrow and 8 in the Rams lost the Super Bowl but one gambler won big . Well this guy went below the strip Southpoint that big you see that with the $6.00 stakes right before you get to the major hotels he plumped down $250.00 for a $401.00 shot what was that 400 to one shot well the rand school only 3 points in the Super Bowl and he won a cool 100 grand we're going to. Pay b.c. Whose time is 734 now here's Kate a.b.c. Dependable traffic with Bill Thomas in the Riverside interchange you spout off a 60 Market Street off have that right still blocking the middle Lancashire 2nd half back up 60 eastbound That's our biggest problem for now in b. Of an empire in Long Beach at Lakewood Boulevard off of the 4 or 5 northbound that crash was in the rather break up that off to the right shoulder in time that back up will ease up coming in from the 6 o 5 and out of Los Alamitos clear. Out of Vincent Avenue that's in West Covina and the wreck of it overturned car on the left lane on the 10 westbound approaching Interstate 5 that will be in Boyle Heights next report at 744 I don't Thomas am 7 id k.p.c. . Here's your 790 k. A.b.c. Market check in all 3 major indices up nicely in morning trading the Dow positive by 132 points what's up a little over a half percent on the day. In the green by 10 the Nasdaq about the line by 53 point hey a.b.c. So Cal weather we will have scattered showers off and on throughout the day today highs only in the upper mid fifty's but the latest storm is expected to move out of the area tonight however there's a winter storm warning for the local mountains through early tomorrow morning snow levels could drop as low as 2000 feet that would affect your drive on the 5 over the Grapevine of course and even on the 14 as you head up through the act in the area. And right now it's 42 and candid country 51 and post I'm a supporter 5 and wall that k.b. See will have President Trump state of the Union address and the Democrat response tonight followed by Peter Tilden with your calls and analysis I've just little Kate a.b.c. News it is Dr Drew alley on speed. We are hitting the road for a Valentine's Day broadcast live and the Beverly said Friday at details at k c dot com on the fine from and 7 I think a.b.c. . They get punched in the face. Hurts too much to eat the hot dog eat 735 Morning Drive Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. a Video went viral of a large man punching 2 women in downtown l.a. He says he was provoked by the women and what say you Frank in Westchester Frank good morning and they did a mining Yellin Levien job and I only disagree with you. I think there is I think there's a cultural aspect to this there's a sense I mean I'm sure there's plenty of I mean you can find a lot of Louis generous charitable people out there but I was doing my and the guy was kind of trying to get away from pain is hard and these girls were you know kind of you know there's other in there and they spar a guy really because they were drunk or drinking in l.a. . Nobody deserves to get punched like you know especially if you're female and because you know so tall and think you know at the same time girls you know I didn't have it coming I'm just saying I agree. Absolutely mind your business and that's about me by the way if you're a big guy. You know what when people I don't care if you're a girl man whatever the case I'll calls involved and you know they're all waiting out there drunk as I've been hungry to absorb the sure it's bad and you have to keep this in mind if you're a big guy even if you believe that you're justified in punching someone because they hit you 1st or because they spit on you if you punch them with enough force and they hit their head and they die then you're going to be in big trouble and you always have to keep that in the back of your head because the reality of the situation is if one of these women were to have become brain damaged or one of them did suffer a concussion but if something serious happened yeah something really serious something irreversible it could have been Brian Stone Yeah it's your ass on the ice let's go to Rita and someone read a good morning. John he Julian Yeah that's how all this went to jail in Jailhouse Rock remember he went to some guy. And. You know it's a manslaughter but wait a minute wait a minute I'm wondering if this big guy murder James. And you know. The kid. That I don't know where was he 10 years ago I don't know one way to connect your stories read I love it what did she tell you why Jillian is like no one is going to get around food. You know yeah I have been in those situations and in those lines I. I'm so paranoid of of people and just what they're capable of that I stare clear even if somebody is being rude I just my my business you know the restaurants downtown they all have letters in the window that tell you what their jacket is from the county those hot dog stands they have letters up too but that just tells you what kind of hepatitis you're going to get. Let's go to Frances in Hollywood Francis good morning good morning I just wanted to say that I agree there's no you know he's ridiculous for throwing those punches However I will say if you look at it technically it's assault and women were throwing at him 1st and I saw that yes they were doesn't give him the right to throw a party at them absolutely not he should walk away and I think that like for all he ran away in like a like a. Walkway you know I know right away I'm sure you realize oh yeah the Ram They got him on video he just starts running so that again if you didn't do anything wrong what are you running from Buddy you don't even need to go to the judges for points on this one yeah yeah I think it went down for the 10 count let's go to Jackie in Mission Hills Jackie good morning Tom how do you like you know. I have a friend I work for anything he says that. The most cold of the games or domestic violence that's brought my name and I have you know. I know but I think the girls they fight they when they're strong they fly thinking that they can find a guy and I think response with you know Guy Yes of course they're going to get up there and they're going to hold it till they're going to maybe push the girl but they would never never punch a girl in the face. So that guy has no like you know he was just there will only run away like you do. Yeah well he was there to kick ass and eat hot dogs and he's on a lot of hot dogs. And he did he got to kick some ass some girl's ass what a toughie. Could you imagine what his Twitter feed must look like I mean I just even look at the video and I saw these 2 lame punches the girls were throwing their drunk on their ass but he punched them full on in the face twice and then ran away one of them got hit then went down and got back up and then that's when she got hit again. She looked like one of those punching bags and shaped like the clown you know you're punching in the they come back out and going to hit I mean hitting you you know in the floor with that from what movie Breakfast Club actress Klum That's right to think that's right bender for 2 days your mind that's right all right we are police right now to be joined on the program a man who would never touch a woman in the face because I know him personally like do we have class act hold on don't have time for one more call all right let's go ahead and go to Paul in Long Beach Paul you're on a great good morning he's got more on how you are looking guy. You know what I mean man. 'd you should of course but you want to have no understanding. That they cannot compete with a man thank you nation of men who want to call the police and won't do it wrong or not oh you think there's like you so you agree with the guy yeah one man they have to understand that sometimes it will be some retribution can punch 2 women in the face and then he ran away so he didn't do anything wrong Paul why did he run away like a little bit. While because the women looked long just like you know my guy he ran like you're wrong. The man who punched the 2 women in the face that's what you're saying you don't pay for a woman to. Do you think. And then they go and do it again now it's going to burn out in something other than boxing the size of that guy one of you know punk you know what some men some men would not have done that but a real man wouldn't punch 2 women in the face and run away like a little bitch that's all I'm saying women don't want it don't you remember the bus driver and I think it was what you did when your own behavior has been on you know the girls that I never thought of Megabus me that hard. Thank you for your daughter last. On the bus to our celebrity Caller Yeah job on t.v. Good morning Mike how are you. I'm in shock and. Punch the women in the thank you. Joe I listen you know a little thing about restaurants it was that one of those hot dog stands I mean it's not a classy joint like the restaurant but I mean imagine I read your place a woman in your face and I respect it is going to be a problem that's going to be a problem please Joe Montana it has been so long it's lovely to hear from you star of the c.b.s. Drama Criminal Minds season 14 How is this possible my friend you are one of those actors that just keeps working you've got that face you're a great actor a good person I love to see that you are still in this drama fantastic So thanks so much a Happy to have been there. You know wonderful time with the show we've got a great season finale coming up I've got my dear friend Johnny Mathis involved here one of my childhood singing heroes you know be a part of the shows the great thing and so so good so good and your show spends a lot of time talking about serial killers and serial killers have been in the news nonstop of late most recently of course with the Golden State killer being caught are not only are not after decades of being on the run this is something that a lot of people are spending a lot of time not just in the in the fiction world where are you operate but in the newspapers following these sorts of stories. Yeah no I mean sorts of these things exist and that's why you know in the 15 years now that will be doing the show one thing with the advantage of had to go to Quantico a few times and get to know a lot of f.b.i. Agents Thank God we have these men and women who have devoted their lives to kind of combating this kind of thing in order to mean this is life is tough I mean there are it's not a perfect world but thank God we have the you know these people who have devoted their lives to like you know what this this will not this will not stand we're going to do what our best to to to you know stop this a lot of times they sacrifice their lives doing it so I feel very blessed and proud to portray to constrain them on a television show did you watch the recent documentary about Ted Bundy that came out he no I didn't even catch I do enough of that stuff I was just going to say that's sort of what you kind of do you know and it can get how do you deal with that like it's so dark the subject matter it's great and people have a tryst they always have to Crimea. I think it has to be dark I mean people say oh how do you have the analytical you know what that's the way it is I think I would think they'll be wrong of us to pull punches for sure I'm sure the coded and say well here's the potential version of what goes on here I think we show it like it is which sometimes it's horrific but then on the other hand we're saying look this is what happens but there are people who are going to combat this and hopefully we can learn from this and there's an educational aspect to our show strangers it makes I don't punch women in the face it's not he said pulling punches pulling Yeah it's all coincidence and I think women make up a huge Oh yeah sure that the lot of women who are fans of the show they tell me that they say I watch it because I want to know what's going on in the minds of these kinds of people and then there's some fascinating about that because that's what our show does we get into the psyche of these people and I think to be forewarned is to be you know to be forearmed in some the show is Criminal Minds' It airs tomorrow at 10 pm on c.b.s. 2 you can follow Joe on Twitter at Joe Montana Joe thank you so much for joining us that we miss you so great to hear from you again my pleasure always good to be with you guys thank you thank you 802 to 2 k. A.b.c. Is the number 180-222-5222 if you want to weigh on the big fat point you're in downtown l.a. . Or calls coming up but 1st headlines actually no 1st traffic because the headlines if you see dependable traffic right now eastbound at 134 point of us to off ramp stalled car number 2 I'm taking away their 2nd from the left also receipt of all of our them being Tarzan that you found on the one I want cocktail pick up truck middle lane is shut down there they're talking about a foreclosure on the 5 south right by the 170 they'll be the north end of the San Fernando Valley into our lead and there's debris of lines of code the freeway get that out of your way in no time at all if you go the right to clear on the 10 has found a Vincent Avenue rest Covina all the activity now off to the right shoulder traffic has not recovered you will have the backup coming in from the 6 o 5 and out of Baba Park next report at 8 o 3 I don't harvest am 7 id k.p.c. . 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An expert to give us his take on just exactly what the hell happened in Orange County on Super Bowl Sunday when a plane inexplicably fell out of the sky and crash home to a house and I want to know more on the people that passed I know the pilot died 75 year old former cop from Chicago but I'm really curious about the residents who who live there because if this is 4 people from the same family this is beyond devastating Let's go to Joy in Los Angeles good morning Dr Shah as Regis would call his wife Lori or any Jillian I'm sorry we cared. Enough to call God are you going to say this guy is Ok for punching 2 women in the face I mean what's up with our listeners. When if you find somebody who was Ok my thanks Joy So it's Ok that he punched them if he didn't do anything wrong why he run like a little bitch. Ok but it's not Ok for so it's not Ok period Ok if I don't know how this turned into going after the women I'd say I don't understand our listeners right now because they started it Ok but my God He decked him and knocked him out and then ran like he knew he did something wrong my take is it's never right when he should run punch them but what should he have done that provoked them I agree but this is turned into now the women. Anyway I'm done I don't want talk. $752.00 in the am duck Radio 7 diety Kate a.b.c. 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And ship you. Get a battle of ideas most intelligent people without a following and without the social media nonsense that the better for the country the Ben Shapiro show after 3 to 6. 790 a.b.c. . 7 on the morning drive as I mentioned before we're going to talk to John Nance aviation correspondent for a.b.c. News because there was a horrible crash in Orange County and Super Bowl Sunday were my God I want to build one of our callers is friends with the people who lived in the home also going to ring in Long Beach record morning good morning Rick so you know these people do we know more was it 4 members of the same family yes I've known me nearly 30 years. Dan and I know many times oh my god. It was. I don't want to give the names out because they are no no that's fine but I was just really curious that we know the pilot was 75 we know his name he's a former cop we don't know anything I was so saddened to hear that this was possibly 4 people from the same family yes it was like you know wife son in law and I thought oh my gone to people that survived was the daughter. Homeowner and his grandson which was the wife of the. Other male that passed oh my god. And you've been inside the house before or you identified that house afford a layout of the house I know and Rick they're saying that you know that the engine that was carrying the fuel just went in like a torpedo and I'm assuming then that's the survivors were in another area of the house and thank God they were actually you know the survivors. Spoke to the survivors yesterday came in they came in like a fireball right through the front door yes and. The wife tried to reach out for her but then oh my god that person was was able to. Do it close to the back door so they were able to pull her out the back door it's just he was so intent. They came out that they were standing there here's here's the home I can us what it was it was it was what I'm assuming it was the wing that carries the fuel. Entranced that whole area. Was with steel and they just so went off like a bomb Yeah like really we're going to wreck our They really quickly I'm sorry that we have to go but I mean a motion we I can't even imagine how they're doing. They were probably. The best people. Ever to me. That house is open to everyone. Everyone that was. Friends friends of friends everybody was welcome What a sad story thanks so much for the call Rick we appreciate you think you for sharing we're going to have more on this the John Nance a.b.c. News aviation analyst who maybe can just minutes understand what or why but right now it's time for headlines. Are you free steer clear of favorite son of l a you should be or feel like you give your opinions yourself here covering America's most powerful political person with. A mystery to me is it about time your. Hero to do 6 a.b.c. . Cumulus station. A.b.c. News is live in a local at 8 o'clock in the National Transportation Safety Board says it could take up to a year to determine what caused a small plane to break apart in midair and slammed into a Yorba Linda home on Sunday killing 5 people the pilot was one of the 5 killed 75 year old retired Chicago police officer Antonio prestine an instrument rated commercial pilot living in Nevada n.t.s.b. Investigator Maya Smith says the plane climbed to about 7800 feet as it left Orange County's Fullerton airport witness reports saying that they saw the airplane coming out of a cloud and a very high speed before parts of the airplane such as sail and then subsequently wings started to break on free fall over for blocks of Yorba Linda neighborhood Orange County Sheriff Lieutenant Cory Martino says it will take d.n.a. To identify the 4 killed inside the home Jim Roope Los Angeles and other news President Trump is expected to spend a considerable amount of time talking about immigration and the need for a border wall during tonight's State of the Union address to the American. All of a joint session of Congress the president and 1st lady's box we asked include family members of a couple allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant last month and an agent who specializes in human trafficking one of the reasons President from gives for the need of a wall it will be interesting to hear what percentage of the address is devoted to the ongoing border wall fight which it should be remembered was it issue for last year's State of the Union address and how much of it will be given to other domestic and international issues Bob Costin Teenie washed.

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